We make a Christmas garland. Master classes on creating decorations for the New Year holidays: how to make a Christmas tree garland bright and unusual. #30 We make a New Year's garland with our own hands: an ice cream garland - surprise your guests

Time flies - just around the corner and the New Year! Now is the time to start getting ready for this fun holiday!

Our first priority will be to create a festive mood - and this mood should be enough for the entire Christmas and New Year holidays! To do this, we need to think carefully about how we will decorate our pre-holiday home? As you know, just the surrounding atmosphere greatly affects the emotions of people who are in it.

What do we need for a festive mood? Of course, a Christmas tree, a festive table, cheerful family members at the table and ... luxurious paper garlands on the walls and under the ceiling! Moreover, these garlands must be made by hand with the obligatory participation in the "action" of all family members - from young to old! In this scenario, the festive mood will be provided to everyone!

DIY Christmas garlands made of paper, schemes

In order to decide and understand what we still need, let's look at the proposed schemes and photographs of New Year's garlands made of paper, and then we will analyze the most popular options step by step:

Now consider the schemes by which you can make such beauty:

Let's now take a closer look at paper garlands, ranging from elementary chains to more voluminous and time-consuming decorations.

Garland of colored paper "Rainbow Ribbons"

DIY colored paper garland

To create this simple but original garland, you will need:

  • Double-sided colored paper of different colors and shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • A thread with a needle, however, it is better to use a sewing machine.

We turn to the manufacture of colored garlands:

  • First, prepare sheets of colored double-sided paper in all colors of the rainbow;
  • Fold each sheet in half and cut it with scissors;
  • Use a ruler and mark strips of the same width on sheets of colored paper, somewhere around 1-1.5 cm;

  • Cut the paper into strips;
  • Lay out all the strips in the right order (we have laid them out according to the spectrum), sew them in the center with a thread and a needle, or, to make the garland look neater, use the services of a sewing machine. There is another option, for those who are afraid of direct contact with needle threads - just glue the thread to the center of the strips with glue!

Now a few important nuances: in order for your garland to acquire volume and fluffiness, simply twist the thread when hanging several times; Candy wrappers folded in strips or strips of glitter wrapping paper are ideal as a material for colored stripes, then here's what we do:

Original, right?

And what is most pleasant - there is where to adapt the candy wrappers eaten for the news of the outgoing year!

Christmas tree garland made of paper "Christmas chain"

Here is another simple paper garland.

To make it, you will again need scissors, colored paper, a ruler and a pen, as well as PVA glue.

Again, draw strips of the same width of 2-3.5 cm on sheets of colored paper and carefully cut them out.

And now we just take strips of different colors, connect them into rings, thread the next strip of a different color through the resulting ring and glue it again. And so on until your garland reaches the length you need!

Even a small child can handle the manufacture of this garland, so be sure to introduce your child to such an important moment as creating a paper garland with your own hands for the New Year!

Here are a few more schemes for New Year's paper garlands, performed in a similar way - choose and create your own festive mood:

New Year's garlands - figurines

In order to please your baby with garlands of fairy-tale characters, animals, snowmen, make these cute and funny paper garlands:

DIY Christmas garlands made of paper, templates

Snowman template for garland

Just cut out with the help of a ready-made template (cut out from coloring pages, pictures, draw it yourself, in the end) the necessary figures, glue them on a thread or string them on a needle and thread, just paint or paste over with bright colored paper! When the garland is ready - just hang it in the children's room, to the delight of the child!

DIY paper garland from origami stripes

The beauty of this paper garland lies in the fact. That to create it we do not need any glue or a thread with a needle - only paper, scissors, a ruler and our skillful hands!

First, prepare colored paper of one or two colors.

Our next step is to mark on paper strips 17 cm long and 2 cm wide.
We cut it into strips, bend the resulting strip in half, and then each side again in half inward and we get:

Paper origami garland, manufacturing schemes

here are the segments! Of these, we will now quickly assemble this origami garland!
Follow the instructions in the picture:

Here is what you should get:

Very beautiful and dense garland!

Garland for any occasion "Hearts"

But such hearts can create a festive atmosphere not only in the new year! There is still St. Valentine's Day, March 8, weddings, birthdays ...

To make this garland, you will need strips of colored paper 15 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. You definitely won’t need glue and a thread with a needle, so instead of all this we’ll take a stapler!

And now. Following the photo instructions, we quickly assemble our heart garland:

DIY heart garland

We got such cute colorful hearts!

And for lovers of more elaborate heart garlands, we offer to complicate our design a little.

For such openwork hearts, we cut paper of different colors into strips of 5, 10, 12, 15 cm. Moreover, it is desirable that strips of the same size be made in the same color - this makes it easier to assemble the product. We collect such hearts with a stapler;

How to make a DIY heart garland

And when we have a great many hearts on the table, we can begin to connect them together - the sides are also fastened with a stapler.

It turned out a wonderful paper garland of many hearts!

Garland for the New Year from pine cones

But such a garland is not only able to decorate your home, but also give it a fresh spruce aroma!

To make it, you need to go into the forest, collect cones, attach rings to them with wire and thread a bright ribbon through them! All!

Christmas garland of colored lanterns

Bright voluminous colored paper lanterns are put on an ordinary electric garland!

First, prepare an electric garland. Take a good look at it so that all wiring is purposeful and covered with insulating material - we definitely don’t need fires in the new year!

Now we present to your attention such a detailed instruction in pictures, which, better than any words, will tell and show the stages of turning a piece of colored paper into a masterpiece - a flashlight!

So get ready:

  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Needle with thread;
  • Good mood and perseverance!

First, line the colored paper with a pencil and a ruler into strips of the same size.

Repeat this procedure again, only instead of a simple pencil, arm yourself with a needle. Thanks to this procedure, the part will easily bend in the places outlined by the needle - and this is exactly what we need!

Assemble the resulting blank into an accordion. As shown in the pictures below. Pay special attention to the oblique sections in the center of the workpiece.

And now it's time to use a thread with a needle or glue. With their help, we collect our blank into a nice little paper ball:

We attach them to an electric garland and - everything is ready!

Send your options for beautiful holiday garlands, we will definitely publish them in the section New Year's crafts with our own hands

cotton ball curtain - an interesting idea)))

Christmas paper garland (option 1)

The classic version of the New Year's garland is a paper chain. Even very young children can make this New Year's craft.
If you have a figured hole punch, then you can make such openwork paper chain garlands.

How to make a paper garland (option 2)

To make these paper chains, you only need colored paper and scissors. You will understand how to make them if you carefully look at the photo below.
Here is another option for making paper chains.
Cut out rectangles from paper and fold them in half. On one side of the folded rectangle, draw the profile of one chain link, cut it out, straighten the paper. In order to get a long chain, you need to prepare a large number of such links. Then alternately thread one link through the other. Some of the links can be made multi-colored. In this case, the colors must be alternated sequentially.

New Year's paper garland (option 3)

1. Cut strips of paper in two different colors. The width of the strips is 2 cm, the length is 17 cm. In principle, you can use strips of paper of any size, the main thing is to observe the following condition: width / length = 1/8 + 1 (cm) spare.

2. Fold the strip in half lengthwise to mark the center. Bend it back.

3. Bend the left and right ends of the strip towards the center, as shown in photo No. 3.

4. Bend the strip in half again.

5. Make the required number of such blanks.

6. Connect the details of the future New Year's garland to each other as shown in the photo below.

The garland is ready! Because since this New Year's garland bends rather badly, it is better not to hang it, but to glue interior items around the perimeter with it.

And such a garland can be used by February 14. (option 4)

Very cute flashlight. You can vary in color and size.

And here is a more complex version of the New Year's garland made of paper in the shape of hearts.

Christmas garland made of paper (option 5)

How to decorate a house for the New Year? As easy as pie! A very easy to make, but at the same time spectacular looking paper garland with your own hands. To make it, you will need colored paper, scissors and glue (or a stapler, or tape).

Separate blanks must be fastened together with glue, tape or a stapler. Then hang the resulting paper garlands from the ceiling.

From a sheet of paper folded in half, according to the same principle, you can make such a beautiful openwork garland.

And colored paper for New Year's garlands can be cut in a spiral snake. Like this:

DIY Christmas garland

(option 6)

Another very simple way to make a garland is to cut colored cardboard into narrow strips or take plastic strips - bookmarks that are sold in every stationery store. With the help of a sewing machine or an ordinary hand needle, these pieces are placed next to each other and sewn together with a thread. A load is attached to one end of the thread - a piece of plasticine, a heavy button so that the garland does not hang much, and at the other end it is vertically suspended, for example, from a chandelier.
You can hang such a garland not only vertically, but also horizontally.

You can sew not only strips of colored paper. Here are some more examples of similar New Year's garlands.

How to make a garland (option 7)

Bulgarian site offers to make an original New Year's paper garland. Despite the fact that the instructions are in Bulgarian, you can understand how this Christmas decoration is made from photographs.
DIY balloon garland
Read about how to make a New Year's garland of paper balls in our article "Making New Year's balls with your own hands"

Christmas garland of snowflakes

How to decorate a house for the New Year

An original DIY Christmas decoration can be made from old postcards and family photos. To make it, you will need: clothespins, colored ribbon (rope) and postcards, photographs. Bright, beautiful pictures of the New Year theme from magazines and the Internet are also suitable.

Postcard garland

We offer you an original way of placing New Year's cards. Take three long pieces of decorative wrapping tape or three fabric ribbons in red, green and gold and braid them into a pigtail. Tie the ends of the ribbons to hooks screwed into the wall.

You will need:

decorative packing tape,
ribbons or tinsel of red, green and
golden colors
- clothespins
- postcards
- golden spray paint
1. Take a few clothespins, lay them out on sheets of newspaper and sprinkle with golden spray. When the paint is dry, turn the clothespins over and paint the other side in the same way. Let the paint dry well.

How to make DIY Christmas garlands, ideas and instructions!

Paper garlands. ribbon rainbow

You can hang this garland both vertically and horizontally. In the latter case, it is better to attach a weight, such as plasticine, to the end of the thread.

1. Fold the colored paper in half and cut the halves.

2. Cut strips from colored paper.

3. Prepare the thread and fold your strips in the desired sequence.

4. Sew all the strips together using a sewing machine or thread with a needle.

* You can twist the ribbon to make the garland look "fluffy".

* Colored paper or cardboard can be replaced with wrapping paper, which is usually used to wrap gifts.

* If you don't want to stitch, you can try sticking a thread to each strip - this will take longer and it is desirable that the thread is thicker.

How to make a garland. Christmas rings

This method of making a garland is one of the most popular. This is not only because it is quite simple, but also because it allows you to make beautiful paper decorations for the home, and in particular for the Christmas tree.

1. Prepare colored paper and measure the same width for the strips you will cut out.

2. Start cutting strips. The length of each will be equal to the width of a sheet of paper (i.e. 21 cm) and the width will be approximately 3.5 cm.

* You can make a garland from shorter and narrower strips, then the rings will be smaller.

3. Glue the strips by threading one through the other (see picture).

* You can close the circuit.

Paper Christmas garlands. Fancy chains

Prepare colored paper, scissors and glue. It is easy to make such a garland.

1. To make an unusual chain, you need to fold a piece of paper in half and draw, for example, one of the shapes shown in the picture.

* In order not to waste a whole sheet of paper on one link, you can cut it into 2 or 4 identical parts, from which you will cut the links later.

* For convenience, you can make a link template.

2. Cut out the shapes and start gluing them together to make a chain by threading one link through the other.

* The longer you want to make the chain, the more links you will need.

* You can use many different colors to make the garland even more colorful.

Making a paper garland to decorate your home

You can use 2 or more colors.

1. First you need to make a preparation. Cut several strips of the same size. In the picture, the strips are 2 cm wide and 17 cm long.

* It is advisable that you comply with the following condition: width / length of the strips = 1/8 + 1 cm spare.

2. Mark the center of the strip by folding it in half and straightening it.

3. Bend the ends of the strip to its middle and fold the strip in half again.

4. Prepare a few of these blanks to start assembling a garland. The picture shows how to fold the blanks together.

* This garland can be hung on the wall. Due to the fact that it does not bend much, it will be difficult to hang it on a Christmas tree, but it still looks impressive.

We make a garland for any holiday

The pictures show detailed instructions on how to assemble a garland cordially.

This version of the garland can be complicated, and you get such a beautiful product.

Garlands for the New Year. colorful house decoration

From colored paper, you can make such a colorful decoration for your home. It is suitable for the New Year, and for any children's holiday.

Prepare colored paper, scissors and glue (you can replace it with a stapler or tape).

The picture shows how to make blanks.

* It is desirable that the strips have the same width.

Use glue, a stapler, or tape to hold the pieces together.

Using the same technology, you can fold just such a garland. And you can learn how to do everything right from the video below the picture.

Garland on the window

Here is a pretty simple but very original garland idea that can be hung on a window or just anywhere in the house.

The images show step-by-step instructions on how to make a garland.

* In the Christmas tree, the hole through which the thread is threaded is made with a hole punch.

Christmas tree garland. Merry wrappers

Very beautiful tinsel can be obtained from ordinary wrappers.

1. Cut the wrapper into several identical pieces.

* The pieces can be 2x4 or 3x5 in size, and depending on the size of the wrapper, there can be 3, 4 or 6 pieces.

* For convenience, you can make a template that will help make all parts of the tinsel the same size.

2. Start twisting each rectangle into a tube, but do not let go so that it does not unfold.

3. Prepare a dense thread with a needle and start stringing the tubes one by one. The edges of the tubes turn around - this is good, because. tinsel will turn out fluffy.

4. At the end of the thread, you can make a knot so that the tubes do not come off.

* After stringing all the tubes, turn them in different directions.

Christmas garlands made of paper. Origami

1. We make blanks. For one step of the garland, you will need 2 strips of different shades.

* The length of one strip is 21 cm (which is the width of a regular A4 sheet), and the width is 3.5 cm.

2. Start folding the strips in sequence, as shown in the picture.

* The final goal is to make two long ribbons that will form a rainbow.

3. We connect the end of one tape to the other at an angle of 90 degrees.

4. Continue to fold the strips in sequence - vertical down, horizontal across.

* The circuit, if desired, can be closed.

Garlands for the new year. A few examples


Glad to see everyone again. How are you, friends? You are probably still looking for the right ideas, because you don’t have to wait long at all. Very soon, schools and kindergartens will begin, timed to coincide with their favorite holiday - the New Year. Always preparing for this event, we put up a big Christmas tree, or. And of course we hang garlands on it. They can be purchased, but they are exorbitantly expensive. So I want to suggest making them yourself.

Take the template you need, print it or follow the step-by-step instructions and you will succeed. The most popular craft is, of course, a paper garland, but it can also be made using different techniques. Such an outfit looks cool on a forest beauty made of snowflakes, angels or real cones.

All options are good, so today in the article we will consider them all. Choose your favorite song.

Among other things, walls and can be decorated with a garland. Such charming decor will cheer you up and bring the right festive atmosphere to your home.

I am sure that in your childhood you all loved to make garlands out of paper. But, you know, I think this is very banal, and therefore I want to offer, you will never guess from what to make this craft.

Tadam, I present to you a product made of cotton pads. Toddlers will love it.

We will need:

  • cotton pads
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • white thread
  • colored paper


1. Prepare everything for work. Get a pack of cotton pads. Cut out eyes, noses and mouths from colored paper.

2. Glue all the parts on the discs. You will get muzzles of snowmen.

3. Using a needle, thread through the discs. For a change, write the inscription Happy New Year on the discs!

The next awesome idea is to stretch using thread and PVA glue.

And you want to make a garland so that it looks cozy and bright at the same time. Let's then build it from improvised means, take the wool. And roll them into balls.

Wet the wool, and lather it with soap under running water, if it is difficult to roll into a ball, then change the temperature of the water.

After a while, such a ball will dry out and become hard.

Such work can be easily entrusted to children, and after riding, felting, put the balls on a thread. It will turn out a brilliant creation that will decorate both the house and the Christmas tree.

Perform the following work from any cotton paper or linen.

Tie such colored stripes on a ready-made electric garland.

Everyone will like this activity, especially if you have a large family.

The next option is quite simple - this is a garland of paper strips, see all the stages of work in this picture:

And if you want to create a completely unusual craft, then do such a job from the peel of an orange or tangerines. Cut the skins into stars and thread the thread through them.

Or arrange a class, or a group in a kindergarten or school.

If you are a good housewife, then make a garland of gingerbread cookies. Find the recipe for the test.

Garlands made from ordinary woolen pompoms look wonderful and cool.

The most unexpected option may be such a knitted craft made of snowflakes. Looks nice and soft.

Here is a diagram for you young needlewomen:

From old unnecessary postcards, you can also build something original by threading a red satin ribbon through them.

And you won’t believe even small creations are made from foil, they look cool, and most importantly, such works also sparkle.

Here are some more creative ideas.

From the usual pop food, it turns out that you can also collect a souvenir that will decorate, for example, the facade of a house or a New Year's tree.

From sweets and mesh, you can also create an unusually cool stretch.

But from what, it’s from paper cups that you certainly won’t think of building. Here's a new idea for you.

Remember last time we learned how to do it, I offer them a story too. Color to your liking.

Garlands in kindergarten and school for the competition

Well, now let's look at a couple more ideas that you can take and calmly carry out with your children. For example, girls will like the idea with diamonds. They can be made of paper or cardboard, or use plywood.

From paper molds for cupcakes, fold such a streamer in the form of Christmas trees.

A very unusual version made of paper using fan technology. The sheet is folded like an accordion, and then where the middle is bent and glued. In more detail you can consider right now:

Here is another version of such crafts, only another

Garlands from ordinary tubes for juice look very cool.

Take a look at these creations, just like beads).

Funny and fun work can rally the whole team in a class or group in kindergarten. I wish luck!

And here is another unusual job, to make a garland of plastic plates or disposable tableware. See how happy the children are doing it.

Well, the most popular option would be work from New Year's balls. Like?

From salt dough, also create stars, Christmas trees, and then glue on a thread.

From walnuts, if you have a lot of them and felt, you can also build the following masterpiece:

Christmas tree garland made of paper (templates inside)

Now let's move on to the most probably simplest way, now you will learn how to make garlands out of plain paper. Perhaps you have some ideas of your own, share below under the article. I will be very grateful.

So, first you need to print the template.

Then cut it out along the contour, as shown in this photo:

Make where the dotted line cuts by bending the sheet in half. After unfolding, pull a little to make holes and put all the workpieces on the thread.

Oh, yes, here are ready-made stencils for you, take it and run it through the printer.

There is another option, which is just as charming. Here are the blanks for you, print, then fold each triangle in the form of a Christmas tree in half and make cuts.

After two blanks, glue together. And here's what happens in general.

And here is another idea, I think everyone from childhood did it using such a simple technology, they folded the sheet with an accordion and stenciled the drawing:

One of the popular types of such decorations for walls, windows or a hall is a snowman streamer.

There is also such a craft, stripes are taken and connected with glue into a ring or heart.

A garland of lantern balls looks very nice, which beckon them to touch.

In addition, since the year of the pig, I suggest stretching with this symbol.

The next option is also from circles, but each of them sticks together with another one, take this instruction and follow it.

You can build another craft in the form of lanterns.

If you want a more voluminous product, then take it and do it in the way shown in this video.

Or use this hint of steps:

Make balls from stripes. Choose any way.

Here is another idea, look carefully and repeat step by step.

And if you like the origami technique, then use this master class.

Among other things, you can take note of the following toys:

Any ready-made garland, where very small light bulbs can be decorated, put paper stars on it.

You can also take snowflakes as a basis, cut them out according to any pattern, and then put them on a thread. By the way, you can take stencils. Or use this option.

Flags in the form of a garland to decorate the room - templates for printing

Now I present to your attention a long-forgotten idea in the form of flags. After all, this is the most common way to decorate a Christmas tree or rooms. You can also decorate doorways or windows with them.

You will need:

  • textile
  • stencils
  • threads
  • rope

Print the templates on a piece of paper or draw them yourself, attach them to the fabric and cut out the desired image.

Sew all the blanks onto a strip of fabric or string. And then iron the flags.

You can also use felt, because it does not crumble and it will be easy for you to complete this craft.

Or from cardboard or paper, also fold a garland.

Take templates and print:

Then apply glue, put the rope and glue the two halves.

Take the next masterpiece to your collection.

I still love this work so much. Bravo master!

Christmas garland of snowflakes (step by step instructions)

I found one master class on the Internet, with which I am happy to share. Needlewomen will now exclaim! Super cute idea.

You can use the punch technique for cutting.

Master class on making felt garlands for the New Year

Everyone's favorite felt can also be useful. Needlewomen love him, because he is not expensive and unpretentious in work, as well as foamiran.

Well, take leaves of different colors.

Also prepare glue and decorative things, rhinestones, etc.

Cut out any New Year's toys, you can take the same shapes, you can use different ones.

Decorate the samples as you wish.

Turn on your imagination or search the Internet for something similar.

You can also make crafts from stars and circles and fasten all the details, use a sewing machine for this.

From Christmas trees or triangles that will imitate spruces, it is also quite easy to create a stretch.

And tinsel will only emphasize the winter theme and festive mood.

With the help of strips (each should be 5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide), create the lightest and simplest garland with schoolchildren or students on a street Christmas tree, just tie these strips to a thread.

Garlands of cones and light bulbs

Already in one of the articles, when we did it with you, I showed how you can quickly and beautifully decorate cones. And here, too, you can use this production. Dip a pine or spruce cone in PVA glue, and then let it dry. This is the first option, you can use acrylic paints.

But the second one, dip in PVA, and then in semolina or sparkles. Let the natural material dry.

Then tie a red thread to the cone, after a couple of centimeters again, and so on.

Alternatively, you can sprinkle with artificial snow on PVA or ordinary salt.

In general, connect your imagination and act!

Here is another idea using wire.

You can make a garland of light bulbs, dip each one in paint and let dry upside down. Then tie on tinsel. And voila, a radiant multi-colored composition is ready.

How to decorate a window with garlands (ideas)

Finally, I want to show you a bunch of other ideas that you can also take note of. Wonder, please, because it's so great when windows and walls and even doors are decorated in a winter theme, you immediately feel a holiday, your mood rises.

Here they are droplets of cheerful mood from beads.

Adapt music CDs or ordinary cardboard rings wrapped with thread.

Make mischievous bunnies or spinning tops.

The product made of spruce branches and flickering lights looks very nice.

Here is another childish joy, a garland of cones in the form of owlets.

In the West, you can often find shoes or mittens.

Video on how to stretch in the form of an angel

Especially on this topic, I picked up a video from YouTube, I hope it will help many people create an amazing hanger for the upcoming holiday, and below you will find other templates. So let's go take a look first.

Now the promised stencils:

Christmas decorations from plastic bottles

Imagine you can build yourself a large disco ball out of cups. Cool! And you will erase such a miracle yourself, using improvised means.

And of course, it is also possible to create a wonderful craft from such material as plastic bottles - a garland in the form of flowers, we are watching the plot.

That's all, I remind you that I have a group in contact, you are welcome, add me. Write your reviews and comments. Create and wonder, send your work. Good luck with everything! Bye and see you soon!

Best regards, Ekaterina

Summary: Christmas garland - paper chain. How to make a paper garland. New Year's garland of balls with their own hands. How to make a garland for the New with children. New Year's decorations for the house with their own hands. Christmas garland of snowflakes. How to decorate a house for the New Year.

To create a festive mood for yourself and your loved ones, take the time to decorate your home for the New Year. Make your own Christmas decorations with your children. One of the most common Christmas decorations is garlands. How to make Christmas tree garlands with your own hands, we will tell you in this article.

Christmas paper garland (option 1)

The classic version of the New Year's garland is a paper chain. Even very young children can make this New Year's craft.

You can download a beautiful background for paper chains at the link >>>>

If you have a figured hole punch, then you can make such openwork paper chain garlands.

How to make a paper garland (option 2)

To make these paper chains, you only need colored paper and scissors. You will understand how to make them if you carefully look at the photo below.

Here is another option for making paper chains.

Cut out rectangles from paper and fold them in half. On one side of the folded rectangle, draw the profile of one chain link, cut it out, straighten the paper. In order to get a long chain, you need to prepare a large number of such links. Then alternately thread one link through the other. Some of the links can be made multi-colored. In this case, the colors must be alternated sequentially.

New Year's paper garland (option 3)

1. Cut strips of paper in two different colors. The width of the strips is 2 cm, the length is 17 cm. In principle, you can use strips of paper of any size, the main thing is to observe the following condition: width / length = 1/8 + 1 (cm) spare.

2. Fold the strip in half lengthwise to mark the center. Bend it back.

3. Bend the left and right ends of the strip towards the center, as shown in photo No. 3.

4. Bend the strip in half again.

5. Make the required number of such blanks.

6. Connect the details of the future New Year's garland to each other as shown in the photo below.

The garland is ready! Because since this New Year's garland bends rather badly, it is better not to hang it, but to glue interior items around the perimeter with it.

New Year's paper garland (option 4)

This paper garland can be made not only for the New Year, but also for February 14, Valentine's Day. See the instructions at the link >>>>

And here is a more complex version of the New Year's garland made of paper in the shape of hearts.

Christmas garland made of paper (option 5)

How to decorate a house for the New Year? As easy as pie! A very easy to make, but at the same time spectacular looking paper garland with your own hands. To make it, you will need colored paper, scissors and glue (or a stapler, or tape).

Separate blanks must be fastened together with glue, tape or a stapler. Then hang the resulting paper garlands from the ceiling.

From a sheet of paper folded in half, according to the same principle, you can make such a beautiful openwork garland.

For a detailed video instruction on making this New Year's garland with your own hands, see the link >>>>

And colored paper for New Year's garlands can be cut in a spiral snake. Like this:

DIY Christmas garland (option 6)

Another very simple way to make a garland is to cut colored cardboard into narrow strips or take plastic strips - bookmarks that are sold in every stationery store. With the help of a sewing machine or an ordinary hand needle, these pieces are placed next to each other and sewn together with a thread. A load is attached to one end of the thread - a piece of plasticine, a heavy button so that the garland does not hang much, and at the other end it is vertically suspended, for example, from a chandelier.

You can hang such a garland not only vertically, but also horizontally.

You can sew not only strips of colored paper. Here are some more examples of similar New Year's garlands.

How to make a garland (option 7)

The Bulgarian site Krokotak.com offers to make an original New Year's paper garland. Despite the fact that the instructions are in Bulgarian, you can understand how this Christmas decoration is made from photographs.

DIY balloon garland

Read about how to make a Christmas garland from paper balls in our article "Making Christmas balls with your own hands" >>>>

DIY Christmas decorations for the home

It is not difficult to make a New Year's garland of pompoms. How to make a pom-pom, read Separate pom-poms can be hung on a Christmas tree instead of Christmas balls.

Pompoms can be multi-colored.

And you can also make a New Year's garland from cotton balls or cotton pads by stringing them on a thread.

From cotton balls or purchased pompoms, you can make a New Year's decoration for your home - a curtain. See link >>>>

Christmas garland of cones. Christmas cones

Original New Year's garlands are obtained from pine cones. For beauty, some cones can be partially or completely painted with white, gold or silver paint.

DIY Christmas garland

A garland of popcorn and cranberries (rowanberries) looks great on the Christmas tree and in the New Year's interior decoration. To make such a beauty, you will also need a needle and a long thread.

Edible New Year's garlands can also be made from dried fruits (for example, raisins) and the so-called. dry breakfast.

Garland of flags