What do they say on the way by car. Best Wishes for the Road

It has long been believed that wishes on the road - especially from loved ones and dear people- should have come true. Going on a journey, a person risks a lot. He could not return, various troubles could happen to him. In addition, often people went on the road for work, for a better life.

Therefore, wishes on the road had to play the role of a kind of amulet. "Let everything work out", "let your dreams come true and you will achieve your goal" - that was the message.

Bon Voyage!

Kind and good wishes on the road were also mixed with an old prejudice: "in order not to jinx" - that is, to prevent the black forces from seizing us, hindering happiness - one should only brush them aside, but not thank them. Luck is a capricious lady. It was often believed that she could turn her back on someone who relies on her too much. The wish for an easy road was part of the farewell ritual. In addition, it was believed that it was imperative to sit down and only then hit the road. In principle, it had a psychological justification. IN last minutes before parting and parting, the departing person could still think about the purpose of his trip. I could decide on the most important and necessary things in my life.

What wishes can you come up with on the road now?

"Good luck" is one of the most common. It is interesting that - an expression that, in theory, means positive wish- now used as ironic. So you can speak to someone whose return is undesirable for the speaker. "Green road" or "green light", "so that the spare tire is not useful" - these are wishes for motorists on the road. Similarly, you can use the metaphorical - "neither a nail, nor a rod", that is, so that the tires are intact, and no one stops along the way. outside the window" - for those who go by train. And "so as not to get sick" or "fair wind" is wished to those who sail by sea.

"Good luck getting there" is a universal expression. We still usually ask relatives and friends to call as soon as they arrive at the place. "Good fellow travelers" - an actual wish to someone who travels in a compartment or After all, it is there that we often have to spend more than one day in the company of strangers. Although just there you can hear enough interesting stories and even make new friends.

Scheduled landings can be wished to those who set off on a journey by air. "Take care of yourself" and "God bless!" we usually talk to the most beloved and dear people.

When expressing your wishes, you should always remember about your relatives. Many of us on own experience know how difficult it is to see someone off. The one who goes on the road has new impressions, acquaintances, prospects ahead. Those who stay often experience the pain of returning to an empty house. That is why many, especially impressionable and vulnerable people, do not like to see them off to the platform or to the airport. It hurts too much to watch the train leave, the plane taking off with the person you love. Even if parting is familiar to you, remember that loved ones and relatives are always waiting for you, always hoping for a speedy return. "Happy Journey" is also a request not to forget about those who remained.

Wishes Bon Voyageancient custom. It is believed that kind words protect from misfortunes and bad people. Wishes for a happy journey will accompany and protect, like guardian angels. So there are never too many road trips.

In verse

  • Dear, my beloved, have a good trip!
  • To find interesting things along the way!
  • So that the road is bright and not at all torn
  • And so that everywhere you are spacious,
  • And also to make you feel cozy, comfortable,
  • Trouble so that everyone flew to hell!
  • Have a nice rest and a great trip,
  • So that the mood is great!
  • Seeing you, dear, on a long journey,
  • I wish you, dear, rest!
  • So that you return healthy and beautiful,
  • So that you return sparkling and happy.
  • Let your way Dreams Come True,
  • Let good people meet along the way!
  • Everything will be fine, as you want,
  • Well, flowers will be waiting for you at home!
  • You're leaving on a long journey
  • Don't forget me on the road.
  • Do you remember that my love
  • Will always be near you!
  • May your dreams be bright
  • Let flowers delight your eyes,
  • Let the beautiful meet
  • And let the troubles dissolve!
  • Beloved, may God keep you on your way!
  • Let fate favor you!
  • Let the sun smile from the sky
  • Sorrows and problems do not meet at all!
  • I love you and I'm looking forward to
  • To kiss and hug again!
  • Do you remember my love on the way,
  • You won't find another one like it in the whole world!
  • Darling, let it be on a long journey
  • Your legs won't get tired
  • The soul enjoys
  • What a good ride!
  • May your path be not difficult
  • And not sad, and not boring,
  • To make you smile
  • And fulfilled his dreams!
  • May God keep you on the road
  • May fate favor you!
  • Let the misfortunes disappear
  • Know that they love you at home, they are waiting for you!
  • Let your feet not hurt on the road
  • And the path will be easy in the end,
  • I love you my dear,
  • And I will be with you in spirit!
  • Good, gentle road!
  • So that you do not knock down your legs on the way!
  • So that you don’t know fatigue!
  • Got a flurry of emotions!
  • May you be lucky on your way!
  • Find a true friend!
  • Pleasant, interesting meetings,
  • Every moment and everywhere!
  • Great joy to you
  • And immodest fantasy.
  • But don't get carried away by anyone
  • And you come back to me!
  • Accompanying you on a long journey
  • I wish you rest
  • I want you to dream
  • And the desire to visit everything.
  • So that you do not feel sad on the way,
  • So that I could warmly road to find,
  • But he beckoned to the hearth,
  • Don't envy your enemy.
  • Everything will be fine with you
  • I say, I love with all my heart!
  • Come back, I'll be waiting for you
  • My beloved, you are my miracle!

In prose

Everyone knows from the Bible that the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. Even knowing your destination, you cannot know for sure where it will take you. long road. I wish that there are as few unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances as possible on your way. Let everything go on as planned according to the planned plan and route. Have a nice journey and a fruitful trip!

What the path will be, does not always depend on us. After all, it is necessary that transport does not let us down, and the weather is good. I wish that nothing takes you by surprise on your trip. Let flights not be canceled or delayed, but follow exactly on schedule. Let the weather always be sunny, clear, in general, flying, the most favorable for travel. I wish all the events planned for the trip to be successful. Bon Voyage!

The long journey is not only for daytime days. A person follows to his destination and under the cover of night, in a mysterious, pitch darkness. I wish your whole path to be illuminated by road lamps and the light of night lights. May the moon radiate soft light on your journey. And let a bright guiding star illuminate your path from the night sky. Have a good road and a happy journey!

Good luck! And good road!
Let the separations fly by soon.
May the gray road gods
They will bless you from the bottom of my heart.

And let the road be smooth and okay
Will lead to the destination point.
Let everything turn out well
As if you were carried by a fast horse.

I wish you a happy journey
There's a hard road ahead,
So that time flies by unnoticed,
And it was an amazing adventure!

May luck never leave you
Traveling brings joy
Health, cool mood, attention,
All the best, success and mutual understanding!

Have a nice and happy journey. I wish that everything goes without difficulties and incidents, that all the time you are accompanied by wonderful mood and cheerful health. Good luck, inner peace and indispensable well-being on the road.

We accompany you on a long journey!
Let the road appear in an instant.
Come back soon, because we are all waiting for you.
Don't forget to call us more often, honey.

Of course we will miss
After all, you are very dear and important to us.
And your arrival once for us
It will be a welcome and joyful meeting!

May the path be happy
Easy road.
Don't forget before her
Sit a little.

Look into the distance with optimism
Good luck awaits you.
You will not meet evil ahead,
You will solve all problems.

Let the road lead you
From threshold to threshold
Let for a good conversation
Time flies by soon
Bad weather will pass by,
And pass all the misfortunes,
And you will find at the end of the road
Everything you ever wanted to get!

Bon voyage, luck,
The weather is clear, birdsong.
Green light, please
There will be a road without borders.

A fair wind to help you,
Scenery bright on the way.
Pearl scattering luck,
It will help you go faster.

Let the road be successful!
It will be cozy and warm.
And let your path not be difficult.
And so that you are lucky in everything.

Flight of the soul you find.
Happy journey!
To feel the air, freshness
In your enthusiastic chest.

I wish you a happy journey
On this wonderful day!
Only joy awaits you ahead
I want the Lord to take care of you!

Let the road always lead you
To your cherished goals and dreams!
Let the worries and anxiety go away,
Let luck follow on your heels!

I wish you a happy journey
May all goals be achievable
Let him follow you
Good luck, be always loved by her!

Let you around every turn
Are waiting joyful meetings and moments!
Let everything be in life, as if by notes,
I wish you a smooth ride!

Have a nice trip, may you be lucky
Let good luck follow you everywhere.
And may the road lead to happiness
So that all tasks can be easily solved.

The hour of parting, alas, has already come.
You will be missed, that's for sure.
Believe me, I will miss you very much
Just call me, I will come to you urgently.

From ancient times, going on a journey was considered a risky business. Therefore, our ancestors wished only the best for the traveler. Wishes on the road are a charm that accompanies the ritual of farewell among the Slavs.

Rituals before the road

Modern wishes for the journey are preserved echoes of Slavic pagan customs, which are firmly rooted in Russian culture. Until now, the ritual “sit on the path”, which has practical meaning, is still relevant. A person has the opportunity to think things over well, to remember if he has forgotten some important thing. Also, our ancestors had a common ritual to take the corner of the table before traveling. The corners of the Russian hut and furniture were a concentrate of strength and special energy. The traveler took with him part of the protective energy of the house. If you forgot something at home, then you must definitely return and look in the mirror. This brought the traveler good luck and protected from dark forces.

The creation of an amulet for the traveler was considered important in the farewell ritual. God Veles was the main patron of travelers. Therefore, on the road, amulets were made of pine in the form of a human figure. Such a talisman possessed powerful action if a conspiracy was read over him. However, the putevik was considered the most popular amulet - this is a figurine made of fabric, twisted with a hemp rope. If the rope remained intact, then the traveler was not in danger and trouble.

Today, amulets and rituals have become just wishes for the journey. However, the belief that they have a protective function has survived to this day.

Modern Wishes for the Road

Road at modern man is associated not only with traveling on foot, but also with a car, plane, ship, train, etc. Therefore, wishes for the journey became more diverse, but retained their protective function. The most common parting words are “happy (good) journey”, “good luck”, “sit down on the path”,
“pleasant trip”, “comfortable ride”, “soon return”, “take care of yourself”, “God bless” and their variants.

They wish the motorist a “fast path”, “smooth (smooth) road”, “be careful on the road”, “interesting fellow travelers”, “less sharp turns”, “let there be no traffic jams, no traffic jams, no accidents”, etc. If you are waiting for an air flight, then they wish you “to get to you and not to lose your luggage”, “departure without delay”, “pleasant flight”. The expression "good riddance" originally meant the wish for a smooth and smooth road. However, now this phrase is ironic.

Alas, life circumstances separate people who would like to be together. Sometimes the sadness of loneliness, the inability to see a loved one and touch him leave a feeling of bitterness, disappointment. Love can both intensify during separation, and, on the contrary, become weaker and go out completely, especially if someone is forced to rarely write, talk little about their affairs simply because they have not yet formed, and the other side decides that She is no longer loved and forgotten. Simple SMS to a guy who is far away and waiting for you will help you solve this problem. good word. But it happens when it is difficult to describe your feelings in words and instead of nice words you answer with clumsy phrases. This is easy to fix if you read good literature and write a ready-made SMS to a guy who is far from you.

I counted all the stars in the sky,
But still I can't sleep
Thoughts only of you
If you can't sleep, call!

I'm sad and sad without you
I miss ... and the white light is not nice to me!
Understand that my life cannot be happy,
When you are not by my side!

What a pity that you are not with me, now,
Such a dream in a year only once,
But words are a hundred times more precious than any to me,
Your eyes are dear at dawn.

Let the night hug you for me
A light breeze gently kisses.
Falling asleep, remember, in this world
My heart yearns for you

I write here - you read there,
And you know exactly who!
And the heart cries and suffers,
How far apart from each other!

The sun strokes your cheek,
The wind gently pats the strands,
Let the rain whisper: "I miss you!",
Let me know how I dream of you!

You left, it was necessary
I'll wait for you, don't rush.
Let melancholy circle around the heart,
Just call and write more often.

In separation from you, as in a dream
And I can't get out.
I just keep
All your thoughts are about me.

Faithful she-wolf I'm at the threshold
I look forward to returning.
May your road be easy
Let your gentle look be cheerful.

We are separated by rivers and seas,
But I'm not afraid, you're in my soul with me.
I know you will return, my dear,
Hug without saying anything.

Hold me from afar
Gentle word, look to the sky.
The clouds are high,
I see your eyes in them.

Faithful cat, quiet mouse
I'm waiting for you, you're far away.
Just to be your baby
It's easy for me to wait.

Distance separated us from you
I send you my love and attention
I'll seal them in a letter, I'll dream,
With love I will write to you: "I miss you!"

I miss you so much, love!
You are my dear and my unique!
I suffer madly for you now,
I dream about time together!

I know what was needed
This path is for you to go.
You are far away, you are friends with the wind,
I'm waiting for you, I'm sorry.

My gentle, sweet sun,
I miss and sad at times.
Let the winds fly through my window
Bringing your echo.

You are there now, where there is no me,
And, alas, I can't see you.
But I know you are my destiny
And I remember tender eyes.

On a long road, the path winds
And he separated us.
You're far away, but just don't forget
How dearly you loved me.

I miss you,
In the whole world I'm alone
Like a candle burning in the dark
I burn without you.

As a symbol of the feeling of a saint,
I write to you again and again:
"My dear, I love you!
I miss you, I believe you, I look forward to it!"

Your eyes are always with me
May you be far away, my dear.
But I'm a guiding star
I will show you the way home.

Kilometers multiply on the road,
Counted hundreds from me.
Far away from the threshold
But I still love you.

Far away, my dear, you are now,
But I will not give myself up to longing.
I know fate will bring us together again
And everything will be wonderful with us.

Do not forget your native threshold,
There in the distance this stranger.
Among hundreds of all winding roads
The best one always leads home.

Let the sun tell me how I miss you
Let the rain softly whisper again
I hug through the distance
Sending only your love!

You are so far away! I miss you so much!
I always remember you in my heart!
Let the wind bring you only affection
Enveloping you in my good fairy tale!

The distant sun shines on me
Smile and sad look
That you left, you yourself are not happy,
So come back soon.

Maybe I'm a little sad
You don't get angry about it.
Let the road be brighter
Well, come back soon.

Honey, you're far away from me!
It's very hard for me without you!
I miss you so much
I send you my love without end!

My dear, beloved, I miss you!
From longing for you, I'm burning here,
So I dream to be near
Feel free to kiss, hug!

I have to confess something to you
I can't hide it from you anymore
But you should know
That I missed you!

You are very reliable, calm and sensitive,
My most beloved and dearest.
And I look forward to counting the minutes
When we're apart from you...

Every moment is like eternal torment
I mourn and cry alone.
I believe the parting will soon pass,
I know the meeting will be tender.

I'm waiting for you faithfully and for a long time,
We will meet, I know, with you.
Let me hurt a little.
We are bound by fate.

I love you and miss you!
I don't see any other guys.
I only need you, my love!
With you I will be happy!

How hard it is for me now alone
In this dark wilderness of night;
How I long to be with you
My favorite and dearest.

On the way I can't catch up with you
It's not worth even trying.
I will just wait for you
And stay true.

Only stronger I love
From what is not next to me.
I wait for you and endure separation,
I know that you will return home.

Separation does not prevent love,
My feelings are stronger only for you.
So it was necessary for fate
To share with you for a while.

You are far away now, but you will come back,
Well, I just have to wait by the window.
I'll wait for you through hundreds of barriers,
I'm still not alone in my heart.

When you're not around again
I will cry quietly, I will faithfully wait.
I am alive with one of your eyes,
You are far away and I will miss you.

You had to leave
But it's not forever.
And I will be a distant echo
Conquer cities with you.

My dear, you are so far away!
I'm so sad without you, it's not easy!
I miss you, I suffer a lot,
Until we meet, I'm just counting the minutes!

I lie down in bed and fall asleep:
In my dreams I see your image
I get up and wipe my tears
I need to meet you!