Congratulations on the last call to your sister. Congratulations on the last call in prose

Congratulations on finishing school! The last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright ways, to find myself and my calling. May luck, good luck accompany you and all your ideas come true. Good mood and a little perseverance for the accomplishment of great plans and desires.

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that vivid memories warm hearts, and the future attracts with vast opportunities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. May all your plans come true, plans come true, victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

So the last school bell rang! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold, you enter adulthood. How much has swept over these years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in your studies were like, the first written letters, the words you read? All this is far behind. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you, for sure, decided on the choice of profession. Now you will make all the decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how your future destiny will turn out. I wish you easy beginnings, successful achievements, a bright future!

Sounds like last call, a call of joy and sadness at the same time. School is over, a new adult life path is ahead. We wish you that it be bright and joyful, full of accomplishments and victories. Be kind, honest, worthy people. May love, luck, kindness and happiness always be with you.

Here comes the last call! It's time to leave home school and my heart becomes a little sad. But you all have ahead new road and life! I wish you to choose your right path and walk along it boldly and confidently, I wish you to achieve your goals and realize everything that you would really like!

Dear graduates! Today you say goodbye to school and enter adulthood, the last school bell rings for you. Under its sounds, all school defeats and victories, joys and sorrows, first love, first teacher are remembered and it becomes a little sad ... We wish you further successful study, the right choice of profession, easy victories and new achievements, new useful acquaintances and hobbies!

Congratulations on your last call! Time for a start, change, choice, new feelings, the triumph of youth. Let all the best await ahead, and memories will leave a warm spring trail. Health, good luck, the right way, knowledge excitedly, kindness, beauty, experience, unknown, impressive, making you proud.

Study, classmates, teachers - everything is left behind and childhood too - distant, cheerful and kind ... The last call at school is the first call to an adult, difficult and serious life! To everyone who is involved in this great event in life - love, prosperity, joy, etc. of course, great success and moving forward! Let the path not be strewn with roses, but the graduates are now adults, strong and courageous people - they will pass and overcome everything with honor! Good luck, Dear friends!

Dear Guys! This day begins new stage your life, it's time to make informed choices and rely heavily on your own strengths. The last call is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep it, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support and help you as soon as you need it.

Congratulations on finishing school! At this moment, it is a little sad, because you say goodbye to childhood, but joyful from the opportunities that open up. May all your wishes come true, may only bright and good people, let love illuminate your days with a bright flashlight. Go and conquer the world!

Good luck, graduate
Good fortune and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
It will help you solve all problems!
Let the dream become available
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let beauty please life
And the calling will be found!

Well, congratulations, graduate!
At seventeen
You have read many books
Learned the teachings of the world.
And how much more is to come
You still need to know...
In the meantime, take a decent look,
To celebrate the holiday!

So the school days are over!
Graduation night has arrived!
There is a very difficult path ahead of you -
Path adulthood dashing!
Just don't be sad today!
Joyfully meet the dawn!
You will never forget your school!
And boldly step into the world of victories!

You completed your studies
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the blood continue through the veins
Runs relentlessly.
Let the road continue
Will be flat and straight
Never let anxiety
Won't come to your house.
Beauty, luck, happiness
May the authorities be in yours.

Let this last call tell you that you have ahead of you the beginning of a successful journey as an adult. I know you will still have many obstacles and difficulties, such as the upcoming final exams. Therefore, I wish you to easily overcome them. And I also want to wish each of you to find your own path that will lead you to success.

Even if life swirls in the clouds,
You're about school days Do not forget,
About my friends, teachers,
Remember with a smile sometimes.
Graduation only happens once
Like everything in this white world.
Wisdom, strength, happiness - everything is for you!
Because you are no longer children.

Graduation - there is no happier date
All! school days are over
And at the desks that are painted with paste
We don't have to sit anymore
You do not have to cram and solve problems
Hate teachers for marks in a notebook
Runs in the corridors and runs away from the lessons
How to understand faster than adult life
Graduation day will never be forgotten
Congratulations gifts and a feast until the morning
New day - new step, new world outside
Congratulations and good luck to you!

You matured, you grew wiser
You grew up very fast
School graduation today
Spring says goodbye to you.

And this new step
Need to be patient

And there are pep talks.
The future awaits and intrigues

Well, congratulations, graduate!
At seventeen
You have read many books
Learned the teachings of the world.
And how much more is to come
You still need to know...
In the meantime, take a decent look,
To celebrate the holiday!

Congratulations on your last call! Finally, you can forget about notes, textbooks and boring lessons. May it be waiting for you happy summer, full of joyful impressions and the most unforgettable events that are waiting for you ahead! I wish you joyful and cheerful days!

You are graduating today
All exams have been passed.
Let the fun flow like a river
Not vodka and beer, guys!
Before you are the doors to a new world,
Just don't be in such a hurry.
A merry feast will come to an end,
Then get things done.
To be an adult means to want
Responsible for all actions.
Don't rush to grow up!
It's time to go meet the dawn.

The hour of parting is coming
Your youth is calling on the road.
School releases you like chicks
In the long-awaited, free flight!
Good luck, dear ones, fly!
No more standing at the blackboard!
And today you will accept from us
Congratulations, graduates!

Today is graduation day at school.
And we, the eleventh grade,
Dressed up for your holiday
Came here in last time.
Teacher, we thank
With all my heart you for that,
What are you with your patience
They made us 100 times smarter!

Certificate in hand, and behind the ninth,
What's next? You thought, my friend!
We congratulate you on this date
Everyone came. Know you are not alone!
Congratulations, be always happy
And find the right way
May there be no rainy days in life,
And luck is just ahead!

Ah, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all our teachers?
We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We must thank you.
Please forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you
We can't forget our school
And your kind smiles!

It all starts with a school bell
Desks set off on a long journey.
There will be steeper starts ahead,
And they will be more serious, but for now ...
I remember that cheerful call
What rang to us for the first time,
When they came to school with flowers,
In your best first class.
Do not be sad that you will not return to school,
Youth is a wonderful time
We only wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Alas, we never found out
What do you hide in your soul;
What to say now, in the final,
When has everything been said?
Catching a tear at the end,
We hope - in the flow of phrases
When you hear this, you will understand:
We love you! We love you!
Hooray, eleventh grade!
Farewell, eleventh grade...

The last call is a farewell to childhood.
The last call only rings once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
That shines with knowledge from intelligent eyes.

The last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You didn't come to school by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.

The last call is just the beginning
For those who are sure that they know their way.
And let your childhood already resound,
You can look into your future.

Graduates, we wish you

We sincerely congratulate you
And we don't want to part with you.
When you fall, get up
You have the strength and wisdom.
Smile to meet fate

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

Words from the past like an arrow rushed to you.
Slow down your steps for a moment.
You said goodbye to school forever.
2000s graduates.

You will want to return. But it's too late.
It's not worth regretting. Everyone has one life.
Someone is destined to see the stars.
Someone will have a hard fate.

But now you're standing on the threshold
And there are thousands of roads ahead of you.
Parents, which day is in alarm,
And youth now is not up to worries.

The school ball is an amazing evening,
Our class says goodbye to childhood!
We straightened strong shoulders,
Stars shine in the inflorescence of the eyes!
Come, we are looking forward to
We will have a glorious holiday!
Graduation is joy, excitement,
Wish us all: "In good hour

The last bell rang
Silence all around
And a light May breeze
Calling you my friend
Today I will congratulate
Let the best come!
The bell rings - it's time to walk,
After all, summer is waiting for you!

You matured, you grew wiser
You grew up very fast
School graduation today
Spring says goodbye to you.
Adult life is like a summer day
And this new step
Need to be patient
To be successful and happy.

It's time to say goodbye to the school.
You're not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her in your thoughts,
Recalling my school years.
You have already marked a bright path.
Well, try not to scare away your luck
And do not turn off the right road -
Luck to you at least a little bit.
We believe in your indispensable success -
And at the institute you will shine.
As at school he was a friend for everyone,
So in the new team you can become
A student whose activity is visible
Who will help everyone, cheer up,
Who has no equal in mind.
Student life will captivate you!
Only a small step remains
To make it happen - I could become a student.
We believe that a happy day is not far away,
When you can read the lists
What did you do, your dream came true
And then you can make plans...
Now is the time of unrest.
But we are ready to support you.

The last bell has already rung
long time in school
Board, deuces, desks, punctures,
All great school days!
You were all great
but don't be sad
You have more life ahead of you!

Congratulations on your last call
I wish to find myself in my life
Meet wonderful and true friends,
In the meantime, pour us a little,
Spend our lives young
Today we are entering another
Today we will grow up a little
Let's hug all our friends today!

And youth will say goodbye to you.
And the summer wind blows
Mix sadness with joy.
May every turn in life
It promises you good luck.

Lights your way!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

Optimism in life, laughter,
Happiness, joy, success,
Cool life - every moment,
I wish graduate!
Get off, burn to the fullest,
In a new and free life
To spite everyone's troubles,
You are very lucky!

From the last bell rang
We part with you.
We are accustomed to you, as to our own,
And in our hearts we are with you.
And warm, your care
They will keep us warm
Everyone in our class, believe me,
You will not be forgotten forever!

Graduates, we wish you
Achieve all goals in life.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we don't want to part with you.
When you fall, get up
You have the strength and wisdom.
Smile to meet fate
May the Lord bless you!

Today you are a graduate!
Oh, what a beautiful moment of youth
Your soul is sublime and airy
And still you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all your desires are fulfilled.
You don't like peace anymore
But your soul is still vulnerable!
The time has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings crowd in your chest!
A year will pass, and many years,
Fate will put all friends in their place.
Some of them, probably, will glorify,
Others, again, will set up barriers!
And it's very hard to give advice
And sometimes you will not find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes stuffing cones,
Don't be in a hurry to retreat
It is given only to the strong in life to win!
May your life be full
Always surrounded by the warmth of friends
And completely warmed by personal happiness,
And unusual as a comet!

Congratulations on the last call
May he open the doors in happiness,
And give light outside the window,
To believe in the best.

May all dreams come true
Achieving higher goals
Only good dreams
Everything will be as they wanted.

You recently went to first grade
She was so small!
Now you are not just a student,
The exam is on the nose, you are a graduate!
We wish you to pass the exam perfectly,
And, of course, to get into the institute decent,
Come on, don't be sad, go ahead
Good luck, we believe, is waiting for you on the road!

The last call is a harbinger of joy and fun, this is a wonderful day when all worries are left behind and a fabulous time comes summer holiday. I want to wish you great happiness and an unforgettable summer! Let every summer day be magical and full of happy, fun events!

Graduate, today is a holiday at school
And there are pep talks.
The future awaits and intrigues
Promises feelings, the joy of meeting.
Let independence give
Novelty, the possibility of perspective!
May it be a great success in life
Work in a good, friendly team!

Today is a special day - it is a milestone on the way.
And you were able to pass it worthy, friends.
Now we bless you
And we send it to the “big” life.
We want to keep our honor
Happy "roads" and meetings to all.
Don't forget about us too
Native eleventh grade!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

We are waiting for you all for a gala evening,
Wish us well and good luck!
Man matured, fresh wind
In every young fate it means a lot!
All the guests that will appear soon,
The school will meet with a decorated hall!
Will spin in a dance pattern
Light, music, fabulous ball!

Our class leader
Let me congratulate you
I will give you a big bouquet,
Read a poem with heart
Our large and friendly class
Congratulations today.
And today is a spring day
You are in a good mood.
We respect you very much
And we confess to you directly,
We are sons and daughters for you,
Well, you are the second mother.
Your office is like a museum
You are always full of ideas
We come to you for advice
Often we always take an example from you.

The last bell has rung
Anguish and sadness settled in the soul,
School flew by so fast
Slice of life. Did not have time

You will enjoy them to the fullest
Graduates of all schools in Russia,
Adult life has already come
Near which since childhood lived.

May your life, graduates,
Fill the joy of a new meeting,
Let the paths in it be easy,
One is easier to lift than the other.

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And in great life dare to go!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

The long-awaited last bell rings
And it's sad for everyone
You passed your first and main lesson
You have become adults.
You are young, brave and everything is ahead
Of course you will.
Happy road, good luck on the way!
Go forward! Good time!

Tonight is your graduation
And youth will say goodbye to you.
And the summer wind blows
Mix sadness with joy.
May every turn in life
It promises you good luck.
And may the star of love and happiness
Lights your way!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

School years, like fast birds,
Flew in an instant, it's time to come
Say goodbye to childhood, say goodbye to school
Us, in adulthood, going on a flight.
And no matter how sad, but the day of parting
It will come soon, that hour is not far off.
As a congratulation in the moments of goodbye
With sadness sounds our last call.

With the sounds of the last school bell
Let luck begin in your life
Unknown let there be sadness and longing,
And this summer will be perfect!

Graduate, I wish you
Be on life in the subject!
Without the slightest stress
Everyone solve problems!
Be cheerful and happy
Cool to get off!
Living easily and effortlessly
Stay cool!

The last bell rang...
Dressy guys:
Who put on an apron with bows,
And who is a neat suit.
Congratulations, graduate!
Finished study.
And you are no longer a student -
Try to be a student!

That's where it all ended
Behind the hard way
It's time to part...
This is how it usually happens.
We can't get back the year
May each of you
Your school, your class
Sometimes he remembers!
How hard is it to say
You today: "Farewell."
I will not say it, but I will say:
I believe it's not in vain
He gave his strength.
Thank you for everything
And a farewell bow.

Lovely, cordial, good,
My good teachers!
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
I just don't say goodbye to you.

Thank you for loving us
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us how to think,
For everything, for everything you have done for us!

sincerely filial<спасибо>
We say to all teachers
Be young and happy
Peace, for many years. health to you"

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!
From your yesterdays, from your current ones,
From tomorrow's students!

Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth.
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We say thank you!

You will always stay by our side,
Because we always need.
So you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

The last school year has already passed,
We offer our congratulations!
Let the sun rise every day
And gives a fabulous mood!
Let the summer be fun
Everything will be great!
May rest bring happiness
And it will be very exciting!

School left behind
The last time the bell rings.
But I know what's ahead
You, sister, happiness awaits.
I want to wish you
Good to meet friends
So that there are goals on the shoulder,
Success accompanied everywhere!

Congratulations dear sister
Happy this summer day
I wish you good and joy -
So that there is a lot of happiness in it.
May all good things happen
My sister does not know my worries,
Let the bad not happen again
I want to find happiness!

Your "disciple path" is over
The bell rings for the last time.
Now, sister, just dream
Do you ever have a lesson.
But even after school boring
There is a place for learning in life.
You have fun for now, but you need to,
Again for books soon to sit down!

At the end of May, the school is so beautiful!
Each class breathes warmth and sun,
Here is a new generation of Russia,
Getting ready for a great life now!
How much is invested here in the souls of children,
So that they can walk through life without fear!
We wish you health, kindness and good luck,
And we will congratulate you on the last call!

Saying goodbye to school today
The last bell rings for you.
But there will be many more happy days
And your life will turn out well.
I want to wish you, sister,
So that success accompanies your life,
So that your ringing laughter is heard more often,
And the light in your eyes shone with happiness!

Sister, you are leaving the threshold,
I can't keep up with you, I know!
The bell rang today
And this last is called.
Today you are entering a new world.
And I wish you only happiness!
I also wish you lots and lots of strength!
And so that bad weather passes by!

Your last lesson is over,
The last call went off.
And the doors to a new world opened
Your dream is waiting for you there.
Sister, I wish you
Always be smart.
Live happily without despair
Luck is easy to catch!

Graduation Congratulations: General | From graduates | Graduates | Brother
Girlfriend |

More recently, you went to first grade. You were so small and shy that it seemed to me that you would not even speak. Usually small children make noise, but first graders sit intently because they do not understand what is happening. We just started talking to you, showing you our backpacks and briefcases, you shared pencils and pens with each other, and after that our long-term friendship began. I confess that at times I did not want to teach at all, but just wanted to sit and talk with you, because each of you is an incredibly interesting conversationalist. You yourself taught me a lot, so I want to wish you not to stop there. I have no doubt that you will achieve a lot in life, because you are capable and hardworking guys. So good luck and all the best.


Guys, you probably remember the day when you first went to school. Remember your feelings? Was it really unforgettable? You were even a little afraid, because you did not know what to do, to say how to behave. Many of you just got up and started walking around the classroom, but I accepted it all, because I understood that you need to put your energy somewhere. I confess that you all have become for me family and friends with whom I would like to support friendly relations. But the most important thing is that you also maintain relationships with each other that have been built over the years. I know that at times it was very difficult for you, you did not want to go to classes, but it was friendship that saved you, because you helped each other out. My dears, today you are already standing in front of me not just as students, but as graduates. I am proud of you and I want you to succeed in everything in life.


The day that you have all been waiting for has arrived. My dears, I would like to wish you that you are not in a hurry to grow up. You still have time to grow up, it's better to enjoy the time that you have now. I want to congratulate you on the day of your last call! Today you just look great, you are all so smart and beautiful that I can’t even see enough. It seems to me that this is the only day when you all came to school, and even came in uniform. But now it's not about that, but about the fact that I want to wish you all good luck. You guys are capable, creative and creative, so I have no doubt that you will become real professionals and specialists, but luck will definitely not hurt you. Happy holiday to you, my dearest and most beloved graduates. Let everything in your life be the way you want it to be. I wish you success!


My children, my most beloved and dear graduates! I still cannot believe that this day has already come, because it seemed to me that I would have time to morally tune in to the fact that you are already such adults. Very soon you will have final exams, then admission to the university. It will be difficult period, but incredibly interesting, with which you will certainly cope. I want to wish each of you the fulfillment of all cherished desires. You are all great fellows, because you were able to withstand the real school of life. Don't forget what school taught you. AND we are talking not only about formulas and rules, but also about how to behave in a given situation, how to communicate with people, make friends and get to know each other. You have become real individuals! I congratulate you on the holiday, my dear! Relax and have fun today, because this is only your day.


My dear graduates, I cannot believe that the day of your Last Call has come. You have been preparing for this day for a long time, because you decided to organize an interesting and memorable event. Do not even doubt that you will succeed. But before that, I want to say that each of you has become a dear person to me, and I am really very sad to say goodbye to you. But I know that a lot of interesting things await you ahead, and you yourself are striving to grow up as soon as possible. I would like to wish you all good luck, my dears. I have no doubt that each of you will succeed in one way or another. The most important thing is that you don’t forget about school later, because we will be waiting for you all at any time. Remember that we do not say goodbye to you, because you are part of our big family. Happy holiday to you! May this day give you a lot pleasant experience.


Well, my dears, the day has come for which we have been preparing for so long. You told me all the time that there was a lot of time, but before you even had time to blink an eye, the time flew by, and the day of your last call came. I don't want you to be sad or cry, because this occasion is not sad for you, because you so wanted to finish school as soon as possible. But today I am sad because I managed to become attached to each of you. I want you all to become real experts in your field, so that you achieve success and sometimes come to visit us, to school. My dears, do not forget that here you received not only compulsory knowledge, but also knowledge in the field of friendship, if I may say so, and even love. After all, you have made so many friends and acquaintances here. I hope you keep this link long years. Good luck to you!


Well folks, the day we've been waiting for has arrived. I confess that I really wanted to delay the time, because I did not want to part with you, because you have become my family and friends. Believe me, I didn't treat you like the younger guys, because I knew that each of you is a person to talk to. You yourself have taught me a lot, for which I will always be grateful to you. I want you not to lose the connection that has been established between you over these long years. You are all very strong and purposeful guys, so I have no doubt that you will succeed. But promise that you will not forget about the school, about the teachers. We will all miss you, our beloved graduates. And let everything in your life develop as you yourself want. If you need support or assistance, please feel free to contact us.


My dear graduates, you may not believe it, but I remember the day when we first met you. Back then you were small, shy kids who didn't even know how to behave. But we quickly found with you mutual language, so they became friends just as quickly. Now I am very sad, because I do not want to say goodbye to you, to the guys who themselves were able to teach me a lot. I am infinitely grateful to you for the fact that you were able to create a unique atmosphere in our team. I congratulate you on the day of your last call and want to wish you only the most positive and pleasant. Today is only your day, so you should rest and gain strength. I even allow you to forget about your lessons today, because they can wait a bit. And you should have fun, because such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime.


It seemed to me that we met only recently, but in fact you are already standing in front of me today in such beautiful outfits are real graduates. Of course, prom you will have only a month later, but you can call graduates now. I want to wish each of you to pass all the exams perfectly. I don't even doubt you, because I know how serious and hard work you have done. Don't doubt yourself too, because you are great fellows, so just remember that. I would like to wish you more and success in admission and good luck. Well, in addition to all this ordinary, I want to wish you to maintain your solidarity and friendship. I want you to never lose this connection because it is unique. Well, do not forget about your native school, which is always ready to accept you, but already as former students.


My dear graduates, I look at you and cannot understand at what point I missed your growing up? More recently, I thought that there was so much time before the Last Bell that it was not even worth thinking about, and today you were already standing on the stage where graduates usually perform. This is all very touching and exciting, because today you are all incredibly beautiful and a little excited. But you were able to arrange real holiday for everyone in the room. You touched us, made us laugh, made us happy and simply helped us to have a good time. We all want to wish you good health, as well as good luck and the fulfillment of all desires. I hope that you will all remember your native school, which gave you so much knowledge. We are waiting for you at any time of the year and any day of the week. May this day not only be remembered by you, but bring a lot of positive emotions.


I want to congratulate my incredible graduates who are one step closer to adulthood today. My dears, I would like to warn you that in adult life there are sometimes very difficult and incomprehensible situations that require endurance from you. Believe me, they are much more serious than a deuce in physical education. But you will definitely cope with each of these problems, because you are all wonderful and such capable guys. I want you to find your calling and your place in this life, but I don't even doubt you. You grew up before my eyes, so I became attached to you, and now I am very sad that you are already leaving. On the first of September of this year, you will no longer come to school, but go to your educational establishments. I'm proud of you my dear children. I have no doubt that you will achieve all the best in this life.

Dear graduates! Let me congratulate you on the most long-awaited day in your life - the last call. For so many years you have heard this bell for a lesson with fear and dreamed that it would break! And today this call… No, it didn't break. It just sounds to you for the last time. Hooray!!!

The last bell rings today within the walls of our native school. Ahead of long summer holidays. But for you, the parents of our dear graduates, this call means a big leap towards the future. Your children have grown up and choose their own path. Help them in adulthood, do not let them stumble.

My dear, beloved, dear graduates! As your class teacher, I, on behalf of the whole school, congratulate you on the last call. I wish you a good journey and happy undertakings in whatever you do. Enter your adult life with all the knowledge I have given you.

To you, my good graduates, I sincerely wish you to have fun at the graduation ball and drink to the health of your beloved, now former, teachers. Walk, my beloved, but do not forget that tomorrow will come for you very soon. Time of victories, accomplishments and future discoveries. Forward and with a song!

Dear parents! Your children today have become quite adults and are looking forward to the last call. Leaving the doors of the school, they will scatter in all directions. We hope we were able to raise a worthy generation. And we want to wish you only the best and thank you for your children.

Guys! Just recently you stood on school ruler and eagerly waiting for your first bell to ring. Later you realized what it was alarm signal for you. Deuces, absenteeism, control, exams ... Now it's all over. Yours is coming ahead prom. Congratulations!!!

I want to address you on this day, my good graduates. Today you enter adulthood with the last call. No one knows what will be ahead of you and who you will become, but now I want to congratulate you on the fact that you graduated from school and go your own way. Be good people, my dear.

In these last minutes we spent together, I want to tell you that you are the most the best graduates of all that were once under my command. Our class has always been the most exemplary and I can proudly say that I brought up a good generation. Happy holiday, friends!

Last call for all of us. How much he means to us graduates, and how much he means to you, our teachers. You carefully keep all our ridiculous records, keeping cool magazines and archiving them at the end school year. Summer is coming and we want to wish you a good holiday!

My graduates! I want to congratulate you on your last call. Today the doors of the school are forever closed behind you and I am very sorry about this. I so want to cry! Come to me, hug your class teacher goodbye. I wish you all the best, my beloved children.

The trill of the last bell sadly resounded through the corridors of our native school. Dear Parents! How many times have you been here during the time your guys studied with us. We helped them, taught them everything, helped them to gnaw the granite of science and get the right life experience. Now only you and, of course, they are responsible for them.

Dear my graduates! Here, at last, your very last call has rung. No more hasty lunches at recess, no more excuses to skip school, and no more pepper-smeared thermometers to raise body temperature. You are on your big voyage. Good luck to you!

Dear parents! Today you stand on the school line and watch your children with tenderness. No, these are not little children at all - these guys have graduated from school today and received the worthy title of “graduate”. But for you, they will always be small. God bless you all!

For all of you, today is the last call, Dear Parents graduates. Don't be sad, better remember these happy moments. These moments are worth remembering forever. For your children, this is the first step towards adulthood. We wish them good luck and all the best to you!

Our good, dear, beloved, sometimes unbearable graduates! How much have you seen within the walls of your native school over the past decade! Now you are standing on the school line, so smart and cheerful, looking forward to the last call and sympathizing with the first graders! Congratulations on your holiday!

I like yours classroom teacher, I want to say a few words to you in parting, my graduates. Your last call is the beginning of an adult, new life. I give you a few tips. Strive always up, and only up. Honor the elders, protect the younger ones. And be happy!