Birthday in kindergarten. Entertainment for the birthday in kindergarten. Senior group

Tatiana Zinovieva
Scenario of the holiday "Birthday Day in kindergarten»


Carlson runs into the hall, spreading his arms (flies).

CARLSON: Outsiders! (runs a circle) Let's land! Let's land, I say!

Stops in the middle of the room.

CARLSON: Well, what a strange people went! I shout to them, let's land, and they laugh. Well, what do you want! They have a guest! Come on, feed me!

HOST: Hello to you! Arrived, did not say hello, but treat him soon. No, Karlsonchik, it's not so good.

CARLSON: Yes? What is not good at all? OK. Gotta fix everything. Eeeh! Do you know who is the best health man in the world? Of course, Carlson. Come on, put your hands up. Now I will say hello to everyone in one fell swoop!

Children put out 1 palm, Carlson runs through and claps each on the palm.

CARLSON: That's it?

HOST: No, not all. Now meet our guys.

CARLSON: And I already know you all, I watch from my house on the roof how you play. But how you live, now I know. Well, tell me, how do you live?

Children's answers.

CARLSON: Oh, you! Who answers like this? Gotta put it forward thumb And say: "Like this!"


(Carlson asks the children questions and shows the movements, the children repeat the movements after him)

CARLSON: How are you?

CHILDREN: Like this! (show thumb)

CARLSON: How in kindergarten go?

CHILDREN: Like this! (depict walking in place)

CARLSON: How do you run home from kindergarten?

CHILDREN: Like this! (run in place)

CARLSON: How do you make noise without a teacher?

CHILDREN: Like this! (stomp feet)

CARLSON: And how do you sleep in a quiet hour?

CHILDREN: Like this! (put palms together, apply to cheek, close eyes)

CARLSON: How do you laugh at jokes?

CHILDREN: Like this! (grabbing his stomach, laughing with Carlson)

CARLSON: How do you cry when mom doesn't give you a chocolate bar?

CHILDREN: Like this! (rubbing eyes with fists, depicting crying)

CARLSON: How are you naughty?

CHILDREN: Like this! (puffing out cheeks, slap them)

CARLSON: Let's continue the conversation. Well? And why don't you still ask me why I flew in?

The leader and the children ask.

CARLSON: And how? How could I not fly when the most charming, most wonderful children today birthday!Ta-ah-ah-ak! (rubs hand in hand) And who do we have today birthday boy?I'm the main guesser birthdays! (circling in place) I twist and turn, I want to guess! ABOUT! I know! Birthday boy today here is this boy in smart pants!


CARLSON: (circling in place): I twist and turn, I want to guess! Then this girl in a light pink skirt!


CARLSON: Then this one? (points to one of the children)


Carlson: That one?


CARLSON: All! Give me compote urgently! More cookies and candy. There are simply no other drugs!

HOST: Are you sick?

CARLSON: Certainly! I am the sickest Carlson in the world. (Puts hand to forehead.) I can't guess who birthday boy. I don't play like that!

HOST: Oh, you're a sly one! OK. We will help you guys!

Our birthdays

Simply amazing, top notch!

Cheerful and mischievous

They love jokes, they love laughter.

Dima and Sasha are the best

CARLSON: Certainly! How could I not have guessed! After all, they are mine best friends! Congratulations! (hot presses birthday people's hand Well, since today is the day birthdays with my favorite friends I will give you caps birthdays. I made them myself for you.


Who has today holiday,

Please stand in the middle

Happy birthday guys

We will congratulate you!


Make your circle soon

We've come to see you.

For all of us to have fun

"Loaf" we want to sing for you!

Children perform "LOAF"

HOST: Dear Karlsonchik, maybe we will take all the kids and fly to visit you?

CARLSON: To my place? Come on, with only one condition.

HOST:With which?

CARLSON: You promise me that you will be a little naughty at my place, have fun and behave badly!

HOST: No, Karlsonchik, we agree to be naughty and have fun, but we will behave well.

CARLSON: To play pranks and have fun? Just? Well, maybe you'll misbehave a little? Well, the smallest one.

HOST: If only the smallest!

CARLSON: Hooray! We'll be the tiniest misbehave! Hooray!

HOST: Do you agree?


CARLSON A: I want to tell you a story. Once, together with the Kid, we were hunting robbers on the roof. We dressed up as ghosts, flew and shouted: "Whoo!" The robbers got scared and ran away. It was our most dangerous adventure. But before that, we trained with the Kid for a very long time. We did exercises in the morning, played ball.

HOST: Do you do morning exercises?


fun exercise "LEAPING A FROG"

CARLSON: With such dexterous and friendly guys, you can protect roofs from robbers. Let's go to the roof with you! And we will fly on the most amazing aircraft - on a laugh-ho-le-those!

HOST: Something we do not know such transport.

CARLSON: In order for him to go flying, you need to quickly line up, stretch your arms to the sides and tell a funny funny rhyme. I will tell it, and you help and together shout: “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Let's rehearse!

Children try together, and most importantly fun, to pronounce “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!".


CARLSON: Wings to the sides! (children extend their arms to the sides) Fasten your seat belts! (children, together with Carlson, pretend to fasten their seat belts) Turn on the motors! (everyone presses their noses) Let's fly, we'll be lucky!

CARLSON: We fly on a laugh

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: And we laugh in flight!

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: We're flying higher, higher!

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: And we'll be on the roof!

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: Everyone play and have fun!

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: Don't fall off the roof!

CHILDREN: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

CARLSON: Arrived! Unfasten your belts!

CARLSON: Guys, who will tell me what time of year it is?

I have so much snow on my roof, I made snowballs and I want to play with you.

A GAME "SNOW" with Carlson

HOST:What the birthday,

If there is no fun?

The music will play

Let's have fun dancing!

Children perform a DANCE "BOOGIE WOOGIE"

Well done. I propose, in honor of our birthday boy fireworks from balloons.

HOST: How is it?

CARLSON: Very simple. We take balloons, inflate them and release them. I will show you now. (Inflates the balloon, releases it, it flies until it is completely deflated.) Here is a firework. I have a lot of balls in my pocket here. Enough for everyone.

Carlson distributes balloons to children

HOST: Now let's inflate them and at my command to the count "three" let's let go.

Holiday "Not at the behest of a pike, but according to one's own skill"

For children of the middle group 4 - 5 years old, born in spring and summer.

Children and parents enter the hall, take their seats. There is an improvised stove in the hall, Emelya lies on the lei.


Spring has come to us
And then summer follows.
Joy brought happiness
Holiday and hello.


What's the noise, what's the noise?
You won't let me sleep.
I will arrange a holiday for you
You won't come again.

Presenter: Oh, Emelya, today we congratulate children who have a birthday in spring and summer. Let's get off the stove, we'll drive the Loaf.

Emelya: Yes, I do not want.

The children persuade Emelya to come down from the stove and read poetry to him:

1. The sky has become bluer,
Green grass in the forest.
Flock of domestic pigeons
Knitting lace in the sky.

2. Admire, spring is coming.
Cranes fly in a caravan.
The day is drowning in bright gold
And streams on ravines rustle.

3. Spring is coming all over the earth,
Gives us miracles.
You just open the windows -
You will see it yourself.

Children sing the song "Drops - icicles."

Emelya gets off the stove.

Emelya: So be it, we will congratulate the birthday people. Where are they?


We have many, many!
Come on, count.
Birthdays, here
Get up in the circle.

The presenter calls the birthday people. Parents and children stand in a circle and sing the song "Loaf" ..

Presenter: Oh, I totally forgot. We are going to drink tea today, but no water has been brought. Emelya, maybe you go with the children for water?

Emelya: I don't want to.

Competition "Bring water on a yoke"

Two teams are selected, each of which consists of mom, dad and a child. Each team is offered two buckets filled to the middle with water. Dad, on command, puts a child on his shoulders, which is a “rocker”. Mom - "well" - gives buckets to the child. A father with a child on his shoulders moves to a certain place, trying not to spill a single drop of water.

Emelya: And I did not know that water can be brought without the help of magic words. When my daughters-in-law asked me to chop wood, I said the words “At the pike’s command, at my request” and the firewood was chopped by itself.

Competition "Cook firewood"

Two teams are selected, each of which has a father, mother and child. Each team inflates 5 balloons (this is firewood). It is necessary to transfer these balls without the help of hands, forming a sleigh - the child sits on the crossed arms of his parents and holds in his hands Balloons. Whose team will do it faster.

Presenter: Emelya, dance with us.

Emelya : Yes, I do not want.

Presenter: Well, Emelya will have to be appeased with gifts so that he will have fun with us.

Competition "Gifts"

Parts are distributed to all parents and children split pictures. From the parts you need to assemble the whole picture and depict what is drawn on it (doll, bear, typewriter, pipe, drum, monkey, etc.). During the image by members of the image team, the rest guess what kind of gift is depicted.

Emelya: Thank you for the gifts. I will be very happy to dance with you.

Everyone performs the dance "Piglets".

Presenter: Emelya, a pike helped you in a fairy tale. And now look how our children and parents cope with a difficult task without the help of magical powers.

Pass the orange game

All children and parents are divided into two equal teams, each of which includes children and adults. Parents, to be on a par with children, kneel. The task is to pass an orange, clamped by the chin, to each other in the team. Whose team will do it faster.

Emelya: But still, I want to surprise you with magic. Here I have a box in which I have prepared gifts for you. At the behest of the pike, at my will, gifts appear!

Emelya opens the box - it's empty .

Emelya: I forgot to cover the box with a magic blanket.

At this time, the host, unnoticed by others, puts gifts in a box. Emelya and children pronounce magic words, Emelya opens the box - and there are gifts. Emelya gives them to the birthday people.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to the group for tea.

About Me: I write scripts for events, compose poems, bake and share blanks, deputy of the district Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. In 2008, the winner of the regional competitive selection of the best teaching staff of the regional state and municipal educational institutions(in nomination " The best educator”), in 2009 the winner of the district competition “My innovations”.

Scenario "Birthday"for children 5 - 6 years old.

Characters: presenter, Pozdravlyalkin clown, children.

Attribute: Clown costume, riddles, children's toys, yellow and green handkerchiefs, 2 balls, 2 plates, rattles.

Scenario flow:

To the cheerful music, the children enter the group and sit on the chairs.


Why do we have fun?

What is our holiday here?




Our birthday!


What is a birthday?

It's joy and fun

These are songs, jokes, laughter!

And not in vain "Sunshine"

The holiday celebrates

Happy birthday guys

Our congratulations!


1. We did not meet by chance,

holiday is our start couple.

After all, today marks

kid's birthday!

2. Everyone loves a birthday

What is there to surprise?

Who was born in autumn

Please gather in a circle!


Who are our lucky ones?

We want to see you!

Come on give us an answer

How old are you today?


Five years!


For those who are five today

Please stand in the middle

Happy birthday guys

We will congratulate you! Presenter:

Make your circle soon

We gathered to look at you, so that we all would have more fun,

"Loaf" we want to sing for you! (Children perform "Loaf").


Happy birthday guys!

Let everything come true, what they want,

Let the fun not stop, ringing laughter.

Let them sing and dance best of all!

The bell is ringing. To the cheerful music, the clown Pozdravlyalkin runs in.


Hello girls! Hello boys!

Did you recognize me? That's right, I'm a funny clown!

Repeat after me!

Game: "Let's wave our hands ..."

Let's wave our hand - like this (waving right hand),

Let's wave the other - like this (waving left hand).

Let's wave more friendly, more fun (waving with both hands),

Let's stomp our foot like this (stomp our right foot)

Let's stomp with the other - like this (stomp with the left foot),

Let's stomp friendly, more fun,

This is how we welcome guests and friends!

Let's clap our hands - like this (one clap)

Let's clap again - like this (two claps).

Let's clap more friendly, more fun (clap many times)

This is how we welcome guests and friends!

The game "Whose circle will gather sooner."

Handkerchiefs are given to birthday people, each has its own color. Children collect mugs and memorize the color of the handkerchief. Everyone dances to cheerful music, at the end of the music, they gather a circle. For the second and third time, the handkerchiefs are changed.


And now, my boys!

Guess the riddles!

He got wet to the skin,

I couldn't get off the bench!

The owner abandoned him...

Who, who is this?


I am a fun toy

I'll be the girl's friend!

I can sit in a wheelchair

I can close my eyes!


He has a big ears,

Gena is friends with the crocodile,

smiling muzzle,

Who is this?


Bears, dolls-girlfriends,

And cars, and parsley ...

What is it all?



Do you take care of toys? (Yes!)

Do you offend them? (No!)

Do you clean up your toys? (Yes!)

Do you help your mom at home? (Yes!)

And now we'll check it out!

Game "Collect Toys"

Toys are scattered on the carpet, they need to be collected in a basket.


And now the time has come

Dance to us, kids!

Any children's dance ("dance of little ducklings") is performed.


And now it's time for the best wishes in the world for our guys! I will desire, and you shout loudly in response: “Yes! "Or shout in unison:" No! »


Happy birthday! (Yes Yes Yes)

Everyone bad mood! (No no no)

Be nice girls! (Yes Yes Yes)

Disobedient and pugnacious! (No no no)

So that mommy loves boys! (Yes Yes Yes)

With a strap to beat more often. (No-no-no!)

And fed me ice cream! (Yes Yes Yes)

Be healthy! (Yes Yes Yes)

Like a green crocodile! (No no no)

May success await everyone! (Yes Yes Yes)

"Choose a Friend" ContestRattles are placed in the center, the children walk to the music, the music stops, the players must pick up the rattle, whoever is lacking leaves the game. A few rattles are removed, the game continues.)


Now let's play my favorite game.

Competition "The most dexterous" .(Carry through without dropping the ball on a plate)


1. We congratulate all children

And with all our hearts we wish

Do not get sick, do not catch a cold,

Temper with us!

2. Do not offend kids,

Mom and dad do not upset!

3. kind children grow,

To behave.

4. Congratulations to you guys

And we give you gifts!


We give you gifts, and without a doubt we wish you a happy birthday every year. Now everyone is dancing! Disco.


So our holiday is over, but I promise you personally, I will come more than once, discarding all my affairs. I wish you good luck, and health, and friends. So that life is beautiful, and the holiday is more fun.

Elena Kovaleva
Scenario of entertainment "Day of summer birthdays"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Sagay kindergarten "Smile"

Entertainment Scenario

« Summer Birthdays Day»

caregiver: Kovaleva E. V.

With. Sagay

The purpose of this holiday is not only birthday greetings, but also development intellectual and creative abilities in children, development of ingenuity, creative imagination, the ability to quickly navigate in an environment, to be included in teamwork rejoice and bring joy to others.


To instill in children a sense of collectivism, to achieve their goals;

promote development positive emotions, the ability to communicate with their peers;

Contribute development physical qualities at children: dexterity, strength, speed, etc., to satisfy the need of children for physical activity.

Materials and equipment: caps for birthdays, bubble, a drawing of a loaf cut into seven parts, a tray, balls, toys.

Holiday progress:

Leading: Today we will congratulate birthdays born in summer.

Today we have birthday day

And we're not here in vain

To play games and congratulate soon

Happy day to all of you birth, Friends!

For someone to bake birthday cake,

And someone brought a gift.

But where are the gifts, surprises, friends?

We are tormented by this question.

Let's not rush and guess

Everything will be revealed to us

Let the heroes of this celebration

Submit immediately to you:

Introducing birthdays and put them on caps (Vadim, Matvey, Margarita, Nikita)

(All children stand in a circle)


Hello hello birthday boy!

You are like an alarm today

Probably got up first

And he invited his friends over.

And I have congratulations!

If we wish it

We scream together "Yes"

Or shout together "No"

Open your mouth wider

And congratulations kids!

Leading: Congratulations on the day birth!

Children: YES!

Leading: All bad mood!

Children: no no no!

Leading:: Let him grow big, smart!

Children: Yes!

Leading:: Like a green crocodile!

Children: no no no!

Leading:: Let him be brave, strong!

Children: Yes!

Leading:: Like a beautiful fly agaric!

Children: no no no!

Leading:: Will be kind and happy!

Children: Yes!

Leading:: Naughty and pugnacious!

Children: no no no!

Leading:: So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes!

Leading:: I used to beat with a strap more often!

Children: no no no!

Leading:: May success await him!

Children: YES!

Leading: You kids are the best!

Children: YES!

Leading: Guys, today I carried as a gift birthday fairy pie. But while I was walking to kindergarten, I lost pieces of the pie. I only have one piece left. (puts on tray). What should I do, I'm afraid I'll be alone for a long time looking for pieces? Can you help me find them?

Children: Let's help.

Leading: Guys, why are you all so sad?

What the birthday,

If there is no fun?

The music will play

Let's have fun dancing!

Dance "Good mood"

The children dance, and the presenter quietly throws a piece of pie on the floor.

Leading: Guys, what good fellows you are! Look closely, is a piece of pie nowhere to be seen?

(Children find a piece of pie)

Leading: Guys, what is it? It looks like we're caught in a soap storm.

Game "Soapstorm"

(Children burst soap bubbles)

(Dance of cheerful bubbles. Gennady Gurilenko)

Leading: Well, here we have coped with the soap storm.

Leading: Amazing! I put it on a tray.


Who has a holiday today

Please stand in the middle

Happy birthday guys

We will congratulate you!

(birthday people stand in the center of the circle).

Task for birthdays"Who is faster"

(birthday people collect balls scattered around the room)

(Children find another piece of pie)

Leading: Birthday people played Now it's the turn of the rest of the guys to play.

A game "Most dexterous" (carry without dropping the ball on a plate)

(Children find another piece of pie)

Leading: And now I want to know how smart you are.


1. Who counted the honey pot

the best gift for birthday?

(Winnie the Pooh.)

2. Whom the fox fed with semolina,

smeared on a plate?


3. This the birthday boy was once

strange toy nameless?


4. Who wanted to interfere with Little Red Riding Hood

to visit grandma? (Wolf.)

5. He called on all the guys to live together?

(Cat Leopold.)

6. She loves guests very much.

But for some reason, he always strives to put them in the oven.

(Baba Yaga.)

Leading: And now you need to listen carefully, think and quickly repeat. Let `s start?

Children: Yes!

(song sounds "The giraffe has spots, spots.". Children listen carefully and perform the movements according to the song.



And now, my boys!

Guess the riddles!

He got wet to the skin,

I couldn't get off the bench!

The owner abandoned him...

Who, who is it?


I am a fun toy

I'll be the girl's friend!

I can sit in a wheelchair

I can close my eyes!


He has a big ears,

Gena is friends with the crocodile,

smiling muzzle,

Who is this?


Bears, dolls-girlfriends,

And cars, and parsley ...

What is it all?


Do you take care of toys? (Yes)

Do you offend them? (No)

Do you clean up your toys? (Yes)

Do you help your mom at home? (Yes)

And now we'll check it out!

A game "Collect the toys"

Toys are scattered on the carpet, they need to be collected in a basket.

(Find another piece of pie).

Leading: Well done boys. We found all the pieces of the pie.


Make your circle soon

We've come to see you.

For all of us to have fun

"Loaf" we want to sing for you!

(All children stand in a circle, birthdays in the center, perform "LOAF")


With day birthday congratulations

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts

Be you always healthy

Dear kids!

Leading: And here are some small gifts that our guys made.

(birthday people are given gifts)

All children are treated to sweets.

Julia Dvoeglazova
Scenario of entertainment "Birthday Day"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

PGO "Kindergarten No. 51"

Entertainment Scenario

« birthday day»


Dvoeglazova Yu.V.

Polevskoy 2015

Target: Rally children's team, develop creative activity,

speech, memory, attention. Cultivate a sense of goodwill.

Children enter the hall to the music.

caregiver: Why, why did fun come to us?

After all, not yet New Year and not housewarming

But not in vain we now

fun with friends

What do we have, what do we have?

Guess yourself.

Child: And not in vain at this hour

Meals in groups

And we have, and we have

General birthday!

caregiver: We have funny

Girls - laughter (calls girls names,

And the boys are naughty (calls boys names) .

Child: Name days are nice,

It's weird and funny!

Accept congratulations

And receive gifts.

caregiver: Birthdays where are ours?

Let them sing and dance to us,

To invite them here

Gotta start clapping (all children clap their hands)

The teacher calls: In September, October, November…. were born…. (children leave)

caregiver: dear children, you have become a year older, grown up, prettier.

Today is forbidden

Here to whine and mope,

And it is strictly forbidden

Yawn, squeak and whine.

round dance "Loaf"

Child: And jokes and laughter,

On holiday we all

We invite you

And dance "Ducklings"

We perform together.

Dance "Little Ducklings"

caregiver: And now let's continue our holiday (music plays)

We start playing.


1."Sky, Earth, Water"(sky - jumping, earth - stomping, water - spinning,

2."Tie a scarf"(two children tie a scarf on a ball - competing,

3."Kangaroo" (with the ball between the legs, jump to the landmark).

caregiver: We made sure that you are dexterous, strong, fast, skillful.

And now we want to find out who is the smartest.

I will give you riddles - laughter, and you listen carefully and guess.


1. Raising your head in the wilds,

Howling under the moon…. giraffe (wolf)

2. Sons and daughters

Grunt teaches ... nightingale (pig)

3. In its cool puddle

Loudly croaks ... an ant (frog)

4. From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Deftly climbs ... a cow (monkey)

caregiver:IN birthday day on the tables are fruits, berries, flowers.

Our children will read poems about them.

Song "Let run clumsily"

caregiver: You are 5 years old and you are 6 years old.

And that means you've grown a year.

And none of you cry

Just amazing kids!

And we also wish you

Help mom at home

Eat porridge for health

Never lose heart.

With day birthday congratulations,

Grow up every day

We wish you all good health

Let's sing a song now!

Song "From a smile"

To the music "Barbariki" Teachers distribute treats to children.

Related publications:

Scenario of the holiday "Birthday" Purpose: to develop the skills of joint performance of tasks; develop acting skills; strengthen team spirit. Event progress. (All pupils.

Program content: To teach to receive emotional satisfaction from games-competitions; Cultivate a sense of empathy for your comrades.

Synopsis of entertainment "Birthday Day" Congratulations to birthdays from all groups of the kindergarten. Purpose: development of communication and interaction of the child.

"Birthday Day" Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere, to call positive emotions. Objectives: To instill in children a sense of community.

Scenario: "Birthday, for children of the middle group." Scenario: "Birthday, for children of the middle group." (To the music of Shainsky "Let them run awkwardly ..." - the children enter the hall). Vedas. From what.

Scenario "Birthday" (preparatory group) Host: What is a birthday? This is joy and fun, These are songs, jokes, laughter! And it is not in vain that our kindergarten celebrates the Holiday, Happy Day.

Scenario "Birthday Day" in the middle group. Scenario "Birthday Day" in middle group. (for those who were born in winter and spring) (To the music from the cartoon, Freken Bok enters holding.