Prayer for the return of a missing animal. Conspiracy, prayer, ritual so that a lost or stray cat finds its way home

Today a cat disappeared at the dacha near the pond, disappeared from sight for 5-10 minutes. I wasn’t worried for ten minutes, then I got worried and immediately started looking. Our dacha is remote, there are almost no residential buildings in the area, and those where there are angry dogs. There are endless kilometers in all directions, the landscape is very diverse, rivers, cliffs, thickets, forests and fields. I searched continuously, for kilometers in all directions. I read the prayer of the Holy Virgin Mary 7 times and asked her for help and continued to search. In addition, I looked for information on the Internet. Then on this forum I came across information that helps everyone, how to tie a rope around the legs of a kitchen table. I didn’t know how to do this correctly, I even had trouble with the kitchen, but it didn’t matter, I went home bistro, took a nylon rope and tied it on the table in the room where my wife and I usually dined, tied a knot on each leg and then used a second rope and connected all four legs of the table in a circle . I placed his bowl under the table and poured in some food. I went further to search. I was already starting to get desperate because I checked everything, kilometers in front and in the area there are such cliffs and thickets that you can even walk nearby and not notice. But he continued to search without interruption. I got my flashlights ready for the night. My wife returned from work, I went to the bistro to pick her up, and night fell. The bistro’s wife dressed lightly, well, at the dacha I persuaded her to at least wear rubber boots since we had to look in different places. And so, armed with flashlights and faith, they began to search, went down the cliff to the big river and began to walk in the direction of the city, shining the flashlight in all directions, I knew that at night it was easier to find because the cat’s eyes glowed from the flashlight’s beam. They walked for a long time in front, the wife said that there was no point in being here, he definitely wasn’t walking, fortunately she was wearing boots and could continue on her way. I kept walking a little more, and so on in front. I didn’t understand where I was anymore and decided to climb up the cliff to the top, I found a suitable place and began to climb with my wife, we got up, I didn’t understand where I was, so I turned towards the direction of the house, shone a flashlight in front and already a car flashed in front. I walked straight and sanctified only in front and thought about going to inspect another place - the forest. The wife was walking from behind and accidentally shined a light somewhere towards the trees in the direction of the river and noticed eyes in the lobe. We carefully, so as not to frighten him, walked towards him step by step and talked to him. I carefully approached him and took him in my hands. I was so happy. Now this mustachioed little face lies dully nearby. I advise everyone not to despair and keep looking, this is the only way out. The cat was found 200 meters from the house in the direction of our city 8 hours 50 minutes from the moment of discovery. Good luck to everyone in finding your loved ones. And I’ll also add that the cat didn’t respond because I know for sure that he heard us, so we can’t rely on that, and our cat is neutered. Thanks to the Holy Virgin Mary and this method of tying table legs. 05/09/2018 10:49:03, Aigars

When losing a beloved pet, a person begins to feel a sense of pity and anxiety. A missing cat or dog has a very strong impact on children, because children become very attached to a pet and then simply cannot believe that their beloved animal has left the house. Some individuals begin posting missing persons notices or asking passers-by for help. They do everything to ensure that the animal is found very quickly. But the most effective way to search is a conspiracy for a missing animal.

It helps not only to find someone who is missing. This is a universal method. He is able to establish peace of mind and make sure that a person survives the loss tolerably enough. Our ancestors were sure that this was the only way to find a cat or a dog. In principle, you decide for yourself whether it is worth burning with faith in a positive result. But trying will never do anything bad. But a positive result will bring peace and happiness to the home.

How to find a missing cat

The spells are so easy to perform that you can actually do them yourself at home. To find a cat, you need to go to the place where the animal was often found. Stand near the place of loss and start reading a simple plot:

“May Mother Earth help me find what I, the servant of God (name), have been looking for for so long. I want the cat to come back to us and not get lost again. My child misses her very much and cannot find a place for himself. I can't calm him down anymore. No amount of bliss can bring back a sense of peace to our family. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, nature will immediately begin to help me. Lord, guide our cat to our home. Only you are our last hope. Make way for her to enter our house so that she can easily find the right path. We learned about the loss and immediately began searching. I will wash your toes and wool. Amen".

This spell is used exclusively in the morning, before dawn. It is important to make sure that no one sees you during the ritual. This can make its own adjustments and bring unpleasant consequences. You need to read the words of the conspiracy only on the waxing moon. It is this phase that facilitates the acquisition or return of a pet.

Animal bed ritual

If your pet does not return home for a long time, then you should perform one simple ritual. This is the easiest way to get back what you lost. You can do it yourself at home. To perform it, you must take a cat or dog's sleeping place and set it on fire. It is important to pay attention to the fact that you need to light it in your own yard.

“I, the servant of God (name), set this thing on fire so that a lost kitty or a lost dog will find its way home. Let them feel that their property is on fire. This thing will indicate the true path to our home. Let the animal smell the burning smell and return to our house. We miss you very much and can’t find a place. Our children suffer greatly and we cannot normalize their condition. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, the lost will immediately find its way home. If it is stolen, the thieves will immediately return the pet. They will not be able to cope with his behavior. Lord, please help us. The Most Holy Theotokos is able to increase the power of search, because she protects the peace of the world. Amen".

Candle Ritual

If you have lost your kitty, then you can always perform an effective ritual. Before performing the ritual, you must prepare the following attributes:

  • cat's food bowl;
  • church candle;
  • food for a lost animal.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that searches are carried out only with the help of the cat’s favorite treat. Place some food on a plate and place it next to a lit candle. After this, start reading a special simple plot.

“As I look for you, so you look for the way home. I, servant of God (name), brought treats for you and I hope that you will hear the smell of your favorite food. I promise that I will never yell at you or ask you to leave the house again. Don't be mad at me, I didn't say this out of malice. Let's agree that I will never scream, and you will never harm my house. As soon as you hear the words of my prayer, immediately return home. We will be very glad to have you back. No other person will take such care of your body and soul. Once again I ask for a return. Amen".

How to return a dog

When a “friend of man” leaves home, it immediately becomes very difficult in the soul. People try to carry out various actions to return a missing dog to their home. In order to return a lost animal, it is necessary to carry out an effective but simple ritual. To carry it out you will need a candle. As soon as you set it on fire, immediately open the window.

Ritual for the brownie

The brownie always gets along well with pets. If an animal disappears, you should turn to the brownie for help. First of all, he should be given a “bribe.” The ideal option is to treat him with sweet foods and a small amount of milk. When you ask for help, believe in a positive outcome. Don't forget that treats need to be changed every day. It is very important that the brownie’s food is only fresh. In just a few days, the lost cat or dog will return to your home. Don't forget that you should thank the brownie.

A runaway cat or dog can be found using traditional methods. For example, advertise a missing person. But such methods take a lot of time and effort. But magic can return the missing cat in the near future.

Since ancient times, many people have lost their four-legged charges. Therefore, a strong tradition has developed of using special spells in this case. They did not always fully help, but their use is a much better solution than just useless despair. In addition, you need to think about the fact that a pet most likely will not be able to survive without human help in the wild.

Even convinced atheists and doubting skeptics, having gone through long fruitless searches and severe grief for their loved ones, tend to resort to old, proven methods.

Then special spells for the missing animal come to their aid. Recognized esotericism experts strongly recommend trying them in any case.

An effective ritual for finding a pet

There is a fairly strong ritual that helps any desperate animal owners. It applies to any animal that has a permanent owner.

These include:

  • geese;
  • cow;
  • pig;
  • calf;
  • chickens.

The ritual usually does not give an immediate effect. You need to pronounce his words twice a day for a week.

Usually the spell is said where the missing pet was the last time its owners saw it:

“Get ready, my dear beast (nickname),
every night to your home,
how the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing.
How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king,
and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them.
And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name and name of cat, dog, other type of animal),
flowed towards my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, flowing into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

This ritual always helps to find a lost animal. It also restores hope to a person and gives strength to new, thorough searches.

In cases where the pet, unfortunately, is no longer alive, the ritual allows the owner to endure grief with the least emotional loss.

However, it helps only those people who firmly believe in its fulfillment. Therefore, you must first tune in to carry out a conspiracy, and then try to invest the maximum amount of internal energy into it.

When the pet is found, the result of its long-awaited discovery will seem twice as joyful to the owner.

Spell on pets

The following ritual is provided for residents of city apartments. He is very strong. It can equally effectively return a cat, dog, pet rat, ferret or turtle to its owner.

You need to wait for the sun to rise and stand near an open window in its rays. You need to remember the animal very clearly and say three times:

“Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn.”

The conspiracy resonates with the forces of nature and is heard by absolutely all representatives of flora and fauna. Moreover, with its help it is possible to attract a disappeared person, if he is still alive.

The ritual should be resumed until news of the lost pet appears. It is best to cast the spell until the animal is back in its usual place in the house.

Searching for a dog

There is a ritual that people perform if their beloved dog is lost.

It can disappear while walking on the street, can be stolen by criminals, or left by mistake while traveling in public transport.

You need to take a piece of paper from a notebook and write down the dog’s name on it. Then it should become part of the words of the conspiracy.

They pronounce it where the domestic animal was last seen. It is advisable to read the text twice a day during the lunar month. The ideal option is to carry out the ceremony until the dog returns to the owner’s house:

Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the road to your home ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.

The ritual is very simple and it is necessary to carry it out, even if all hope is already lost.

Conspiracy for a missing cat

To search for a lost cat, a different ritual is used. It is very effective.

The more they worry about the animal, the more effectively it works.

After posting notices, searching through neighboring gateways and combing the neighboring park, a person begins to think about more effective methods.

As in previous cases, you need to stand where the cat last devotedly caressed his beloved owner and say:

The spell is cast only during the new moon in the morning, looking at the sun rising from the horizon.

Search for a runaway animal

In cases where the animal not only disappeared, but ran away during a walk or jumped out of the door, a special ritual is performed.

It should be done twice a day for seven days.

If the owner does not know exactly how the pet left the home, then you need to stand near its bed.

If the owner knows the way he escaped, then they stand there.

The ritual has a strong effect on practically all urban animals

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

It is carried out on your own, at home, so you should not neglect it.

Searching for rural animals

Livestock also goes missing from time to time. A sheep or goat sometimes strays from the herd or simply leaves the yard.

It is necessary to light the stove at sunrise and wait until the smoke begins to come out of the chimney. Then they call the animal, calling it by name and read the spell:

“Forest Tsar-Father, Bring and hide my little cow.”

Then they spit over the left shoulder three times.

Ritual for a village pet

The way to find a cat or dog in the countryside is different from the city. You need to tie twine around all the legs of the dining table.

Then, silently, they constantly begin to call out to their animal, calling its exact name.

It is also worth offering a bowl of milk and pies to the Brownie, who makes sure that happiness does not leave the home.

He usually favors cats and dogs as guardians of the hearth. They put the bowl away from prying eyes and try to look into a secluded place less often.

If the owner discovers that the offering has not been accepted, then it is necessary to freely ask the Brownie for help in finding the pet. It is also necessary to make the treat for him more tasty and plentiful.

The ritual is carried out for seven days, then an interval is made and the result is awaited. If it is not there, then after an equal amount of time the ritual is resumed.

Requests to the Saints

You don't have to resort to magic. There are very effective prayers for finding lost animals.

You should turn to the Lord first. The request to him applies not only to missing pets, but to all domestic animals in general:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who are suffering, For all those who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are afraid or hungry; For everyone who needs to be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them kind hands, suggest kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

If the animal is missing, then the prayer must be said first. You should not wait until it becomes clear that the cow, cat or dog is lost. It is advisable to read it as soon as the first alarm about his absence appears.

There are other ways to find a missing pet without resorting to magical rituals.

There is a prayer to Saint Tryphon regarding the loss of animals. People say that he never refuses a request made to him.

He also responds to pleas for:

  • missing;
  • searching for the lost;
  • undergoing an interview for a vacancy;
  • obtaining housing, etc.

If you address him with special words, he will never leave them unattended:

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!
Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.
You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse is evil.
And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us.
Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

To help in the search for the missing animal, they offer prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who help catch the runaway horse, as well as Blasius for the well-being of the cow and other farm livestock.

Saints never ignore the pleas of a desperate animal owner.

It is best to contact them in the temple. You need to light a candle near the required icon and turn to it with all your heart. You should ask with ardent faith, sincere love and selflessness.

Sometimes the animal does not return on its own, but a person is given a signal from above about where to look for it or he is visited by a guess about its whereabouts.

Therefore, if an animal goes missing, you should definitely contact a higher power.

You need to think not only about your loss, losses or inconveniences, but also about what it’s like for your pet now. In this case, all means are good.

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If you have experienced fear, horror and helplessness when losing a pet, if you have tried all possible and impossible search methods - posting advertisements, asking neighbors, but the result was not crowned with success, do not give up. Your last hope is a conspiracy for a missing animal. This search option was used by our ancestors, in the era of the absence of telephones and mobile communications. You can deny the effectiveness of magical rituals or not believe in witchcraft at all, but there are situations in which prejudices are inappropriate and you need to grab every opportunity, for example, to find a lost animal.

Quite often we lose some everyday things, such as a phone, a writing pen, keys, and so on. It's hard to believe that you can just as easily lose a pet until grief comes to your home. It is worth saying that most often the following domestic animals are lost: cats, dogs, hamsters, turtles, chinchillas, lizards, etc. But in rural areas you can also lose animals on grazing, you can lose chickens, geese, ducks, cows, goats , horses, bulls, sheep, turkeys. Let's look at the most popular magical recipes for finding a missing animal.

Search method for pets only

There is one universal search method that is used to search only for animals living in an apartment or in a private house, and it does not matter who exactly was lost - a cat, a dog, a hamster or a turtle. Early in the morning at dawn, stand in front of an open window, open the curtains and, imagining the image of your pet, carefully read the following plot three times:

The last word you said is not just a sound, it is the strongest Far Eastern mantra, which is used to return home not only animals, but also lost people. Repeat reading the plot as often as possible until the first news about the animal appears, or better yet, until the moment when you yourself can pat your pet’s ears and pat him on the head.

For the cat to come back

If your pet went for a walk, as usual, but never returned home, of course you need to take all search measures - carefully look at the places where the cat liked to walk, look into basements and other hidden places, because the cat something could have scared her and she instinctively hid as far as possible, also look at the trees. If after searching there is no result, resort to magic. It is important not to delay using the search spell, since already on the second day after the loss the spell will not be as strong.

As for the plot to find a cat itself, it is recommended to read it while being as close as possible to the supposed place of its disappearance. Standing in a pre-selected area, find the highest point (this could be a bench or curb) and read the following words, all the while thinking about the missing animal:

“The cat was walking home, but didn’t make it. The wind blows towards the house, bring her to me. Water, direct your streams home, bring it to me. Fire, light the warmth near the house, bring her to me. Earth, become a hill, bring it to me.”

Thus, you call on the four elements to help find the missing cat. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to read the plot at midnight, completely alone, so that no one sees you or knows what you are doing.

There is another option for conducting a ritual in which a connection with the missing animal is created using personal items. To carry out the search ritual, use the following items:

  • container from which the cat ate
  • animal sippy cup
  • animal's favorite food
  • church candle


How to find a lost item? How to find something missing using magic? Search. CONSPIRACY. Ritual.

Traditional magic when searching for cattle in the forest (letter to the devil or “Kabala”)

While at home as usual, pour food into your cat's bowl and call her by calling her name and saying "ks-ks-ks". Then light the candle and, holding it in your hand, say the following spell:

“Let my animal (name) return home safe and sound.”

This method differs from the first in that you do not need to select a specific place and time for reading; the plot can and should be read as often as possible in order for the effect to be maximum.

If the dog ran away

Unfortunately, it is dogs that most often run away from their owners or, even worse, they can be stolen. Very often, four-legged friends can jump over a fence or even make a dig to leave the territory of a private house, or a male dog can break off the leash, sensing a female in heat. What can you do to help find your pet as quickly as possible? In this matter, a certain conspiracy will help to bring home a missing animal. You need to read it twice a day at the same time, that is, if you said the text the first time at 10.00, then the second time you should read it exactly at 22.00. As in the case of a missing cat, it is recommended to conduct the ceremony in the place where you last saw the dog. Write the following text on paper in advance, inserting information about your animal into it:

“Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, its color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the road to your home ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.”

This plot is read until the animal is found, but not less than 28 days.

If the animal is stolen

If your pet is missing because it was stolen, use a conspiracy that will not only help return the loss, but also punish the culprits by depriving them of vital energy. For the ritual you will need:

  • rope about 3 meters
  • milk and sweets
  • Bowl

During this ritual, you will turn to the magical creature that lives in every house or apartment - the brownie. Use a rope to tie a place where your animal likes to rest; this could be a bedding, a chair, or even your pillow if your cat likes to sleep on it. Approach this place every day, sit for a short time near it, as if imagining your pet there. At the same time, you can resort to the help of the brownie by treating him with pre-prepared sweets with milk. Pour milk into a bowl, place it in a corner so that it does not attract too much attention, and place sweets next to it. Then ask the brownie to help find your animal and bring it home. Also, do not forget about the punishment for those who stole your pet.

If an animal goes missing in a rural area

Unfortunately, it also happens that an animal disappears in the village, this especially often happens if the cattle are in free grazing conditions far from home. Let's look at the most popular conspiracies designed to help find a lost animal.

If a cloven-hoofed animal is missing

If you miss a cow or goat after a walk, you can immediately start reading the plot without delay:

“Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn.”

And the next morning, light the stove or, if the house does not have a stove heating system, light a fire in your area. As soon as the first smoke is visible, read the spell that you read the day before three times, supplementing it with the name of the cattle, if any.

If the cattle are stolen

If ill-wishers have their eyes on your farm and deprived you of one or more individuals, you should use a stronger conspiracy than the previous one. To carry out the ritual, you will need a sharp knife, with which you need to draw a large circle in the place of the animal’s usual grazing. Then stand in the middle of the circle you just drew and read the text, infected with magical meaning:

“I ask you, heaven, see what happened, stop the offenders, don’t let them take (animal’s name), force him to return it to his owner, me.”

After reading, forcefully stick the knife in the middle of the drawn circle and return home.

General rule - how to pronounce a spell

Conspiracies read for the speedy return of the animal are read in an environment so that no outsiders, including even family members, know about it. If, according to the terms of the ceremony, it must take place on the street, it is better to choose the dark time of day to avoid the presence of random witnesses.

One of the most important requirements for reading a conspiracy is your faith in the result. You must understand that the result will certainly be unsuccessful if you do not believe in magic and do not invest the necessary feelings and emotions into the conspiracy.

The best defense is prevention

In order to prevent the loss of a pet, it is better to prevent such a situation in principle by reading a plot aimed at preventing the animal from running away and returning home after grazing or walking. Let's look at the most effective ones, judging by the reviews.

Protective spell for an animal

This conspiracy is popular for the reason that it protects not only from the loss of a pet, but also from diseases characteristic of this animal. To perform the ritual you will need one church candle. Wait until your pet falls asleep, then light a candle and use it to draw a circle in the air over the animal, saying:

“God, protect your creation, don’t let it go to others and lose its way home. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

To prevent the animal from running away

If the animal is prone to frequent escapes, you can use the following plot option: hug the animal and, while stroking it, say in its ear:

“I warmed you with love and affection, don’t you dare betray it and run away. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Of course, first of all, you need to take your animal seriously in order to prevent its loss. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.” But if grief has come to your home, use magical return spells to find your lost animal.

Based on materials from

Is there any basis in the current assertion that cats can find their way home after long wanderings, or is this just another of the many myths about our four-legged friends? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, cats, in addition to good vision, also use a well-developed olfactory apparatus for orientation. With the help of their nose, they are able to capture very subtle aromas that are inaccessible to humans and bind them to the area. For most cats, it is not a problem to find their home at a distance of 3 to 5 kilometers.

In most experiments conducted, cats returned home by the shortest route, even if they were taken in a roundabout way to try to make the task more difficult. At the same time, it was noticed that cats that had free access to the street acted more decisively and returned faster than cats that always lived inside the house.

In addition, cats are significantly superior to humans not only in their ability to see in low light, but also in their well-developed peripheral vision, which allows them to observe movements by tracking a variety of landmarks. At the right moment, the cat’s pupils dilate, increasing the viewing angle to a value inaccessible to humans. In recent studies, it was discovered that at the right moment, cats are able to “play” in their heads from memory not only visual information, but also the audio information accompanying the “picture”.

All the noises characteristic of a particular area - coming from major highways, fire sirens, or even the sounds of stamping coming from a nearby factory - leave clear imprints in the cat's memory. All sound information, as well as the smells remembered by the cat, complement the visual images stored in the cat’s memory. The duration and strength of sounds against the background of visual images in nature play a very important role for a cat (more about hearing in cats). In search of landmarks that allow them to find the way back to home, cats quite easily compare them with those stored in memory if the distance from home does not exceed five kilometers. The task becomes more difficult at long distances, where there are no familiar sights, sounds and smells, which disorients the animal.

However, there are many reliably known cases of cats traveling over much longer distances. Sometimes cats managed to return home after several weeks or even months of absence, and from very far away, covering vast distances.

How do cats manage to do this, since when finding their way back they do not have to rely on help in the form of familiar acoustic images and smells? Unfortunately, there are currently no reliable explanations for this unique phenomenon.

Based on the results of some experiments, it can be concluded that cats have ultrasensitivity, allowing them to perceive even minor changes in the environment, such as deviations in the state of electromagnetic fields. The specific magnetic and electric fields of each area can likely serve as pointers for the cat to determine the correct direction to return to its territory. Perhaps, in order to get home, cats are able to navigate their travels using an internal “compass”.