Parting words of graduates to first-graders on the last bell. Performance of first-graders at the last bell

Solemn holiday The Day of Knowledge, held in every school on September 1, helps the children to remember again about interesting and entertaining learning. But for first-graders, being on the line on September 1 is exciting and even frightening. Dispel the fears of the children and give them unforgettable memories a beautiful parting word to first-graders, pronounced by parents, graduates or teachers, will help from such an event. Touching instructions in prose or poetry will help kids forget about experiences and easily tune in to study, getting interesting and useful knowledge within school walls.

A beautiful parting word to first-graders from graduates - for the line for Knowledge Day in verse

One of the most beautiful and indeed useful words with parting words before studying on September 1, first-graders can hear it from graduates. Wishes and edifications in verse will help kids forget about worries and good mood meet the holiday of Knowledge Day, without fear to cross the threshold of the school for the first time.

What parting words in verse can graduates on the line on Knowledge Day dedicate to first graders?

Graduates can choose both short and long verses to speak to first grade students. Among the proposed examples, you can easily find original works with which the line for Knowledge Day will become truly unforgettable and touching.

We have passed this difficult path,

But forget about the difficulties!

After all, school is the best time,

Enjoy it, kids!

There are friends, teachers,

There is a lot of knowledge and goodness here!

Learn, don't be lazy

And suddenly all dreams will come true!

We face a difficult choice

Think about who we should be.

And you guys are fine

There is plenty of time for thoughts!

What will you become - a doctor? Weaver?

Or a famous strongman?

Look for your calling

Summer flew by quickly

It's time for us, friends, to work!

This year is very important

He carries a million fives!

You learn, baby, excellent,

Look good at school!

Be good

Make more friends!

You accept congratulations

For now, the students

So we used to be

In the first class furtively walked.

We were afraid and shy

And a little upset

That I had to leave the garden

But here everyone was very happy with us!

We will take you to class together,

There is no need for embarrassment here.

We'll explain everything

And we'll sit in the extension!

Good luck and good hour,

Be even better than us!

Examples of beautiful poems with parting words from graduates for first graders

Choose Nice words parting words for students in grade 1 from graduates can be among the following examples. Beautiful texts will give children positive emotions and help them forget about worries and worries.

Are you going to school for the first time?
You worry a little.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

A briefcase, and a form, and a bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
Wishes and advice
We are ready to give you everything.

The road is open for you
Meet the school at the gate.
Crossing its thresholds
You will enter the academic year.

Your first year is the most important:
Backpack, teacher, class, lesson...
But you be brave
Until the bell rings!

And let your knowledge multiply
The teacher admires the grip
And relations with the class will develop,
Parents are pleasantly surprised!

We know you're not laughing today
You are serious and important as ever.
Going to school is not fun for you,
This is serious. Of course!

Yesterday you were a very little prankster,
Today you are already a big first grader.
You will be wise now
After all, the door to knowledge in school is wide open.

How elegant you are, with a bouquet in your hand,
You go with a briefcase, not light.
You are at school, try not to let us down
And always get a lot of fives.

Lovely and touching parting words from parents should be the very first to sound for all first graders. After all, it is the beloved mothers and fathers who will be able to instill confidence in their children. Such texts for September 1 can be included in the line program immediately after congratulations from the school principal or after first-graders meet their teachers.

Poems with touching parting words for 1st grade students from parents for the September 1 line

To make the line for Knowledge Day really memorable for kids, you need to instruct their mom and dad to learn beautiful and cute parting words in verse. Such works can be performed both at the general holiday on September 1, and at extracurricular activities held for elementary school students.

We congratulate you today children,
This applause sounds for you!
Learn only the best guys
After all, school is the highest reward!

Appreciate the knowledge that they give you at school,
And apply them everywhere: here and there ...
Appreciate and be proud of your teachers,
For their merits, you are only learning well!

Appreciate, children, your school years,
After all, this is the best, trust us, it's time!
We wish you happiness dear guys,
You are schoolchildren, so lovely!

Are you going to school today
ahead academic year,
Happiness, joy, health,
May you be lucky in everything!

Conquer all the spaces
And get "excellent"
We will help you in everything
And don't forget about sports!

Our precious child
Let success await you
Congratulations on the day of knowledge
You are the most precious thing in the world!

Happy Knowledge Day to our children!
Learn - do not be lazy, knowledge is light.
After all, education, the ability to create and think
You will be useful right up to old age.

Learn with genuine interest
As long as your head is clear.
Let there be like-minded people
You have at least a whole class.

Good luck to you in the field of knowledge,
Try to pore over the mistakes,
Find yourself, friends, well, calling
We wish you the first of September!

Original parting words to first-graders from teachers - for the holiday of Knowledge Day on September 1

The child's first teachers are his reliable support at school at any time. It is they who support the kids, instill in them a love of science and learning. Therefore, the first teachers must necessarily say parting words to each first grader present on the line. Only in this way, in the face of wise and strict teachers, the children will be able to see good helpers and true friends.

Examples of original parting words for students in grade 1 from teachers on the holiday of Knowledge Day

Solemn parting words in prose are great for reading by future teachers for first graders. Among the proposed examples, you can find original and beautiful parting words for all beginners in elementary school.

IN beautiful morning, in sunny hour,

You will come, baby, to your first class!

And I will proudly present the first prescription!

Try to always get fives,

And don't be shy, try to answer!

You will become friends, you will be a noisy crowd

I'll take you to the dining room!

Your school will be like a home

We will always be waiting for you there!

How glad we are that now you have come to school, to the first grade!

Here you can’t be lazy at all, you need to study well,

You be diligent, try

If you know, don't be shy!

Raise your hand and speak loudly!

Be the first always, everywhere,

After all, you are quite an adult.

Go bolder today new life,

Hold on tight to my hand!

Congratulations and instructions to first-graders on September 1 can be carried out not only by teachers or parents, but also by the headmaster, head teacher. It is better for them to choose parting words in prose that will sound both solemn and touching on the ruler.

Examples of short parting words in prose for first-graders for the holiday of Knowledge Day on September 1

In the proposed examples, you can easily pick up both official and touching parting words. The specified prose can be read to first-graders by a representative of the school administration, guests invited to the Knowledge Day holiday.

Dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the first Day of Knowledge in your life! Today a new page of life is opening before you - school time. Let it be filled with vivid impressions, useful knowledge, amazing discoveries. We wish you patience, health, strength and energy!

Our dear first-graders, our joy and sunshine, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. We wish you to be fearless and strong, skillful and dexterous, cheerful and fast, smart and loud. May this day be a successful start for interesting discoveries and informative stories, to reveal all your talents and exciting ideas.

Wonderful children, dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. We wish you efforts and self-confidence, cheerful mood and exciting lessons, interesting and informative books, successful study and joyful leisure.

A touching and beautiful parting word to first-graders, pronounced on the line on September 1 by parents and teachers, can be considered best congratulations kids at the start of the school year. Such words of encouragement will help students to forget about embarrassment or fear and prepare with interest for the beginning of the school year. It will be no less useful for the children to hear parting words from graduates who will soon leave their beloved teachers and continue their education in colleges, lyceums, and universities. The wishes and instructions of high school students will allow expressing support to all first-graders and proving to them that the school is one big family in which they can reveal all their talents.

Reading parting words to first-graders on September 1 at the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge has long become a good tradition in many educational institutions. With kind, sincere and warm words teachers, school director and head teacher, parents and graduates apply to children entering the 1st grade. In verse and prose, they wish the kids to study well, be attentive in the classroom, treat teachers with respect and receive only excellent grades. These words emphasize the solemnity of the moment and enable first-graders to feel that they have already become full members of a large and friendly family named school.

A beautiful, optimistic and kind parting word to first graders in verse from parents

September 1 is an exciting moment for every student, but first-graders experience and feel it especially strongly. For them, it is from this day that a completely new life begins, alluring, bright and, at the same time, a little frightening. At school, everything is interesting and unusual. There are different rules and more serious requirements are imposed on each child. You have to get used to sitting quietly for 45 minutes in a lesson, listening carefully to the teacher and even going to the board to answer. Games and petty pranks fade into the background, and good behavior, respectful attitude towards teachers and friendliness towards classmates become mandatory.

Parents of kids speak about all this in their parting word. In optimistic and touching short rhymes, mothers and fathers wish their offspring to quickly and painlessly merge into new team, find good friends, immerse yourself in science and please teachers and relatives with zeal in learning, diligence, diligence, exemplary behavior and excellent grades. After all, it is Primary School gives children the very first fundamental knowledge about the world around them, teaches them to clearly distinguish what is “good” and what is “bad” and instills the main moral values accepted in modern society.

Examples of texts in verse for parting words from parents to first graders on September 1

Read books, do not offend the guys,
Study for four or five.
Collect a portfolio, do not forget anything,
Listen to the teacher, do not draw on the desks.
And also the parting word will be:
Fighting, biting, kicking is bad,
Be friends, help, protect, respect -
This is good, keep it up!

Golden autumn has come -
And with it your school year!
Children are being escorted today
Their mothers are sad at the gate ...

Children suddenly grew up
And here is your first school class!
Notebooks, folders, pens, books -
All this is waiting for its finest hour!

I sincerely wish you
Learn only on the "five"!
For the guys to respect
You did not dare to offend!

So that everyone praises in the lessons -
You, your mind and good disposition!
So that classmates love
To make your dream come true!

Be healthy, successful, strong,
Get out of trouble with victory!
May every day be happy
On a good life path!

How exciting these moments are -
Our kids are in first grade!
So serious and adult as if
We see you now for the first time!

Successes and failures await you:
From "five" to "two" is only a step!
We are always with you, which means
We will help you quickly!

First graders relatives -
Shoes, dresses, jackets -
Golden years await you
School bright days!

We wish you success
Many happy moments!
Let the "fives" without interference
They are waiting for you on the way!

Grow up guys
Find your friends here!
We will be very happy
For excellent children!

Congratulations on September 1 and parting words to first graders from teachers in prose

Not only parents congratulate their children on Knowledge Day. Optimistic and joyful parting words are said to newly made students and teachers. They joyfully welcome seven-year-old boys and girls within the walls of the school, try to create a calm, warm and comfortable environment for them, promise all kinds of help and bestow care and attention. Former kindergartners want to learn easily, always show interest in learning and not be afraid to experiment and make mistakes.

In beautiful and good phrases teachers tell their students why it is so important to go to school, to be attentive in the classroom and to delve into what the teacher is talking about. Kids are offered to get used to the classroom as quickly as possible, make new friends and join school life, which is so interesting, bright and rich in events, the memory of which remains with the students for life.

Variants of prose parting words and good wishes from teachers to first graders

Dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the first Day of Knowledge in your life! Today a new page of life is opening before you - school time. Let it be filled with vivid impressions, useful knowledge, amazing discoveries. We wish you patience, health, strength and energy!

Dear first graders, may the Day of Knowledge be bright for you and happy holiday. We wish you a joyful and cheerful school life, good grades, striving for knowledge and new discoveries. May your first academic year be successful, bright and interesting.

Wonderful children, dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. We wish you efforts and self-confidence, a cheerful mood and exciting lessons, interesting and informative books, successful studies and joyful leisure.

Dear first graders, today one of important days in your life. Today you are stepping on the threshold of knowledge, on the road of growing up, on the path of exciting discoveries! The door of the school has opened in front of you, which promises a lot of interesting, unknown and beautiful things. Learn, learn, communicate, absorb, take an example. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, on the first academic year, on the first bell, on new changes.

Original parting words to first graders from graduates

The most original and unexpected parting words are dedicated to first-graders by graduates. In my speeches, students of grade 11 recall how they themselves once crossed the threshold of the school for the first time as green and inexperienced kids, they were afraid of everything and did not know how to behave. But the years flew by unnoticed, and now beautiful, mature and experienced young men and women are standing on the line, looking at smart kids with a smile and a slight shade of sadness and realizing that they envy them a little. For these timid boys and girls, a rich school life is just beginning. There will be many bright, memorable meetings and pleasant emotions, fun events, good grades and comments on behavior, enthusiasm and tears, tests, exams, holidays, contests and reviews. In a word, everything that every student once experienced and will experience.

Eleventh-graders wish first-graders to feel at home at school, make new friends faster, be attentive in class, listen to teachers and actively participate in the life of their educational institution. After all, a wonderful school time will fly by unnoticed and will never happen again. So, you need to live it in such a way that all memories of this period are only kind, pleasant and optimistic.

The best parting words from school graduates for first graders

Don't count midges in the class
Listen to everything, remember.
Keep your portfolio in order
Books, pens and notebooks.

Don't forget your diary:
After all, you are now a student.
Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Don't be greedy, share
Be nice, don't fight.
Protect the weak in class
And don't get offended.

Friendship must be treasured
All live as one family.
Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Dear children, today your first school bell rings for you, just like for us 11 years ago. Remember this moment forever, because this first call will never happen again. Now all of you will have new friends, new interests, hobbies. You have a whole academic year ahead of you, try to spend it with dignity, to please teachers and your parents excellent study and the diligence of your behavior, because this is the main thing that you must learn in an interesting school life.

How glad we are that now you have come to school, to the first grade!
Here you can’t be lazy at all, you need to study well,
You be diligent, try
If you know, don't be shy!
Raise your hand and speak loudly!
Be the first always, everywhere,
After all, you are quite an adult.
Go bolder, today is a new life,
Hold on tight to my hand!

A first-grader sounds great, as every student is one. Be proud of this title of "First Grader" today. Behind the kindergarten and you begin a new one, interesting life. You have become students, which means that you will soon learn to write, read, count, draw and much more, all this is very interesting and informative, and most importantly, it will be useful to you in your future life. Good luck my first graders!

Cheerful and cheerful parting words to first graders on September 1 on the line in honor of Knowledge Day

Cheerful, cheerful, optimistic and joyful parting words on the solemn line on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge are dedicated to first-graders by all those present at the holiday. Children are greeted by the principal, head teacher and the entire teaching staff. They congratulate the kids on entering the first grade and wish the timid seven-year-olds to be diligent and attentive in the classroom, obey their mentors and always receive only good grades. To the beautiful touching phrases mothers, fathers and other relatives of first-graders join. They express hope that learning will be easy for children, and new friends from among classmates will certainly help to cope with any difficulties and problems that have arisen. Pupils address first-graders jokingly and with good humor high school. They advise the kids not to be afraid, to boldly raise their hands and answer at the blackboard, not to be late for classes and behave in such a way that teachers can always be proud of their wards. These good words inspire first graders and motivate them to be active, diligent, obedient and inquisitive.

Examples of texts with parting words for first graders by September 1

Dear first graders! Today is a very important day! Now you are students. A world of useful knowledge awaits you, having received which, you can become smart, educated adults. I would like to wish you patience and strength. Knowledge is not easy to come by. But don't worry, school is not only a responsibility, but also new friends with whom you will walk shoulder to shoulder, perhaps for the rest of your life. This happy holidays, interesting lessons, fervent changes and kind mentors-teachers who will always help you. Be attentive, cheerful, courageous and sympathetic! The Day of Knowledge! Good luck!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day
I wish you wonderful school years
I'm a little jealous, I confess
You, but it's a fucking secret.

Do not be upset at the end of summer -
All entertainment ahead.
And life will be like candy
If you go to class with a smile.

Dear first-graders, today you are on the threshold of new knowledge, a lot of interesting and exciting things await you. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you to become friendly and fun class, together overcome the funny pages of the primer and easily click on any puzzles. Good luck, first class!

Are you going to school for the first time?
You worry a little.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

A briefcase, and a form, and a bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
Wishes and advice
We are ready to give you everything.

Learn to write, count, make friends.
And you can certainly
Even fool around a bit
But ... only at recess!

- Hello! Thanks to everyone who came to our long-awaited and joyful (well, a little bit sad) holiday. On our " Last call". I am glad to welcome you to this hall, and I hope that you have not forgotten to take with you a good mood, smiles, handkerchiefs and, preferably, gifts. We are starting our "Last call 2012" and it remains only to invite the heroes of today's celebration. It so happened that for many years I periodically go to football. What I like the most is when the commentator announces the player by his name, and the whole stadium shouts his last name. Unforgettable feelings. Yes, and rightly so, I believe that the country should know its heroes. So we will now invite our heroes to the stage. Only I call the surname, and you all call the name together. To avoid confusion, we will call full names. Ready? Then we meet (graduates come out).

My children are always beautiful, but today is somehow special. And you and I have 3 more minutes to admire them while they dance. (Dance to Alsou's song "Last Call" Annex 1 )

- And now the call signs of our last call will sound, which will determine the theme of our event. In the meantime, I ask the graduates to take their places of honor on the stage. (The verse of the song “School is my home” sounds Annex 1 ). And so, we begin our last call called "FASH my 2nd house."

- I give the floor to the director of our school (the order is read out, badges are awarded).

- I hope you are ready to receive congratulations all day today. Do you remember yourself in the 1st grade, dear graduates? Let's fast forward many years and find ourselves in 1st grade. (Film 1. "First Grader")

- And now I invite the smallest participants of our holiday - 1st grade - to the stage.

Congratulations from first graders on the last call

You started here from the start.
Rapid run through life
But old school desks.
You will be remembered forever.

Lots of things are on your way.
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the start.

How time flies! Joy and anxiety!
For example, we stepped on the threshold.
And today you go off the threshold.
And there are many roads ahead of you.

Which one to choose? Judge for yourself
Here with you, dear eleventh grade,
The teachers were exhausted, but with us
They have to suffer more than once.

Dear seniors!
You have completed the eleventh grade.
They say you were younger once
They went to first grade, like us.

And now you are good fellows from the picture.
Look at yourself from the side:
Forty-fifth size shoes for you.
And Uncle Styopa's costumes are needed.

We are also gradually growing up:
Every month, every day and every hour.
Like you, we will also become big,
Let's come to the lesson for the last time.

You are quite a few different knowledge got,
Sometimes it seems to teachers:
You didn't learn something on purpose,
So that it remains to finish teaching, to think out to us.

We understand perfectly
Your difficulties now:
Outside the window, spring is in full swing,
But you have exams.

In these walls you have time.
A lot to know.
We wish to answer you.
All exams on "five"!

You mastered the shock
A hundred rules and sciences,
But there is still a little left.
At the institute - 1000 pieces!

And as if at the same time with green May.
We want good words.
We wish you everything in life.
And we say - Bon Voyage!

(Handing bells)

Do you remember items from class 1? 1st class, help, check. Did they name all the items? Today you will visit some lessons in the first grade. And real first-graders will help you. We will test them, first-graders, are they worthy of the title of graduates, or is it too early to let them out of school?

Math lesson

There are 5 apples in the basket. Divide them among 5 students so that each student gets an apple and one remains in the basket. ( 1 takes an apple from the basket).
Grandmother knitted two pairs of socks for Nina. How many socks did Nina's grandmother knit? (4)
Petya and Kolya each bought a box of chocolates. Each box contains 12 candies. Petya ate a few sweets from his box, and Kolya ate as many sweets from his box as Petya had left in his box. How many sweets did Petya and Kolya have left for two? (12)

Reading lesson

- Now we will check how you know fairy tales. Who liked to read in first grade? Who read the fastest?

1. Who spoke about himself like this?

“That was when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived amicably and cheerfully, but one day a fragment of an elves' mirror got into my eye, and I began to see everything as evil and ugly. ( Kai, The Snow Queen, Hans Christian Andersen)

“A little chick appeared in the poultry yard - a duckling, and before that it was ugly: with a big head and long neck that the birds did not accept him into their family." (" The Ugly Duckling, Hans Christian Andersen)

3. With the help of this item, you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill the terrible hero of a Russian fairy tale. (Needle).

4. In which fairy tale does a girl go to the forest in winter to get flowers? ("Twelve months")

5. With the help of what object the main character of the tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (In the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" Ivan shot an arrow from a bow, which hit the enchanted princess).

Thank you first graders. And so that you are as smart as my children, they will give you books.

- Well, now it's time to give the floor to those to whom you leave the school. Grade 10 , please on stage. And class 11, please take a seat in the hall. (Congratulations from grade 10)

- Since last year, we have taken root a wonderful tradition when a sister congratulated her sister. And today the brother is ready to congratulate the brother. I invite a 2nd grade student and part-time brother of our Pasha to the stage.

I am very, very proud of my brother.
And I'm happy to admit it to everyone!
Familiar from birth and childhood friendly,
So we really need each other!
Thank you for being kind and smart
Responsive, reliable, beautiful and strong!
Are you ready to help and understand me glad,
You are the best and most devoted brother!

- Yes, time does not stand still, and we move on. Begins solemn ceremony dedicated to the graduates of 2012. "FASH my 2nd house" (call signs)


In nomination "The old men of our class" those who study at our school from the first grade, from September 1, are invited. If we talk about each individually, then Zhenya is the head of our class, Dina is a beauty, a fashionista of our class, well, I can continue for a long time. You will find out why later. Kostya is the horizon of our class. Lera is the luck of our class. Your first teacher is invited to present the nomination. These guys have been studying with us since the first grade, and they rightfully deserve to be awarded medals "For devotion to FES"
Next I invite to this stage a person who almost professionally plays the guitar and not only. He professionally plays on the nerves of teachers. The man is strong and strong, like a string. A person you can always rely on. Nomination "The string of our class". To present the nomination, I invite a teacher who plays the guitar professionally and has nerves of steel.
"The voice of our class". The loudest voice and laughter of our class. And how she sings! To present the nomination, I invite the person with the quietest voice in the school. But believe me, this voice is heard by everyone and always. The director of our school.
Who eats well and not only in the dining room? Who sleeps so sweetly in the classroom that even the not always quiet and calm speech of the teacher does not interfere with him? Who spends all their free time in the gym? Nomination "IN healthy body healthy mind." A physical education teacher, a nurse, a kitchen representative are invited to present the nomination.
Well, the last nomination - Favorite of our class. My personal favorite, the teachers of our school, and not only ours. A student who kept almost all the teachers in good shape over the years. There were so many teachers willing to tell you a couple of affectionate ones that I had to arrange face control. Teachers who have passed this face control are invited.
The nominations are over, but I think that you also have something to say, dear graduates.


Thank you teachers
For being with us
That school years are not in vain
We spent together.

Once in school, in first grade,
We came to gnaw science,
you taught life us,
They extended their hand to us.

For what they gave school us,
For being together
For the fact that troubles in half
We shared school.

Words to everyone good gifts,
We say dear
Thank you teachers
For teaching us!

(We give flowers to teachers.)

Congratulations for parents. None of this would have happened if our parents had not brought us to this school many years ago.

Poem for parents on the last call!

Do you remember, mom, a timid first-grader,
She once brought me here.
You gave me a white shirt.
You gave me a bouquet of flowers.
And she said, furtively brushing away a tear,
"Son, how big you are,
go ahead and everything will be alright
I want it with all my heart!"
And I went, and you walked with me
winding way knowledge of the world,
When it was difficult for me, she helped,
And from everything ridiculous kept.
She shared joys and sorrows with me,
First offenses and disappointments.
You always believed in my victories,
You always knew my schedule!
Sometimes, you scolded me for deuces,
Sometimes, she solved equations with me,
I rightfully forced to write a report,
Learn about cases and declensions!
Years passed, childhood flashed by,
I will soon leave the school threshold.
You, mother, just sighed softly:
"What are you already big, son!"

Movie for parents(children's photos of graduates with parents to the music of K. Borodina "My little world")

Congratulations from parents.

Congratulations to teachers.

Dear teachers, I hope that you also have something to say to our students.

Song about the exam(To the motive "You are in the army" Annex 1 )

Well, that terrible hour is coming.
Take three spare pens with you.
You are for the exam.
Oh-oh-oh you're for the exam.

You approach the school, you see - that's it!
There was a huge crowd here.
Everyone is waiting for the exam
Oooo exam.

You are on the porch in vain do not shiver
Look for your audience
you are on the exam
Uh-oh in the exam.

The teacher calls you loudly.
Leads somewhere, as if to slaughter
you are on the exam
Wow, you're in an exam.

You were given a copy of the questions.
You were given a copy of the questions.
Haven't seen worse questions.
Wow, you're in an exam.

Don't look around buddy.
And don't look for other clues.
After all, here are the exams
Oh, yes, there are exams.

3 hours have passed - it's time to go home.
Forget the exams horrible dream
Now wait for the score
O-o-o wait for your grades (2 times)

I sincerely wish you all to pass the exam so as not to end up in the following situation. (A scene about the army. Annex 1 )

- Graduates on stage.

Delivery of ribbons.

The words of the class teacher.

The last call sounds.

Resources used:

School is a place that everyone remembers with love and warmth in the soul. Here pass best years life, friendship, first love, knowledge and experience come. A little frightened, excited, with huge bows, in white shirts, first-graders stand on the line. They don't yet know what lies ahead behind those big doors. Graduates shed tears touching words and they themselves give parting words to the future first-grader.

Exciting moment

On September 1, everyone is worried: parents, children, teachers. The bustle begins in every home from early morning. You need to remember nothing and look stunning. Toddlers with huge portfolios at the ready and bouquets in their hands move unsteadily to schools, accompanied by their mothers and fathers. The solemn line, for someone the first, for someone the last, should be remembered on long years. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance. Both teachers and graduates want to give parting words to the first-grader. How difficult it is to find words, I want to explain to children that school is not fun entertainment but a difficult and lengthy job. But if you look into their frightened eyes, then all the words get confused in your head.

High school students preparing holiday concert by the first of September. It is interesting for kids to look at the performances of high school students, there is a desire to also participate in the life of the school!

Word to the teacher

Being a good teacher is not easy. Some children aggressively perceive words and claims from the teacher. An approach must be found for each student, try not to offend anyone, but not to single out from the crowd. And yet, almost every teacher has a favorite in the classroom. Parting words to a first grader from a teacher should arouse a keen interest in knowledge in children, intrigue them. It is not easy to come up with such a speech. Every word must be directed to the target.

On a beautiful morning, in a sunny hour,

You will come, baby, to your first class!

And I will proudly present the first prescription!

Try to always get fives,

And don't be shy, try to answer!

You will become friends, you will be a noisy crowd

I'll take you to the dining room!

Your school will be like a home

We will always be waiting for you there!

It is better for the teacher to memorize the speech and pronounce it expressively, looking into the eyes of his new wards!

The last year is the hardest

Graduates on the line of the first of September experience a double sense of joy and sadness. After all, the school is theirs. native home, in which their best carefree years passed, they don’t want to leave it. But on the other hand, new horizons are opened before them. How many possibilities and novelty! Last year- and they are already adults, free people. Parting words to a first-grader from graduates always sound a little sad. After all, they remember themselves as small and defenseless, looking at the kids. I would like to express all my feelings, to explain to first-graders that school is not a terrible place at all, but their second home.

How glad we are that now you have come to school, to the first grade!

Here you can’t be lazy at all, you need to study well,

You be diligent, try

If you know, don't be shy!

Raise your hand and speak loudly!

Be the first always, everywhere,

After all, you are quite an adult.

Go bolder, today is a new life,

Hold on tight to my hand!


Graduates can give first-graders small memorable gifts. Albums, pencils and pens, paints, felt-tip pens will be appropriate. Such a gift and parting word to a first-grader from graduates will be remembered for a long time.

High school students can say wishes in turn, passing the microphone. It will turn out very sincere congratulations if everyone participates.

We have passed this difficult path,

But forget about the difficulties!

After all, school is the best time,

Enjoy it, kids!

There are friends, teachers,

There is a lot of knowledge and goodness here!

Learn, don't be lazy

And suddenly all dreams will come true!

We face a difficult choice

Think about who we should be.

And you guys are fine

There is plenty of time for thoughts!

What will you become - a doctor? Weaver?

Or a famous strongman?

Look for your calling

And reap the grain of knowledge!

Good words

This excellent parting word to a first-grader will serve as an incentive for exploits and discoveries.

Summer flew by quickly

It's time for us, friends, to work!

This year is very important

He carries a million fives!

You learn, baby, excellent,

Look good at school!

Be good

Make more friends!

So kind and a little funny wishes everyone will like a first-grader from graduates: parents, children, and teachers! Simple lines will sink into the soul of worried first-graders. They will dream that someday they will take the stage like this and say kind words!

You accept congratulations

For now, the students

So we used to be

In the first class furtively walked.

We were afraid and shy

And a little upset

That I had to leave the garden

But here everyone was very happy with us!

We will take you to class together,

There is no need for embarrassment here.

We'll explain everything

And we'll sit in the extension!

Good luck and good luck,

Be even better than us!

A more serious parting word to a first-grader can be expressed by the director of the school. After all, children should respect him and even be a little afraid.

Fun concert

On this beautiful day of first graders, everyone congratulates! Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, retired teachers, educators kindergarten. They will be pleased that no one has forgotten about their services to the country. And anyway, who doesn't love holidays and celebrations? Each of the invitees can give parting words to the first grader, because these people have great life experience and wisdom.

The right approach

Child psychologists advise telling children about school from the very beginning. early years. They should get used to the idea that school is fun, interesting and everyone needs to get an education! Then parents and children will not have any fears, experiences associated with the beginning of the school year.

Of course, the most important parting word the first grader will be told by his mom and dad. Be sure to tell your child how proud you are of him and are sure that he will become an excellent student. With such positive attitude any child will skip to school!

Congratulations from future first graders.

You were all the same babies
When you first came to this class.
And having received notebooks with books,
They sat down at the desks for the first time in their lives.

This year I will go to school
With a new briefcase, in plain sight.
The kids will happily follow:
"What's in the briefcase? Open, show!

How can we not worry?
We are the least among you.
Just gotta show up
Immediately we hear a friendly laugh.

Did you ever come to school
On the first holiday of September.
Everything was new here for you -
From doors to the primer.
The teacher met you first,
And the hard way
He led the way faithful,
I walk ahead myself.

Oh, how interesting school is!
The bell will ring soon...
And in the next class uncle
Everything grows to the ceiling.

My mother braided my braids,
I wove white bows.
I went to kindergarten yesterday
I'm going to first grade.

You all rely on us
We will be a very friendly class.
We promise not to be lazy
Learn to read and write together!

We are first class, we came to congratulate
Their seniors.
Now you have a lot of important things to do
And worries are completely different.

Do you remember how you were
Are you first graders, friends?
Everyone quickly became friends.
And they became like one family.

You are in September quite recently
They led us to school by the hand,
From the line of the first seeing off
Confident in our first class.

Everything was very unusual.
And a lot of different fuss
Not falling behind, not falling behind
We walked briskly to school.

Let's not forget this moment
After all, also remember that
How someone once led to school
you in your graduation class.

We were proud of you and aspired
We will become like you.
And they came here today
Accompany you too.

Roads are waiting for you now,
Decisions of an important series.
We wish you, as before
Always go for sure!

Performance of first-graders at the last call.

First graders.

And here we are!

You didn't expect us?

And we took it and came.

Came to say words of sadness

After all, we are kids against you!

You have a little left

And we have 10 years to plow.

Learn the multiplication table

And answer in class.

We love you! What more?

They came to say from the bottom of their hearts

That we will never forget you

And often we will remember.

You are already big aunts,

Uncles you already now.

And you will go through life

Without my teachers.

Let not everything be known to you in advance

And the rise is sometimes steep,

Knowledge will always help you in everything,

And adventures await you in life.

We wish you to go boldly

Find happiness for everyone.

I like it to be business

And all-all (in chorus) happy journey

We stand, we suffer
We are very worried -
First time on this stage
Together we hang out.
You are so beautiful
You are unrecognizable today!
We still have, years, commercials, ten
You will have to be chased.
We actually have an offer
They came to you here -
You go to the government
Hold our seats!
Try for the people
Well, as we grow up,
And then we'll figure it out
Let's put things in order!
Just make sure you learn faster!
Don't be lazy, don't be lazy
Let Medvedev be happy -
Wow, look at the squad!
We know for sure - among you
There are persons - the highest class!
Journalists and bankers
managers, commanders,
Vendors, skydivers
And folk artists
Violinists, builders,
And also parents.
We want you to become
All decent people.
So that we can be proud -
I got to learn with you!

A big hello to the graduates!

Our class respects you!

And yet you have a simple advice

It won't hurt at all!

You met us in September

Welcoming and friendly.

We are worried about you now

You need to pass the exam.

We were learning whole year

Much has been discovered

Easy and no worries

Tips made!

To pass your exams

Less need to eat and sleep

We also want to tell you all

Dating will have to end!

Don't go to the river

Sit in the shade with a textbook

It's bad to sunbathe in the sun

Brains will start to boil again.

Forget the cola fanta

You have a different path in June,

You need to drink valerian

On extreme case act boldly

Without any delay.

Prepare the cribs skillfully

When there is not enough knowledge

We believe in girls and guys

The answer will always be found!

They will hand over with a mark "5"

And they won't let us down!

Remember, friends

The teacher will always save you

After all, we are all one family here,

Straighten your shoulders, gentlemen!

Of course we are kids.

We still have to grow up to you

But we wish from the bottom of our hearts

Benefit people.

Do you remember the changes

Your answers on the board

Today we have replaced

And now you are graduates.

you studied science

You have been given a new start in life.

You've grown up

From their green desks

We sincerely wish

You will enter the institute

And finish well

Do not drop school honor

We will become a worthy change

We still have to go, go

Well, you are right on the road

Happy journey everyone.

IN great life Grade 9
We are escorting now
And we give you goodbye
Our first order.

We understand perfectly
Your difficulties now:
Outside the window, spring is in full swing,
But you have exams.

They will beckon you with coolness
The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.
Don't give in to temptations
You are now graduates.

In these walls you had time
A lot to know
We would like to answer you
On the exams for "five".

So answer all the laws
All events, years,
So that the teacher even gasped
And he said: "Wow! No.

We sincerely wish
You will receive the document
So that this last call
Became the first step in life.

And take it with you
Your strong friendship
Because a friend will help
Both in training and in combat.

You took care of the school
They did a lot for us
But masters at school
We will be no worse than you.

Let you not notice us
From two meters high
And we got clicks
And we flew into the bushes.

I don't resent you
Even though I'm small now
I will grow up and I will...
Called "Alumnus".

You were an example for us
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
The one who knew you.

For your last lesson
The bell will ring now
You want first class:
Good luck and good luck!

Graduate! How impressive

This is the first word!

Let's eat more porridge

To grow up faster!

Nine years have passed

And I can't believe it now

What was once a noisy flock

You have arrived in your first class.

Imperceptibly the time went on:

A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.

"Wholesale" you were transferred

Every year from class to class.

It was all over the years:

Twos, threes, tears, laughter,

Even "strong" words

To the address of everything, everything and everyone.

And notes and papers

And diary entries.

You destroyed our school

Let's just say, to the nines!

How many wounds and cones!

Well done you all, as is:

The winners came out

Save face and honor.

Didn't leave, didn't run away

And they were friends with the whole crowd.

Together you are now gathered

For the farewell graduation.

We'll leave the room now

And we shout to you all "Hurrah!"

And we wish you goodbye

All no fluff, no feather!

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