Last selfie. Why children die for likes and how to save them. Latest selfies: why do people die because of the photo? Selfie last minutes of life

The last few years have been hot for active Instagram users. The most popular social network in the world has been hit by a wave of selfies. Millions of stars and ordinary people constantly posted photos of their faces day and night. Of course, such a large-scale flash mob could not but bring trouble. There are several cases when self-love became a real tragedy. It is about such cases that he will tell you PEOPLETALK.

Selfie in the bathroom

Nothing foreshadowed trouble when the 17-year-old Muscovite Catherine went to the bathroom with her tablet. But the girl did not foresee that a tablet connected to an outlet a few centimeters above the water is the biggest danger. As soon as Kate decided to take a picture, the device slipped out of her hands and resulted in instant death.

Selfie while driving

Two young girls from Missouri hurried to the bachelorette party. Happy bride Colette Moreno and her friend Eli Theobald We decided to capture such a joyful moment in our lives. Bye Eli, who was driving, overtaking the car in front, her friend tried to take a selfie and asked Eli to smile sweetly for the camera. But at that moment a pickup truck was driving in the oncoming lane. An instant collision claimed a life Colette, and here Eli saved the airbag.

Selfie on the edge of a cliff

A 16-year-old Italian lover of photographing natural wonders was driven by her hobby to fall off a cliff. Isabella Frakiolla, looking for inspiration for a new shot, came to the edge of a 20-meter cliff located in the city of Taranto, the girl lost her balance and fell off a cliff. All the efforts of the doctors to bring Isabella back to life were in vain.

Selfie on the rock

Another similar tragedy occurred with a married couple of tourists from Poland. The couple tried to take a selfie on the edge of a cliff. Two small children looked at their parents from nearby. It was the last selfie for the couple who fell off the cliff.

Selfie on the roof of the train

In May 2015, a girl from Romania went to the train station with her friend to take the most unusual selfie. Lying on top of a train, 18 year old Anna Ursu lifted her leg and touched the wire through which the current passed with a huge voltage. As a result of this, the body Anna ignited instantly.

Selfie on the stairs

14 year old Filipina Christina Rosello I once decided to take a selfie after leaving school during recess. The student caught the eye of a ladder 10 meters high, on which the girl climbed with a phone in her hands. Then everything is as usual: a fall, numerous fractures, a concussion. The doctors failed to save the girl's life, she was dead a few hours later.

Selfie on the bridge

The story of this girl is not much different from all the previous ones. The cause of her death was also a fall from a height in an attempt to take a beautiful photo. Climbing onto a high bridge, a young schoolgirl Xenia Ignatieva from Petersburg lost her balance, grabbed a bare wire and from the electric shock fell down onto the rails.

Selfie with a gun

A similar incident occurred in Mexico, where the 21-year-old passed away from his seemingly harmless selfie addiction. Oscar Otero Aguilar often posted photos with alcohol, girls and cars on social networks. But this time it went too far. The young man decided to take a photo with a gun put to his temple. The sudden shot was so loud that all the neighbors immediately woke up and called an ambulance and the police. But save Oscar failed.


Some time ago Instagram literally full of all sorts of shots of young girls and guys who passed the baton to each other called " olympic selfie". The point was to take a picture of yourself in an unusual athletic pose or position. 18 year old Oscar Reyes I have taken photographs like this many times. The hobby brought him a lot of pleasure, because friends generously appreciated all his efforts with likes. But on January 2, 2015, the guy decided to take a picture of himself, hanging on the door. Falling off her Oscar crushed his head and died of terrible blood loss.

Selfie on the beach

18 year old Filipina named Chezka Agas posed with her friends on the shores of a luxurious beach next to the famous windmills. The sea wave knocked the girl off her feet and carried her to the depths. This photo was the last in the life of the girl, because she did not know how to swim.

The rising popularity of the Selfie is forcing people to adjust to the new rules of the game. Social networks affect the human psyche, forcing us to do quite strange, and sometimes even life-threatening actions in pursuit of likes and shares.

In order to stand out from the crowd and prove their worth to this world, people, including teenagers, often have to deal with common sense when trying to take absolutely crazy photos.

Check out this list of the most tragic death selfies. Please, be careful! Even the most impressive photos don't have to cost you your life! Don't try this again!!!

The Spanish guy, whose name remains unknown, liked to shoot in the most unexpected and interesting places, putting his life at risk. One day, a 21-year-old Spaniard and a friend decided to take a picture on the roof of a train standing on a platform in the city of Andujar. He climbed onto the roof and accidentally touched a wire to keep his balance. A monstrous electric shock threw both guys off the roof. One guy died on the spot, his friend survived, but was seriously injured.

Christina Rosello, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from the Philippines, decided to take a selfie during her break. This girl came out of the school building and noticed a children's ladder standing against the wall. Ten steps was enough for a good shot. This height was also sufficient to cause severe traumatic brain injury, multiple limb fractures, and kidney injuries. The child died a few hours after the tragic selfie before death.

The popular trend, which has been dubbed the SelfieOlympics, claimed the life of 18-year-old Oscar Reyes. On January 2, 2015, the teenager took a photo of himself dressed as SpongeBob and uploaded it to Facebook. The photo has collected more than 200 similar ones. Oscar's friends later told him that he should keep doing selfies. On January 3, Oscar crushed his head in his mother's bathroom and died from excessive bleeding while trying to take a selfie at the bathroom door.

A 12-year-old girl climbed onto the windowsill in her room and opened the window, telling her friend to take a picture. In pursuit of a good photo, the student ignored her friend's warnings and fell out of the window as a result. The investigation began after the death of the girl. The competent authorities very soon became aware that the deceased girl tried to do this several times and often climbed out onto the sill of an open window.

Tourists took shocking selfie shots before their deaths during the Ontake volcano eruption in Japan. Afterwards, people were stoned to death or suffocated when covered in a wave of volcanic ash. Mobile phones of travelers with videos and selfies before death, found by rescuers, showed the last minutes before death. The deaths of 54 people have been confirmed. Despite the imminent danger, travelers, instead of running away, stopped for a few seconds to take numerous selfies. They probably didn't realize that they were in grave danger and there would be no way to escape.

In India, a train hit two students. Initially, four friends were walking near the train tracks, and one of them came up with the "wonderful" idea of ​​taking a selfie right in front of an oncoming train. The tragedy occurred in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Friends were waiting for the train, and when it began to approach, they began to take pictures of themselves. One of the friends who was standing in the distance started shouting warning the others, but the love of Selfie overcame common sense. Three students didn't have time to jump off the rails, their selfies ended in death, and the fourth lost three of his best friends in one moment.

Yulia Ivanova from Moscow was hanging out with her friends on the bridge. When trying to take a picture, she leaned on the railing and fell from 10 meters down. The 22-year-old girl died from severe injuries. Later, a law enforcement source said that the cause of the fall was a broken fence, on which she tried to lean. The absurdity of the situation is unthinkable.

This selfie nearly ended the life of 22-year-old Canadian Frank Gerard when he tried to take a picture in front of a train in April. According to the Huffington Post, the young man was standing directly in the path of a moving train. At the last moment, he was saved by the driver, who kicked Jared as he walked. The video of the event, posted on YouTube, received over 32 million views in just three months. You can find it yourself.

Two men from Chelyabinsk paid dearly for their illogical desire to be photographed with a snake. Returning from fishing, they noticed a snake in the grass. They thought that it was not poisonous, but, unfortunately, their hypothesis was wrong. Both men died from snakebite within hours of being admitted to the hospital.

This tragedy occurred in the American city of Houston (Texas). Alonso Daleon Smith, 19, died while trying to take a selfie. The young man was about to take a picture with a loaded gun, but accidentally pulled the trigger and shot himself in the throat.

A Japanese tourist was mortally wounded while entering the Taj Mahal Indian Museum. The man tried to take a selfie and slipped on the stairs. According to the BBC, the guy died in the hospital due to severe head injuries without regaining consciousness. Another tourist escaped with a leg injury. Japanese diplomats have already been notified of the incidents. Law enforcement officials are currently investigating the case.

Nowadays, there is a trend to take selfies on railway rooftops. These people want to show that they are so cool and fearless, they are trying to stand out from the crowd, but, of course, all this ends fatally. More recently, the body of a 15-year-old boy was found in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, whose identity remains a mystery due to an ongoing investigation. It was found on the roof of one of the subway cars. The last photo on the phone was of him trying to take a selfie before he died on the roof of a train, but in the end, he got under high voltage and was fatally injured.

On the Indonesian island of Nusa Lembongan, near Bali, a Singaporean citizen died while trying to take a selfie. A group of nine friends spent their holidays on the beach in Sandy Bay Beach. One of them, 21-year-old Mohamed Aslam bin Shahul, discovered a 2-meter rock, tried to take a picture, and fell. According to police, the young man was hit by a wave and could not keep his balance. After slipping and falling into the water, he drowned because apparently he couldn't swim.

The young man died on the spot from a massive head injury. The tragedy occurred in the United States while taking a selfie, The Independent reported. According to the newspaper, the incident occurred in the city of Calais, Maine. 22-year-old Devon Staples decided to take a patriotic selfie in honor of US Independence Day. He placed a box of fireworks on his head and lit the fuse. The explosion tore off part of his skull. The man died on the spot.

In an attempt to make a good picture, people do all kinds of reckless things. Despite the fact that experts strongly advise against shooting with wild animals, people are happy every time they have the opportunity to take a memorable and, most importantly, unique photo. Representatives of national parks and reserves in different countries have expressed concern that tourists taking selfies with bears could be seriously injured or even fatal. For one American girl, such an attempt ended tragically. She was injured by a bear and died a few hours later in the hospital. This is her selfie before she died.

The next tragedy occurred in the resort town of Yaremche in Ukraine. A tourist drowned in a waterfall. A 20-year-old boy fell into the water. There was no chance to save him. According to the main version, this young man risked his life trying to make a unique picture. Witnesses say he got too close to the edge when he tried to take a selfie. He could not resist and flew into the water. His body could not be found for several days.

Two Iranian girls tried to create a "Karaoke" selfie video, lost control on the road and crashed into a pole. Their injuries were fatal.

A schoolboy fell off the roof of a house in the Volgograd region while trying to take a "dangerous" selfie. Apparently, his physical preparation was insufficient to cope with the load, and the boy fell, breaking to death. Here is his last selfie before he died.

Stories of teenagers who died for attention in social networks. What can parents do to save their children?

Young and beautiful

On Thursday morning, two girls Sofia Magerko and Darina Medvedeva drive their foreign car BMW. They are in a good mood - Wednesday evening began in a club near Kharkov, where they rested with friends. 16-year-old Magerko takes out her phone and starts a live broadcast on Instagram.

Sofia Magerko and Darina Medvedeva

“Hi, boys!” shout the girlfriends in the frame. Girls like to attract attention: their social networks are full of photos of parties, expensive cars and themselves.

24-year-old Darina is driving, but this does not prevent her from looking away from the road and smiling at the camera. Sophia tries to turn on the right song so that she can perform it together for her viewers. The song is found, and the girls sing to the laughter. Sipping something that looks like champagne, Sophia takes the readings of the speedometer, on which the arrow has reached 100 kilometers.

The last scream, and after a few seconds, the video falls into silence and darkness. In the background, other people's male voices are heard, a call to the police and an ambulance, words about a corpse and a fatal outcome.

“Where is the body?”, - there is a comment from one of the viewers of the live broadcast, which has not yet reached the realization of what happened.

The accident occurred on June 29 at 3.30 am on Independence Avenue. Darina, unable to control the car, crashed into a power pole. The engine of the car flew off several meters, the car itself crashed into a smash. The bodies of the girls were pulled out for several hours. Magerko, who was sitting in the passenger seat, died immediately, and Medvedev in the ambulance.

The car was presented to Darina by her young man. He also assured that Darina was not drunk that evening, the next day the girl had plans. The suicide video has already been removed from Megerko's Instagram account, but it managed to circulate on the Internet.

On the weak

Most likely, the girls did not plan to broadcast while driving. For them, it was a combination of "pleasant with useful" - a fun trip home and the attention of subscribers. As it turned out, the night, the car, loud music, broadcasting, and, possibly, alcohol did not allow the girl to concentrate on the road and drive safely.

The interior of a moving car is not the safest place to shoot. But many subscribers are no longer surprised by this. Therefore, novice bloggers come up with new risks.

A month ago, on June 3, a group of teenagers walked along a footbridge in Kyiv. It was late, many people of Kiev also went for a walk after a hard day's work. Two guys decided to “conquer the bridge” for a beautiful selfie. Eyewitnesses say that the young people were drunk.

Two teenagers began to climb onto the bridge. One of the boys changed his mind and did not climb to the end, and the second certainly wanted to get to the top. And he almost succeeded if he had not slipped on the highest support of the footbridge. The teenager hung in his arms at a height of 15 meters.

Eyewitnesses called rescuers, but the guy could not wait for help. A few minutes later, the teenager breaks down, hits the beams of the bridge and falls to the asphalt.

Screenshot of the Instagram account of one of the eyewitnesses

This isn't the only time people have lashed out in this way. In 2016 alone, 4 teenagers who tried to take a selfie died on the footbridge.

Kiev also has the unfinished Rybalsky Bridge, which beckons all thrill-seekers. The bridge has already gained a bad reputation, only in 2016, for various reasons, a dozen people were injured on it.

One of them was a teenager who, like the previous hero, wanted to take an impressive selfie, hanging on his hands under the highest support of the bridge. But the hands of the young man could not stand it, and the guy broke. Arriving ambulance hospitalized a teenager with multiple fractures, and a few hours later he died.

Rybalsky bridge

Under voltage

On April 9, two boys aged 12 and 13 made their way to the Pobeda electrical substation of Kharkovoblenergo JSC. Being at the station is a risk in itself, so special paths were made for the workers between the substation blocks so that they would not be electrocuted. But the teenagers did not know this. For a good shot, the children decided to climb onto the substation poles, which are energized at 110,000 volts.

The older boy was thrown back by an electric shock immediately, the second got tangled in the wires. To free the children, the power supply to the station had to be turned off. But by that time, the children already had multiple burns. On April 13, a child who was electrocuted died in the hospital.

Traces on the grass, where the child was thrown by an electric shock


There are whole movements of "hooks" - the passage is not inside the transport, but outside: on the roof of the train, between the cars. Many, having seen enough films or videos with “hooks”, decide to repeat the trick and shoot their own material.

Kyiv hooker Pasha Bumchik

In addition to the risk of being dropped at high speed, extreme people also forget about a possible electric shock. On the roofs of electric trains there are small high-voltage substations.

So back in February 2016, a 12-year-old boy climbed onto the roof of the Teterev-Kyiv train and grabbed an electric arc. The boy lying on the roof of the train was noticed at the Svyatoshino station. By this time, the child already had numerous burns, but he survived.

And in March of this year, a group of teenagers were walking along the railroad tracks. The guys were not far from the station "Syrets", Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv. One of the guys decided to take a photo in front of the train. But he did not have time to bounce, and the train knocked him down. Arriving doctors had only to ascertain the death of a 15-year-old teenager.

Some numbers

Scientists from Carnegie Mellon (USA) decided to create a special artificial intelligence that will learn how to calculate dangerous selfies and warn the photographer or his relatives. To do this, they summed up the world statistics on “deadly” selfies.

They analyzed selfies from 2014 to 2016 that were posted on social media and news media. Their sample included 127 selfie fatalities. 76 deaths were in India. Then came Pakistan, the US and Russia.

Despite the fact that women take selfies more often, 75% of selfie accidents happen to men. 67% of deaths in the sample were among young people under 24 years of age.

Scientists have identified the 8 most common causes of death while taking a selfie.

In the first place is a fall from a height, in the second place is drowning, in the third place is a combination of water and height (for example, a fall from a height into water).

In fourth place are trains, in fifth place are weapons, in sixth place are automobiles, in seventh place is electrical death, and in last place are animals.

Based on such statistics, men under 24 are more likely to take a risky selfie at a height that they can suffer from.

Everything is measured by likes, and ends with addiction

The significance of a human statement or the beauty of a photo is evaluated by likes and shares. Psychologist Svetlana Skrynnik said that life on a social network for a teenager is as real as the existence of the world around her. For them, this is a full-fledged society in which they grew up and live.

Teenagers and young people who take risks in search of ideas and new subscribers (remember at least the cases described above) get a mental breakdown.

After successfully "conquering" the neighbor's fence, such a person will want more. And the next time he climbs a TV tower without insurance and shoots it on video. As Skrynnik explained, they become adrenaline-dependent, mentally ill people.

What it is? Our ancestors, in times of danger, had to mobilize all their resources with the help of adrenaline. After the peak of danger, or hard work, the body secreted endogenous opiates - endomorphins, the hormone of happiness.

They were released to “reward” the body, or as a pain reliever after an injury. That is why there have been cases when downed people “jumped up” after the accident without feeling pain - natural painkillers worked for them.

So here, unlucky bloggers, in search of their money and subscribers, activate the production of a natural drug and get addicted to it. Young people most often do their first extreme after drinking, or “on a bet”, when the internal catalyst is working.

Adrenaline is also produced by those who see these photos and videos. Many people are addicted to these videos - hence the demand, hence the offer of a valuable life of their own.

Why do they do it

As already mentioned, social networks have become not only a method of self-expression, but also a way to earn money. Skrynnik also believes that young people enjoy shocking others. Imagine a woman who is 40-45 years old, who already has children.

She watches a video of climbing a TV tower without insurance and is horrified. Modern children do not need encouragement, they need a reaction.

Children use "shock therapy" on their parents as manipulation. If you remember the story of the "Blue Whales" that happened in winter, the children came home and confessed to their parents that they wanted to play a suicide game.

Thus, the child causes empathy in relatives. Skrynnik said that many teenagers even fantasize about their own death. They see everything clearly and beautifully, as they lie on the ground, and around them relatives and friends are experiencing.

Therefore, such videos are so popular with teenagers who fantasize about their own risks, death or the shock of their relatives: “What would happen if my parents saw this, would they appreciate me more because of the thought that I could die at any moment ".

But only these teenagers never take into account one thing, that this is no longer an illusion and a game. No one will wake up and come to life.

What to do

If a child begins to ask questions about “blue whales”, roofing and catching, in every possible way to demonstrate interest in social networks, in no case should this be prohibited. In such cases, it is necessary to figure out what exactly attracted the child to this activity and give it to him.

If it's a lack of attention, then you need to spend more time with your child. But if this develops into a permanent state of the child, then it can become a chronic disease, and the child will turn into a psychological invalid. Then the children begin to get scarred, and climb into groups of death and take pictures on the edge of the roof.

But if sports interest is mixed in here, then Skrynnik advises turning to professionals in this matter. If your child likes to climb at a height, take him to a rock climbing or mountaineering circle. There he will embody his interests under the supervision of a professional and with insurance. He likes to cling to public transport - put the child on water skis or wakeboard.

If a child fanatically takes selfies, then you can turn to professionals, those who deal with Youtube channels or promotion of accounts. Understand how it all works, how to do it right. Or find a photo club.

After watching the videos, not all young people understand that this is work. Promoted instagram beauties - the work of photographers, makeup artists, stylists, advertising. Some dangerous stunts are done with insurance from the blogger in the yard. And broadcasting at high speed from a car can be a simulation at all.

If we talk about adults who take dangerous selfies, then they either have clear, unlike a child, motives (money, blackmail), or a mental disorder.

For example, young people who have not been able to find a job after graduation, sit at home, and their parents are constantly sawing. At some point, such a person comes up with challenges for himself: I’ll climb up to the 25th floor, take a selfie, and no one else will say that I’m messing around, become famous and earn money. Often such cases end with treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

Photography is, first of all, memory. With the advent of smartphones equipped with front cameras, the so-called selfie has become a craze among young people.Sometimes people go overboard and go to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in the most bizarre situations.They take no account of dangers or warnings.In order to post a photo on their page on a social network and get a bunch of enthusiastic comments and "likes", people take a terrible risk.However, in pursuit of dubious pleasure and fleeting fame, you can lose the most valuable thing - life.

Unfortunately, for some especially desperate self-portrait lovers, selfies can become the last hobby, and the photo taken can be dying.

However, there are those who are photographed in the most ordinary and harmless situations, not even suspecting that their photo will be the last.

This collection of seemingly ordinary selfies has a scary ending, as the photos were taken moments before the death of their owners.

Dangerous selfies

1. Selfie on the bridge

This selfie was taken seconds before the death of a 17-year-old girl.

Ksenia Ignatieva, trying to impress her friends, climbed onto the railway bridge. The schoolgirl wanted to take a selfie against the background of the rails going into the distance, but lost her balance and fell off the iron structure.

When falling, Ksenia grabbed an electric cable and received an electric shock. The girl died immediately.

2. Selfie on board

On December 9, 2012, Mexican singer Jenni Rivera and six close friends took this selfie before taking off in a private jet.

A couple of minutes after takeoff, the liner crashed, leaving no one alive in this photo.

Last selfie

3. Selfie in the car

April 26, 2014 32-year-old Courtney Sanford (Coutney Sanford) died in a car accident. Literally a couple of seconds before death to the song Pharrell Williams (Pharrell Williams) the woman managed to post her self-portrait on facebook.

4. Selfie on a motorcycle

This selfie was taken by renowned Puerto Rican musician Jadiel and uploaded to Instagram seconds before the fatal accident that claimed his life.

The tragedy occurred in New York in May 2014.

5. Selfie on board

Gary Slok and his mom took this selfie seconds before the infamous Malaysian airliner MH17 took off, which was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014.

This photo became famous after the passengers of the tragic flight began to mourn the whole world.

Deadly selfie

6. Selfie with guns

Oscar Otero Aguilar, 21, shot himself while trying to come up with a an interesting selfie to post it on facebook later.

The young man took the weapons he kept at home and prepared to pose for the camera. However, by accidentally pulling the trigger, the guy fired a fatal shot in the head. The tragedy happened in the summer of 2014.

Death selfie

7. Selfie on the river bank

In July of that year, this 13-year-old teenage girl, Karen Hernandez, wanted to take a selfie by the river in Durango, Mexico.

Karen miscalculated her own strength, lost her balance, fell into the water and drowned. After some time, rescuers found her body.

8. Selfie on top of the train

In March 2014, a tragedy occurred in the city of Jaen, Spain: a 21-year-old man died from an electric shock when he climbed onto the roof of a train to take an unusual selfie.

It is worth noting that this kind of story, when desperate young people climb onto the roof of a train to ride through a tunnel or take an unusual selfie , is far from uncommon.

As a rule, such attempts to have fun end in tragedy.

9. Selfie in the car

These two Iranian women wanted to make selfie while singing karaoke in the car. They were so carried away by singing that they stopped looking at the road and crashed into a passing car.

The girls died on the spot.

10. Selfie on the rocks

A Polish couple on holiday in Portugal tried to take a selfie by climbing up the edge of a cliff. The couple fell and broke.

Witnesses of the death of parents were their small children, 5 and 6 years old, who stood below and waited for their father and mother.

The tragedy happened in August 2014.

11. Selfie in the car

These 2 young women were going to a pre-wedding bachelorette party. The selfie was taken by one of the girls a second before the head-on collision with another car.

One of the friends, Collette Moreno, died just a couple of days before her own wedding.

12. Selfie next to a passing train

Jared Michael (Jared Michael) died from the impact of the train, which fell right in the head. The guy wanted to capture himself against the backdrop of a departing train, in order to surprise his friends later.

13. Selfie on the river bank

On June 9, the tragedy that happened in India claimed the lives of more than 20 people. A group of students and teachers of the Engineering College went on an excursion to the city of Manali.

About 20 people separated from the general group to take pictures on the banks of the Beas River. Those who wanted to take a selfie were simply washed away by a wave that rose after the discharge of water from the reservoir of a local hydroelectric power station.

The bodies of 5 dead were found immediately. Some are still considered missing.

There are many ways to die in this world, and the selfie, according to the vast majority, is hardly considered one of those dangerous actions that can lead to death. However, there is no doubt that selfies have become more and more deadly in recent years. There are cases all over the world when people get injured or even die - all just for the sake of taking a photo that they think will look cool and get a lot of likes on social networks.

With alarming frequency, people go too far for selfies: they travel ridiculous distances to photograph themselves in a risky place or in an incredible pose. Many representatives of modern youth very often build their self-esteem depending on the number of likes that their photos get.

Obviously, the world has become obsessed with selfies, and this list is meant to highlight why it's so dangerous. The tragic cases listed below have involved people who died while trying to take the "perfect selfie". Unfortunately, such photographs now have another common name - "selfie" ("killfie", from the English word "kill" - murder). It's safe to say that if the people on this list had the opportunity to reach out to the others now, they would surely agree that their latest photos were definitely not worth it.

10. Cheska Agas

Cheska Agas was a 17-year-old Filipino student who drowned while trying to take a group selfie. Cheska went with some of her friends to the beach in Bangui, Central African Republic, to celebrate a classmate's birthday. Soon the group wanted to take a picture as a keepsake.

The friends decided to pose in front of the famous windmills of Bangui near the coastline. It is assumed that the group was distracted by looking at the screen of the phone, so none of them paid attention to the approaching big wave. When the wave hit the shore, everyone was in the water. Unfortunately, Cheska drowned before she could be saved. Although the girl was taken to the hospital, doctors pronounced her dead upon arrival.

9. Oscar Reyes

Oscar Reyes was the victim of what is known online as the #selfieolympics. This trend encourages people to take desperate selfies and post them online, competing with each other to get the most amazing and risky shot.

Oscar passed away in January 2015 at the age of just 18 while trying to take part in this game. It all started when a teenager posted a selfie of himself dressed as SpongeBob online. Shortly after posting on Facebook, the photo gained 200 likes.

Reyes was inspired by this, and soon decided to take an even better shot. Oscar was found unconscious in the bathroom of his own home after he climbed on the door to take a picture of his reflection in the mirror. It is assumed that the teenager fell and hit his head on the toilet. He died shortly thereafter due to blood loss.

8. A married couple from Poland on a rock

A Polish couple was the victim of a terrible tragedy that occurred at Cape Roca (Cabo da Roca) in Portugal in 2014. The couple were reportedly taking a selfie with their two young children at the edge of a cliff when the man and woman stumbled, plummeted into the abyss, and fell to their deaths.

Two children, aged 5 and 6, are said to have witnessed the horrific event but escaped unharmed. They were immediately taken into the care of Polish diplomats and psychologists. The couple is speculated to have decided to go over the security line to take a "cooler" selfie. The bodies of a man and a woman could not be found until the next day because of the tide.

7. Russian man with a grenade

One of the craziest selfie attempts on this list was made by two Russian men who tried to take a photo while posing with a grenade. The incident happened in the Urals.

Two men decided to take a selfie with a grenade with the pin pulled out and pulled it out before taking a picture.

If there were no remaining photographic evidence for this, it would be difficult to believe in this sequence of events. Seconds after the picture was taken, the grenade exploded, killing both of them instantly.

The case caused widespread public outcry in the country, shocking many at how much people are willing to risk to take the "perfect selfie". After this tragic incident, a campaign was launched under the slogan "A cool selfie can cost you your life", urging people to never take pictures with weapons.

6 Turkish teenagers

Next on our list is the case of five Turkish teenagers who, in an attempt to take an epic photo with a plane landing in the background, lay down on a road near the airport. The teenagers were drunk and obviously didn't realize the risk they were putting themselves in. Shortly after they lay down on the road, a truck drove over it. Since the case took place in the dark, the driver did not see five guys lying on the ground in a row.

Three of them managed to dodge in time, but the other two were not so lucky. They were under the wheels and, unfortunately, died. The teenagers died almost immediately. After the tragedy, photos appeared in the press showing the three surviving guys screaming over the bodies of their dead friends.

5. Ksenia Ignatieva

Ksenia Ignatieva was only a month away from her 18th birthday when an attempt to take an impressive selfie took her life. The girl climbed to the top of the railway bridge to make a crossbow. The incident occurred in 2014 on the railway bridge in the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg.

Xenia, who was an amateur photographer with a penchant for risky selfies, thought it was the perfect location for her next shot. Although Xenia was accompanied by a friend, she climbed up the bridge alone because she wanted to take a solo selfie.

It is not entirely known exactly how, but at some stage Xenia lost her balance and fell from a 10-meter height. Before falling, she tried to keep her balance and grabbed an electric cable. The electric shock sent her flying down onto a concrete surface.

Arriving at the scene of the tragedy, the police found the body of Xenia, next to which was her friend, shocked by what had happened.

4. Andrey Retrovskiy

Andrei Retrovskiy was a 17-year-old Russian teenager who fell to his death while trying to take a selfie while hanging from the roof of a 9-story building. Andrei used the rope to secure himself while he leaned off the roof of the building. He said that he did this during his extreme selfies, creating the illusion that he was falling.

Ironically, the rope broke, and Andrei actually fell from a height. Although the fall from the 9-story building was cushioned by trees and shrubs, he died 2 hours later in the hospital. Andrei was fond of such risky photo shoots, and his Instagram account drewssik was dedicated to such extreme selfies.

Previous Instagram posts have shown Andrei in numerous life-threatening situations, such as hanging from the roofs of buildings or sitting on beams dozens of meters above the ground. Friends said that they repeatedly tried to warn Andrei from the danger to which he exposes himself, but this did not stop him.

3. Collette Moreno

Collette Moreno was a 26-year-old bride who was on her way to her bachelorette party, deciding on the way to do with her best friend Ashley Theobald from her passenger seat. Just 8 minutes later, Collette, who had a child, had an accident that led to her death.

While the selfie was not the actual cause of death, the young woman remains on our list due to the shocking nature of the entire incident. Collette and Ashley can be seen smiling happily in what is Collette's last photo.

Speaking about this accident afterwards, Ashley explained that she tried to avoid the truck in front, as its smoke could provoke an asthma attack in Collette. According to Ashley, they thought the road ahead was empty, but then a truck came over the top of the hill, and when she swerved to the side, it swerved in the same direction, hitting the car on the passenger side. Collette tragically died in the hospital 3 hours after the incident.

2. Cheynee Holloway

Next on our list is the tragic story of Cheney Holloway, who fell off a cliff while posing for a selfie with her friend James Nicholas in May 2015. This incident makes it all the more heartbreaking that this was the first time Cheney and James met in real life.

The couple met online and chatted online for a significant period of time. In the end, falling in love with the girl, James decided to travel from England to South Africa, covering about 13,000 km, to meet Cheney in person. During their first official date, the couple decided to visit Northcliff Hill, a local tourist attraction in Johannesburg.

James is said to have set up the tripod so that the couple could take a selfie while standing on the edge of the cliff. However, tragedy struck: the ledge on which Cheney stood broke. The 21-year-old girl fell from a height of 10 meters onto a path below. Witnesses said James rushed downstairs to help Cheney and performed CPR for more than 20 minutes while waiting for paramedics to arrive. Unfortunately, Cheney suffered multiple injuries and could not be saved.

1. Mohammad el-Shaar

Mohammed el Shaar was an ordinary 16-year-old boy spending the day with his friends when the tragedy struck. The accident happened in Lebanon when Mohammed posed for a selfie with three friends.

This is a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time: Moments after the photo was taken, a car exploded in what was later revealed to be a terrorist attack. Mohammed can be seen posing for his latest selfie in a red hoodie while his best friend Omar Bekdash takes a picture with his phone.

After the tragedy, Mohammed's mother said that her son loved playing basketball and dreamed of becoming an NBA star. She said that Mohammed gave her a signed basketball with the words: "Keep it for yourself, because one day I will become famous." Unfortunately, Mohammed's dream will never come true.