Fun competitions for children 10 years old on their birthday. "It's in the Hat" is a musical game. How to prepare for the holiday

10 years is your baby’s first serious anniversary. It’s already inconvenient to call him a baby. Among the collection there are probably certificates, cups, and other achievements. The child is preparing for adolescence, leaving primary school and moving on to secondary school. Often children at this age are very capricious, so if you organize a birthday without taking into account his wishes, you risk not pleasing the birthday boy.

Discuss the holiday scenario with your child. How does he want to spend his celebration? What was good about past birthdays? Holiday menu. How does he want to decorate the room (flower balls no longer suit the boys, maybe Christmas tree garlands and a silver number 10 on the entire wall)? Maybe he likes themed events, for example you can arrange one. And most importantly, what competitions will be of interest to his friends?

It is important to think through the scenario in advance in order to correctly calculate the budget. Some competitions are less expensive (for example, intellectual competitions). In any case, props and prizes must be purchased in advance, taking into account the number of guests.

On the day of the holiday, it is best to go to Child's world for a dream gift with your child, or please your child with a surprise prepared in advance (for example,) then sit in children's cafe or a pizzeria and go home or to a designated place to meet guests. It’s better to start with simple, inactive competitions.

Intellectual competitions

When drawing up competitions, take into account the age, character and personal characteristics of each guest: if the majority of those invited are inactive children, reduce the number of sports competitions in favor of intellectual ones.

The most serious guest

There are no prizes in this competition, but that's not worth mentioning. The guests stand in a circle. The first one says “ha” with a serious expression on his face. The next one also with a straight face - “ha-ha”, the third adds “ha-ha-ha”. Usually it is possible to maintain a calm appearance for up to 4-5 participants. If one smiles, everyone laughs. It is allowed to silently make grimaces, trying to make the speaker laugh.


Everyone stays in a circle. The first one says: “I’m flying to a desert island and I’ll take binoculars with me.” The next person repeats the phrase, adding his item to the suitcase. The third one needs to list everything and name his option. Whoever “did not bring the suitcase” (did not remember the sequence) is eliminated from the game.

I believe - I don't believe

Questions are given to the teams in turn. For correct answers - tokens. Prizes – based on overall results.

  1. At first, only pilots used ballpoint pens (I believe).
  2. Russia grows the most turnips (in America).
  3. A couple of crocodiles in one circus were taught to dance the waltz (I don’t believe it).
  4. You can see a rainbow at night (I believe).
  5. Fireflies are used instead of flashlights (I believe).
  6. When a flounder is placed on a chess board, it becomes checkered (I believe).
  7. Dolphins are small whales (I believe).
  8. When a bee bites, it dies (I believe).
  9. Penguins fly north in winter (I don’t believe they don’t fly at all).
  10. Bats receive radio signals (I don’t believe it).

Tricky riddles

  1. He got leeches, sold them to Karabas, he smelled of swamp mud, his name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar).
  2. He beats and tortures the poor dolls, he is looking for a magic key, he looks terrible, this is a doctor... (Aibolit - Karabas).
  3. He lived in Prostokvashino and was friends with Matroskin, he was a little simple-minded, the dog’s name was... (Totoshka - Sharik).
  4. He was on the road for many days to find his wife, and a ball helped him, his name was... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich).
  5. He walked through the forest boldly, but the fox ate the hero. The poor thing sang goodbye. His name was...(Cheburashka - Kolobok).
  6. She finds out everything, spies on it, interferes and harms everyone, she only cares about the rat, and her name is... (Yaga - old woman Shapoklyak).

Guess the drawing

The presenter covers the picture with a clean opaque sheet, leaving 2 square meters free. see picture. Gradually moves the sheet, revealing more and more for review. Whoever guessed the plot first wins. The illustration should be well known to children.

Music and dance competitions

Musical competitions set the mood for the entire holiday. Just don’t delay each task, switch to others in time so that the children don’t get tired.


Take one thing from each guest and put everything in an opaque bag. The birthday boy turns his back to him and says what the owner of the extracted forfeit needs to do. The funnier the tasks, the more fun competition. The birthday boy's forfeit is also in the general pile (he doesn't know about it).

  • perform a song for the birthday boy;
  • show a car that cannot be started for a long time;
  • shout out the window “Happy Birthday!” 10 times;
  • depict without words how you are in a store buying three birds with one stone as a gift for a friend;
  • perform a song on behalf of an African aborigine;
  • compose a poem in honor of the birthday person (like a burime) with the words: congratulations - birthday, gifts - hugs, speeches - candles, toys - girls and read it like a real poet;
  • perform the song “Happy Birthday” with a noise orchestra (“instruments” (spoons, rattles, etc.) are prepared in advance);
  • depict how you are late for school and don’t find your backpack;
  • retell the fairy tale “Turnip” from her own perspective;
  • show a cat who is afraid of something, but is interested;
  • to parody an adult who does not dare to ski down a hill.

Guess the melody

Guess the melody before it even sounds. First, a description of the song is offered. If the hint is not enough, a fragment of the melody is played. Children must tell what the song is about. Choral karaoke performance is encouraged.

  1. A song about a territory surrounded on all sides by water, the inhabitants of which are very happy from regular consumption of tropical fruits (“Chunga-Changa”).
  2. A song from a cartoon about sky-colored railway transport (“Blue Car”).
  3. A song about how an animal with luxurious hair takes sunbathing and purrs a melody (“I’m lying in the sun”).
  4. A round dance song about a plant that grew in wildlife until the guy knocked him out (“Song about the Christmas Tree”).
  5. A song about an insect that is similar in color to a garden vegetable and lives in the grass “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass”).
  6. Song about bad weather, not capable of ruining the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”).

At the age of 10, a child already shows his individuality, so it is very important to create a friendly atmosphere at the holiday, not paying attention to the children’s inadequacies in certain moments.

Two competition options for girls only

Share your smile

The tasks are printed on the cards. Each willing contestant chooses a card where she should smile like:

  • Mona Lisa (you can show a portrait of Mona Lisa);
  • the teacher smiles at the student;
  • a girl meeting an unfamiliar boy;
  • infant to mother;
  • the girl from the famous advertisement;
  • Leopold the cat to his mice;
  • a poor student who received an A;
  • the dog grins at its owner.

It is better to give prizes (or tokens) to all girls.

Fan dance

Participants must dance while holding a feather in the air with a fan. Everyone else counts out loud which of the girls will last longer. It is important not only to watch the feather, but also to dance.

Sports competitions

When the guests have already rested a little after the festive feast, you can offer the restless ones some outdoor games. If you are holding a holiday at home, decide in advance on the place for them: clear the room as much as possible from furniture, sharp corners, breakable objects. This will help avoid injury in active competitions. The presenter's table with props should be in a secluded place.

Relay game with balls

Guests are divided into teams. In addition to prizes for the winner, it would be nice to prepare symbolic consolation prizes for the losers.

  1. Balls prepared in advance are placed in front of the teams on the starting line. Children, on all fours, blowing the balloons out of place, try to send them over the finish line.
  2. The ball is clamped between the legs (you can have two more under your arms), and at the signal you have to get to the finish line the fastest without dropping the ball.
  3. Everyone is given a spoon, and a ball is carefully lowered into it. It must be carried to the finish line without dropping it.
  4. Captains competition. Filled balloons are scattered around the room. Who will collect and carry away the most balls at the same time?
  5. Everyone sits on their balloon and jumps until the balloon bursts. Which team will destroy their balls the fastest?


You can also play volleyball with balloons. Chairs with a strip width of 1 m are placed in two rows opposite each other. The floor is divided in the middle by a rope. Players throw the ball while sitting (you cannot stand up!). If the ball flies outside the playing area, the team receives a point. The count goes up to 10 points.


They choose a fisherman. He holds a jump rope or rope with a knot. All the fish stand in a circle, the fisherman is in the center. He holds the rope by one end, rotating it in a circle. The “fishing rod” should not touch the legs. If the fish does not jump, it leaves the game. The most dexterous one wins.

Siamese twins

In teams, participants split into pairs and place one hand on their neighbor’s shoulder, leaving the other free. They are offered different tasks: unwrap and eat candy, tie shoelaces, make a paper envelope. The team that completes everything faster than the others wins.


Players on a team gather in a circle, holding hands. Without opening their hands, they need to confuse the chain as difficult as possible. Representatives from each team go to their opponents and, at a signal, unravel their confusion. The team whose driver untangles his chain the fastest wins.


Two children play. Each person has a rope tied to their waist with a tail at the back. You need to adapt and catch your opponent by the tail before he does it first. The game is accompanied by cheerful music.

Children's bowling

Children love bowling. If you don't have real skittles, plastic bottles with filler will do. A line is marked with a rope, children stand behind the line, roll the ball, trying to hit the bottles.

Dwarfs and giants

The presenter calls the word “dwarfs” and the children squat down. At the command “giants,” the guests stretch on tiptoe, raising their arms up. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The task can be made easier if participants join hands to help those who are confused.


When saying goodbye to the guests, the birthday person thanks all those invited and asks not to forget their prizes. Hands out sheets of paper to everyone and invites everyone to draw their own self-portrait as a souvenir, with the condition that everyone will work with eyes closed. Guests receive armbands and must leave their autograph on the portraits.

An option when you celebrate your Child’s birthday at home
– one of the most affordable and unusual!!!
Yes, exactly, “not - about - bullish”, provided that
You will approach its preparation with all your creative soul.

Age: 9-10 years.
Gender of the birthday boy: The scenario is universal, suitable for both boys and girls.
Subject: Birthday is a day of fun!

- specify who your birthday boy wants to invite. If you make new friends, find out what makes this little man special.
! Recommendation: It is important to consider the interests of not only your child, but also his guests. Children who are interested in sports should hold competitions for dexterity and strength, while curious and erudite children should be given tasks for logic and attention. Of course, you can risk doing the opposite, but not on your holiday!
- make invitations. Intrigue your guests with interesting invitations, and also give their parents the opportunity to easily find your phone number and home, if necessary.
- decorate your celebration place. Will help you: photographs of the child for last year, a garland with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”, New Year's garland from lanterns, streamers hanging from the ceiling, balloons, in general, everything that will create a festive atmosphere and take everyday life beyond the threshold.
- prepare and decorate the table.
! Recommendation: menu for children's table It doesn’t have to be complicated or energy-consuming, just concentrate on the program. What you should have a lot of is water and drinks! Prepare sandwiches and/or pizza, sweets and fruits and, of course, cake. Everything else will be a waste of time and money.

Here are some easy ideas for something interesting to prepare for your children's birthday.

Another important element creating a festive atmosphere is music! Make a thematic selection of songs about “Birthday!”, songs about “Friendship!”, also add the Birthday Boy’s favorite songs, and add a couple of those that his Mom likes!
Meeting with guests
Instruct the Birthday Boy to meet his guests, and also to ensure that hitherto unknown friends are introduced to each other.
! Recommendation: Remind your child of etiquette rules. Tell us that the guests racked their brains and chose a gift especially for him, so they will be very pleased to hear words of gratitude personally from the Birthday Boy. And if suddenly, the guests did not guess correctly with the gift, it would be very polite on his part not to talk about it, but to thank him anyway - after all, they also tried.

Scenario for children's birthday - 10 years

A good start to the games would be to solve funny riddles together.

"Deceptive Poems"

Print out the riddles.
Rules of the game:
Now I will read riddle poems, your task is to shout the answer as loudly and quickly as possible. Whoever answers correctly the fastest will receive a prize.
Oranges and bananas are very popular... MONKEY.
A MONKEY deftly jumps from palm tree down to palm tree again.
Usually everyone shouts: “cow.” You say that it will be difficult for her to do this. But nothing is impossible. But will they be able to guess the following riddles:
1. Birthday is coming up
We will bake...sausage. (Actually CAKE).

2. She is already two hundred years old
To the beautiful Petina... bride. (Oh, no, no, TURTLE).

3. Everything is wheezing, Vlad is sneezing
I ate a lot of... chocolate. (But I caught a cold from the ICE CREAM).

4. Let's pick up an armful of flowers
And now we will weave... hat. (We’ll knit a hat, but we’ll still weave a WREATH).

5. For lunch for little son Vanya
Mom will cook borscht in... a glass. (I thought in a PAN).

6. To my little sisters
Let's give you...felt boots for the summer. (Better SANDALS).

7. Always wearing rompers
My dear grandfather is sleeping in the crib. (BABY).

8. So capricious and stubborn
IN kindergarten doesn't want... mom. (DAUGHTER).

9. Old ladies walk to the market
Buy yourself... toys\pillows. (Maybe PRODUCTS).

10. We welcome guests cordially
Let's give them sweet... tea. (Of course, TEA, but what were you thinking?)

"Who's behind the wall?"

Prepare a blanket or opaque fabric- this is a “wall”. Two assistants hold a blanket between the two teams of players so that the children squatting cannot see who is behind the “wall”! This good game to consolidate names and reactions. Suitable even for guests who know each other well.
Rules of the game: first, let's everyone say their name. Now we divide into two teams and go in opposite directions from the “wall”. One person at a time, sit down next to the “wall” - one from one team, the other from the second. At my command, the “wall” falls and you must loudly and quickly say the name of the player in front of you. The one who names correctly first takes the loser to his team. The team that attracts the most friends wins. We play for 5 minutes.


The blanket is rolled up. Inflated balloons - 20 pieces (can be taken from the decor). Funny music.
Rules of the game: Divide into two new teams. The room is divided by a blanket into two fields. I throw ten balls onto each field. When the music plays you need to throw the balls to opposite field. As soon as the music stops, you all freeze in place. The team with the fewest balls on the field wins.
Repeat 3-5 times. But make sure that the children are not too tired.


On A4 format, print the word “abracadabra” on one side, and on the other correct option or make a PowerPoint presentation.
Rules of the game: Hidden in the “abracadabra” are words on the topic “Birthday”. Whoever reads the correct word faster will receive a point. The one who scores the most points wins.
1. Koradop\Gift
2. Dog\Year
3. Sogit\Guests
4. Rashik\Sharik
5. Fetanok\Candy
6. Kinzdrape\Holiday
7. Nelazhepio\Wish
8. Nininekim\Birthday Boy
9. Duryaz\Friends
10. Rott\Cake
11. Sichev\Candles
12. Stodar\Joy
13. Ssalodt\Sweetness
14. Foolishness\Wisdom
15. Chasset\Happiness

"Hand of a Friend"

Prepare album sheets, pencils, markers and pens, scissors. Play children's songs about friendship and friends in the background.
Rules of the game: everyone trace their hand and cut it out along the contour. Make it into a face, a little man, a sun, an octopus - whatever you want and let your hero write one quality of the Birthday Boy that he likes about him. We have 10 minutes.
As children hand in their work, mount it in a specially designated, visible place. For example, around one of the central photographs of the Birthday Boy.

"Dancing 'til you drop"

Prepare either the Birthday Boy’s favorite music, or just catchy and fun music (for example, like “Music from the Benny Hill Show.” You can easily find it for download on the Internet). Check your speakers. Lay down a rug or thick blanket to define and “cushion” the “dance floor” for children to fall onto.
Rules of the game:
Everyone gets on the dance floor. While the music is playing, you must dance. As soon as I stop the music, you must fall so that your heel touches the floor. The last person to sit down is out of the game. We play to the remaining two (if there are no more than five guests, then you can play to the remaining one). The winners receive a prize. Our guests really liked this game, they played six rounds.


Find online karaoke on the Internet, but it would be better to download so that there are no surprises in the form of not having access to the network. Prepare a list of songs.
Rules of the game:
Game in two rounds. In the first round, everyone chooses a song from the list. We unite you into groups of “one song”. It may happen that you all choose the same song. No problem. You will sing one verse and one chorus at a time. Whoever sang all the words correctly moves on to the second round.
In the second round, the song is chosen by the Birthday Boy. There should be as many songs as needed so that each player gets a new verse and chorus. Whoever sang all the words and did not falsify the melody receives a prize.

"Birthday Cake"

It turns out that you sing everything so well! Real stars! Let our star team sing a super-mega popular hit for our Birthday Boy: “Happy Birthday to you!” Meanwhile, Mom will bring in the cake! And the Birthday Boy will blow out his candles!
! Recommendation: You can sing in the original language, or you can sing it in Russian translation. I offer two of mine own version, maybe they will become yours:
Happy Birthday to you
Congratulations friends!
And they wish you (or And they want you)
Peace, Happiness in the family! (Lucky everywhere!)

Happy Birthday!!!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about what games and competitions are possible at the age of 6-12 years.

So, competitions for children's birthdays:

1. Game “Nesmeyana”

We choose one participant - Princess Nesmeyana. He (she) sits on a chair in front of the other children, who must make the “princess” laugh. But you can't touch her. The participant who makes him laugh sits in Nesmeyana’s place.

This game is sedentary, but it develops communication skills, ingenuity, imagination, thinking, and liberation.

2. Game "Eskimo blind man's buff"

You need to choose a driver, blindfold him and put on mittens. Players must approach him one by one, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If you recognize a player, he becomes the driver. And if not, the next player must come up for identification. This game is also sedentary, but it develops the senses and memory.

3. Game "Guess"

We choose a driver, and he makes a wish for some item on the discussed topic. For example, animals, furniture, holidays, plants. Players must guess the item by asking leading questions, to which the driver must answer yes or no. Whoever guesses the word takes the place of the leader. The game is non-moving and develops thinking and communication skills.

4. Game “Broken Phone”

We choose a leader. Players sit down or stand in a row. The presenter whispers a word in the ear of one of the players, and he also whispers it to the next player. And so on down the chain. The last player voices what he heard and this word is compared with the original. After which the leader moves or stands at the end of the chain, and the next player takes the place of the leader.

This game develops attentiveness and hearing.

5. Game "Confusion"

Children should stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver must turn away. At this time, the players, without letting go of their hands, begin to get entangled, climbing over each other. The driver turns around and unravels the “tangle” without opening the circle of players.

This game is active, it develops logic, thinking, and attentiveness.

6. Competition “Hold the ball”

Create two pairs. For each, place a hoop or draw a circle. Players must stand in this circle. They are awarded balloon. Without leaving the circle, they must blow on the ball so that it falls and rises above them without going beyond the boundaries of the circle. The ball must not be touched with your hands. The pair that lasts the longest wins. This game develops coordination, dexterity, endurance and good reaction.

What other birthday competitions for children can be used at home?

Let's continue the list:

7. Competition “Knees”

The players must sit close to each other. You need to place your hands so that right hand the player was lying on the neighbor’s left knee, and vice versa. The circle needs to be closed, but if not, then the end players should put their hands on their knees. The essence of the game is to quickly clap your palms on your knees without breaking the sequence of hands: one hand should follow the other. If someone clapped, having mixed up the turn, he removes the hand with which he made the mistake. This game is sedentary and develops hand motor skills, coordination, good reaction and attentiveness.

8. Game “Who will eat faster?”

You need to take two plates in which to put candied fruits, raisins, peeled nuts, sweets without candy wrappers, and marmalade. Choose two players, and at the command “start” they must eat their portion, but without using their hands. Whose plate is empty the fastest wins. This game develops reaction speed and dexterity.

9. Shot put competition

We choose a driver. We blindfold him and place him with his back to the table. He takes a few steps forward and turns around three or four times. You need to place a balloon on the edge of the table. The driver must return to the table and try to blow the ball onto the floor. It turns out funny, because the driver, as a rule, loses direction and blows the ball away where there is none at all.

An active game for the driver. Develops coordination.

10. Competition “Reel quickly”

We select two players who stand opposite each other. You need to prepare in advance a long thread or cord, 5-6 meters long. Make a mark in the middle of the thread (lace) and tie a knot. We give each participant the end of the thread. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto a reel, stick, etc. The participant who reaches the middle of the thread faster wins the competition.

11. Competition “Clothespins”

We choose a driver. Participants must turn away and count to 30-40. At this time, the driver attaches clothespins throughout the room (on curtains, Stuffed Toys, bedspreads). There are 30 pieces in total. On command, participants turn around and collect clothespins. The one who collected the most clothespins won. The winner becomes the driver.

12. Game "Air Combat"

Blow up a few round ones balloons. Form two teams and divide the room into two parts. Place the teams opposite each other. The players' task is to try to throw the balls to the opponents' side while the music is playing. It's not easy at all. After all, the opponents also hit the balls. As soon as the music turns off, the children freeze. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins.

And we also offer to your attention Interesting games and birthday contests for children:

13. Game “Chain of words”

We name a word, for example, chair. We give each team a piece of paper on which the first participant writes this word. Next, the participants begin to form a verbal chain, passing the piece of paper to everyone in turn. Each subsequent word of the player must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example, a chair - a puddle - an orange - a knife - a beetle... The team that wins certain time will make a longer chain.

14. Game “Pass the orange (apple)”

Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in a line. Participants in each line must pass an orange or an apple using their chin. Hands cannot be used. If someone drops an apple (orange), the relay race starts over. The winner is the team that quickly passes the apple or orange from the first participant to the last.

15. Lego relay race

Children are divided into two teams and receive two identical Lego sets. Each team must build a building, but working in a chain. Children take turns attaching their part to create an interesting, unusual building.

16. Game “Who called me?”

We choose a driver, blindfold him and place him in the center of the circle formed by the players. We spin him up and ask him to guess who spoke to him. You can speak short phrases even in altered voices.

17. Game "Pig in a poke"

We put various toys and objects in the bag. We blindfold the participants. We choose a driver. The driver presents the bag to the players, and they must identify the object they pulled out by touch. The one who guesses the most items wins.

18. Game “Fun Alphabet”

We choose a leader. He names a letter of the alphabet. Children are divided into two teams and each team must write as many words as possible that begin with this letter in a certain time (3-4 minutes). The team with the most words wins.

19. Game "Greedy"

There is a lot to be laid out in front of the participants. various items. This could be clothes, dishes, stationery, toys. The players' task is to take the maximum number of things using their hands, head, legs, knees, etc. The winner is the one who collects and holds the most items without dropping them.

20. Game “Assemble the Scarecrow”

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each one we lay out a set of clothes (hats, shirts, trousers, scarves, towels). Each team selects a player to dress up as a scarecrow. The team with the most interesting scarecrow wins.

For any child, the age of 10 is the first real anniversary, round date. On this day, the child needs to arrange all kinds of entertainment, competitions and games. How to arrange everything, and what competitions are best to organize, we’ll talk further.
First, the child needs to create festive mood, which means you need to decorate the house with balloons, Christmas tree garlands, brilliant rain. Hang the date and congratulations in the center of the room. If games and competitions are planned in another room, which is much larger in space, then the table can be placed in the middle. At the entrance, give guests various accessories for the celebration: masks, glasses, caps, and so on. This way, already at the beginning of the celebration, they will have the appropriate mood.
We share competitions

If it’s a boy’s birthday, then intellectual, musical, artistic competitions are suitable, but with a certain bias: about weapons, about cars. You can show your imagination and make a holiday in some a certain style, for example, “Guess the melody.”

If it’s a girl’s birthday, then creative competitions more needs to be done. Alternatively, spread out a lot different clothes and offer to create one out of all this stylish outfit. Invite guests to create an original brooch or hairpin themselves, just don’t forget to purchase everything for the competition in advance. Many girls love to cook, prepare sandwiches or salads with them, you can choose any dish or sweet, but you should take into account the age of the “cooks” and select the easiest recipe to prepare.

Costume party

Not a single child can forget the holiday, which is based on the film “Harry.” "Poter." In this case, the mother of the birthday boy will have to work hard, since she needs to take care not only of her child, but also of the visiting guests. But it’s best that the guests themselves do everything for this, so it will be interesting and fun for them.
1. Magic wand. Prepare everything for the children necessary materials for its manufacture.
2. Potion. Several ingredients are placed on the table, which you need to put on your plate strictly according to the proposed recipe and season with magical power.
3. Magic conspiracy. You need to pronounce it clearly and without hesitation, only in this case it can take effect.
4. Portrait of Voldemort. But you need to draw it not just, but blindfolded, the one who can do it best should receive a prize.
5. The science of herbs is herbology. First, strings with gifts are tied to a stick, and children begin to cut off the selected string with their eyes closed.

Other competitions

We offer a list of the most common games for children 10 words

Each child is given a card on which ten unpopular words are written. It could be anything, since lexicon Children’s is not that big and they simply don’t know many words yet. The most important thing is that they can explain these words; choose ones that are not very complex in content.


All children are given several letters, which are made of cardboard or plain paper, along the rope and clothespins. The task is to assemble the words “Happy Birthday” as quickly as possible and secure the greeting on a rope using clothespins. Whoever completes this task first is considered to have won the competition.

Who gave it

It’s also easy to make the presentation of gifts an unusual event, turning it into a competition. To do this, all children must describe their surprise, using only words and gestures; it is forbidden to pronounce its name. If the hero of the occasion guesses right away what the guest wants to tell him, then the latter receives a gift in the form of candy or candy.

We make a gift ourselves

Children are given plasticine and rhythmic music is turned on. While she is playing, the participants must have time to make several small figures that will be a gift for the birthday boy. Traditionally, the winner is the one who can make the figures first. And of course you can’t leave your favorite without a gift.


Children must be divided into two teams and each given 10 apples and 10 toothpicks. Mark the place where the finish will be and install it there large sizes a piece of foam. Then the start is announced and the children, one by one, must run to the finish line and attach an apple to the foam using a toothpick. The winner will be the team that collects the hedgehog faster, that is, attaches all 10 apples.

Number 10

First you need to find a paper or fabric tape, write numbers on it with a marker, starting from one and ending with ten on each side. As a result, the sign number 10 should be exactly in the center. When the signal sounds, the participants on both sides begin to twist the ribbon; whoever reaches the number 10 faster is the winner.

Searching for the birthday boy

Parents should collect several photographs in advance, depicting small children in infancy and a little older, including the birthday boy. The goal of the game is to find the birthday boy among all the children. The one who finds it the fastest receives a prize - a photo as a souvenir.

Playing with balloons

Children are divided into two groups, and each participant is given a colored balloon. At the signal, everyone tries to burst the opponent's balloon with their hands. Whoever has the most whole balls left wins.

We freeze on command

A balloon is thrown into the air until it lands, children can move, dance and talk, but as soon as it touches the floor, everyone must freeze. Anyone who does not have time to do this leaves the game. They play until there is only one winner left.

Have time to sit on a chair

All the chairs are in a circle. The calculation is based on the fact that there are one more chairs than there are participants in the game. Then they turn on the music and, on command, begin to walk around the chairs. When the music ends unexpectedly, children must have time to sit down in a chair. If someone is left without a chair, they are eliminated. After this, one chair is removed. The game continues until one participant remains.

If you look at the children’s games, you can see that most children do not know how to organize their leisure time. Their street walk turns into mindless wandering or destructive behavior (sadistic experiments on animals, fights). This is due to the fact that children do not know street games; they often communicate in in social networks, but during the meeting they cannot organize their leisure time. We offer a variety of games and competitions for children 10 years old.

Games at school

You can even play the following games in the hall during school recess.

  • “Bunny, bunny, what time is it?” The leader (hare) stands with his back to the players. Everyone takes turns asking the time and adding: “I’m in a hurry for my birthday!” The hare calls any time. The player measures his steps (an hour is a large step, a minute is a simple step, a second is the length of the foot). For example, three hours five minutes three seconds means three large and five normal steps, three foot lengths (one and a half steps). Whoever reaches the hare first and touches him takes his place. Everything starts all over again. This event will diversify children's time study competitions and reinforce terms.
  • “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” Players stand or sit in a row with their arms extended forward (palms tightly closed into a boat). The presenter takes a “ring” (any small detail), who must quietly place it from his “boat” into the player’s palm. He may pretend to give the ring to the player after hesitating. Then the presenter stands in the middle and asks the participant with the ring to come out. The players' task is to catch the one who has the ring. You can't hold hands. If the participant with the ring manages to jump out of the row without being caught, then he becomes the leader. If he is caught, then the game continues with the old leader.
  • Sea battle. Participants draw a field (10x10 cells, marked on the left with numbers, with letters on top) with one-, two-, three-, and four-decker ships. The player names the number and letter of the cell. Getting into the ship, continues the game; Having missed, he passes the move to the opponent. At the same time, he clarifies whether he “killed” or “wounded”.

Road games

So mobile themed games will allow you to quickly consolidate the acquired knowledge and diversify any school scripts children's competitions. They are especially relevant at extracurricular events dedicated to traffic rules.

Popular games

Classics of the genre

On the street during school breaks, children prefer a variety of classics.

  • Regular digital. Draw hopscotch up to ten. The player’s task is to throw a pebble into the cell with a number, “jump” the classics and pick up the chip on the way back. It is prohibited to step outside the lines. As soon as the first level is completed (from one to ten), the game begins with the next number (two, three, four, etc.). A player who enters the line or does not hit the desired cell with a pebble passes the turn to another. The participant who completes the most levels wins. To hit the cells with the numbers “nine” and “ten” with a pebble, you are allowed to step on the first square. And you can jump on them with a running start, also jumping onto the first number. Sports competitions for children primary school Can't do without the classics, which are made from cellophane or fabric.
  • Round digital. Draw a large circle, mark a small circle in it, from which you draw radii. Write numbers. The essence of the game is similar to the previous one. Jump from one number to another until you stand in the center. The difference is in the jumps. In the first version, you jump alternately on one leg and then on the other. In the same game you jump on two adjacent numbers. Then, when moving to another number, the left leg should be in the air. That is, the right one goes from the first number to two, the left one is in the air, and then drops to three. The essence of the game is that you need to jump quickly and not step over the lines. Such warm-up games will add laughter and fun to intellectual competitions for children 10 years old. Numbers can be replaced with thematic images.
  • Verbal. Any version of the classics with a “roof” is drawn. Desires are written in each column (house, dacha, car, child, husband, trip, etc.), and “fire” is written on the roof. The player stands with his back to the line and throws a pebble, looks at what kind of wealth fell out, jumps and picks up the chip on the way back. You can't go beyond the lines of the classics. If you fall into a “fire,” then all your wealth is burned. The richest one wins. After the first game, children can adjust the rules themselves, modifying them to suit their capabilities.

Games with jump rope

Popular games include rubber bands and jump ropes. Both participants put the elastic band on their feet. The third player jumps over it. After going through all the steps, goes to new level. To do this, raise the elastic band from the ankle ten centimeters higher. This happens until the player gets tangled in the rubber band, makes a mistake, or stumbles. Then the turn passes to another participant.

  • Rose, birch. The leader stands in the center of the circle, holds one edge of the rope, begins to twist it and say: “Rose, birch, lily, poppy, porridge, chamomile, scarlet flower” until one player trips. The one on which the word was stopped leaves the game. The titles are initially distributed among the participants. The one who remains wins. He becomes the leader. These games are useful to “dilute” calm, intellectual or “sedentary” competitions at the birthday party of a 10-year-old child.
  • Salochki. Two players spin the rope, the third participant must jump without touching it. Teachers use it in competitions, making the task more difficult. For example, while jumping, read a poem, sing or recite the multiplication table.
  • Trait. Two people hold the rope at the participant's chest level. The player must pass without touching anything. Each time the rope is lowered lower and lower. The player who touches the line is eliminated.

These children's competitions and games are suitable for home and school. They can be modified, added, remade to suit your subject or event.

Ball games

Party games

Competitions for children 10 years old with balloons

  • Shooting gallery The players are divided into two teams. The balls are hung at different heights. Whoever damages the most balls with darts wins.
  • Wish. They put a note with a wish into the balloons and inflate them. Participants take turns choosing a ball, popping it and completing the task.
  • Children's drawing competition. You need to draw a butterfly, dragonfly, mosquito on a ball within a certain time. Best Look viewers choose.
  • Centipede. Players are divided into teams and stand behind each other, holding balls between them. The task of the centipedes is to reach the finish line, take the strawberry and return back. The winner is the “unbroken” team.
  • Alyonushka. For a time, players from different teams must tie a scarf on the ball and draw a face. You can draw parts of the face on paper, cut them out, prepare hair and other attributes, which you stick to the ball with tape.
  • Greedy. These are funny competitions for children 10 years old. The goal of the players is to collect more balloons in a certain time. To complicate the task, the threads of the balls are cut off, or double-sided tape is placed on the participant, and he must stick the balls without hands.
  • Running with obstacles. They clamp the ball with their knees or ankles and walk to the finish line, completing more tasks along the way.
  • Puncture. A ball is tied to the players' feet. You need to jump on your opponent's ball and burst it. The winner is the one with the whole ball.

Unusual competitions

There are a huge variety of children's games. You don't need expensive attributes for this. For example, a twistor can be drawn on the grass, a bowling alley can be made from plastic bottles and a ball, draw cards on cardboard. The main thing is to think over the theme of the event, and also to alternate between intellectual, calm and active games. Then children’s participation in competitions will be more active.

Teenagers also love to participate in games that are shown on TV (“Field of Miracles”, “Guess the Melody”, “Finest Hour”, “One Hundred to One”). Questions are prepared according to the training course with additional information by subject. When selecting games, you need to take into account the interests of teenagers. You can ask leaders to help organize the event.