Do-it-yourself valentine stencils to print. Bright, fiery valentines made of thin corrugated paper. Valentine - heart in hands with your own hands

Dear friends! Valentine's Day is coming soon, and valentines are an integral part of it. exchange them at school, lovers send them to each other to tell about their tender feelings. I suggest you approach this romantic moment creatively and not buy ready-made postcards, but make other materials at hand. Small cute heart cards can be a gift not only for Valentine's Day, but also for any other holiday or even not for a holiday.

My son at the age of 5-6 years old, when he learned to cut out hearts, used to give them to me every day, and inside it was always written: “Mom, I love you!” Is there a more valuable gift for mom? Why don't we give each other such sweet reminders of our love more than once a year? It's so nice! Do paper valentines day just see for yourself. Arm yourself with scissors, glue paper, cardboard, various small things for decoration, call your kids and create! Everyone will be happy!

Do-it-yourself valentines from paper and not only - ideas for creativity with children

We have already done different ones and shared our experience with you. How to make valentines with your own hands? Yes, very simple. There are a lot of options.

1. The easiest option is to cut a heart out of a piece of cardboard folded in half, decorate the colored side, and write a message inside. It all depends on the imagination of the author and the available materials at hand.

You can decorate with paper, lace, cord, sequins, various patterns, pebbles, anything!

2. A very cute valentine is obtained by gluing small hearts made of accordion-folded paper inside the heart.

3. You can make a traditional rectangular postcard out of cardboard and decorate it with hearts of various sizes and materials. Cute valentines are made using the quilling technique.

For example, such a Valentine card with cats just touches me! Everything is so well thought out!

4. Valentines with locks, ties, ribbons look beautiful. So romantic, the message is hidden from prying eyes.

5. There can be a lot of multi-colored hearts on a postcard, or maybe one, this is a matter of taste.

6. Small paper valentines daycan be made by cutting out windows in the form of hearts, attaching fabric of different colors from below.

7. A wonderful valentine is obtained if you attach a voluminous heart inside the card.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to cut out a blank for the postcard itself, approximately 15 X 18 cm in size, bend it in the middle. Cut out a heart according to the template, make folds where indicated by a dash-dotted line. A large heart should have a fold outward, in a small inner one - a fold inward. Now it needs to be glued to the inside of the postcard, and the sides and front side should be decorated, arbitrarily with improvised materials.

8. This version of a Valentine will be very effective.

It is necessary to carefully cut the hearts along the contour with a clerical knife from white paper, and where indicated by the arrow, do not make cuts. Stick the main part on paper in a contrasting color, such as red. The cut parts do not need to be glued, they must be fastened along the cuts that are shown on the template. When opening such a valentine, hearts form a three-dimensional composition. It turns out very beautiful.

9. A wonderful valentine is obtained with birds. It is done simply, a stencil for birds can be downloaded below. Decorate the card with improvised materials. A very romantic choice!

10. Beautiful woven valentine leaves also look original.

To make them, you need to cut out two identical blanks from paper of two colors. Options for such blanks can be printed, the template is located below. Make cuts as shown on the template, and carefully tie the strips in a checkerboard pattern. The finished heart can be glued on paper or cardboard, write a congratulation on the back.

Here's a slightly better option.

11. Volumetric valentines are a full-length gift.

To make such a three-dimensional valentine, you will need cardboard, you can take foil for the heart itself, scissors, thread or fishing line. Cut blanks from cardboard, as shown in the figure, make cuts, fasten them together. Hang a heart made of foil or cardboard on a thread or fishing line. That's all! You can fold the Valentine card, it will be flat, you can unfold it and put it on the table. Such a gift can be made with a child for grandparents.

12. Valentines with buttons look very creative. Such bright postcards are very easy to make. Surely, many have stocks of torn off buttons. Now you can apply them by decorating a postcard for Valentine's Day.

13. It will be interesting for children to make animal figures from hearts. For example, mice in love. They are easy to make, you will need red or pink, scissors, glue, a small pom-pom for the nose and thick thread or fishing line for the antennae. We cut out hearts, glue, decorate, everything is ready. Similarly, you can make an elephant, an owl, a ladybug. Get a nice present.

Since 1800, when mass production of valentines was launched, there is, of course, no need to do so. On the eve of Valentine's Day, they filled the shelves of many stores. But it is always more pleasant to receive a sincere love message written on a heart made with your own hands from the bottom of your heart. Plenty of options! It remains to choose what is closer to you.

I hope you have found a suitable option in this article and make your loved ones, relatives and friends paper valentines day, cardboard or other materials!

We will certainly return to the topic of handmade gifts for Valentine's Day! Have creative days and creative inspiration!

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Nothing is appreciated by our loved ones like our attention and care. A beautiful handmade Valentine's card for February 14 will tell your loved one about your feelings. Of course, you can always buy a ready-made postcard, simply putting a hand-painted on a ready-made factory stamp. However, an original, handmade valentine will simply melt the heart of your loved one. To make such a gift, you do not need very expensive materials. Paper, paints, markers, beads, ribbons and glue will be enough - the main thing is that you have enough patience and accuracy. You can also make a valentine together with your children - your beloved brothers, sisters, grandparents. You probably want to give a friend or soul mate something unusual, for example, a voluminous valentine with your own hands. Here you will find the most unexpected, albeit very simple ideas for making mini postcards. Step-by-step master classes will help you make a pleasant surprise for a friend or loved one.

A simple do-it-yourself paper valentine with children - A master class on making a postcard for February 14 with step-by-step photos

Making the simplest Valentine, you will spend no more than half an hour. Be sure that your gift for February 14 will take pride of place on the shelf of a person dear to your heart. The simplest postcard for Valentine's Day is a sheet of multi-colored cardboard folded in half, signed with words about love and fidelity. However, we want to offer you something more original and elegant, but still just as easy to make. Having decorated a sheet of cardboard folded in half with bright hearts, you will get a wonderful Valentine.

Materials for an original paper valentine with paper hearts

To make an original valentine decorated with hearts, you will need:
  • Cardboard white and red;
  • Simple pencil;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue or glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Sequins, beads, beads, jewelry.

Instructions for making a valentine with paper hearts with a photo step by step

How to make a paper valentine with kids - Step by step tutorial on how to make a stencil

A very unusual, but easy-to-make valentine, created using a stencil. By applying a stencil in the shape of hearts or a flower to the base, you will create a funny, romantic background for the card - a ligature of silhouettes of drawings. Make some of these cute presents with your children for February 14th.

Materials for children's paper valentine

To make unusual valentines made using a stencil with your own hands, you will need quite a few materials, a little patience and freedom of imagination.

You will need:

  • Thick paper of different colors;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue stick;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Spray paint (aerosol);
  • Watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • Decorations.

Master class with step-by-step photos on making a stencil valentine with children

Do-it-yourself voluminous valentine from corrugated paper and napkins "Bouquet of roses" - Step-by-step master class with a photo

Do-it-yourself voluminous valentine looks very unusual. Such a "3D" postcard will be a pleasant surprise for your loved one on February 14th. If the idea of ​​decorating a homemade valentine with a bouquet of corrugated paper roses or even napkins seems complicated to you, the detailed instructions of the master class for making it will dispel all your doubts: it's easy to do!

Materials for a voluminous homemade valentine

You will need:

  • Corrugated paper or multi-colored table napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • Green cellophane;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • Pencils.

Do-it-yourself voluminous valentine from corrugated paper or napkins - step by step photos O

Original do-it-yourself valentines - The coolest postcards for February 14

Try to make something more original - it is not necessary to repeat the creations of other people. For example, lay out a heart or a flower from coffee beans, attaching them to paper with glue, or even give your soul mate a picture of coffee in a frame on Valentine's Day.

Decorate a postcard for February 14 with multi-colored voluminous hearts made from “petals” of paper. Give such a surprise to your soulmate.

What can you say about such an unexpected Valentine? Its size is only limited by your imagination!

How to make a valentine with your own hands

First you need to decide on the material for the Valentine. The most affordable and easiest option is colored paper. But you can get more creative with your Valentine and try making it out of fabric, wood, plastic, or clay. For decoration, you can use rhinestones, beads, multi-colored pebbles, lace, fresh flowers.

After you have chosen the material, you need to think about the shape of the valentine. Most often choose cards in the form of a heart - a symbol of love. But if you have already decided to be original, then you can make a valentine in the form of a candy, a pair of doves, an appetizing cupcake, a voluminous flower. Do not hold back the flight of your imagination, and romantic feelings will tell you what exactly your ideal Valentine should be.

Beautiful valentines do it yourself

We offer you some ideas for beautiful handmade valentines.

DIY valentine: button heart

You will need:
  • small and medium buttons in red, pink, white
  • colored cardboard or thick paper
  • scissors
  • thin red ribbon
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and fold it in half like a booklet.
  2. On the front side of the card, draw the outlines of the heart with a simple pencil. As you may have guessed from the name, we will fill it with buttons.
  3. Carefully lay out the heart with buttons planted on glue. Let the glue dry.
  4. Glue pieces of tape around the edges of the card, making a frame.

Handmade valentine: voluminous hearts

You will need:

  • colored paper or pieces of gift wrapping
  • red cardboard
  • scissors
  • beads

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cut out 4-5 hearts of different sizes from colored or gift paper. They should be the same in shape, but differ literally 1–1.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and carefully cut a large heart out of it. It must be connected on one side to make a postcard.
  3. Fold the colored paper hearts in half, pattern inside.
  4. Glue the largest heart on the front of the card first. Apply glue only to the middle of the workpiece so that you can bend the edges.
  5. On top of the first heart, stick a smaller one in diameter, also leaving the edges free. Then repeat the procedure with the remaining blanks. You should get a voluminous multi-colored heart.
  6. Decorate the card with beads and rhinestones attached with glue.

You can find even more ideas for creating DIY valentines in the video below.

Valentine's Day is one of the first holidays of the year. On this day, lovers traditionally give each other paper valentines. You can buy these cute postcards in almost any store in the run-up to the holiday, but they are all pretty standard. Instead of buying something ordinary, you can make a valentine with your own hands. There are many options for making paper hearts, from the simplest to the most complex and original.

Where to begin?

Having decided on a specific idea, you need to find a suitable template on the Internet or make it yourself. If you decide to make a complex Valentine, you may also need additional templates for small parts of the card.

In order not to spoil the outline of the template, it is worth cutting it out with a clerical knife or small scissors.

simple valentine

The simplest version of a valentine is a heart cut out of paper or cardboard. Anyone can make such a postcard and it requires a minimum waste of time. If a red paper heart seems like something simple, you can diversify it a little, taking, for example, printed paper. It is better to refuse the use of foil and wrapping paper, as it is too thin to serve as the basis for a postcard.

There is another way to make the card more interesting: you can cut out any geometric shape or a smaller heart in the middle of a paper heart. Such a Valentine will look very unusual.

Do-it-yourself multi-layered valentines made of paper also have their own zest. To make them, you need to cut several blanks of the same size, and then fasten them together in the center. All warm words and wishes can be written on the back, flat side of the valentine. In front, the heart will be voluminous.

Use of seals

There are many more ideas on how to make a truly original postcard. For example, you can use seals instead of the usual decorative elements. You can buy them at one of the stationery stores or make your own.

A cork from a bottle of wine or champagne is perfect as a basis for a stamp. The main thing is that it should be made of natural materials, not plastic. To make a signet, you need to draw on the cork the shape you need (for example, a heart) and then cut it out with a clerical knife. Before using a stamp, it is worth testing it: using a sponge, you need to apply a little paint to the resulting workpiece and try to leave an impression. If everything was done correctly and it turned out to make an even print, then the homemade stamp is completely ready for use. Such prints will look very cute and original.

Postcard with imprint

Another interesting way to decorate a valentine is with handprints. Such a card will constantly remind your soulmate of you. In addition, this option does not require any additional steps. You just need to dip your hand in paint and leave your imprint on paper. This is done simply, but it looks very unusual. You can't buy these postcards in a store.

Composite postcards

Some of the composite postcards look quite complicated, but they are actually very easy to make with your own hands. For example, you can make many small hearts, and then make a valentine out of them. Or make a big heart out of small paper flowers. Everyone can make roses out of paper: just cut thin strips and twist them in such a way that you get a bud. This is somewhat similar to the quilling technique, but anyone can handle it. Even if you do not twist all the details to the end, the postcard will look very neat.

Another simple option is a layered heart. For example, you can cut out three hearts (large, medium, and small) and then glue them together. How the postcard will look depends only on your imagination, because you can add decorative elements to it. The main thing when creating such an application is caution in working with glue. It is best to first squeeze it onto a brush and only then apply it to the desired part. This will avoid the appearance of stains on the postcard.

Volumetric hearts

You can also make voluminous valentines with your own hands from paper, cardboard and other materials. Making them is quite simple, although it will take a little more time than making flat valentines.

For the first option you will need: colored corrugated paper, cardboard (used as a base), toothpick, glue, scissors. The first step is to cut out the base from cardboard according to the template, or draw a heart of any size. Then it is necessary to apply glue on it, evenly distributing it throughout the future valentine. You need to cut out several small squares from corrugated paper. In order to connect the resulting blanks with the base, you need a toothpick: you must first stick it into the center of the corrugated paper square and then attach it to the cardboard base. This must be done with all the squares. The result should be a three-dimensional postcard.

Fragrant valentines

Recently, the question of how to make a valentine out of paper has already faded into the background. A paper heart made of cardboard does not surprise anyone anymore. But figurines made from natural materials are gaining popularity. For example, you can give your soulmate a heart made from whole coffee beans. The main advantage of such a gift is that it gives a wonderful unobtrusive aroma. For it you will need: a wooden stick, cardboard, scissors, a pack of cotton pads, glue, threads, coffee beans. Everything is done very simply:

  • First, two medium-sized hearts are cut out of cardboard. The blanks are glued to the stick.
  • Then cotton pads are glued layer by layer on the cardboard base. The result should be a fairly voluminous figure. You need to let it dry.
  • When the glue is dry, the workpiece is wrapped with threads so that they completely cover all cotton pads.
  • Then it remains only to glue the grains of aromatic coffee on the threads.

When the heart itself is ready, you can proceed to decorating: usually such a heart is presented in a flower pot. If desired, you can decorate the leg with ribbons or add a little sparkle.

Knitted postcard

In the manufacture of valentines, you can use other interesting materials. For example, yarn, beads or buttons. With their help, you can make very original postcards. Beads and buttons will be excellent decorative elements, but yarn in this case has a wider application.

One of the easiest options for making valentines from yarn will not cause any difficulties for anyone. First you need to cut out the base from the cardboard. Then the inner part is removed from the center of the workpiece. The residual side part, about two cm thick, must be wrapped with threads. The resulting card can be decorated according to your own taste. Also, if desired, you can use a pin to pin a text with declarations of love to such a heart.

Yarn can also be used to make a loop or cord, which is commonly used on tags. These auxiliary elements will turn the valentine into a themed gift tag.

Fabric valentines

This version of a valentine is for those who know how to sew or are at least a little familiar with the theory of this process. The easiest way to demonstrate your sewing talent is to make a felt heart with your own hands. This is a very affordable material that is quite easy to work with. In addition, today you can buy felt of almost any color, which gives a large field for creativity.

A synthetic winterizer is usually used as filling for felt valentines. You can fasten the details of the figure with glue or a suture method. The first method is perfect for those who are not very good with thread and needle. Children are also advised to work only with glue, avoiding sharp objects.

The main thing in the seamless method is to work very carefully. Most often, such products are decorated with applique, which is attached to the workpiece with glue.

It is best to sew the details of the product on a sewing machine. It's much easier and faster than doing everything by hand. And machine seams are more durable and look much more neat.

Hearts sewn from patches of various fabrics look interesting. It is best to use natural materials that have similar textures. In this case, sewing the flaps together will be much easier. Instead of cotton wool or other soft filler, you can put various herbs in such a valentine, for example, lavender, which has a calming effect.

Traditionally, the preparatory assault for the celebration of St. Valentine's Day for many of us begins about five days before the holiday date. During this period, there are so many things to do, take care of a gift, decorate a place where you are supposed to spend a romantic evening, as well as buy or make a hearty valentine. We showed various variations of heart garlands in, you can take it into service, but today we want to tell you and clearly show how to make original valentines.

A Valentine card is most often a red or pink heart-shaped card, inside which lies a romantic congratulation on the holiday or an ardent declaration of love.

How to make a Valentine.

Valentine's card made of cardboard and woolen threads.

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional valentines, either it’s a non-standard fluffy specimen. For the manufacture of which, it is necessary to cut out a heart from thick cardboard, then remove the inner part, so that the side parts are about 1-2 cm wide. Then we take woolen threads, the best curly and always red, and we begin to methodically wrap the cardboard blank. The result is a very beautiful heart, attach a leaflet with a declaration of love to it with a carnation pin, your soulmate will be amazed at the work done.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from paper.

Method number 1. Valentine's envelope.

Cut out a large heart from paper, you can immediately write a love message on it. Next, bend the side parts inward (see photo below), turn the sharp part up, bend the bottom, then bend the upper closing part, and decorate the tongue with a rhinestone.

Method number 2. Volumetric heart.

We cut out two identical hearts from thick cardboard, then we prepare two strips 8 mm wide along the length of the side circles. Which we immediately glue to the side parts of one of the valentines, then glue the remaining valentine on top with a congratulation previously written by hand.

Method number 3. Volumetric Valentine's box.

We redraw the template below on thick pink paper, cut it out and bend along the marked lines, glue it with PVA glue in the right places. From above, the product can be decorated with a bow or rhinestones.

Method number 4. A beautiful valentine made from voluminous roses.

Cut out a heart-shaped ring from cardboard. Then we start creating roses, for this we draw a spiral on red double-sided colored paper, which we then cut out with scissors and wind it from the OUTER end onto a skewer, thereby forming a rosebud, as soon as you remove the winding from the skewer, the bud will take the desired shape. According to this scheme, we create the required number of buds, and glue them tightly to each other on a cardboard blank in the form of a heart. Beads or rhinestones can be glued to the center of each bud.

Method number 5. Wicker valentine.

According to the template below, cut out two strips with marks in the center, bend each of them in the center and create slits with scissors. After that, we proceed to weaving, simply alternating contrasting stripes. The result is a woven heart.

Method number 6. Beautiful postcard.

We take beautiful scrapbooking paper, fold it in half, get the base, then cut out a rectangle from orange paper and glue it to the center of the blank, cut out flowers, a bird and a heart, and also glue all the details to the surface of the postcard (templates are presented below, you can redraw). We tie a bow from a satin ribbon and also fix it on the surface of the postcard, inside we write a love message.

Method number 7. Beautiful voluminous origami heart.

A detailed way to create such a beautiful heart is presented in the photo below.

Method number 8. Panoramic heart.

Probably many in childhood had panorama books, such a heart is just from that opera. We look at all the stages of its creation below, in the same place you will find the primary template for redrawing. In short, we redraw the template on paper, cut it out with a sharp knife exclusively along the marked lines, bend it just above the top, thereby lifting the structure. We close the postcard.

Method number 9. Valentine's card with paper carnation flowers.

Fold the red paper in half, cut out a heart, but do not cut through to the end on one side to get the effect of an opening postcard. From pink paper we cut out strips 10 cm long, about 8 mm wide, cut each of them on top into a fringe, then wind it on a skewer, thereby forming a flower bud. We glue the finished flowers to the surface of the valentine, and the product can also be decorated with quilling patterns or complemented with rhinestones.

Method number 10. Valentine's boat.

We fold a boat out of paper (the stages of creating a boat are shown in the photo below), glue a match from a skewer in the center, and instead of a sail and a flag, hearts with a love message.

How to make original valentines from paper clips.

An ordinary sheet of paper with a love message can be decorated with valentine hearts made from red paper clips. To do this, take a paper clip, and bend its long edge up, photo below. It turns out at first glance krakozyabra, but putting it on a piece of paper, you will see a cute heart.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from semi-pearls and cardboard.

We cut out 2 identical hearts from cardboard, leave one of them whole, cut out the second in the form of a heart-ring, so that the middle is empty. We glue it on top of the whole heart, and inside we glue the semi-pearl beads. From the back we glue a ribbon, which can also be glued between valentines, thread a key onto the ribbon, and give it with the words "this is the key to my heart for you."

Valentine's card on a clothespin.

We take a wooden clothespin, write “message to you” with a marker on it. On the end part, where the clip is created, we draw an envelope with paints. Next, take a tiny rectangular paper, write “I love you” on it, and glue it to the back of the clothespin. When pressed on the top of the clothespin, it will display a love message.

Valentine's card from fresh flowers.

We cut out a heart from cardboard, and glue rosebuds on short cropped legs to it. The result is a very beautiful live Valentine.

Felt Valentine.

We cut out two hearts of the same size from red felt, and also one smaller heart from white felt, sew a white heart to the center of the red with a sewing stitch, then sew two red ones.

Stone valentines.

On the street, you can look for heart-shaped pebbles, which are then painted with red emulsion paint.

Valentine's card made of wire and thread.

From the wire it is necessary to form a heart, which is then abundantly wrapped with red threads. The result is a very beautiful product, especially given the ease of its manufacture.

Valentine in a bottle.

Cut out a big heart from paper, write a declaration of love and a holiday greeting on it, then fold the heart into a tube, insert a message into the neck of the bottle, tie a ribbon and surprise your soulmate.

Ice Valentine.

A short-lived surprise, so you need to give immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator. To make such a heart is as easy as shelling pears, put sprigs of viburnum or a rosebud in a plastic shape in the form of a heart, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. Then you take it out of the refrigerator and lower the form for a short period of time in a basin of hot water, the ice will melt a little and the heart can be easily pulled out. You can see various variations of ice products for decorating a winter garden plot.

Dear readers, now you know how to make a Valentine, we are sure that from the ideas presented in this review you will be able to choose the right one, and your significant other will be sincerely surprised by the surprise made. It will be quite possible to decorate the house with some valentines from the above list by February 14, in particular, a festive table with romantic dishes, well, you can figure out how to use such hearts yourself, the main thing is that you now know how to make original valentines, which, moreover, absolutely not hard to make.

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The very first big holiday after the New Year is Valentine's Day. Very soon, lovers will begin to intensively prepare for this day: come up with romantic gifts for each other, plan how best to spend this day and, of course, do it first.

It has already become a tradition for Krestik to help you find ideas and inspiration for any occasion, so we will start preparing in advance for February 14th!
Let's see how you can make paper valentines with your own hands, so as not to spend too much time, but as a result, get beautiful and original gifts for your loved ones.

To start making a valentine with your own hands, especially if you are thinking of making it out of paper and in the shape of a heart, you should prepare a template. If you can easily draw a beautiful heart by hand, then go ahead for thick paper and a pencil! If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, then download the heart templates we have selected, print them on a printer and carefully cut out the heart along the contour.

First make a cut with a clerical knife, then use small scissors, such as nail scissors.

As a result, you should get such a blank, circling it along the contour on a beautiful sheet of paper, and then cutting it out, you will get a neat heart.

So, we figured out how to cut an even and pretty heart out of colored paper. It's time to choose an idea for decorating Valentine's Day.

Super simple valentines

Let's first look at the simplest ways. A huge valentine heart can be made from small hearts, each of which is glued to a cardboard base.

Small blank hearts themselves can become full-fledged valentines if they are cut out of beautiful paper and decorated with buttons.

There is a special place on the Valentine for the name of the addressee or a romantic message.

A complete picture of paper hearts is the height of simplicity and genius!

After watching the video of the master class, you will learn how to make a heart box with your own hands:

Valentine card with a pattern

The beauty of this way of creating a paper heart with your own hands is that it is not at all necessary to be a talented artist, even a child can make such a Valentine.

On a heart of white or any other, but better than a light color, draw simple curls, hearts, flowers and other delights with an ordinary ballpoint pen.

Then, using the usual watercolor paints, paint only a few fragments:

As a result, you will get a one-of-a-kind Valentine!

Such valentines can be given not only to a loved one, but also to friends (because we love them too))

By the way, do you know why foreigners write the letters XO on Valentine cards?
In fact, everything is very simple: X conditionally means “kiss”, and O means “hug”)

Master class original

Valentine's card using a stamp

The method using a heart-shaped stamp is also quite simple and popular when making paper valentines. To do this, you only need to buy one or more stamps. They come in different prints and different sizes:

If you can’t buy it, don’t despair - make it yourself from an ordinary wine cork. Draw a heart and carefully cut it out with a utility knife.

Then apply gouache to the sponge and try to make an impression on a piece of paper.

And now let's see how to make a valentine with your own hands using a stamp.

On a blank for a postcard (you can use a finished one, you can fold a sheet of cardboard in half) using a small piece of masking tape, carefully attach the blank with a heart inside. Then, using a stamp, we fill the entire surface inside the blank with hearts, while the color of the hearts can be different shades of red.

After the paint has dried, remove the paper blank and the valentine is ready!

Master class original

Another idea for making a heart stamp is to give a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper a heart shape, wrapping it with tape for reliability.

With the help of such a stamp, you can decorate a large sheet of drawing paper on which to write declarations of love!

Valentine card with hearts

Lovers of beautiful scrapbooking paper will definitely love the idea of ​​creating a romantic three-dimensional postcard with hearts.

The technique for creating a valentine card is very simple. Using a paper puncher, cut out hearts.

The number of hearts should be 2 times more than what we see on the card, because each heart will be two-layered.

In this version of the valentine, all the bottom hearts are made from the same type of paper, and the top ones are made from different ones.

Take a ready-made card base or make your own, and then mark the location of the bottom layer of hearts and stick them on thin double-sided tape. Just sew the top hearts to the bottom ones on a sewing machine - it's not difficult, the main thing is to be careful.

Master class original

By the same principle, you can make small valentine cards:

And voluminous valentines in the shape of a heart:

If you don't have a sewing machine, sew on the hearts by hand. To do this, first lay the paper on a soft surface, such as a towel or ironing board, and then pierce it with a needle, using a thimble to push the needle through (watch your fingers!)

Ideas for decorating the house by February 14

And finally, get inspired by ideas for decorating your home for Valentine's Day. They also won't take much of your time, but they will definitely create a romantic atmosphere!

romantic wreaths

The wreath of paper hearts is based on a circle made of thick cardboard or a plywood blank. You can glue the exact same circle of decorative paper on top, and then just stick a lot of hearts on it!

It's even easier to make a wreath out of strips of double-sided scrapbooking paper. Bend them in half first, and then glue them on top, giving the shape of a heart. By gluing such blanks to each other, you will assemble an original wreath from them.

The more hearts, the larger the circle of the wreath.

Garland of hearts

In addition to the wreath, you can also make garlands with hearts. A figured hole punch with a heart and a regular hole punch for piercing round holes will come to the rescue.

The garland can also be made from hearts folded from strips of paper (based on the “heart” element, borrowed from quilling)

Of course, we will definitely show you more complex and interesting options for creating valentines with your own hands, but if for some reason you need to make a valentine very quickly, you can always use one of the ideas listed here!