Business plan for a center for additional education for children. What to include in the business plan of a children's development center

First of all, you should decide how your development center will work. Based on the work schedule of most people, work time should be set from 6 am to 8 pm. Only highly qualified specialists should be hired. it is also necessary to organize 3 or 4 meals a day and sports activities.

Having passed the planning stage, you should start looking for a suitable room. the area of ​​​​the room should be from 80 to 100 square meters. It should have at least 4 rooms in which a dining room, a bedroom, a gym and a games room will be organized. Such a room will be enough to look after 7-10 children.

As equipment, you should purchase equipment for sports activities, safe toys for game room, sets of dishes and cutlery for the dining room, children's beds, tables and chairs.

The selection of staff should be taken very seriously, as this is one of the main factors that influence whether parents will send their child to your center or turn to competitors. Each employee of a children's development center must have a higher specialized education, experience working with children's groups from 2 years old, as well as love for children. It is desirable that some workers have experience in music, singing or drawing. These skills will help reveal talents in children or instill in them a love of art. This is the main difference between a developing center and ordinary kindergartens, in which children receive much less attention.

For competent and high-quality planning of activities, a business plan for a children's development center should be drawn up. Below you can download and see examples of such plans.

given example contains a theoretical guide to business organization. It includes the main points that you should know to open a legal form as individual entrepreneur, information about necessary procedures and documents. The example also contains information about how the children's development center differs from kindergarten.

- this example shows the project children's center, for children from 1 year to 8 years. The example contains an overview section with information about the legal form. It also provides: a description of entrepreneurial activity; market research guide. The example contains production and financial plans, which describe necessary equipment and profit calculations.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Question preschool education in Russia - one of the most acute and discussed. With gigantic demand in the market, there is a microscopic supply.

It is this reason that encourages many enterprising people to base their business on the creation and support of children's development centers. If you are also interested in this type of activity, the business plan for creating such an institution described below may be useful to you.

The target audience
Before you start a hectic creation activity, you need to carefully consider all the details of the upcoming business. And the first task is to determine your target audience, or rather, its financial condition.

The conditional division implies three categories: wealthy families, families with an average income and families with a very limited budget.

Of course, you can equip a children's development center for low-income families, but such a business will be very similar to patronage: the institution will work for a pittance, and in order to at least recoup your investment, you will have to arrange a lot of children.

This is not very convenient financially. Families with high incomes often spend money as they please.

If there are opportunities, it practically does not matter to them how much your services cost - it is important for them to be the coolest, which means that their child should study in the best kindergarten cities (and for some, countries).

If you are able to provide services of this quality - go to battle. However, if you doubt even one iota, carefully study the paragraph below.

Middle-income families know how and where they spend their money. However, cost planning is strongly tied to time planning.

Such people love to work and earn money, often giving all their time to work, but their conscience does not always allow them to forget about their children.

Therefore, the desire to send the child to a better kindergarten forces them to look for the best option - the one that your development center may turn out to be. Research shows that it is middle class should be guided when creating such a business.

A well thought out proposal is a giant step towards success. Working hours from 7 to 21 (to make it convenient for parents to bring and pick up children), a pleasant interior and exterior (to make a proper impression), a guarantee of quality food and a staff of experienced educators - that's what parents are interested in.

In addition, pay attention to the possibility of hiring one or two security guards in the staff - this will give parents less reason to worry, and, as a result, may push them to choose your institution.

Creation and support costs

Organization legal documents will come to you in 20-25 thousand rubles. The cost of renting a room varies greatly depending on the proximity to the center; an institution for 10 children will come out at about 60 thousand per month.

Repair and decoration of the premises rented as a children's center can either require large expenses or come out inexpensively - allocate 200 thousand for it. The purchase of equipment and furniture will cost another 250 tr.

This form of organization preschool education, How Education Centre has long been an integral part of the education system in a number of states. In Russia, such an idea is only gaining momentum, but it has every chance to take root thanks to an innovative approach to organization. children's leisure. Such centers differ from an ordinary kindergarten, first of all, in the principles of building the educational process, which cannot but attract modern parents and children. So, let's try to consider the business plan of the children's development center as one of the areas in entrepreneurship.

The first thing that distinguishes the educational center from other institutions of this order is individual approach to each child, which is determined on the basis of psychological and age characteristics.

in mass educational institutions two main varieties can be distinguished:

  • general development - aimed at comprehensive development child;
  • narrowly focused - with an emphasis on the development of a certain area of ​​knowledge: creativity, foreign languages, musical talent and so on.

Given the desire of parents to treat their child as a full-fledged personality and independent individuality, we can say that the prospects for such educational institutions are quite tempting.

When developing a business plan for a children's leisure center, it is necessary to take into account a number of features that are inherent in it:

  • establishments of such a plan usually work 9 months a year. The summer months are not very popular, since most parents seek to improve their children's health during this period, and therefore take them out of the city. But we should not forget that you must pay the rent for the premises for all 12 months;
  • the larger the locality in which you do business, the more competition will be;
  • even before opening, it is necessary to monitor which services will be in demand in your area. Most often, this is the upbringing of children 3-6 years old or the study of foreign languages.

And do not forget that an individual approach can only be applied in groups with a small number of children - up to 10 people.

Preparatory stage

  1. Company registration.
  2. Initial investment - at least 500 -650 thousand rubles.
  3. Selection of premises - at least 100 square meters.
  4. Selection of qualified personnel.
  5. Obtaining knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology.
  6. Opening a bank account.
  7. Development of the concept and methods of teaching.

Immediately, we note that the monthly profit of such an enterprise ranges from 30 to 200 thousand rubles. This means that it will be possible to return the invested capital in 2-3 years.


When drawing up a business plan for a children's center, it is very important to understand how much money will be needed and what will have to be purchased. An approximate cost estimate is given in the table:

The amount of investment will depend on the number of your pupils and the concept itself. Here it is important to decide how much time they will spend in your center, how many groups will be formed. So, for example, it can be partial attendance - 1-1.5 hours a day, it can be the afternoon, say, from 13.00 to 18.00, or a full load of working hours from 7.00 to 21.00 - in the latter case, you will also have to take care about baby food. Although such a service should be provided by the center in any case, at least in the form of small snacks to keep the students working.

The following principle of organizing a children's center can be taken as a basis:

  • 6 one-hour groups of 5 people each. The cost of such training can be 400 rubles per pupil per day. The total profit in this case will be 360 ​​thousand rubles per month;
  • one half-day group - 15 people. Payment for the service will be 7 thousand rubles per month from each student. Total per month is 105 thousand rubles.

The following expenses must be deducted from the income received:

  • rent and communal - 100 thousand;
  • salary - 200 thousand;
  • advertising -10 thousand;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand.

Thus, it turns out that the net profit can be from 105 thousand per month. And do not forget that the enterprise will first need to be registered. Most suitable form become a sole proprietorship. But you will need a license to open it.


Choosing the right space for your center depends entirely on the format and concept. educational process. In any case, limiting yourself to a room of less than 100 squares will not work.

The business plan for a child development center should include the cost of equipping such rooms:

Don't Forget the Requirements fire safety: 1-2 emergency exits, fire protection system.

The walls in the room should be smooth and easy to tolerate wet cleaning. The optimal ceiling height is 3 meters. The air temperature in the room is 21 degrees. All switches and sockets must be at a height of 1.8 meters.


In order to correctly draw up a business plan for a developmental center for children, it is necessary to correctly form a staff. Moreover, the success of your enterprise will depend entirely on it. So, you can't do without:

It would be useful to take care of a visiting speech therapist. 90% of the institution's popularity will depend on the professionalism of teachers. Spending a day in society professional educator, which will be able to captivate their wards, children will certainly tell their parents how fun and exciting they had a time. Those, in turn, will share the successes of their offspring with friends, which will attract new customers to your center.

Do not forget that your establishment must have an impeccable reputation in matters of hygiene, sanitation and attitude towards children. The center should be heard all the time, for this it will be necessary to hold many public events - concerts, competitions, competitions, in which parents should also be involved. Together, this will ensure a continuous flow of customers and their trust.

How to open a private kindergarten: Video