Handmade Harry Potter chest. Great DIY Harry Potter Gifts

You will need

  • Harry Potter Printed Pictures, Hogwarts Ticket, Paper Envelope, Photo Frame, Shoe Box, wrapping, glue gun, muesli bars, decorative elements(beads, sequins, satin ribbon).


Take a shoebox and cover it with kraft paper. For a stronger fixation, use a glue gun or Moment.
Move on to decor. Take the pre-printed pictures from the movie and paste them on the front of the box.
You can also stick on the Hogwarts logo, the name signs of the main character, or your favorite quotes.
To give the box a festive touch, attach a bow made of satin ribbon.

Print out your ticket to Hogwarts and put it in the box.
If you wish, you can also create a personalized invitation for your friend to the school of Magic and Wizardry, putting it in a paper envelope and adding a red seal sign.

To make a magic wand, you will need a glue gun. Charge it up and turn it on.
Take a stick the size of a pencil and polish it.
When the glue gun is hot, apply the glue mass on the stick in a circular motion, and then create your own unique design of the magic tool.
After you've finished applying the glue, let the stick cool.
Next, using acrylic black paint, paint it in a solid color. On top, you can add some sparkles to enhance the magical effect.

Take a photo frame of the required size and insert a pre-printed phrase from the Harry Potter movie into it.
If desired, you can decorate the frame with beads.

Harry Potter themed parties are very popular right now, so why not host your own? The guide you hold in your hands is easy to follow, there are clear steps, photos to make it clearer, and also good tips, tips, additional ideas, and a list of all the things you'll need to sort out. Just follow this guide and your party will run smoothly and all the guests will have a great time!


All party treats are mentioned throughout the guide. Here are additional ideas:

  • Molasses pie (pop pie) is Harry Potter's topping as it is Harry's favorite food
  • Fried potatoes (baked, fried and also mashed well) - best used first
  • Pumpkin juice is actually orange juice. Drink this if you don't really want to drink pumpkin juice. There are many websites that will teach you how to make pumpkin juice. I suggest doing it anyway. It will be a good addition to any party.
  • Chocolate Frogs - Use frog shaped chocolate: You can buy frog molds from craft shops. You can also buy chocolate frogs from jellybelly.com for $3 and they will come with a trading card.
  • Pudding - Luna says you can't have a party without pudding. Your party will also not be complete without pudding!
  • Butterbeer - there are tons of recipes, so look for them! Most people suggest microwaving a little butter and toffee syrup for a minute and then adding cream soda!
  • Bertie Boots Fragrant Beans - Jelly Bellies come in just about every flavor! Avoid chocolate! You can buy them at www.jellybelly.com.
  • For all the other recipes you can find, check out mugglenet.com for amazing recipes! :)


    Arrange with your parents to have a party. They'll probably love the idea though - it would be fun for everyone, plus you have a guide (articles) that tells you everything you need to know.

    Make sure the venue where the party will take place is clean and easy to manage.(This is the hardest part)

    Make a map of your home. Maybe include your yard/garden too - and label the places differently. For example, your yard/garden is the grounds of Hogwarts or Black Lake. It gets people interested, and you can play the Philosopher's Stone or whatever.

    Make Harry Potter themed invitations:

    • Idea #1: Invite your friends to Hogwarts with an official-looking invitation in a large DIY envelope with a red wax seal. Your invitation on white paper with green ink stained with iced coffee or tea (try coloring your paper before writing on it and dry it flat) fold it up when it dries. Tie with red ribbon or seal with red wax. To make invitations look even more unusual, ask a parent to put the letter X for Hogwarts.
    • Idea #2: Print out some locations of the Hogwarts house and use them as an invitation - or cut them out and send them as they are in a large envelope asking party guests to color them in the colors of their favorite house and bring them to the party!
    • Idea #3: (You need a color printer for this) Insert the Hogwarts coat of arms/badge at the top of the page in the right corner where the address would normally be written. You can find this image on Google by typing "Hogwarts icons." Then print your official invitation at the bottom.
    • Idea #4: Send your friends a letter inviting them to Hogwarts for the end of the OWL party. Instead of your friend's name, write the name of your favorite Hogwarts character. For example: Dear Moon, etc. Try to make sure you have an equal number of students from each house! Now print the owl images and stick them on the top!
  1. Glasses at home: if you do something very well, the teacher (adult) will reward you with 1, 5, 10, 20 or 50 points at home. But be careful! You can and lose points at home! In each game, write down the points at home and how much you should receive. Adult Party Roles: If you have a mom and dad, it's a good idea to dress your mom as Minerva McGonagall and your dad as Snape! (Be prepared... they may have a few objections to this...)

  2. Party treats

    • Strawberry Soda Drinks: All you need is a strawberry and a carbonated strawberry drink. Cut the strawberries into chunks and dip into the glass, pour a reasonable amount of strawberry fizzy drink into the glass and dilute. You can also serve it as a dessert, then just add some strawberry ice cream.
    • Magic Wands: It's very simple! All of them are bread sticks. Breadsticks are going to be magic sticks, and if you want your "sticks" to shoot "sparks", get the ones that have seeds on them.
    • Mouth-watering faces: If you love pancakes and pizza, you and your guests will be dying to get your hands on one of these delicious things. What to do: 1) Take 2 crumpets and cover with cheese, olive oil, tomatoes and olives if you like them. Make faces out of them. 2) Preheat the oven for about 10 minutes. 3) Eat and enjoy! WARNING: Do not put them in the toaster, you can set the house on fire!
  3. One of best parts Harry Potter is sorted. A great place to buy a Hat is the Amazon website. NECA sells sorting hats for $20. These will really bring some magic to your party.

    • Harry Potter party treats are really easy to come up with. Just think of the food and drink you and your guests would like and come up with Harry Potter-themed names.
  4. Harry Potter games

    • Astronomy: Print and cut out a picture of the planets. Each student at Hogwarts has 10 minutes to find all the planets hidden around the house. Reward 10 house points to anyone who finds planets, and take 10 from those who don't.
    • Create your own spell. This game is sure to be a hit. Before the party, find a Latin dictionary (online or book) and make a list of Latin nouns and verbs that you will then give the "students" to include in their spells. Latin - the most best language for spells, because that is what is used in the Harry Potter books (for example, the spell Lumos, which means light in Latin). Let the guests practice with each other along with the duel master. Use glow sticks as magic sticks, as they emit light.
    • Dinner Race: This little game is good fun. Create a road around your house to get to lunch. Everyone can remove the spell, although all spells are limited except for Awesome Spell and Disarming Spell. If you are hit by an Awesome Spell, then you must stay for another 5 seconds. If you are hit by a Disarming Spell, you are not allowed to remove the spell from anyone for 5 seconds. You are not allowed to remove the spell until you count down 2 seconds from the last spell you cast. It's a bit tricky, so practice before lunch or it could end up in chaos! You'd be better off rehearsing with one of your parents, as they might think you're crazy when you run around the house with your friends, waving sticks at each other, and you might knock over some valuables.
    • Harry Potter Board Games: There are a lot of cool Harry Potter games, so if you or any of your friends have any, be sure to include them in your party!
    • Harry Potter Cooking: Making food can be sooooo much fun! Let all the kids choose their staples and don't go too far to avoid trouble. (They can set the house on fire!) All they have to do is choose their own Harry Potter food, or make it together, getting the ingredients, preparing the meals, and finally tasting. You can get an idea of ​​Harry Potter foods if you buy/read The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook. You'll get 5 points at home as a prize if Snape thinks it's delicious. But does this treat wake you up sour? Sweet? Delicious? Nasty?
    • Potion Preparation: Take plenty of sodas, candies, and berries. Divide the guests into pairs and take a "cauldron" (large bowl or toy cauldron) for each pair. Now have fun mixing everything together. Have your dad/brother/uncle dress up like Snape and try each couple's potion. The potion that he likes the most will give 10 points at home to whoever made it, and the second one he likes will get 5 and the third one will be awarded three.
    • Crosswords. There are thousands of Harry Potter crossword puzzles online, but making your own is much more fun. If this is too difficult for you, do a word search instead of crossword puzzles. http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/words/search/ Here you can create them. Have the children sit at the computer/laptop one at a time, make their own crossword puzzle, print it out and wait. Then let them inflate their partner, swap crosswords and try to solve them. Crosswords must be related to Harry Potter.
  5. Read your favorite lines from your favorite Harry Potter books. It's actually a lot of fun! But don't stay inside the house during this if it's a good day or your dad might think you're up to something.

    • Caring for Magical Creatures: Using magical creatures and searching for them, everyone must complete a bingo grid. Write down the Magical Creatures in each cell. Now have an adult flip through the book and call out the names in random order. The first one to name all creatures will win. Instead of shouting bingo, shout "Hagrid!"
  6. Harry Potter robs bags:

    • Fill Party Bags: At the end of the party, go on a hunt for some items. Regardless of the order of the items on the list, whatever the children find, let them take with them. Good idea- arrange it in the backyard! Here is a list of things you can use:
    • 2 chocolate gold coins
    • 2 collectible cards.
    • 2 icons
    • 1 mini dragon toy
    • Create a bag: It's easy! Just look up the WikiHow article on how to make a bag. I am sure you will find many ways.
    • Sites. There are a lot of cool websites you can go to to find Harry Potter themed party bags. For example http://www.perfectpartybycody.com/welcome/Harry_Potter_Magic_Treat_Bag/a2_b16701.html is very cool!. Hope you have fun!
  7. Decor:

    • Decoration idea: You don't really need special decorations for a Harry Potter themed party, but if your party is about a certain Harry Potter theme, then decorations will help set the mood. Posters made by myself, "paintings" that hang all over Hogwarts and curtains in the colors of the house - that's it. possible ways decorations for your party.
    • Quiet time: Everyone needs a quiet time after all the cool stuff and that's fine. Don't worry, it won't be boring - you'll be watching Harry Potter. If you have more than one movie, please vote.
  8. If you've been reading this entire article hoping to find tips for a Harry Potter slumber party and haven't found anything, here are some tips for you!

    • Bedtime: Sleeping is a major part of a sleepover, that's exactly what makes it a sleepover! You can make a dorm out of your bedroom if you wish. Just decorate with the colors of Gryffindor (red and gold), clean up and place extra beds/sleeping bags on the floor.
    • Breakfast: Usually at the sleepover you all have breakfast together. If this is your option, you should come up with something for Harry Potter breakfast. But don't worry - we've already got something for you. Decorate your breakfast spot like Dumbledore's office and make good buttered pancakes while talking to your dad (Dumbledore) about your favorite Quidditch teams.
    • Have a relaxed version of the Triwizard Tournament!
    • Make Hogwarts letters on iced coffee stained paper, write in green ink, and seal the decorated envelope with red wax. You can even listen to Harry Potter music while you compose letters!
    • Dress up as your favorite Harry Potter character (Harry, Ginny, Ron, etc.).
    • You can play Quidditch! Ask your guests to bring a broom (or you will have brooms) and play Quidditch outside. Remember, there are 2 Beaters, 1 Seeker, Keeper and 3 Hunters. On the Internet, you can find many variations of Quidditch. Try visiting the official Maglenette College Quidput site!
    • Play various Hogwarts songs at the party to improve your mood. Some good bands are Whistle and Flick, Draco and Malfoys and Parselmouth.
    • Use the Hogwarts logo as an image. Just type Hogwarts Logo.
    • If you have a CD player, play the Hogwarts theme tune in the hallway while guests/students enter.
    • Don't forget to write on the invitation that everyone gets 20 points at home to start with. Make sure all guests understand what glasses at home really are.
    • Stick stars on the ceiling, if your parents approve, to make your room look like the Great Hall.
    • Harry Potter trivia is an amazing way to earn points at home and a fun game to play.
    • Great for kids ages 11 - 12 to high school or Hogwarts.
    • Try to invite people who know a lot about Harry Potter.
    • Try the Triwizard Tournament. If you have a pool, you can put obstacles and barriers there. For a dragon game, you could have them catch the dogs with whatever they have to get out, for a maze, you could get some tall inflatable walls and put them in your yard.
    • Why not have a Christmas ball? Ask your guests to come dressed up, give each other a makeover (if you're girls), turn up the music and dance the night away! Play fast (dance) songs, slow songs and Hogwarts theme songs for an amazing Christmas ball!
    • To find even more cool ideas, just type them in your Google taskbar, click on the image and hooray! You will probably find what you are looking for.
    • Ask your guests to bring their own chopsticks. Also you can make your own sticks at the party. You shouldn't be very worried about this. Just take wood glue and paint. Also google how to make a Harry Potter wand for more ideas.
    • Make each a tie for a different house and buy or make a witch's or wizard's hat.
    • Check out the Potter Puppet Pals and the mysterious ticking noise for ideas, then do a puppet show!
    • Scavenger hunt.
    • Play another duel in which you draw cards from a deck and each card will have a spell or dead sign on it. Whichever spell wins gets their card and another card. In the end, whoever has the most cards wins.


    • For wizards who refuse to leave the party, threaten them with dangerous spells. They won't call it a bluff because it's a Harry Potter party. If you don't know spells, just type something like "bad Harry Potter spell" into Google.
    • Be warned, Harry Potter fans may turn up and object to the party/sleepover! If you're planning on using a Gryffindor theme with red and gold patterns and Harry Potter posters all over the place, Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs have a lot to say! To avoid conflicts, divide your room into several sections where different students can group. If you're having a sleepover, make areas where all the different groups can sleep/put things down/get together.
    • Don't use anything dangerous. The worst thing that can happen is when children return home sick or injured.
    • ATTENTION! These ideas can be a bit inconsistent!
    • While playing Quidditch, make sure the beaters don't get hurt when playing outside! Just hit lightly and the player throws the ball! (Quaffle)

This is not my scenario, alas)). The mother of two sons kindly shared her ideas, which always suits interesting holidays for your family with your own hands. So much love, hard work, talent...

With permission Valentina Dyakonova I publish a detailed story about the home quest (all the necessary game materials can be printed for free from Yandex Disk (you must have your own account for this).

Thank you Valentine for detailed description and wonderful photos.

How it was

There is such a New Year tradition in our family: every year on December 31, we arrange a home quest on the theme of my sons favorite films or books, most often it is the Harry Potter movie. This year it was:

When I called my sons, we found an unknown box under the Christmas tree. It contained a letter from the Ministry of Magic (attached), a sealed envelope with a letter from the famous wizard Dumbledore (attached) and the inscription "I open at the end", a piece of paper with unknown symbols (attached), an antique flashlight or a candle (keep it yourself to avoid fire and burns of children), because. we are looking for gifts only in the light of the lights on the Christmas tree and other garlands, a notebook with a pen for writing codes, and, most importantly, a stack of tickets for the Hogwarts Express (attached, for convenience it is better to print three per sheet).

The letter states that it is necessary to follow the inscriptions on the tickets and sequentially write down the codes (certain letters of the Latin alphabet) in a notebook.

FIRST ticket - it says "Visit the screaming hut"

In our case, the role of the Shrieking Hut was played by a combined bathroom. On washing machine they immediately found the book "Harry Potter", in it was a sheet of the Half-Blood Prince's textbook (attached). Then it was difficult for them, because. first two letters se"I wrote with a black gel pen, and it almost did not differ from printing ink, I had to look at it for a long time, but found it! Recorded.

Preparation: we hang a printed plate on the bathroom in advance, put a piece of code in the book.

SECOND ticket - “Room for boys. Prepare the potion"

This is what they liked the most! On the windowsill in the eldest son's room, they found an old box with various filled vials, dried herbs and a recipe for a manifestation potion (attached). And next to it was a small container with a folded and empty, at first glance, sheet. In fact, there is such a trick: on a clean sheet of paper cotton swab dipped in soda gruel (soda + a little water), the letters “ le". In order for them to appear, grape juice is needed. I bought light and red juice and also used grape vinegar. For a change, I put "Honey Water", "Salamander's Blood" (compote). You can use any bottles and cones, I have containers from a car air freshener and a medicine.

Preparation: we prepare a sheet with the code in advance, inscriptions on bottles and cones, print out the recipe for the “Potion of Manifestation”, before the quest we pour liquids into containers.

THIRD ticket - "Communal Lounge is a great place to hide the Marauder's Map"

We have a chest of drawers in the living room, so we went straight to it. In a conspicuous place in the chest of drawers lay the "Marauder's Map" (attached).

In one of the rings brown pencil(because the color of the picture is brown) the letters “ br". Found almost immediately.

Preparation: we write the code on the printed card with a brown pencil in advance, hide the card in the living room. To fold the card, go to the site pikabu.ru/story/karta_ marauder ov_svoimi_rukami_2975586

FOURTH ticket - "Use what is in the box"

The sheet with symbols (attached) is already in the box. Here, too, it is difficult, because. code « at"already printed, but if you look closely, the font is different from the main one. A little going through the options, found.

Preparation: print out the sheet in advance, put it in a box under the Christmas tree.

FIFTH ticket - “The owl brought the mail. Check your mailbox"

We guessed that we needed to run to the mailbox (for this, of course, we had to warm up a little, because it was cold in the entrance). And in the mailbox is the Daily Prophet! And here I want to express my deep gratitude to the blogger Segey Subbotin, who shared this newspaper on the Internet in his article "Report + offline quest "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"". Thank you! My children then enjoyed reading the Daily Prophet. And in the newspaper, the following letters were written with a black gel pen: io»

Preparation: we print out the newspaper in advance on a sheet of A-2 format - first 2-3 sheets, then 4-1, on the day of the quest we put it in the mailbox.

SIXTH ticket - "Under the beds in the boys' room you can find a lot of interesting things"

Under the bed, I put a box of Bertie Botts lollipops (you can use any). It contains a leaflet from the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (attached) and a simple slate pencil.

We thought for a long time, I had to hint: with reverse side“in” is written with a white pencil, and with a gray pencil you just need to shade (paint over) these letters so that the code is clearly visible.

Preparation: in advance, we write a code on a printed sheet with a white pencil, hide a simple pencil and this sheet in a box under the bed in the nursery.

SEVENTH ticket - "Harry Potter lived under it before entering Hogwarts"

Here you need to go out onto the stairs again and look for the code. I wrote the letter With»washable chalk for the bathroom (pictured). She warned me to look everywhere and carefully. Since we were in a hurry to find the code faster, we passed by once.

Preparation: we write a letter in advance on the stairs.

EIGHTH ticket - "Look into the tavern "Three broomsticks"

Immediately found a sign "Tavern" Three brooms ". It is, of course, the kitchen. There, on the walls, I hung a lot of flyers from the Ministry of Magic about " Unwanted face#1 Harry Potter. On one leaflet, on the reverse side, she wrote the letter “ i».

Preparation: print flyers in advance, write a letter on one of them and hang the flyers in the kitchen.


According to the book "YINALEZH OLAKREZ" - this is the "MIRROR OF WISHES". On any mirror in the apartment we write with a simple candle the letter “ p". They figured it out quickly, found it even faster, wrote it down in a notebook.

Preparation: in advance, we write a letter on the mirror with a candle.

TENTH ticket - "Visit the Boar's Head Inn"

Preparation: print out the flyer, write the code, hide it on the balcony.

ELEVENTH ticket - "Did you also take off your robe at the entrance?"

Guessed what to look for on a hanger in the hallway. And I had previously hung there an organza bag with a leaf folded into a tube and tied with twine. She wrote on it with a pencil the letter " t". Disguised with outerwear.

Preparation: hang a bag with a note on a hanger, cover with outerwear.

TWELVE ticket - "I open at the end"

You can print this ticket, but you can not. I printed it out and wrote it down so they knew what to do next.

Preparation: put the printed letter of Professor Dumbledore in the envelope.

After all the tickets were over, the spell “celebratio incipit” was written in the notebook, translated from Latin “the holiday begins”.

It's time to open the envelope with the inscription "I open at the end", where the letter states that you can use the resulting spell if you find it in a personal computer. To do this, it is better to place a file called "celebratio incipit" directly on the desktop of the computer.

And then simply, open the file and read that the last task is to find the Disappearing closet (we have a closet in the corridor - you guessed it right away!). There, on the shelf, there were such boxes in the English style (pictured) with all sorts of goodies and various small gifts.

This ended our quest, although we wanted more.

And one more thing: of course, the preparation for this quest is time consuming (printing everything out, preparing the ingredients for the potion in advance, hanging everything up and laying it out ...), but it's very interesting!!! And not very expensive (in our times)! A quest for children can be held on January 1, and even later, if December 31 is not possible.

Did you like it?

This was the quest. Class! THANK YOU!

I ask for your impressions in the comments. If Valentina inspired you to some new ideas, write to me. May all the families of our country have such interesting home holidays!

Posted by the author - - March 26, 2016

A world of incredible adventures, magical creatures, unimaginable sports, evil wizards, good magicians and strong friendship intertwined in the lives of Hogwarts students. Who in childhood did not dream of becoming a magician, and of a magic wand that would fulfill any desire of its owner?

There is something attractive and alluring in magic, adults and children enjoy reading books, watching cartoons and films about a boy who turned out to be the center of the magical world, where there is an eternal struggle between good and evil.

The world of magic and magic is perfectly brought to life in Harry Potter themed party. To organize such a holiday, you will have to work hard, because the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe event involves not just delicious treats and entertainment program, but the movement of all those gathered from reality into the world of witchcraft and amazing adventures.

Such a party is ideal for celebrating a birthday, corporate party, New Year, Halloween, Student's Day and graduation.

1. Venue

There can be many options, the main thing is not to be limited by time, because Harry Party can drag on.

A Harry Potter-style holiday can be arranged at home, in the country, in a cafe, a nightclub, in nature, on an island and in a theater, if you have access to it.

2. Invitations

IN modern world invite everyone to the party different ways: call on the phone, come up with an interesting invitation text and send it to everyone by e-mail, download themed invitation templates online or buy ready-made ones and give them to guests. But it's best to spend some time and make invitation cards with your own hands.

High-quality designed invitations will be excellent memorable gift each guest and tell about the place and date of the event.

Invitations can be issued in the form of a ticket for the Hogwarts Express train, the only mode of transport that delivers to the secret school. You will need white sheets of paper and multi-colored pens. Previously, sheets of white paper should be moistened with coffee, so they will acquire the effect of antiquity and mystery, becoming a little yellowed.

It is better to print the emblems on a computer, and write the text itself by hand or use a calligraphic font in italics:

“Come to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, address X on Saturday of the X month, X date at XX:00. We will be waiting for you at platform 9¾. All wizards must be dressed according to the magical dress code. Password to enter "Harry Potter is not the same."

Another version of the invitation can be issued in the form of a letter that comes to all future students of the school when they are enrolled in the first year. To create it, you will need colored sheets, a bronze gel pen, white envelopes with the Hogwarts emblem, red ribbon, burgundy wax or sealing wax for printing.

On sheets and envelopes, you should first print the school logo on the computer, and write the text itself beautiful handwriting, preferably with blots. To make the text of the invitation look a little magical, you can quote some lines from the Harry Potter book:

"The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry notifies you of an invitation to academic year at Hogwarts. Carry a magic wand with you good mood. There is a magical dress code. Password "Order the Potter films based on Hermione's breast size."

After writing, you need to put the sheet in an envelope, tie it with a red ribbon and make a seal with melted red wax. A cork stopper from a bottle of wine with a corrugation applied to it can act as a seal. This will be a very effective invitation!

3. Meeting guests

Everyone comes to the holiday by invitation, which indicates Magic word or an offer - a pass to a party. To set desired tone right from the threshold, you need to install face control at the entrance. Each participant, approaching the door, utters a spell that can open all the locks - “Alohomora”, after which Hagrid comes out of the door. There is also a poster hanging at the entrance. Fat Lady, a painting letting students into Gryffindor Tower.
The password should be given to the painting, after which Hagrid launches the guests into the room.

The pass word can be "snitch", "horcrux", "half-breed", "Order of the Phoenix", "Marauder's Map". Those who correctly named the password are given magical attributes.

At the entrance, everyone comes up with a magical name for themselves, to which the whole evening will have to respond. You can use both names from the JK Rowling series of books, and simply magical ones. For example, the hero of the occasion will be Harry Potter or Hermione Granger, best friend Ron Weasley, someone will be Severus Snape, Professor McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Jeanne Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Oliver Wood, Colin Creevey, Romilda Vane, couples in love can become Mr and Mrs Weasley, the Dursley family, Tonks and Lupin, etc. e. If there is a big party, then guests can use other names of the world of magic: Merlin, Cornelius, Elfrida, Grogan, Clionda, Urik, Glenmore, Bardock, Almeric, Mirabella, Alberta, Bertie, etc.

So that guests do not get confused in their own and other people's names, each is given a badge, where the nickname is written legibly and in large letters. A fictitious name is assigned to a person for the whole evening, this will perfectly complement the overall atmosphere of the holiday. Anyone who mistakenly called a guest by his real name is subject to a fine.

A fine for one erroneous mention can be a tasting of a selection of sweets with different taste, even salty and spicy, pre-prepared by the organizers. If a person makes a mistake a second time, then he will be obliged to shout out a special chant:

“Yes, even if I was a Muggle flying in the subway,
Forget about family and work
I would learn English just for
What did Potter say to them?

If a guest calls another person a real name more than twice, and not a fictitious name, then he threatens to go through a dangerous spell "Imperio", which commands a person. In fact, an inattentive party member will be asked to ride a broomstick around the hall for 3 laps.

Each guest for the entrance to Hogwarts, by default, has 50 points, then you can earn points in competitions.

Now everyone is ready to travel to the world of magic and sorcery!

4. Interior decoration

The decor of the room where the celebration will take place is the most milestone parties. The hall can be decorated in the style of the Great Hall of Hogwarts, platform 9¾, the Gryffindor common room, etc.

After passing face control, guests will only get to the party if they pass through a brick wall. You should not worry, there will be no victims, because a curtain with an appropriate texture pattern will act as a brickwork. After passing through the wall, all guests put on a black robe and receive a magic wand.

It is necessary to apply a maximum of imagination and creativity to decorating the room. Tie candles to the ceiling so that they hang in vertical position as if levitated.

On the floor, scatter balloons of burgundy, green, blue and yellow color, according to the colors of the Hogwarts houses. On the walls you can hang themed signs with calls to save Dobby, voluminous chant letters, posters with the best moments of Quidditch, Harry Potter's battles with the dragon and Voldemort, posters with unicorns, centaurs, a panorama of Diagon Alley, famous wizards and personalities of the world of Magic.

Be sure to lay out magical attributes in the room: a ball for predictions, scrolls of parchment, ghosts from balls and white matters thrown over them, to intimidate them, you can draw eyes and a big mouth.
It will also be interesting to look at stands with the image of Harry, Ron and Hermione, a tantamaresque according to the plot of the film, posters with the schedule of lessons at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a plan of Hogwarts, a large map of the Marauders, as well as separate posters dedicated to each faculty and its history.

Can be placed on shelves different kind containers, jars and bottles. All of them are filled with a multi-colored liquid, pre-colored food coloring. To create the effect of a potion with worms and blood, it is worth placing boiled spaghetti and red-colored water in a jar. A potion with algae and dragon nails can be imagined as a jar of green water, some green plant, and almond plates can become nails.

Under the ceiling, in addition to candles, hang paper owls, bat garlands and artificial cobwebs. Stuffed owls and other animals are welcome. On the shelves you can put stacks of books, previously wrapped in dark paper, some books are better left ajar, as if they are alive and want to attack the guests.

On the doors, in accordance with their intended purpose, you can hang signs with the name from the book. For example, the living room Big hall”, toilet - “help the room”, bathroom - “bathroom of the elders”, kitchen - “potions room”, exit to the balcony - “forbidden forest” and others. You can also use the inscriptions "trophy room", "platform 9¾", "Hogsmeade", "Zonko's sweet shop", "Leaky cauldron".

A real broom, or even several brooms, will look perfect in the corner, the most beautiful will be the Nimbus-3000. What's a Harry Potter party without Godric Gryffindor's Sorting Hat. This important attribute can be rented or made independently using improvised means.

In order to make a talking hat with your own hands you will need:

  • Rigid fabric or any other material.
  • Foam rubber or sponge.
  • Scissors, thread, needles, pins, glue, a sewing machine will not be superfluous.
  • Thick cardboard sheet.

First of all, you need to draw circles with a diameter of 10 and 20 cm on a sheet of cardboard, and a figure in the form of an expanded cone. Next, carefully cut them out, you get such a ring with a thickness of 10 cm and a circle sector. Applying in turn cardboard templates to a rigid fabric, double pieces of matter are cut out, one will go to the fields, the other to the top of the magic headdress. The fabric needs to be cut with an allowance, and not strictly according to the pattern, in order to make a cone with tucks from the inside. Thus, it will be possible to imitate eyes and a mouth on the hat, because the distribution hat could speak.

The height of the hat can be made at your discretion, and the circumference can be calculated based on the circumference of the head of the owner of the magical headdress. For example, if the head circumference is 55 cm, plus a couple of cm for freedom of fit, it turns out 57 cm. For a cone-shaped crown pattern, you need to take 1/3 of the circle. That is, the circumference of the hat will be equal to: L2 = 57 * 3 = 171 cm, the radius R2 = 168/2π = 27 cm comes out. This is the optimal height of the hat.

Fragments of fabric are sewn along the edges and turned inside out. Applying to the bottom of the hat cardboard ring, you can form beautiful folds on the fields of the headdress. Parts of the expanded cone are also stitched along the edges and turned inside out. Rolled into a cone is inserted into the middle cardboard template. Between the fabric and cardboard in places where there will be folds, a layer of foam or sponge is laid. After that, the material is pinned with pins to the cardboard. On the hat, you need to make folds in the shape of eyes and one large one in the form of open mouth, foam rubber will help keep the shape. Next, carefully connect the cardboard and fabric with glue in several places.

Fabric cones are inserted into the bottom ring of the hat. The top and bottom parts of the hat are fastened with pins, and then folded and stitched by hand. You should be extremely careful and prevent the cardboard from showing through. The final touch is lowering just below the cardboard cone, because the tip of the hat should be slightly curved.

5. Dress code

The dress code for a Harry Potter party is quite simple, because it is difficult to imagine a sorcerer without a special robe, hat, magic book or a magic wand. All these attributes can be ordered in special stores, or you can sew and do it yourself. The organizers should prepare in advance ties and scarves in the colors of Hogwarts faculties: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. After the game, when the hat distributes the guests to the faculties, everyone should be given a set in the appropriate color scheme.

Except traditional costumes guests can dress up as characters from the book. Since almost all of them are Gryffindor students, the outfit will be appropriate - White shirt, a plaid knee-length skirt for girls, black trousers for men, a tie and scarf in burgundy and gold tones, a mantle, a dark jacket or vest.

You can also come as Hagrid, Dobby, Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge, Professor Trelloni, Daily Prophet journalist Rita Skeeter and other characters in the book.

6. Party Menu

On magic party everything should be unusual, treats in particular. Various canapes with red fish, ham, dishes in the form of brooms of cheese and cheese sticks, meat pie, baked potatoes, fish steaks are ideal.

The table decoration will be complemented by the “magic sticks” dish, which is cheese sticks poured with chocolate or caramel.

For dessert, you can serve pumpkin and oatmeal cookies, chocolate frogs, marmalade candies, cookies in the form of spiders or bats, Bertie Botts dragees, which are ordinary colored dragees, themed cupcakes.

Also Special attention should be given to drinks. As an option, offer guests pumpkin juice, lemonade and fresh juices. From cocktails - strawberry soda drink. It is prepared from soda and strawberries, which are cut into slices and lowered into a glass, then filled with sparkling water. By adding strawberry ice cream to the composition, the drink turns into a dessert.

From alcohol: butter beer and tinctures from different fruits.

Butterbeer is one of the favorite drinks of Harry Potter's friends, it can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. For non-alcoholic you will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • white ice cream - 600 g;
  • caramel - 50 ml.

All components are whipped in a blender, caramel sauce is added at the end.

For alcohol you need:

  • unfiltered beer - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 1.5 tsp;
  • 10% cream - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices to taste.

Eggs are beaten with sugar. In parallel, the beer is heated over medium heat, spices are added to it. Pour warm beer into beaten eggs with sugar. The mass must be thoroughly mixed. Butter melted and poured into the beer mixture. The resulting drink is boiled for several minutes on minimum heat. Next, cream is poured in, and everything is mixed again. Beer should cool for 15 minutes before serving to guests.

For tinctures, it is advisable to choose fruits of different colors, so you get a multi-colored potion. For example, each potion is poured into a separate bottle, red tincture is a love potion, yellow is an invisibility potion, blue is a courage potion, pink is a beauty potion, green is a laughter potion. Everyone drinks only the potion that he wants to achieve.

The main attribute of the party - the cake - is decorated in the style of Harry Potter. You can order it from the masters or make it yourself.

7. Musical accompaniment

No party is complete without a theme musical accompaniment and this one is no exception. Soundtracks for 8 parts of the film about a young wizard will be very useful at the holiday of the same name. Also complementing the atmosphere of The Parselmouths, Swish and Flick, who play music based on Harry Potter.

Download four thematic tracks of these groups on.

8. Entertainment program

To make guests feel like they are in a real magical world, you should work hard on contests, games and tasks.


This is the first occupation that the visitors will be engaged in. A talking hat of Godric Gryffindor is placed in the center of the room, leaves with the names of faculties are placed in it. Each guest pulls one of them out of the hat, after which it becomes clear which faculty he will belong to at the celebration. The choice is between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Depending on the faculty, the party guest receives a colored tie and scarf.

"Finding the Snitch or Playing Quidditch"

Favorite magic game based on Harry Potter. Tennis balls are suitable for organizing the game white color. Points are indicated on each marker. For example, 10, 15, 20, 30, one of the balls needs to be painted gold, 100 points are indicated on it - this will be the snitch. All balls are hidden in different corners premises. 2 teams of participants are recruited, for each, questions on the knowledge of the book about Harry Potter are read out. Those who answer the question correctly go in search of the Snitch. If the ball is not found within 5 minutes, the question is asked to the next team, and so on in a circle. If a team answers the question incorrectly, the right to search for the ball passes to the opponent. All found balls with points are summed up, whose team will score more points, she won.

"Magic Potion"

What wizard doesn't know how to brew magic potion? Several people are required to participate in the game. Each is given several types of juices, cream and decorations for cocktails. The prepared drug should come up with an interesting and funny name, and tell its purpose. For example, a love potion that gives courage, makes invisible. Variants of names: "humble Peeves", "good-natured Voldemort" or "cute Dementor". Who will prepare the most beautiful in color and the most intriguing potion, he wins.


This is a kind of modification of the crocodile game. All participants are divided into faculties, representatives are selected from each, who will turn either into an animal, or into a piece of furniture, or into a person from the magical world. For example, a beak-wing, a werewolf, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, a Horcrux, a suitcase, etc. You can only guess those pantomimes that rivals show. For each guessed word, the faculty is awarded points.

"Guess the password"

To get into the living room of any of the four faculties, you need to know the password. He is told to a portrait hanging at the entrance to the tower. For example, the password is "Patronus".

A girl is chosen to play the role of the Fat Lady and several participants. Everyone asks the picture questions, to which it answers yes or no.
- Is it an item?
- No.
- Is it a creature?
- Yes.
Does it live in the forest?
- No.
"Does it belong to wizards?"
- Yes.

Questions continue until the participants guess the password, everyone asks questions in turn. The first person to guess the word wins.

"Catch the Dragon"

This game has two options. In the first case, you will need a poster with a dragon. The participants are given the so-called spears, sticks with a ball of plasticine at the end, they close their eyes with a bandage and spin them in turn, after which the players try to hit the dragon's eye with a spear. Whoever hit first wins.

The second way is also interesting. Opaque bags are tied to the ropes, in which half candy and toy dragons are placed. Blindfolded players look for pouches to cut off and claim their prize.

"Quidditch Pong or Beer Quidditch"

Such a competition is a fun and unconventional way to drink beer. Quidditchpong Best game for fans of table tennis and Harry Potter. Two teams are selected. The draw determines who throws first. When a quaffle, that is, an ordinary tennis ball, flying through the ring, hits the opponent's cup, then one of the team members drinks its contents.

If the ball hits the glass, but does not pass into the ring, this is two points, that is, two glasses. The opponent can hit the ball on the way to the cup, but only after passing the ring last.

When only one glass is left, the Snitch comes into play. It is quite difficult to calculate the trajectory of a ball with glued paper wings, so hitting the target with it is a real achievement. The team that hits all the opponent's cups wins.

"The Mystery of the Philosopher's Stone"

Guests need to find a coded note from the organizers of the holiday. It is hidden between other pieces of paper scattered around the room. This leaflet contains a riddle, the answer to which will lead to next task. So, several envelopes with tasks will be hidden in the room, where each answer indicates the location of the next riddle. The last envelope contains a blank piece of paper. On it white wax pencil secret code written. To see it, it is enough to sketch the entire drawing with a black pencil, but first you need to guess how to do it. The last code will indicate the place where the treasures of the philosopher's stone are hidden, that is, a bag with sweets and attributes of wizards.

"Harry Potter Quiz"

At the beginning of the game, each guest remembers the funniest and most disturbing passage in the books about their favorite character. After the participants reminisce, the facilitator introduces pre-prepared questions about the bestselling book by J.K. Rowling.

  • What was the name of the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts? Minerva McGonnagal.
  • What city did Harry Potter live in? Little Winging.
  • Where is the entrance to Diagon Alley? In London.
  • What was the name godfather Harry Potter? Sirius Black.
  • How many siblings does Ron Weasley have? Five brothers and one sister.
  • And other questions.

"Broomstick Flying"

4-5 players are required to participate in the game. Each broom: nimbus, whirlwind, typhoon, comet, silver arrow. All participants sit on a broomstick and approach the start. It is important to cover the distance as quickly as possible. Complicating the task are dementors that fly along the flight path of the participants and frighten them. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.


The essence of the game is to draw your patronus, because it is different for each wizard. Participants are given colored markers, pencils, gel pens and large sheets paper. Whoever draws the most beautiful and interesting Patronus wins.


It is known that levitation is hovering in the air. The game will require several participants, each will be given bubble. The winner is the team whose bubble stays in the air for the longest time.

9. Quest - search for the philosopher's stone.

Perhaps the most interesting and exciting competition can be a quest where the task of all those gathered will be to find the philosopher's stone. You can arrange both indoors and outdoors. The essence of the quest is a sequential chain of riddles-tips. After solving the puzzle, you will find out where the next one is. And so, until you get to the last cache, in which the very philosopher's stone will be hidden.

Hints should be interesting and such that friends can solve them. The recommended number of stages is between 7 and 15. Hints may have references to the Harry Potter series, but they don't have to. Here it is worth considering how well the guests know the history of the young wizard. It will be difficult for those who have not read JK Rowling's masterpiece.

Example of a hint: "This chatty pile of folds hides more than just piercing and cutting weapons." The answer is "Sorting Hat". That is, we hide the next clue in a hat similar to the one that Godric Gryffindor once bewitched.

If you do not have enough time to develop your unique search-adventure, you can buy ready quest for any apartment or house. There is a link below.

In order for all competitions and amazing images of guests to remain in memory forever, it is worth order the services of a professional photographer. High-quality pictures will perfectly convey the atmosphere of the holiday!

10. Ready-made script for the quest "Harry Potter and the Portal of Fury"

Unique finished script quest can be viewed and ordered by.

11. Incentive prizes

After passing competitions and games, the points of each participant are calculated. The one with the most points wins a collectible DVD, you-know-what book, or Dumbledore's hat. Participants with fewer points receive incentive prizes as a gift, these can be Deathly Hallows key rings, Snitch lollipops or Half Moon Lovegood glasses. All participants, regardless of the points received, receive chocolate galleons as a gift.

At the end of the Harry Potter Party, all guests are given certificates of graduation from the Hogwarts School of Magic and Wizardry.

Holy beard Merlin, this is going to be a great party!

The world of Harry Potter beckons with its magic, and of course, many admirers of the works of JK Rowling (the author of the Harry Potter books) strive to at least indirectly become part of the magical universe. Fans are actively buying up all parts of the books about the boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, and also get things that are visually similar to those that appeared in the movie Potteriana. dedicated to such presentations, we recommend that you study, but today we want to bring to your attention gifts from the world of Harry Potter made by hand.

DIY Harry Potter gifts - 15 ideas.

On our Youtube channel, we presented a video demonstrating all 15 ideas for creating a wide variety of items from the world of Harry Potter. What is there, starting from a letter from Hogwarts, which Harry could not read for so long, due to the fact that he was not given the envelope of the Dursleys (the family in which Harry lived), and ending with a mug with a prediction - make-up. In this review, we will show photos of the resulting collectibles, but you can find out how to make them by watching the video presented at the end of the review.

Letter from Hogwarts.

In Photoshop, we prepared an envelope with the necessary inscriptions on front side, namely the address where Harry Potter lived at 4 Yew House Street. All links to the templates can be found in the description of the video on YouTube. Inside the envelope was a letter inviting Harry to study at Hogwarts School. This letter was compiled by us on some foreign site, it was possible to enter any name there, unfortunately these manipulations were carried out a long time ago, and the link to that site was not preserved (the letter was simply saved and was waiting for its finest hour).

Ticket for the Hogwarts Express.

original ticket Harry was lavender, we took a similar color with blue as a basis, the ticket was simply printed and cut out.

Bean Bertie Bots.

To create a box, you need to print out the template, cut it out, fold along all the lines and glue it. Coming from transparent wrapping paper we made a bag (you can take a baking sleeve, by the way), and poured M&M's with nuts into it (they have more elongated shape). They put a bag of sweets in a box and sealed the bottom.

Chocolate frog.

The template with the box was found on the Internet, but it did not have the inscription "Chocolate Frogs" and the image of Dumbledore was gloomy, we replaced the image of the headmaster of Hogwarts, and also added the inscription, after which the template was printed, cut, folded along the lines and glued. Next, it's time to make the frog itself, for this we took a toy frog, mixed gelatin and glycerin (sold in pharmacies) in a mug, and set it to drown in a water bath. A frog was placed in a large plastic glass from under sour cream and a melted mass of gelatin and glycerin was poured over it, put in the refrigerator to solidify. Then they took out the frog, melted the chocolate in a water bath, let it cool almost completely so that it would not melt the mold, and poured it into the mold. We put it back in the fridge and took it out after a couple of hours. They put the frog in a box and sealed the side wall with tape.

Magic wand.

magic wand made from a sushi stick using a glue gun. In the end, they painted it first brown paint from a spray can, then black, and opened with varnish.

Leaves from the goblet of fire.

I really wanted to replenish the collection with leaves from the goblet of fire. All the details on their creation in the video. It would be cool to put them in a small copy of the same cup.

Sock for Dobby.

We took a regular sock, made a label in Photoshop with the words “Sock for Dobby” in English, printed it out, cut it out and attached it to the sock with double-sided tape.

Tears of the Phoenix.

They took a small glass jar (they bought Naphthyzin in glass at the pharmacy, poured out the contents and peeled off the label), filled it with water and poured transparent rhinestones and a couple of transparent beads inside. A label was pasted on the front side, which was previously made in Photoshop, printed out, tinted coffee and circled with a black gel pen.

Revolving Potion.

We took such a bottle, as in the previous version, poured in water, dyed the liquid with green gouache, and glued the label we made.

Flying key.

Wings were cut out of food parchment and glued to a pendant in the form of a key.

Writing pens.

A graphite rod from a pencil and a piece of the rod were inserted into the core of the feathers. ballpoint pen.

Memories of Severus Snape.

In Photoshop, we made a label with the image of a doe - Snape's patronus, and also wrote in English the same legendary word "Always". Water was poured inside the bottle, white sparkles were poured, pieces of fishing line were added and corked with a cork cut with a clerical knife from a large champagne cork.

Flying gunpowder.

Ashes were poured into a glass jar, and a label was pasted with the appropriate inscription, tinted in coffee and burned around the perimeter.

Package with the Philosopher's Stone.

We bought a red plastic pebble, and packed it in craft paper, tied it with twine. Instead of a plastic stone, you can take a piece of red candy-lollipop, the Cockerel on a Stick looks great - its reddish color seems perfect.

Cup (mug) with makeup.

The outer part of the mug was painted with black matte paint from a spray can, so that later it could be written with chalk on it. This is not necessary, in the film the mug is white, so if you have one you can leave it in its original form. Next, with PVA glue and a brush, they drew the contour of the makeup, and sprinkled real leaves for brewing tea on top. It turned out very realistic!

How to make gifts from the world of Harry Potter:

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