Gift certificates for girls. Gift photo session - mastery of the lens. Give a man an unforgettable birthday gift

A gift certificate can be ordered by calling 8 (495) 625-12-37, or sending a request to Email: . You can receive the finished certificate at the image studio or order delivery at any time and place convenient for you.

*When ordering a certificate in the amount of 3000 rubles or more Delivery is free.

The most popular gift certificates for women:

Women's haircut with “Orient Express” care on Lebel cosmetics

evening make-up

« Absolute happiness for hair" on Lebel cosmetics (Japan)

1500/2980/5050 rub.

Biolamination on Lebel cosmetics (Japan)

1900/2900/3300 rub.

Keratin straightening from KERATIN COMPLEX

6800/8500/11900 rub.

Fantasy nail design (including City manicure from La RIc)

City manicure from La Ric

Complex Luxury manicure from La Ric

Luxury pedicure from La Ric

Complex (City manicure from La RIc with Shellac coating)

City manicure from La Ric and SPA hand care

Paraffin wrapping of hands

General classic massage

General anti-cellulite massage

Gift certificate for the amount

from 500 rub.

You can also order any other gift certificate at your discretion.for any service (or set of services) of the image studio indicated in the price list.

A gift certificate is a pass to the world of unearthly beauty, perfection and grace, where magical transformations, amazing contrasts and exquisite forms await you. A visit to the “Magic Style” image studio is a real opportunity not just to change, but to change your conservative views, to become bright, new and stylish. For many, this is a unique chance to give loved ones and dear to my heart people are changing for the better.

"Eastern Express". The name evokes associations of something impetuous, fast, high-class. This amazing program from the Japanese brand Lebel quickly, like an oriental express, restores hair structure and restores bright, rich color, making hair manageable and beautiful. Each hair type has its own mask. Conductor oil helps penetrate nutrients inside the hair and, like a magical Orient Express, rushes them from the roots to the very ends.

Hair Happiness makes hair truly happy. The Japanese SPA program fills every hair with light and beauty. Even the driest, most brittle and thinning hair will be filled with vitality and shine. Recovery occurs at the molecular level. This ritual of happiness consists of several stages. Lebel offers 7 steps to happiness: applying a serum to enrich hair with microelements, vitamins, proteins and essential amino acids, applying unique mask to restore the lipid layer, followed by closing the scales of each hair, SPA massage of the scalp with gel to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth.

Hair can shimmer with a vibrant, natural shine 24 hours a day for 5 weeks. And this will help to carry out biolamination of hair from Lebel. With the help of biolamination, hair magically gains volume plus 10%. Biolamination can be either transparent or colored. During the lamination process, each hair is enveloped in a film, which makes the hair more flexible and prevents breakage.

Unique keratin complex from Coppola - magical straightening of unruly hair curly hair for 3-5 months. Keratin Complex does not contain formaldehyde and does not destroy disulfide bonds inside the hair. Keratin Complex - 40% natural keratin restores and reconstructs the hair structure. Keratin Complex simplifies daily care for hair.

Hands are a woman’s calling card. By looking at your hands you can easily determine who is in front of you - a housewife or a businesswoman. turn ordinary hands SPA programs from La Ric will help representatives of the aristocratic nobility get into their hands. A quick and luxurious City manicure, baths with magic milk, hot mittens with rice filling will make the skin of your hands young and beautiful.

Ritual La Ric. Vivid emotions, unsurpassed results. Once you try it, you will never be able to deny yourself this pleasure! Cleansing, restoration and protection of the skin of the hands, a magnificent appearance of the nails. The main advantage of La Ric manicure is in the elusive little things and details, the unique atmosphere of magic and mysterious sensuality.

A universal gift for any occasion is a gift certificate, which absolutely every representative of the fair sex will be happy to receive, regardless of age, social status, or profession. Especially if this gift involves visiting a beauty salon or purchasing professional cosmetics.

Image studio "Magic Style" opens its doors to amazing world beauty and harmony. Here you will be offered miraculous elixirs for the beauty of hair and skin, the secrets of youth will be revealed, beauty treatments and relaxation sessions will be carried out. Real professional wizards will work their magic on your transformation - stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, massage therapists who possess the secret knowledge of eternal beauty and youth.

Moscow sometimes makes you forget about your appearance. Regardless of age, status and social status, a woman always remains a woman. The feeling of attractiveness gives her self-confidence and success among others. Therefore, gift certificates for women are always a wonderful gift for any occasion, be it New Year, Birthday or March 8th.

This is an alternative chocolate sweets and bouquets of flowers. Such gifts will bring benefits, improve your mood, and make you look at yourself from a different perspective.

For many women, Moscow has long turned into a city of elite spa salons and professional image studios. Such a gift will be the most desirable for many representatives of the fair sex.

You can buy gifts for women in the image studio for all occasions. Our certificates are specifically designed for women of different age categories. The image studio consultants will help you choose the right certificates for your beloved girls, mothers and friends.

The services offered in the image studio will appeal to every representative of the fairer sex. You will be offered various certificates: a visit to a stylist and makeup artist, unique elite hair treatments, comprehensive manicure and pedicure services, several types of massage and, of course, a voucher for the purchase of goods in the professional cosmetics store at the image studio.

For a young girl, going to a beauty salon is always nice gift. Not everyone can afford to visit a luxury beauty salon, not everyone can decide to change their image and try something new, not everyone will allocate money for professional cosmetics. It follows from this that certificates for girls are always a pleasant and necessary gift that will delight her. Such a gift for girls is sometimes much more valuable than jewelry and teddy bears. So, shake your head!

Mom will also be pleased to receive a visit to the image studio as a gift. Our mothers do not always have enough time for themselves: household chores, caring for the family, work, and other urgent problems often make them forget about their true essence. Once in the "MagicStyle" image studio, your mother will again be able to feel beautiful and loved.

You can buy a gift certificate for a friend. She will remember such a gift for a long time. Give her a general or anti-cellulite massage or a SPA treatment. By doing this you will show her that you care about her beauty and health.

However, giving such a gift to a woman does not mean pleasing her. It's easy to miss a gift certificate if you don't have a qualified consultant nearby who, before selling, will ask you questions about the person to whom this gift is intended. Thus, the one to whom you give the certificate will know how attentive and caring you are towards him.

In the image studio “Magic Style” you can buy gift certificates for women without special effort. Orders are accepted by phone listed on the website. You can also arrange courier delivery. Operator-consultants will process your order within a day. You can also make a purchase directly when visiting the image studio.

What gift to choose for a man?! Looking for a gift for a birthday, February 23rd or something else an important event?!! Our ideas will expand your capabilities, allowing you to truly surprise loved one. Here you will find the most unusual and cool gifts for the men you can imagine. Extreme and romantic, exclusive and touching - any gift certificate for a man from Presentstar will be remembered by him long years!

Men's gifts

A truly original gift for a man should always be a little extreme and tickle his nerves. Flying in a sports plane or driving a racing taxi along a difficult and unpredictable track will do the job perfectly. If such a gift doesn't seem extreme enough for you, our men's gift shop can offer a tank safari or shooting with military weapons! Do you need not just an impressive, but also an expensive gift for a man? So, choose gift certificates for men to fly into the stratosphere on a fighter jet, with the opportunity to pilot it yourself!

Gift certificates for men

If you think that unusual gift a man does not have to be extreme, try to surprise him from the other side. Gift shop for men site has prepared gift certificates for visiting special spa procedures. These include thermal wraps, facial and body massages and much more.

Yes, yes, many representatives of the stronger sex love massage no less than women. And therefore, a certificate for a Thai or exotic Balinese massage as a gift for a man with delivery on the day of the holiday will be an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise.

Try it and you will see that we are right! On our website you can buy a gift for a man without much searching and doubt!

the site is the most extraordinary gifts for men in Moscow. Presentably designed, stylish - our certificates - great gifts for men on their birthday. If you value your man and want to really surprise him, buy one of our certificates and you will definitely achieve results! Men's gifts from is the best thing you can give him!

There are many traditional men's hobbies- this is fishing, hunting, cars, sports, martial arts and extreme sports. All this can be a good gift to a man. Of course, any gift from dear person pleasant, but if it also carries a lot of new positive emotions, then its value increases many times over. Flying by plane, helicopter, paragliding and hot air balloon, shooting, riding quad bikes, snowmobiles, football and boxing trainings, extreme driving master classes - all this can be issued with a colorful certificate and please your beloved husband, give it to a friend, father, brother. Believe me, few people will remain indifferent to such attention.

Gift certificates for men

If you are faced with a choice original gift to a man - be it a friend, lover, son, brother or husband, the best solution will be a gift certificate from the company PodarokServis, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience.

We take into account everything: age, preferences, physical fitness, a penchant for creativity or extreme sports. In our catalog you will also find offers for exotic lovers. In any case, the certificate holder will have an excellent organization of the event, recreation, lesson, thought out to the smallest detail - from appropriate equipment to complete safety.

Making a hobby a gift

Many hobbies can confidently be called traditionally male. We decided to make the most common ones as a gift to your dear person, but with a twist. For example, if fishing, then with a guarantee of catch. If driving a car, then with the opportunity to feel like a pilot of a racing car. All gift certificates can be divided into categories:

Flying (helicopter, plane, paraglider, balloon, wind tunnel...);

· skydiving;

· fishing;

· ATVs and buggies;

· driving lessons;

· martial arts;

· piloting lessons;

· water extreme;

· Thai massage;

· SPA treatments.

Any of these areas can be a great gift for a man if you know his tastes and preferences.

· Fishing. The time of year doesn't matter. We will delight both ice fishing lovers and summer mornings with excellent catches and outdoor recreation. We will provide gear, bait, organize comfortable conditions both while fishing and for relaxing in the company of friends.

· Cars. No dull driving through city traffic jams. Only drive and enjoyment of speed. Your man will be able to become a rally car pilot for a few hours, a biker on a powerful motorcycle, or go on an adventure, for example, with an “ATV Safari” gift certificate. Experienced instructors will make your trips not only memorable, but also safe.

· Martial arts. Taking lessons from recognized masters of the most popular martial arts is the dream of many men, especially those who have connected their lives with sports. Individual training with masters of sports, training effective techniques self-defense, the opportunity to test your strength in an uncompromising fight will bring a lot of unforgettable emotions.

· Pilot lessons. Taking an air ride, not as a passenger, but as a co-pilot of an airplane or helicopter - no man will refuse such a gift. Give this pleasure to someone you care about. Moreover, the cost of a gift certificate is quite affordable.

· Entertainment has also been thought out for lovers of water extreme sports - from breathtaking jet skiing to flying over the water surface on a flyboard.

· For men with a busy work schedule, it will present itself a great opportunity relax and experience the pleasure of going to the spa and receiving a massage, including an exotic one.

How to order a certificate as a gift for your man

Ordering a certificate is very simple - choose the most interesting one suitable option and click the “Order” button. A colorful gift certificate containing all necessary information about the service, will be delivered to you personally at the time specified by you. All details will be agreed upon with you by your personal manager.

Order and payment

You can buy any gift certificate right now. All you need to do is fill out simple form on the website and pay for the gift you have chosen by bank card or courier. We will deliver it anywhere in Moscow. The certificate is valid for 1 year. Before using it, just call the number indicated in the certificate and agree in advance on a convenient time for you.

Order him an unusual gift - an impression!

Watch the video of the flight on the Yak-52 with the performance of aerobatics in the Moscow region.

Stunt "Combat approach over the runway"

Gift certificates are one of the newfangled gift trends. Such a gift cannot be placed on a shelf to wipe the dust off of it. It will bring its owner truly useful and pleasant moments of joy, admiration and pleasure, which she could only dream of.

Often women save on such sensations and cannot afford them. Selecting a gift certificate – the right step on the holiday route.

Unforgettable experiences as a gift

1. Bird's eye view

Tell me, who has not dreamed at least once to conquer the heights and see the earth from a bird's eye view? For all lovers of extreme sports, gift certificates of this direction are offered, among them: hang-gliding, paragliding and even on an airplane or skydiving.

For all those who want to get similar sensations without leaving the ground, there is unique way experience the full range of sensations in a wind tunnel.

The price of such a certificate starts from 1,500 and reaches 15,000 rubles. It depends on the chosen flight method, time and number of passengers.

When purchasing such a certificate, first evaluate the desires and capabilities of the donee person. If you are not 100% sure that a person is dreaming about this, then it is better to refrain from this undertaking. Many people are afraid of heights and would never dare to use this gift as intended.

2. The coolest feeling

Visiting a wine cellar with a tasting or spending a weekend in historical places (for example, on a noble estate) - ten years ago people could not even think that such experiences could be bought. Today, anyone can purchase a gift certificate for such events.

Gastronomic tours are also at the peak of popularity. Such a gift includes a set of events for tasting culinary masterpieces typical of national cuisine of one country or another.

Do not forget about quest rooms: this is a closed space where a person needs logical thinking to find the keys to exit the room. This genre of entertainment as a gift is suitable for anyone who likes to solve riddles and charades.

Diving or scuba diving lessons can also be safely attributed to this category of gifts. However, it should be understood that such certificates are sold in certain regions where such services can be provided. If you are going to the sea with your sweetheart, then consider buying such a certificate in advance. And remember that not every girl or woman is ready to experience such sensations. A useless gift will hint that you are too irresponsible in approaching this issue.

The price for such certificates starts from approximately 1,500 rubles per 1 hour, and the final figure is limited only by your financial capabilities.

Gifts for beauty and health

3. Beauty will save the world

This category includes certificates for visiting beauty salons and SPA salons. We can safely say that such gifts will always be received with gratitude, because every woman needs professional care behind their appearance, and this is a common truth.

Holding a gift certificate for beauty services in her hands, a girl is able to make an independent choice and apply exactly the service that currently seems most relevant to her. Services under this certificate include manicure, pedicure, hair care, facial and body massage, various body wraps and relaxing treatments.

This category also includes certificates for visiting cosmetics and perfume stores. Tell me, is there any woman who can resist such a present? And the male donor will only have to reap the grateful fruits of his exclusive attention.

The minimum price of the certificate is 1,000 rubles, the maximum is 5,000 and more.

4. The sun in your pocket - a certificate in the solarium

Residents middle zone and northern regions there is a constant lack of sun, but it is precisely this that gives birth to female body a hormone of happiness that improves mood and boosts the body's immunity.

Moderate and competent visits to the solarium have never harmed anyone. A nice tan color is always in fashion! This certificate is usually given to young and middle-aged girls who love to be the center of attention and shine. beautiful legs and a chic neckline.

The price of a solarium certificate is quite affordable - from 2,000 rubles.

5. Healthy lifestyle is a fashion trend

To great joy, the younger generation is increasingly choosing not Pepsi, but healthy image life. Being beautiful, slim and fit is a symbol of success today. Many girls dream of going to a fitness club every Monday, Gym or the pool, but never find the time or extra funds to purchase a subscription. It is for them that such a gift will be intended. It's better if it's yours joint activity and passion.

The cost of the gift depends on the type of training and the number of visits. Approximately - from 4,000 rubles for 10 lessons in a group.

First find out whether the girl’s decision to take up sports is sound. Do not incur anger from the fair sex, because such a gift may be perceived as “he doesn’t like my figure.”

Gifts for relaxation

6. Animal world - natural relaxation

Certificates for horseback riding or swimming with dolphins deserve special attention. Everyone has long known the beneficial effect animals have on humans. This gift is suitable for sensual people who love the surrounding nature. Think in advance about the fact that the girl alone will not be very comfortable at such an event, because someone has to take her photo. Therefore, the best solution would be to buy a certificate for two.

The price of a 45-minute horseback ride starts from 2,000 rubles. Communication with dolphins will cost more - for 15 minutes you will pay at least 5,000 rubles.

An additional opportunity to spend time with your beloved and see her happy eyes - isn’t this what every man dreams of?

7. Floating as a gift for an expectant mother

Few people know about the miraculous floating procedure - immersing the body in a unique solution of Epsom salts. The procedure will give you a truly unforgettable experience that cannot be compared with anything else. Float tanks are becoming increasingly popular and buying such a certificate today is not difficult.

The feeling of weightlessness of the body, complete relaxation and silence in which only one’s own heartbeat can be heard is the highest pleasure for any girl and woman.

The float procedure has no contraindications.

The price of a certificate for visiting the procedure on average starts from 2,000 rubles per visit, but it is better to purchase at least 3-5 visits, because it is difficult to fully enjoy unity with yourself at one time.

This certificate, unlike others, is ideal as a gift. to the expectant mother, and this is its uniqueness!

8. Bath or sauna - healing power

This is what Russian women of all ages and statuses truly love - a Russian bathhouse or Finnish sauna. Can't make it up best place to chat with friends, spend a complex of loved ones cosmetic procedures, enjoy the aromas of herbal infusions.

A visit to a bathhouse or sauna awakens the real Aphrodite in every woman. Psychologists have noticed that after such procedures, girls become more flexible and accommodating.

The cost of a certificate for these services is from 1,500 rubles per hour of service. But remember that one hour is too little for a gift. Multiply the amount by at least three!

For originals, it is advisable to purchase a certificate to the Turkish hammam. It is there that a woman will feel like a real beloved woman of the Sultan. If you feel these qualities in yourself, then hamam is for you!

When purchasing such a gift, think about who your beloved will go to this establishment with and don’t be offended that your beloved will prefer hers to you close friend. It is very useful for women to be without men, because they have their own secrets.

Gifts for active individuals

9. Gift certificate “with a breeze”

This category of certificates is intended for real extreme sportswomen and modern Amazons. This category includes quad biking, jeeping or, for example, a master class on extreme driving. Would you say that such fun is for men? You are wrong! 80% of women have the right to drive a car and handle it no worse than the stronger sex. It is for such girls that this gift will be the highest class of aerobatics.

Buy a gift certificate “with a breeze” for lovers of speed and drive, for those who are not afraid to control the elements under the hood of powerful and playful “horses”.

The price of such extreme sports is from 3,000 rubles to infinity (it all depends on your financial capabilities).

10. Water park - have fun and useful time

More recently, visiting water parks was only possible during a vacation at seaside resorts. Today, this type of recreation is quite affordable for residents of megacities. Fun slides, laughter and splashing water guarantee a lot of positive emotions for the whole day. However, you need to understand that a visit to the water park should be a maximum of a group or a minimum of a couple.

Buy a gift certificate for two people and wait for an invitation from its owner. Trust me, you won't have to wait long.

The price of a gift certificate for two persons to a water park can be 4,000 rubles. The cost depends on the season and the day of the week. The gift is suitable for lovers of outdoor activities.

Gifts of an individual nature

11. Master class - creations of the soul

At heart, every woman is a craftswoman. IN Everyday life Women have a lot of worries around the house and little time left for creativity, but they would like to learn something new! Does she want to learn decoupage, macrame or beading skills? These gift certificates are intended specifically for attending such master classes.

When planning to buy such a gift, you must be sure that the girl will like it. This certificate is suitable for enthusiastic people who are constantly in search of new discoveries and eager to add new talent to their skills.

Prices for attending master classes are quite affordable. Such a certificate can be purchased at a price of 1,500 rubles. The final cost of the gift depends on the number of classes and other determining factors.

Gifts for creative people

12. Studio vocal recording - sing my flower,

don't be ashamed

If the hero of the occasion likes to sing during water procedures and doesn’t miss a single karaoke, which means this gift was created just for her! A professional studio vocal recording will raise the status of an aspiring singer to a higher level, and even if it is only the only audio, she will keep such a gift indefinitely.

Who knows, maybe he will become her starting point new career, or maybe it will become a new milestone in the development of your relationship?

In any case, for those who have a developed sense of hearing and vocal abilities, a gift certificate for a studio recording will serve wonderful gift. Cost - on average from 3,000 rubles.

13. Gift photo shoot - mastery of the lens

Girls are not indifferent to their appearance and how they look in photographs, but a hundred amateur photos will not replace one professional photo taken by a master of the lens. So give a woman the opportunity to feel like a real beauty queen, as if she stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine!

The gift will be appreciated by those who wish to capture their image for many years. A professional photo will take the main place in the photo album of any beauty. Alas, the years - Not the best cosmetologist, and I really want to stop them for a moment!

The price of such a wonderful gift certificate is at least 3,500 rubles.


Be careful when choosing a gift certificate. Give it with skill, put your soul and imagination into your choice. wisely chosen, worthy gift has a boomerang effect - it will return to its donor a hundredfold!