How pension was indexed in a year. Latest pension indexation news

In the Russian pension system in 2017, a number of events and changes will occur that will affect all participants in the mandatory pension insurance system: both current and future pensioners, as well as employers.

Increasing pensions and social benefits

In 2017, the indexation of pensions will return to the previous order, when insurance pensions are increased by the level of actual inflation, and state pensions, including social ones, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

Therefore, from February 1, the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will increase by the inflation rate for 2016. From April 1, pensions for state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased for both working and non-working pensioners, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

From February 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (UDV) received by federal beneficiaries will also be indexed.

Pensioners who worked in 2016 will have insurance pensions increased in August 2017. The maximum increase is the cash equivalent of three pension points.

One-time pension payment of 5,000 rubles

In addition to pensions and regular social payments, in January 2017, Russian pensioners will receive a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. It will be received by everyone who permanently resides in the territory of the Russian Federation and receives a pension as of December 31, 2016.

Delivery of the lump-sum payment will be carried out on the basis of documents from the payment cases, so there is no need to additionally apply to the FIU or submit an application.

If a pensioner receives two pensions (for example, a “military” pensioner), one of which is paid through the Pension Fund, the PFR will make a lump sum payment.

Once again, we remind you of the delivery time for this payment: from January 13 to January 28, 2017. Postmen will deliver the payment together with the pension for January to recipients whose pension delivery date at home is from the 13th day until the end of the payment period.

Pensioners who, according to the schedule, receive a pension from the 3rd to the 12th day of the month, the payment will be made from January 13 to January 28, 2017, also with home delivery. For such pensioners, information about the additional delivery date of the lump sum payment in January will be communicated when the pension for December 2016 is delivered.

For pensioners who receive a pension not through the Russian Post, but through credit or other delivery organizations, the same payment terms of 5,000 rubles apply - from January 13 to January 28.

All the necessary funds for a one-time payment - 221.7 billion rubles - are included in the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017.

Appointment of pensions and the number of pensioners

According to the pension formula, which has been in force in Russia since 2015, in order to qualify for an insurance pension in 2017, you must have at least 8 years of service and 11.4 pension points.

The maximum number of pension points that can be earned in 2017 is 8.26.

The expected period of payment of the pension when calculating the funded pension in 2017 is 240 months. This parameter is used only to determine the amount of the funded pension, while the payment of the pension itself is for life.

Each citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home - citizens can apply for a pension through the Citizen's Personal Account on the PFR website, where you can also change the pension provider.

It is predicted that during 2017 the number of pensioners through the Pension Fund will increase from 43.3 million to 43.9 million people. The increase compared to 2016 is due to the natural growth in the number of pensioners in the country.

The main type of pension in Russia in 2017 will continue to be the insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2017 is more than 40 million people. Nearly 4 million more people are recipients of state pensions.

Formation of pension savings

The moratorium on the formation of pension savings has been legally extended to 2017 as well. Once again, let us remind you that this is not a “freeze of pensions” and, moreover, not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that those 6% of insurance premiums that could be used for a funded pension are directed to the formation of an insurance pension. Thus, in any case, all insurance premiums paid by the employer for a citizen will participate in the formation of a pension in full.

The moratorium does not in any way affect the possibility of transferring pension savings to management companies or from one pension fund to another at the request of a citizen. But every citizen must remember that it is unprofitable to transfer pension savings from one insurer to another more than once every five years, since this step reduces the accumulated investment income.

The results of the transition campaign for 2016 for the transfer of pension savings will traditionally be summed up by the end of the first quarter of 2017. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask the PFR press service questions about the results of the transition campaign immediately after the January holidays.

Maternal capital

The amount of maternity capital in 2017 will not change and will amount to 453 thousand rubles.

Russians have two more years to enter the maternity capital program - in order to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who entitles the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2018. At the same time, as before, the very receipt of a certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The areas of use of maternity capital remain the same, there are four of them: improving housing conditions, paying for educational services for children, shaping the mother's future pension, and paying for goods and services for social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society.

PFR electronic services

The client services of the Pension Fund are always ready to receive everyone, but the PFR has made it so that today most of its services can be obtained via the Internet - without leaving home. The goal of the FIU is to make it so that people do not have to come to client services at all to apply for the FIU public service.

All the services that the Pension Fund provides today in electronic form are combined into one portal on the website of the Pension Fund - To receive PFR services in electronic form, you need to be registered on the single portal of public services Additional registration on the PFR website is not required.

In 2017, the Pension Fund will continue to expand services in electronic form, so before going to the Pension Fund, go to the Fund's website - with a high degree of probability you will be able to resolve your issue without leaving your home.

If a citizen is not yet registered on the single portal of public services, then the PFR client service will also help him with registration. In almost all PFR client offices, you can confirm your account on the public services portal.

Insurance premiums and reporting

The insurance premium rate for compulsory pension insurance in 2017 remains at the level of 22%, while the function of administering insurance premiums from 2017 is transferred from the Pension Fund to the Federal Tax Service.

This does not mean that the Pension Fund stops interacting with employers - a number of functions remain for the PFR in terms of administration. Everything related to the periods up to 2017 remains with the Fund: acceptance and processing of settlements, office and on-site inspections, return of overpaid insurance premiums, write-off of arrears that cannot be collected - all this remains with the PFR for a three-year transitional period.

Plus, the PFR continues to administer voluntary contributions to insurance and funded pensions. Also, the Pension Fund retains all functions related to personalized accounting of citizens' pension rights, including monthly reporting on working citizens.

In connection with the rise in prices for goods and various services, an annual increase (indexation) of pensions is carried out to provide disabled citizens with basic livelihoods.

Indexation is an increase in the size of pension payments to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions due to inflationary processes taking place in the country.

To increase the insurance pension (formerly the insurance part of the labor pension), the term adjustment.

The upgrade should take place:

The calculation of the pension is made taking into account all indexations for all years in total.

From 2018, an increased pension will begin to accrue. In order for the fund to become aware in a timely manner of the termination of employment, it is advisable for a pensioner to apply to the PFR department with an application, providing documents confirming the fact of termination of employment or other activities:

  1. work book;
  2. employment or other contract concluded with the employer;
  3. a document on the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary (certificates and other documents of the Federal Tax Service);
  4. passport or other identity document.

In the event of a subsequent employment of a pensioner for work, his insurance payment will remain at the same indexed amount.

Procedure for applying to the Pension Fund (PFR)

Since the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for reporting by employers to the Pension Fund has changed. In addition to the quarterly, they are required to submit monthly reports on all persons working for them. This is information about employees with whom employment contracts were concluded or terminated during the reporting period, as well as civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services, for which insurance premiums are accrued from the remuneration paid.

As a result of these changes The FIU automatically learns about the termination of employment with all citizens, including pensioners. That's why:

  • if the dismissal occurred after March 31, 2016, then you should not apply to the fund. The FIU will index the pension payment on an unannounced basis, based on the information it already has.
  • if the pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, then in order to receive an increased amount of payments, the pensioner should still apply with an application and documents to the FIU in order to avoid various errors.

Other options for increasing the pensions of working pensioners

Despite the abolition of indexation, the amount of insurance payment for working pensioners is increasing every year.

August 1 is produced recalculation (adjustment) of pension, as a result of which its size increases due to the accumulated contributions transferred by employers or self-employed pensioners for the previous year. Contributions unrecorded at the time of appointment (previous recalculation) are converted into individual pension coefficients (IPR) or pension points.

However maximum IPC value limited by law and takes into account:

  • no more than 3 points - for pensioners who have only an insurance pension;
  • 1,875 points - for those who wished to make pension savings.

An annual adjustment is carried out in the event that one year (full 12 months) has passed since the date of assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension payment.

Recalculation is carried out PFR authorities according to the individual personal account automatically, without a pensioner's application.

In addition to the recalculation of the insurance pension, annually on August 1, funded pension adjustment(Article 8 of Law No. 424-FZ) based on contributions received during the year to the pension account of this pension.

Recently, certain changes have been observed in the Russian pension sector. occurred in February and affected insurance types of payments, which increased by 4%. This change affected only non-working recipients of material assistance from the state.

One-time payment of 5000 rubles

In the second half of 2016, the second indexing was to take place. However, due to the crisis in the economy, it was decided to replace indexing.

The increase is a fixed value equal to . According to calculations, this corresponds on average to the increase that would be paid after full indexing. For example, with an increase in pensions by 8% and an average amount of security 13200 rubles the increase would be about 1000 rubles per month. Accordingly, the corresponding amount is collected in five months.

The payment is assigned to the following citizens:

  1. persons receiving all types of pensions and state security payments;
  2. citizens residing within the Russian Federation;
  3. former military personnel who are entitled to pensions through law enforcement agencies, or who are entitled to two types of pensions.

The funds will be transferred to both the unemployed and employed pensioners. Only persons receiving a Russian pension and living in foreign countries are not entitled to this payment.

Advantages one-time payment:

  • savings for the Russian budget;
  • affects both working pensioners and those without additional income;
  • the opportunity to save for the Pension Fund, since interest is charged for the transfer of funds;
  • support for low-income citizens with a small pension, who are more profitable to receive such a transfer.

Flaws one-time payment:

  • the existing level of inflation is not compensated;
  • for recipients of high pensions, this option is less profitable;
  • the compensation will not affect the basic pension;
  • the payout will not appear in future indexing.

The payment delivery schedule will be carried out according to the dates set by the authorities. Pensioners will be able to receive 5000 rubles from 13 to 28 January 2017.

The results of the survey on the topic “Is the payment of 5,000 rubles a worthy replacement for the second indexation of pension benefits”

Indexation of pensions from February 1, 2017

Indexation is understood as the annual growth of pension payments associated with a decrease in purchasing power. Since 2017, it is planned to carry out indexing strictly in accordance with the current legislation.

The increase will affect insurance pensions. They are adjusted according to the amount of inflation accumulated based on the results of 2016. Insurance pensions will rise in line with the consumer price growth index for the previous year. For state security benefits, the change in the subsistence minimum is taken into account.

One-time compensation, which will be transferred to pensioners in January, will not be taken into account when indexing. The calculations will include the amount of payments formed at the end of the year.

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2016 amounted to 5,4% . It is this figure that will be used for further increases, but subject to adjustments at the end of the year. Growth of insurance pensions and social payments is made in February. The Pension Fund will spend an additional 327.3 billion and 262.3 billion respectively for implementation. The corresponding Decree on indexation was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on January 23, 2017. Later, a decision was issued to conduct a second indexation of 0.38%.

Together with the insurance pension, from February 1, social payments and the monthly income will increase. For example, disabled people of the 1st group will receive 3538.52 rubles, and war invalids - 5054.11 rubles.

Funded pension in 2017

According to the latest pension news 2017, freezing storage will remain until 2019. This measure was taken in 2014, and now the savings will be frozen for the fourth time.

According to the current pension system, the tariff for this type of pension is 6% for all citizens. The insurance part should provide pension payments to pensioners at the present time, and the funded part is used to form pensions for citizens who transfer insurance contributions. If you transfer it to a non-state fund, you can get a higher income in the future.

Due to the unstable economic situation, it was decided to use the funded pension to cover current expenses. Transfers made to citizens can be counted as retirement points. This will affect the final amount of the pension, but today it is impossible to say what its cost will be.

It was decided to increase the period of payment of the funded pension to 240 months. This value will be used to calculate the monthly amount of benefits that will be provided after retirement for life.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that partially pension savings can be unfrozen since 2018. There are fears that it will not be possible to fully restore the frozen funds in the next three years. Therefore, a variant is possible in which the defrosting will be until 3%, and in the future will be increased to the required 6%. To this end, it is planned to introduce a system of individual capital, to which contributions from employers will be made. So far, there is no talk of abolishing the funded part, since this will negatively affect the confidence of citizens in state policy.

Pension for employed pensioners

Social pensions

Recipients social pensions are citizens who, due to certain circumstances, do not have the opportunity to earn a living on their own. This includes the following categories of persons:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including minors;
  • children and full-time students who have lost their breadwinner;
  • reached a certain age.

Disabled pensions, like other social payments, are subject to indexation in accordance with federal law. This takes into account the growth of the subsistence minimum for pension recipients.

The state pension and social pensions are expected to increase from April 1, 2017. Payments will increase by 1,5% . In 2017, the average amount of this type of pension will be 8 803 rubles, and for children with disabilities and disabled since childhood of the 1st group - 13 349 rubles.

military pensions

Several types of payments are provided for military personnel and their families: for length of service, for the loss of a breadwinner, in the event of disability. The calculation of the pension is based on the amount of monetary allowance or salary that the military received. An increase in pension is possible due to regional coefficients that are valid for a certain area, as well as in the presence of certain ranks. The minimum pensions for this category of citizens are determined taking into account the calculated value social pension.

Military pensions in 2017 will be charged on a special basis. Previously, federal legislation regulated a certain amount of pension provision, equal to 54% from monetary support. Every year since 2013, this figure has been subject to an increase of 2% until it reaches 100%.

The new bill establishes a pension for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of 72,23% from the assigned pension - a reduction factor. Thus, indexation of military pensions in 2017 amounted to about 4% .

Indexation of military pensions in October 2017 will not take place. There is no information from the Government about the increase in the salaries of military personnel, respectively, military pensions calculated on their basis will not increase either.

Increasing the retirement age

Starting from 2017, it is planned to introduce an increase in the age required for retirement for employees of the state apparatus. The corresponding bill was adopted by the State Duma. Until the end of the year civil servants' pensions are accrued according to general rules, like other citizens in Russia (for women - from 55 years old, for men - from 60 years old).

According to the final version of the project, it is subject to increase sequentially from the beginning of 2017. The annual increase will be 6 months. As a result, it will be 63 years old for women and 65 years old for men.

The innovation will affect citizens holding government positions at the level of the country, subjects and municipalities. It is also planned to gradually increase the minimum length of service in the civil service, allowing you to retire, up to 20 years. The new rules change the period of work as a deputy in the State Duma and the Federation Council, which is necessary to receive a supplement to the insurance pension. Now for this you need to work 15.5 years in 2017.

Previously published information that the age for receiving a pension will increase up to 65 years for the male and female population of the country. The latest news from the Pension Fund informs that an increase in this indicator is not provided for citizens in the near future.

Living wage pensioner

When planning the state budget for the next year, the Government has reduced for persons of retirement age. In 2016, its value was 8803 rub., while the next year it is taken equal to 8540 rub. The material support for pensioners who do not have additional sources of income is being reduced.

This indicator is set at the federal level. However, regional authorities set their own PM, which may be more or less than the national figure. If the payments assigned to the pensioner do not reach the PM, then he is entitled to a social allowance.

The decision to reduce this indicator is due to the fact that the rate of growth in prices for consumers has decreased, therefore, there has been a decrease in the forecast base.

Low-income pensioners who receive minimum pension, the level of material support will be maintained. In 2017, they will receive a pension no lower than that accrued in 2016. The federal budget will allocate several billion rubles for this. However, this measure will only last for one year. Citizens who become non-working pensioners in 2017 are guaranteed up to 8803 rubles.

Average pension in 2017

Taking into account the increase by the projected level of inflation, the average social pension will be 8 774 rubles. And 13229 rubles for disabled children.

Pension reform in 2018

What will be the pension of Russian citizens in the future, will show pension reform which may come into force in 2018. If the bill is passed, then the citizens of Russia will decide on their own how much money to put aside for retirement. After retirement, they will be able to use the accumulated capital.

As a result, the funded segment of pensions will be liquidated, and payments will consist only of the insurance part in the amount of 22% . The funds received will be enough to make current payments to pensioners. However, in the future it is necessary to provide workers with a decent pension.

As a result, such a scheme was developed. Citizens will be able to determine how much money should be transferred to retirement. The percentage can be 1 to 6. In automatic mode, the system will be applied to persons who are just starting to work or have begun to work quite recently. The rest of the citizens will have to write a statement.

The accumulative funds will be placed in non-state type funds. For those who first come to work, the choice of fund will be made automatically. For other citizens, there is an opportunity to choose an organization and, if necessary, change it. In the event of a fund change, the accumulated funds will be transferred to the new account in full.

If citizens already have a funded part, then for them the rate will increase from 0 to 6 percent. The increase will be 1% in year. You can suspend deductions at any time, but this period should not exceed 5 years. In case of need, a citizen will be able to withdraw funds before retirement age.


  1. In 2016, changes regarding pensions affected various types of payments.
  2. Freezing the storage part pensions will last another three years.
  3. In the future, the option of partial defrosting of accumulations is possible.
  4. The second indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time compensation.
  5. The lump sum payment in January 2017 will be 5 thousand rubles.
  6. Pension increase in 2017 will be 5.8%.
  7. military pensions increase from the beginning of next year.
  8. For military pensioners, a one-time payment is also provided.
  9. In the event of employment, the pensioner loses the right to indexing.
  10. Working citizens of retirement age are entitled to recalculation of payments.
  11. For the disabled and other recipients of social benefits, pensions will be indexed by 1.5%.
  12. The increase in the age limit affected only employees of the state apparatus.
  13. Will it raised retirement age, is subject to the adoption of a new reform and other changes in 2018.
  14. The PM will decrease from 2017, however, for recipients of the minimum pension, payments will remain at the same level.
  15. The new pension system implies the voluntary formation of a funded part by citizens.

The most popular questions and answers on pensions in 2017

Question: What year to expect raising the retirement age?

Answer: At present, this question remains open. The increase in the age limit required for retirement has been discussed for a long time. Under the current conditions, the pension system is not able to provide for the growing number of pensioners. In a few years, the deductions made for employees will not be enough to pay pensions. According to authorized persons, changes in this area will take place not earlier than 2018.

Question: How can you get lump sum payment in 2017?

Answer: To receive a one-time compensation, you do not need to apply to the Pension Fund. Funds will be available through the usual pension delivery schedule. If the January pension is issued in December, then the payment will be made additionally in January. You can clarify the procedure for receiving the supplement at the post office or other service that delivers pensions.

Question: How quickly can a pensioner receive a pension, taking into account indexation after dismissal?

Answer: A pensioner will be able to receive an increase only after a certain time after dismissal. It will take time for the responsible services to process the information received and adjust the amount of payments. If the dismissal occurred in September, then information about this will appear only in the reporting for October. The report to the Pension Fund will arrive only in November. In December, the FIU will make a decision to increase the pension, and the adjusted amount will be transferred from January.

The topic of indexation of pension accruals is perhaps the most exciting one. Pensioners are actively discussing the problem of lack of funds for a decent existence. Many elderly citizens have to work additionally, perhaps at more than one enterprise, in order to at least somehow feed themselves and pay taxes.

The working part of the elderly is interested in increasing pensions no less than those who are unable to work. The question arises of how the state will calculate benefits for elderly citizens who continue to work, or whether the indexation of pensions after dismissal is required for a working pensioner in 2017.

Each year, the state sets a percentage, depending on the level of inflation, by which payments to pensioners will be indexed. 2017 became a crisis year, a difficult economic situation developed in the country, but the required recalculation for working old people nevertheless took place.

In August 2017, there was a planned increase in pensions for working pensioners by 3 points, which is no more than 222.81 rubles.

Thus, the allowance for older workers was only recalculated; they did not fall under the state indexation. Such recalculation of benefits is made depending on the insurance premiums paid from the employer.

How pensions were calculated

As already noted, the recalculation of pension payments is made in accordance with the level of inflation. IN 2015 the inflation rate was almost 13%. However, the unstable economy did not allow for an increase in benefits for the elderly by such a factor.

In connection with the current situation in the country, a law was passed abolishing the conditions for raising pensions to the level of inflation. The law provided for an increase in accruals by a coefficient significantly lower than inflation - 1.04. Also, this bill abolished the indexation of working pensioners.

Important! The abolition of indexing did not affect citizens who are on state support, regardless of their labor status.

In February 2016 All pensioners were indexed at 4%. The state authorities planned to re-index, but it did not happen. Instead, a lump-sum payment of 5,000 rubles was assigned to all pensioners, including those who work.

Such a measure of state support turned out to be beneficial for the Government in connection with the current difficult economic situation. This award was made in January 2017. As noted by the state authorities, this one-time bonus to the pension population was equal to the promised secondary indexation.

2016 inflation has been calculated. It amounted to 5.6%. In February 2017 accruals for the elderly were indexed by 5.4%, in April for the balance - 0.38%. Thus, even able-bodied old people did not remain offended; indexation of pensions for working pensioners was carried out in 2017.

Forecasts for 2018

As usual, in 2018, state benefits were indexed by 3.7% for disabled citizens of retirement age. In subsequent years, it is planned to increase state support by 4%. But this applies to pensioners who do not work, and beneficiaries.

Working citizens of the appropriate age will not be affected by this recalculation of benefits. Accruals will not be subject to indexation until the summer of 2018. A fair question arises when the pension for working pensioners will be indexed.

Attention! Leaving a job is the only situation that will allow a former employee of retirement age to return all missed indexations.

After dismissal, the pensioner will have the right to receive all indexations that he was not entitled to during his working life. This right will come from the next month after leaving the place of work.

To confirm their right to return indexation, a person must contact the nearest branch of the pension organization, submitting the following documents to employees:

  • a statement with a request to increase the monthly payment, as the right arose in connection with the dismissal;
  • work book, where there will be a mark confirming the fact of dismissal of the employee;
  • an employment contract signed by the head;
  • if the resigned was an individual entrepreneur, a lawyer or a notary, evidence of the termination of all labor activity should be submitted;
  • the main identity document of a citizen.

After the submission of all the required papers, the pension authorities will increase payments to working pensioners.

After May 2016, business leaders are required to report on the number of their employees currently performing duties or laid off.

Thus, the retired elderly employee will not need to apply to the Pension Fund, the employees will automatically index.

The state does not forget about the working old people. The Government of the Russian Federation has decided to make an annual recalculation of the allowance of older workers in accordance with the deductions of the employer. Such recalculation of compensation payments is made by no more than 3 points. The recalculation is carried out automatically, without requiring additional documents, it was decided for working pensioners to increase their pension in accordance with the deductions of managers.


So, the legislation for citizens of the elderly is not the same for all persons. Working old people do not have the opportunity to receive annual indexation, as disabled people do. Such a right comes to them only after they officially leave the workplace.

The increase in insurance pensions in 2017 took place on February 1: then the pensions of non-working pensioners increased by 5.4 percent in line with the actual inflation rate. In 2016, the next indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

- At the end of 2017, pensions and social payments for January 2018, taking into account indexation, will be received by pensioners receiving pensions at Sberbank No. 8601 on the 6th. Also, ahead of schedule, in December, pensions will be paid to pensioners who receive pensions on the 9th day of each month at the Agricultural Bank. Thus, even before the start of 2018, the PFR Branch for Buryatia will transfer 48.5% of the total funding for the payment of pensions for January 2018, the experts continued.

who pays our government to destroy their people and, in particular, pensioners? after all, only a blind man does not see that the people in the mass are beggars! and the rulers are fattening. what is in store for our youth?

How, after all, do they define inflation, at the beginning of 2016, if I remember, they said that inflation is 11-13%, by the end of the year they came to 5.8%, and they want to index the pension to these 5.8% in 17, and not at the end of 16. Incl. Gentlemen, pensioners, this year we have been heated up with indexation.

Our government doesn't care at all. Your pocket is closer. Everything is against people and to destroy the people. Even if you are three times right, all the same, in our country, those who have more money and power will have the truth. So they are trying to destroy us pensioners as unnecessary waste material.

All types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are annually indexed due to rising prices and average monthly wages. But the amount of indexation of pensions is different every year. For example, in 2010, the insurance (labor) pension was increased by 6.3%, and in 2015 - by 11.4%. But today one can not even dream of raising pensions by 5-10 percent.

Indexation of pensions in 2017 in Russia. Fresh information.

Why whistle all over the country about some 0.38%, everything is completely different - in fact, the PC just increased by 30 kopecks. and as a result, only the insurance part of the pension increased, so that in general the pension increased by only 0.28%

Recently there was news that insurance pensions in 2018 will be increased not from February, but from January 1. About Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin, noting that the change in terms is aimed at ensuring a more significant increase in real pensions next year. At the same time, insurance pensions are planned to be raised by only 3.7 percent! The cost of one pension coefficient will be 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

Based on the increased attention Sputnik Georgia asked about this question when indexation will be carried out in the new year 2018 and how much pensions will increase.

I think that Putin, Shaigu, Lavrov should receive a decent salary. The rest of the officials have to reduce salaries and pensions to the subsistence level, let them try to live for a month. They will immediately understand the unbearable existence of pensioners.

My pension, that is, the allowance for the worker, was “increased” by 20 rubles 74 kopecks, as a result, it came out 10237.97 kopecks. AND THIS IS FOR 40 years of experience as an engineer for a rich state that helps both fat Ukrainians and fat Syrians and other hangers-on , except for their own! In general, I realized the Lilliputians have added a pension to us, the Russians, IN LILLIPUTIS! More for voting - I WON'T GO!

Us pensioners of course I would like to rest, but if the children lived in abundance and you would never have to think about them. about grandchildren, I would like all Russians to live in abundance. we don't need palaces. we don't ask for excess. we all worked and are working in production. but we are below the poverty line. even ashamed - it's time to pay attention to the People!

Indexation of pensions in 2017 in Ukraine. All that is known.

In 2017, it is 13,657 rubles, respectively, the average increase will be about 400 rubles. By the way, in 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension is planned to be increased by 4% per year.

The authorities promise an indexation of 3.7 percent. Previously, a decision to increase this year is made in order for pensioners to feel the bonus. If you make a calculation, then this is an amount in the region of 400 rubles.

It is planned to increase the social pension by 3.9% in 2019, and by 3.5% in 2020.

In 2017, the authorities promised to carry out the indexation of pensions in full, that is, at the level of inflation in 2016. According to official data from Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2016 amounted to 5.6 percent. As a result, in February 2017, the insurance pension was raised by 5.4 percent, and in April by another 0.38 percent.

"For working pensioners, we provide for the preservation of the regime that was in effect this year: that is, we do not provide for any indexation in terms of working pensioners," Siluanov said.

What are you leaders! This means that you did not want to accept the regressive scale for personal income tax (since it will hit your pockets), but found a way to save on pensioners. Right! They are tenacious - they will endure everything. You would make the deputies' salaries less and introduce a regressive scale. Immediately in the budget surplus formed.

According to the Pension Fund, insurance pensions are indexed every year based on the growth in consumer prices over the past year and the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC);

According to him, the department provides for the preservation of the previous regime, according to which the pensions of working pensioners are not indexed. This law has been in force in our country since January 2016, despite the proposals for an act regarding low-wage pensioners that were often heard in Parliament and the Federation Council.

And in the next two years, in 2019 and 2020, the social pension, according to Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), should increase by 3.9 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.

Indexation of pensions in 2017 size. New details.