English speaking kindergarten. Bilingual kindergartens: the best bilingual kindergartens in the capital. HappyBee Kindergarten: Montessori system in action

English Nursery & Primary School (ENS) is a network of bilingual nursery schools where young children are immersed in a language environment from early childhood to the age of five. This environment is created by professional native English teachers working at ENS. There are 3-4 teachers for a group of 25 children. According to kindergarten experts, from birth to five years old, a child learns the language precisely by the “immersion method” without learning new words, but through communication and play. According to an ENS employee, native speakers from the UK work as educators and assistants in ENS kindergartens and primary schools, most of whom have special pedagogical education and diplomas of teaching English as a foreign language.

Children study according to the British program, which is accepted in international British kindergartens and schools. The basis of education for preschoolers is the British Early Development Program (Early Years Foundation Stage of the British National Curriculum). The Russian program is also used as an additional one. ENS prepares children for school by learning the basics of arithmetic, writing, and reading. The physical development program includes wushu, children's yoga, outdoor games and swimming. For children aged 1.5-2.5 years, there is a Baby Club.

According to information received from a kindergarten employee, speech therapists and psychologists who work in all ENS branches help children and parents. They are also specialists in the field of bilingual child development.

Our highly qualified British teachers have significant teaching experience in nurseries and kindergartens operating under the British pre-school program in England and other countries. Prior to joining the Britannia School, they all taught together at The International School of Moscow (“ISM”). The teaching assistants who help them have also previously worked together at the International School of Moscow (ISM). They are distinguished by a high level of preparation and actively participate in the educational process in their group. Many years of successful collaboration have formed our strong international teaching staff.

What learning tools do we use?

  • We offer a variety of learning tools from the simplest to the most complex, from sandboxes and play areas to our high-tech interactive learning whiteboards with projectors.
  • At our school, we have created a completely safe learning environment, starting with our security systems. and ending with playgrounds, equipped for each age group separately, with us you can be sure that your child is in good hands.
  • The playground, as incredible as it may sound, is an extension of the learning environment we have created in our group rooms. All equipment used in the outdoor learning process has been carefully selected to promote the development of all aspects of a child's personality.

Design of our kindergarten

Our capabilities

We create an environment that is conducive to learning

  • The building with an area of ​​734 m2 was comprehensively renovated this year
  • Large group rooms (66 square meters each), with 3 children's toilets, sinks and showers
  • Interactive whiteboards with projectors
  • A computer lab created with the latest innovations
  • Comfortable areas for reading, writing and counting with creative tasks updated every week
  • Areas for creativity, as well as themed play areas, where your child can try himself as a driver or a doctor, or maybe a dragon or a mermaid
  • Water and sand play areas that will delight children with new activities every week, through which the child will explore different textures and physical processes
  • 3450 sq. m. outdoor play and learning space
  • A wide range of educational toys and educational aids in every group room
  • Ample opportunities for physical development both in the building of our kindergarten and outdoors
How are our classes going?

Instilling in children a love of learning

At our kindergarten, Britannia School, we don't just try to make children have fun learning, we instill in them a love of learning. We encourage the child to take an active part in their learning process, allowing everyone to choose their own activities.

Our communication with children is based on our experience and the results of scientific research in the field of child development. We avoid negative intonations in the learning process so that the child does not have negative emotions in connection with the educational process, we contribute to the development of stable positive associations with learning in the child, trying to give him the opportunity to choose, stimulating him with positive statements.

personal development

Relationships and personal development of the child

In our English kindergarten, we welcome "natural" communication. We hope that our students will show mutual courtesy and respect for each other. Children learn from their actions and their consequences, and we show them how to empathize and build lasting relationships with classmates.

We believe that the social development of the child is as important as the intellectual one. Socially developed children are often better learners. We use this approach in every age group, which encourages further self-directed learning at the end of our Kindergarten.

The preschool institution has absorbed the best developments of modern psychologists, linguists, and educators. The main teaching method is communicative. It allows you to create a relaxed friendly atmosphere that inspires children to learn a foreign language, awakens a natural interest in little polyglots, makes kids want to explore, develop, and create.

Kindergarten with an English bias is perfect for parents who do not want to part with their child for the whole day. In the Center, the child will receive everything necessary for comprehensive development, the period of adaptation will pass painlessly, once in the society of peers. A small number of children in groups, 5-6 people, allows the teacher to give maximum attention to each kid. In the learning process, the mentor uses all available ways to explain new material. The teacher accompanies foreign word forms with facial expressions, gestures, pictures, objects, movements. Visualization techniques are the most effective in working with preschool children. First, the child observes and compares new words with what is happening, then, when a familiar object or action appears, he tries to independently define it. At the final stage, the kid himself chooses the subject of discussion, names it and describes it.

An English kindergarten in Moscow allows a child to learn the language on an intuitive level. Acquaintance with a foreign language follows the same principle as with native speech. The kid is completely immersed in the language environment. The teacher speaks English during games, walks, meals, creative tasks and physical activity. Regular attendance of the group forms language abilities in children. Students have excellent pronunciation, English and Russian articulation is at a level much higher than that of their peers. Another plus is a large vocabulary.

A kindergarten with a native English speaker contributes to the development of a creative and free personality. The daily program includes classes aimed at early development. In addition to studying a foreign language, teachers pay great attention to personal growth. Kids easily overcome the language barrier, feel more confident, have adequate self-esteem. Teachers sculpt with children, draw, sing songs, learn rhymes and nursery rhymes. Under favorable weather conditions, a walk in the fresh air is a must in the daily routine. To diversify the stay of the kids in the garden, the mentor uses musical, playful and literary pauses. For children, there are half-hour classes in the exact and natural sciences. Special educational audio and video materials are widely used. The teacher helps the kids hear and recognize speech, as well as cartoons without translation.

Main achievements

A private kindergarten with English allows the child to learn to speak a foreign language without an accent and grammatical errors. Speech develops automatically due to the constant repetition of the studied material. Language learning occurs on the basis of the principle from simple to complex. The teacher starts learning with the simplest word forms that kids hear and use in everyday life. The child quickly adapts and begins to use first words of politeness in English, then the names of family members, toys, shapes, flowers, animals, and so on.

Visit Results

Speaking skills

Knowledge of different languages

Cumulative effect

Psychological comfort

Creativity and play

Effective methodology

Speaking skills

The child will learn to speak a foreign language without an accent and grammatical errors. Speech develops automatically due to the constant repetition of the studied material. Language learning occurs on the basis of the principle from simple to complex.

Knowledge of different languages

Significant experience in the field of early language development allows us to constantly expand the range of services provided. In addition to English, the following foreign languages ​​are available to our customers: German, Spanish, French, and also Chinese.

Cumulative effect

Toddlers under the age of three first accumulate information, the child understands everything that is happening around, but is in no hurry to share his knowledge. Children can start using their first words in English after a few lessons or after a couple of months. The main thing is not to rush to quit if the baby did not immediately reproduce new words.

Psychological comfort

The method of teaching English to preschool children provides the child with natural comfort. The predominance of a calm, friendly atmosphere has a positive effect on the learning process, encourages natural curiosity and interest.

Creativity and play

The method of teaching children English is based on game activity. At an early age, play is the only source of new information. The child learns the world around him through active, intellectual and other games.

Effective methodology

When creating training programs, the network's methodologists took into account the specifics of the development of Russian-speaking children, the phonetic and grammatical features of their native speech. Integrated development has absorbed the best of the main approaches in learning a foreign language by children.

Teachers help children acquire the skills necessary in everyday life, teach them to work in a team and make decisions on their own, make sure that every action has a logical conclusion. A kindergarten with a native English speaker has several advantages:

  • small groups;
  • personal approach;
  • classes in an entertaining and game format;
  • varied daily routine
  • constant communication with a native speaker;
  • tasks aimed at comprehensive development (speech, intellectual, aesthetic, physical, socio-emotional);
  • modern and safe equipment.

A private English kindergarten is engaged in the upbringing, development and education of children. A preschool institution of a modern format works according to unique author's methods. Each program is designed for children of a certain age group. The methodologists have selected tasks and exercises corresponding to the psychological stages of development. For kids - finger games, creative assignments, for preschoolers - the skills necessary for further learning.

Cost of education

English language

Group lessons

from 600 rubles / lesson

Individual sessions

from 1,000 rubles / lesson


from 11 900 rub/month


Anna "Polyglots" in Ramenki I don’t know English myself, but I understand its great importance in today’s time, so I was looking for suitable courses for my daughter. A friend told me about "Polyglotiki", her son went there before school and already at school he had no problems with academic performance. I decided to send my daughter here and I can say that ...

English kindergarten is gradually becoming fashionable. It is considered prestigious if the baby speaks fluently in several languages ​​at once, and parents are ready to put a lot of effort into this. We offer you a catalog of English kindergartens in Moscow.

What it is?

Today, English language services can be found in any kindergarten for every taste and at different prices. There are several approaches to learning a foreign language based on modern popular methods.

Learning a foreign language in kindergarten takes place in the process of games and communication. If from the first days your baby was offered to learn the alphabet, you should doubt the professionalism of such a teacher and knowledge of the psychology of preschoolers. At a younger age, children learn English through colloquial speech: poems, sayings, but this is only an element of learning that contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary. It is important to communicate, and the kindergarten tries to provide the child with such an opportunity.

Today, there are many foreign and Russian copyright programs for teaching English to preschoolers. Their feature is ease of study. To do this, children are not only given scheduled lessons, but they are also allowed to watch English cartoons, puppet shows, conduct thematic and didactic games, and speak a foreign language during their leisure time. The child is in a constant language environment, and gradually involuntarily begins to speak on his own.

Kindergartens offer foreign language services in three formats:

  • Additional foreign language classes several times a week. These are separate English lessons that introduce children to certain words and expressions, allow you to put pronunciation, but do not provide constant communication and immersion in the language environment. The cost of classes is 300 rubles.
  • English kindergartens, where teachers speak English, conduct classes, provide immersion in the language environment, but are not native speakers.
  • Bilingual and trilingual kindergartens, where teaching is conducted by both native speakers and Russian-speaking teachers. This is the best form of learning, because it allows children to perceive the correct foreign speech and communicate as much as possible in a foreign language.

The cost of kindergarten services will depend on several factors:

  • programs used in the learning process;
  • the level of teachers and educators;
  • nutrition;
  • time spent by the child in the garden;
  • proximity to metro.

A kindergarten where classes are taught by native speakers will cost much more: here the price reaches, and sometimes exceeds, 100,000 rubles a month. If English is taught in a kindergarten by Russian educators, you can get by with an average cost of 50 thousand rubles, but the final price is set by the director in a personal conversation with the parents.

Is early language development necessary?

Many parents are faced with a difficult choice: whether to send their child to an English preschool. Will the child and his development of speech in his native language be harmed by earlier acquaintance with someone else's speech and culture?

Practice shows that by the age of 7 such children can freely communicate in a foreign language at the everyday level and do not feel psychological discomfort. As adults and getting into a foreign environment, they learn the language much faster.

Perhaps the skill acquired in childhood will really be needed by your child. However, after kindergarten, parents are faced with the task of preserving him, because at school he will have to be “like everyone else”. To do this, you can enroll your baby in an English language school, study with university teachers, etc.

The only contraindication to early learning of a foreign language is problems with pronunciation and understanding of words in the native language. In this case, classes with a speech therapist will be more relevant.

Kindergartens with native teachers

Today, most kindergartens with an English bias try to invite native speakers to work with them. Most of these gardens. Here are some of the more popular ones.

Britannia School

It is possible to get an affordable English education according to the Early Years Foundation Stage in the north-west of Moscow at Britannia School.

Here, native speakers work together with assistants who speak Russian and English. The approved English program involves learning in a playful way, which encourages the child to communicate and arouses interest in knowledge, and soft adaptation does not injure the psychological state of the child. Britannia English Garden has a spacious area (2600 m2) with playgrounds and roads where you can ride scooters and bicycles.

The two-story building itself has everything for exciting activities:

  1. touch board,
  2. special water baths and sandboxes,
  3. a reading corner and an area for simulations and themed games.

The classes are very interesting. On the walls are outlines of cities representing each of the administrative divisions of the United Kingdom: Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and York.

Education at School Britannia is a complete immersion in the English-speaking environment from 49,000 rubles!

In addition to the main classes on weekdays, there are Saturday clubs, a mother and child group, a summer day camp (July-August 2017), cooking, football and more. For more information about the garden, please visit:


This is a kindergarten with an English bias, the program of which is designed for preschoolers from one and a half to seven years old. The development of the child takes place in a bilingual environment. Teaching is conducted by native speakers. The course also includes the following subjects:

  • gymnastics;
  • choreography;
  • chess;
  • music;
  • speech development and others.

The study of subjects alternates with food, sleep and walks in the fresh air. Reviews about the kindergarten are mostly positive. Teachers carry out an individual approach to each child, paying attention to everyone. The cost of services is 70-80 thousand per month. The video on the site will provide you with information about how the training is going and how the children spend their day. The private kindergarten is located in the Krasnogorovsky district of Moscow.

"Petit Craft"

This is a private kindergarten, classes in which are held in three languages. Training in any language is conducted by native speakers, so that the child immediately perceives the correct speech, without an accent.

The work program with in-depth study of the language provides for the integration of children who speak different languages. The result is a natural multilingual environment. Kids in the process of playing learn to overcome obstacles, deal with difficulties and at the same time learn about the world around them. At the kindergarten there is a circle where children can develop their abilities.

Classes are held for children from 2 to 7 years. The cost of education is about 50-100 thousand rubles per month, depending on the group and age of the child. Also, a private kindergarten offers classes in linguistic courses: Spanish, Russian, English and French.

There are 4 Ptit Craf centers in Moscow:

  • Moscow, Afanasevsky per., 41;
  • Moscow, Novorizhskoe highway, 50B;
  • Moscow, Trekhgorny per., 4, building 2;
  • Moscow, Lilac Boulevard, 9a.

Reviews about the institution are positive. Parents are satisfied with the attitude towards children and the level of teaching. In the video you can see how the children spend their day in kindergarten.

Sun School

This is a private kindergarten, in which education takes place in English and is conducted by native speakers in accordance with the Cambridge program. Classes at the Sun School are held in such a way that the child is able to deal with life's difficulties, learns to find a common language with peers.

Although education at the Sun School is closely related to the English language, the classes do not disregard the development of artistic and musical abilities.

The main motto of the Sun School preschool is three principles:

  • intellectual skills;
  • health;
  • socialization.

Learning languages ​​and developing abilities at Sun School is impossible without good health and physical improvement, so the kindergarten pays a lot of attention to physical examination and physical education.

The kindergarten accepts children from one and a half to seven years old. The cost of services at Sun School is about 70-100 thousand, depending on the group and time of stay. The kindergarten has many offices in Moscow and the region.

English kindergartens and ENS schools offer you:

1. fluency in English, as well as the opportunity to learn a second foreign language at the choice of parents (French, Italian, etc.);
2. all-round development of your children in accordance with European educational standards;
3. experience and professionalism of our English teachers focused in their work on the individuality of each child;
4. assistance of speech therapists and psychologists, specialists in the field of children's bilingualism;
5.comfortable, cozy and safe learning environment with the possibility of daytime sleep and walks;
6. sports activities in sports clubs- chess, football, wushu, gymnastics, yoga and swimming;
7. art studios– music, choreography, visual arts, piano, vocals, performing arts,
8. medical service: doctor, nurse and physiotherapy services;
9. baby club- preparation for entering kindergarten under the guidance of experienced teachers.

Children from 2 to 11 years old are accepted.

The educational and upbringing basis is the official basic British program for children of primary preschool age (Early Years Foundation Stage of British National Curriculum), announced in 2002.

Under this program, children study in all international British schools. The basic level program is a new stage in children's education from three years to school (in the UK, children go to the first grade at the age of 5 years).

The priority of our British Early Childhood Development Program is holistic approach to the upbringing and education of children, their harmonious relations with people and the world as a whole (personal, social and emotional well-being), self-respect and self-confidence, independence, a sense of team, the ability to self-development and self-learning, which are key in modern education and upbringing for all its levels.

Our features:


The constant cooperation of parents and educators is a prerequisite for the proper development of the child, the formation of his self-esteem.

Specialists consult with the parents of the child and determine the important points and difficulties in his development even before the start of the ENS visit.

Success control

The most important task during training is to control the successes and difficulties in the development and education of each child.

Small groups for rich communication and full-fledged classes As a rule, these are groups of 4-5 people. The age of the children of the younger group is from 3 to 4.5 years, and the older group is from 4.5 to 6 years.

Balanced Schedule

A carefully planned, psychologically sound and balanced schedule is developed for children, motivating them to cognitive and creative activity and allowing them to develop successfully.

The curriculum of the British National Primary Curriculum (from the age of 5) includes the following compulsory subjects:

  • English language
  • mathematics
  • the science
  • art and design
  • geography
  • story
  • music
  • physical development
  • design and technology
  • Informatics

From 5 to 7 years old

Pupils of ENS aged 5 to 7 years (in senior groups of kindergarten) become, by British standards, schoolchildren and begin to study under the British Primary School Program, as well as (at the choice of parents) under the Russian School Preparation Program (within 2- uh years). This will allow them to enter and successfully study in two educational programs (British and Russian) at the ENS English Primary School. In the primary grades of the British school, children are taught mathematics and literacy, computer science and geography, but still mainly in a playful way, given their age characteristics.

From 7 to 11 years old

7-year-olds enrolled in the 1st grade of ENS primary school (3rd grade in a British school) will continue to study under the British National Primary Curriculum and start studying under the Russian Primary General Education Program. Thus, they will master 2 programs and 2 languages ​​in parallel.

According to the British program, our students will study daily until 15.30, and after 15.30 and on Saturdays - according to the Russian program. For those children who will enter international schools and, accordingly, study only according to the British program, additional classes begin after 15.30.

English Nursery and Primary School a truly bilingual elementary school in the classical sense. She gives her pupils the opportunity to fully master 2 languages ​​(English and Russian) and 2 school programs (British and Russian).

Our graduates will be able to freely enter the selected educational institutions: international or Russian schools.

Their basic schooling and language proficiency (oral and written) will enable them to continue their studies with confidence. The principle "2 languages ​​- 2 full-fledged programs - 2 strong teams of teachers" is the main thing that makes ENS a special linguistic educational institution.