Fun birthday contests for kids. Your first real anniversary is your fifth anniversary! Competitions, games, relay races

Five years is the first small anniversary of a child. By this age, the baby is already well aware that this is his holiday, he is looking forward to the solemn day, carefully preparing for it. At the age of five, children are distinguished by their curiosity and restlessness, and they are also well aware of their gender.

Boys already know that they will grow up to be real men, and girls feel like little princesses, love to play with dolls, preparing to become housewives and mothers sometime in the distant future. Boys and girls at the age of five have different interests, so the organization of the holiday is different for them. Let's take a closer look at how to celebrate a child's birthday 5 years old for a girl, the first anniversary of a little lady.

A five-year-old girl has already formed a social circle - she has girlfriends in the yard, she communicates with peers in kindergarten, which means that she will want to see them at her event. Therefore, the guest list must be compiled with the participation of the future birthday girl, otherwise resentment and spoiled mood cannot be avoided.

If you plan to invite adult guests - grandparents, aunts and uncles, distinguish between them in time with the little guests. If you can’t invite them at different times, then at least give the children a separate room - so they will not be embarrassed and will be able to have plenty of fun, and adult guests will chat in a calm atmosphere without restless and noisy children.

Where to celebrate?

There are several options. The choice depends on the number of invitees and on the financial capabilities of the parents. If you plan to invite three or five kids, then it is quite possible to organize and celebrate the fifth anniversary of your beloved girl at home. Both the guests and the birthday girl will be comfortable at home, besides, they will be supervised and it is easier to control them in a smaller area than, for example, in an entertainment center, where they can scatter in all directions in the blink of an eye.


Having settled on the home version of the holiday, carefully consider its program, come up with several competitions. Girls are less noisy and active than boys, they can be interested in some creative activity. Based on this and plan entertainment.

And do not forget to hide everything that is breaking and valuable before the arrival of the little guests. After all, these are still children and it is impossible to control all of them, especially if you are also busy with the festive table.


Another option for the venue of the holiday is a children's cafe. In this case, part of the responsibilities is removed from your shoulders - the chefs will prepare the treat, and the entertainment part can be entrusted to clowns and animators. Five years is such an age when you can already invite them to a holiday. At this age, children are no longer afraid of disguised uncles and aunts and very actively interact with them in various contests and games.

Entertainment Center

You can spend your daughter's birthday in the entertainment center. But in this case, make sure that somewhere nearby there is a cafe where the children can have a snack or take a treat with you. And remember, rides aren't always safe, and five-year-olds are active and curious, so enlist a few moms and dads to help you keep your little guests in check.


If your daughter was born in the warm season, consider holding a birthday in nature. Five-year-old girls will be interested in having a picnic in the park or in the country. This is better than sitting in a stuffy apartment, especially if the weather is hot that day. But make sure that children stay away from water bodies, do not touch cats and dogs, and it is better not to make a fire. Outdoor celebration expands the possibilities for a variety of games and competitions, because there is more free space in nature than in a cafe or entertainment center, so more movement and dance competitions can be organized.

The downside of holding a birthday in nature is that all treats, decor and attributes for competitions will have to be delivered somehow, and then picked up, and this is additional trouble. Plus, the weather can get bad. Therefore, just in case, consider an alternative option so as not to spoil your daughter's holiday at the last moment.

Decorate the room

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, decorate the room where the celebration will take place to create a festive mood for the birthday girl and guests. If the little hero of the occasion wants to decorate the room herself, let her do it, because this is her holiday. Your task is only to help her hang the scenery. Invite her to make a poster from her photographs over the past year, let the guests see how the birthday girl has grown over this period, what she has learned to do, what she enjoys, how she spends her time.

Decided to hold a party in a certain style? Then choose the appropriate decor. The little birthday girl probably already has her favorite films and cartoons, in the style of which you can spend her holiday. If it’s hard for the princess to decide on her preferences, you can make a holiday in any color, for example, pink or orange. Then balls, garlands and posters should be made in certain colors.

How to dress a princess?

Of course, in a festive dress! But to what? It is better not to wear too magnificent, as the child will be uncomfortable in it, especially if the birthday girl wants to participate in competitions. If you still want the baby to show off in front of the guests, let her stay in the princess outfit during the meeting of the guests and the festive photo shoot, and then change her into something more comfortable. And don't forget to take an extra set of clothes in case your daughter sweats or gets smeared with food.

What to feed the kids?

Every child has their favorite foods, but you can't please everyone. So prepare something versatile. It can be potatoes, chops, several salad options. Five-year-old children eat almost like adults, there are no special restrictions, but it’s better to have fewer fatty, fried foods on the table.

Children love fruits and sweets, so stock up on several types of fruit, preferably seasonal. You can make fruit salad. And for dessert, offer the kids cupcakes, jelly, curd desserts. And don't forget to drink. Children drink a lot, especially not on holidays. Sweet mineral water is not the best option. Prepare compote, several types of juices, soda without additives, plain clean water.

Girls love everything beautiful, so pay special attention - beautiful napkins, dishes. If you plan to make the holiday themed, arrange a table in the appropriate theme. These can be toppers, juice stickers, boxes for sweets, made in a certain style.


Games and competitions for girls are different from boys. If boys constantly need movement, then girls can be offered quieter activities. Here are some examples of games and contests for the birthday of a five-year-old girl:

Puppet show

Little princesses at the age of five love to play with dolls, so you can invite them to put on a small impromptu theatrical production, having built in advance the scenery and a curtain from two chairs and a sheet.

Little artists

Girls at the age of five already draw well and they really like this task. Arrange a competition for the best drawing. Let the little guests draw any one plot or still life. Choose the winners by voting. Give the rest of the contestants small gifts too, so as not to offend anyone. After all, these are girls, and they know how to be offended even at such a young age)

Collective congratulations

Prepare a large sheet of cardboard or whatman paper and let the guests decorate it with their drawings. If someone already knows how to write, then you can write a few nice words to the birthday girl. This will be a nice gift that you can look at and remember a fun five-year anniversary in time.

And to entertain your little guests with more active activities, invite them to dance. To do this, prepare a few children's songs.

Here are some more options for outdoor entertainment for five-year-olds:

Salute from balloons

Give each child a balloon. At the command “salute”, everyone throws balloons into the air and shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison. Such entertainment continues until the children get bored. As a rule, a few times are enough, but this is a great option to warm up after sitting at the table.

full pouch

Small toys or sweets are scattered on the floor, each participant is given a bag. The task is to collect sweets while the music is playing. Whoever collects the most wins. And the prize in the competition can be the bags with the collected sweets themselves.

The most accurate

Boxes or buckets are placed on two chairs, the participants are divided into two teams and move away from the chairs for a couple of meters. The task of the participants is to throw as many small balls or toys into the box or bucket as possible.

Dress up the doll

For the competition, you will need two dolls of approximately the same size and in the same outfits. We first undress the dolls and invite the girls to dress them at speed. While the girls are dressing the dolls, put on a fun children's song.

What prizes to prepare for competitions

Little five-year-old princesses can be very capricious, so prepare a lot of small gifts to reward not only the winners of the competitions, but also all the participants. Gift options for girls:

  • small chocolate bars;
  • small baby dolls;
  • hair ornaments;
  • little books;
  • children's cosmetics;
  • children's rings and bracelets.

Master classes


At the age of five, girls are very fond of playing housewives, so it will be interesting for them to tinker in the kitchen. Give them a little pizza-baking class. Children at this age can be trusted to knead the dough. The main thing - do not forget to stock up on aprons so that guests do not stain their clothes. The easiest option is to buy pizza blanks so that the girls only have to lay out the filling on the pizza and sprinkle it with cheese. It is better not to entrust them with cutting the filling and chopping cheese for safety reasons.

Don't want to bake pizza? Invite little hostesses to make their own sandwiches. Organizing such a master class is very simple: buy a sliced ​​loaf or bread, prepare several options for toppings. For the filling, you can use a variety of pates, traditional cheese and sausage, chopped olives, cucumbers and tomatoes. And do not forget about decorations, because girls love everything beautiful so much - prepare several types of fresh greens. Or invite the hostesses to cut a heart out of a piece of ham using a baking dish.

Young fashion designer

Another option for a master class is making a paper doll. For him, you will need to stock up on ready-made templates for dolls and clothes. Give the participants templates and a glue stick, let them figure out how to dress up the doll and fix the clothes with glue. Each of the participants can take such a homemade doll home as a keepsake of the holiday.

The culmination of the holiday - cake

Beautiful, decorated in the style of the whole holiday, and the birthday girl is waiting for him along with the guests. Therefore, just bringing it into the room will be too commonplace. Invite the little ladies to solve the riddle:

For a holiday treat

yummy - first class

we look forward to it

of course it is….CAKE!

And during the introduction of the main holiday treat, we sing the traditional song “Happy Birthday to you”.

And do not forget that we bring in the cake already with lit candles, so for more entertainment, turn off the lights in the room.

The birthday girl is old enough to blow out her five candles on her own. Parents only need to capture this moment on a camera or camera in time, so that years later they will remember this fun holiday of the fifth anniversary of their daughter!

The article used photos from the site

Competitions for children aged 5-6 will allow participants to demonstrate their dexterity, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Riddles will help develop logical thinking, memory. Active games will contribute to the good physical development of children and give them a positive mood. The friendly passing of tests will fill the holiday with fervent laughter and joy.

    2 girls participate in the competition. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare in advance 2 types of paper flowers and 2 baskets. Before the start of the competition, you need to scatter paper flowers on the floor. This will be a flower field.

    The task of the participants is to collect the maximum number of flowers of a particular type in a basket within a certain time. For example, one girl collects only daisies, and the other - roses.

    The participant wins, in the basket of which there are more flowers of the desired type.

    Creative competition. In it, children can show their flight of fancy and talent for art. It is necessary to prepare landscape sheets and pencils (according to the number of participants). On each sheet, you need to draw only eyes. The children themselves must finish the drawing.

    You can invite them to portray, for example, an unprecedented animal or bird. Setting a specific topic will make it easier for the child to choose the direction in which he needs to create. You could also invite the children to name their animal and tell a short story about it or describe its life.

    Game "Riddles"

    Game "I know everything"

    In this game, children can show off their knowledge and learn a lot of new things. To carry it out, you need a ball. All participants line up. The facilitator offers to test the knowledge of children on a topic, for example: "Pets". He begins to throw the ball to the players in turn and name the animals. If the child heard the name of a pet (for example, a goat), he must catch the ball and throw it back to the leader. If the name of a wild animal is spoken (for example, a crocodile), the participant must hit the ball.

    A child who loses vigilance is out of the row. The game continues until the last player. If the children are doing very well, you can increase the pace so that the eliminated participants do not get bored.

    Example topics: vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, birds, fish

    Game "Birthday Cake"

    All children participate in the game. Before it is held, it is necessary to depict a birthday cake on a large sheet of paper and make an exact copy of it on a small scale. The background of the picture should be colored - so it will be more interesting for children. Next, a large sheet must be drawn in the form of puzzles and cut along these lines. The paper should be thick enough so that players in the heat of excitement do not tear the pieces of the puzzle.

The birthday of the child is approaching. It's time to start thinking about how to hold it, which guests to invite, and most importantly, to draw up a plan for a festive event with an interesting and exciting program for children and adults. Upon reaching the age of 5, the child knows his tastes and preferences well. He orders gifts for his parents and invited guests in advance. Therefore, when organizing a celebration, be sure to ask the child's opinion what kind of holiday he wants, how many friends he wants to invite. The more questions you ask your baby, the easier it will be to think about the upcoming little anniversary. What contests and games should be prepared for the 5th anniversary of the baby?

Competition No. 1 "Portrait of a birthday boy"

For the competition, the host invites everyone to take part in the game of guests. Each participant is given a blank sheet of paper and colored markers. With the help of these items, players must turn on all their creativity, imagination and draw the main character of the celebration. The portrait is given 5 minutes, after which the presenter shows the rest of the guests the resulting drawings. The winner is the participant whose portrait is more like a birthday person. As a reward, the winner is given paints and a sketchbook.

Competition No. 2 "Repeat after me"

For this game, children are seated in a circle. The host explains the rules of the competition, which consist in the fact that one participant gets up and shows some kind of movement. In turn, each player stands behind him, repeats after the previous participant and adds his element. Each time there are more and more movements. Some of the children can not cope and make mistakes in their movements. In this case, he leaves the game. The winner is the participant who repeated all the movements correctly and did not make mistakes. As a reward, the leader is given a chocolate prize.

Competition No. 3 "Funny Zoo"

To participate in the competition, the host calls one of the players and blindfolds him. The rest of the participants in the competition quietly show the leader to the toy, which the player must guess with his eyes closed. It is best to choose familiar toy options. For example, a Barbie doll, a lion, a bear, a tumbler and other examples. The main participant is faced with the task of guessing what kind of toy is in his hands. Children will be happy to participate in this competition. Those players who correctly identified and named the toy are awarded a symbolic gift.

Competition No. 4 "Cheerful high chair"

For the competition, the host prepares chairs in advance and builds a circle. At the command of the toastmaster, music begins to play, and the children run or circle around the chairs. At the moment when the musical accompaniment stops, the participants should quickly sit down on the chairs. One player will not get a seat, since the chairs are initially assumed to be 1 less. The participant who did not have time to sit on a chair leaves the competition. And so the game continues until there is only one chair and 2 players left. The fastest and most dexterous person becomes the winner in this competition and receives a cup or a golden chocolate medal.

Competition No. 5 "Funny Potato"

2 participants are invited to participate in the competition. The host preliminarily scatters medium-sized potatoes on the floor. At the finish line, he puts out two buckets or two basins in which the children will harvest. The host announces the start, the music turns on, and the participants begin picking potatoes. The winner is the player who scored more potatoes in a certain time while the melody sounds. As a gift, the leader is given a sweet potato cake.

Competition No. 6 "What has changed?"

All children who want to play are invited to the competition. The facilitator chooses one participant and gives the children the opportunity to remember how he looks and what he is wearing. Children closely study the main player. Then the toastmaster of the holiday takes the main participant to another room and complements his image with other things. For example, you can hang a small handbag over your shoulder or attach a brooch, change your hairstyle a little and let you put on completely different shoes. You can come up with a lot of different options. After the image is completed, the presenter, along with the main character, goes to the rest of the contestants. The task of the children is to determine what changes have occurred in the image of the player. The participant who correctly names the answer becomes the winner and is awarded a sweet prize. The competition can be repeated several times. The game is logical and mental.

Competition No. 7 "Funny Bubbles"

The toastmaster of the children's celebration distributes one set of soap bubbles to all participants in the competition. Children, at the command of the host, must work together to create as many soap bubbles of different sizes as possible. There are no winners in this game. All participants receive symbolic sweet gifts.

Contest No. 8 "Right on Target"

To participate in the competition, you will need to create 2 teams of players. Each of them becomes one after another. The host explains the rules of the game. It is necessary to take one thing from a bucket of nuts, which stands next to the participants, and try to get into another bucket, located 5 steps from the players. The team that hits the bucket with the nut the most times wins. To do this, at the end of the competition, the leader takes the buckets of both teams and counts the nuts that got there. The winners are awarded chocolates or sweets.

Competition No. 9 "Candy Soup"

To conduct this competition, you will need 2 pots, 2 ladles and approximately 500 grams of sweets. 2 teams are formed to participate in the game. The task of the participants is to use the ladle to bring the sweets to the pan, and pass the move to the next player on the team. Pots should be installed 4 meters from the place where the sweets are stacked. The result is a candy soup. As soon as the leader of the team completes the competition, the children stop the game. The number of sweets in each pot is counted. The winner is the team whose soup turned out "sweeter". All children receive encouraging sweet prizes.

Competition No. 10 "Merry disco"

The host distributes a regular sheet of newspaper to the participants of the competition. The start is announced, the musical accompaniment is turned on, and the children begin to dance on the issued sheet. The music changes and the competition gets more difficult. The leader folds the newspaper in half, thus reducing the space for dancing. The music is playing again. Children are dancing. And again the melody changes, and the size of the newspaper decreases. The competition continues until the participants step outside the paper during the dance. The winner will receive a music disc.

Competition No. 11 "Oh, this hat"

For the competition, the host prepares a hat in advance, preferably in a bright color. Under musical accompaniment, participants must try on a hat, and pass it on to the next player. This action continues as long as the melody is playing. As soon as the music stops playing, the player who did not have time to put on his hat is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who beats all the participating players. As a prize, a comic paper cap is awarded. This game is for entertainment.

If you ask a child about what holiday he looks forward to most of the year, then in almost any case you can hear a simple answer: a birthday. This is not surprising, because on such a day all attention is riveted to him, he is showered with congratulations and gifts from all sides, and at the end of the celebration the most delicious piece of cake awaits him.

If a holiday is planned for this day, then everything is carefully chosen: the menu, room decoration, guest lists and even music for competitions. For children, parents strive to choose the best, and the choice of entertainment is no exception.

How beautiful to invite guests to a holiday?

The tradition of invitations to important events is deeply rooted, but this does not make it old-fashioned or dull at all. On the contrary, the original message will be pleasant for every guest. Here are top tips to help you make your celebration perfect.

  1. Customize your invitation for the occasion. If you're going to do it yourself, buy scrapbooking paper and decorate it in the style of the event: pirate cabin, dude party, princess school, royal style or outdoor picnic. To add charm, you can singe the edges, decorate it with ribbons and rhinestones.
  2. If you have planned a dress code, be sure to inform the guests in advance. Think carefully about whether it will be comfortable and appropriate.
  3. It is worth pointing out that you are planning not just gatherings with a cake, but also contests for children of 5 years old - at home or on the street.
  4. It is advisable to write a message on behalf of the hero of the occasion, indicate the time, place and date of the holiday.
  5. Take some time to hand them over in person, or mail them for added mystery. Here you can turn on your imagination and do it in any, even the most unexpected way.

Accompanying children's competitions

A very important component of all holidays is music for competitions. For children, you need to select well-known songs. The best choice would be melodies from the screensavers of your favorite and popular cartoons: "Fixies", "Smeshariki", Winx, "Luntik", "Cars", "The Little Mermaid", etc. Individual preferences can be found out from the baby himself - who, if not parents know what kind of music or individual songs their child likes.

Particular attention should be paid to the theme of the holiday. If this event is for an active boy, then it is worth organizing pirate contests for children and creating the appropriate paraphernalia:

  • decorate the room with a pirate flag;
  • attach a name sticker with pirate symbols to each glass for juice;
  • distribute toys in the form of pistols and sabers;
  • think over a costume for the hero of the occasion;
  • for winning the competition, give out the title of the most dexterous or the most powerful pirate.

If competitions for children 5 years old are planned in honor of the birthday girl, they can be organized in the style of fairies or princesses. In this case, it will be relevant:

  • arrange a dance lesson for real princesses;
  • dress up the birthday girl in a magnificent tutu, a crown and beautiful shoes;
  • give out earrings, key chains or small souvenirs for winning the competition;
  • arrange dishes and a cake in the same style or color;
  • decorate the room with balloons and confetti.

Contest "Funny Tunnels"

It is very important that there are funny show jumping at the children's holiday, because it cheers up both participants and observers. For such entertainment, you need to create attributes in advance - connect several cardboard boxes together in such a way that you get a small tunnel and children can crawl through it. For these purposes, you can use fabric or thick threads. On average, 8-10 boxes per two tunnels for two teams will be enough.

Children line up in a column, and on a signal, the team captains run up to the tunnel and climb to its very end. Then they run around this obstacle, pass the baton to the first in the column, and they themselves stand at the end. The first team to cross the tunnel wins.

Competition "Smeshariki"

In order for the name of the competition to match what is happening, you need to pick up a soft toy of the necessary hero and a musical screensaver. It will be even better if you host this contest in the style of your child's favorite character.

All children stand in a circle and quickly pass a soft toy from hand to hand. This continues as long as the melody is playing. The one who has a toy left in his hands at the moment the melody is turned off is out of the game. Such a kid is eliminated from the game, and the competition lasts until the winner is determined.

Haunted Room Contest

Considering the scenarios of competitions for children, one cannot but pay attention to competitions with elements of fantasy, especially if the child loves it and perceives it adequately. Preparation for such a competition takes a long time, but it's worth it. You need to choose a room in which there is a door without glass. It is in it that you need to turn on a small lamp, and put a candlestick with a lit candle in the middle of the room.

Children line up, and everyone who has to enter the room is blindfolded. Then he is led to a candlestick, his eyes are uncovered and he is quietly asked to scream in such a way as to put out the candle with his voice. Then the child remains in the same room in order not to tell the rest about how the competition is going on. The essence of such entertainment is that the children in line do not understand what awaits them. This moment is the most intense, and the denouement in the form of solving the secret of the "ghost room" brings a lot of vivid impressions!

Competition "Sweet Relay Race"

To spend the birthday of a 5-year-old child at home cheerfully and amicably, you need to stock up on a great mood and friendly company. And for this competition - also sweets.

Children are divided into two teams, and each is given one spoon and a saucepan. At one end of the room, they line up in a column, and at the other, on chairs, they put an equal number of sweets on plates. On command, the first person in the column runs with a spoon to a chair, picks up a candy with it and comes back, but at the same time he must hide one hand behind his back. Then he puts the sweet in the team's pot and stands back. The first team to fill the pot with all the candies wins.

Competition "Balance"

If your child has a birthday in the hot season, you should definitely pay attention to summer competitions for children. Outdoor games not only awaken activity and appetite, but also remove movement restrictions. Moreover, the next competition will only need a lot of free space and one ball.

The guys stand in a circle and suddenly throw the ball to each other. If someone does not catch him, then he is obliged to bend one leg at the knee and in the future to catch the ball on only one leg. Due to the second missed ball, the player is eliminated from the competition. The one who lasts to the end wins.


Knowing how kids behave at a particular age, you can easily and simply organize a birthday party for a 5-year-old child at home. Competitions should be active and interesting. In this case, the best solution would be quests, because thanks to them you can keep guests busy for almost the entire duration of the celebration, and make their every step bright and unforgettable. The quest is a kind of game during which the participants solve various riddles, crosswords, puzzles and gradually reach the main goal - the finish line and the main prize.

The main advantage of the quests is that they combine games and contests for children aged 5 at once, and the whole celebration can be held as a single “marathon” for the search for the main prize. Here is an example of how you can organize such a holiday.

  1. At the beginning of the event, the child finds a nominal message in his plate, in which the name of a certain object is drawn or written. For example, a refrigerator or fruit stand. Each kid goes to the specified subject.
  2. In the place that was indicated in the message, there is a small piece of the map, where the arrow indicates the path to the desktop of the birthday boy. To read the map, you will need to connect the entire map together.
  3. There will be a hint on the desk - a small box with a set of association items. For example, a helmet, armlets, a bell and knitting needles will indicate that there is a cache in the garage with a bicycle ahead of them.
  4. The participants of the quest get to the bike, which has a box with surprises for each child.

The number of steps can be increased and decreased, puzzles can be changed into funny contests, etc.

Competition "Racing"

For such a game, you need to prepare props in advance - tie a thread of the same length to two cars and connect its second edge with a pencil so that it does not turn on it and sits tightly.

For this competition, two players are selected, each is given a pencil, and after the command “Start!” they begin to quickly wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who first touches the typewriter, but at the same time you can’t lean towards it. Such competitions for children aged 5 are always a success, because the feeling of excitement and the expectation of a prize create that same festive mood.

Competition "Little Builder"

Throughout the room, cubes are hidden in advance in various places. At the command "Start!" two teams are given one minute, during which they must find as many "materials" as possible for their creations. The team that collects the most cubes in a minute wins.

Competition "Festive garland"

At the end of the holiday, the children will get tired, because competitions for children of 5 years old will tire them. By the time the parents arrive, they need to be reassured and invited to create a garland for the birthday boy. Give everyone a piece of paper of the same size, a large set of pencils and felt-tip pens. Let each of the kids draw something nice on a piece of paper or even write a few words to the birthday man. Next, collect all the leaves in a single garland with a needle and thread. A significant advantage of such an activity is that the children will be able to relax and calm down, and the garland can be kept as a memory of such a fun holiday for your child.

A final word on competitions

To create a bright holiday, there are many well-known attributes: cake, balloons, menus and outfits. But it is contests that create the atmosphere of brightness! For children of 5 years old, it is important to organize games and entertainment, because without this it is difficult to imagine a holiday with a large number of young guests.

The first anniversary will definitely remain in the memory of the child.

Celebrating a child's fifth birthday is a special celebration. The first small important date is 5 years. Five-year-olds are basically nimble and active children who love to taste the world for taste and strength. Children's birthday ideas can be very different, but contests and games for them should be understandable, accessible to their abilities. In games, friendship should always win. And fun entertainment should be mixed with delicious treats.

The best time to celebrate a birthday is in the afternoon. The maximum duration is 4 hours. No need for adventure lovers to overwork on this busy day. Just at the age of 5, the child realizes the full significance of his own celebration. Therefore, it is imperative to clarify with the child exactly whom he wants to invite to his birthday.

A long-awaited gift is half the battle.

Gifts for a 5 year old birthday boy

At the age of 5, children are already able to critically assess the surrounding reality, so the choice of a gift must be taken seriously. A few weeks before the significant date, very carefully find out what the child is dreaming about, and do not touch the topic of the gift anymore. Then there is a guarantee that the gift will be to the heart and cause a bouquet of joyful emotions. 5 years is a period of irrepressible curiosity, so it is better to avoid surprises, careless handling of which can be harmful.

Birthday gift ideas can also be inspired by cartoons your child is into. Both girls and boys will be happy with everything related to their cartoon friends. Also, puzzles and construction sets are very interesting for all children.

Places for celebrating the birthday of a 5 year old child

The birthday of a child who turns 5 years old can be held anywhere. Ideas can be like this. These are amusement parks and water parks, and sparkling entertainment centers and various children's cafes. And all children love this kind of entertainment. Brilliant and memorable help can be provided by people who professionally organize children's celebrations. Animators, magicians, clowns, entertainers who arrange soap bubble shows will leave behind a whirlwind of the brightest feelings. And both boys and girls will be happy, as well as their parents. What is better than a birthday outside the home or in it - it all depends on your mood and capabilities.

The undeniable advantages of spending a holiday at home is that you have valuable experience in celebrating your child's previous birthdays and a knowledge and sense of his needs and desires that no one else has.

Homemade birthday ideas

The most exciting and touching moment, on this fabulous day, is the beginning - congratulations to the little hero of the day. You can put him in a circle of children and adults and say words of admiration and love to everyone in turn. And then arrange a fireworks display in honor of the little hero of the day. From crackers. Children, of course, have the smallest and safest crackers. In adults, crackers are voluminous and brightly colorful. Rain and an ocean of confetti will start the birthday celebration with funny notes.

Presenting gifts on this magical day is interesting to turn into a tempting adventure. Hide them in advance in the most unexpected corners of the house. And then, with the help of the words hot and cold, all the children, both girls and boys, help the interested birthday man to look for them.

A particularly inspiring and unifying action further can be the creation of a joint huge drawing-congratulations as a keepsake on this glorious day. The number 5 years is beautifully drawn. And all the children dip their palms into different jars of paint and create a multi-colored sky for the hero of the day on a sheet of paper. This is both a moment of entertainment and a very serious occupation. Adults can help write wishes from children next to their clouds.

After that, you need to lightly refresh yourself, before the main bubbling fun. It can be small sandwiches and fruit salad. The main thing for children is not to overeat and keep alive and active. And it's time for the main events - contests and games.

Surprises for all children - small gifts.


The main thing to remember is that active entertainment should alternate with calm ones. And vice versa. Round dance of various impressions. And be sure to prepare small gifts for all children. It can be kinder surprises, juice bags, balloons, crackers, Barney's sweet bears. Everything that will appeal to kids 5 years old.

Ideas for children's birthday contests 5 years old can be as follows:

  • Attack of the balls

The guys are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the blanket with balls, which is held by two adult participants. Then, on the whistle, they shake the balls. They fly apart. And the task of the children is to transfer them to the side of the rivals. The one with the fewest balls at the end wins.

  • Find a brother

The leader in the ear tells each child what kind of animal he is. And all children with sounds and gestures, without words, must find a mate. Your brothers and sisters. The pair of children who recognize each other the fastest wins.

  • tell me who i am

The guys are also divided into two teams and must guess the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons and complete the sentence. The host says - Winnie and the children finish - Pooh, and for example Karabas - Barabas, Doctor Aibolit, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Kid and Carlson, Peter Pan. And that team of children wins, which has more guessed names in its assets.

  • candy salad

This competition will certainly appeal to all the little sweet tooth. Especially on a day like this. Large bags of sweets are placed on one and the other side of the room. All children are given tablespoons. And two teams of dexterous and active guys take turns competing in who will quickly transfer all the sweets to the basins located at the end of the room. He will mix all the sweets there with a large ladle and make his own unique, delicious, candy salad. Then, of course, everyone who wants to try it and the contestants themselves, respectively. Both the girl and the boys will fill up from the belly, but what celebration of a children's birthday is complete without sweets.

Noisy games should replace quiet ones.

And of course, all children are endlessly happy to play and play. Games can be:

Games for children 5 years old:

  • Repeat after me

All the guys sit in a circle. And one gets up and starts. For example, it turns around itself. The next child repeats this movement and adds something of his own, for example, bouncing. And so in a circle. If someone goes astray, then out of the game. A sea of ​​laughter and fun is guaranteed. What else do you need on your birthday?

  • Guess the item

We blindfold the child with a scarf, give a soft toy into his hands and he must guess by touch what kind of object it is, the name of the toy and what it is for. The trick is that the next child is no longer given a soft toy, but, for example, a book or a part from a designer. The constant change of objects of guessing delivers many violent emotions to the children who have already taken part.

  • Don't get caught by the crocodile

On the floor, pillows are laid out in a different order. These are crocodiles. You need to cross to the other side without getting caught by any of them, without stepping on anyone. The child remembers where the crocodiles lay down, they blindfold him again and he sets off. The winner is the one who passes all the crocodiles with brilliance.

  • unknown hero

A very curious game. The host prepares cards in advance with the name of different fairy-tale characters. The main condition is that they should be very familiar to children and easily guessed. Then the first player draws a card with a name that he does not see. This card is inserted into a paper cap. She's already on top of his head. All children see this name except the player. And he has to guess who the hero is. For example, Winnie the Pooh. Questions might be: Am I from a cartoon? Answer: About Winnie the Pooh. What color am I? - Brown. That I love? – Med. Fun for all kids. And for those who guess. And those who help him in this.

  • musical chairs

Chairs are lined up. They should be one less than the children playing. Then joyful and energetic music is turned on. The guys are circling around these chairs. Then, at the signal of the presenter, the music stops abruptly and the children should sit on chairs. One of the participants is left without a chair, he leaves. Again one chair is removed. The cheerful music continues and again which of the guys will be faster. There should be one chair left and one lucky winner at the end. Of course, all participants receive sweet consolation prizes.

The favorite guest of the holiday is a delicious cake.

The end of the holiday

And, finally, all the celebrants are invited to the table, where you can already thoroughly satisfy your hunger. The long-awaited end of the gala dinner, of course, is a large and appetizing cake - 5 years old. At this sweet moment, all guests, regardless of age, can sing birthday greetings in funny, cartoonish voices.

And as a final chord of a birthday, a funny home photo session of the hero of the occasion with guests can serve. Girls will be especially happy. All those present can receive a souvenir photo taken with a Polaroid camera. The joy of snapshots is very lively and vibrant. It is very pleasant to watch happy and radiant children when their 5th birthday is a success.

And in parting, a happy birthday man can hug his guests and return words of gratitude and love to them for a kind and wonderful birthday.

A pleasure to remember.