Is it possible to bake on plain paper. What can be used instead of parchment paper when baking

Do you want to bake a cake or cake layers, and the parchment paper has run out so inopportunely - is this becoming a problem for you? No need to get upset! At home, you can always find alternative materials.

So what could it be? What can replace it?

1. Tracing paper.
The dough will not burn if instead of parchment paper you put tracing paper on the bottom of the pan. Plain translucent drawing paper, which is used in the clothing industry.

2. Foil for baking.
Foil can be used not only when baking meat and vegetables, but also successfully used in baking. If it is a pie with berries or liquid jam, then the foil will prevent the loss of juice and the pies will not burn. You need to put it matte surface to the bottom of the form.

3. Plain paper
Also instead of baking paper, on a baking sheet put the most ordinary paper, which is used in offices or children for drawing. It is pre-lubricated vegetable oil and additionally sprinkled with breadcrumbs. But keep in mind that it is best to use paper without any patterns, as the ink is harmful to the body.

4. Butter or margarine.
To get perfect pastries, without the help of parchment, you need to grease the form well with margarine or butter. Oil can be taken both butter and vegetable. The fat will prevent the mold from coming into contact with the dough.

5. Flour
Sometimes when baking cake layers or cookies, the mold is sprinkled with flour or semolina. This good way in the fight against sticking.

6. Butter with flour / semolina / breadcrumbs ("French shirt")

This option is one of the best. First, the form is greased with vegetable or butter, and then sprinkled with flour, semolina or breadcrumbs. By the way, crackers will give baked goods a crispy crust.

7. Silicone mat
Silicone baking mats - modern facilities, which protect the baking sheet from burning quite well. They allow you to bake your favorite "sweets" without using fat. They are for sale different sizes, under any forms.

When choosing options for replacing parchment paper in cooking, remember that their main goal is to prevent the dough from burning and sticking to the mold, which means making pastries ruddy and as tasty as possible.


In ancient times, parchment was called paper, on which notes were left. Now parchment is called baking material. Today, thanks to the variety of products, various materials can be cooked quickly and easily. Food grade paper is used for baking.

Oxygen access is provided to the products, parchment protects them from extraneous aromas.

The material is grease-proof, moisture-proof, resistant to high temperatures. If the material is purchased from trusted manufacturers, then the pastries will not stick to the paper.

How to replace baking paper

Parchment paper is not always at hand, and the guests are about to come. In this case, as an alternative, ordinary writing or sheet paper can be used. First, it should be soaked in fat or sunflower oil.

Another option is to use foil instead of paper. Baking does not stick to it, foil is an excellent analogue for baking muffins.

One of the most reliable options is to purchase a special silicone mat. In this case, even if the parchment runs out at the most inopportune moment, there will always be a means to replace it at hand.

Delicious apple pie

Apple pie is loved by everyone - both adults and children. This is a great dish for breakfast, or for welcoming guests. And you can replace the paper with breadcrumbs or just grease the bottom of the container with oil, in which you plan to cook pastries.


  1. Flour - 3 cups;
  2. Fat-free sour cream - 230 g;
  3. Butter - 80 g;
  4. Low-fat cream - 100 ml;
  5. Cinnamon - 15 g;
  6. Sugar - 200 g;
  7. Apples - 6 pcs. (small);
  8. Baking powder - 10 g;
  9. A pinch of salt.

Cooking a pie will not be difficult even for those of the fair sex who are just starting to learn the art of cooking. Baking will turn out easy, not very high-calorie. It only takes 25 minutes to cook.

Cooking steps:

  1. Melt the butter, cool it a little, mix with sour cream.
  2. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon.
  3. Add a mixture of butter and sour cream to the prepared mixture of dry ingredients. Knead the dough.
  4. Divide the dough into two parts, roll out two layers.
  5. The first layer is laid out on a baking sheet, the bottom of which is covered with parchment paper. (I sometimes spread a layer of breadcrumbs or foil).
  6. Sliced ​​and peeled apples are laid out on the first sheet of dough. Tip - so that the fruits do not become dark, they need to be sprinkled with lemon juice.
  7. Pour the cream over the apples, slightly lifting the edges of the first plate so that the contents do not leak out.
  8. A second layer of dough is laid out on top of the first layer of dough, while the edges must be fastened together.
  9. Cook for 25 minutes at a temperature of 200 0 C.

If the cake is stuck to the paper

In the event that paper sticks to baking all the time, it is better to give preference and use food material from another manufacturer. Let it be a little more expensive, but such problems will not arise. good paper never rushes to pies.

Is it possible to "save" pastries if the paper is stuck to them? First of all - in no case should you try and make efforts, tearing off paper sheet from a hot item.

You need to wait until the cake cools down a bit. Then it can be separated from the cake much easier.

At the same time, to the bottom of the pie, where the paper is stuck, you should attach wet wipe or a towel.

In the event that it is not possible to lift the cake, a fruit cutter (with a curved blade) will help. They will need to carefully trim the junction of the parchment and the pie. Cooks do not recommend using dark paper, it is better to leave the choice on light parchment.

Pie with apples step by step with a photo

Many housewives cannot imagine their family's diet without baking. Her various recipes often feature kitchen tools that prevent the dough from burning, such as parchment or foil. How can you replace parchment paper for baking if it was not at hand at the right time?

Before deciding how to replace parchment paper for baking at home, you need to understand what mission it performs. Thanks to it, products do not burn, remain nutritious and tasty, since parchment does not allow loss of juice and contact with the baking sheet. But what if the hostess, inspired interesting recipe and having prepared the dough, before sending the future masterpiece to the oven, she found out that there was no parchment paper? You should not worry: everything has already been invented before us!

improvised means

Another parchment

This is a thick paper that is used to pack food and household goods. Using this instead of special food parchment is not the most best idea, since it may contain impurities that are not safe for humans. However, if it does go into action, you will have to additionally coat it with fat.

Cooking paper

Perhaps it is she who will be found in the bins of the hostess instead of parchment. Its plus is that it does not need to be impregnated with fat.

Tracing paper

Yes, this is the same sewing tracing paper that is used to make patterns. It is similar to parchment not only in "appearance", but also in many ways. physical properties. Therefore, tracing paper is able to protect the dough from burning, but for this the hostess will have to attend to her oiling.

plain paper

We are talking about clean, white, without inscriptions and printing ink, sheets intended for office equipment. If such paper is thoroughly - to transparency - soaked on both sides with fat, then it is quite capable of playing the role of parchment, especially when something not too sophisticated and capricious is supposed to be baked. The best option for oiling - butter or margarine, pounded to a creamy consistency. It is not necessary to melt them completely, because in this form they will only spoil the paper.

The tighter it is, the better. But some housewives go even further, adapting ordinary double notebook sheets for baking (of course, without metal brackets).

flour bag

There is one more little secret: flour is very often sold in bags made from baking parchment. Therefore, you can pour the product and use the package to bake the dough on a baking sheet. If this method seems doubtful to the hostess, then to clear her conscience, she can lightly smear the former package with fat.

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These tips have been tested in practice by many people. However, before trusting them with your future culinary masterpiece, it is advisable to make sure that the parchment paper alternative you choose will not let you down. It is necessary to preheat the oven to the required temperature and send the paper there for a few minutes. If absolutely nothing happens to her, you can use her for your plans further.

Achievements of civilization

There are options that will not make you frantically think about how you can replace parchment paper for baking so as not to worry about the fate of the contents of the oven.

Silicone mat

This device does not even need minimum quantity fat because nothing sticks to it. Despite its origin, the silicone mat may be more similar in structure and color to wrapping paper than rubber. It washes well, folds up and takes up minimal space. There are even rugs with special markings, so that it is convenient for housewives to cut off the necessary pieces of dough. In general, there is one sheer convenience, except for the only nuance: while the substrate is hot, it is impossible to cut pastries.

Silicone Coated Paper

The circle of fans of this novelty is rapidly expanding due to both simple housewives and culinary specialists. Silicone paper is sold in sheets, rolls, and the sheet can be used several times - from 4 to 8. Sometimes molds are made from this material.

Can foil be substituted for parchment paper?

This is an ambiguous question. In a situation where something else is not at hand, the foil can come in handy as an emergency exit. It is especially appropriate in the case of dishes, during the preparation of which a lot of juice is released (although this rarely applies to baking).

On the other hand, the foil heats up to some extent and shares its heat with its contents. Therefore, the product may burn if the oven is left to fend for itself. In addition, you can not count on a golden crust from below. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to use foil instead of baking paper is: it is possible, but not worth it.

Baking bags

They are separated from parchment paper by a huge distance, so using bags in this role is possible only in a hopeless situation.

Or maybe not invent anything?

Is it necessary to lay something between the dough and the surface? There are two "culinary schools" in this matter.

  1. Representatives of the first argue that lubricating a mold or a baking sheet with anything - vegetable, butter or margarine - does not make sense and is even harmful. They will not protect pastries from burning, but they are able to accumulate and thereby significantly spoil its smell and taste.
  2. Representatives of the second point of view are sure that nothing will happen to the product if we do without “intermediaries”. True, they make a reservation: if for casseroles, pies, etc., just a greased baking sheet or form is quite suitable, then some confectionery products (for example, meringue) will surely burn on them. Therefore, in a number of cases, one cannot do without an interlayer.

It is good to sprinkle the oiled surface with breadcrumbs, semolina (ideally if it is durum wheat groats) or, worse, ordinary flour.

Many housewives cannot imagine their family's diet without baking. Her various recipes often feature kitchen tools that prevent the dough from burning, such as parchment or foil. How can you replace parchment paper for baking if it was not at hand at the right time?

Before deciding how to replace parchment paper for baking at home, you need to understand what mission it performs. Thanks to it, products do not burn, remain nutritious and tasty, since parchment does not allow loss of juice and contact with the baking sheet. But what if the hostess, inspired by an interesting recipe and preparing the dough, found out that there was no parchment paper before sending the future masterpiece to the oven? You should not worry: everything has already been invented before us!

improvised means

Another parchment

This is a thick paper that is used to pack food and household goods. Using this instead of special food parchment is not the best idea, since it may contain impurities that are not safe for people. However, if it does go into action, you will have to additionally coat it with fat.

Cooking paper

Perhaps it is she who will be found in the bins of the hostess instead of parchment. Its plus is that it does not need to be impregnated with fat.

Tracing paper

Yes, this is the same sewing tracing paper that is used to make patterns. It is similar to parchment not only in "appearance", but also in many physical properties. Therefore, tracing paper is able to protect the dough from burning, but for this the hostess will have to attend to her oiling.

plain paper

We are talking about clean, white, without inscriptions and printing ink, sheets intended for office equipment. If such paper is thoroughly - until transparent - soaked on both sides with fat, then it is quite capable of playing the role of parchment, especially when it is supposed to bake something not too sophisticated and capricious. The best option for oiling is butter or margarine, pounded to a creamy consistency. It is not necessary to melt them completely, because in this form they will only ruin the paper.

The tighter it is, the better. But some housewives go even further, adapting ordinary double notebook sheets for baking (of course, without metal brackets).

flour bag

There is one more little secret: flour is very often sold in bags made from baking parchment. Therefore, you can pour the product and use the package to bake the dough on a baking sheet. If this method seems doubtful to the hostess, then to clear her conscience, she can lightly smear the former package with fat.

If you don't have parchment paper handy:

When preparing cakes or pies at home, there are situations when the dough is already ready, but is not at hand suitable remedy, protecting the baking sheet from sticking, and you urgently begin to invent, What can be used as a substitute for parchment paper in baking?.

As an alternative material to prevent the dough from burning, you can use tracing paper- translucent thin paper, which is usually used in the clothing industry for making clothing patterns.

Folk wisdom, which is "cunning for inventions", adapted for baking and parchment- fat and waterproof thick paper, which is intended for packaging food products and household goods, as well as various technical purposes.

But still, when baking, it is necessary to use only food parchment, because. in its other types, there may be impurities that are dangerous to humans. Before laying out the dough, such paper must be grease extra.

A commercially available cooking paper, which, unlike parchment, does not need to be impregnated with fat.

On a baking sheet under the dough to replace parchment paper when baking, they also spread usual writing paper orsheet paper for office equipment pre-soaked in sunflower oil.

The paper is thick, does not sag and does not smoke.

In order not to use parchment paper for the layer at all and at the same time get a moderately ruddy cake desired shape, grease the baking sheet well margarine or butter.

Sometimes another smeared surface is sprinkled sprinkled breadcrumbs, semolina or flour.

More modern means of protecting the baking sheet and dough from burning - baking foil, silicone mat, as well as paper molds with silicone coating.

When choosing how to replace parchment paper during baking, remember that the main purpose of this tool is to prevent contact between dishes and dough and loss of juice, which means making baking as tasty and nutritious as possible. Given these requirements, you can accept correct solution. Good luck!