New Year's gifts in kindergarten. Children's Christmas gifts

universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

What to give a child in kindergarten for the New Year

The main thing, when the question “?” is solved, is to look for various and at the same time equivalent options. And also carefully consider the delivery process.

It will become on its own the best present for babies. Yes, and I admit that they New Year's performance they will make it much brighter and more colorful than our "amateur art" with educators. Everything takes time, and it is never enough. And so it remains only to agree on the script.

As for buying gifts, here good advice about this theme:

  1. For later, leave the purchase of only candy sets - everything else is better to purchase in advance, before the start of the New Year's hype.
  2. Buy not the gift that you and other parents liked, but the one that will bring benefits and emotions to the baby.
  3. Until the very presentation of the New Year's gift, it should remain a surprise for children.
  4. Be sure to observe the traditional ritual of presenting gifts - the holiday should turn into a real one for your kids. winter fairy tale with magic.

I am sincerely upset by parents who dissuade their child from the existence of, for example, Santa Claus with a bag of gifts and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

On the contrary, it is necessary to create a halo New Year's miracles, and you can beat the standard in a new way. But these characters remain the main characters. Therefore, it is Santa Claus who should still give your gifts to the children. I stop at this because I think this question the most important. So that the holiday remains in the memory of the kids for a long time, and they get unforgettable emotions, it is necessary to make the presentation of a gift a magical, amazing fairy tale.

But! The cake should be unusual: fold it from small New Year's gifts by the number of children. Don't forget the bright topper and overall decoration.

Gifts for babies without candy

Nowadays, the choice of various New Year's gifts for children is great. Even traditional packages with various candies and sweets can be picked up in different variations. Most, if not all, kids, at 3-4 years old, perceive the meaning of the word "gift" precisely as a sweet set.

But parents are trying to present Santa Claus with some other things, so to speak, gifts without sweets. For such cases, I advise you to choose not only the most desired present, but also be original.

Undoubtedly the most an important gift for kindergarteners are toys.

But you need to buy not just dolls or cars, but so that they influence the development of the child mentally and physically. Choose toys that are designed for role play.

When looking for gifts for children, you need to keep in mind some features:

  • buy useful things, not just what your little ones want. For example, a huge and colorful bag of sweets, of course, will please every child, but it will not bring any benefit. On the contrary, it can cause diathesis;
  • for kids from junior groups buy educational toys;
  • for older children - Lego, dolls, children's accessories;
  • be sure to choose gifts that are either similar or the same, otherwise kids are touchy people.

If you really want to buy something more substantial for your child, then you can give a surprise at a home celebration. Don't forget, New Year is a family holiday.

Kindergarten Present Ideas

Toys as a New Year's present for kids - standard, but a good option. Moreover, today there are many sets of designers for sale, both for boys and girls. At this age, kids love to craft, so why not help them learn something new for themselves during the winter holidays?

You agree with me? If "yes", then go:

  • great interest in children puzzles. Now you can find large wooden puzzles that are suitable for children of younger groups. And for older kids, get cardboard puzzles. Kindergarteners love to collect these educational puzzles;
  • informative for kindergarteners will be toy animal sets;
  • from the same series constructors or a universal wooden set for a young builder;
  • possibly reveal hidden talent your children children's musical instruments;
  • the classics of gifts for the New Year include children's books. A colorful collection of Russian or foreign fairy tales, stories about animals and birds, vividly illustrated children's encyclopedias the kids will be genuinely delighted. The main thing is more interesting pictures To fascinating stories and descriptions. Parents will need to continue to devote time and read the book to the baby;
  • children from senior group fit books, who teach entertaining business in pictures;
  • parent choice is a good idea interest sets. As a rule, you may already have your own hobby, so clay or polymer clay, an engraving plate or a coloring book will appeal to the baby.

Whatever gift you choose, pay attention to its design. Remember that often the packaging of a New Year's present causes great interest in young children. Therefore, it must be made bright and attractive, fabulous.

Toy - a symbol of the year and others

  1. It would be appropriate to give all children's things and objects with the symbol of the year, V this case Pig. Kids will be interested in why Santa Claus gave him. It's educational!
  2. Still very popular baby accessories. I don't think they'll be overlooked this year either. So look for colorful children's watches. Trade offers us them different colors, design, with decorations and funny pictures. Separately for boys and girls. It remains only to find a batch of watches, which will be enough in quantitative terms for the kids in your group.
  3. Great benefits for kids author's toys, which are created by developing methods. Let it be a car that a boy must assemble with his own hands, or a similar assembled doll for a girl. Such "smart toys" are very useful, because assembly-disassembly, switching on-off, pressing-unfolding develop finger motor skills, coordination and thinking.

This is where I want to end my post today. I sincerely wish your kids health and faith in New Year's fairy tale. I hope that with the help of the ideas I have outlined, you will be able to come up with your own original version. Well, good luck to you!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

On the eve of the New Year, all family members are wondering how to please the child on New Year's Eve. Red Cube will help you choose unforgettable gifts children for the New Year. In order for the present to truly please and surprise, it is better to start the search in advance. Most the right way- ask the kid himself what he dreams about. But then there will be no surprise that children love so much. If you have absolutely no idea what Christmas gifts to buy for children for 2019, the Red Cube will help you make the right decision.

The symbol of the coming year is the pig. Buy anti-stress pig toys as a gift for children for the New Year 2019. The kid will be glad to get a new friend. In the Red Cube there are other New Year's soft toys that children love so much.

An excellent New Year's gift for children for the new year 2019 will be a night projector, with the help of which the ceiling in the child's bedroom will be transformed into a real starry sky.

No holiday is complete without sweets. Pay attention to New Year's sweet gifts for children. The Red Cube catalog contains chocolate, cookies, marmalade and even whole sets of sweets. And all this in the original personalized packaging!

If you do not know what New Year's gifts to buy for children at school or kindergarten, we offer you sets New Year's applications, key chains, original personal letters from Santa Claus.

As Christmas gifts for children in kindergarten suitable interior designers from the Red Cube. It is better to buy gifts for the New Year for children in kindergarten that are the same for everyone, so that the kids do not have a reason to quarrel.

Gifts for children for the New Year must be interesting and unusual. Therefore, in the Red Cube collection, almost all products can be personalized, for this you need to enter your text in a special form on our website.

When choosing a New Year's present for your own child, do not forget about New Year's gifts for the children of employees, colleagues and friends.

In the Red Cube you will find great gifts for kids of all ages. The older the baby becomes, the more mature his interests become. As a gift to a child of 5 years old for the New Year, it is better to choose toys. But as a gift for the New Year, children 10 years old are more suitable for phone accessories, notebooks, Wall Clock, cute piggy bank.

Choose good gift for a child on New Year's Eve is not as difficult as it seems. Just go to the website of the Red Cube online store!

Dozens of amazing gifts for kids different ages and temperament.

Yes, baby products are expensive. But let's be honest: a bright capacious basket for toys is a gift not for a child, but for a mother who is tired of the chaos in the nursery. Even a fascinating puzzle is not always the subject of a child's dreams. Parents want their son to develop, and he is only five, he needs to run around the apartment with a toy gun and yell “Tra-ta-ta!”.

All children are different. Depending on the prevailing nervous processes, they, like adults, are divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Sanguine - funny chatters with an awl in one place. Easily included in any activity and easily switched to something else. Phlegmatic people, on the contrary, are kopush, they approach everything with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. They can do the same thing for hours and not get tired. Cholerics are mobile, they like to play pranks, and it’s better with friends. Excitement and competition - that's what they need. With melancholics, they are clearly not on the way, because they are sensitive and vulnerable. If they lose, they will burst into tears, and the noise and noise will tire them too quickly. Melancholic people like activities that are calm and creative.

From 1 year to 4 years

At this time, perception actively develops, speech and visual-effective thinking are formed. The child comprehends the world through objects. They give the baby the first ideas about the shape, size, color, taste and other properties.

After the crisis three years the leading type of activity is the game, which is still object-manipulative. The kid plays, as a rule, one, trying on various roles.

play tent

The stores have a huge selection of play tents. There are ordinary, similar to tourist ones.

Available in the form of a yurt or a wigwam.

And there are tents combined by a pipe with a pool for balls. This model will appeal to moving children.

A play tent is a gift that will suit both boys and girls of any temperament. Calm children will retire there with their favorite toys, and fidgets will constantly climb in and out, open and close the tent, play hide and seek.

What to buy

  • Play tent with a pipe and a pool from AliExpress, 1,803 rubles →
  • Play tent with a pipe and a pool from BabyGo, 2,999 rubles →

They look exactly like real ones: they bark, meow, react to touch, walk, and sometimes even eat and go to the toilet. Only such dogs do not need to be walked, and cats do not rage in the spring.

You can choose a model a la plush toy or as close as possible to a living pet. The latter are more realistic, but not suitable for allergy sufferers.

And this dog can be walked on a leash.

If your kid is interested in unusual pets, give him a bird with a cage, a mouse or a turtle.

Such a gift will be not only entertainment for the child, because with the help of interactive pets girls and boys learn to take care of animals.

What to buy

Musical gifts

If a child with early years shows interest in music, he will be happy to find a children's guitar or synthesizer under the tree. The smallest can be presented with a xylophone.

But if the child is not very musical, such gifts will quickly bore him. Another thing is a carpet that sings and flashes with different lights.

If you want - dance on it, if you want - create melodies with your hands. Suitable for both sexes and group games.

What to buy

If melancholic and phlegmatic people can still be seated for drawing with ordinary paints or felt-tip pens, then choleric and sanguine people get bored of this activity too quickly. Unless, of course, we are not talking about paints with which you can fool around.

Finger paints develop fine motor skills and imagination, stimulate the creativity of kids.

The main requirement for them is environmental friendliness. It is also good when the set includes an easel, an album with tips and other accessories for a young artist.

In addition to finger, you can try others unusual techniques drawing: on a wet sheet, splashes or stamps and so on.

What to buy

  • Set for painting with light from "Light Paintings", 1 738 rubles →

Toy kitchen for a little housewife

After three years, the child actively tries on various social roles: mom, dad, doctor, hairdresser and so on. gifts for role-playing games can and should be differentiated by gender.

Girls can be given baby dolls, which they will feed, bathe and put to bed. The more accessories a toy has, the more interesting it is. Take a closer look at dolls with strollers, cribs and bathtubs.

No less delight will cause a gift on a culinary theme. From colorful cutlery sets to cut-able plastic products to supermarket shopping carts, everything is there for a girl to cook like a mother.

You can buy a whole kitchen module with a stove, oven, dishes and other utensils. It is more expensive, but it looks very impressive.

What to buy

  • Doll with accessories for bathing in the bathroom from AliExpress, 472 rubles →
  • Interactive baby doll with accessories from "Karapuz", 1,099 rubles →
  • A set of toy dishes and products from écoiffier, 1,290 rubles →
  • A set of toy dishes, appliances and products, 1,784 rubles →

In junior preschool age children imitate adults. If the son saw dad with a hammer or screwdriver, he will definitely want to screw, nail or saw off something too. Therefore, tool sets will be a great gift for boyish role-playing games.

It can be just a set of plastic imitations of keys, files and the like, or a set with a case or box (everything is grown-up).

The composition of the sets is varied. Somewhere only screwdrivers and pliers, somewhere even a chainsaw and a helmet. There are also game modules imitating a carpentry workshop.

Montessori fans will love the wooden tools that develop the cognitive abilities of the child.

Bright big sets tools will definitely attract the attention of the boys, and there are plenty to choose from.

What to buy

  • A set of wooden toy tools from AliExpress, 1,310 rubles →
  • A set of toy tools with a chainsaw from AliExpress, 595 rubles →
  • Large toy workbench with tools from HTI, 3,499 rubles →
  • A set of wooden toy instruments from Classic World, 4,599 rubles →

5 to 9 years old

In preschool children, games are already more complex and diverse, rules and competition appear in them. To subject and plot-role-playing are added sport games and fantasy games. Children are getting more and more interested in construction.

At the age of seven, the child again experiences a crisis. The kid goes to school, learns that he, like adults, has responsibilities. IN gaming activity educational intervenes. At the same time, memory actively develops, thinking becomes visual-figurative, and then verbal-logical.

Magnetic easel or teaching board

Many parents buy or make busy boards for their kids. Then they are replaced by magnetic and slate easels, where the child first simply draws, and later learns the alphabet and counting.

If you already have an easel, you can give a separate teaching board with the alphabet or numbers.

And if the family does not yet have such a thing, this will be a great gift for boys and girls over five years old.

What to buy

  • Educational double-sided easel with the alphabet from Zhorya, 950 rubles →

Collection of favorite characters

By the age of 4–5, children begin to thoughtfully watch cartoons, read magazines and books on their own or with the help of adults. Gradually, favorite characters appear, interest in collecting awakens.

How we once collected badges and toys from chocolate eggs, and modern children collect figurines of your favorite characters. They just have their idols.

For example, many are crazy about minions, smeshariki and fixies.

The girls collect figurines of fairies from the Winx Club and ponies from the animated series My Little Pony.

Boys like bionicles, ninjagos and characters" Star Wars» from LEGO, as well as car models.

It is important to know your child, to present a character that is really interesting to him.

What to buy

  • Soft toy "Baby Hedgehog" from "Multi-Pulti", 799 rubles →
  • Soft toy "Fixik Nolik" from "Multi-Pulti", 908 rubles →
  • A set of ponies from the animated series My Little Pony from AliExpress, from 697 rubles →
  • Soft pony toy from the animated series My little Pony from Hasbro, 499 rubles →
  • Force Link set with a figure of Kylo Ren and a bracelet from Hasbro, 1 831 rubles →


“They gave the child a designer, and he opened the box and ran away,” parents often complain. The reason is that they did not take into account the temperament of their child.

An assiduous phlegmatic person will be interested in dealing with a wooden constructor and building a fabulous house, and a creative melancholic kid will surely like 3D cardboard puzzles.

For mobile sanguine and choleric people, a constructor is suitable, with which you do not need to sit at the table. For example, with a set of fluffy sticky balls, you can literally model on the go.

You can find a wide variety of designers that will interest both girls and boys.

What to buy

  • Wooden constructor "Solar Farm" from "Lesovichok", 730 rubles →

Board game

Board games are a great pastime for the whole family. But they should also be selected taking into account individual features child. The age on the box is just one of the guidelines. Remember also about the nature and hobbies of the baby.

Children who like math problems and logic tasks, you can give a wooden Tetris or a tangram puzzle for the New Year. The essence of the latter is to add the figures indicated on the cards. You can play alone, and if you have several sets, you can compete against the clock.

Kids with a spark need more exciting board games: from the classic kicker to rpg games with a playing field and dice, where you need to overtake rivals and score points. Also, boys and girls can be carried away by jenga and various mnemonic games.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the popular challenge games: “Cake in the face” (Pie Face), “ bad dog"(Bad Dog)," Spitting Camel "and others. The attitude of psychologists, teachers and parents towards them is ambiguous. On the one hand, it's fun, but on the other hand, the educational and developmental components tend to zero. Write in the comments how you feel about challenge games.

If you are choosing a Christmas gift for someone other than your child, ask your parents if they approve of such games.

What to buy

  • Children's chess for memory training from AliExpress, 844 rubles →
  • Interactive game "Spitting Camel" from Fotorama, 1,759 rubles →

What to give a boy 5–9 years old for the New Year

During this period, gender differentiation intensifies in children. Another boy may even be offended by a girl's gift. Therefore, here are some ideas for New Year's gifts especially for boys.

Railroad or highway

There is a huge selection of railways and autotracks on the market. Realistic remote-controlled railways are especially popular.

This is a classic of the genre. Who in childhood did not dream of railway and a cool garage for cars? Such a gift will be delighted as calm child, and fidget.

What to buy

  • A railway with a remote control from AliExpress, 3,137 rubles →

Radio-controlled toys

By the way, about toys with remote controls. RC helicopters, mini quadrocopters, tanks, trucks - all this will surely appeal to younger and even older boys school age.

Eyes popping? Can't choose? Then just buy a cute flying minion.

What to buy

  • Radio-controlled racing car from Igrush, 1,999 rubles →

Toy walkie-talkies

At this age, boys often play war games, portray policemen or firefighters. Each boy usually has a lot of machine guns, pistols and other weapons. But walkie-talkies, on which you can talk with allies, will be new for many.

Here, for example, is a model in the style of Spider-Man.

And here is the walkie-talkie clock.

What to buy

  • A set of two walkie-talkies in the style of Spider-Man from AliExpress, 647 rubles →
  • A set of two walkie-talkies in a space style from "Toys", 328 rubles →

What to give a girl 5–9 years old for the New Year

Barbie and princess dolls

Barbie dolls appeared in 1959, and for almost 60 years girls all over the world have been dressing up and combing these beauties. The original Barbies are quite expensive, especially when they come with Ken, the house and other extras.

But now there are many variations for every taste. In addition, dolls in images are popular. Disney princesses: Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Cinderella, Rapunzel and others.

If the girl already has such dolls, take a closer look at the accessories: furniture, clothes, jewelry, dishes, and so on.

What to buy

  • A set of 10 accessories for Barbie dolls from AliExpress, 563 rubles →
  • Dolls in the style of the cartoon "Frozen" from AliExpress, 870 rubles →

Jewelry Making Kit

Girls at this time wake up interest in needlework. Therefore, sets for creativity - great gift for senior preschoolers and elementary school students.

In anticipation new year holidays We are in a hurry to buy gifts for all our relatives and friends. But the most important thing is to prepare a gift for the New Year to the child, because the kids believe in miracles so much and are waiting for the moment when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden bring the long-awaited presents. They either write to Santa Claus, then count the minutes until boxes with long-awaited surprises appear under the Christmas tree.

For adults, it can be difficult to choose what the baby will really like and will please him more. for a long time. To make this task easier, you can simply read this article and choose the option that is really closest to you.

The best ideas for inexpensive but original and edible surprises

At the end of December, we are all preparing for the fact that we will need to spend almost all our savings on gifts for the New Year. Most of all, surprises await kids, because they believe so much in miracles and the fulfillment of desires, for them it doesn’t matter how much a thing costs, the main thing is attention and love.

Inexpensive gifts for children are also important and necessary, because they rejoice at every little thing presented on the magical New Year's Eve by Santa Claus. Among the edible presents for the New Year, sweets, chocolate figurines of Santa Claus, tangerines, bananas and other sweets undoubtedly remain in the first place. But a child, for example, can be presented with a more unconventional edible surprise:

  • A cup with merry New Year images or favorite characters. You can also put a tasty and healthy drink or drink in a cup.
  • Children's thermos or thermos mug.
  • A bottle of children's champagne decorated with a New Year's theme.
  • Homemade cookies in the form of a variety of animals or other forms.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such edible or semi-edible presents, the main thing is to know your preferences and tastes, because there are some guys who are not at all suitable for gifts from sweets for the New Year. There are some kids who certain products You just can't because of allergies.

Budget Paper Gift Ideas

Gifts for kindergarten, as a rule, need small and inexpensive, but memorable. Children most often like surprises made of paper:

1) Magazines, books, most suitable for age:

IN younger age it is best to give cardboard or large-format books with bright illustrations;

For preschoolers, fairy tales or tasks to prepare for school are suitable.

2) Children's photo frames with favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons.

3) Stationery with unusual design or execution (notebook, pen, pencil case, folder, etc.).

4) Sets for paper crafts(origami, ready-made applications and others).

Christmas gifts for your favorite pastime

To present a gift for the New Year to a child and please him as much as possible, you just need to know what the baby likes to do most of all, what toy he spends a lot of time on:

  • toy camera;
  • children's musical instrument(piano, guitar, xylophone);
  • Board games;
  • puzzles (soft and small - for the smallest, more complex - for children 5-7 years old);
  • sets for weaving bracelets from rubber bands, beads and other crafts;
  • sets of hairpins for weaving.

Options for interesting surprises

Inexpensive gifts for the New Year can be just as interesting and unusual, memorable for a child, as more expensive options:

1) Important little things with images of your favorite cartoon characters - Peppa pig, Fixiki, Masha and the Bear (keychain, badge, notepad, pen, puzzles and others stationery). For children from 1 to 3 years old, cartoon characters in the form of rubber toys with whistles for the bath or soft puzzles.

2) A piggy bank in the shape of a favorite cartoon character is suitable for children of any age. It is better if a piggy bank for a baby under three years old is made of durable unbreakable materials.

3) Pillows with a Christmas theme or with images of your favorite cartoon characters.

4) Repeat toys (hamster, owl, Masha and others).

Necessary inexpensive surprises

School-age children are becoming more picky and picky, but for them you can easily pick up children's gifts for the New Year, which will undoubtedly be to their taste and will be useful in Everyday life, and for you will not be expensive:

  • if the baby is not indifferent to cooking homemade food, then you can present him with a kitchen baby set(an apron with unusual prints, towels and potholders);
  • a set of high-quality children's cosmetics;
  • soap unusual shape with pleasant aromas;
  • baby bubble bath (many kids love bathing in scented bubble bath);
  • beautiful unusual pajamas;
  • scarf or beautiful scarf;
  • for those children who cannot imagine life without their pets, you can present unusual accessories for a cat, dog, parrot or guinea pig;
  • children's watch with backlight;
  • headphones, radio;
  • a box for small things or a beautiful basket.

DIY gifts

Children's gifts for the New Year will also be very pleasant if you make them yourself:

  • a picture drawn by you or a child with a frame;
  • unusual embroidery with cartoon characters;
  • collage or calendar of favorite photos and images for the child;
  • photo album decorated in children's style;
  • modeling clay and included decorating kit;
  • homemade Christmas decorations, wreaths, Christmas trees.

Original New Year's gift

Picking up a thing that would please a child and be remembered for a long time is a rather difficult task, because in order to please, you can just get by with a bag or a box. delicious sweets and other sweets. But sweet gifts, as a rule, are eaten very quickly, and only the packaging remains, while there are more unusual gifts for the New Year, which will delight and surprise the child for a long time:

1) A small aquarium in the form of a bowl, which will be easy to care for. The greatest joy for children is the appearance of living creatures in the house, and if the issue of the appearance of a cat or dog (especially in an apartment) is quite controversial, then an aquarium is a more acceptable and prudent option. It will not only delight the kids every day, but also reassure adults.

2) Plant growing kit. In such a kit there is already everything you need for growing (pot, soil, water and seeds). For a child, such a gift is not only a fascinating process of observing how a flower grows, but also an opportunity to learn a lot about plants.

3) Monitor wiper in the shape of a cute Pug dog. It's not only soft beautiful toy, but also an object with which you can easily clean dust from a monitor, laptop or TV screen, because its tummy is made of a special material that, in addition, reduces static electricity, which reduces surface pollution. Plus, it will also be interesting and fun for the child to clean up with his soft friend, and he will be able to gradually get used to order and cleanliness.

4) Unusual service tray. A set that includes a plate in the form of a house, a cup in the form of a cloud, a sun, and a fork and a spoon with a handle in the form of a Christmas tree. Such a tray will not only please the child, but parents will no longer have to persuade the baby to eat at least one spoonful of porridge. Such a gift would be especially appropriate for those children who cannot stay in place for a single minute.

To make unusual New Year's gifts from fruits for children, you can purchase or cut unusual eyes and attach them to the treats on the festive table.

Toys from 1 to 4 years old

It would seem very easy to present toys as gifts for the New Year, but you still need to take into account age and hobbies. specific child. After all one year old baby can even be damaged by toys that are intended for older children, and teenagers are not at all happy with a soft toy.

At the age of 1 to 4 years, children are happy with everything new that appears in the house, but especially with their favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons. Wonderful gift for the New Year to the child - a soft toy - a symbol of the year or cartoon character. It is necessary to take into account the mobility of the child and give a book, educational toys for diligent girls and wheelchairs, strollers for fidgets.

Now on the market you can buy the most various gifts for the New Year. Toys that are sure to delight any young lady- these are dolls, strollers, kitchen sets with dishes, a mini-wheelbarrow for joint purchases in the supermarket.

New Year's gift for a boy

Boys from 1 to 4 years old usually like to disassemble and assemble, study and build something, so the following will be suitable for them:

  • constructor with large details that will be safe for one year old baby and is interesting at the age of three, four;
  • ordinary cars, dump trucks and self-carriers;
  • cubes with numbers and letters, with which you can not only build something, but also absorb information.

Presents under the Christmas tree for children 5-7 years old

It is especially important to choose a gift for the New Year for a girl at this age. 5 years old is such an age when a child already understands everything perfectly and looks forward to the holiday and gifts under the Christmas tree with great impatience, but still believes in Santa Claus and miracles. Fortunately, there are many options for baby gift, For example:

1) A big baby doll that needs to be watered, fed, put to bed on time, and he can even talk with the child, sing songs and walk.

2) Many girls like toys for boys. In this case, as a gift for the New Year, the child can be put under the Christmas tree and a radio-controlled car, and a railway.

3) Kitchen set (modern toy kitchens have accompanying sounds during cooking and washing dishes in the sink - the murmur of water).

4) Washing machine, ironing board, iron will teach the baby to cleanliness and order and bring joy.

5) For girls and boys who are in constant motion, perfect gift roller skates, a bicycle, a skateboard or an electric car.

Boys at 5-7 years old already like to play team games, so you can present:

  • football, volleyball or basketball;
  • club;
  • table football or hockey;
  • darts.

The boy will also be happy with weapons, a water pistol, binoculars, a telescope, a set for an electrician or a builder.

New Year's gifts for children 8-10 years old

You need to think carefully about gifts for the New Year. 8 years old is the age when you want something unusual, original and at the same time exciting and interesting. In fact, the choice for girls of this age is huge, the main thing is to know the preferences and hobbies of the young lady:

1) Toy sewing machine for those girls who love to create and create something new with their own hands.

2) Useful educational games (puzzles, sets for creativity).

3) Canvas, paper for drawing in different formats, paints. It is better not to give coloring pages, because they kill the child's imagination.

4) For creative people who love to perform, you can present a set of primitive costumes for a toy stage, a puppet theater.

For boys, cars or a complex designer, a set of tools for creating furniture are also suitable.

Original New Year's gift from sweets

Candy gifts for the New Year are the present that adults usually resort to when they are confused and do not know at all what to choose for a child. But also sweet gift can be made original and memorable:

1) Buy a beautiful and unusual packaging in the form of a Christmas stocking, soft toys- a symbol of the year, a house or create it with your own hands.

2) New Year's gift ideas for the New Year in the form of a candy pineapple or a bottle of baby champagne with sweets attached. What could be better and more original, especially if such a gift is made with your own hands.

3) candy bouquet, you can order it on the Internet or make it yourself (take a box or a beautiful flower pot, a vase and decorate it to your taste, put foam rubber or polystyrene inside, string sweets and paper on skewers or wire, stick the resulting flowers into the base of the bouquet).

4) A wreath of sweets or a horseshoe. Such a wreath or horseshoe can be made using a strong wire or cardboard base as a frame, on which to attach sweets and decorate it all with tinsel and decorations on top.

Gifts for the New Year to kindergarten from sweets will also become more original and memorable for kids if they are made in the form of a tree, a horseshoe for boys or a bouquet for girls.

The ArtSkills online store offers to congratulate a child on the New Year with an interesting and original gift. On the site you can find a wide selection of souvenirs, sorted by price, material and type. 5 minutes will be enough for you to choose a suitable New Year's present that will be remembered for many years.

What Christmas gifts to choose

In order for children to be happy with the souvenir, it is important to know the personal preferences of the baby.

  • If the child is practical and thrifty, you can give an original piggy bank. Such a gift will teach endurance and the ability to count money.
  • A stylish guy who follows fashion and his appearance you can give cufflinks in the form of, for example, tanks or guitars.
  • The kid dreams of becoming an astronaut - give food in tubes so that he can feel like a real hero.
  • the most daring and romantic ideas can be written in a personal notebook - such a present is suitable for both a young inventor and a novice writer.

ArtSkills employees can put your child's name on any product from the catalog in as soon as possible. Before you start searching on the site, you need to decide on the budget, as the catalog contains gifts in different price categories. Souvenirs can be sorted by popularity on the page to reduce search time.

Good options for a New Year's gift for a girl or boy:

  • personalized plates, mugs and notebooks;
  • sweet postcards;
  • set for experiments;
  • lamp;
  • constructor for children.

Children love sweets, so you can complement the main gift with a chocolate card or order a ready-made set of sweets ( chocolate candies or gift honey). new year's eve together with children you can spend for exciting game or assembling a 3D puzzle (tractor, harvester, theater, tram or box). But don't forget to look at age restrictions so that the present fits and is interesting.

For personalized souvenirs, the site has a preview function. Each product has detailed description specifications, reviews from other customers and the final cost, including shipping. You can buy a New Year's present with a bank card. You can pick up the goods from the courier or at the pickup point.