A year has passed since the birth. Should I decide on a second pregnancy a year after giving birth? What to do to avoid milk stagnation

Our baby is already two years old. He became mobile and inquisitive, expresses his opinion on any issue. And he loves to talk!

The weight of the child is more than twelve kilograms, and the growth began to exceed 85 centimeters.

Let's discuss the problems that parents can expect.

What caused this?

Let's listen to the opinion of the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky. He believes that poor sleep in children is a manifestation of unstable sensitivity, a reaction to the "picture" of the surrounding reality.

What can be attributed to such irritants?

It's about a variety of factors:

  • emotional overload;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • physical stress;
  • features of temperament, etc.

The doctor insists that in modern medicine, unfortunately, there is a certain bias towards the mandatory explanation of everything and everything, even if there are no good arguments for this.

What is meant?

If your two-year-old child shows excellent results in all developmental parameters, and he does not have any signs of organic pathology (inflammation, tumors, underdevelopment of some organ, etc., etc.), it remains to be considered the cause of poor sleep only purely emotional factor.

But what is the emotional component in a person of any age?

Isn't this a secret with seven seals? Psychology is one of the most underdeveloped (!) scientific areas in the world. Doctors often, not having a basis for formulating the correct conclusions, sculpt nonsense generously fertilized with vague terms for worried parents and prescribe various meaningless procedures, ultrasound, dopplers ...

Attention! We advise you to realize that the problem of poor sleep exists and can be caused by anything, but the list of effective measures is limited. Of course, you can “stuff” the child with serious drugs, he will sleep soundly, but can this be considered a normal way out?

You win tactically, since the issue will be resolved for a while, and now you and the baby can finally get enough sleep. But strategically, this option to combat insomnia carries a lot of unpredictable consequences. Therefore, tranquilizers and antipsychotics, as a saving panacea, Dr. Komarovsky advises to discard immediately.

And, nevertheless, certain pharmacological assistance is allowed.

Here are the steps you can take:

  • Sleeping pills, sedative drugs of plant origin, which can give a very good effect, but it should be borne in mind that the drug must be chosen depending on the child's reaction to it. It is necessary to take into account the individual factor. One baby, for example, will use motherwort, lemon balm, but he will not react to valerian. Read the instructions carefully, pay attention to the dosage!
  • Check if the child is getting enough calcium. Why? The fact is that at two years there is an intensive growth of bones and teeth, which can lead to a decrease in its level. The classic manifestation of such a decrease is an increase in psycho-emotional excitability. We advise you, if the pediatrician has confirmed the lack of calcium, to give the child calcium gluconate or calcium glycerophosphate, paying attention to the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • You should also replenish the baby's body with calcium if certain vitamins, especially vitamin D, are taken as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Get a drug already forgotten - a solution of sodium bromide. This is a 2% solution, which is made in those pharmacies where they have not yet forgotten how to prepare medicines by hand. The dose for your child is one teaspoon four times a day.

What else can be done?

Basically, these are rules for certain behavior.

Additional Tips:

  • Do not let your child sleep during the day.
  • Do not put to bed at night until you see all signs of readiness for sleep.
  • Limit the flow of information for the child, especially in the evening (developmental games, cartoons, books)
  • Increase physical activity (walking, playing games with running and jumping).
  • Make sure that the child's bedroom always has clean air and the temperature is not higher than twenty degrees.

Note. Stop relying on the help of famous homeopaths, healers, neuropathologists and osteopaths. Take your child's development under your personal control, learn in practice to solve all problems quickly and effectively. This applies to those cases when the baby does not have a serious pathology.

The child loves to fight. What to do?

You began to notice that your baby has become aggressive. He often fights with other kids and even raises his hand to his mother. Are you wondering what's wrong with him?

Let's talk about it.

A child at such a tender age does not yet have the concept that his freedom must be limited. But he, perhaps, has already managed to see from the people around him what are the ways to achieve his desire.

Toddlers from an early age can easily accept assault as a method of responding and expressing their discontent. Therefore, teach the correct behavior of children now!

It will be right when a child shows aggression to learn how to quickly extinguish it. It is also important to study the reasons for this behavior.

Why did the child start fighting?

There may be several reasons for this behavior, and we need to understand all of them:

  • The kid lacks attention. He has already learned to be cunning. When he wants to be the center of attention for you, he starts to fight with the kids. And now you have already abandoned all your affairs and ran to calm him down. And although you blame him, it is more important for him now that you "pricked" him a certain dose of attention. In order not to bring the baby to such an unpleasant situation, it is better to orient him to receive encouragement for good behavior. Let him know that the right actions bring him more attention than the wrong ones. Emphasize the importance of positive attitudes towards children and adults. Praise the baby for any service that he provides to relatives and strangers.
  • Children of this age still have a very limited list of ways to express feelings. They simply lack the necessary words and actions to correctly convey their reaction to something. Pushing, biting, spitting, and hitting is a simple and effective way to communicate your vision of the world, especially if it has to be defended. You will have to work a lot with your child to form a healthy response to various situations, to explain to him the nature of fear, anger and joy. Find compensation mechanisms. For example, stomping your feet instead of waving your arms.
  • The child wants to show that he needs your help. He is unable to do something. In view of this, he is overwhelmed with negative emotions, he decides to repay his disappointment on you. But if his problem had been noticed in time and helped him figure it out, then this would not have happened.
  • The kid is drawn to something forbidden. Your verbal taboos only irritate him. The child seeks to satisfy the desire immediately. He cannot understand the reasons for the ban in principle, therefore, with the help of aggression, he defends his opinion. At such moments, try to switch his attention to something brighter and more unusual.
  1. You should be patient. Do not bring the child to a skirmish with you. In no case do not show a violent reaction. This will be a claim that aggression is the most effective means of proving one's case. Do not punish the kid for fighting, but bring up the right behavior in him by personal example.
  2. Use other activities as a distraction. A new positive activity should help drive out the aggression.
  3. Use conversation as a problem solving method. Show your child that his misbehavior hurts you. Tell him that you trust him, that he will cope with his emotions. Find out the cause of the fight. Point out to your child ways in which he can deal with negative emotions without hurting himself or others.

Note. Remember that most children's problems arise only because of your inattention to the child and your lack of awareness about proper upbringing. While raising a child, educate yourself at the same time!

Your child is already two years old, and he does not speak. Why? It seems to you that this is not normal, but what have you personally done to solve this problem? After all, just being close to the baby is not enough for him to pronounce words smartly at the age of two.


  • develop his speech and motor skills of the fingers;
  • do facial massage
  • use various sounds, audio fairy tales for learning, read books to the baby;
  • let the child communicate with other children, etc.

If you see a peanut who does not stop for a minute, be sure that this is probably a considerable merit of his parents.

What to do if your child does not speak well?

To solve the problem of insufficient speech development in children, it is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Create a speech environment in the house - hang pictures with animals, various objects and vehicles in all rooms. Every day, explain to the baby about the origin and purpose of the object drawn in the picture. Slowly pronounce its name close to the child's eyes. He will read your lips and remember this name. After a while, ask him where the object that you showed him is. Ask them to bring you to him and show him. Change the pictures more often so that the baby does not get bored with them.
  • Purchase special books on the implementation of articulation gymnastics in the store. With their help, it will be possible to develop children's articulation apparatus. This is especially important if the child does not pronounce some sounds due to the fact that his facial muscles are not sufficiently developed, and his tongue is not obedient.
  • Use games with cereals for activities with your baby (sprinkling, sifting, searching for small objects in cereals, drawing in the sand with your finger), modeling various figures from plasticine or dough with learning their names, drawing with paints, playing with finger puppets.
  • View and listen with your child musical performance songs, cartoons with animals. Let the kid try to name the characters from the plot.
  • Read every day to your child a variety of fairy tales and funny stories. Use them as training. The purpose of such reading is to turn listening to a story into a conversation, a conversation.

Note. Remember that everything depends on you and your perseverance. You should devote more time to your child, love to play with him and not be lazy to teach him something new every day.

You have probably already witnessed such a picture - in the middle of a toy store, a red baby in tears shows character, demanding definitely toys from his parents? Mom tries to explain something to him, dad gets angry, and the sellers don't know what to do.

What to say? The picture is not pleasant, moreover, for all participants in the drama.

What happened, exactly?

The fact is that the child suddenly got to know the world from a new and unpleasant side - there are some prohibitions in it. And this at a time when there are so many interesting things in it, you want to feel everything, try to find out - what is inside? Just hold out your hand! But before the hand is a ban.

The child still does not know how to cope with emotions. Tantrums in a child of two years old happen quite often. And the reason for this is the instability of the psyche.

Why is the baby crying?

Because it cannot:

  • convey in words about your grief;
  • get what you want;
  • break away from the toy;
  • correctly pay attention to your request.

Do not punish and do not shout at such moments at children. It's pointless and won't give you the desired effect. After all, they simply communicate their problem in an accessible way.

And then how to deal with it?

The child uses hysteria purely for the mercantile purpose of getting his own way. This is an attempt to manipulate, which, in itself, speaks of a wrong upbringing. The kid, most likely, once tried this method of influencing one of the parents and saw that it worked.

If you are attentive and do not miss the first symptoms of a future emotional shake-up (lowering of the head and slight whimpering), you can prevent it. Try at this moment to switch the baby's attention to something more interesting and bright. But if you missed the time, be prepared to be patient and go through all the phases of the storm with your baby.

Make sure that at such moments the child is not left alone, which can cause fear and psychological trauma. After all, his nerves are not yet strong.

However, in no case do not indulge the desires of your child. If you give in to him, then expect that now he will always use hysteria as a tool.

The kid does not want to sit on the potty. This creates a lot of problems for you and you get angry. We have already written in detail about this problem.

We remind you that there are no special medical prescriptions that babies should definitely do this.

You must accept as a truth the fact that "potty sitting" depends on the individual factor, on the development of the child.

Let's consider the order of such development:

  • one year - the child does not know what to do with the pot, as he only partially controls the discharge;
  • a year and three months - the child still does not like the pot, but is already able to show that he has wet leggings;
  • a year and a half - the baby finally begins to play with the potty, sometimes sits on it and even with a noticeable result;
  • from two to two and a half years - usually a normal child already goes to the potty, otherwise he still learns to be dry. At night, such a child must be raised to avoid spontaneous urination;
  • two and a half years - the child is potty trained, but does not know how to wipe his bottom.
  • three years is a fully developed habit.

Determination of the readiness of the baby's body to the toilet

We refer to these features as:

  • a stable defecation regimen (in the morning at lunchtime or in the evening);
  • dry laundry for an hour and a half;
  • the baby's ability to point to certain parts of the body and clothing where discharge appears;
  • consciousness of the act of defecation itself, the ability to name it;
  • unwillingness to be in a "wet" form;
  • ability to take off breeches.

Note. Do not rush to potty train your child prematurely. Everything has its time. Remember that everything depends, first of all, on the physiological and mental development of the baby.

This problem awaits many women after childbirth. Some of them resign themselves, and the process becomes irreversible. And in two years they become aunts from children's cartoons. But most women are looking for a way out in diet, sports and physical activity.

We must note the fact that a healthy mother, without any additional conditions, returns to her usual weight norm within three to four months. But here it is important not to overeat and move a lot. In any case, body shaping after pregnancy also depends on how long the woman breastfeeds the baby.

For a successful diet, you must follow these rules:

  • Understand the essence of the problem, determine the causes of excess body weight. Pay attention to the mode and quality of food.
  • Make a serious decision to eradicate the problem. It is important to tune in to a mandatory weight loss within three to four kilograms per month.
  • Use a reasonable and not rigid diet, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The daily rate should be reduced by 400 - 500 kcal with five meals a day in small portions.

What should be given up?

Throw out sugary foods with useless fats and sugary carbohydrates first:

  • confectionery;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • pies;
  • candies;
  • White bread;
  • ice cream;
  • sodas and fizzy drinks;
  • chips;
  • beer and other alcohol;
  • coffee and strong tea.

Reduce, if possible, the consumption of pickles, which retain water and cause swelling, thereby provoking the formation of varicose veins. Sausages, canned foods, smoked meats, fried and spicy foods, fatty broths and mushrooms will also not benefit you.

Choose to eat light, easy foods that are well digested and absorbed, but at the same time energy-intensive.

Also move more and do physical exercises with a targeted effect on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.

Be always friendly and positively look at the world. Remember that he is a reflection of yourself.

Be happy with your family.

Dear visitors of the site Farmamir. This article is not medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

You are thinking about a second pregnancy, because only two can be better than one baby. It is better to plan a second pregnancy no earlier than two years after the first birth. And although now everything will be simpler and clearer, there are a number of differences and features that you should be aware of.

You already know that you need to plan a second child at least two years after the birth of your first child. During this time, the body will just have time to rest, you will have time to finish, put the hormonal background in order, and the scar from the caesarean section is just healing.

Doctors say that women who give birth to children with an interval of less than two years are more likely to suffer from pregnancy complications (toxicosis, anemia, late preeclampsia), they have a higher risk of miscarriage. By the way, in this case, the child will also have a hard time: he may not have enough vitamins and nutrition, and a baby with a low weight or weak will be born.

The difference between the second pregnancy and the first

It is more difficult to hide the second pregnancy than the first: the tummy is visible almost from, and already at the end of the first trimester it becomes very noticeable. Muscles and ligaments, once stretched, lose their elasticity, and it is more difficult for them to support a growing uterus. That's why bandage is recommended to wear already from the fourth month of pregnancy.

The second pregnancy is not necessarily worse than the first.

The course of pregnancy depends on many factors. In particular, from the sex of the child: the manifestation of toxicosis is different for mothers of girls and mothers of boys. If the second baby is from another man, then he can also “behave” in a completely different way than the firstborn.

Usually the second pregnancy is easier: You already know what to prepare for and do not feel as stressed as the first time. But this does not mean that the small troubles of the first pregnancy will not accompany you again (hair loss, swelling, hemorrhoids, toxicosis, etc.).

The second pregnancy is not always faster than the first

There is an opinion that the second pregnancy can be a couple of weeks shorter than the first. Statistics refute this idea, proving that the timing of all births is the same.

At least, there are no physical prerequisites for reducing the terms. But psychologically, the second pregnancy actually proceeds faster . There is already one fidget in the house who does not let mom get bored, and she does not have time and desire to be distracted by worries and anxieties for her unborn baby.

Mom-member of the forum Lika told the story:“The second pregnancy is not always happy for a woman. But I have one friend who got married right after school and gave birth to four children with a difference of 2-3 years. She wore every pregnancy like a jewel. Her bliss was not violated by any family, world or political cataclysms. She did not constantly go to the gynecologist, did not do a bunch of mandatory vaccinations, she just enjoyed her sensations. During perestroika, poverty awaited her, she never went to the sea, and her husband is more at work than at home. But this family is so happy! I have never seen such happiness!

The second baby is always bigger than the first

At least, classical obstetrics insists on this. Doctors say that each subsequent child weighs a little more than his older brother or sister. But, starting from the fifth pregnancy, the children are put more “small”: supposedly the woman is already tired and can no longer give birth to heroes.

After the first birth, the cervix shortens

After the birth of the first baby, the cervix becomes shorter. Its closure must be complete. If your cervix was injured during your first birth, tell your doctor about this problem to prevent a threatened miscarriage.

Toxicosis may not be at all

You will definitely be pleased with the fact that you can retreat. But the second pregnancy is so unpredictable that it can, on the contrary, upset you with more pronounced symptoms of nausea. Everything depends on the body. If while waiting for your first baby you had health problems, edema, protein was found in your urine - monitor your health more carefully, follow a diet and water regime.

The risk of Rhesus conflict still exists

If during the first pregnancy you had, antibodies remained in the blood after childbirth, which can lead to hemolytic disease of the second baby. Therefore, when planning another pregnancy, go through a complete examination, carrying a baby, take a blood test for antibodies every month, do it regularly, monitor the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The second birth is faster than the first

During the first birth, the body needs 10-12 hours of contractions to open the cervix. The second time the neck opens in 6-8 hours. Accordingly, more efficient work of the uterus is accompanied by more intense sensations, pain. By the way, not the second, but the third childbirth is recognized as the most painful.

Svetlana Ponomarenko, psychologist: “In the East, they believe that life is given to a person as a lesson in what will be useful to him in future incarnations. Therefore, if some problem could not be solved, a person will again and again find himself in the same conditions, again and again trying to cope with this task. Therefore, if the first pregnancy was not a very pleasant surprise for you, treat the second attempt with full dedication. After all, we are talking about the most important thing in your life - a child. Let the second pregnancy be conscious, dissolve in this happiness!

Even if we managed to scare you a little, there is no need to worry. Each organism is individual, and the way the second pregnancy went for someone does not mean at all that the same course of events will repeat for you. After all, this is not the main thing: you will become the owner of double happiness, and no minor troubles can compare with this.

Have a calm pregnancy and easy childbirth!

After childbirth, the uterus of the woman in labor begins to contract very actively, becoming much smaller. During this period, she begins to appear discharge.

Uterine discharge

This means that the uterus is recovering. This process will take place within 2 weeks. The color of the discharge has a "bloody" hue. If your selection ends too early, then you should pay attention to this and contact a specialist. This is due to the fact that the cervix has closed and does not release the discharge from the uterus.

After three days in the hospital, you may be told that your uterus has not yet completely cleared, so they will suggest that you do a cleansing. It is recommended to refuse this procedure, because it is dangerous and can harm the uterus. It is worth agreeing only if there are really some harmful indications.

Your uterus will be cleansed within 10 days, so there is no need to carry out a cleaning on the third day, which is also so harmful.

On day 15 discharge becomes smaller. Their hue becomes yellowish.

The entire cleansing process takes place within 6-8 weeks.

During the discharge, you can not play sports, download the press and somehow load yourself. Try this time to just relax, lead a calm lifestyle and breastfeed the baby as often as possible so that there is enough and the body recovers.

If there is an unpleasant odor during discharge, then consult a doctor. The presence of an unpleasant odor may be due to some kind of inflammation.

If the discharge has a bloody tint for 3 weeks, then you should also consult a doctor.

Since during pregnancy the load was most on the intimate muscles, it is worth starting with them. They need to be restored one and a half months after childbirth. Squats work well as exercises.

After you understand that the intimate muscles are restored, then check yourself for diastasis.

Diastasis is the separation of muscle fibers in the abdomen.

How to check yourself for diastasis?

If you lie down and start to rise, you may see a bump in the navel area. On average, the size can be from 2 to 5 cm. If you find yourself with diastasis and it is of this size, then you can cure it with yoga in the future.

If the diastasis is 10 cm in size, then it can only be corrected with the help of an operation.

If you have diastasis, then you can’t pump the press, because because of this, the diastasis will become even stronger. Do not under any circumstances take on heavy loads.

If you do not have diastasis, then you can exercise.

After you have restored intimate muscles, healed diastasis, then it's time to move on to sports activities. It is better not to do heavy loads on the spine, because during pregnancy the center of gravity was shifted due to the abdomen. Because of this, your spine may be stooped.

In fact, a woman's health is restored 3 years after childbirth, even if the woman does not do anything for this restoration.

After your baby is born, you need to attach it to the breast immediately in the first hours after birth.

On the 3rd day after birth, there is a large rush of milk. When there is a lot of milk, then in no case do you need to express it. If you pump, the breast will receive a signal that the baby has already been fed, and the next day there will be the same flow of milk in the breast.

If you do not express, then the breast will receive a signal that the milk has not been finished and the next day there will be a smaller influx.

If you do not express milk, then within 3 weeks it will be normal and there will be no stagnation of milk.

Under what conditions should you express?

If the breast is very hard and full that the baby cannot even take it, then it is worth expressing some milk.

What should I do to avoid milk stagnation?

To avoid stagnation of milk, it is worth putting a cold wet rag or ice on the chest. Breast massaging also saves from milk stagnation. It is also recommended to give up hot tea. It will be best if you drink water.

Do not heat the breast, do not apply heat to it, do not apply a compress - this can cause milk stasis.

What to do if the baby refuses to breastfeed?

If the child refuses to breastfeed, then you should change your lifestyle a little. So that the child gets used to the breast and does not refuse it, try to apply it constantly.

No need to feed him in public. Do not look at the computer, do not sit on the phone, turn off the TV, do not communicate with people while breastfeeding. You must create the most comfortable atmosphere.

If the baby is distracted, spins around and does not take the breast, then just go to the bedroom with him, close the doors, curtains, create a calm environment so that nothing distracts the baby, and only after that start feeding him. After a few days, the baby will get used to the breast.

What to do if there is not enough milk?

Often, talking about not having enough milk is a delusion. In most cases, it is enough to apply the baby many times to the breast. You need to do this persistently, and then milk will appear over time. If a baby suckles at the breast, it will always supply milk in return.

How can you tell if you have enough milk?

To understand that there is enough milk, you need to monitor the child:

  • on the first day after birth, the child pees only 1 time;
  • on the second day - 3 times;
  • after ten days he pees 10-12 times a day.
  • If this happens, it means that he has enough nutrition and he does not have any dehydration.

    If he adds 500-750 grams per month, then this means that he also has enough milk.

    If the child does not gain weight, then this means that he has an incorrect attachment, he does not suck milk out of the breast well.

    The child is naughty for no reason

    Sometimes it happens that a child can act up a lot for no reason. So he can show his reaction to the behavior of his mother. If the mother is constantly worried, performs every action with fear and uncertainty, then the child, seeing this, begins to be afraid too. He ceases to trust his mother and the world around him.

    Try to always be confident with your child, caress, hug him often, reassure him if you see that he is afraid. The child must know that he is under reliable protection.

    When should complementary foods be introduced?

    You can introduce complementary foods under the following conditions:

    1. If the child has doubled his weight (was born with 3 kg and gained weight of 6 kg).
    2. The child has his first teeth.
    3. The child has a food interest, he began to reach for your food.
    4. The child does not have an ejection reflex (a reflex in which he tries to pull out the food that is given to him from his mouth).

    If at least 3 points match, then this means that complementary foods can be introduced.

    Until what age should you breastfeed?

    Up to a year and a half the baby can be breastfed. After a year and a half, you need to start negotiating with the child. You must make it clear to him that in some situations you will not breastfeed.

    For example, if you are in a supermarket and he reaches for his breast, then tell him that you will not feed him in this place. Say it confidently. If you hesitate to indulge the child with the words "Sasha, dear, well, maybe not now, maybe later?", then

    this will show the child your insecurity, and he will continue to demand the breast.

    No need to deprive the baby of the breast completely, no need to bandage it and tell him that he will no longer be fed with milk. Do not forcefully remove the baby from the breast.

    Do not forget that for him, breastfeeding is not only nutrition, but also emotional contact with mother in which he needs, feeling her care.

    If you negotiate with him, then over time he will begin to forget about the chest and begin to eat the same food as you.

    Second births a year after the birth of a child are quite common, but, unfortunately, not always planned. Some women, upon learning that they are again in a position, decide to have an abortion. Others, on the contrary, decide to keep the child and then raise two babies at once. We will try to figure out how the second pregnancy affects the female body, consider the pros and cons of raising children of the same age.

    Family traditions in many countries say that you can have a second child when the previous one learns to eat and move independently, which means that it will no longer need the constant presence of the mother. Approximately the same point of view is shared by doctors, recommending planning a second birth no earlier than two years after the first. Moreover, they explain this not only by the level of development and the needs of the child, but also by the physiological state of the female body.

    Many systems, for example, the cardiovascular, genitourinary, musculoskeletal systems are in the process of recovery. And, despite the good health and psychological disposition for a second pregnancy, it is better to postpone it for at least 2-3 years. Some women, upon learning about an unplanned pregnancy, immediately decide to have an abortion, without thinking about the fact that it is also harmful to health. The decision in this case should not be hasty, it should be well thought out.

    What happens to the female body during this period

    There is an opinion that a woman who breastfeeds a newborn child cannot become pregnant. The so-called lactational amenorrhea method is even one of the methods of contraception after childbirth, although its reliability is not high enough and quite often it leads to induced abortion.

    Since the hormone prolactin, which is intensively produced during breastfeeding, suppresses the process of ovulation, the likelihood of re-pregnancy in lactating women is sharply reduced. At the same time, a woman should put the baby to her breast at his first request, not introduce additional complementary foods into the children's diet, otherwise the reliability of the method drops sharply. As the body recovers after childbirth and the hormonal levels gradually normalize, the pituitary gland gradually increases the production of estrogen, which means that the functioning of the ovaries is restored, and the egg can already be fertilized.

    According to medical statistics, this usually happens about 8-10 weeks after childbirth, although it strongly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. The most dangerous thing in this case is that ovulation is ahead of the first menstruation after childbirth by about 2-3 weeks, and it is rather difficult to determine the moment of its onset. Therefore, very often a woman, counting on lactational amenorrhea, does not protect herself properly, fertilization of the egg occurs, and menstruation does not occur, but already because of pregnancy. In this case, the woman finds out about her position when the fetus begins to move, and it is no longer possible to have an abortion at such a time.

    Good afternoon, dear readers! Many people know that my children have a rather small age difference - 2 years. Therefore, here I want to tell you how the second pregnancy goes a year after the birth. I'll tell you what a big and stupid mistake I made in preparing for the second birth. I hope you approach this issue more consciously!

    How is the second pregnancy different from the first?

    Each baby is individual. And each gestation is also individual. In the same woman, the first pregnancy can be accompanied by terrible toxicosis and endless complications, but not the second. Or vice versa. If everything went perfectly the first time, this does not mean that the second time you can not visit the doctor at all. Also, all the signs by which you learned about the birth of a new life may differ.

    However, if you wanted to give birth to your little brother as soon as possible ... Then the second pregnancy will have some features. All 9 months you will run after the restless yearling. Sometimes, young mothers forget about their situation - these days are so active! Only in the evening, when you lie down in bed, do you begin to feel active tremors inside... And you remember that soon there will be two children... By the way, usually in the second pregnancy, the movements begin much earlier. Personally, I started feeling them somewhere around 14 weeks! Although for the first time she somehow fixed the movements of the crumbs only at 20 weeks. And the stomach for the second time is rounded early. Not always, of course... But in most cases.

    Features of pregnancy one year after childbirth

    What should be remembered?
    1. Many women carry older children with them for the whole cherished 9 months. However, why take the risk again? If the child is 1-1.5 years old, it is quite possible with simple hugs. Do not refuse to caress the little one, but gradually accustom him to alternative options: let him sit on your lap, lie on the couch with him ... And if he fell and got upset - sit down next to him and hug freely. Of course, there will always be times when you have to raise an older child. Especially on the street. Do not worry. There is no catastrophe in this, absolutely all pregnant mothers face this. Carry the baby where you need to, and do not worry.
    2. If the elder falls asleep only after intense motion sickness, this is bad. And it is better to solve this problem even before planning a second baby. First, long motion sickness is undesirable in your position. Secondly, when a new baby appears and settles in your arms, it will be almost impossible to rock the older one. Try rocking in a crib, on a fitball, or something else ... Ideally, make sure that by the time your sister or brother is born, your eldest child can fall asleep on his own. This is not always possible, but pay enough attention to this area.
    3. Slow down. Three times. Especially if the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied by poor health. In the first and last trimester, it is very important to be more loyal to yourself - as little as possible household chores and other stresses. After all, the older child will not allow you to simply lie down at a critical moment and rest.
    4. A short interval between pregnancies places special demands on your body. The body has not yet had time to properly recover after childbirth. I haven't had time to replenish all the vitamin reserves yet. So pay close attention to your diet. Pay special attention to your “weak” areas: these are chronic diseases and those organs that suffer personally in you in the first place.
    5. Second births usually develop faster. And they start earlier. Get ready for it! If you are unhappy with your first birth, it makes sense to pre-register for pregnancy courses, think about what you want to fix ... If there is no way to get serious face-to-face training, study the course on the Internet. Preparing for the second birth, a woman understands better how she wants to give birth. And you can organize everything just the way you see fit!
    6. You definitely need an assistant who can sit regularly with an older child. It can be a spouse, grandmother or girlfriend ... It is very inconvenient to go to the "antenatal clinic" with a one-year-old. This is especially true if you use free medicine with its wild queues (I always sat in queues to the gynecologist for 1-2 hours). My husband and my eldest daughter were sitting with me, I adjusted my visits to doctors according to his work schedule (my husband specially got a job with a shift schedule of 2 through 2). And remember: women stay in the maternity hospital for at least three days. Therefore, if you do not decide to give birth at home, teach your baby to be without you for quite a long time in advance.

    Should I get pregnant a year after giving birth?

    A small difference in the age of children has its pros and cons. Of great importance is your health and the health of the older toddler. If you and your child constantly travel to hospitals, then it is better to postpone the appearance of your sister. The hardest part is childhood illnesses. And if both are sick at the same time ... But you also can’t close your eyes to the age of your mother. At 25, you can still postpone the conception of the second. And at 37 ... Every year, bearing children is harder and harder. You must weigh everything and evaluate what difference in the age of the children will be most optimal for you.

    In my circumstances, planning a second miracle a year after the first appeared was the right decision. I had enough strength and health for this. Life with two children does not seem difficult to me at all (“”) ... On the contrary, I really like this kind of life. At the same time, we don’t have nannies or grandmothers nearby (grandmothers come once a week for a couple of hours, I don’t consider this a serious help). We do not send our eldest daughter to kindergarten. And both of our children are quite demanding. At the time of this writing, the youngest is 7.5 months old. He crawls well, but still often sits on his hands and does not sleep well during the day. And the eldest daughter very rarely plays on her own. But everything can be successfully combined, and life with two small children is not some kind of hell, it is a very interesting and eventful time. I didn't even have to forget about my hobbies. It was difficult only in the first couple of weeks (because of the elder's jealousy). It took about a month to adapt ... And then it only got easier.

    How was my second pregnancy

    Especially for this article, I recorded a short video:

    Even before the appearance of the second strip on the pregnancy test, I gently stopped carrying my daughter in my arms, taught me to fall asleep, lying next to me. We fell asleep in an embrace ... And then we gradually learned to fall asleep, lying back to back. This was done with the expectation of breastfeeding a newborn. I could feed calmly, and my daughter pressed against my back and fell asleep. However, the newborn did not live up to our expectations, he did not like to suckle for a long time. He needed to be constantly rocked, and I could not lie next to my daughter. I had to urgently teach her to fall asleep in her crib. I went with a baby in a sling, and at the same time rocked the crib with my eldest daughter.

    The pregnancy itself was easy. I did not feel any negative symptoms until 32 weeks. Then it got a little harder. After 36 weeks - even harder, there was always a strong tone. But at 38 I had already given birth.

    The biggest mistake, I think, is insufficient accustoming my daughter to the absence of a mother. We gradually prepared our daughter for my absence. They gave it to my grandmother for a day. A couple of times she spent the night with her grandmother ... But this was not enough. After all, they spend three whole days in the hospital! And these days were very hard for us. The baby lived quietly for the first day and a half, and then she sensed something was wrong. Tantrums began, the search for my mother ... What I was very afraid of. Therefore, I strongly recommend that everyone do a few “rehearsals” before giving birth. Let the child stay without you for a few days. Gradually increase the time you are away. So that your departure to the hospital goes almost unnoticed.

    Here is another medical view on our issue:

    I once wrote an article about . Screening is not just an ultrasound, it is an analysis to determine genetic diseases.

    Read about children's jealousy, about positive motherhood with two little ones ("") in other articles. This article is quite long... I hope you found it useful! Share the link on social networks and subscribe to new blog articles. See you soon!