Strengthen the hair structure with cocoa powder reviews. Mask with cocoa for hair and its unique properties. Hair loss mask

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Cocoa masks for hair: how to make curls obedient and soft

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Looking for natural remedies to curb the rebellious temper of your tough, unmanageable curls? Homemade cosmetic masks made from cocoa for hair will cope with this task in the best possible way. After them, the strands acquire a soft, pleasant silkiness, and they can be styled in any hairstyle.

South America is the birthplace of unusual-looking fruits that grow directly on the trunk, and not on the branches of a tree. Large, berry-like, shaped like a lemon, contain up to 60 large seeds, surrounded by whitish, tasteless pulp. They produce a unique powder - cocoa, on the basis of which they make a delicious drink and fabulous chocolate. The functionality of this product is not limited to cooking: not so long ago, cosmetology also claimed the rights to it. It turns out that cocoa hair masks can tame even the toughest and most unruly curls that stubbornly do not want to fit into the hair. A great opportunity to check this fact on your own experience.

Indications for the use of cocoa masks

Cocoa is not like other products not only in its appearance, but also in its unique chemical composition. It is he who dictates the beneficial properties that this wonderful powder possesses. Getting into the scalp and inside the hair itself, its constituent substances begin to actively interfere with the processes taking place there at the cellular level. As a result, we can observe a wonderful transformation of hair after using cocoa cosmetic masks. The spectrum of their action It is quite voluminous, and experts recommend seeking help from these funds in the following cases:

  • for irritated scalp when itching from dandruff torments, some kind of rash constantly occurs: the neurotransmitters that are contained in cocoa powder soothe the skin, make the roots strong, and the strands themselves strong and elastic;
  • for hair damage : antioxidants, known for their restorative properties, prevent split ends, brittle strands from delamination, smooth their texture;
  • with hair loss : tannins contained in cocoa powder give the strands a simply divine aroma, actively strengthen the roots in their nests, stop hair loss and alopecia at any stage, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • if you want to make the hair a tone darker : cocoa dyes can do this, although by adding dairy products to the mask, you can smooth out this effect - because of the coloring ability of cocoa hair masks, it is recommended to use brown-haired women or brunettes, since blondes after them can acquire an unexpected shade;
  • with beriberi : minerals and vitamins, which are abundant in cocoa powder, nourish the roots, scalp and hair with everything necessary, activate metabolic processes in cells that are important for hair health;
  • with dullness and lifelessness of the strands : caffeine, famous for its tonic properties, will bring hair back to life and give them a boost of energy;
  • with stiff, tangled, difficult-to-style curls : this is the main function of cocoa masks, which close the scales of each hair, smoothing them and turning them into a delicate silk sheet.

If you are tired of numerous styling, mousses, varnishes and other styling products to tame your naughty curls, be sure to include a couple of cocoa powder mask recipes in your home cosmetology.

Natural and very effective, they will make you forget that once it took you less than an hour to style your hair. With them, this will be easy and simple. In addition, you will feel that the roots have become much stronger than before: the loss should stop, because cocoa powder is recommended to be used by trichologists themselves even for alopecia - total baldness. With this wonderful tool, you can not think about it. To achieve the desired results, you need to know a few little secrets for using cocoa powder hair masks.

Instructions for using cocoa masks

Cocoa powder as the main ingredient for homemade masks is distinguished by a special preparation method. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in advance, so that later no side effects and undesirable consequences arise. stick recommendations from people who have already tried this mask , - this is the only way to achieve a certain effect after the first procedure for smoothing and healing your precious curls.

  1. Hair masks based on cocoa powder have one very important contraindication that many people cannot ignore: individual intolerance to chocolate. If you are allergic to this product, then even its external use can cause numerous rashes that can cover the face and even the entire body. A rarer case, but no less sad, when eating chocolate and cocoa in the form of a drink in food does not cause any side effects, but the external use of masks from them turns into allergic reactions. That is why it is highly recommended to initially test how your skin will react to cocoa as a cosmetic product, and not a food product. To do this, lubricate the wrist with a prepared product (thin layer), rinse after 10 minutes and see if there is any redness, rashes, itching, or discomfort. If there are the slightest deviations, it is better not to use a mask with cocoa for hair.
  2. The second contraindication has already been mentioned above when considering the chemical composition of cocoa. Blondes need to approach such masks very carefully. Having coloring properties, they can lie on the hair too unevenly, the shade will look ugly and untidy - with spots and stripes all over the head. The only option for fair-haired girls to avoid this effect is to first apply a mask on a thin strand of their hair, which will then be easy to hide in the thick of other curls. After washing off the mask after a certain time, you can see what result you can expect. If it satisfies you, when applying the product to the strands, try to do it as evenly as possible: use special brushes and brushes that are now in almost any hair dye. Dairy products can slightly neutralize the coloring properties of cocoa - this is another salvation for fair-haired beauties who certainly want to try the miraculous power of cocoa masks.
  3. To prepare a wonderful drink, cocoa is diluted with water. With masks, everything is much more interesting: in order for the hair to grow thicker and get the maximum amount of useful substances, the powder is poured with a variety of liquids that have a beneficial effect on the strands. You can use for this purpose not only water (which, of course, must be mineral, filtered or at least boiled), but also dairy (kefir, liquid whey after curdled milk, yogurt, milk itself), herbal infusions (, birch, chamomile, oak bark and many others). This will definitely only enhance the effect of the cocoa mask.
  4. The ratio of powder and liquid is selected individually. However, there should be enough cocoa to end up with not a drink, but chocolate gruel, which can be used as part of hair masks.
  5. Pay attention to expiration date of the product used : old, sticky, already petrified powder may not give the expected result, but only spoil the whole effect.
  6. Before the procedure wash your head so that the mask lies on clean hair: this contributes to a better permeability of nutrients into the skin and into the hair. To facilitate the process of applying the composition to the strands, moisten them.
  7. It is desirable to create a warming effect to speed up metabolic reactions in which the active substances of cocoa will participate. To do this, you need to wrap your hair with a mask applied to them with some kind of film - a plastic bag, for example, or polyethylene. A terry towel, a woolen scarf or a warm scarf can be tied on top to make the head completely warm.
  8. The duration of the masks with cocoa is about 40 minutes. It will also depend on the other ingredients that make up the product used.
  9. Since the masks are applied to clean hair, they can be washed off without shampoo. The problem is that not all formulations are so easy to remove from curls without it. This is especially true for curly, curly, coarse hair, in which some of the components of the mask may get stuck. In this case, resort to the help of your favorite habitual shampoo.
  10. The frequency of using cocoa-based masks is once every 7-10 days. Duration - for two months. A break after the course is also two months.

At first, this entire instruction may seem very complicated, many points are almost impossible to complete. However, this is only at first glance.

Start using cocoa powder as a cosmetic product - and you will not be able to tear yourself away from it, it will have such a wonderful effect on your hair.

Moreover, not only damaged and dull strands will bloom, but also those with which there were no problems before. Only with a cocoa hair mask will you finally see how beautiful your hair can be.

TOP of the best hair mask recipes

It is recommended to initially try the classic recipes for masks with cocoa for hair, without changing anything in them: neither the components nor the proportions. Over time, when you appreciate the action of the remedy and get your hand in preparing masks, you will be able to vary these indicators and even experiment a little (just be careful).

  • Kefir + cocoa

Slowly pour kefir into cocoa powder (4 tablespoons) to form a thick mass.

  • Cocoa + egg + olive oil + honey

Slowly pour warm unrefined olive oil (4 tablespoons) into cocoa powder (2 tablespoons), stirring constantly. After that, add liquid, already melted honey (3 tablespoons), two raw eggs.

  • Cocoa butter + kefir + egg yolk + burdock oil

Heat cocoa butter (1 tablespoon) in a water bath, add the same amount of warm kefir, heated burdock oil, 1 yolk.

  • Cocoa + milk + egg yolk + cognac

Slowly pour fat, warm milk into cocoa powder (4 tablespoons) to form a thick mass. Separately, mix 1 egg yolk with cognac (1 tablespoon) and add to the milk mixture with cocoa.

  • Cocoa + milk + banana + honey

Slowly pour fat, warm milk into cocoa powder (4 tablespoons) to form a thick mass. Add a banana whipped in a blender (2 tablespoons), a little honey melted in a water bath (1 tablespoon).

Discover cocoa powder in a new light: it can be not only the raw material for making a delicious drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product for transforming your hair. Any problems with falling out? Do you have weak roots? Suffering from confusion and eternal electrification of curls? Can't put them in a well-groomed, beautiful hairstyle? In all these cases, there can be only one recommendation - use cocoa masks for hair.

Cocoa is a very useful product, hair masks based on this ingredient help to cope with many problems of the hair and scalp. The masks also contain other ingredients. Which are added there depending on the type of hair and the problem being solved. Consider the most popular and effective hair masks with cocoa powder and cocoa butter at home.

To nourish hair with kefir

It will take 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 150 ml of fatty yogurt. The ingredients are mixed very well so that no lumps remain, and then the mixture is applied to the hair and covered with a film and a towel. You can keep the mask for an hour, then wash it off.

Moisturizing hair with egg and oil

This mask moisturizes hair well: 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 beaten egg yolks, 5 tablespoons of warm olive oil, 2 salt spoons of liquid warm honey. Mix the components thoroughly, apply to wet hair, cover with a film. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes, 2-3 times a week.

Cocoa Butter Hair Mask

An effective hair mask with cocoa, which perfectly restores the structure of the hair, makes it shiny and smooth. To prepare this mask you will need: 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon of burdock hair oil, 2 tablespoons of kefir and 1 egg yolk. First, cocoa butter is melted in a water bath, burdock oil and kefir are added, then the yolk is driven into the mixture. The mass is applied to wet hair, covered with a film and a towel, kept for about 40 minutes.

Mask for repairing split ends

To restore split ends and give your hair health, this mask is useful: 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder are diluted with warm water to a slurry state, then 15 drops of burdock, castor and almond oils are added there. The mass is well mixed and the tips are generously lubricated with it, and then wrapped with a film. This mask is good to do after shampooing, applying to slightly damp hair.

Hair loss mask

Fighting hair loss at home is not only possible, but also necessary. An intensive hair mask with cocoa, mustard and cognac will help to wake up the hair follicles. You need to take 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Then the powder is diluted with warm water to the state of liquid sour cream and 30 ml of cognac is added. It is important that the mask is warm when applied. It is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. After such a mask, it is best to wash your hair with baby shampoo.

Mask with cocoa for dandruff

The recipe for a hair mask with cocoa for dandruff is quite simple: 2 tablespoons of cocoa are diluted in 0.5 cups of cognac and 10 ml of castor oil are added. The mixture is applied to the scalp and covered with a bag. You need to keep the mask for 1 hour, and repeat it 2 times a week.

For intense color on dark hair

To fix the effect after staining, you can make masks with cocoa. 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 1 bag of dark henna are mixed, diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, then 2 teaspoons of almond oil are added there. The mixture is well distributed over the hair and left for 40 minutes. This mask can be done once a week to keep the dark color of the curls bright.

To restore damaged hair

If the hair is damaged, a folk hair mask made from cocoa, honey and yogurt will save. 3 tablespoons of cocoa are diluted with yogurt to a state of sour cream, making sure that there are no lumps. Honey is heated in a water bath or in the microwave. To make it liquid, and interfere with yogurt with cocoa. The mixture is best applied to damp hair after washing, and after the mask is washed off after an hour, it is necessary to comb the hair well and dry it naturally.

For hair volume

When hair loses nutrients, it becomes not only dull, but also dangles lifelessly, lacking volume. An intensive hair mask with cocoa and beer will help solve this problem. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. honey, half a piece of rye bread, 2 tbsp. cocoa powder, 0.5 tbsp unfiltered beer, 1 tbsp. honey. Prepare the mask like this. Bread is poured with beer, they wait for it to swell and knead it into gruel. Then the bread and beer infusion is filtered, cocoa and warmed honey are added there, stirred and applied to the hair from the very roots. Keep this mask for about 30 minutes under the film.

For hair growth with curdled milk

1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 0.5 cups of curdled milk and 2 egg yolks are mixed well and applied to the hair, rubbing into the scalp. The head is covered with polyethylene and wait an hour, then washed off.

We reviewed the TOP 10 cocoa hair masks at home. If you use such we invite you to visit our forum and leave your opinion. If not, then read what the visitor writes about this method of helping hair.

Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted that their favorite chocolate can be used not only to lift their spirits, but also to treat their hair. Products with bean extract, cocoa butter or powder perfectly nourish curls. With the help of the product, you can cope with any problems with regards to hair, because many nutrients are concentrated in the composition of the beans. But let's not be unfounded, let's talk about the benefits and uses of cocoa in more detail.

What is cocoa

Cocoa belongs to the category of the most valuable products, for the first time the ancient Aztecs used beans. Legend has it that a certain horticultural wizard learned to benefit from the fruits by making a drink. This drug immediately gave the man immortality.

Today, the oil is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and perfume industries. It is also used in cooking and folk medicine. Cocoa is added to ointments and creams for burns, fresh, cosmetic products for nails, skin and hair.

Cocoa is the basis for chocolate. The tree produces so many fruits every year that they are enough for only 5 tiles of goodies. Cocoa butter is obtained by squeezing out fatty acids from the grated beans of the plant.

Interestingly, the oil, when refrigerated or at room temperature, has a hard and brittle structure. It is light yellowish in color, and when spoiled, becomes whitish.

After contact with human skin, the oil absorbs heat and softens, becoming translucent or brownish, depending on the type of product. Cocoa butter smells just like everyone's favorite powder. In cosmetology, both types are used.

The benefits of cocoa for hair

  1. Cocoa powder is used to carry out natural coloring and strengthening of hair in general. The product is diluted with water to a gruel state, after which the hair is smeared with the mixture and left for a while. As a result of such manipulations, you can get a chocolate shade without harm to the hair.
  2. The oil effectively restores brittle, lifeless hair, which is often subjected to chemical perm and other "ruthless" procedures.
  3. Experts in the field of hair care recommend using oil for girls who cannot restore the natural shine and strength of the strands. Cocoa supports pigmentation and seals scales, hair looks healthy.
  4. Cocoa in any form has warming properties. Upon contact with the scalp, the product enhances blood circulation, awakens and nourishes the bulbs. These qualities are necessary to combat slow growth, loss, section.
  5. Despite its fatty consistency, the oil is used to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cocoa powder, in turn, opens the pores and eliminates fatty plugs.
  6. It is recommended to use cocoa in any form to restore and thicken naturally very “liquid” hair. Due to the creation of an invisible film, the mop looks thicker.
  7. Cocoa is used to give basal volume to the hairstyle. The powder also improves the suppleness of the hair, making styling, drying and other daily beauty treatments easier.
  8. Not without value for split hair. Cocoa quickly copes with the problem, closes the scales and retains moisture in the hair shaft. The advantage of carrying out procedures with this product is considered to be a delicious chocolate aroma.

The subtleties of using cocoa

  1. Before the first acquaintance with the product, do a test to make sure that there are no individual intolerances and adverse reactions.
  2. If you are using a powder formulation, look at the shade. It shouldn't be too dark.
  3. Use masks in which oil or powder is added, depending on the recipe. First spread the product on the scalp, then stretch to the ends.
  4. There is no need to keep the masks longer than the specified period. A session of 30-50 minutes is enough for you (it all depends on the incoming components).
  5. If you have oily hair type, after applying the mask, you do not need to wrap the mop in a film. For everyone else, it is advisable to put a bag and a warm towel over your hair.
  6. Home remedies with the addition of cocoa powder are not recommended for fair-haired young ladies. The product has coloring properties, so it is suitable for ladies with dark hair to maintain color.
  7. Since the chocolate aroma is uplifting, the procedures are comfortable. Hair will smell like cocoa for a few more days. You can get rid of the smell by rinsing with lemon water.

The oil is used in an independent form or in the composition of masks, as you like. We will now consider the first option.

The product is allowed to be used in an unmelted state, rubbing it on the root part and scalp. Careful treatment of these areas will save you from falling out, accelerate hair growth, and awaken the bulbs. The exposure time of the product is 1 hour. Then the oil must be removed with shampoo.

Also, the composition is allowed to be used in liquid form. To do this, melt in a steam bath 15 gr. oil, apply to the root part and stretch along the entire length to the tips. Wrap yourself in film, wait a third of an hour. Wash off with shampoo, then use a balm.

Cocoa for hair strengthening

  1. A powder-based mask has a positive effect on the general condition of the hair. Regular use strengthens the structure of curls and awakens dormant follicles.
  2. Mix in any convenient 50 ml cup. castor oil, 35 gr. cocoa powder and 1 egg yolk.
  3. Thoroughly stir the components, achieve a uniform composition. Spread liberally through hair. Keep warm, wash off the mask after 1 hour.

Cocoa for hair volume

  1. Properly prepared product qualitatively cleanses the scalp, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat and gives the hair a visible volume.
  2. Mix 240 ml. low-fat kefir 55 gr. cocoa, 30 ml. almond oil and egg yolk. Warm up the homogeneous mass to 38 degrees. Massage your scalp.
  3. Warm yourself with cling film and a terry towel. Keep the mask on your head for 1.5 hours. Rinse off the product in the classic way.

Cocoa against hair loss

  1. The composition is good in that it prevents intense hair loss. The active ingredients strengthen and awaken the follicles.
  2. Take 45 gr. cocoa, 120 ml. homemade milk, egg yolk and 55 ml. skate. Combine the components in a container and bring to uniformity.
  3. Warm up the milk in advance to 35 degrees, add cocoa. After that, add the rest of the products. Apply a homogeneous mass on the head with massaging movements. Wait an hour.

  1. A mask based on the above components promotes rapid hair growth and the awakening of dormant follicles. Mix in a cup of 150 ml. wheat beer, 30 gr. black bread, 35 gr. bee honey, 40 gr. powder and 10 gr. dry mustard.
  2. Send all ingredients to a blender. Apply to the root area of ​​the hair. Do a short massage. Wrap your head according to the classical technology and wait half an hour. After that, wash off the mask with shampoo and balm.

Cocoa against split ends

  1. An effective tool to fully nourish the hair structure and prevent the appearance of split ends. Mix in a container 25 gr. cocoa, 20 ml. linseed oil, 30 ml. liquid honey and 5 drops of lavender ether.
  2. Stir the products to a homogeneous structure in any way possible. Treat the strands liberally with the composition, pay special attention to the tips. Get warm according to the standard scheme and wait an hour. Wash off the mask in the usual way.

Cocoa for dry hair

  1. Unique components prevent hair from drying out and delamination, brittleness. Mix in a 40 ml cup. burdock and cocoa butter.
  2. Add 4 drops of tocopherol, 5 drops of retinol and 2 drops of orange ether to the components. Warm up to 37 degrees. Distribute the product through the hair and warm up. Wash off the mask after an hour with shampoo.

Cocoa has a number of unique qualities that allow you to get rid of most common problems. Apply masks following simple instructions. The product can be applied 2 times a week for a course of 1 to 3 months.

Video: hair mask with cocoa and kefir

Cocoa is known not only for its taste, it is often one of the main ingredients in face, hair and body masks. Cocoa masks have a positive effect on hair, nourish, strengthen and accelerate their growth, and also maintain their appearance in perfect condition.

Cocoa and chocolate have long been used in hair care, because cocoa is rich in nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, etc. This product has a stimulating effect on the hair follicle, nourishes and strengthens it. And the wonderful smell of this wonderful ingredient will not only cheer you up, but also relieve irritability. In homemade masks to preserve the beauty of hair, you can add both cocoa powder and bitter chocolate without additives in melted form. Since only natural ingredients are used in masks, the effect of their use will be simply amazing. Cocoa will make your hair thick and give it chic volume.

Hair masks with cocoa at home.
Thoroughly grind one chicken egg with 100 ml of kefir. Add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to the resulting mass. Apply the resulting composition to the scalp in portions, as each previous layer dries, apply the next layer. So continue until the mass is over. Then wrap the hair with polyethylene, and cover it with a towel or a warm scarf on top (you can also use a bath cap). The mask should be kept for thirty minutes, and then you should wash your hair with warm boiled water with shampoo and balm. It is necessary to rinse the hair with a decoction of nettle. This procedure must be carried out for two to three months, two to three times a week. The result can be visually observed already after a month and a half of regular use: it effectively eliminates bald patches, makes hair thicker and returns them a lively and natural shine. This recipe is recommended for severe hair loss.

For hair shine, strengthening and growth, such a mask is effective: mix a glass of kefir with three tablespoons of cocoa powder and one egg yolk. Grind the mixture thoroughly and add a tablespoon of almond or apricot oil to it (you can also use any vegetable oil). You should get a mass resembling thin sour cream, which should be slightly warmed up and applied warm to the hair. At the beginning, wrap your head with plastic wrap, and then with a warm scarf or towel. Keep the composition for an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. With dry scalp, kefir in the mixture can be replaced with fatty sour cream in the same amount. This procedure is recommended for carrying out in the amount of one or two times for two months.

An excellent nourishing remedy for hair that prevents hair loss and further baldness is the following mask: take two tablespoons of cocoa powder and add hot milk to them so that you get a thick mass resembling sour cream. Then you need to beat the yolk of one egg and mix it with a small amount of cognac (a tablespoon) and cocoa mass. Apply the resulting composition to the hair roots, wrap the head with cellophane and a towel on top. This mass should be kept on the head for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. Regular use of this mask eliminates the problem of hair loss forever.

Another remedy that promotes hair growth and strengthening is the following mask: take a tablespoon of cocoa butter, preheated in a water bath, and add a couple of tablespoons of any vegetable oil. As soon as the mixture becomes warm, combine it with the yolk of one egg. Apply this mass on the scalp, in particular on the hair roots. As usual, apply a slightly hot compress on the head and keep the composition for an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

For the treatment of dry and damaged hair, it is recommended to use the following composition: put a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath so that it melts. Then grind a couple of egg yolks with any vegetable oil, slightly warmed up beforehand, taken in the amount of one tablespoon. Combine this oil-yolk mixture with chocolate mass and apply to hair and roots. Apply a hot compress on the head (polyethylene, and a towel soaked in hot water on top) and keep for one and a half to two hours. Then wash your hair with plenty of shampoo.

To care for dry hair, such a recipe based on cocoa is suitable: heat a small amount of dark chocolate without additives (two or three pieces) in a water bath. Mash one ripe banana of a small size with a fork and combine with chocolate mass and a tablespoon of honey. Add a small amount of milk or water, preheated to the mixture. Apply to the roots and hair and keep the mass for an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

As a moisturizing and firming agent, the following chocolate composition is recommended: combine melted chocolate (several pieces) in a water bath with a tablespoon of liquid honey, adding 100 ml of yogurt without additives or kefir. The resulting mass is applied to the scalp and hair, and after an hour the mask can be washed off.

Mix two tablespoons of cocoa powder with two tablespoons of regular henna, add a couple of drops of rose essential oil and a little boiled warm water to the mixture. Apply the mixture in an even layer along the entire length of the hair and hold for thirty minutes. After such a mask, the hair becomes shiny and silky. This composition is ideal for the care of brown and dark hair. Blond hair after such a procedure will acquire a reddish tint.

To care for curly hair, this mask with cocoa butter is recommended: mix a glass of sea salt, liquid honey and any cognac. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place to infuse for a couple of weeks. Then add one hundred grams of pre-melted cocoa butter to the resulting infusion. Such a composition should be rubbed into the hair roots and applied directly to the hair before washing the head once a week, and a warm compress should be made on top and kept for an hour. The course of treatment is one to two months. The mask strengthens the hair, making it thicker and shinier. To increase the effectiveness of this tool, it is recommended to keep the resulting composition under the lid in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then, before applying, hold it open for an hour to warm it up. If the mixture becomes thick, you can dilute it with a little warm water.

Many cosmetologists recommend that after carrying out procedures with cocoa, it is necessary to limit the use of any care products for a couple of days, since cocoa continues to affect the hair for another two days after washing off.

Before using any of the masks, you should test it for allergic reactions, for which you first apply it to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm. In the absence of allergies, the remedy can be safely used.

Cocoa is not only a delicious drink or ingredient in baking, but also a very useful product in personal care. Hair masks with cocoa powder can significantly improve the condition of even the most problematic hair.

Cocoa powder hair mask: reviews

The opinions of girls who have ever tried such means are mostly positive. This is due to their high efficiency and ease of use.

The vitamins and other beneficial substances that are part of cocoa powder have a complex nutritional and strengthening effect on the hair:

  • Calm the scalp, including help in the fight against dandruff;
  • Reduce breakage and minimize split ends.
  • Prevent hair loss by strengthening weak hair roots;
  • Give the hair a healthy shine and silkiness;
  • They nourish the scalp, stimulate its blood circulation, contributing to the activation of hair growth.

In addition to the powder, cocoa butter can also be used with the same efficiency: it is rubbed into the root zone, lubricated with tips, or also used as part of various masks.

Hair mask with cocoa powder: how to prepare and apply correctly

The most common recipe for such a mask is with dairy products. For a teaspoon of powder, take half a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, milk or low-fat yogurt and a chicken egg. An alternative option is to replace the dairy product with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Any will do, but almond, castor or burdock is best.

The next version of the cocoa powder hair mask, according to reviews, is well suited for weak, dull and brittle hair. A teaspoon of cocoa is added to about the same amount of fresh honey. Next, preheated fortified oils (with vitamins A and E) are poured into this mixture.

For those with sparse hair a recipe with bread would be helpful. A piece of black bread is soaked in a dairy product (half a glass) or honey (2-3 tablespoons), then crushed in a blender. Pour a teaspoon of dry cocoa powder and mustard into the resulting mixture.

The finished product is applied to dry or damp clean hair. Whether only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots or along the entire length - depends on the desired result. Then the head is wrapped with cellophane and a soft cloth. After 30-40 minutes, the mask is washed with shampoo or just water.

There are few contraindications: unhealed scalp injuries or individual intolerance to cocoa. Very light hair may stain slightly, but to return it to its original shade, it will be enough to wash your hair with shampoo a couple of times.