We wrap the gift in wrapping paper. How to wrap a box yourself in inexpensive gift paper

People always give gifts to their relatives and loved ones on holidays. At the same time, many believe that the content is better than the form, so they give gifts that are not packaged at all. But this is a wrong judgment. Form matters. Especially for the female half of society. Even the most serious and wealthy person is more pleased to receive gifts packed in beautiful packages.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1: cut the paper to size (square piece)

Step 2: fold the edge away from you

Step 3: cover the box to the edge / corner

Step 4: Grab the edge of the paper with a piece of transparent tape

Step 5: Cover the 2nd Side of the Paper

Step 6: also tack with tape in several places

Step 7: Gently Bend the Edges of the Sidewall

Step 8: Use two thumbs to make it easier

Step 9: so that you get triangular folded corners

Step 10: Alternately bend each triangular corner inward

Step 11: to make one common "triangle"

Step 12: lean it against the box (if it sticks out, we bend it)

Step 13: Tape the edge of the box with tape

Step 14: Do the same with the other side...

Step 16: Tape Both Ends of the Tape (Slightly Stretching the Tape)

Step 17: from the same ribbon we twist a bow (maybe you have a ready-made one)

Step 18: Glue the bow with the same tape

Voila! The gift was beautifully and quickly packaged.

Video instruction (1 minute)

See how quickly and beautifully you can pack your gift.
You will need paper, tape, tape.

Packaging materials: types and features

People have been wrapping gifts in paper since ancient times. Only the ignorant do not know about it. However, in the question of which paper to choose, many can get confused. Because today there are many different types of gift paper. So many that any person who wants to give a gift will find something to wrap it in.

Exist different types of gift paper:

  • polysilk;
  • corrugated paper;
  • silence;
  • craft;
  • sheet glossy paper;
  • mulberry.

This is not a complete list of types of gift paper. There are, as already mentioned, many other types. It is simply impossible to consider all types, therefore only the most common are given.



Many people do not know what polysilk is. However, everyone not only saw this paper, but even held it in their hands and felt it. However, if you ask someone what polysilk is, no one can give an intelligible answer.

Polysilk is more often used for packaging non-standard gifts that are problematic to pack in a box. The polylist is intended to knit decorative knots. It looks like a wide film. Stretches a little. In addition to the fact that polysilk is used for knitting decorative knots on gift wraps, it is often used by stylists and designers.

The main feature of polyseal is that you can wrap the biggest gifts in it: refrigerators, TVs and even cars.

A gift package wrapped in corrugated gift paper. You can wrap anything in it: boxes, objects, even flowerpots. If, in addition, a beautiful polyseal knot is tied on a gift box, it will come out simply amazing.

Corrugated paper is plain and rough. Everyone knows this paper. It is often packed with flower bouquets. In addition, gifts that have an elongated shape are packed into it. For example, various bottles, oblong boxes and tubes.


As a gift paper in which you can wrap a gift, you can, along with other types of gift paper choose a silence. A gift wrapped in silence also looks very elegant and beautiful.

In addition to being used to wrap various things, giving them a festive look, it is often used by needlewomen. Women and girls who are engaged, for example, in decoupage or decorating home interiors, often use silence in their work.

Silence - these are paper ribbons, which are usually used more as a filler, rather than a wrapping material. However, such material also belongs to the category of gift. It is very light, thin and airy. In silence, you can wrap various objects of complex geometric shapes. At the same time, they become more voluminous. Gift wraps, which are wrapped in silence, look very elegant and festive.


A wedding is perhaps the biggest celebration for every person involved in it. The most unusual and original gifts can be seen on such days.

And when such a great event happens, the invited people inevitably raise the question of what to give for the wedding, and most importantly, what to wrap the wedding present in? This question has long been answered - a wedding gift is wrapped in Kraft gift paper.

Kraft is paper that has ribbed shape and transverse embossing. It is sold in large rolls. In addition to wedding gifts, others are also wrapped in it. That is, it cannot be said that only wedding gifts are packed in craft.

Sheet glossy paper is used exclusively for gift wrapping. In other words, it was invented precisely in order to wrap gifts.

This paper comes in a variety of colors. Moreover, the colors can be both monophonic and multi-colored. Various beautiful designs can be applied to it.

It should be noted that most often it is used for wrapping gifts. sheet glossy paper. She, like craft, was invented in order to wrap various gift items.

When they came up with this paper, the main goal of the inventor was an idea - to pack a gift.

Mulberry is crinkled handmade paper. It is believed that it was invented in Thailand. Such paper is painted in all colors of the rainbow. As a rule, there is no single color. Various colorful colorful drawings are applied to it.

Often, when people ask a store clerk what kind of paper to wrap a gift in, the answer is that the gift can be wrapped in a mulberry.

Mulberry can be used to wrap gifts of various shapes. After wrapping the gift, various decorated details can be glued onto the finished bundle. You can also tie a beautiful polysilk knot in addition. It will come out very nice.

Beautiful do-it-yourself decor

An invitation to a holiday implies that you need to give something. A person chooses something original, and then wonders what to wrap the gift in now?

To solve such a problem, it is necessary have the right supplies, namely:

  • gift paper itself;
  • a container in which you can pack a gift;
  • filler to give volume;
  • decorative details for decorating gift wrapping.

If you don’t want to bother with gift paper, bows, knots, various ruffles and other decorative elements, then you can, of course, buy a filler and a ready-made gift box of suitable sizes, pack a gift in it and forget about it. But it's much nicer to do it yourself. After all, gift wrapping with your own hands is a creative matter. And who among us has not felt at least sometimes a creator?

If you wrap a gift item in gift paper with your own hands, then you can pack completely original. Such a gift will turn out to be original and, one might even say, exclusive. This gift will not be like the others.

It must be added that the filler for giving volume or just for beauty can also be chosen from many types of filler.

From the types of filler the following types can be distinguished:

In conclusion, it must be said that it is more pleasant to give gifts wrapped in gift paper with your own hands. So it will always turn out more beautiful than in a regular gift box. Gift boxes that you can buy in the store are given everywhere and by everyone, but sometimes you want to give something really memorable and original.

Photo gallery

Once I had such questions as how to pack a box in gift paper, so the store helped me solve this issue in a matter of minutes.

Now when I'm invited to a party, I don't bang my head against the wall trying to come up with something original and exclusive. I think it's better to go to the store. There everything will be done in the best possible way.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Yes, you can wrap gift boxes in the store. It turns out well. There, the saleswomen also try to do everything so that the buyer likes it. But sometimes it's nicer to do it yourself.

If you are looking for a container, for example, for a book, then yes, you can pack it in a banal store box. And if this is a complex shape design, then I myself would show my creative abilities and figure out how to make beautiful packaging myself.

Yulia Kraft

I do not agree with your point of view.

I gave a book as a gift. I wanted to make and arrange everything with my own hands. After all, this is quite easy to do. And I don't need any instructions for this. After all, this must be done from the heart, and not according to the instructions.

A friend helped me make beautiful packaging, then helped me paste it with decorative elements, so I then offered her to give this book together. But she refused. And rightly so, she was not invited to the birthday party.

Many people love to give and receive gifts. But it is doubly pleasant when the gift is beautifully packaged. You can also make holiday packaging with your own hands, for example, you can take the idea from the master classes offered here with step-by-step photos, as well as videos from YouTube. Prepare gift paper, ribbon, and follow the chosen instructions on how to properly wrap the gift.

Classic packaging

In this way, you can wrap an ordinary box in beautiful paper, and then add a spectacular decor element from the same packaging material. Now we have a gift for the New Year, so the pattern is appropriate, but this decor option is suitable for any holiday.

  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • golden ribbon;
  • glue.

In this way it is convenient to pack a gift that initially has a box with smooth edges. Therefore, at the first stage, we pack as usual. And for this, cut off the desired piece of wrapping paper.

We keep transparent tape on hand, we will need it at this stage. First, we wrap our gift with wrapping paper on one side and fix it in two places with transparent tape.

After that, we will close the end sides of our gift. To do this, carefully first bend down one side, repeating the contours of the box, as shown in the photo:

From the rest of the wrapping paper we form a triangle, folding the corners on the sides.

Now we bend the top of this triangle, after which we bend it to the end of the package. We take a transparent adhesive tape and fix it well.

We repeat such actions from the other end of our box.

A decorative element of our packaging will be a fan made of the same paper. Therefore, we prepare a piece of wrapping paper to create it. It all depends on how we will arrange this fan. We decided to arrange it according to the width of the box. Therefore, we cut out the paper of the appropriate size.

Now we fold it with an "accordion".

We bend this "accordion" in half.

We glue in the middle, and make the edges of the resulting "accordion" semicircular with scissors. At the same time, we make sure that the total size of the fan matches the width of our box.

The decorative element is ready, we proceed to the final stage of packaging. We take a golden ribbon and tie the box.

We form a bow.

Now, immediately behind the bow, we fix the fan with glue.

Our gift wrapping is ready.

Video how to pack the box:

And how beautifully to tie bows from ribbons? Look at the video:

How to tie a simple bow on your fingers:

How to make a fluffy ribbon bow:

Folded packaging

In this master class, we will demonstrate one of the gift wrapping options. At first glance, it does not differ from the usual, but it has one zest.

To create such a package, we prepared:

  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • thin double-sided tape;
  • golden ribbon.

First, prepare a sheet of paper of the desired size. In this case, you should focus on the usual packaging, but make an increase of about 50% in the direction in which the folds will form. We lay the sheet with the pattern down and make the first small fold.

Then we will make blanks for future folds. And for this we bend the paper by 2.5 cm.

And so we repeat 4 more times. In total, in this case, we will get blanks for five folds. If desired, they can be made more or less. You can also vary the width of the folds.

Unfold the packing list face up. We see 5 fold lines.

Focusing on them, we will form folds. Gently grab the first fold from the edge and in its place we form a shallow (about 1 cm) fold.

Now they need to be fixed. To do this, turn the sheet over to the wrong side, where we fix the folds in several places with transparent tape.

Then carefully begin to bend the end sides of the package.

With the help of transparent tape we fix one corner.

Then we bend the second corner with folds.

By the same principle, we fix the other end of the package.

Now it remains to tie the gift with a ribbon.

We fix it diagonally, and tie the ends with a bow. Our gift is ready for delivery.

However, wrapping paper can be the most ordinary, plain, but by wrapping your gift box in it, you can decorate it to your taste. See examples in this video on how to stylishly arrange a gift:

Be sure to watch a helpful video about the 5 most common mistakes when packing boxes:

and how to tie the box with ribbon:

How to make a paper bag

In this master class, we will show the packaging option when the gift does not have a clear shape. For example, you need to beautifully pack something small, then check out this option for creating a bag using the origami technique.

To make such a packaging bag, we took:

  • square sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • golden braid.

In our case, a small square of paper 21 x 21 cm is used, but such a bag can be made from wrapping paper of any size. First, bend the prepared square sheet in half.

Then you need to perform a diagonal addition.

After that, fold the square along the other diagonal.

The resulting folds on our workpiece allow us to fold it in the form of a double triangle.

Now let's start forming our packaging bag directly. To do this, place the triangle with the base up, take the right corner of the top layer and bend it to the left as follows.

Then we bend it back, while combining the right side.

We do the same with the left corner of the top layer, it needs to be bent to the right.

Then we bend it in the opposite direction, not forgetting to combine the left edge.

Fold the top corners inwards.

We turn over the packaging blank and do the same with the right and left corners.

We fill the upper protruding corners inward.

Now we will form the bottom of our packaging bag. To do this, bend the bottom corner up.

After that, carefully form the bottom, which should be square in shape.

We should get such a blank for packaging.

Through these holes we pass a golden braid.

Do not forget to first remove the gift, after which we tie the ribbon with a bow.

Our paper bag is ready.

Description of work and photos prepared.

Video how to make a packaging bag with your own hands:

original packaging

How to wrap a gift in an original way? There may be many options.

For example, you can wrap a gift like candy. Wrapper for this colored paper candy. See a detailed step-by-step master class with photos.

Many small gifts can be put into boxes in the form of cake portions, a detailed master class with diagrams.

Another non-standard option is to hide gifts in a balloon and wrap it like a candy - a surprise is guaranteed! See.

And since we are talking about sweets, one cannot but recall the main children's temptation - chocolate eggs. It is in the form of a kinder surprise, only in a large size, that you can arrange gift wrapping.

For a small gift, you can glue one that is already a gift in itself:

Well, if you do not want to hide your gift, then you can make such a transparent package:

Plain paper packaging

Children's paper packaging options are very simple, for this you need thick colored paper, double-sided or single-sided.

How can you enhance the feelings of joy from a gift? Beautifully packaged with your own hands! Agree, these pleasant seconds of waiting before unpacking the present are simply priceless. But how to pack a gift in gift paper so that its appearance enhances intrigue and delight? Simple enough if you know a few step-by-step instructions for packing - large and small, square and round gifts, presents in a box and without it. And if you use original craft paper and unusual decor, you can make a truly unique present! Next, we offer you some simple workshops with photos and videos on wrapping various gifts that are easy to repeat at home even for beginners.

How to pack a square gift in gift paper with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Probably the most common form of a gift, or rather, a box, is square. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the questions are about how to properly pack a square gift in a gift box with your own hands. One of the fastest and easiest ways to do this can be found in the step-by-step master class with a photo below.

Necessary materials to properly pack a square gift in paper with your own hands

  • gift paper
  • scissors
  • double sided tape
  • ribbon and decor

Step-by-step instructions on how to pack a square gift in gift paper with your own hands

How to pack a round gift in gift paper - step by step instructions with a photo

If with a square box, due to its shape, the logarithm of packaging is more or less clear, then round gifts cause difficulties. And the key question is how to properly pack a round gift in gift paper so that it looks presentable. You will find the answer to it in the next step-by-step master class with a photo.

Necessary materials to wrap a round gift in gift paper with your own hands

  • gift paper
  • scissors
  • double sided tape
  • ribbon for decoration

Step-by-step instructions on how to beautifully pack a round gift in gift paper at home

How to beautifully pack a gift in kraft paper with your own hands - step by step instructions with a photo

If you want to pack a gift in an original and beautiful way with your own hands, but there is no gift paper, you can use kraft paper. Kraft sheet is a thick brown glossy paper, which, if desired, can be additionally decorated with improvised means. At the same time, the principle of gift wrapping is no different from ordinary gift paper. Read more about how to beautifully pack a gift in kraft paper with your own hands below.

Necessary materials to beautifully wrap a gift in kraft paper

  • kraft paper
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • acrylic paints
  • tassel
  • ribbon

Step-by-step instructions on how to beautifully pack a gift in kraft paper with your own hands

How to pack a gift in gift paper without a box - a master class step by step with a photo

When wrapping a gift in paper, you first of all focus on the shape of its box. And how to pack a gift in gift paper without a box? In this case, the following master class on making a universal gift bag for a present of any shape will help. Read more about how to wrap a gift without a box in gift paper below.

Materials needed to wrap a gift in paper without a box

  • craft paper sheet
  • double sided tape
  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • hole puncher

Step-by-step instructions on how to pack any gift with your own hands in gift paper without a box

How to wrap a small gift in gift paper - step by step photo tutorial

The following step-by-step tutorial shows how to wrap a small gift in a gift box. For this master class, you must use very thick paper or thin cardboard. You can also use recycled paper, such as a paper towel roll. Learn more about how to wrap a small gift in gift paper in the next master class with a photo.

Necessary materials to pack a small gift with your own hands in gift paper

  • gift paper
  • sleeve
  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • scotch

Step by step instructions on how to pack a small gift in paper at home

How to beautifully pack a big gift in gift paper with your own hands - step by step instructions, video

From the following step-by-step instructions with a video, you will learn how to pack a gift in gift paper with your own hands beautifully, if it is quite large and voluminous. As with packing a small round or square present, there are tricks and important nuances here. This method is only suitable for large gifts with a box. Instead of gift paper, you can also use craft paper. Read more about how to beautifully pack a large gift in gift paper with your own hands below.

The most common way of gift wrapping is gift paper wrap. Despite the apparent simplicity, there are a huge number of packaging options, which gives an original and interesting appearance to the gift. It also provides an opportunity to bring individual notes characteristic of the recipient of the gift. How to pack a gift in paper beautifully on your own will be discussed below. Practical Tips will help to give a gift, in which not only the content, but also the outer wrapper will be beautiful.

What to pack a gift at home

The packaging format depends on the appearance and volume of the selected gift. For example, for packaging at home you can use a regular envelope if it completely contains the gift. The envelope can be standard, in which case it should be decorated with drawings, inscriptions, applications. The most convenient way is to make an envelope from gift paper, since it can be of any size, but retain its classic shape.
If there is no wrapping paper at home, then you can use:

      colored paper;
      a piece of beautiful wallpaper;
      an old newspaper or pages of colorful magazines;
      piece of fabric.

As a packaging material, you can choose everything that is at hand, the main thing to remember is that the present must be original and beautiful. For example, a surprise related to music can be packed into sheets from a music book, complemented by an original decoration in the form of a treble clef.
Any packaging must be decorated, it could be:

      laconic minimalist rope;
      classic bow;
      hanging figurines;
      natural materials (for example, a small sprig of spruce, if the present is being prepared for the New Year holidays).

What to pack a gift in at home depends on the type of the present itself, as well as its stylistic orientation, hobbies and personality traits and for which it is intended.

How to make a gift box without glue and scissors video

It is quite possible to make a gift box out of paper alone, without resorting to scissors, glue and other auxiliary tools. For this, it is applied origami technique. You can make not only a box, but also a removable lid for a full presentation package.

To create such a box, you need a square of wrapping paper. Its dimensions are determined individually in each case, based on the fact that how big should the box be. First of all, you need to fold the cut out square of paper in half and unfold. After that, alternately bend each corner towards the center, getting a square of an already smaller shape.
With the resulting workpiece, the following manipulations should be done. First divide visually or with a ruler into three equal parts and fold them. Then unfold and do the same procedure on the other side. Now, having expanded the square completely inside, you can see the division of the zones into 9 equal squares. Now you need outline auxiliary folds, which will be needed in the process of forming the box. To do this, turn the paper right side out, fold it in half and press the outer squares without touching the center. The same should be repeated on the other side.
We turn to the formation, 1 corner is bent to the center and rises. Then it bends along the diagonal outlined earlier and, thus, it is necessary to lift and bend all subsequent corners. As a result get a box in which you can pack a present.
Now you know how to make a gift box without glue and scissors. The video demonstrates this process more clearly.

How to wrap a box in gift paper

In most cases, purchased gifts are already in their original packaging in the form of a box. Therefore, the ideal option in this case, of course, is use of wrapping paper. At the same time, it is worth considering that the boxes come in different shapes, oblong and flat, voluminous and high.
How to wrap a box in gift paper if you are doing this for the first time. Pre recommended try wrapping the box in newspaper or another sheet of paper to determine the correct paper sizes that you will need to implement your plan.
The first thing to do is cut the paper into a rectangle of the desired size. The box in which the present is located is placed in the center of the paper on the inside, so that all the side edges can wrap it tightly. First, the paper is wrapped alternately from the long sides of the box, fitting it as tightly as possible. If special wrapping paper is used, then it is necessary to remove the protective film in order to glue the paper on the box together. Also you can use a thin strip of tape.
Then you need to correctly bend the paper from the end sides. You must first firmly press the longer edge of the protruding papers to the end of the box. Then tuck both short ends and finish by folding the last long edge. After that, all fold points are fixed with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. Remains only decorate a wrapped gift with additional decorative elements.

How to wrap a gift with paper with your own hands

Even the most original gift wrapping using paper can be done on your own, which is only add value to your presentation. In most cases, all packaging options are similar. An exception can only be the initial shape of the present itself or its main packaging, for example, a round or square box.
Basically, the main difference between a packaged present is the presence of additional elements that act as decorations. If you do not have special skills, and you do not know how to wrap a gift with paper with your own hands, then it's best to stick with the classic, which is the simplest. But the design should become the main prerogative, where the emphasis should be on originality and, of course, the individual characteristics of the recipient.

How to wrap a book in gift paper

Since the book is rectangular in shape, it can be wrapped with wrapping paper. according to the box, which was described above. You can also use the next option. Cut the paper into a square shape and place the book diagonally on the inside of it. Then, alternately bend the corners, fixing them with tape.
Thinking about how to pack a book in gift paper in an original way, you should pay attention to the option that looks like an envelope. Which is formed directly with the book already nested in it. When making such packaging yourself, you should pay attention to color. For example, for men, it is best to choose more neutral and restrained shades. For you can choose paper in bright colors, with the presence of prints and patterns. It will be appropriate to combine paper with other finishing elements, such as transparent mesh or textile decorations.

How to pack a mug as a gift without a box

Is it possible and how to pack a mug as a gift without a box using gift paper? The simplest, but no less interesting and beautiful, are the following method:

      cut out a square shape of wrapping paper, while the size should be large enough to completely accommodate the mug;
      set the mug in the very center of the paper;
      it remains just to pick up the edges of the paper and close them over the mug, fixing them with a bow, ribbon, rope or any other dressing material.

When choosing paper, you should do this as slowly and carefully as possible to give the presentation a neater shape. It remains only to decorate the wrapped gift and present it to the hero of the occasion.
Do you have your own ways to wrap a gift in paper beautifully?

To pack a gift with your own hands, you will need a great desire, a glue gun or double-sided tape, wrapping paper and themed decorations (twigs, beads, lace, cones, coconut flakes).

Together with designers, we learn how to wrap and arrange a gift in an original way for any occasion.

How to pack a gift correctly?

Simple decorations will help to make classic gift wrapping interesting: sprigs of lavender or rowan, twine bows, prints on paper in the form of Christmas trees or stars. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly pack a gift in paper.

Option 1. Packing a square box

We will need:

  1. wrapping;
  2. scissors;
  3. Double-sided tape;
  4. ribbon.

Step 1. On the left - this is how the finished gift wrapping looks like. We will need: paper, scissors, double-sided tape, tape, box

If the instructions were not enough, there is a video recording:

Option 2. Making packaging from a transparent film

You can pack a cosmetic set for a woman in a basket with a transparent film.

To do this, take:

  1. transparent film (cellophane);
  2. basket;
  3. twine;
  4. any twigs or flowers.

Step by step:

Option 3. Vase or dish in burlap

You will need:

  1. burlap or any fabric;
  2. fabric tape;
  3. flowers for decoration.

Depending on the holiday, use twigs, spikelets, dried flowers for decoration.

Option 4. Bottle design

Look at the packaging of the bottle. So you can decorate a gift for a boss or a male colleague.

Step 3. You should get such a bow, as in the photo on the right.

Option 5. Kraft paper bag


  1. craft paper;
  2. Double-sided tape;
  3. scissors;
  4. ribbon.

Option 6. Bulk packaging from candy tubes

Almost finished packaging remains after a used roll of toilet paper or parchment for baking.

Small pieces of paper can be used to make cones. Decorate them with butterflies. You can put money in such an envelope. Just roll them up

Origami packaging: schemes

If you need to pack a gift in an unusual way, you can make origami out of paper.

IMPORTANT! Use thick cardboard for large gifts.

Option 1. Kraft paper box

Step 4: Fold One Side Into A Triangle Like You're Making An Airplane

Step 10. Bend the triangle first on one side, and then, as in the next photo, on the other

Option 2. Cones for jewelry

For small gifts (jewelry, key rings), you can make origami packaging in the shape of ice cream. The base is a cone on a leg. Step by step video below:

In such a cone, you can give small accessories, jewelry, key rings

Paper packaging ideas

We have collected the most interesting ideas for decorating gifts in 2018. Read about how to make a gift with your own hands in the article “Original Gifts for the New Year”.

And here is an idea for decorating a gift for a teacher. The kid can draw a bow himself. Instead of a photo, there can be a postcard. Attach a Christmas ball to a New Year's gift Combinations of pastel colors look very good - gray with white, cream, coffee, mustard. Against such a background, gold or silver ribbons always stand out cool. A very good idea with a car and a Christmas tree for decorating a gift. Twigs, use both artificial and natural ones.