Scenario of the event dedicated to the year of childhood. Scenario of the concert "Moments of a happy childhood

Scenario of the reporting concert
"Moments of happy childhood"


Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!
The House of Children's Creativity congratulates you on the holiday of spring and labor. For us northerners, the arrival of spring is already a holiday. We are not spoiled by warm rains and May thunderstorms. But nature takes its toll, and spring, with bright rays of the sun, penetrates our homes and hearts.
1: We love our small northern city, kind interesting people live here.
2: I like our bright and colorful houses.
3: I like to play with my friends in playgrounds
4: Guys! And I work in the House of Children's Creativity
1: I also study at the House of Creativity. I like dancing
2: I like to draw and do different crafts
4: And I like to sing and play musical instruments.
3: There are a lot of interesting things in our House of Creativity

Host: Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, at least for a moment would dream of returning to this amazing world of goodness and miracles.

2: As a child, can you touch
The edge of a dream.
Find your way to her
You definitely can.

3: To the blue stars, children love
In colorful dreams to fly ...
Everything comes true in the world
If you only want to.
4: We really want all dreams to come true.
And we invite you to our magical land of childhood.

Let the kids play
Laugh, jump,
Let him rise to his height
Let the childhood take place!
The younger group of the dance group is dancing for you

4: In our House of Children's Creativity there are asterisks of different sizes and brightness. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore many see and know them.
3: Others are just beginning to open up and are less noticeable so far.
me: But all our stars occupy an important place in their constellation collectives.

I'm backstage: Dancing for you

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,

After all, every child is an artist! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands in the House of Children's Creativity. And everyone here feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. Creating his masterpieces, the little creator takes the first steps towards the high rank of Master. So he comprehends the culture of his people, his country. “It’s not that expensive that red is gold, but it’s expensive that a good master is,” says a popular Sami proverb.

It has long been believed that true mastery comes only to a good person.

You can admire the works of our young craftsmen in the exhibition hall of the Sovremennik Palace of Culture, where the Golden Hands regional exhibition of arts and crafts is now open. . Today the results have been summed up, and we sincerely congratulate the winners.

And now for everyone a gift from craftsmen - an ensemble of folk instruments

I'm from behind the scenes: A lot has been said about the waltz,
He is sung in songs and verses,
And no matter how many dances happen,
And better than a waltz, right no!
"Waltz" performs

Me: Oh those baby eyes
Looking at you as if into water,
In them, then fun, then a tear,
That feeling of freedom.
They will not betray in trouble,
And they will not stop loving, they will not deceive,
It's a pity that they will leave
As soon as they get tired of being children.
Every year, the House of Children's Creativity says goodbye to its pupils, children who have been involved in various associations for many years. So this year we have a new release. PHONEGRAM (awarding)
I invite you to the stage

Dear graduates!
No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist,
Do a good deed
That's how we live on earth. Good luck!
A vocal and pop group sings for you

32. Me: Childhood is light and joy,
These are songs, this is friendship and dreams.
Childhood is the colors of rainbows.
Childhood is me and you.

Childhood is a summer wind
The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of spring.
Childhood means children
Children means us!

32. WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENT "Magic Country", vocal and pop group

We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! Until we meet again with everyone who loves a boring life!

1: Good afternoon everyone!
2: All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day

3.Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
4. Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
5: Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?

6. We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with rays of eyes
dawns meet,

7. Where miracles live,
Wizards and fairies
Where is the brighter world around
And louder bird trills.
8. What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!
9: Rummage in the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulia on the head with a spatula.
Arrange a fight with Seryozha because of a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
10: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
11. But childhood goes away forever. If only you knew where?
12. Today, my friends, here
We have not gathered in vain.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and guys!
May the angel always keep you
From loss of life
And let childhood at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
13. The ship of childhood sails away into childhood.
White large pipes are beveled back.
Let me take a look, look at goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum!
14. The breeze on deck touched someone's hair,
A tear suddenly flashed on her cheek.
How madly I want, believe me, I really want
Time is fleeting to turn back!
15. Let's try to perform a miracle today and turn back time. Let's remember the golden childhood!
Now we will write an essay about this cloudless time of our life. All I need from you is adjectives. I will write them into the blank, and in a few minutes the essay on the topic “Remember the Golden Childhood” will be ready.

Game-story "Remember the golden childhood"

Pronounced adjectives fit into the blank text, and the story is ready.

How good it is to be a child! No you ... worries and problems. ... in the morning... mom wakes you up, feeds you... breakfast and takes you to... kindergarten. And there... teachers,... friends,... toys and very... life are waiting for you. ... holidays, ... classes, ... walks - there is no time to be bored! And at home... grandma will treat you... with a pie,... dad will let you knock... with a hammer on the table,... mom will tell you... a fairy tale at night. Everyone loves you, cherishes, cares, indulges... with gifts. And, I want to ... childhood never ends!

: The essay turned out wonderful. And you had a very happy childhood. That is why you are so cheerful and joyful today.

: So, attention! The journey to the country of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very young and did not go to kindergarten yet. All children love gifts. I invite two teams of six people who are most eager to receive holiday prizes.

Competition "Skins"

Team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, simultaneously lower their straws there and begin to drink the drink. The first team to empty the vessel wins. Prizes for the winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and don’t forget to hand them out at the end of each competition.

At home, under the warm mother's wing, of course, it's good. But, the day comes when the baby first goes out into the world. And a great life usually begins with kindergarten.
Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there is a good company, then even tasteless porridge and old toys recede into the background.
Many, many days in a row
Summer and winter
We went to kindergarten
In kindergarten native.
We've always been here in a hurry
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
"Let's not forget kindergarten!"
With such a rainbow mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them faster. Here we have "moms" (two girls are invited).
So, the clothes are already prepared, but suddenly the light goes out!

Competition "Dress the baby in kindergarten"

The girls are blindfolded and offered to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, plus size trousers). Whoever copes faster and more accurately wins.

There are many sad and funny tales in the world,
And we can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good forever triumph over evil.

Far, far away is the realm of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And who has ever been in it, will remain a prisoner forever.
Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
And also because from childhood on fairy tales we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, courage. Let's remember the Russian folk tale "Turnip" and show a performance based on it.

Fairy tale game "Turnip"

Participants are called for the roles: Turnip, Dedka, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of the tale, each hero must, having heard the name of his character, say the words allotted to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - "Ay, yes I am!" and hands shows how big it is.
Grandfather - "Oh, sciatica!" and, bending over, holds on to the waist.
Grandmother - "Father Lights!" and throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - "Well, here's another!" and puts his hands at his sides.
Bug - "Wow! Will you give me a bone?" while resting his hands on his half-bent knees and wagging his “tail”.
Cat - “They don’t let me sleep! Meow!" and stretches, bending in the back.
Mouse - "Well, where do you go without me!" and showing strong biceps.
In general, such a staging of "Turnip" looks very funny.

Presenter: Today you will see the Holiday of the game, in which children and their parents participate. Attention! A team of children appears, meet it with applause - they already deserve it, since they are children.


This comic tale can be played without prior rehearsal. The texts should be prepared in advance and distributed to the participants before the performance, while everyone draws a role for himself. So that the grandfather would not get confused, we put paper “hats” on the heads of the participants with the image of carrots, potatoes ...

Grandpa planted a turnip...

Grandfather turnip said:

You grow, grow big.

Become a rich harvest

So that I can be proud of you.

I'll bring you some water

Five buckets of fertilizer ...

Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

(He lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)

Grandpa sleeps without worries.

Meanwhile, the turnip grows

Yes, it fights with weeds:

Their feet and hands...

Here is autumn in the yard.

Chilly morning in September

Grandfather woke up, scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering his teeth.)

Ah, I am an old sleeper.

It's time to pull the turnip.

I grew up, I look a little.

Oh, yes, the turnip was born!

I never dreamed of such a thing.

(Grabs a turnip and pulls.)

Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.


What a clumsy old man!

I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.

You did not wash your eyes.

Turnips I am a hundred times slimmer.

And orange too.

If you need a Korean salad,

You will be lost without me...

Do not drink carrot juice

There is no substitute for my soup...

And one more secret.

I am vitamin rich

All useful carotene.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.

What is it, what a miracle

Maybe I slept badly?

I sowed the turnip in the spring.

Okay, my friend, wait,

I'll pull out another turnip.


Oh oh oh,

I protest!

I am not a turnip. I am Potato!

Even the cat knows this.

I am the head of all fruits

It's as clear as twice two:

If there are no potatoes in the soup,

No need to pick up a spoon.

I hear for chips, grandfather,

The most important component.

In hot oil, look here

I can become french fries

I am your main crop!

Well, get in the basket.

Well, I'll go to the turnip again.

How firmly it sits in the earth!

Oh yes turnip, here are those on!

Right, I'm outraged!

Grandfather, you overate Snickers

Seen the series

Did you fall off the stove?

I didn't recognize the cabbage.

I don't look like a turnip

She has one dress

I have a hundred of them!

All without buttons...

I am crispy cabbage!

Without me, the salad is empty

And with me any lunch

Stuffed cabbage or vinaigrette ...

It will become 10 times more useful!

And then me, dear,

You can sour and salt ...

And keep it until summer.

You can eat me all winter!

You are welcome ... in the basket.

What are these miracles?

It's been two hours

I spent in the garden.

Where is the turnip! This one is like…

Again, the grandfather did not guess.

Know you lost points

Or has the devil beguiled you?

I confused beets with turnips.

I'm a hundred times redder than her

And healthier and tastier!

There are no beets and no borscht,

In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...

I alone - the source of color!

A beet cutlet -

It's just a meal!

One hundred percent - weight loss.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.

And you will find a place.

But still interesting

Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color

But not a turnip, old man,

I am your onion!

Let a little and insidious,

But popular among the people.

The most delicious barbecue

The one with the bow.

All hostesses know me

Add to soup and porridge

In pies, in mushrooms, in broth ...

I am a nightmare for viruses!

Even the flu scares me...

At least now I'm ready to fight.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get in the basket.

The evening is drawing to a close.

The moon rises to heaven.

Yes, it's time for me to go home.

Tomorrow morning

I will look for a turnip again,

And now the desire to sleep.

Wow, heavy basket

A car would be nice...

A notable harvest has grown!

Grandma, curtain come on

The story has come to an end.

Whoever listened, well done.

I look forward to your applause

And other compliments...

After all, the artists tried,

Let's get a little lost.

Everyone knows that children and animals are the best friends. The little man simply needs someone to yelp, meow, chirp or croak next to him.
Children love to take care of our smaller brothers: they treat the cat with sweets, save fish from the aquarium so that they don’t drown, share toys with the dogs.

The cat says quietly to me:
- Have some pity on me!
I don't understand this cat
I put candy in her mouth
I put my arms around her neck.
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
She says:
- A little bit, a little bit sorry -
Release me quickly!

Attention! Now our smaller brothers will appear in this hall! Anyone who has received the notes, please come to me. The cats are on the left, the pigs are on the right, and the horses are in the center.
Have you forgotten how these animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Concert of animals"

Teams get acquainted with the song that they will perform:
Cats - "Two Merry Geese"
Piglets - "Grasshopper"
Horses - "I'm lying in the sun"
You need to perform songs by making sounds corresponding to animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

I ask two self-confident guys to come out.
We announce a dance break, and during the first dance, the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Competition "Autographs"

Two participants are given sheets of paper and felt-tip pens. The task of the participants is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The winner is the one who has the most signatures on a piece of paper.

And now we are not just children, but students. On the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.

Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice two?
Write sticks in a notebook?
Will put "5" for the first time?
Our first teacher
Keeper of the light of wisdom.
The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
We invite to us two teams of five people for whom the memories of the first teacher are still dear.
Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a keepsake. And you draw it.

Relay "Portrait of the first teacher"

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of a teacher on sheets of paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - the eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - the lips, the fifth - the hair. The team with the most artistic drawing wins.

And along with the portraits, we give teachers this song.

Song the first teacher

Girl: We will congratulate you today
Sing songs and read poetry.
Maybe we'll dance, maybe we won't
This is our biggest, big secret!

Boy: Our leading guys tied up,
To talk about our life.
Holiday Children's Day only once a year.

boy and girl (in chorus, menacingly): We'll tell you everything now.

Sitting at our desk for a long time.
Conjugations, verbs boring lesson.
They added English, they think that
We don't need more lessons.
And now we crawl to school, there is no strength to unbend,
From the handles, our hands no longer bend.
And so every day we go through Russia
Crowd, bent, knapsack crawl.
Bound by one chain, bound by one goal.
Bound by one chain, bound by one...

Above us the sun shines, not life, but grace,
It is high time for everyone who is responsible for us to understand
It is high time for everyone who is responsible for us to understand:
We are small children, we want to walk!

And we are sophomores, we are adults at all,
We hardly go for walks, we all need to cram.
Save the poor kids.
We multiply, write and read in class.
We do not know the rest at all, we do not walk.
Save the poor kids.

If I knew what torment
I'll have to endure
I would stay in kindergarten
Another six years!
(threatens his fist into the hall)

Girl: Guys, what's wrong with you? We didn't mean to say that at all.
At school, sections, circles, so that you do not get bored.
So as not to howl from longing, to play.
You can sing or dance, drive the ball around the hall.
And you will have time to walk outside.
I think I know who came up with all this, for sure, a loser Petrov, he is always dissatisfied with everything!

Girl: It is completely unclear what the school is for
Music and physical education, life safety, healthy lifestyle, works?
Isn't it enough for us to load six lessons and d / s?
We plow the whole day from dawn to dusk.
What are these items for? Who came up with it and why?
Someone has the answers, listen to ours now.

Once upon a time there was a loser Sidorov. And he was not just a loser, but a round loser. Twos were in all subjects.
And when they asked him: “Well, what are you, Sidorov, why do you even have a deuce in music, even a deuce in physical education and a deuce in labor?”, He was indignant and asked: “Why do we need music at school?”.
They answered him: "So that you, Sidorov, grow up cultured."
"But why physical-ra?"
"So that you, Sidorov, be strong and healthy."
"Well, what is the work for?"
"And this, Sidorov, so that you can at least do something with your own hands."
And then one day the loser Sidorov had a dream. He got to heaven. The Archangel met him, looked at the diary and sent Sidorov to a paradise for losers.
And Sidorov went to heaven. And in that paradise, flower beds with marvelous weeds overgrown, fountains with unknown, terrible, blackened figures stand. The trees are withered, and the grass is withered in the park, where the tabernacles of paradise should be. Palaces in paradise are like nothing else...
An angel with one wing met Sidorov near the skewed gate and asked:
"Tell me, Sidorov, in what subjects did you get the most twos?"
"Physical education," Sidorov replied, blushing.
"That's good," Angel said, "you'll be coaching the football team. We'll have a friendly match next week with a team from the neighboring three-player paradise."
“Well,” Sidorov agreed, “just tell me that this is some kind of leftist paradise? The paths are overgrown with grass, the houses are slanting and crooked, and they look like they will fall apart, the gates will fall soon. And where are the statues of monsters from horror films here in paradise?”
And the Angel with one wing answered: “So this is a paradise for losers. Lopatin takes care of the garden, he has the most twos in terms of work, the houses were built under the guidance of the loser Oglobli, the loser Ivanova runs the dining room, so I don’t advise eating there, but the figures were sculpted by a loser Klyachkin.
And Sidorov coached the football team with a loser, and a friendly match took place, and the team of losers won the team of threes.
The Archangel appeared here, sending Sidorov to heaven, and said: "Well, Sidorov, you deceived me, go to hell!"
And he pushed Sidorov off the skewed bridge. And Sidorov flew to hell shouting: "Spartak is the champion!"
He opened his eyes and realized that this was a dream. But since then began to pay more attention to "unnecessary" items. And just a little...

Now guess the riddles:

Walking to school with a book

Wooden little boy.

Gets instead of school

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book

What is the boy's name?

"ABC", Pinocchio.

Now let's talk about another book.

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.

The old man went to the sea, he will cast a net,

Someone will catch and ask for something.

About the greedy old woman the story will go here,

And greed, friends, will lead to trouble.

And the matter will end with the same trough,

But not new, but old, broken.

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail.

In a nutshell, that girl slept.

What a girl, how small she is.

Who has read this book

They know a little girl.


Someone grabbed onto someone tightly.

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out, oh, I sat down firmly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win the stubbornness.

Who sat down so tight? Maybe this...

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates went up

Beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is steep."

The cloud hid the light of the sun,

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path

From grass to blade of grass

jumping spring,

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes,

Everyone bows down. (Strawberry).

Hat and leg -

That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:

Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (birches)

In the forest, I already forgot in which,
One day the birds sang ... (in chorus)
Sitting tight on a bitch
The rooster screamed .... (crow)
And every time in response to him
The cow gently answered ... (mu-mu)
And next to the little bullfinch
The pig whispered ... (oink-oink-oink)
Can't make out the words
The frogs are screaming ... (kva-kva-kva)
And smiling to myself
The goat answered gently ... (me-her)
I wanted to tell the singers "Bravo!"
But it turned out only for the cat ... (meow)
Dogs bark woof woof woof.

And now Riddles are shifters ... (be careful):

The bunny went out for a walk
The paws of the hare are exactly ... (not five, but four)

I have a dog
She already has tails ... (not 6, but 1)

There is a funny saying:
Snow fell - meet ... (winter)

The blizzard howls like a drill,
Soit in the yard ... (not April, but February)

birthday on the nose
We baked ... (not sausage, but a cake)

At Irinka and Oksanka
There are three-wheelers ... (not a sled, but a bicycle)

A police siren sounds, Uncle Styopa comes out. (where there is a poster with a traffic light).
- Dear young citizens!
I send police greetings to everyone!
I invite the kids to a wonderful game!
This game is the most needed!
Because all of you are a little bit naughty!
Too many dangerous things
Our smart and lively children!
There's a lot more traffic in the streets
It's time to raise some respect for him!
To halt the streets to teach the kids,
We started our game!
Step's uncle:
Road riddles.
Runs, hums
Looks into two eyes.
And get up
Bright red eyes peek out. (automobile)

Vigilantly looks guard
Beyond the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye.
They all stop at once.
A green eye looks
Tells you to go. (traffic light)

Early in the morning under the window
Knock and ring and commotion.
On straight steel tracks.
There are blue houses. (trams)
Relay "Drivers"
Host: And now let's have fun car races, are there dads among our spectators? Or older kids. If there is, then I will ask three people to come out to us. Here are your cars. Your task is to "drive" the distance, bending around the placed skittles, and not knock them down. The one that does it faster and more accurately wins. (to the song "Rock-yu")


It all starts with a school bell:
Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want!
Road to the stars! Secrets of the Ocean!
All this will come sooner or later!
Everything is ahead, but for now ...
Do you want to go to the planet?
that the children made up.
Hold hands tight everyone!
Close your eyes, move forward.

To know how big the earth is
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

You're new, happy and confused
Without fear, the school crossed the threshold!
Inspired by a magical dream
And the first day of school, and your first lesson

As in every school, our school has a Charter, and it contains 12 rules for you, and our ministers will acquaint you with these rules.

The floor is given to the Minister for Educational Work and the Minister for Educational Work.

(Ministers take turns reading the rules, and the guys answer)

    Did you get up early in the morning, didn’t you give laziness? No.

    The dew washed the petal, but soap washed you? Yes.

    Didn't wait for prodding, did you run to school on time? Yes.

    Before slamming the door, of course, did you check for a pencil case, and a textbook, and a notebook, and of course, did not forget the student's diary? No.

    At school, brother, you didn't lie? No.

    If you cleaned dirty? Yes.

    Did you carry chalk in your pocket? That, my dear, is not the point. No.

    He was neat in his clothes, avoiding holes and stains! Yes.

    Was he rude to adults? No.

    Did you feel sorry for the kids, did you love? Yes.

    Did you know that good grades didn't grow in the garden on a branch? Yes.

Sentence: 11 years of school regime with confiscation of toys.

In the director's office.

Maria Ivanovna, tomorrow a new exceptional student will come to your 9th G.

So exceptional?

Yes, he has already been expelled from three schools.

The conscience of the hooligan Petrov does not answer or is temporarily unavailable ...

It is the teachers who are to blame for the fact that the children lie - they ask too many questions.

At the lesson.

Petrov is a big fan of sleeping in class.

Offend, Mary Ivanna, I am a professional.

Who goes to school in the morning, he enters ... universities!

Those who get up early are told: “Sit down, the lesson is not over yet!”

Petrov, why were you late for the lesson?

Left the house late.

Couldn't you have left before?

It was already too late to leave...

Traditionally, Russian school martial arts is a fight against laziness.

We have a sign at school that if you lean out the window the night before the exam and ... learn all the tickets, then you will definitely pass.

Scary tale for graduates: "Baba USE".

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?

It means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but you were not asked!

At the OB lesson.

When crossing the road, look at the cars, not at the traffic lights. Traffic lights haven't hit anyone yet.

Semyonova whimpers during the exam:

Mary Ivanna! I don't deserve a two!

I know, but unfortunately we don't have lower ratings!

I hope, Ivanov, you seriously prepared for the exam?

Of course, Edward Ivanovich. Imagine, I studied day and night.

Day and night. This is what I represent. I can’t imagine anything else: what can you learn in one day?

Lazy student answer:

We will do it, but not sooner than later.

Mary Ivanna, is it possible to punish a person for what he did not do?

You can't, Vovochka.

Mary Ivanna, I didn't do my homework!

During a medical examination at school, the doctor asks Vovochka:

Do you have any complaints about your nose or ears?

Eat! They interfere with me when I put on a sweater.

Mom is not as scary as first graders draw her.

To be on top in all subjects, you need ... to study on the top floor of the school.

I am fluent in Russian, English, French... and in other lessons too.

A good half of Russian teachers write comments in a diary, and the evil half also calls their parents to school.

- Notice that parents say “We didn’t act like this in childhood”, only if there are no grandparents nearby!

In a home economics lesson:

For Olivier salad, all products are cut into cubes, except for peas.

Are you ready for school already?

- Bought a diary and a belt ...

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!

Yes, he's not heavy.

Yes, and I'm weak!


Vovochka, what do you think an ideal school should be?

Locked, Maria Ivanovna.

Diary entry:

Parents! Cut the child's hair, I want to look into his eyes.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It gets away from everyone at some point.
And I want to cry and laugh
And I don't want to part with anyone
But childhood still leaves us.
It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or leave forever, depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a moment look into childhood and take a break from adulthood there.
Here comes the moment of farewell.
Our speech will be short:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.
Don't be really angry with them.
Even if they are guilty
Nothing is more precious than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.
If fatigue falls from the legs
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, your son will come to you
Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.
Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is it happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will fly by
And leave the hearth of the native
Your grown up children.
Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Sadly remember the past
About the days we were together.
How will you want
Back at this time again
To sing a song to them,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.
And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world
Please take care of your childhood!


Tale of the Lost School

Interlude script for a concert dedicated to teacher's day.
A small skit serves as a prologue for the students' performances and sets the tone for the entire concert. In addition, the unusual beginning of the concert will attract the attention of the audience and set them in a festive mood.

On the stage scenery depicting a school yard. In the courtyard there is a hut on chicken legs and a school building. They are drawn on large sheets of paper, and the sheets are fastened to each other so that in the course of action the hut “turns” into a school, that is, the sheet with the image of the hut is turned over, and it is replaced by a sheet with the image of the school.

Janitor (frightened).

God Almighty! The school is gone!

A noisy flock of pupils of junior and middle classes run out onto the stage.

1st boy (regretfully).

How are we now without school?
It's impossible without her!

Mom and dad at work...
Well, what about me? And what about me?

2nd boy (indignantly).

The school is clean, the school is tasty,
Cabbage pies at school!

1st girl (referring to a friend).

There is no school and no extension.
So you and I are homeless?

2nd girl (persistently).

Let's stand here and wait!

3rd girl (crying). My feet are cold...

3rd boy. Chick, fool! Don't squeak!
The teachers will help us.

The teachers take the stage.

Teachers (in disbelief):

- I have an essay about happiness in the ninth grade ...
“I have the Pythagorean theorem again today.
- I have a vocal circle ...
- Half past two - teachers' council ...

1st boy. Look, there is no building!

Teacher (surprised). Does that mean there are no jobs?

The teachers are confused. The students lower their heads, all but one brisk boy - Vanya.

Vania. What hung their heads?

Children (in chorus). We study the situation!

Vanya (examining the hut).

Instead of a school, the house is strange ...
Two legs, wooden.
Knock on the window - knock-knock.
Come out, since you are our friend!
Together we will decide everything
How can we get school back?

Baba Yaga. I can't hear the knock on the window!
I am deaf and...
You knock harder
Don't knock on the window, knock on the door.

Vanya knocks on the door. Baba Yaga leaves the house, yawns, stretches.

Baba Yaga. Good morning guys!

1st girl. Well, this is Grandma Yaga ...

Baba Yaga. Yes Yaga! So what?

Vania. Answer, Yaga, where is the school?!

Baba Yaga (sarcastically). School is nearby
Seven kilometers total.
Behind the river stands in the forest.
Resting… On vacation!

Vanya (resolutely). Schools don't go on vacation!
Teachers go on vacation
In the summer they go, not in a snowstorm.
Give us back school!

The girls start crying.

Baba Yaga. Don't cry, kids!
I'm bored in the wilderness.
And from this terrible boredom
I hid the temple of science.
I don't go to theaters
I don't watch TV
You cheer me up
Raise your mood.
Here is my challenge for you:
For me, a concert
You are a school building.
Do you agree?
Children (in chorus). Unanimously!

Concert performed by students of the school.

Baba Yaga. Did my job -
I return the school building.

Baba Yaga claps her hands: the hut on chicken legs “disappears”, the school “appears”. The school bell rings. All participants take the stage.

Teachers. Good for us, it's good!
Baba Yaga (in despair). I won't go anywhere!
I'll be at school for free
Clean floors with a mop.

(To the audience.) All agree?
Spectators. Unanimously!

Baba Yaga. I know there will be school!
I know: the school is blooming,
When such people
In Russian schools there is!

The kids got creative

The kids got creative

New Year's scene for elementary school students

Children enter the stage, take out a poster, paints, brushes, sit down with their backs to the audience and begin to draw something on the poster. The audience does not see the picture.

The teacher comes out onto the stage.

Teacher. Guard! Epidemic! Doctor! Doctor!
The ambulance siren sounds, the Doctor appears.
Doctor. What's happened? What's happened?
Teacher. The kids are sick! Sitting all day and doing something! There will be no new year! We declare quarantine.
Doctor. I do not understand anything…
Teacher. Now I'll explain everything!

The Teacher and the Doctor sing to the tune of the song "So-and-so Escaped from the Palace" from the cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians".

Verse 1 (Master sings):
Look Doctor! What
Happened to youth?
Sitting in place all day
Do not make noise, well, at least you crack!
Chorus (Doctor sings):
So what's wrong with that, dear friend!
No noise, no noise! And everything is quiet!

2nd verse (Doctor sings):
Calm down, Teacher!
You are not a pest to children.
Look, it's all right:
The boys have been busy!
Chorus (Master sings):

Such a misfortune! What to do? Help! Probably, all this was set up by the enemies!

Doctor. Calm down, everything will be fine! (Examines children: puts thermometers, touches forehead, looks at throat.) That's it!
Teacher (horrified). What all? Are they incurable?
Doctor. Don't know!
Teacher. How are you a doctor?
Doctor. And what?
Teacher. Like what"? Give them some medicine!
Doctor. I don't know what to treat them for!
Teacher. And what do you offer?
Doctor. Assemble a council!

An ambulance siren sounds, and Dr. Evil and Dr. Good run onto the stage.

Doctor Evil. Where are my test subjects? A?
Doctor Good. Ah, you as always! Where are my little patients here?
Doctor Evil. Wow my little mice! Well, let's prepare?
Teacher. How do we prepare?
Doctor Evil. Let's open the brain, look at the stomach - what if they got poisoned?
Teacher. I'm not giving it!
Doctor Good. Do not worry, everything will be OK!
Doctors approach children.
Doctor Evil. Amputate your arm!
Doctor Good. This is a very hasty decision! You can just take a splinter out of your finger!
Doctor Evil. Yes?! And this is forty shots!
Doctor Good. For what? One pill is enough!
Doctor Evil. Don't interfere! Radical measures are needed here! They are sick - look! They behave strangely: they sit, they are silent… They… they work! It's not normal at their age! It's a plague! We must burn everything!
The teacher gasps, faints, Doctor Good picks him up.
Doctor Good. Don't worry, your kids are getting creative! And this, fortunately, is incurable. But, of course, the holiday will take place!
Doctor Evil. Ugh! What unscientific nonsense! I can't listen to it!

Dr. Evil goes backstage. The children rise from their seats and walk to the edge of the stage. The teacher and the doctors stand next to them. Song to the melody "Songs about a Dream" (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Y. Entin).

Verse 1 (doctors sing):
The children are healthy, the time is right,
The guests have gathered, the holiday is coming.
And there are many smiles in our house.
Here it is happiness! There is none sweeter!
Chorus (sing all together):
Ah, if my dream came true
What life would then be!
Ah, if the dream came true
What life would then begin!

2nd verse (sings Teacher):
What a day! And is it a holiday?
Well, New Years! Well, you're a prankster!
Fainting, shaking, straining and stress!
And is this happiness? Sheer misfortune!

3rd verse (doctors sing):
We wanted to congratulate you all
Happiness, health you leave here!
And so that the old year takes away troubles!
Here it is, meet our New Year!

Battle of the Teachers

Battle of the teachers.

Host: So let's start the program, the "battle of teachers" - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you, everything is honest with us and without setups, swaying, tips and trips.

To complete the task, a teacher of elementary grades Ivanova Marya Ivanovna is invited. Marya Ivanovna, you will enter the classroom today and force a third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me a diary.
Student: I won't.
Teacher: Sidorov, open the briefcase, take out the diary.
Student: My grandmother took him to read before going to bed.
Teacher: Vasya, give me a diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.
Vasya: Why?

Moderator: Unfortunately, the time is up.
We invite the second teacher - Petr Petrovich Petrov.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I will give you candy.
Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!
Student: And what did I not see there?

Leading: It is not regrettable, but the second teacher did not have time to complete this task in time. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don't you give the diary to teachers?
Student: I forgot at home (slides down the desk)
Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE
Student: No. (unsure)
Teacher: I'm calling my father (takes out the phone, pretends to choose in contacts)
Student: (takes out the diary on which he was sitting) Mom to the diary, just don’t call your father! those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents has yielded results this week - what will be the next battle, you will find out tomorrow.

Micha: Opanki, they can see here instead of TV in the old fashioned way they use fruits and utensils.

Bogdan: Listen guys! There are a lot of us? A lot of! Why can't we pull a girl out of some swamp?

Micha: Yeah, Bogdanchik, only the old woman talks about the knight, but this is not observed among us.

Bogdan (proudly): Maybe you don’t consider yourself a knight, but all the girls of our school consider some of us to be an idol. So, it's worth a try.

Micha: He is talking about himself, right? Well, a knight! If he is a knight, then I am an Indian cow.

Stasik: I've been looking at something for a long time, you remind me of a ruminant animal.

Goshka: Yes, okay guys! A knight is not a knight, but there is no other way for us from here. There are four of us, we can do it! Right guys? Lead us, old lady, to the palace.

(The music is removed)

Scene 4

The royal palace, the inconsolable king and queen, nearby Maryushka silently embroiders and sighs.

Queen(with a menacing voice): How many times have I told you, there was nothing to give Yank to Koshchei for training! She learned from him to set up experiments, to use witchcraft in everyday life. And he is glad, now she has gone to Koshchei to receive a higher witchcraft education.

King Jeremy: Yes, how are you, mother, your tongue turns to reproach me! And who said that hand washing is outdated, and a pressure cooker is needed for borscht! Who needed a food processor, and you see, it’s a shame to get to the balls on horseback! Daughter - clever, Yanochka, began to study the technique for mommy, and Elena the Wise all these little things - dryuchki with her white little hands tinkered. Well, at least Maryushka stayed, my affectionate hostess.

Queen: Yes, our daughters are smart, it’s immediately obvious that they didn’t go with their minds to dad, but only you, your royal slovenliness, should understand that the grooms are picky now and they don’t want to take girls without education as wives. Only education education is different! You would have to turn your eyes on the exam, but you still distinguish science in the old fashioned way. And I found a teacher for my daughter, Professor Kashchei!

King Jeremy: You, little wife, have completely lost your mind. You forgot about the prophecy: whoever dares to go to the lair of the witches and rescue Elena the Wise from earthly and sea captivity, everything will fall into place. Oh, this good fellow would be found faster!

Queen: Quiet! Someone goes here. Come on, take on a regal air, not otherwise, the knights are volunteers.

Pythoness (appears with boys): Your Royal Majesty - Excellency, I brought your grace four good fellows, glorious heroes, not shy guys. They dared to go in search of your dear daughters, they want to hear a kind parting word.

Tsar: Who are they? What kind of tribe?

Bogdan(looking at Maryushka): Schoolchildren, we, from the XXI century, are ready to help you in your search.

Tsar: What they say, do not understand. Schoolchildren - schismatics?

Queen: You don't go into details. There were guys who wanted to lay down their heads, but don’t dissuade us, what difference does it make to us who finds their daughters .

Tsar: Who among you will find my daughters missing, that will be a royal reward from me - half a kingdom for each daughter as a reward.

Maryushka: Wait, good fellows, I can be with you!

Queen: Here's the news! Where are you, little one!

Maryushka: Father, mother, let me go - the road for the sisters, I will show the way to the good fellows, I will tell you about the secret paths. (How I want to become a designer, to open my own workshop for tailoring fashionable clothes! And in the royal chambers, I can’t achieve all this in any way.)

Tsar: Only over my dead body!

Queen: Do not perform, I suppose, not in the theater! Let it go! With such eagles will not be lost! Good luck, come back soon, good luck!

To the music, the heroes are removed, the curtain, the music and scenery change. A dense forest, in the middle there is a stone with the inscription: “If you go to the left, you will lose your freedom, if you go straight, you will lose your mind, if you go to the right, you will ruin your reputation.”

Scene 5

Heroes stop in front of the inscription.

Goshka: Yes, it's called a choice.

Micha: We must go straight, whoever does not have something, then it is not a pity to lose.

Stasik: You have nothing to lose, but I don’t want to go stupid all my life, I have to turn right. What is a reputation - no one knows, so it is not a pity to wet it.

Bogdan: Hey, reputation is the opinion of others about a person. Earning the respect of people is not easy, and losing what has already been achieved is easy.

Goshka: Sure, you need to turn left. Slaves in Rome and serfs in Rus' fought for freedom with weapons in their hands, but there are many of us - we will not give up our freedom to anyone.

Bogdan: You don't know history very well. Don't you remember how all these uprisings ended?

Maryushka: No, guys, Gosha is right, I feel in my heart that this road leads to my sisters.

Goshka: Then go ahead!

Music is heard, a gang led by Atamansha jumps onto the stage. They sing the song “One-Eyed Pirate” on the lyrics. Yu.Entina, music. D. Tukhmanova.,<>.

Atamansha: Who are they? What is needed?

Micha: We came to rescue the royal daughters! And who are you?

Atamansha: And we supply free labor to Koshchei. He himself is still engaged in science, he has no time to clean his shoes, but to cook porridge for himself, slaves are required. Come on, guys, grab your little hands from behind the legs, and drag them to Kashchei.

Goshka: Guys, it seems to smell of fried! Become in all-round defense!

Bogdan: You're talking business, Goshka! We need to protect each other.

A fight to the music, the guys quickly cope with the gang, they grab the Atamansha, she squeals.

Micha: So what are you, girl?

Atamansha: And what, imperceptibly?

Micha: So you're all dirty! How did you come to such a life?

Atamansha: Magda, the great sorceress, promised that if I block the entrance to Koshchei with my friends, then she will turn me into a beauty, which the world has never seen!

Maryushka: And you believed! Without washing for years, but adopting savage habits, when will you become a beauty? Years that way in 200! (Takes out a sponge, washes dirt from Atamansha's face).

Stasik: Yes, you, it turns out, and without Magda's love spells - nothing.

Maryushka: Come with us, we will take you to Koshchei, he knows a magic remedy for dirt - a mixture of salts of sodium, oleic and stearic acid.

Goshka: What?

Bogdan: Eh, Goshka, you are a good guy, you just need to study more, because every schoolchild knows that we are talking about the simplest solid soap!

Goshka: Oh, what a shame in front of a robber! Here, let me just get back, in due time, I will definitely start studying properly!

Maryushka (Atamanshe): Let's go, let's go, it won't be worse than it is.

They all go to the Koshcheev Palace together, enter the Koshcheev Hall to the mysterious music.

Scene 6

Koschey, together with Yanka, pour something into the vat, clouds of smoke and fire escape from there. The guests come closer and hear the conversation:

Koschey: I believe, colleague, that you should not use diquatetrahydroxoaluminate in this case.

Yanka: Well, how about it, teacher, because under the action of alkalis, fats should break down into glycerol and fatty acid.

Koschey: This is true, but why is it needed here ....

Maryushka: So, they are doing experiments here, but the fact that their parents got tired, that their sister was kidnapped, that time turned back and the future got mixed up with the present, does not concern them!

Yanka: Maryushka! How did you get here? Who are these people?

Maryushka: These people from the future came to us! Space and time were bent by the grace of Magda and Amalia. Our sister, Elena the miserable, for her mind and beauty, Magda and Amalia hid in the kingdom of the sea. They say that a knight from the future was supposed to come for Elena, and as soon as she takes him by the hand and says a warm word of gratitude, everything in the fairy-tale and earthly world will fall into place. You understand that this is not included in the plans of the earthly and sea witches. Without the help of your scientific and educational efforts, we will not be able to do anything, and we need not only to rescue Elena, but also to return these young boys back to the future.

Koschey: So, of course, again a competing company confuses plans. Indeed, we are too carried away with experiments, it's time to apply our knowledge and skills in action! Come on, Yanochka, look into the vat magically - chemical, where our travelers should move on. (Fire breaks out in the vat.)

Yanka: I see, I see, teacher, the whole team must go along a straight path from the stone, you will have to solve puzzles that Magda came up with, only those puzzles are so difficult that a hundred noble knights have already lost their minds from stress, solving those riddles.

Micha: I told you to go straight ahead.

Yanka: I only see the magic number of infinity - 8, which means that the Magdino spell will fall if 8 correct answers are given to all 8 questions.

Bogdan: Nonsense, I can handle all the questions.

Koschey: No, young man, each question must be answered each time by someone else, otherwise the spell will remain.

Goshka: Well, I got into trouble, because of my laziness I will let the guys down, because I won’t be able to answer a single question.

Stasik: Yes, but there are only seven of us, how can we be?

Koschey: Okay, I'll shake the old days, I'll go with you, because Koschei I'm withered from great knowledge, how not to help the nice guys!

Everyone shouts “Hurrah!” Everyone leaves to the music, reappears at the stone with the inscription.

Scene 7

The sorceress Magda dances and sings at the stone to the motive of the song “Baba Yaga” by D. Tukhmanov<>, <>.

Magda: Oh, whom I see, what people! What, did you decide to straighten the space, but put time in place? So, you lazybones can use all the benefits of civilization, but we, backward and dark, cannot!

Maryushka: Don't talk to us! Tell me where you took my sister.

Magda: And I didn't take it anywhere! Elena is wise, the only one who knows the answers to all my questions, maybe she, of all the people I know, has the right to enjoy the benefits of civilization! But these friends who have cool mobile phones do not know at all how they work. These your vaunted people from the future are used to downloading all knowledge from the Internet, and in their heads there is emptiness. They are not used to living with their own mind!

Bogdan: How dare you talk about the next generation like that!

Magda: Oh, let's not argue! Prove that you are smart and well-read, guess all my riddles - puzzles! Then I will show you the way to the underwater kingdom, to my friend Amalia the sea! It is there that your sister and friend Elena stoum gets wet. And if you don’t guess, you will forever remain in the past, you will plow the land here with a plow, carry water in buckets, weave bast shoes.

Koschey: You don't scare too much! Where are your tasks, ask!

Amalia: Yes, a strange company has come! (Looks at each character.) Magdochka said that the spell would break if the knight galloped after Elena the Wise. I don't see a single knight among this company.

Yanka: And what kind of lady is this?

Amalia: Well, firstly, I am not a lady, but the princess of the water state herself.

Maryushka: We need you, they say, our sister Elena the Wise is toiling in captivity, it’s time for you, Amalia, to stop mocking good people.

Amalia: Who, you poor, honest people, offends?

Koschey: Eh, Amalia, it's time for you and Magda to stop being weird with the times, there is nothing to confuse the discoveries of the past and the future, everything has its turn.

Amalia: And no one is weird, but you, poor travelers, are probably tired, dying of thirst? After all, you had to go a long way?

Stasik: And in fact, we haven’t even had poppy dew in our mouths for a long time.

Bogdan: Yes, I wanted at least a sip of Coca-Cola to sip.

Koschey: What is this unusual drink?

Bogdan (dreamily): Oh, this is the most delicious drink of the future, you here, in the Far Far Away kingdom, have never dreamed of such.

Amalia: Why didn't you dream? Thanks to Magda and me, many novelties of the future can be in our hands. In addition, I am the queen of the entire water fairy element and can fulfill all your desires related to water. Order what you want?

Stasik: Well, in general, Bogdan and I, Coca-Cola.

Koschey: Why, give everyone an unprecedented drink!

Amalia (claps hands): Hey, you, sputum and dampness are fabulous, bring poison here - cola!

Music sounds, Amalia's assistants bring drinks on trays, everyone pounces on them, not noticing that Elena appears behind the trees. Amalia smirks. Only Goshka, opening his mouth, forgetting about the drink, looks in surprise at Elena (as at the beginning of the tale).

Elena: Sisters, dear, help me out. (No one can hear her over the noise.) How is it possible to completely forget about a person for a sip of water?

Amalia(mocking): And not only for a sip! Look, Elenushka, there is no sisterly fidelity, brotherly friendship left on earth! Forgot about you and guests overseas, and your sisters relatives!

Goshka, as in a dream: This is Lenka Krasnovskaya, and no Elena the Beautiful, although no, she looks even more beautiful here than we have there, in reality! Lenka, Lenka, it's me, Goshka, your classmate!

Lenka looks at Goshka in surprise, trying to remember something.

Goshka: Lena, don't pay attention to her, come on, hold my hand tight, I'll get you out of here! No troubles, no barriers will stop me! Even though I’m small in stature, even if I’m not as smart as Koschey, even if I don’t have such a power like Bogdan’s, but a fiery heart beats in my chest, but it won’t betray, won’t change, it will burn in any darkness.

Elena: Here is my hand! I thank you for not forgetting about your duty, not being seduced by sweets and goodies. With such a person, it’s not scary to go to the ends of the world!

Amalia (shouting): You're not going anywhere! Only a knight has the right to remove the spell! Look at this slob, what a knight!

Koschey: You, my dear, are mistaken. In all times, in all centuries, a man with a noble and courageous heart was called a knight, believe me, but I live more than you in the world.

Amalia: Do not be this! Hey, my servants, liquid, detain these ragamuffins.

Claps his hands. Disturbing music sounds, travelers huddle together. Servants of Amalia are circling around them, the curtain is closing, a terrible thunder is heard - lightning.

Scene 9

Four guys get up, clutching their heads.

Micha: Second attempt, unsuccessful.

Stasik: What was it? (Looking back.) The weather is gloomy.

Bogdan: I was late for tennis and didn't get to sambo.

Goshka: It was with us, wasn't it, was it a true story or a fiction?

Micha(getting up, feeling himself): Here, I don’t know, friends, am I or not me?

Stas: Hey, let's get up, what are we going to wallow here?

They give each other hands. They look at each other embarrassed.

Goshka: It was like being in a fairy tale or flying to the moon.

Stas: And they didn’t forget about the fight, how they beat each other here?

Bogdan: It was stupid, foolishly, we will disperse fraternally . (Goshke)- you are my friend now, take into account and forgive me for everything.

Goshka: How many roads we traveled in this fabulous distance, we managed to understand a lot, we were able to understand a lot!

Bogdan: It's great when two friends!

Stas: And when there are four

Goshka: We will go through all the roads

Micha: So many things - do not count!

Bogdan: What torments, sufferings, hardships and just persecutions do you need to try,

Goshka: What was clear, enemies and friends, that it was impossible to be alone in the world!

Three friends appear.

Yanka: Oh, girls, I don’t believe it, look there: Mishka, Goshka, Stas, Bogdanchik together - what kind of nonsense?

Maryushka: Have they really become friends, I don’t believe it, I don’t understand where they managed, how they managed, why and why?

Lenka: And I remember something: was it somewhere, with me? Goshka saved half the kingdom and brought me back home.

Stas: Hey girls, let's go to school, let's run with us!

goshka (with hope): And the control, probably, together we will decide together. A?..

Everyone takes the stage, sings the final song “Don't be sorry about anything” to music. R. Gorobets, sl. P. Zhaguna.

Scenario of the holiday "Ship of childhood"

Good afternoon Good afternoon

We want to tell you

Peace, happiness, kindness

wish on this day!

May luck accompany

you every hour.

Let's start our holiday

This holiday is for you!

Good afternoon everyone!
All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day. And today I would very much like to travel with you to the distant country of childhood on this beautiful ship.

What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!
Rummage in the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulia on the head with a spatula.
Arrange a fight with Seryozha because of a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
But childhood is gone forever. If only you knew where?
Perhaps we can get an answer to this question by listening to

song "Where does childhood go?" performed by Kryzhka Lyudmila and Tur Svetlana.

Childhood is golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me
Childhood is me and you!

We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with rays of eyes
dawns meet,
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where is the brighter world around
And louder bird trills.
Song "Pansies" Kubushko Snezhana and Galenduk Yulia

Let the globe spin

At daytime and at night

Only under the most peaceful sun

And under the peaceful moon!

May children's laughter be everywhere

Makes us all happy in life!

Let him get up and sleep

With a peaceful song man!

Song "Gnomes" Reva Arina and Bekhter Sonya

Poem Marchenko Irina

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.

Don't be really angry with them.
Even if they are guilty
Nothing is more precious than tears

If fatigue falls from the legs
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, your son will come to you
Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is it happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.

These golden days will fly by
And leave the hearth of the native
Your grown up children.

Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Sadly remember the past

How will you want
Back at this time again

And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world

Yes, friendship is good, just wonderful, but in order for you to have many friends, you must be honest and kind.

D come on, let's call Krivobokov Sasha, who will sing to us about kindness.

Song "If you are good"

The song "Together it's fun to walk"


It's a pity, childhood, that there is no return to you,

We didn't notice how we grew up.

But all your dreams from childhood

Song "Umbrella" Krivobokov Sasha and Kryzhka Luda.

Children draw on glass, children draw on asphalt,

They build a city on the sand - this is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ... And the children are little magicians.

But so many souls have been invested in their beautiful world on paper!

Here the sun, the sky is blue, here we are among fairy-tale heroes.

We are the ones who must protect their world from grief and war.

Children draw on glass and on asphalt... Let them draw!

And let the joy of childhood on Earth triumph forever!

Song "White Daisy" Kryzhka Luda

Childhood is the happiest time. Well, to whom, if not our kind grandmothers, we owe these moments of joy. Our dear grandmothers - you are the source of the kindest on earth - the source of life. You pass through your heart and soul all the hardships of our daily life. You don't have free time.

Grandmother is a dear kind person, without whom it is difficult to do in life. After all, for your grandchildren, you are the best friends. Krivobokov Sasha sings about this in song "I live with my grandmother."

Song "Clouds" Sonya Bekhter

Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It gets away from everyone at some point.
And I want to cry and laugh
And I don't want to part with anyone
But childhood still leaves us.
It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We leave in youth along rainbow paths,
Through snow and thick grasses.
We are leaving in youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about childhood.
But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or leave forever, depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a moment look into childhood and take a break from adulthood there.

Here comes the moment of farewell.
Our speech will be short:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!

"Ship of childhood" Tour Ruslan

Poems for children

I cut off a sliver and I will make a boat,

And with a harsh thread I will tie the sail.

And let him go to the white world,

But he will return to the shore, where I am waiting for him.

I will give my boat to my little brother -

Maybe someday he'll be a sailor.

Let from childhood itself with the changeable wind

And he will be familiar with the stubborn wave.

The wind will rise, the sails will fill

They will carry my boat to distant lands.

All cherished dreams will finally come true

If I believe in a good fairy tale.

Take care of your kids...

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.

Don't be really angry with them.
Even if they are guilty
Nothing is more precious than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue falls from the legs
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, your son will come to you
Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is it happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will fly by
And leave the hearth of the native
Your grown up children.

Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Sadly remember the past
About the days we were together.

How will you want
Back at this time again
To sing a song to them,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.

And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world
Please take care of your childhood!

Description of the material. I offer you a script for an entertainment event dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day. This script is educational and entertaining. Thanks to this scenario, you can expand the horizons of children in the field of literature, develop creative abilities, systematize knowledge of the rules of the road, improve health, charge children with energy and good mood.

Children's age 7-12 years old.


educational. Expanding horizons. Systematization of knowledge on the rules of the road.

Educational. Development of creative abilities, imagination, logical thinking. Development of communication skills.

Educational. Fellowship, mutual assistance.

Conduct form: journey

Methodological techniques. Game situations, conversation-dialogue

Equipment: 2 cones, 2 mops, 2 balls, scissors, colored paper, ribbons, stapler, bags, artificial flowers.


Cat Basilio

fox alice

police dogs


Stephanie girl


Scenario progress.

(Clowns run in to cheerful music.)

1st clown.

What's that noise? What's the hum?

Real ramble!

How many of you are here today?

I can't count in a day!

2nd clown.

Here are Sasha and Natasha,

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vova, Glory, Petit -

Here are the children!

1st clown. Hello, friends! All those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who do not have any! Hello to everyone who has pigtails and ponytails and hair sticking out in different directions! Hello smart, funny and ordinary. We congratulate you on a wonderful time of the year - summer! With sometimes amazing adventures and discoveries!


1) Hello, berry summer!

Meet your guests soon!

The strawberries ripen

Ivan tea blooms.

2) Reveal your secrets,

strawberry boxes,

Treat summer with gifts!

Let the flowers bloom in the meadows!

3) Let it sparkle in the glades

emerald dew,

The birches are green

Silky hair!

4) Let the river call coolness,

The sun pours over the edge

And ripens in fat ears

Delicious, fluffy loaf!

5) Hello summer, sea of ​​light,

Sun, air, heat!

Waiting for you today

Looking forward kids!

The song "Summer without questions" performed by a vocal group.

2nd clown. We invite you, my little friends, to go to the amazing land of Childhood, where all dreams come true and miracles happen!!! And we will go on a chamomile train.

Get ready for the morning train

Waist-high herbs have been waiting for you for a long time,

Hurry to the forests and fields,

While the earth shines with gems.

Cat Basilio: Oh-pa. And where did we get to?

Fox Alice: (Laughs). Don't know.

1st clown. Hello. Who are you?

Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly). Hello. I am Lisa Alice, and this is ...

Cat Basilio: (Approaches the Fox Alice and pushes the Fox Alice away). So so so. Don't talk to us with your teeth, say where is the gold?

1st clown. What gold?

Cat Basilio: What, what? Golden! As if you don't know, well, what else Pinocchio dripped five saltos in the ground.

2nd clown. I'm sorry, but where were you going?

Cat Basilio: Where where. To the land of fools On the field of miracles.

2nd clown. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio: (Turns to Lisa Alice). Well, where did you take me?

Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would come to the wrong place.

Cat Basilio:(grimaces). How did I know? How did I know?

1st clown. Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.

Fox Alice: What holiday is today?

1st clown. What don't you know? Well, if you think well.

fox alice: Think you're talking. ABOUT! I remembered, the day of baked legs!

2nd clown. No. You are not right.

Cat Basilio: Today is smoked herring day.

2nd clown. What do you. What do you. You are wrong again.

Cat Basilio: No? What day is today?

1st clown.(Turns to children). Kids, let's remind our guests what holiday it is today.


1. On the day of June, the first day,

Let's drive laziness out of sight,

Let's say "no" to boredom

Distribute sweets to friends;

2. We will jump and jump,

Play all sorts of games

Smile and joke

And be kind to each other.

Cat Basilio: So what? What is good about this holiday?

2nd clown. Well, like what? Children are gold.

Cat Basilio: Oh. Gold. So Alice we came right. Let's go for gold (they begin to pull the child towards them).

2nd clown. Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.

Cat Basilio: Fine. What are you doing here?

1st clown. We are now embarking on a journey. To the country of childhood, where there are many amazing games, quizzes and other wonders. But do you like games?

fox alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens and fish. (licks lips). But my friend Cat Basilio likes to play with mice. We love to play with passion, especially in those games where dexterity, ingenuity, and skill are manifested.

1st clown. We invite you with us to the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio. Hooray, let's quickly go to this country. Maybe I'll find a whole pile of gold there and buy myself a carload of fish and milk.

2nd clown. We take seats in the wagons. Good luck.

(a recording of the sound of a locomotive whistle sounds). (Children, imitating the train, go to the station. Arriving at the station, the children are divided into 2 teams).

1 station "Sportivnaya"(conducted by Sportocus)

(a recording of Lev Barashkov's song "A coward does not play hockey" sounds)

The game "Hockey with a mop."

Are you real athletes? Do you love hockey? Yes, now everyone loves hockey and even girls play it! You know that hockey happens with a ball and a puck. And we have hockey with a mop! You line up one after another, with this mop you have to push the ball to the finish line and back. And pass the mop to another participant.

(After the end of the relay race, the children, by recording the sound of a diesel whistle, go to the next station)

2 station "Two swoops, two floods"(guided by Stephanie)

Dance (any dance music sounds, the children repeat the movements after the leader. The team that performed all the movements and made no mistakes wins)

Continue on to the next station.

1st clown. Look, guys, who is sitting on the stump, looking at the guys at everyone ...

3 station "There on unknown paths"


I've been sitting here for a long time

I'm waiting for the kids.

Glad to invite all my friends

The holiday will be more fun.

Come on, sing a little song.

The song Anthem of the Barbarikov "What is kindness" sounds performed by a vocal group. (other kids sing along)

Pierrot. You sing well, but do you know that you ended up in a fairyland?

There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them...

How many fairy tales do you know?

(questions are asked in turn to the teams, the team that gave the correct answers to all the questions wins)

1. What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who sings the song:

“... I am every beast

Stronger and braver!

Trembling before me

clumsy bear,

When will the bear

Defeat me!"

2. In what fairy tale did such an event occur:

“...Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along the street, along the road, straight to the king ...”

3. About whom they say - “She has only two legs! What misery! She doesn’t even have a mustache!…”

5. Which fairy-tale hero was one of the sons of the old tin spoon?

6. In which fairy tale did the princess find her fiancé with the help of a pea?

7. What boy was supposed to put out the word "eternity", for which he was promised to give skates and the whole world?

8. What was the name of the elf queen Maya at the beginning of the tale?

9. What did the Goldfish answer to each request of the old man?

10. Which fairy tale ends with the words:

“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Good fellows lesson!”?

11. What did the queen say, looking into the magic mirror?

12. What fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is pushing

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

13. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea?

14. How did a man divide one goose without offense into seven: a master, a lady, sons, two daughters, and did not offend himself?

(Go to the next station)

4 station "Svetofornaya"(conducted by police dogs)

The siren sounds, the police dogs come out.

Police dogs.

Dear young citizens!

We send you police greetings to everyone and everyone!

We invite children to a wonderful game!

This game is the most needed!

Because all of you are a little bit naughty!

Too many dangerous things

Our smart and lively children!

There's a lot more traffic in the streets

It's time to raise some respect for him!

To halt the streets to teach the kids,

We started our game!

Think - Guess

Rules: you must give the correct answer and not shout it out in unison. The one with the most points for correct answers wins.


How many wheels does a car have? (4)

How many people can ride on one bike? (1)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroad)

What is a roadway for? (For traffic)

On which side of the road is the vehicle moving? (On the right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (accident or accident)

What is the top light on the traffic light? (Red)

At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle on the street? (from 14 years old)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does the crosswalk look like? (On the zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into an underpass? (Down the stairs)

If there is no sidewalk, where can pedestrians move? (On the side of the road on the left, towards the traffic)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police cars)

What does the traffic police inspector hold in his hand? (Wand)

Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground)

5 station "fantasy"(meets Pinocchio's children)

cat and fox. Oh dear, got it! Tell me, where did you hide the gold?

Pinocchio. Gold? I didn't hide the gold. Gold is my friends, whose heads are whole pantries of ideas and fantasies. Look, dear cat and Alice, what my friends can come up with.

Task for children.

Make a summer suit from improvised material.

The cat and the fox (watching how the children make things). Can we also come up with something like that?

(Clowns and Pinocchio allow, but warn it to be kind)

Cat and fox. We realized that the main gold is not money, but friends with their ideas.

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “friendship is worth its weight in gold.” Take us to your company, we also want to have such gold.

Barbarika's song "Song of Friendship" is performed by all children and heroes.

At the end of the event, a disco for all children is announced.

Elena Chenchenko

November 19 in our kindergarten, as part of the Week of Kindness and before World Children's Day campaign"Territory of good deeds". On this day, teachers conducted classes about kindness with children, made gifts for kids, bird feeders, read works about kindness. Parents were not left out either. This day they spent for the children « Holiday of Childhood»

Event progress:

To the cheerful music, the children gather in the hall.

Vedas: Hello guys! Today we have a wonderful day, bright and joyful! And why? Yes, because children always celebrate on November 20 holiday. What is this holiday?

Yes it World Children's Day. Everyone on Earth wants our children to grow up happy, to learn, play, be healthy, smart, the most wonderful children! And today we start our « Childhood holiday» .

Today is a wonderful day

We know everything about that.

And we congratulate everyone

Happy wonderful day!

We dance merrily

And we sing along!

Let it be joyful today

Children's eyes shine!

A song is being performed "Smile"

Leading: Oh, guys, what's the noise? I think we have guests.

(Baba Yaga runs in)

Baba Yaga: Hey babes!

Oh my legs are tired

For a long time I was going to you

And dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on the best dress

I combed my hair with a fork,

Picked her teeth with a match.

There were no scissors in the house,

I had to bite my nails.

Here, on holiday I came,

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shakes all hands)

Baba Yaga. Do you want to play? Then repeat after me.

A game "Repeat"

How do you live? - Like this! (children put their thumbs forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (children walk in place)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (children imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is that sound coming from my purse). This is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are many children nearby. Will you play with him?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Then listen to the rules!

dance game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands, dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). It's clear?

Baba Yaga: How fun I am! And you?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga A: Well, that's too much! I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumble "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Baba Yaga: Answer loudly unanimously: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends".

answer loudly, but

there is one condition:

Somewhere you say nothing

And where it is necessary - there shout!

Which of you, tell me, children, dreamed of summer for a whole year?

How many of you will now find out, is dying of boredom here?

Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?

In summer, who surprises everyone - lying in bed resting?

Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

Baba Yaga: Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me. Actually, I had fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always be friendly and cheerful.

Carlson flies into the hall to the music.

Carlson. Hey guys, you called me? You are not bored, you probably want to play pranks? Let's play this game. It's called "Trousers" Here are trousers for each team, choose who will wear them. And here is a basket with balls, now on command we begin to fill your friend’s pants with balls, and when the command sounds "End" we will count how many balls are in the pants, which team won the most!

An attraction game is being played "Trousers".


"Pass the balloon on the shoulder blade"

"Jumping Hops".

"Zhmurki with a bell".

A song is being performed "Inseparable Friends"

Carlson: Shine smiles, warmed by the sun!

Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Grow all not frail, mobile children!

And become sweet, good children!

Goodbye friends! See you soon! (runs away).

Leading: The songs were sung and danced, and now it's time - not to sleep!

It's time for us to draw!

Now take the felt-tip pens and draw on the poster what you need for happiness.

Let in your drawings will: happiness, sun, friendship!

On this wonderful day, I invite all: draw with us!

To cheerful music, children draw with felt-tip pens, blow bubbles.

Leading: Our holiday ends but we won't be sad.

May the sky be peaceful for the joy of good people,

Let the children live on the planet, not knowing worries,

To the joy of dads, moms, rather growing up!

Dance of little ducks (together).

Related publications:

(script of the summer holiday dedicated to Children's Day) Presenter: - Hello guys! How many bright smiles we see on yours.

Scenario of entertainment "House of happy childhood!""House of Happy Childhood" "Grandmother does not jump, grandfather does not jump. It means nothing to the Convention. The child is supposed to grow up, make noise,

Scenario of entertainment "Games of our childhood" Joint entertainment with parents during the week of games and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear parents, we welcome you to our.

Synopsis - entertainment "Hello, childhood holiday!" Structural subdivision of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 6 of the city of Otradny.

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