Contests for the birthday of the daughter of 7 years. Birthday script for a girl, or how to arrange a real holiday

How to arrange a birthday party for a girl so that everyone likes it? Birthday is a celebration when the birthday girl is surrounded increased attention and the care of relatives and friends, and, of course, he will have vivid memories. First of all, children's day birthday is a celebration of the daughter and her friends, and not fun feast tipsy parents and aimlessly chasing children around the house.

Preparatory activities

If you don’t want to look for a place for a warehouse of disposable dolls and stumble in “traffic jams” of different-sized plastic cars, try to negotiate at least with relatives about the purchase common gift(Lego constructor or children's scooter), which the birthday boy has long dreamed of. Are you afraid of being misunderstood? Then protect yourself at least from an unplanned puppy or a rattling drum. Perhaps our article will help you in choosing.

If we talk about children, then they go to visit not to eat up, but above all, to have fun, so when preparing for the holiday, place the accents correctly. Children practically do not eat fried meat, salads with mayonnaise and other stuffed delicacies. We will leave all this for teenagers, and now we are stocking up on fruits (they need to be peeled - cut) and juices, not causing allergies, we will prepare a homemade cake and childishly decorated canapes for snack lovers.

The ceremonial service at such an event will be successfully replaced by a bright plastic tableware, can be with stickers (for themed holiday). Most auspicious time for a holiday - 16 hours, after an afternoon snack and sleep, when the kids are in a great mood.

Discuss with parents the end time of the holiday so that the children are picked up on time. If the daughter invited her friends from the yard to her birthday party, it is not necessary to invite her parents. So that the apartment does not turn into a madhouse, paint the holiday by the minute. The number of guests should correspond to the age of the birthday girl.

Think over a place for a holiday: Teremok, Barbie's house or spaceship? Don't be afraid to overdo it with styling: children's holiday should be colorful, cheerful and bright. Together with the child, props for competitions. Now you can safely arrange competitions for the inhabitants of Teremok, paint Barbie's house with paints, get out on a tightrope into outer space. Fantasy will tell you how to adapt games familiar from childhood to your celebration.

If you have prize contests, then the gifts should be the same in order to avoid tears and misunderstandings. One of your favorite pastimes - forfeits - should not be turned into a competition for forced demonstration of talents. Many children are very shy and tasks such as “sing - dance - tell a verse” will cause envy and aggression in some with a successful performance, for another it will become a painful test. You can rejoice from the bottom of your heart, crowing under the table, and then compose a song for the birthday man together and perform in chorus, stage a fairy tale where everyone will be artists, draw a birthday man huge congratulations poster on a piece of wallpaper.

The main theme of a birthday scenario for a girl may be the search for a treasure - a cake or a toy hidden in advance. The principle of the game: with the help of a clue (a crossword puzzle, riddles available to children), they guess the location of the next clue, and so on, until they get to the location of the treasure. It is important that the assignments are fun, exciting and that active kids did not oppress quietly.

We finish the holiday best with calm games: drawing, cutting, reading fairy tales, so that the children cool down by the time their parents arrive. Seeing off the guests, take a walk with the child, at the same time airing the room. Having considered all the gifts, go to bed in advance, chat with your daughter until you fall asleep, remember what was good at the party. As you can see, if you approach the matter competently and with imagination, the girl’s birthday will be interesting and fun with the minimum expenditure of all resources - effort, time, nerves, money. To begin with - a birthday script for a 5-year-old girl.

Traveling across the world

Design: world map or globe, children's drawings, Balloons, colored foam clouds, flags different countries, Rose of Wind.

Props: balloons, masks, lotto "Beasts", prizes, ball, Stuffed Toys, target with balls.

On the door is a children's sign "Cabin". Children sit down at the festive table.

Leading: in our wardroom today is a holiday: famous traveler is celebrating his birthday! What would you like to wish him?

The guys say congratulations.

Leading. But did you know that earlier in Russia, not birthdays were celebrated, but name days, i.e. the day of the saint after whom they were named. Let's become amicably in a round dance and call everyone only full names: Elizabeth, Daria, Dmitry, Pavel. Everyone has beautiful names, but who knows what they stand for?

Children lead a round dance "Loaf", remembering the meaning of names with their parents. Everyone gets balloons.

Leading. Today we will travel around the world in a hot air balloon. Ahead of us is a musical tournament in Europe, a flight over the Atlantic, in America we will have fun at the carnival and take part in a compliment contest, in Africa we will have a safari (hunting), and in Australia - a green Olympics, in Antarctica Santa Claus has prepared his fun, in Asia - land of mysteries.

(The story is accompanied by displays on a map or globe, entertaining stories about the mainland). You can adapt this birthday script for a 3 year old girl, simplifying stories and contests.

Europe - Music Tournament

Leading. Everyone participates in the musical tournament. Who will sing whom? (Children and adults take turns singing songs).

Leading. We return to the wardroom. The flight over the Atlantic is long, you need to refresh yourself.

North America - Compliment Contest

Leading. We traveled for a long time and ended up in a completely different world. And guests should be polite. Let's see if you know how to compliment the birthday girl. (All the children, one by one, sit down in a chair and tell her good words. For the most nice compliment- prize).

South America - Latin American Carnival

Children prepare their own costumes, sorting out prepared hats, scarves, masks. Everyone dances to incendiary music, the best dancer gets a prize.

Africa - safari

They play in marksman”(balls into the target), lotto“ Animals ”, recall African animals and birds.

Antarctica - Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Children are divided into pairs and each is given gifts (many small safe toys). The main thing is to keep them as much as possible. The losers sing a song about the Christmas tree, the winners get a prize.

Australia - Green Olympics

Holding the ball (or ball) between their legs, the children jump like a kangaroo for a short distance.

Asia - land of mysteries

Riddles will be appropriate at the end of the evening when the children are a little tired:

  • He is so orange alone, his name is ... (orange).
  • Everyone will be happy with small berries, together we will call them sweet ... (grapes).
  • Every monkey is a gourmet in such matters. And her food is called ... (banana).
  • Vitamin "C" there will be a whole million, but we'll call it ... yellow (lemon).
  • It grows in Africa for us and its name is ... (pineapple).

The holiday ends with a cake with candles and the magazine "Around the World" with photographs, the best stories and drawings that the children will draw together. A script for a birthday party at home for a girl of 7 years old can be prepared on a fairy-tale theme.

In the land of fairies

We decorate the room with garlands, balls, serpentine. Fairy hat and magic wand for each girl you can buy or make yourself.

Leading. Dear guests, everyone knows why we have gathered today? For whom did you bring these wonderful gifts? Do you like gifts? And what is your favorite holiday? And who, in your opinion, can give the most magical gifts? Well, of course, wizards and fairies. And we are also a little fairy, so let's go to the land of fairies!

(Children dance by candlelight to the music, one girl draws a heart on her cheek with face painting crayons, puts on a fairy hat and hands her a wand - now she is a song fairy!)

HOST (claps with sparkles and confetti cracker). Here is the first fairy - the fairy of songs. She will reward us with musical talents, and in gratitude we will sing her the most important song on the name day. (Children sing the song of the crocodile Gena).

Leading. IN magical land only fairies get in, so let's dance on. In the same way, a dancing fairy is chosen. She conducts a game - a dance "If life is fun." The host shows the movements (claps, clicks, stomps), the children repeat after the fairy.

If you need a break for rest, then the next one is the fairy of quick wit. Having conjured more intelligence, she invites the children to guess which fairy tale objects are from: a boot, a key, a shoe and others recognizable by famous fairy tales things. If you are preparing a birthday script for a girl of 8 years old at home, you can add another competition test to find out which of the fairies is the best.

You will know that the boy liked him, but he is not your type.

  • laugh at him with friends;
  • I will tell about everything to his parents;
  • I will try to be honest with him.

You and your classmate came to a party in the same clothes and everyone laughs at you

  • there will be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btears, and I will throw away the dress;
  • The bastard needs to change!
  • I joke that we are twins.

You are not ready for the lesson and got a deuce

  • hysteria for the whole class;
  • I will take revenge on the teacher as best I can;
  • I'll fix it in the next lesson.

What colors go best

  • blue-green;
  • red-brown;
  • white and gold.

What is active rest

  • active destruction of buns and cakes;
  • watching sports programs on TV;
  • sports and walks in nature.

If you chose the third answer (and we have no doubt about it), then you are real fairies with good manners and easy nature.

The next one, the agility fairy, helps to play the Confusion game. Children are in a circle and hold hands, trying to confuse the ring as difficult as possible (you can step over, twist, but not open your hands). The driver (who is chosen in advance, tries to unravel the tangle).

The Fairy of Goodies feeds her girlfriends with pleasure, and they guess the food blindfolded.

The drawing fairy comes with felt-tip pens, presents everyone artistic ability, and everyone draws a big congratulatory poster.

The theater fairy prepares a performance based on any fairy tale, in which even inanimate objects artists play. The roles are distributed by lot, including the author for reading the text). Here is an example of such a pantomime:

Summer has come. Butterflies flutter cheerfully on the green lawn. A Girl appears with a net and catches them. But Butterflies are nimble - and quickly fly around. A pensive Boy walked by. He forgot himself so much that he did not see the Tree and crashed into it. Boy rubs painful places and weep bitterly. Here appears the Girl with a coin. She hands the money to the Boy and he presses it to his forehead. Holding hands, the children walk cheerfully through the forest.

Another fabulous and no less funny scenario birthday for a 10 year old girl.

Witch Party

For the holiday, you need to prepare accessories for six costumes:

  • Baba Yaga - colored headscarf and wide skirt in patches;
  • Damn grandmother - horns on the rim and a black head scarf;
  • Drowned woman - a ghost - a transparent dark scarf-cape on her head, on top - beads on an elastic band;
  • Wicked Sorceress - black cloak with silver stars and a black cap;
  • A witch's hat with a translucent shawl, a toy mouse in the brim;
  • Good sorceress - a transparent cape with rain and a crown.

The roles will be distributed by a draw, but you need to beat it more terrible: for example, pulling out spiders with numbers on their backs from a bag. An adult presenter in the form of a Leshy (an artificial liana on his hat) helps the girls to transform and put on grey-brown-green face painting.

We seat the dressed-up guests at the still empty table, and each should write the most terrible congratulations to the birthday girl. “Kashchei Sandwiches” with “Love Potion” are set on the table, and the witches read out congratulations and present their gifts, explaining what magical power lies in this doll, box, game. Goblin announces tests for young witches, and the girls are divided into two teams.

  1. In three minutes, the team must portray the terrible Zlyukin - Pugalkin. The winner receives a dead mouse (contour - made of cardboard, tail - lace).
  2. On two balls, which must be connected in the form of a head and a body, the witches draw a skeleton. The owners of the most sinister get a mouse.
  3. Each drawing from the first competition is cut into 10 pieces. Teams exchange tasks and collect "puzzles". Who turned out to be quicker gets a mouse.
  4. Witches pass on the rights to control brooms. Prepare two salad bowls with water and floating small fruits or slices. The girls stand opposite, the broom is handed first, reaching the food, you need to catch a piece without the help of hands and return to your place. The mouse goes to the team that empties their bowl first.
  5. From long fireplace matches, the teams lay out the word "Spell". Who will be nimble, he and the mice.
  6. Skeleton from the second task of the girl's team to burst without the help of hands. Whoever kills his own first wins.
  7. Teams come up with 10 magical words and write a letter to Leshem with them. The most original is evaluated by one more mice.

We sum up by counting the number of mice. The winner gets an edible mouse (for example, from ice cream), the loser gets an edible spider.

If you use this birthday scenario at home for a girl of 11 years old, you can add intellectual competitions, for example, remember the films in which birthdays are filmed (“The Secret of the Third Planet”, “Harry Potter”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Cheburashka”, “ Fly Tsokotukha").

The “Abandoned Castle” cake with a white icing on chocolate is brought out and before blowing out the candles, each girl says what a good deed she would do if she had Magic power. The birthday girl makes a wish and blows out the candles. If everything went out, then all wishes will come true.

And what contests can still be arranged for a birthday for 10 years, read.

Happy birthday honey
beautiful girl,
Happy seventh birthday
Congratulations, we love!
Let the eyes shine with enthusiasm
The world will become a wonderful fairy tale,
Be talented, pretty,
The brightest and best
A dreamer, a ringleader,
Adored, beloved!
We want entertainment
interesting hobbies,
Be an excellent student
With joy to strive for a dream,
Never say goodbye to childhood
And smile with happiness!

There is one princess in the world
She is the prettiest and sweetest of all
And this day is even more beautiful
She's exactly seven today!

Our baby, happy birthday.
Fun, laughter, magic,
Let your life be like in a good fairy tale
It will be beautiful and bright!

Only the best gifts
After all, you deserve them in full,
Let your eyes shine with happiness
You are our gold, cheers!

I congratulate a wonderful girl, an incredible beauty and a kind clever girl on her 7th birthday. I wish your life to be happy and bright, that you be cheerful and joyful. I wish you great success in your studies and your hobbies. I wish your every day to be rich, interesting and successful.

Sweet baby, congratulations on your seventh birthday, we wish you fun, happy childhood, a lot of gifts and entertainment. Be a healthy, beautiful and happy girl for the joy of your family.

Here she became an adult,
Today you are already seven.
Happy birthday congratulations
We want to be the coolest.

To keep you beautiful
Kind, smart, sweetest.
Your dream has come true,
After all, you have grown so big.

Your birthday
Meet with a smile
And our congratulations
Take it on your holiday.

You are 7 today
You grow up before our eyes
Already read, write
You are great at it.

We wish the lessons
It was easy for you
All dreams, desires,
To be fulfilled.

For you to be healthy
Kind and beautiful
We wish our happiness
Beloved girl.

Congratulations on your 7th birthday, sweet girl. I want to tell you a secret - seven is the number of happiness. Therefore, be sure that great luck and joy await you ahead. I wish you health and beauty, success in your studies and great victories in any aspirations. Be always brave and cheerful girl!

It's been seven years since you
A decent age
You will go to school soon
Study there on "excellent".

We wish you
Everything was easy
So that you don't get sick
Smiled more often.

Clever, princess and beauty -
The miracle of parents is growing!
And she knows how to deal with everything -
He will help everyone, clean the house,
Mom's lovely helper
Prepares breakfast and lunch
I don't even want to believe
That the princess is already seven years old!
Huge happiness for parents -
To raise such a daughter
Be obedient, smart and modest,
Mom and dad so as not to upset!

birthday girl,
Very dear to my heart,
Turning seven years old!
Time for school and victories.

Let everything be easy
There will be many friends.
Bright adventures in life
And not an ounce of regret.

Be as smart
In all matters, an expert.
May all dreams come true
And you will be happy!

Birthday script 7 years old girl

This birthday is always significant date, but when a girl turns 7 years old, many people think that this is a special age and is associated with it a large number of myths and legends. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for such a holiday wisely.
Parents should invite friends and girlfriends of their daughter, transform the apartment and, of course, cook original script, the story of which is below.

Host (preferably mother):
Hurry up everyone here!
Don't be shy, don't be lazy!
You turn to each other
And smile a little!
And then take your seats quickly sit down!
Don't be embarrassed! Come in, dear guests!

Host (preferably dad): Good afternoon guys!!! Come on, solve my difficult riddle!
No one sees him
And everyone has it

Now let's get to know each other

My name is ... (says his name)

AND YOU? Come on, don't be shy. Say your names one by one (children shout out).

Well, now all in chorus, at my command, let's say our name, the main thing is to say it loudly, loudly. One, two, three, let's go! (All say their names together).
So, so, today we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Anya (any other name).

How old is Anna now?
- (All together) Seven!
We will clap our hands 7 times! Have fun!
We stomp our feet 7 times! More friendly!
Come on, Anya, turn around!
Come on, Anya, take a bow!
And once again we all clap!
And stomp our feet again!

- Did you congratulate the birthday girl? Then let's stand in a circle, and let the birthday boy stand in the center!
(All lined up)

- Congratulations on your birthday! What do we wish Anechka? (each in turn expresses wishes).

Host (1): And now it's time for competitions.

Presenter: a chamomile was made from whatman paper, it was painted and each petal with reverse side numbered.

All children tear off the petal and line up in order, the one whose petal number matches the task number goes on stage with the leader and tests await him.

Mysterious first test.

Can you guess funny riddles(Yes)? Then listen:
In the wilds, raising his head,
Howls under the moon ... a giraffe.

Who in the forest knows about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... lynx.

Sons and daughters
The nightingale teaches to grunt.

In its cool puddle
Loudly croaks ... an ant.

From the palm tree up to the palm tree again
Deftly climbs ... a cow.

Well done! Completed the task
(prize - book)

The second test is a cartoon.

You will get exactly 6 pictures. But their other halves were lost. Help them find their part.
Well done! Cope with a difficult task and get a coloring.

Third test - throwing.

Your task is to throw five balls filled with water into a pan at a distance of three meters.
(The prize is a toy (car or doll)).

The fourth test is fun.

Hare jumps:
Yes, fluffy snow.
Jumping and listening
Is the wolf coming?
One - sit down and unbend.
Two - fall and stretch.
Three - six hand claps.
Three tilts of the head.
Hands up! Shoulders wider!
Three, two, one - What decree?
From charging you will become strong
You will become strong and healthy.
(prize - keychain)

Fifth test - guessing game.

The child with petal No. 5 stands in a circle, the 6th is blindfolded. And all the other kids join hands and surround him. Everyone in the circle heads in the same direction and says: Point me, and then guess who I am!
A blindfolded child standing in the middle points forward with his finger, then everyone stops. Whoever the boy from the middle hit, he comes out and gives his hands to the one who chose him, so that he can guess who he is touching.
(prize - colored pencils)

Sixth test - delicious.

The child is blindfolded and various fruits are put in his mouth: an apple, a banana, a pear, a cherry, an orange, a kiwi, and he guesses what it is.
(prize - stickers).

Host (2): Well, at the end of the event, we will play one more game and guess the riddle.

1. Seven brothers are always inseparable,
They pass in succession - one after the other.
The first is heavy, but not at all boring.
Four follow him.
The sixth and seventh are all resting.
Pray tell, what do we call those brothers? …
Answer: All days of the week.

Game "Week".

Played exactly seven guys who were called to the stage. They were all blindfolded, then told everyone what day of the week it was? At the command of the leader, the children need to line up as soon as possible in turn - from Monday to Sunday. With all this, they should not talk.

My eldest daughter recently (at the time of writing, of course) had a birthday. She is 7 years old! It's hard to believe she's so big already! 7 years is an important date. One period of life ends - preschool - and another begins, one of the most important - school.

I really wanted to make the holiday for my daughter such that she would always remember it with warmth and joy. And I think I succeeded. Daughter loved her birthday. She was sorry that it ended so quickly (although we had fun all day). Of course, I couldn't have done it without my helpers. Thank them very much!

In this article I want to tell you how I prepared and spent a children's party. You may want to take some ideas for yourself.

I decided to spend the holiday at home. To make the holiday a success, I needed

* arrange a room where a children's party will be held

* invite girlfriends and friends of the daughter,

* think and prepare scenario children's day birth suitable for children 7 years,

* choose the right music

* as well as invent and prepare children's holiday menu.

So, let's start with the design.

I took the idea of ​​the newspaper "I'm growing up", but I designed it not like last time, but in the form of a stadiometer: I placed photographs, one for each year, with inscriptions from bottom to top from 1 year old to 7 years old on my daughter's locker so that you could see her growing up.

Well, on the day of the holiday, the room, of course, was decorated with balloons and flowers from balloons. (Unfortunately, not everything was photographed).

It was enough to create a festive atmosphere.

We had difficulties with this, since in the summer many children left in all directions. Therefore, out of the four invited to us, only one girl was able to come. Well, it's not a problem. The main thing is not the quantity, but the mood! So, we got 3 children: a birthday girl, her younger sister and one friend.

When considering the scenario, the most important thing here is to find a topic that would be close and interesting to the birthday girl.

Since my daughter is very fond of cartoons about Luntik, loves to talk about the characters of this cartoon, their actions, wants to get into this magical country where Luntik lives and get to know him and his friends, we decided that the birthday plot would be based on that we are going to visit Luntik. And, finally, having overcome difficult obstacles and coped with the tasks, we come.

The props that we used to hold the intended children's birthday contests:

* rope (magic track),

* mobile phone

* face painting

* pictures of animals (fish, horse, hedgehog, elephant)

* music (Barbariki and others that my daughter likes)

* air balloons without drawings (one for each child)\

* pencils for painting balls (we used those with which you can draw on the body)

* pieces of apple, banana, strawberry, cheese on toothpicks

* handkerchief (for blindfolding)

* watermelon ball

* small prizes (one per child) - we used lollipops suspended on strings

* cartoon about Luntik

Holiday scenario:

I will not prescribe here all the words that the hosts said (myself and my niece is an actress), you can improvise.

1. Loaf

This is a tradition that children know from kindergarten - it is customary for them to sing "Karavai" to the birthday man.

All children and leaders stand in a circle, the birthday girl in the center of the circle, and everyone sings and makes movements:

Like Marina's name day

We baked a loaf

Here is such a height(everyone raises their hands)

Here is such a low(everyone sits down and puts their hands down)

This is the width(circle stretches as wide as possible)

Here is such a dinner (we do the maximum narrow circle, surrounding the birthday girl)

Caravan, caravan,

Whom do you love, choose(everyone clap their hands).

Birthday girl says:

Of course I love everyone

But (chooses someone) more than anyone else!

And now we sing "loaf" quietly so that no one will listen to us!

And now let's sing quickly, quickly, so that no one catches up with us! We have time to make movements and sing!

And now let's everyone say their wishes to the birthday girl and give a gift!

2. Congratulations from Luntik

The bottom line is that a text message comes to the birthday girl's phone (or to your phone, if she doesn't have her own yet). (We just gave our daughter a phone, turned it on, and a text message came). And so it was written:

"Marina! Happy birthday! Come visit! Luntik."

If you do not want to bother with SMS, you can write a letter from Luntik in advance.

3. Preparation for the trip.

The guys, of course, agree to go to Luntik. But we are asking.

Guys, is Luntik big or small?


Are we compared to him?


What do we need to do to get to Luntik?

Be small like him.

And who lives there near Luntik, who are his friends?

Children list, we find out that they are all insects. And we ask the children what kind of insect each of them wants to turn into. In accordance with this, we make face painting on the face of each child. We got 2 butterflies and one ladybug.

4. Magic path.

How to get to the magical land? Only along the magic path. We lay out the rope, and everyone in turn tries to walk along it and not fall to the side. When everyone has practiced, we say that only friendly guys can go to the magical land, so we need to hold our hands when we go. Under cheerful music the guys go through the whole magical path, we praise them.

5. Who lives in the magical forest?

We are in a magical forest. Imagination challenge. We invite children to imagine who can live in a magical forest, who they see in a magical forest. They need to depict the movements, facial expressions of these animals, residents, and the rest guess.

It gets cold in the forest, and to keep warm, we start dancing.

6. Little wizard.

I also see someone in the magical forest! I'm pretending to be a wizard, the kids have to guess.

Yes, it's a wizard. He loves to turn everyone into different animals and birds. But he is still small, and he does not always succeed.

Look, he wants to turn us into someone else! Let's see if he succeeds. We explain to the children that we will turn into the animal that the wizard will have in the picture. I wonder if that fits in with what he says!

Wizard says magic words:

"Crible, crable, booms, spin, spin

I turn everyone into skunks!"

But it shows a picture, for example, a fish. Children should act like fish, I turn on the Barbarikov song "A fish swims in the sea like this ...", and everyone dances like fish.

The wizard does the same, trying to turn children into a frog, a camel, but he gets a horse, a hedgehog (The Barbarikovs have just the songs "Hedgehog" and "Young Horse") Then he finally manages to turn everyone into elephants.

But we can’t be big to go to Luntik. Therefore, we ask the children to remember the magic words that the magician said. We say them together to become small. Hooray! you can continue the journey!

7. Meteor shower

This competition is relevant for us because of the recent meteorite fall in our city. Therefore, jokes with meteorites cause a lot of emotions in our children and adults. You can replace the word "meteorite" with any other.

Balloons begin to fall on the children. We say they are meteorites and we must not let them touch the ground. Thus, to the music, children dance and beat the balls, not allowing them to fall. They liked it very much. Then everyone catches one meteorite as a prize.

8. Draw a good mood.

We ask the children what their mood is and find out that everyone is in a good, cheerful mood. We give them special pencils and offer to draw on your meteorite balloon what a good mood they have. You can turn on fun music as a background while the children draw.

Then each of the guys and the hosts can show everyone their balloon and say: "I'm in such a good mood!"

9. Treat Cave

With our good mood we continue our journey through magical path and we fall into a dark cave. Here Luntik left us a treat so that we would not get very hungry along the way. But we can only tell what it is by taste, as the cave is dark.

We blindfold the children in turn and let them try a piece of goodies (apples, strawberries, bananas, cheese, whatever). He says that this, everyone confirms, we praise the child, we give him a delicacy to eat.

10. Hot watermelon.

We refreshed ourselves, left the cave and found ... a hot watermelon! He wants to play Edible-Inedible with you! Is watermelon edible? And this watermelon?

We play edible-inedible. Everyone becomes the leader in turn. Except customary rules we add the fact that you can’t hold a watermelon for a long time in your hands, otherwise you will get burned!

11. Luntik's gifts

In the distance, the country of Luntka is already visible. We run closer. We see prizes suspended on strings. Luntik is glad that we came and he asked Uncle Shnyuk to hang these prizes for you. We blindfold each one in turn and he cuts off the prize with scissors.

12. If you have fun, then do it!

Okay, we're already here! Are you having fun? Do you like to dance? Let's come up with a dance together now, because only friendly guys can go to the country of Luntik. The leader puts on a hat and begins. We sing to the tune of the English song "If you" re happy and you know it ". If all the children present have studied English, you can sing in English.

If you're having fun, then do this: (leader shows movement)

If it's fun for you, then do it (all sing together and repeat the movement)

The hat moves on to the next one. The next participant repeats the previous movement and adds his own, everyone repeats, under the same words and song. At the end, a dance is obtained, consisting of the movements of each participant!

13. Hello, Luntik!

Here we come. Luntik is waiting for us. We turn on any cartoon about Luntik for children.

In the meantime, we are preparing a festive table for them.

Liked the ideas of children's birthday at home, share with your friends on social networks.

Write in the comments your impressions, which children's birthday contests you would also take for your holiday. Write how you usually celebrate your children's birthdays.

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Our children are growing by leaps and bounds! Until recently, we were thinking about how to buy diapers and undershirts, shampoo without tears, the first sandals and shoes! And today we suddenly understand that it's time to buy pens, notebooks, a satchel and oh, how much more! Soon to school! But before school, another important and significant holiday- birthday! The man is 7 years old! Date of!

The first thing that comes to mind is a cake, a cafe, a picnic or a walk in the park on a carousel swing. Wonderful! Well, if your child wants to spend his birthday not with adults, but with friends: boys and girls. Probably you need to do as the birthday man wishes, because this is his holiday.

Now other questions: what to feed and how to entertain? All mothers, fathers, grandparents will cope with the first question. There is only the danger of overdoing it. The holiday menu should be very simple, light and tasty! For example: vegetable and fruit cuts, 1 hot dish in the form of something unusual (figures, faces, pictures), but you can have more different sandwiches and, of course, drinks. Well birthday cake, where without it!

As for entertainment, it is not necessary to invite a host. This can be expensive and it is not always possible to accurately negotiate the script. I think you can do just as well on your own. Get less official holiday, but more laid-back, kind and cheerful! And do not forget to think about decoration, for example, with foil balloons from

I will gladly share my experience. I have some interesting games, entertainment, competitions that children like. From them you can make small script, adding something from yourself, from friends, from holidays you have seen before: congratulations, prizes for games and competitions, decorating a room for a celebration and everything that you like and your child loves.

Birthday contests 7 years

1. Competition "Caramel"

Buy the smallest caramels. To the music, at your command, the children collect these little sweets, which you throw handfuls right into them. The fastest and most dexterous one who collects the most candies wins! Laughter, running around, fun will be a lot!

2. Beauty contest "Mods"

Prepare for 2 teams in equal amounts: some cosmetics, rubber bands, hairpins, scarves, scarves, handbags and everything else you find. Each team dresses up its model (you can big doll or, more interestingly, one of the adults). Whose model will turn out funnier - he won!

3. Artist.

Need large sheets papers, crayons, markers and eye patches. Young artists draw blindfolded. Give the task depending on the age of the children: funny face, a flower, a sun, a portrait of a birthday boy... The winner is named by the hero of the occasion.

4. Journey into the past.

Prepare: diaper ( big size), a bottle of juice and a nipple on it, a handkerchief, pacifier, a scarf or a bonnet, a rattle. Ask the guests a question: "Who knew our birthday boy when he was very small?" The children answer. You ask about each item prepared by you: "What is it for and did our baby have it?" And gradually dress up the birthday boy in all these clothes and hand over all the children's items, offering to use them!

There will be great fun, noise, din, laughter! At the end of the game, often everyone wants to take a picture with such a funny and interesting baby!

5. Salute.

This game is best played before the cake is taken out or at the very end of the holiday (you can do it outside). You need to prepare a lot of already inflated balloons (about 3 pieces for each guest) and everything for soap bubbles. To cheerful loud music, songs, poems, congratulations or to loud cries of "Happy birthday! Hooray!" - simultaneously launch balloons and bubble! And part of the balloons at the same time needs to be pierced, crushed, trampled - so that there is a lot of noise, laughter and fun! Children all love such tasks and perform them with great pleasure. Where else can you make some noise and have fun from the heart, if not at a birthday party with friends!

6. Competition "Funny animals".

The children hold hands, forming a circle. The host announces: "Enter the circus arena (for example, an elephant)." Participants of the competition raise their hands, the "elephant child" runs into the circle and begins to portray the animal. The rest of the children should support the main participant with appropriate exclamations (in this case elephant). The same manipulations can be done with other animals. You can portray a cockerel (in this case, children should shout a crow), a dog (woof), a horse (yoke-go), and so on.

7. Competition "The best jumper".

Children stand in a circle or line. The host announces: “right foot, left hand”, a suitable musical melody is turned on, and the children begin to jump on their right foot, raising left hand until the end of the music. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Then the leader announces "left foot, right hand", again musical accompaniment, children begin to jump on their left leg with a raised right hand. Participants who fail to complete the task are also eliminated from the game. Further, the words of the host: "Two arms, two legs!". Again music. Now the children should jump on two legs, while raising both hands up. There may be multiple winners. 3. Competition "fun riddles".