Panda tattoo meaning. The meaning of a panda tattoo or what does a panda tattoo mean? What does a panda tattoo on the wrist mean?

The panda tattoo has come into fashion relatively recently; it is not yet common, mainly in Asian and European countries. Recently it can be found in Russia. But the animal itself, which is known in China as the “bamboo bear,” is even rarer to see in person. This is a rare species listed in the Red Book. The beautiful black and white bear has a cheerful, friendly disposition, so his images always convey positivity and inspire goodness.

Several variants of panda tattoo designs are common. One of them is the famous black and white drawing, the emblem of the World Fund for Animal Welfare. The meaning of a panda tattoo in this case is help, good deeds, and the fight for the environment.

For many people, the image of a panda also symbolizes openness and friendliness. This is due to the Chinese diplomatic tradition of giving this expensive animal as a sign of trust and special favor. This gesture is also called “panda diplomacy.” As you know, pandas eat plant foods, so the meaning of the tattoo is also to support vegetarianism and veganism.

The panda tattoo goes well with images of other Asian symbols - bamboo, lotus. It brings a smile and is a reminder of childhood. A panda sitting on a pink lotus flower is a sign of openness and wisdom.

This tattoo is considered suitable for both men and women. It will suit a person who is childish, good-natured and cheerful. The image will highlight the owner’s style and his passion for rarities. Panda tattoos are chosen by extraordinary people, with an interesting inner world, independent and calm.

For young people, a good choice is a tattoo of Kung Fu Panda, the hero of the famous cartoon. This is a picture for fans of the series; it will tell about the courage and humor of its owner. The meaning of the tattoo is courage, resourcefulness and friendliness, symbolizing this character.

Small colored tattoos are popular among young girls: a panda with wings, a flower, a bow, or a sleeping panda. The fluffy, touching little animal resembles a soft toy and makes you want to pet it. A panda tattoo with wings symbolizes lightness and spirituality, enjoying life, carefreeness and play. Small panda tattoo designs can be placed on the shin, calf or wrist.

Below are more photos of panda tattoos from different artists.

What thoughts come to mind when we see such a cute and rare animal as the Panda? The appearance and behavior of the black and white bear literally radiate warmth, kindness and some gentleness. Like large plush toys, pandas represent a positive attitude and childlike spontaneity. Such an attractive image predictably became an inspiration for many professional tattooists. In almost every salon you can see sketches of panda tattoos in a variety of execution techniques.

The birthplace of the panda tattoo.

The reason for the popularity and universal love for the bamboo bear in China is extremely simple: the animal is a symbol of this country and occupies a special place in its national culture. In the eyes of the Chinese, the panda is associated with unpretentiousness, modesty, and a calm disposition. A hidden meaning is seen even in the black and white color of the animal - many see in it a kind of reference to the concept of Yin and Yang. The panda symbolizes harmony, the balance between the energy of a woman and a man. The most popular areas for panda tattoos are on the arm, neck, back, and calves.

The meaning of tattoos in world culture.

The Chinese vision of the panda is significantly different from the global one. Europeans who choose this animal as a body image explain this choice by the desire to express friendliness and openness towards others. The fact that the panda is the official symbol of wildlife also contributes to the spread of tattoos. An endangered species depicted in the form of a tattoo is a kind of call to protect the environment and endangered animals. This is why panda tattoos can often be seen on the bodies of active environmental activists. The Chinese bear also inspires many vegetarians: it is known that the animal's diet consists of plant foods.

Specifics of tattooing.

It is logical that most Chinese bear tattoos are done in black and white. Some masters add variety and complement the sketch with symbolism inspired by Eastern and Asian motifs. Most often, the panda is depicted together with pale pink lotus flowers and bamboo. Such additions are not at all meaningless: a bear sitting on a lotus represents wisdom, truth, knowledge. Fans of simpler sketches, devoid of deep meaning, often get a tattoo of the famous cartoon character - Kung Fu Panda.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

Sketches depicting a cute black and white bear are especially popular among the fairer sex. This is quite natural - girls’ love for teddy bears has long been known. And yet, it is a mistake to assume that a panda tattoo is relevant for girls and only that. In fact, the image of this animal is fully suitable for guys. You don’t have to worry that the tattoo will look awkward, inappropriate, or “inappropriate” on you. Agree: kindness, wisdom and compassion have no gender. The Chinese bear tattoo is designed to emphasize originality, spiritual fulfillment, determination, the ability to sympathize and trust.

Panda tattoo on shoulder blade

The charming panda bear has found his way into the hearts of the most severe admirers of tattoo culture. His charm can win over any viewer.

Despite its comical appearance, the panda remains a strong animal, capable of attack. The dual nature of the bear has become a meme in the world of tattoos.

Panda tattoo meaning

Presumably the panda tattoo appeared at the turn of the 70s. The animal gained its place in the pantheon of heraldic animal tattoos thanks to the spread of the hiki.

This trend was associated with the transformation of graffiti. The drawings that appeared had an allegorical meaning and were built on the principle of contradiction.

Everything that the panda symbolizes is divided into 2 halves. On the one hand, this is peacefulness, friendship and bright thoughts. On the other hand, the furry animal embodies hidden intentions, aggression and seething passions that want to come out.

The panda acquired such significance after an incident in 1978 when a London Zoo keeper tried to take a toy from the animal.

The item ended up in the enclosure by accident, but the bear really liked it. Wanting to protect the acquisition, the furry creature bit and seriously injured a man.

Panda tattoo meaning for guys and girls

The image on the body for girls carries the meaning of a creative personality ready for unpredictable turns of fate. The figure can be depicted in the center; such a panda tattoo brings peace and harmony.

The image of the beast carries meaning for men as an allegory of gentleness and aggression. Considering the nature of the image, it is easy to understand its meaning.

If the furry bear is doing its usual activities, this is a positive sign. The owner loves humor and is not prone to rash actions.

A panda with a grinning muzzle is a symbol of warning; the wearer does not intend to tolerate interference in his internal space.

A panda with a bandana is often stuffed in red by travelers. The ancestor of the image was a toy made for the Steiff plant in 1938. The first copy became a participant in an international exhibition and traveled around the world.

Panda tattoo options

The drawing has many types of execution. Panda tattoo style is gaining popularity. The animal itself can be depicted partially realistically. It is surrounded by geometric lines. Or the whole figure is laid out with different figures.

In the panda style, they are stuffed in the form of an outline. Based on the popular image from the London Zoo logo. If a girl or young guy wants a very small panda tattoo in this spirit will most successfully realize their idea.

Most often, the animal is depicted with bamboo; a cute panda cub plays with the stems. The legacy of the hiki culture is the panda with pistols. There is humor in this drawing. The furry guy holds 2 Colts and threatens those around him.

The drawing can be negative and even evil. An angry panda is depicted surrounded by red spots. The shape of the muzzle can express aggression and the desire to attack.

Panda tattoo locations

For girls, the best place is considered to be the area on the arm near the forearm. Many panda tattoos come in 2 colors. Only medium or large images are complemented with flowers.

Men beat a bear:

  • on the chest;
  • on the ribs;
  • on the leg in the calf area;
  • on the shoulder and shoulder blade.

The composition of shades of gray, white and blue against the background of green bamboo shoots looks beautiful. Choosing a tattoo style

“Bamboo bear” is a very good-natured playful animal, so a tattoo with the image of a panda has only a positive meaning. It is suitable for a joyful, optimistic person who wants to demonstrate his peaceful and dreamy character. He is not alien to spontaneity, childish naivety, independence, and calmness.

Since the furry inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom were on the verge of extinction, their image was chosen as the graphic symbol of the Fund for the Protection of Endangered Animals. The status of a rare species also allows one to emphasize the extraordinary features of the deep inner world of the tattoo owner. To some extent, he is endowed with qualities that are rare, but worthy of imitation. Vegetarians also use it in the form of a distinctive sign, because these cute animals eat only plant foods.

The peacefulness of the panda has contributed to the fact that a tattoo with its image has become a generally accepted symbol of friendship and high diplomacy, calling for full cooperation and brotherhood.

Young people often use such tattoos to express a feeling of nostalgic sadness about their passing childhood. You can diversify the design with details in the form of a lotus flower or hieroglyphs.

The guys

Young people became even more interested in the symbol of the “bamboo bear” after the release of an animated film, where the kindest animal by nature appeared in a rather bold image. The Kung Fu Panda tattoo means courage, readiness for a bold act, resourcefulness, and at the same time emphasizes the subtle humor and constant friendliness of a person.

As a rule, a man's tattoo is performed in a monochromatic image using only old and black colors.

For girls

Women's panda tattoos are mostly small in size and look like toy analogues of this cute animal. They are often depicted sleeping with the addition of bright colors, decorated with flowers and bows. The abundance of small colorful details is designed to emphasize such positive character traits as kindness, peacefulness and carefreeness.

In turn, a panda with angel wings symbolizes not only the high spirituality of its owner, but also lightness, weightlessness, and enjoyment of life.

Girls apply small tattoos on the wrist, calf or shin.

Value on the "Zone"

The positive symbolism of the panda tattoo did not bring it popularity in the criminal world. Another “bear” is more in demand here - the formidable brown bear, which has become the hallmark of apartment burglars (safeguards) and a symbol of the struggle for life in extreme conditions. Meaning: safecracker.

Nevertheless, the image of a panda in a rush and with a menacing battle roar can be used as a meaning of hidden nature or a hint that an outwardly reserved person in an extraordinary situation can do everything necessary to protect his personal interests. An externally hidden inner strength will help him in this.

It appeared recently and has not yet spread throughout the world. But, most likely, this misunderstanding will soon be corrected by itself, because the cute and clumsy, teddy-like black and white bears do not leave anyone indifferent. Unfortunately, these good-natured creatures are now on the verge of extinction, although few people have ever been able to look at them in person.

Panda on the chest

The role of the panda in China

In China, as the only place where pandas live, they are treated with extreme care and protected by law. Killing a panda or trading its skin is punishable by life in prison. But rapidly changing climate conditions are destroying bamboo forests, which are the main food for pandas, as well as their natural habitat.

Did you know? Black and white bears are already in danger of extinction; according to some data, there are less than 300 individuals left in the world. Reserves for breeding pandas in captivity are being actively created, but the reproduction of the species is extremely slow, because a panda can give birth to only one cub per year.

Panda bear on a girl's hand

According to the Chinese, a talisman with the image of a panda is the key to longevity and good health. Pandas also symbolize regularity, slowness, friendliness and balance.

What kind of person would suit a panda tattoo?

Definitely good-natured and calm, optimistic, but far from stupid. Such individuals, from the first minutes of communication and without much effort, endear themselves to others and easily become the life of any company. At the same time, the “panda man” is not inclined to trust and open his soul to everyone he meets. He is unhurried, careful and thinks carefully about all important actions, instead of rushing headlong into the pool.

However, he is so cautious precisely because of his harmlessness and inability to cause pain to others. A person with the character of a panda will never resort to meanness, deception and blackmail; he will not say nasty things behind his back or spread rumors. It may seem that a saint is being described here, but this is, of course, not the case. It’s just that this is the character of the stereotypical owner of a panda tattoo; there are clearly more positive qualities in him than disadvantages.

Panda in a hat with deer antlers

Panda tattoo and animal protection

One of the most common reasons for getting this tattoo is to sympathize with pandas as an endangered species. But such motivation is more common in Europe and America than in Russia, the CIS and Asian countries. The bamboo bear has been chosen as the official emblem of the world animal welfare organization.

Therefore, a panda tattoo, in addition to everything else, is also important as a symbol of solidarity with all kinds of movements and foundations that care about wildlife and fight to preserve it in its most pristine form. In this context, the panda can also be understood as a sign of innocence, kindness, support and mutual assistance.

Small panda

Panda tattoo: meaning for men and women

What does a panda tattoo mean? So, it has already become obvious that this tattoo has no negative interpretations. A rather rare occurrence, but apparently such an animal really cannot evoke anything other than tenderness and pity associated with their sad fate. Presented to your attention are the meanings of the panda tattoo that have not yet been mentioned in the article:

  • A reminder of serenity and childhood.
  • The panda together with the lotus flower is a symbol of wisdom and pure mind. This is due to the fact that lotus is the Buddhist designation for the Enlightened Buddha. It turns out that such a tattoo can also be done to indicate one’s religious affiliation.
  • The phenomenon of “panda diplomacy”. In China, as a sign of special respect and trust or reconciliation, it is customary to present a rare bear cub as a gift. This is how people show their good attitude and the responsibility they are willing to place on you. Such a gift is considered one of the most honorable.
  • Dividing the views of vegans and vegetarians. The panda's main diet consists of plant foods, namely bamboo, although this species is an omnivore. Previously, the panda was considered a herbivore.
  • An allusion to the Chinese yin-yang symbol. Because of their calm and balanced disposition and black-and-white coat color, pandas evoke in the minds of Asians (at least the Chinese, who are already about two billion people) a strong association with the ancient sign of Buddhists and Taoists.

Satisfied panda with branches

Reviews from panda tattoo owners

It would seem that an extremely simple panda tattoo, sketches of which can be found in huge quantities on the Internet, is in fact the embodiment of the most important truths in life. Personally, it helps me, no matter what, to remain positive and not be offended by the whole world. And also to be grateful for what I already have, and not express dissatisfaction because I expect more. As you can see, pandas have a lot to learn and take note of.

Ivan, Volgograd.

Panda for girls

For me, a panda is a kind of ideal image of a pacifist. They are soft, fluffy, and cannot be imagined as aggressive. I strive for this behavior, my tattoo serves as a good motivation. I’ll look at her, count to ten and won’t lose my temper when I shouldn’t;) Love, kindness and pandas to everyone.

Elizaveta, Murmansk.

The cutest and most positive tattoo you can imagine. And girls with sloppy black makeup also look like them.

Daria, Vladimir.

Old wise panda

For me, my tattoo is a sign of my vegetarian lifestyle. After all, their food consists of 99% bamboo and in general they are very peaceful animals, just like me. I don’t like to inconvenience living beings or use them. Almost no one thinks about it, but consuming meat and animal products is pure human exploitation. Moreover, none of them gave consent to this hellish work that costs their lives; we use them by default and in huge quantities. I’m not promoting anything, it’s just that my panda and I are against it, it gives me the strength not to succumb to social pressure and not to be fooled by provocations.

Ekaterina, Kursk.

Video: selection of panda tattoos

Panda tattoo designs