Small scripts for puppet shows about obzh. Scenario puppet show for preschoolers based on fairy tales

musical director of MDOU " Kindergarten No. 183, Yaroslavl.


puppet show

for children before school age

D acting persons:


Basil cat.

Murka the cat




Sparrow Chik Chirikych

Dr. Hedgehog

Vedas: Lived - there was a cat Murka and a cat Vasily.

(a cat and a cat appear on the screen).

CAT: I am a cat, a cat, Vasya is a gray tail.

I am the smartest cat. Do you believe me, friends?

CAT: I'm a cat, guys

I walk on soft paws.

My skin is gray

Everyone calls me Murka.

VED: The cat Vasily and the cat Murka lived together. called each other affectionate names: Vasily called Murka Kisulya, and Murka called Vasily - My Kitty. One day the cat says to the cat...

CAT: Bake me, Kisulya, a gingerbread man.

CAT: Of course, my cat. Now I'm fast.

VED: The cat Murka took out flour, butter, eggs from the cellar, and began to knead the dough. Let's help her.

We break the eggs into a bowlChildren take turns clapping and

We help our pussy.blows to the knees in the rhythm of the text.

And - one, and - one,

Everything will work out for us.

Now let's take the painChildren perform a movement that imitates

We put a lot in pies.sprinkling flour.

Rash friendly, don't be sorry

To please friends.

We will pour oil into the doughChildren imitate pouring oil.

And let's start mixing.

We knead the dough thicklyChildren "knead the dough."

To be delicious.

We'll roll the dough into a bun,Children imitate movement.

Yes, we bake it in the oven.Children show how to put

baking sheet in the oven

(hands forward with palms up).

VED: The cat Murka baked a bun and put it on the window to cool.

(the cat carries a bun in its paws and puts it on the edge of the screen).

CAT: Here is what a glorious bun I got. Thanks for helping me guys, I couldn't have done it without you. Well, Kolobochek, lie on the window, cool off.(Leaves).

VED: A gingerbread man lay on the window, then it turns one side, then the other. Tired of him lying down, he jumped off the window and rolled.

VED: A bun rolls, rolls, suddenly a wolf meets him.

(wolf exits)

WOLF: I am a hungry forest wolf

I chatter with my teeth: click and click.

The wolf does not sit at home,

Looking for something to eat.

(a bun stumbles upon a wolf).

WOLF: Oh you, oh you! What a luck!

I walk and walk here, looking for, looking for, but I had to sit down and wait - the food itself rolls into my mouth.

KOLOBOK: Oh sorry. Hello, uncle wolf.

WOLF: (scared) Where? What uncle?

KOLOBOK: So it's you - uncle wolf. Hello!

WOLF: Phew! Scared! Is it possible? Uncle, uncle ... so I'll eat you for such words!

KOLOBOK: Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing you a song.

WOLF: I know your songs: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I’ll leave you, wolf ...!” No, I'll eat you without a song.

KOLOBOK: No, I don’t know such a song, I don’t even have grandparents. Well then, let me give you a riddle.

WOLF: Make up your mind, so be it, I'm in today good mood!


Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

WOLF: (thinks) This is what I don't know. Walk in winter? Brrr.

Cold! Who is this?

(Kolobok imperceptibly leaves the wolf.

The wolf, grumbling under his breath, leaves).

VED: While the wolf was thinking and thinking, the gingerbread man had already rolled away. The bun rolls, rolls ...

(Kolobok rolls along the edge of the screen, trees move in the background).

VED: Suddenly a bear meets him.

(bear exits)

BEAR: I live in a dense forest

I have my own house there.

Anyone who wants to come in

Hang out with the bear.

(Kolobok rolls along the path and stumbles upon a bear).

KOLOBOK: Oh sorry. I accidentally bumped into you. Hello.

BEAR: Hello! And who are you? And how delicious you smell! Here I'll eat you!

KOLOBOK: Don't eat me, Uncle Misha. I will sing you a song.

BEAR : No, let's go without songs today.

KOLOBOK : Then let me tell you a riddle.

BEAR : Go ahead, guess. I am the best riddle solver in the forest.


Beast shaggy, clumsy

He sucks his paw in the den.

BEAR : Crocodile! Guessed? And why clubfoot? Shaggy? And he does not live in a den ...

(Kolobok quietly leaves the bear.

The bear, grumbling under his breath, leaves.)

VED: While the bear was thinking and thinking, the gingerbread man had already rolled away.

(Kolobok rolls along the edge of the screen, trees move in the background).

The bun rolls, rolls ... Along the edge, along the river. How long, how short, the bun got tired, froze, wanted to return home, and then he realized that he didn’t remember the way back. Gingerbread man stopped under the tree and cried.

The bun stops.

KOLOBOK : Well, why did I run away,

I would bask on a saucer.

Lost the way home

How to return now?

Heh heh heh! A-a-a-chhi! A-a-a-chhi!

Well, he still caught a cold.

Help me guys, I'm lost.(cries and leaves).

VED: Meanwhile, the cat Vasily caught himself and said to the cat Murka.

CAT: Well, bring it, Kisulya, bun. We will play with him, roll, knead his paws.

VED: Murka went for the kolobok, and he was gone.

CAT: Ahah! Basil! I don't have a bun. Rolled away.

CAT: How so! After all, the night is coming soon. He can get lost and catch a cold.

CAT: Or maybe he got lost and can't find his way back? Let's go, Vasily, look for a kolobok in the forest.

CAT: Yes, you have to look, but the forest is so big and dense, can you find it? Let's go to the lost and found office, ask the magpie, maybe our bun was found?

VED: Send the cat Vasily and the cat Murka to the sparrow. His name was Chik Chirikych, he worked in the Forest Lost and Found Bureau. And, if someone loses something, they went to Chik Chirikych.

The cat and the cat are walking.

CAT: Hello, Chik Chirikych!

SPARROW : Hello, kittens are animals. What did you complain about?

CAT : We've got a problem. The cat Murka baked a bun for me, but he rolled off into the forest and did not come back.

SPARROW: Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man ... now I'll look ... (looking) . No, nobody found the kolobok. They brought me a handkerchief yesterday. Sparrow brought from the city. Not yours?

CAT and CAT: No, no, we didn't lose the handkerchief. Our bun is gone.

SPARROW: Well, then there's nothing else.

CAT: Let's go, Murka, look for the kolobok in the forest yourself.

SPARROW: Yes, go. I will also fly into the forest now, I will help you.

VED: Send a cat with a cat to the forest.

The cat and the cat are walking, the sparrow flies after them.

VED: They go, wander, then a wolf meets them.

The wolf comes out

CAT: Wolf - top, gray barrel. Have you met where our kolobok?

WOLF : How did he not meet, he deceived me, a simpleton - he guessed a tricky riddle, I still think. Now, if you guess this riddle, I'll tell you where he rolled.

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

CAT: Oh, I don't know the answer...

CAT : Me too…

CAT: Let's ask the guys, maybe they can help.

CAT: Guys, help us solve the riddle.

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?


CAT: Oh, top, and, really, this is a riddle about you.

WOLF: How? How about me? (thinking) But, it’s true, in winter, when it’s cold, there’s nothing to eat, I walk around and get angry. Ah, the cunning bun. He made a riddle about myself, but I didn’t think of it. Okay, so be it, I'll tell you where I saw the kolobok. He walked along the swamp, along the clearing. Look for him there.(He leaves, muttering to himself.) Look, everyone is so smart... What am I, a stupid one?

VED: Send the cat Vasily and the cat Murka along the swamp.(go). There is a bear towards them.

The bear comes out.

CAT: Hello, teddy bear.

CAT: Have you met a bun in the forest?

BEAR: Ah, that bully! I'm the best riddle solver in the forest. And he deceived me - he guessed a tricky riddle! Let's see if you can guess it.

Beast shaggy, clumsy

He sucks his paw in the den.

CAT: Oh, I don't know the answer again...

CAT: Let's ask the guys. Guys, what is this animal?


BEAR: What bear? It's not a bear. This... This... Wait, it's true: I'm shaggy and clumsy, my house is called a lair, but I didn't know that I was sucking my paw, but I sleep all winter. Wow, what a cunning bun! He made a riddle about myself, but I couldn’t guess. I guess I'm getting old ... Oh-oh-oh! Well, okay, I'll tell you where the bun rolled. He rolled along the speech, over there.

CAT: Thank you guys. And you bear, thank you!

BEAR: Yes please.(leaves).

VED: Send a cat with a cat along the river.(they leave).

Doctor Hedgehog enters

DOCTOR: So hello guys! Who is sick here? Nobody? And I got a letter. Here it is. Who can help me read it?

CHILDREN: (read the letter).





DOCTOR: He must have written such a letter on purpose. Or maybe one of you is sick? Let's check. Let's do exercises together Stand up, everyone ... ..

(children follow the text) .

What do we need to charge? Socks apart and heels together.

We start with nothing, stretch to the ceiling.

Bent over, one and two, try, kids.

Sit down a little, get up a little. Now they have become higher.

We got up. Exhaled: "Oh!" Inhale and exhale. Inhale again.

Let's catch our breath and together we will sit down all in place.

Breathe through your nose together... So. So. Fine. Breathing is fine. Blinked their eyes…. Great. Are your hands clean? Come on, show me! And the ears? Do you brush your teeth in the morning? Well, well done! Everything is fine with you. I will go to treat other children.(leaves).

The wolf appears.

WOLF: Haha! Well, I fooled the doctor! Here, they will not guess tricky riddles for me.(leaves).

VED: Meanwhile, a cat and a cat are walking along the river.

A cat and a cat come out, move along the screen ..

VED: They walk for a long time, but they don’t find the kolobok. Suddenly, forty meet them.

Forty flies out.

MAGPIE: There you are! After all, I found your kolobok, took it home.

CAT: That's joy, thank you, Matryonushka!

MAGPIE: It’s good, of course, that the bun was found, but the trouble is that he got sick. I already wrote a letter to the doctor, asked the wolf to send it. And the doctor still does not go and does not go. Guys, have you seen him?

CHILDREN: ( (answers)

MAGPIE: Oh, there, what is it? Dr. Hedgehog has already come, but he left to treat other children! I'll go look for him. And the wolf will get more from me.(flies away).

CAT: Let's go, Vasily, hurry home. Our bun is already waiting for us. Yes, he probably needs help.

CAT: Let's go Murka.

(They leave. Kolobok appears and groans.

Sparrow flies in and Dr. Hedgehog enters).

DOCTOR: Well, who is sick here? Who needs my help?

CHILDREN: The gingerbread man caught a cold.

DOCTOR: Now we will treat him. (Withlistens )Breath! Do not breath. Cough. Here, take your medicine.(gives medicine). Well, it's all right. Now he will get better.

Enter Cat and Cat.

CAT: Kolobochek, dear, are you feeling better? It's good that you found. Thank you. Dr. Hedgehog, who cured our bun.

VED: And to celebrate, everyone began to dance and have fun.

General fun.

VED: Here, guys, what a story happened to the kolobok. But everything ended well. Our fairy tale is over, and who listened well done!

"Following the Sun"

Scenario of a puppet show for preschool children


Alenka, Grandmother, Grandfather, Hare, Fox (Elizaveta Petrovna), Medved Medovich, Wolf (Valdemar Volfovich).

Picture 1.

Alyonka sleeps, Grandmother appears.

Grandmother: Alyonushka! Granddaughter! Get up! The sun woke up, he has no one to play with!

Alyonka: Do not want to get up! Do not bother me, grandmother, watch a dream, let the sun play with you!

Grandmother: Yes, I need to bake pancakes. Yes, cook porridge.(leaves)

Grandpa appears.

Grandfather: Alyonka! Wake up, the morning is ending, the day is starting! The sun has risen high, and you haven't said hello to it yet.

Alyonka: I don’t want to get up, grandfather, don’t bother me to sleep!

Grandfather walks away shaking his head.

The clock sounds. Alyona wakes up.

Alyonka: One eye is open and the other is awake

The sun is looking at me, Alyonka!

Oh, where is it? My Sunshine? Did you guys see?

I really want to play - I'll go look for the sun!

Grandma and Grandpa arrive.

Grandmother: Alyonushka, woke up!

Grandfather: Go wash up, Alyonka!

Grandmother: Yes, and pancakes have long been ready, sit down to eat.

Alyonka: I have no time, I'll go look for the sun, where did it hide from me? I don't have anyone to play with now!

Grandfather : But you shouldn’t have slept so long, the sun couldn’t stand it and rolled away from you!

Alyonka: Ah, that's how! Then I'll go into the forest and find him!

Grandmother (wailing):But where are you going, dear, because wild animals live in the forest! Don't go, Alyonushka, have pity on me and my grandfather!

Alyonka: Here's another! I'll go anyway! And no one will stop me!

Grandfather : So let it go, maybe it will get crazy! Don't cry, grandma, calm down!

Music sounds.

Picture 2.

Alyonka leaves, and her grandmother waves her hand and cries on her grandfather's shoulder. They leave too. The Hare appears.

Hare: Oh, the sun had gone somewhere, it was completely dark, I was here in the garden, I ran from the forest to nibble carrots and heard how the girl went into the forest alone. Is this true guys?

What is her name? Then you need to look after her so that no trouble happens, because she does not know the habits of our forest inhabitants. Which direction did she go? There? Oh no, there? Thank you! I'll catch up with her!(runs away)

Alyonka: I'm not afraid of anything, if necessary, I'll fight back! … But still, it’s creepy here in the forest alone…

Fox creeps up from behind.

Fox: Well, why just one?

Alyonka (frightened): Oh!..

Fox: Am I that scary?!

Alyonka: No, not really..

Fox: Here is something! Better tell me what you lost here in our forest! A? Girl!

Alyonka: My name is Alyona...

Fox : Just think, "Alyonka"! And me, Lizaveta Petrovna! You better answer my question - what are you looking for here, in OUR in the forest? Maybe this is mine, and you're looking for it?

Alyonka: No, it's not yours! I'm looking for sunshine!

Fox : Oh, I made you laugh! "Sunshine"!...Although you know...I'll tell you where the sun hid!

Alyona: Really?

Fox : Of course it's true! Have I ever cheated on anyone! You go along this path, and then turn left - there will be your sun!

Alyonka: Well, then I ran!

Fox : Look what, I didn’t even say thank you! Well, run, run... there's a surprise waiting for you! Let's have some fun!(leaves in the other direction, the Hare appears)

Picture 3.

Hare: I was chasing Alyonka, yes, probably not on the right path, how could I warn her about the danger in the forest? Where did she go guys? There? Oh, it's dangerous out there! Well thanks, I ran!

Alyonka appears, then the Wolf.

Alyonka: I turned to the left, but I don’t see the sun, maybe Lizavetta Petrovna got it wrong?

Wolf: No, girl! Lizavetta Petrovna is never wrong! It's true she showed you the way - I'm just so hungry!

Alyonka (frightened, backing away):What are you talking about? What are you implying?

Wolf : I'm hinting at what you yourself are now thinking! I'm hungry, I say! You will bake pancakes for me now!

Alyonka: I can't!

Wolf: How can you not?

Alyonka: And my grandmother baked pancakes for me while I was sleeping, oh, how I want to eat!

Wolf : Don't confuse which of us is hungry here! You don't know how to bake pancakes, then I eat you!

Alyonka: Oh no nooooo!!! I'm not tasty!!!

A bear appears.

Bear: Who here is not tasty? Who won't let me take a nap? Who is yelling so loudly here?

Alyonka hides her face, falling forward.

Wolf: Go away, Medved Medovich, this is my prey!

Bear: Ah, well, if it’s yours, Waldemar, then it’s another matter, I don’t need someone else’s, just don’t interfere with my rest!(leaves)

Wolf : So, what should I cook you with? With a green swan or

With crow's feet? Better with a swan, I'll go to a clearing, a narva of a quinoa.(leaves) Music is playing.

The Hare appears.

Scene 4

Hare: Get up, Alyonka, it's time for you to go home!

Alyonka: And who are you? I do not know you!!! And how will I leave if I am the Wolf's dinner?

Hare: You don't know me, but the guys do, right?

Alyonka (addressing the children):And who is this? ... Ah, Bunny, it means that it is also a forest beast!

Hare : Don't be afraid, I'm almost a rabbit - I often run to your garden for carrots! ... Oh, let it slip! And it's time for you to go home - grandma and grandpa are worried! Hurry up before the wolf comes!

Alyonka: Oh, no, Hare, you jump, but I can’t - I’m lunch for the Wolf, he will cook me now with a swan.

Hare: What are you, Alyonka! Let's go, I tell you!

Alyonka: No, I can’t (lay down)

Hare: Well, okay, let's ask the guys - who are you: a girl Alyonka or lunch for the Wolf? Who is she guys?

Alyonka (gets up): But what about the sun? I haven't found him yet!

Hare: Do you want me to tell you a secret, how do you find the sun?

Alyonka: Of course I do!

The wolf appears. The hare is hiding behind Alyonka.

Wolf: Yes, yes, yes! Who was talking to you right now?

Now I’ll cook it for dinner too - together with you!

Alyonka: Yes, you wait, Valdemar Volfovich, it’s not up to you! (turns to Rabbit)

Wolf (to the audience): I didn’t understand ... Well, okay, I’ll go to the Bear, maybe he’ll treat me to tea with honey. (leaves)

Alyonka: Well, tell me a secret, Bunny, where can I find the sun?

Hare: How brave you are, Alyonka!

And you don’t need to look for the sun - it will find you by itself, if you get up early, everything will happen by itself. You just need not to be lazy and wash yourself with some water and, of course, be kind, and say thank you!

Alyonka: Thank you, Bunny!

Hare: And thank you, Alyonka, for saving me from the Wolf! And there your grandparents are walking, they found you themselves, then I ran,


Picture 5.

Grandma and Grandpa arrive.

Grandmother: Alyonushka, granddaughter! How lucky we are to have found you!

Alyonka: Please forgive me!

Grandfather: Well done! I see, I learned the mind-reason!

Alyonka: Yes, grandfather, now I will get up early and help my grandmother bake pancakes.

Grandmother: Well, that's good, which means that the sun will never hide from you again!

Alyonka: And thanks to all the guys, they helped the Hare and me! Goodbye!

Music sounds.

Performance script puppet theater"The sun is visiting."

Author: Gubina Olga Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist, OGKOU special (correctional) Orphanage"Sunshine", the city of Ivanovo.
Description: This performance is intended for a children's audience. It will be of interest to creative and active teachers who are engaged in theatrical activities with preschool children, and parents (the performance can be organized and shown at home). Children of senior preschool age can themselves participate in this performance as heroes of a fairy tale, children of middle and younger age are active viewers. The characters' lines are written in poetic form They are easy to remember and understand by ear.
Goals and objectives: create a positive emotional mood in children, by watching (or participating in a show) a puppet theater performance, to teach them to empathize with the characters of a fairy tale and understand the general meaning of a fairy tale, form an idea of ​​kindness, mutual assistance, develop attention, imagination, creative thinking, speech, continue to acquaint children with various types theater, to form the skills of a culture of behavior.
Equipment: a screen with scenery for the performance, bibabo dolls (grandfather, woman, granddaughter Tanya, dog Barbos, bear, fox, Morozko), audio recordings for the performance (“Visiting a fairy tale” - music and lyrics by V. Dashkevich, Y. Kim; “Shines the sun for everyone "- music by A. Yermolov, words by V. Orlov; "Sounds of nature. Snowstorm").
Entry into a fairy tale (music “Visiting a fairy tale” music and lyrics by V. Dashkevich, Yu. Kim) sound.
Leading: Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world, both adults and children. Miracles happen, and the fairy tale begins ....
Fairy tale
Leading: Lived - were in the same village grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Tanya (characters of a fairy tale appear on the screen). Tanya loved her grandparents very much, she helped them in everything. And she went for water, and heated the stove, and cooked porridge. In the morning, Barbosa fed the dog with a bone, gave him water to drink, and went for walks with him. Tanya was a kind, cheerful and friendly girl. Enjoy the sun every day (a song about the sun “The sun shines for everyone” sounds in the audio recording, music by A. Yermolov, words by V. Orlov - Tanya's doll is dancing).
But one day a big cloud covered the sky. The sun did not shine for three days. People are bored without sunlight.
Grandfather: Where did the sun go? We need to get him back to heaven as soon as possible.
Woman: Where is it to be found? Do we know where it lives?
Tanya: Grandpa, Grandma, I'll go looking. I will return our sun to the sky.
watchdog: I am a dog, faithful dog and my name is Barbos! Woof! I'll go with Tanya, I'll save you from trouble. Rrrrr...
Leading: And Tanya and Barbos went on a long journey. They walked for a day, two walked, and on the third they came to a dense forest. And in the forest there lived a bear, as he began to roar. (bear appears)
Bear: Uh-uh
Tanya: You bear don't cry, better help us. Where can we look for the sun, so that it will be light again?
Bear: I am a bear-bear, I can roar, if it's cold, it's dark, I've been sleeping in a den for a long time. Come all to me, here it is both dry and warm.
Tanya: We can’t go to the den, it’s time for us to look for the sun.
Bear: I don't know where to look, can I call a fox? She is a cunning cheat and looks for hares very cleverly. Maybe the sun will find, knows where it lives.
Leading: And they began to call the fox.
Bear, Tanya and Barbos: Fox, fox, fox, you are the beauty of the whole world! Come to us soon, help find the sun. (the fox comes out)
Fox: I am a fox, I am a sister, of course I will help you, I will find the red sun!
Santa Claus came, our sun closed. And snow and blizzard, so as not to warm the day. I will show you the way to where there are cold snows, where Frost always lives, there is a blizzard all around, winter.
Leading: And the fox Tanyushka with Trezor led to Santa Claus in the Winter Kingdom - the State, where there are eternal frosts, blizzards, and blizzards (audio recording "Sounds of nature. Snowstorm")
watchdog: Santa Claus come out and talk to us! RRRRR (Morozko exits)
Tanya: Hello Santa Claus, we have one question. Did you take the sun, hid it somewhere and disappeared. It became dark and sad for everyone ... but the sky was empty, empty.
Father Frost: I welcome you friends! I hid the sun in the sky. I melt very quickly from heat and heat.
Tanya: It’s dark for us without the sun, we are very, very waiting for it ... so that the rays shine and the kids have fun.
Father Frost: Okay, I'll return the sun, but I'll take the heat. Let the sun shine in winter, but not warm, children know!
Leading: Santa Claus returned the sun to the sky. It became bright and cheerful. But since then they say that the sun shines in winter, but does not warm (a song about the sun sounds in the recording - the characters of the fairy tale are dancing, the audience is clapping)
That's the end of the tale, and who listened, well done!
Questions for viewers:
1. Did you like the fairy tale?
2. Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?
3. What was Tanya like? Why did she go to the forest?
4. Why do people feel sad without the sun? (close your eyes with your palms, like a cloud covered the sky, what do you feel, what do you see? Now open, what do you feel now?)
5. What did Santa Claus say about the sun in winter?
6. Let's meet the artists with applause! (artists bow out)

Scenario puppet show"Visiting a fairy tale."

Screenwriter teacher additional education MBU DO "Houses children's creativity Kalininsk, Saratov Region” Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna.
Scenario of a puppet show with the participation of students primary school for children of preschool and school age. The script uses riddles, songs and music games. This scenario will be of interest to teachers of additional education, music directors and preschool teachers.
Target: creating a theatrical atmosphere of the holiday.
to develop students' acting skills;
consolidate the skill of driving a glove puppet in a theatrical performance with the audience.
generalize knowledge of poems, riddles, fairy tales and songs;
create conditions for the perception of a puppet show;
educate the culture of behavior of the audience in the theatre.
Scenery: a screen decorated with autumn leaves.
Glove dolls: Parsley, Mouse, Grandmother and Grandfather, Gingerbread Man, Fox, Dragon, Masha.
The music of the "Petrushka Theater" sounds, a Petrushka doll appears on the screen.
Parsley: I fun toy
Hello everyone, my friends!
I am Petrushka, I am Petrushka
I will play with you!
I brought riddles
Guess what, guys!
1. A red girl came
And sprinkles the leaves.
What is her name,
Who can guess, kids? (Autumn)
Parsley: 2.Orange, red
Glitter in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
They spin and float. (Trees and leaves)
The song "Cap, cap, on the track" is performed. The children sing along.
Parsley: Of course, it’s a pity that the summer has passed, but in autumn you can also have interesting and fun times.
I guys like to read and tell fairy tales,
I know a lot of fairy tales! Do you guys read fairy tales?
Parsley: I will guess riddles for you, and you guess them,
If you name the fairy tale correctly, it will immediately appear.
Listen to my first riddle:
Someone grabbed someone tenaciously,
Oh, there’s no way to pull it out, oh, I sat down firmly.
But more helpers will soon come running
A friendly mutual friend will win the stubborn.
She is the most important of all in a mystery,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandfather and grandmother. (Mouse).
The song "Laughing Mouse" sounds. A mouse appears on the screen.
Parsley: Hello Mouse, are you ready for winter?
Mouse: But how, was it in vain that I helped Grandfather and Baba in the garden, worked, gathered all the vegetables.
Parsley: Did you pick vegetables?
Mouse: But how! We mice are big connoisseurs of vegetables!
Parsley: We will check this now!
Parsley makes riddles about vegetables, the Mouse makes mistakes in the answers, the children help to guess the riddles correctly.
Riddles about vegetables:
1. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)
2. The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)
3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
4. She is spotted, eats green, gives white.
Mouse: Vegetables don't eat anyone.
I think it's a cow riddle.
Parsley: I was joking, of course it's a cow riddle.
Mouse: It's not fair. Now it's my turn to ask riddles:
Fairy tales are asked, and now, you, friends, recognize us!
It didn’t lie on the window - it rolled along the path ... (Kolobok)
The mouse runs away, Grandfather and Baba appear to the music.
Grandfather: Bake me a grandmother, Kolobok.
grandmother: What can I bake it for you?
Grandfather: And you mark the barn, scrape the barrels, pick up flour, knead the dough and bake a bun.
Parsley: Let's guys help Grandma bake the Gingerbread Man.
Performed musical finger gymnastics"Bake us pies, grandma"
Kolobok appears on the screen.
Kolobok: I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I will even run away from you guys.
Gingerbread man runs away, and grandma and grandfather run after him.
Parsley: Here's a stupid one.
Who did the bun meet?
Who has a red side?
Very clever sister
Well, of course, ... .. (Fox).
The Fox appears on the screen and performs "Fox Tango".
Parsley: In a fairy tale, a fox is a cheat
I deceived the bunny deftly,
Driven away from the hut.
The bunny cried day and night.
But in trouble he helped
One brave cock.
Fox: Oh, it's not true, yellow press!
Parsley: Who met you - everyone is afraid of you!
Fox: Are they afraid of me? Here I will show you who to be afraid of.
Listen to my riddle:
It only happens in fairy tales
We can live without fear
What if we suddenly meet him
Fire-breathing dragon)
Music sounds, the Fox runs away, the Dragon appears on the screen.
The Dragon: Well, what's scary?
Parsley: No, it's not scary, guys, aren't you scared?
The Dragon: Well, I don't play like that!
Parsley: Do you know riddles?
The Dragon: Scary?
Parsley: And even scary ones.
The Dragon: I know!
Parsley: Then guess!
The Dragon:
1. Wonderful hut - two chicken legs,
There is one in a fairy tale (Baba Yaga)
2. The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshcheya's death lurks,
What is this subject?
Give me an answer, my friend! (Needle)
Children: …
3. Like Baba has Yaga
Only one leg is missing.
But there is a wonderful
Aircraft. Which? (Mortar)
Parsley: Your riddles, Dragon, are not at all scary, really, guys, but fabulous.
The Dragon: Is it true? Well, then I flew, I’ll guess them for Koshchei!
The dragon flies away.
Parsley: And I have guys, there is another mystery for you!
And the road is far
And the basket is not easy,
To sit on a stump,
Eat a pie! (Masha and the Bear)
What is this fairy tale?
Masha appears to the music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".
Masha: Oh, how many children, girls and boys, rather, all get up in Christmas trees and stumps play with me!
Musical warm-up "Christmas trees-stumps".
Parsley: Did you play well?
Masha: Great! Where is Mishka? Bear! Bear! (runs away)
Parsley: Fun, fun, we played with you,
A lot of fairy tales, the guys called.
I advise you to read and learn new fairy tales.
And I will come and visit you fairytale heroes I'll bring it with me!
The song "Fairy tales end" sounds, the performance ends to the applause of the audience.