Easter event in kindergarten. The scenario of the holiday in kindergarten "Easter holiday at the gate" senior preschool age. History of Easter

Passover is a Jewish holiday. We find the first mention of it in the Old Testament. Many centuries ago, the Jewish people were in bondage to the Egyptians. To deliver the Jewish people from slavery and lead them out of Egypt, God chose Moses. Moses and his brother Aaron came to Pharaoh and asked to let their people go, but Pharaoh refused them. For this, God decided to punish the Egyptians. He commanded the Jews to take a lamb (lamb), slaughter it, bake it on fire and eat it, and anoint the jambs and beams of houses with the blood of the lamb, so that the punishment of the Lord would not strike his people. This was the Passover of the Lord.

Reading the New Testament, we will see that the Jewish holiday of Passover coincided with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, at present, Christians celebrate the Bright Sunday of Christ, calling it also the feast of Holy Easter. For Christians, the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery is, as it were, a type of the salvation of people from slavery and death.

The main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. Believers began celebrating Easter by participating in the Easter service, which begins at midnight in an Orthodox church. After the service ends, believers greet each other with a kiss and the words: “Christ is risen!”. During Easter kissing, they gave each other red eggs, which are a symbol of the coffin and the emergence of life. Painted red, it marks our rebirth through the blood of Jesus Christ. Eggs, cheese and Easter cakes were brought to church for illumination. On the first day of Easter, it was customary to celebrate Christ with the dead. To do this, Christians went to the cemetery and buried eggs in the graves. And the bones left after the Passover lamb were buried in the field, believing that this would save the crop from being hit by hail.

Room preparation

To create a festive Easter mood in decorating a kindergarten, you can use the main attributes of Easter at home. These are Easter cakes, and painted eggs, which are placed on the table on beautiful plates. In a plate with eggs, you can first place wheat or oat grains germinated to green sprouts. You can also put bouquets of willow, candles. On the walls, you can place pictures on a biblical theme or make a banner “Christ is Risen!” from a sheet of drawing paper.

The scenario of entertainment in the kindergarten "Easter came to visit us" for children of the speech therapy group of senior preschool age Tasks of the priority educational area: "Social and communicative development": Bring children the joy of celebrating Easter. To form an interest in the traditions and rituals of the Russian people. To cultivate respect for our ancestors, the preservation and continuation of their customs, rituals and traditions. To form ideas about kindness, good deeds, their significance in human life....

Scenario of the Easter holiday for children aged 4-6 Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is based on instilling in the child moral, aesthetic and spiritual values ​​that form a positive, moral and developed personality. Through the Easter holiday, bring up mercy in children, teach them to be an example for friends not in words, but in deeds, to avoid evil, envy, to act honestly, to be able to ask for forgiveness. Purpose: To bring children the joy of celebrating Easter, to develop creative and communica...

Easter day. Lesson 1. 1. Greeting Hello, my friends. How are you? 2. Organizing moment What season is it now? What month is it now? Now it is spring. The month is it April. 3. Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the celebration of Catholic Easter. Easter is a great holiday that people love to celebrate in the UK. At that time. The school starts a 2-week vacation, spring is outside and the sun is shining brightly. The last Palm Sunday before Easter in England is called Palm Sunday. Last p...

Educational activity "Easter brings us joy" (senior preschool age) Age: Senior preschool group Direction: Cognitive and speech Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development" , Cognitive Development. Methods and techniques: game, visual, practical, verbal, artistic word. Integrated types of children's activities: Cognitive and playful, communication ...

The scenario of the holiday “We meet Easter, we invite guests” for children of senior preschool age DOW Description of the material: This scenario is dedicated to the Easter holiday. The scenario in their work can be used by educators, music directors, teachers of additional education. Purpose: To acquaint children and parents with the traditions of the Russian folk holidays "Easter". Tasks: To cultivate respect for Russian customs and Orthodox holidays. To instill love for Russian folklore, with ...

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The scenario of the holiday with the children of the Easter preparatory group for school. Description: Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays and one of the most beloved. I want to spend this day joyfully, lightly, but without fuss, simply, sincerely and at home. Raising children requires a lot of wisdom and patience. Orthodox upbringing of children implies a personal positive example of adults and teaching Christian norms and rules. The presented material will be useful to both teachers and parents. Target:...

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Master class "Easter Bunny" (preparatory group for school) Relevance Floristry is one of the varieties of design and arts and crafts, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, panels. Flower arrangements are a creative and technical work. Usually the goal of a florist is to express some theme of a holiday or idea, event, using only flowers, leaves and decorative material. Children love to create new floral arrangements. ...

Scenario of the holiday for children of the preparatory group "The Great Holiday" Scenario of the Easter holiday "The Great Holiday" for children of older preschool age On the soundtrack, children with musical instruments enter the hall, playing along with the rhythm of the sounding music (dressed in Russian-folk costumes). Put the tools and line up in a semicircle. Egor: Again, the desired and long-awaited spring has come to us; all nature, the whole world awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, the streams murmured. Ulyana: Damn...

Entertainment scenario. Easter tale "Teremok" for the middle group Purpose: to acquaint children with the sacrament of Easter. To instill a sense of respect for folk traditions. Tasks: Educational tasks: to acquaint preschoolers with the peculiarities of celebrating Easter in Russia; to acquaint preschoolers with the Orthodox tradition of the Easter egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and other attributes of the holiday; improve the ability to make assumptions and draw the simplest conclusions, express your thoughts ...

Summary of classes in the middle group. Traditions of the Russian people. Author Kostomarova Vera Fedorovna, teacher at MKDOU Kindergarten No. 7, Buturlinovka, Voronezh Region. Job Title: Activity: Easter table decoration. Description This lesson material will be useful for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education. Purpose: To form an idea of ​​folk culture, its richness and diversity, customs and traditions of the Russian people. Tasks: ...

Scenario of joint entertainment for older preschoolers and their parents "Have fun at the Easter holiday people at the gate." Joint entertainment for older preschoolers and their parents. The scenario of the holiday will be of interest to music directors and kindergarten teachers. Purpose: To acquaint children and parents with the traditions of the Russian folk holidays "Easter". Tasks: To cultivate respect for Russian customs and Orthodox holidays. To instill love for Russian folklore, ancient r...

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Why do people celebrate Easter" Program content: 1. Introduce children to the Bible. 2. With the legend of the life and death of Jesus. 3. What Jesus Christ preached. Course of the lesson: 1. Story and display of the Bible, photographs, illustrations about the life, birth, death of Christ. 2. The story of the legend about the birth and life of Jesus. Legend: 2000 years ago Jesus was born. He was born to the Virgin Mary and Joseph. Joseph and Mary lived in the city of Nazareth. Maria was expecting a baby. At the time, there was...

Yuliana Antonova
Synopsis of the holiday "Easter" for all groups in the preschool educational institution.

Target: introduce students to the tradition Easter celebrations; expand the understanding of folk culture; to draw the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate love for folk traditions.

Tasks: To enrich the spiritual world of children. Cause an emotional upsurge and shape holiday culture. Enrich artistic taste. To give an idea of ​​bell chimes and church hymns. Cultivate love for the history of your people. Learn to express yourself in creativity, find new solutions in the process of drawing.

Preliminary work. Conversations with children Topics: « Easter. Holy Christ's Resurrection", "Holy Week", « Easter eggs» . Acquaintance with folk traditions and customs. Learning poems. Vocabulary Job: Bright week, Easter, "Christ is Risen", « Easter Blagovest» . Song learning "Spring came".

Children enter the hall to the sound of bells.

image slide easter.

Leading: spring fresh forest

Noise Christ is Risen!

And the sun from heaven

Shine Christ is Risen!

And copper blessing

Christ is Risen!

On the temple a bright cross

Christ is risen!

Spring time of miracles

Sing Christ is Risen!

There are no more joyful words

Say Christ is Risen!

Children: "Christ is risen!"(chorus response)

Leading: Hello, my good, glorious children. Hello my darlings! (children greet). Do you guys know what today holiday we celebrate? (children's answers) Stepped right Easter holiday.

What is this holiday is Easter?

Among all Christian holidays - Easter Christ's - the greatest, the brightest, solemn. Holy Easter is a holiday the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for the future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ slide). Once, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he conquered death and resurrected. That's why Easter also called the Resurrection of Christ.

Children read poetry.

Child: drops drip loudly

In front of our window.

The birds sang merrily:

"Easter! Easter!

She came to us!"

Child: We found a snowdrop yesterday

On a thaw in the forest.

Delicate blue flower

met Easter and spring.

Child: The feast of the holidays is coming.

People bring to the temple to sanctify.

Eggs, easter cheese,

Ginger cakes.

Leading: Why on Easter cakes are baked? Easter cakes symbolize bread, a piece of which the disciples always left for God, even after his resurrection. Then, on Great Saturday, it was handed out to the parishioners after the service. Since then, the tradition of baking Easter cakes has gone on.

Slideshow of cookies.

Leading: Nice singing! The words are so touching and sweet.

Do you know why people Easter eggs are painted?

Slide with the image of painted eggs.

Leading: And that's the story about eggs. According to one of the legends, the disciple of Christ, Mary Magdalene, came to announce the king about the resurrection of Christ. Since she did not have a gift, she brought a chicken egg as a gift and, handing it to the king said: "Christ is Risen!" What is the king answered: "It's as impossible as if the egg in your hands turned red". At that moment, the egg turned red. Since then, the tradition has gone - to paint eggs on Easter.

On Easter people exchange Easter eggs. They painted them in different ways. "Krashenki" called eggs, painted in one color, Easter eggs- eggs painted with patterns, and eggs painted with spots - "specks". Easter miraculous properties are attributed to the egg. It is believed that with Easter eggs can be cured of illness, protected from adversity, ensure a good harvest and fulfill any desire. Here's how extraordinary it is - Easter Egg.

Beloved Easter fun used to be games with eggs. They started on the first day Easter and continued almost all week.

Let's play games too.

1. Game "Egg rolling down the hill". Whose egg will roll the farthest

2. Game "Break an Egg". Children stand in two teams, each in the hands of a testicle. Children should come up and hit their egg on the opponent's egg. Whose egg broke, he lost. The team with the most eggs left wins.

4. Relay with an egg. Children stand in two teams, the first in his hand has a spoon in which lies an egg. It is necessary to carry the egg in a spoon to the skittles and back without dropping the egg. Whose team will complete faster, he won.

Leading: On this day bells rang in churches. They called in a special solemn way. This call is called Easter Annunciation.

Listening to music.

Leading: Children, let's listen carefully to the work.

Children listen to a fragment "Bells".

Leading: Yes, it was the ringing of bells - joyful, solemn. Where can you usually hear it? (In the church, in the temple). There are bells in every temple, but they sound differently everywhere. Each bell has its own sound. especially beautiful holiday chimes.

Child: The dormant bell

Woke up the fields.

smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

Child: Rushed blows

To blue skies

Child: hid behind the river

White moon,

ran loudly

Rough wave.

Child: Silent Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere across the road

The call fades.

A game: "Bowling in Russian".

Placed around the perimeter of the table prizes: whistles, gingerbread, sweets, toy soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, kinder surprises. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they liked with their egg. You have to take turns. Each player receives the prize that he knocked out of the table with his egg. The game continues until all prizes are won.

Playing with a younger group"Collect the Scattered Eggs". Young children collect spilled eggs in baskets.

Relay race "Who will paint the egg faster". Two easels are placed, to which a sheet of paper with the image of an egg is attached. Children should take turns running to the easel and a beautiful egg. The team that paints the egg the fastest wins.

presenter: Christ's Sunday,

Come soon again!

Goodbye Easter holiday!

May the Lord give you all love!

Children disperse to calm music.

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The celebration of Easter is an ancient tradition of Christian nations. The holiday has long ceased to be purely church, it is expected in every family and prepared in advance for it. Kindergartens also hold Easter mornings, joint celebrations with parents, the scenarios of which are presented in our section.

Scenarios for the Easter holiday in kindergartens

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All sections | Easter. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment

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The celebration of Easter is not a one-time event in kindergartens. It is preceded by a long preparation, the study of Easter traditions, rituals and customs. Educators conduct conversations, organize exhibitions. Musical directors learn Easter hymns and songs, listen to audio recordings of bell ringing with children. Teachers of fine arts teach children to convey emerging thoughts and images using accessible means. One of the most common and easy-to-understand traditions for children is painting Easter eggs. This type of visual activity is available to children of any age.

Easter celebrations in kindergartens are not complete without outdoor games. This is a great opportunity to learn Russian folk games and games of other nationalities. For competitions in speed and dexterity, educators offer a variety of relay races with Easter eggs, for example, “Carry the egg in a spoon”, “Collect an Easter basket” and others.

For older preschoolers, teachers hold informative events about the traditions of the holiday in Russia and other Christian countries. One of the wonderful customs that always resonates in the hearts of children is the release of birds on Easter.

Dramatic performances and puppet shows are invariably present in the scenarios of the Easter holidays. For the youngest, educators offer simple, understandable stories, for example, the theme of Easter eggs often develops in the plot of “Ryaba the Hen”, which laid a golden egg. For older preschoolers, teachers are looking for deeper stories that retell biblical parables, aimed at understanding the true deep meaning of the holiday by children.

Whatever the age of your pupils, you will find the right ideas and materials. The portal site is a real storehouse of realized ideas that teachers share with each other. Your scripts can be here, join.

Description: the holiday script is intended for older preschoolers, it will be useful for music leaders and educators.

Purpose: to introduce students to the tradition of celebrating Easter; expand the understanding of folk culture; to draw the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate love for folk traditions.

Holiday progress:

Host - Spring:

(enters, reads poetry),

spring fresh forest
Noise Christ is Risen!
And the sun from heaven
Shine Christ is Risen!

And copper blessing
Christ is Risen!
On the temple a bright cross
Christ is risen!

Spring time of miracles
Sing Christ is Risen!
There are no more joyful words
Say Christ is Risen!

Children: "Christ is risen!" (chorus response)

Spring: Hello, my good, glorious children. Hello my darlings! (children greet). Do you guys know what holiday we celebrate today? (children's answers) Easter has come right.

What kind of holiday is Easter?

Among all Christian holidays - Easter of Christ - the greatest, brightest, solemn. Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for the future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he conquered death and resurrected. Therefore, Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.

And now the guys from the older group will tell us verses:

1. How I love Easter!
Get ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I will help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly:
Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday
I will give to my friends
By the testicle, congratulations
And I'll say: "I painted it myself!"

2. The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The willow blossomed,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp
And the bells are singing

On the table fragrant Easter cake,
A pile of colored eggs
On this holiday, bright, clean
You will not see gloomy faces.

They say: "Christ is risen!"
“Yes, indeed He is risen!”
Breaking the veil of darkness
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will go on. Will be eternal
Peace with love and kindness!

(E. Shalamonova)

3. Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily:
"Easter! Easter!

She came to us!"

4. We found a snowdrop yesterday
On a thaw in the forest.
Delicate blue flower
Met Easter and spring.

5. The Feast of Feasts is coming.
People bring to the temple to sanctify.
Eggs, Easter cheese,
Ginger cakes.

Spring: At Easter, Rus' always arranged fun children's games, let's play with you!

"Bowling in Russian" .

Prizes were placed around the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread, sweets, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, kinder surprises. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they liked with their egg. You have to take turns. Each player receives the prize that he knocked out of the table with his egg. The game continues until all prizes are won.

Song "We celebrate Easter"

And now the children from the middle group will read the verses:

6. Everywhere the blessing is buzzing,
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

7. The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And hands are torn from shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

8. Here the earth wakes up,
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

9. Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

10. In the blue smile
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

11. Enmity has disappeared,
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!

12. How wondrous are the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!

Spring: Poems are good and very joyful! Well done! Let's play again now?.. This game is for two strong boys!

There is a game - competition: "Take Sister to the Temple"

Two long-haired girls are called to help the boys.

The boys are given ribbons and handkerchiefs. They are invited to very quickly braid the girls' pigtails and tie them with handkerchiefs, then take each braided and tied girl to the appointed place.

Spring: You are all great! They are all so smart and funny! Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen, children! Christ is risen!

Spring: Well done everyone! Enjoyed the spring very much! Christ is Risen, children!

Now let's play again. I need six people, those who can draw, and those four people who can also dance!


Six children break into threes in each team and draw Spring on their sheet of whatman paper, pulling out little notes from their mittens indicating what needs to be drawn. (hands, nose, braid, crown, etc.) The team that draws the funniest Spring wins.

And at this time, four children are divided into two teams, two children in each, and they are given a marker, a balloon, a shawl, a handkerchief. They make Spring - they draw a face on the ball with a marker, tie a handkerchief on the ball, fasten the ends of the shawl with strings sewn in advance to the arms and legs of one of the pair, and the second holds the head-ball along the upper edge of the shawl and to the music (or rhythmic clapping of the audience in the hall) Spring is dancing. The funniest couple wins.

Spring: Well, they made spring laugh! Well, they rejoiced! Christ is Risen, children!

Song "Hello, ray of sunshine!"

Children read poetry

11. The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from a candle...
Around again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes.

12. It's still dark, but the sun is playing.
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And joyfully repeat to each other:
Christ is risen!

Spring: Well done. The guys played together, did not offend anyone. And now. Sit down and listen to what else I have to tell you. On the day of Christ's bright resurrection, it was customary to visit hospitals, prisons, poor people and give them gifts. The Lord does not leave anyone on this day without consolation. Without a red egg and an Easter cake. And even the most cruel people become kind. Now we will show you a fairy tale. Which is called "Easter Bun" , and you listen carefully, but remember well.

Fairy tale "Easter Bun"

(Children of the older group beat)

Hut with a Russian stove. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
But they didn't have a ryaba hen.
There were grandfather and woman very poor -
Copper pennies were counted with a tear.

There was nothing to feed the chicken,
There was nothing to feed the chicken.
The hen did not lay eggs to them -
don't bake now

Easter cake!

No Easter cake, no bread -
Nothing to break the fast on Easter!

It is a great sin to lose heart!
You have to think - brain!
Open the door to the heart
Mind to call for help.

Leading: (prompts)
Drink holy water
Pray to God!
God will tell you how to be

How to get flour for bread.
After all, you need just a bit - bake a bun!
Grandfather (joyfully repeats)
We will mark the barns,

We'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.
Woman (nods in agreement)
Our small mouth -
Let's scrape on a bun!


Kneaded on water
And salted with tears.
thanked God,
Put the dough in the oven...

(imitate, leave)

Lenten bun came out.
Lie down on the window.
Early in the morning he woke up
looked around, stretched

And said…

Kolobok: (runs in, addresses audience)
… Hello friends!
Oh, how glorious, magnificent I am!
Oh, where am I? (looks around)

Can't hear anyone around...
Quiet in the house in the morning.
Even the birds don't sing.
I'll go to the Temple soon -

Sprinkle with holy water!
Scene Path in the forest


From the windowsill he tears
Yes, and jumped out the window,
But he did not go along the path -
Along the path, right into the forest ...

Looks at the first tree
On him with the eyes of a wolf!
Wolf (groans rudely)
Well, hello, bun!

I'll bite off the rosy side!


I'm sweeping across the barn,
I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed in the water

Yes, salted with a tear,

But not lit yet.

I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,

Wait - and turn around!

Bear: (grumbles unhappily)

Wow! How frightened me!
Almost died, right, I!
I'll eat you for your fault...
Look, it jumped completely!


Excuse me, bear!
I'll be more careful in the future!
I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,
Wait - and I'll turn around.


The gingerbread man runs faster
Legs of bread without sparing.
Suddenly he meets in the forest
A very cunning fox!

Fox: (sings softly)

Hello, cute bunny!
Give me a piece of yourself.
You are not greedy...
Really, my sweetie?


Late, fox, I'm afraid -
I'm rolling into the Church of God!
By Easter you need to be sanctified -
Sprinkle holy water

Fox: (smartly)

Somehow I can't hear you!
Come closer baby...
Kolobok: (louder, but no closer)
I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,

Wait - and turn around!

(bunny runs away)

Scene 3 - Church
Our bun rolled into the church
holy water

Sprinkled well.

And Father asks him...

Sprinkled with holy water,
Well, where is your red testicle?
Kolobok: (sad)
My poor old people are poor

We are glad for a rare copper penny.
Couldn't give me a red testicle!
Couldn't bake an Easter cake.
Only they could bake me.

Forgive me, Father, for my sad speech ...

It is a great sin to lose heart!
We must pray and trust in God!
As the heavenly sends food to the bird -
So you, you see, the Lord will send an egg.


The rumor reached the parishioners -
They ran home.
And then the testicles - a full basket!
Substitute, kolobok, quickly back!

(gives the kolobok a basket of eggs)

Scene 4 A path in the woods


Kolobok bowed low to everyone
And rolled back home.
Just started rushing
Look: again a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Fox: Oh, what a ruddy side!
Wolf Happy Easter to you, bun!
Bear: Happy Resurrection!
You will be a delicious treat for us for the holiday!

Kolobok: (moralizing)

You stupid animals!
Explained - they do not believe!
I'm lean, my friends. -
I can't get angry!

Beasts (in chorus or in turn)
What are we to do then?
Together we ask for forgiveness!
Where is the food for the holidays?

Will there be food for Easter?
Kolobok: (solemnly)
Never be sad -
There will be food for the holidays!

You go to the basket -
Take everything by testicle.
Thank God!
Beasts (in chorus or in turn)

God bless! God bless!
We hear the bell!
Kind words for your journey!
Old people from us - a bow!

Scene 5 Hut


Look: already a native home -
The roof is red with a chimney.
Smoke floats up from the stove.
Already on the porch

Grandma and Grandpa can't wait
Kolobok when he returns.

Grandfather (strictly)

Where did you jump off to?
I've already searched the whole forest!
Woman (excitedly)
Waiting for you, my friend!

I was very worried!


Forgive me, dear old people!
But waking you up was out of the question.
I wanted to please you
At least one of the good deeds:

In the morning I rolled into the Temple -
Sprinkled with holy water
Yes, on the Easter holiday is clear
I brought you red testicles!

Grandfather (surprised)

Who helped you so much?
Who saved the baba from the fox?


Leading: And people have a good heart!
Baba: Christ is risen!
All: Truly risen!
Baba: The Lord does not leave without consolation the one who shows concern for his neighbor!

1 child

Red like a drop of blood on the cross
Without end and edge - round everywhere!
Symbol of eternal life, red egg
Like a flower from paradise bloomed on my hand!

2 child

Everywhere there is noise and laughter
Songs. Joy and fun
Congratulations to all-all-all
Happy first spring holiday!

Song "Easter Spring Has Come"

Hostess: Guys, let's thank our artists for such a wonderful performance.

And to you, my dear children, I once again congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter and I want to give these Easter eggs. Christ is risen!

The children answer: He has truly risen!

I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate your parents, relatives and friends on the holiday! So our holiday has come to an end, but let the Easter joy last all year! Christ is Risen, children!

The children leave the room to the sound of bells.

For preschoolers

Easter scenario "People are having fun - Easter at the gates" for children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten

Children enter the hall, performing the Kalinka dance to Russian folk music.

1st leader.

Spring came,

Spring is red

And she calls everyone for a walk!

The sun rises bright

Calling everyone to the street!

Children form a circle, the game "Burn, burn clearly" is played.

2nd leader.

The people are having fun -

Easter holiday at the gate!

1st presenter. Easter is a holy church holiday, and it appeared immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2nd presenter. The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. These days, people do good deeds to remove sin from human souls. Easter is the holy days of kindness and consolation. People forgive each other offenses, go to the graves of the dead to honor them with a kind word.

The musical director performs "In a difficult moment of life", music. P. Bulakhov, to the words of M. Lermontov's poem "Prayer".

1st leader. These days people do good for birds and animals. The birds are released from their cages.

2nd presenter. These days people greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” And they answer: “He has truly risen!”

Sounds like Mozart's Requiem. A child comes out dressed as an angel.


I am an angel, a messenger of God,

Came to you for the holiday too!

I want to glorify Christ

And Happy Easter to everyone!

"Angel" performs a rhythmic composition to the music of D. Last, then gives an Easter wreath.

Bells are ringing.

1st leader.

Everywhere the bell ringing is buzzing,

From all the churches the people bring down!

The dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen!

All. Christ is risen!

Organ music sounds. Children recite poetry.

1st child.

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions!

2nd child.

Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

3rd child.

Silent Valley

Dispels sleep

And beyond the blue forest

The call stops!

The children's orchestra plays the song "Evening Ringing", a Russian folk melody, on bells and triangles.

2nd leader.

The earth wakes up

The fields are dressed

Spring is coming full of wonders.

Christ is risen!

All. Christ is risen!

The melody of the Ukrainian folk song "Vesnyanka" sounds, the children become in a round dance and sing: "Oh, water runs like a stream ...".

1st presenter. On Easter days, people dressed up, played Easter games, sang, went to visit. And where are we going?

1st child. To Uncle Myron!

The hostess and the owner come out, bowing.

2nd child.

Hostess, our father,

Meet the uninvited-unknown guests!


In honor of Easter at the gate

Start a round dance!

A group of children perform Vermenich's round dance song "Spring is Coming".

2nd presenter. Where else shall we go?

3rd child.

To the house of Nicholas!

Nicholas, Nicholas

Don't stay at home

Have fun playing!

The owner and hostess of the Nikolaev court comes out, bowing.


And my little girls

Sing funny ditties!

A group of girls perform ditties.

1st presenter. Where else shall we go?

Guys. To Ivanov's yard!


Please, dear guests,

I've been waiting for you

Let's dance in a good time!

The dance "Kazachok" is performed by a group of children.

2nd leader. And where else would you like to go?


Let's go to Lyubashka,

Merry and cutie!


We meet you at the gate

We start dancing!

A group of girls perform "Dance with Handkerchiefs" to Russian folk music "Viburnum on the mountain."

1st leader.(holds willow branches in his hands).

We meet everyone with willow on Easter,

We invite you to visit!

Come in quickly

Sing more fun!

The song sounds to the music of R. Glier, the words of A. Blok "Verbochki".

2nd leader.

Willow, willow is beautiful,

Come spring, the sun is clear!

bring heat,

Start fun!

Children perform any dance.

1st leader.

Let's have a good Easter

Fun and light

Cheese, butter and eggs

Yes, a ruddy cake,

good meal,

Song, dance and fun!

A girl dressed in a costume of the Sun comes out to Russian music.


The sun laughs softly

Singing merrily today

I warm the earth

I congratulate everyone on Easter!

Children perform R. Pauls' song "The Sun".


I bring you painted eggs -

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster

That will get it!

The game is being played.

2nd presenter. And it was also considered earlier according to Russian custom: whoever breaks an egg first is the lucky one! Who will try their luck?

The game is being played.

1st leader.

And here are three more eggs,

That one will win!

The game is being played.

2nd leader.

That's how much fun we have

This Easter hour!

They bring out Easter cakes and multi-colored painted eggs on a tray. They sing to the motive of the song "Let's go to the viburnum in the garden":

We're all going to Easter

We all go, we all go

We carry Easter cakes in our hands,

We carry, we carry!


sweet cakes,

Take it soon

Appetizing, good

Eat more fun!

1st leader.

Open your mouth wider

Get a piece!

2nd leader.

Kolyada caroled,

She ran under the window

What did grandma bake

I gave it to you all!

Don't pinch, don't break

And for the whole, come on!

1st leader.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you testicles:

yellow, red,

Eggs are different!

You eat eggs

Remember our Easter!

Treat children, Russian folk music sounds.