Scenario quest for children at home - Search for a gift! What gift to choose for a birthday. Mission "Follow the Arrow"

Interesting ideas - how to make a quest at home for children. Original scripts for birthday. Make your children's party unforgettable.

A bicycle gathers dust in the corner, a forgotten soccer ball rolls under the bed, skates rust somewhere on the mezzanine, and your child sits all day, buried in a computer monitor, not noticing anything around. A familiar picture, isn't it? Unfortunately, modern children prefer virtual reality to active games, walks with friends and reading books. And this is spoiled vision, a twisted spine, torn nerves, inability to communicate and live in society. How to overcome addiction and return for young gamers interest in everyday life? There is a way out: invite them to play a quest for children, but not on a computer screen, but at home, in a real setting. We hope that this exciting adventure will appeal to everyone, without exception.

Interesting quest ideas for houses and apartments

To make a children's holiday, whether it's a birthday, New Year or Halloween, turned out to be fun and unforgettable, it is not necessary to go somewhere, spend money and gather a large company. Arrange a quest at home or in the country - an adventure for children. A little creative imagination will turn the apartment into a pirate ship, impenetrable jungle or Hogwarts castle, and your child and guests will go on an exciting journey full of adventures. On the way to achieving the final goal, the guys have to overcome difficult obstacles and solve a lot of intricate tasks. So that the game does not turn out to be boring and disorganized, parents will have to do a lot of preliminary work: come up with a script, pick up interesting tasks and puzzles, and prepare the necessary props. Therefore, original ideas should be taken into account, they will be especially useful for a home quest.

The history of the famous wizard boy is known and loved by all modern children, so they will not mind visiting Hogwarts School of Wizardry with Harry Potter.

From the very beginning, you need to create intrigue in order to arouse a keen interest in the game among the guys. For example, read a note from Dumbledore stating that a birthday gift will open a spell that children will only learn after going through a difficult path of testing. Let the magic phrase be "celebration incipit" ("the holiday begins"). She, syllable by syllable, participants will receive as a reward for completed tasks that resonate with the theme of the quest, for example:

  1. "Brew a potion." The essence of the competition is to reveal invisible letters written on a blank sheet of paper with baking soda slightly diluted with water. Having lowered the "scroll" into the potion, we will see the first syllable "SE". And you can prepare a decoction according to the attached recipe by mixing Salamander Blood (red grape juice) with Mandrake Juice (white grape juice), adding two phoenix bird tears (plain water).
  2. "Message from an owl" - check the mailbox in which you need to put the newspaper "Daily Prophet" in advance, with a written syllable « LE».
  3. Find "YINALEJ OLAKREZ" - a mirror of desires, on which the next part of the spell is written in lipstick.

We carry out tasks until we collect the phrase in its entirety. It is more interesting to play at dusk, moving from room to room and lighting your way with a lamp in the form of an old lantern. As a result, the gift will be opened and given to the birthday man.

Spy Quest

This game is about logic, speed and originality of thinking, as well as quick wits. You need to combine tasks with an exciting, mysterious story, for example, about how a certain villain decided to destroy the world and brought out a deadly virus. He prepared the antidote only for himself and keeps the formula a strict secret. The task of spies is to find a life-saving medicine and neutralize the criminal.

Passions are also running high because the spies have limited time: if they fail to solve the secret cipher in 15 minutes, the safe will fly into the air.

pirate quest

Of course, this is a treasure hunt. You need a map to find it. Old Captain Flint did everything to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, cutting it into pieces and hiding each of them securely. Where? This is what young pirates have to find out, using various tips and completing exciting tasks:

  1. The first part of the map is hidden in an ice cave, where the frost is cracking, the wind is walking, and the cold is chilling to the bones. You need to guess that we are talking about a refrigerator.
  2. Show the children a cipher phrase, where instead of letters, special characters are shown. Using the key, you need to decode the inscription: "The map is hidden behind the mirror."
  3. A bottle was fished out of the sea with a valuable message: “an old palm tree (any indoor flower) grows on the island, turn your back to it, looking at the mountain (which is visible in the window), count 3 steps to the left, 5 straight, 4 to the right. There you will find the treasured document.

When the whole map is collected, you need to turn it over and read it in a mirror image, where treasures are hidden - cookies, sweets, fruits, small souvenirs folded into a chest or suitcase.

Cooking Quest

This is an atypical adventure for children, the essence of which is the independent creation of delicious and simple dishes. So that the lesson does not turn into ordinary cooking, you need, like in any other quest, to come up with a plot and interesting tasks.

You can make an adventure based on the children's cartoon "Ratatouille". It’s worth starting with a story about how a mother found in a closet a page from an old book by a famous chef with an interesting task for children. After completing it, the kids will find the next page. Tests can be very diverse:

  • first you have to go through initiation into cooks, for which you need to solve a crossword puzzle on a culinary topic;
  • make canapes on skewers with your own hands, unusual sandwiches, fruit salads and even bake pizza;
  • alternate the culinary process with funny contests, like “Restore the text”, where random words are entered in the salad recipe instead of ingredients: boil a spoon in a uniform, add an onion glass and pickled buttons ...

The most pleasant moment is that the cooked culinary masterpieces are then eaten in the company of friends.

Alice in Wonderland

This fairy tale, beloved by many, can easily come to life in the walls of your apartment: according to legend, children fall into a strange dream of a sleeping little girl, Alice. You can create a world through the looking glass with the help of special decorations: miniature signs, many clocks, playing cards hung everywhere, hats and mirrors, a chessboard.

Tests are interesting and unusual:

It is good to take photos during the game, capturing especially interesting moments.

Music Quest

Music brings bright colors into our lives, creates mood, energizes. Yes, that's the trouble, an evil wind came up, picked up and scattered all the notes around. With such a legend, you can start an educational game - an adventure for young children. To find notes, you need to perform a variety of tasks:

  • guess what cartoon the melody is from;
  • identify a musical instrument by its sound;
  • solve puzzles or charades;
  • learn and finish the song by the first words.

After each stage passed, one note is returned, which must be placed back on the stave. When all the signs are collected, children can be awarded prizes in the form of medals, musical toy instruments or books.

science quest

It will arouse great interest among middle-aged children, especially if you make a competent selection of tasks - experiments:

Such experiments, and even united by a fascinating plot, will bring new knowledge to the minds of children in an accessible form and will certainly instill an interest in science.

Ecological quest

How to present serious global topics to kids in an accessible way? Of course, in the form of an exciting game. The journey can begin with the story that messengers from the future have appeared on our planet. They warned that the Earth is on the verge of a catastrophe, and if you do not come to the rescue, then in a few years it will die. Young ecologists begin their landing:

For each stage, a badge is issued, which is a piece of the image of our planet. When there is a single picture, the Earth will be saved.

New Year's quest

The quest begins with a message from Santa Claus with a request to find New Year's gifts that Barmaley stole. Tips like: follow the star, go to the cold edge of eternal ice, find the polar bear, listen to what the snowflakes are talking about, lead the children to various tests. It can be:

Although the quest is held in an apartment, you can give the children a little movement by offering competitions in the form of a labyrinth or relay race. Having overcome the distance, the kid hangs a toy on an impromptu Christmas tree.

For completing each stage of the test, the children receive cards with letters, from which, at the end of the game, a hint word is formed.

For everyone to be interested

When choosing topics and tasks for a home quest, do not forget to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

Quest for children 4–5 years old

The game should not tire the baby or bore him, therefore:

  1. The quest is given no more than 30 minutes.
  2. Carefully think over the theme, children of this age are close: fairy tales, New Year's gifts, animals, music.
  3. Tasks should be feasible and interesting, based on the child's ability to navigate in space, perform elementary tasks for fine motor skills, arrange pictures in sequence, assemble parts into a whole, build according to a model, hatch, color.
  4. Logic competitions must be alternated with physical activity.
  5. It is recommended to use more colorful illustrations, pictures and decorations, since the thinking of children of this age is visual-figurative.
  6. Not all five-year-olds can read, so tasks and tips are best done in the form of images or audio explanations.

If it is difficult for a child to get comfortable in an unfamiliar company, he can participate with his mother.

Children's quest at 7–9 years old

The game is still the leading activity, but it needs to be organized correctly:

  1. The high activity of children of this age, combined with increased fatigue, requires a frequent change of activity. Therefore, as with younger children, we alternate tasks for quick wits with physical exercises. The game should not last longer than 40 minutes.
  2. Logic, abstract thinking, speech, eye develop, which becomes the basis for complicating tasks. But all of them must be solvable, otherwise the child will lose all interest in the game.
  3. The attention of younger students quickly dissipates, so the quest tasks should not be delayed in time, if necessary, it is worth recalling the essence of the test.

Children of this age are characterized by increased emotionality and susceptibility. Therefore, an adult should be on the alert to prevent conflicts and praise and support the baby in time.

Quest for children 10–13 years old

This age coincides with the onset of puberty, so the hormonal background of the child's body is unstable, which should be taken into account when choosing quest tests:

  1. Due to increased fatigue, monotonous tasks, or involving excessive physical exertion, are not suitable for children.
  2. The nervous system of middle-aged participants is very sensitive. Therefore, it is worth avoiding excessive heat of passions, violent emotions, conflict situations.
  3. The duration of the quest can be increased to an hour by including seven to eight stages.
  4. Topics should be chosen taking into account the interests of the child.

The principles of organizing a quest at any age should be their safety, the absence of elements of horror or violence that traumatize the child's psyche, as well as mandatory supervision by adults.

The difference between quests for boys and girls

We will not open anything new, saying that the choice of games for boys and girls is noticeably different, it's all about the psychological characteristics of children. Representatives of the stronger sex usually prefer:

It should be noted that most of the quests are universal and combine tests and stages that will be equally interesting for both boys and girls.

Of course, you can take your child to a private quest room - a club where professional actors organize children's leisure. And for 3-5 thousand rubles, arrange for the company a grandiose high-tech show with optical illusions, light and sound effects. But a free home quest will be no worse, because you created it with great love, putting your heart and soul into it.

In childhood, any event causes vivid emotions. The child sees a fairy tale in the world around him and often fantasizes. The most long-awaited holiday, of course, is the name day.

Quest for children for a birthday- this is a great way to briefly turn an invented, fairy-tale world into reality. Prepared costume contests, competitions, games are becoming more and more popular during the holidays. Regardless of the number of guests and their age, you can choose a scenario for every taste.

An interesting adventure with obligatory rewards and gifts can be organized on your own or ordered from a professional event agency.

Numerous companies organizing children's parties will provide a trained group of actors and animators, colorful costumes and accessories. Using all the variety of plots, tips from the Internet - really do it yourself to prepare an individual children's birthday quest . The main thing is that such a congratulation will be unforgettable, super original and will impress any children's company.

Birthday quest for children: the essence of the holiday

What is a quest - this is a cunning idea of ​​​​the author, a game in which, thanks to ingenuity and ingenuity, you can get a gift or a prize. Only after overcoming all the obstacles in a certain sequence.
An important start in organizing such a congratulation will be the analysis of the birthday man and his friends.

The plot of the future quest can be thought up based on the story from your favorite movies, anime or computer games. A good quest from the beginning to the final task should intrigue and keep the participants in joyful tension.

Age characteristics and tastes are of great importance, as are the various hobbies of boys and girls. Therefore, it is not easy to competently combine all the stages of passing the quest without useful advice from professionals:

  • It is important to choose a theme for the holiday. It will be your favorite heroes or a treasure hunt, or maybe a whole set of stories from different fairy tales, it is important to determine the color and style of the future holiday. Since further design will be subject to the main mood;
  • When planning competitions, you need to know the size of the future venue for the event. Whether it's an apartment, a summer house or a cafe - after all, you can make your dream come true with different props and costumes;
  • Do not forget to take into account the number of children and adults, the need to break them into groups or teams;
  • The age of the birthday boy and his friends affects the complexity of the tasks and their number. Older children will be interested in dealing with QR codes and number puzzles for an hour or two. Toddlers need tasks that are simpler, shorter and more varied. A couple of puzzles should alternate with action;
  • The preferences of girls and boys are no less important factors. The choice of the theme of the holiday, the number and types of competitions, the design of the room or hall depend on this.
  • You need enough time for additional preparation to think over all the details. And the time before the start of the game should be used, since not all guests can come at the same time. Therefore, additional entertainment for a fun children's company should be at the ready;
  • You need to remember about a sufficient number of prizes, incentives and gifts for all participants. The birthday boy, of course, will receive his big gift, but small trinkets, sweets or mementos will add a festive and magical spirit to the event.

Details such as the design of the room in the appropriate style play an important role. If it’s hard to choose one party theme, even a simple color scheme (party green or gold) will do. The main thing is everything, from cutlery to the offer to all guests to wear the chosen color.

The dishes on the table can be the simplest, handmade, but originally decorated. Emoticons and hearts, figuratively carved sandwiches and cookies will cheer everyone up.

For early guests, you can stock up on 2-3 games while the rest gather. A large collage card for a birthday person, which anyone can add or make simple souvenirs with their own hands. First you need to prepare for such a case everything that may be required:

  1. glue a sheet of paper to a board or refrigerator and crayons for everyone;
  2. do-it-yourself blanks for souvenirs (beads, molds, wooden models);
  3. costumes and accessories that can be prepared and chosen by everyone (if the quest is planned to be costumed).

Children's birthday quest, script

Choosing a gift for a child's birthday plays a major role in the future scenario of the quest. Leading questions and tasks when searching for the main prize will be formed in accordance with the gift itself.

Access to ready-made scripts for competitions and children's programs on the Internet opens up a wide range of opportunities. Everyone present can participate in the program, children under 6 years old can solve riddles with their parents.

The most popular children's birthday quest is built according to this plan:

  1. Issuance of the initial task, in which a hint for the next one is hidden, etc.;
  2. Passage of all stages, solving riddles;
  3. The finale is a birthday present.

Topics can be very varied. Favorite cartoon characters and games that help and suggest in the process of solving tasks, through notes, letters, SMS and create a magical atmosphere in the house.

It is optimal to use all available means of communication: phones, computer, Internet. Use background music. The places where tasks and clues will be hidden should be well known to the participants. These are furniture, doors and walls, lamps and decor items.

The ideal duration is 4-5 levels or tasks for one game. If the participants are small up to 6 years old, it will be enough to carry out 3 stages and seat the tired kids at the table. For older children, contests and competitions can drag on for 2 hours. Snacks during the quest are very useful and make the dishes even tastier.

Scenarios for quests, chosen by yourself, give room for a flight of fancy. No one will interfere with supplementing this or that story with new adventures. If a child is fascinated by different characters, why not combine several fairy tales into one. So Disney princesses can co-exist with pirate treasure hunts. The script must be prepared in advance.

Parents can be nearby and unobtrusively control the course of events. One of them can be the lead or main adviser. For a more colorful and high-quality performance, you will need costumes and some scenery.

It is possible to prepare a large-scale quest on your own, but very difficult. Turning to the pros, you can not worry about the details and enjoy the impression made.


The scenario of the quest is built on riddles. Having solved the first, the second and third appear until all the tasks are solved and the long-awaited prize appears.
Riddles are loved by children of all ages. Their content should be relevant to the theme of the holiday, the age and interests of the group of children.

To give the right answer to the question, you need to use logical thinking and imagination. If the child independently guesses the correct solution, he remembers this information much faster. If the task contains unfamiliar phrases, you must immediately explain the meaning of the words. Children learn a lot of new things by solving simple tasks of the quest.

The curiosity of children should be encouraged and helped to learn about the world through riddles. This is one of the most popular methods for developing thinking and ingenuity.
Riddles should be different depending on the age of the participants:

  • 10 years, riddles with a trick, you need to be smart and logical to determine the correct answer. As an example, it’s suitable - a bunny went out for a walk, a bunny’s paws ... (not five, but four) or such - a name day on the nose, we baked ... (not sausage, but a cake);
  • 8 years, you can’t do without ingenuity, although riddles are simpler, but no less good training in understanding the answer is provided;
  • 7 years, simple riddles useful to everyone. Simple at first glance, riddles can turn out to be a surprise and humor. Learn to look at the situation from different angles;
  • 5 years old, riddles are not always perceived, but this is a great way to analyze information in a fun and unobtrusive way and develop attention, memory and concentration;
  • 4 years and younger, active parents will solve riddles, the main thing is to create a bright atmosphere of joy and fun that will be passed on to the kids.

Looking for a hidden surprise

A birthday gift is the most long-awaited moment of a holiday or evening. Birthday quest for children makes it possible to enhance the effect of joyful expectation.

The search for a gift is based on clues that can be varied depending on the age and nature of the company. Simple tasks are better perceived mixed with more complex logical puzzles. Notes, for example, can be written with milk, then read thanks to the development on paper under thermal influence. Squeezed texts can be made out by shading the paper.

In the process of searching, the leader or presenter, in the form of the hero of the story, must ensure that the participants are not distracted from the main plot. If the company is made up of children 5-6 years old, special competitions will be needed, where everyone can feel like a winner. At this age, all children should receive rewards regardless of performance.

An active search for a hidden gift will help work up an appetite. Small snacks can be arranged during the quest.

You need to hide the surprise in an original way, in an old chest or a time-worn box. An attic or closet is a great place for the final competition. An interesting idea is to leave the apartment and find the prize in the cell of the nearest supermarket. The main thing is to take into account the time of year and the temperature outside. Chocolate will melt in the summer heat, and water pistols are best avoided in winter.

Quest on a personal plot, at home or in the country

Frequent and possibly the best place to organize and celebrate a child's birthday. At home, a holiday can be spent quite well, but it cannot be compared with nature and the excellent atmosphere of a summer house or a personal plot. Games, competitions, relay races in place with hidden green corners are fun and original.

Thickets near the house can temporarily become a "magic cave" or "secret labyrinth".

An important condition for the quest in nature is good weather. One leader is enough for such a holiday. If the group of children is large, all adults can help organize the children during the quest.
An amazing opportunity to actively spend time in nature allows you to do face painting or face painting.

Use water pouring in hot weather and interesting active games. Hanging systems on trees, kite flying, active competitions and relay races in the country will prevail. In an apartment or hall, more passive tasks are forced to be used, such as riddles and puzzles.

The theme of pirates or time travelers, or maybe dinosaurs and ninjas, encourages the use of interesting facial makeup and simple costumes. These can be capes or light foam swords. Crowns, wire wings, and other available characteristic elements of the costumes of fairy tale characters.

At the end of the game, the hero of the occasion himself finds such a desired gift, and all assistants receive incentive prizes.

Pirate quest for children on their birthday

A popular topic and a favorite adventure not only for boys, but also for girls is pirates and treasure hunting. You can use in the script everything that is associated with sea adventures and gold hidden in the depths of the sea. The chief pirate or captain will give clues or interfere with the birthday boy and his friends. One of the parents can try on the image of Jack Sparrow as a host.

The start of the test will be the unexpected appearance of an old pirate map. To artificially age a sheet of drawing paper, you can set fire to the paper a little along the edge and tint it with watercolor, tea or coffee. The map should indicate the plan of the apartment or suburban area and the place where you need to complete the tasks.

You can divide the card into 4-6 parts and give out a piece, depending on the completed task. The final part will collect the entire puzzle and point to the treasure. It can be gold coins made of chocolate for everyone and a separate prize for the birthday man.

The theme of pirates suggests decorating the room where the quest will be held. Skulls in the form of flags on the wall and elements of the ship, parrots and ancient weapons - everything should be light and safe. A flag and hats for a company of children can be made or bought in advance. Red bandanas or headbands are made quickly and easily.

The pirate party menu and table decoration should match the general mood. You don't have to use exotic dishes, maybe make simple sandwiches in the shape of boats with sails or pizza with a black mark.

A pirate birthday quest is guaranteed to be the brightest and most unforgettable event for children for a long time. It will be convenient to organize the adventures of pirates in a summer cottage or in a spacious room.

Treasure Quest Scenario

What gift to choose for a birthday

You need to approach the purchase of the main prize responsibly. It is impossible not to take into account the wishes of the future birthday man. Perhaps the child has been waiting for something specific for months. According to the upcoming quest, choosing a birthday presentmust be relevant to the topic. You can combine the desired thing and the final prize if you write a good script in advance.

A good gift should be functional, so lovers of pirate themes will be happy to study a new book with knots or the secrets of the sea. Needlework kits will not be superfluous in any girly company.

The variety of children's goods makes it possible to choose a gift for every taste. Educational and educational games, books, toys and kits will give bright emotions and become a worthy prize at the end of the quest.

Quest for a boy

It is possible to choose a special quest for boys very conditionally, since the companies of children on their birthdays are usually mixed. Modern fairy tale characters that boys love can also be liked by girls. The main themes that can be implemented in quest for a boy- This:
— treasure hunt, pirate theme;
- labyrinths and time travel;
- dinosaurs and exotic animals;
- aliens and space, Star Wars and other galaxies;
- super heroes, heroic rescues, ninjas, racing.

As it should be at a birthday party with a program in the form of a quest, you need to solve a chain of riddles and tasks. The boys will be very interested in using email, video links, phones and tablets. Active tasks should not be left out. Children's energy must be spent on business.

Good tasks: climb a tree, run a distance in a summer cottage or go through a web of ropes without hitting a single one in an ordinary small room. Along the way, everyone will receive prizes and souvenirs. And the birthday boy will find the biggest long-awaited gift!

Quest script for girls

The first ideas for interesting holidays for little birthday girls arise in a lacy and airy style. A quest script for girls is possible on a variety of topics, but, of course, Disney princesses will be in the forefront.
Any development of events in the quest for the girl gives a great opportunity to put on the best dresses and accessories.

Depending on the preference of a particular child, you can use all the characters together or take one fairy tale as a basis.

Organize the room and the subsequent quest in the style of the East and Aladdin, and the tasks will help you look for an invisible genie using a lamp on the monitor screen.
The girls will like adventures in the underwater world no less, fight the evil Ursula with the help of the little mermaid and her friends.

The most popular story of Elsa and Anna for fans can turn into an exciting quest with the search for answers in the refrigerator and an impressive surprise in the form of an ice cream cake.

Boys often come to the girl for the holiday, so tasks and quest contests should be interesting for everyone.

Quest - Birthday Surprise

Quest in search of a gift. Birthday

The story of Alice in Wonderland can become a universal theme for a birthday party with a company of girls and boys of different ages.

Birthday quest for children - video

Before the start of the holiday, one should not forget about an important detail, who will take photos or videos of all the upcoming fun.
Indoors, be it a small room, a hall or a manor, you need to organize a photo zone.

It can be a simple entourage of balls and serpentine or chic tapestries or fake forms. This is an important place where all beautiful dressed up or already rumpled, but satisfied guests will want to be photographed for memory.

If the theme of the quest has a main character, then you can take a full-length photo of the corresponding character. Any child will be happy to be photographed hugging Luntik, Princess Yasmine or Spider-Man.

You need to appoint a person responsible for photo and video filming before the start of the holiday. If this is not a professional master, then it does not hurt to give instructions to an assistant.

It is desirable to shoot before the start of active actions: mom is preparing, dad is working on accessories for the future quest. Then these shots will be no less interesting.
Perhaps many guests will make a video, collecting the best shots of which can make an excellent memorable collage.

Quest to find gifts for a child 7-11 years old. Who is Nastya afraid of?)

Back in the distant years of the Soviet Union, children loved games in pioneer camps, Cossacks-robbers and Zarnitsa. They didn't call contests quests, but the idea was the same. Interesting ideas can be realized by showing a little imagination and spending time.

For boys or girls, any parents can create an original and unforgettable gift in the form of a quest, either by themselves or with the help of professional animators.

Each child will be delighted with mini fireworks, crackers, a huge cake with candles or confetti. And, if all this is accompanied by interesting adventures and active games, there will be no limit to happiness.

Choosing a birthday present it won't be that hard anymore. The best option has been found.

If you want to surprise your child and give him bright emotions, excitement and exciting adventures for his birthday, prepare a quest! There are many scenarios for children's quests, depending on the complexity, subject, type of tasks. The chain of clues should lead to a gift, the value of which from such search work will increase significantly!

Caring parents every year try to arrange more and more exciting events for the birthday of their maturing child. So that the birthday boy does not get bored and spends time unraveling puzzles, riddles and moving towards the intended goal, you can organize a non-standard celebration - a children's birthday quest.

The interest of the child is also fueled by the fact that at the end of the journey a long-awaited gift awaits him. Interested? Then you should carefully prepare for this event and think through every detail that can become a decisive clue or add a new round of mental wandering.

Quest-style birthday: the essence of the holiday

The quest as a non-standard way of congratulations will cheer up the birthday boy and charge him with positive emotions for the whole day.

This intellectual task consists of several stages. After successfully passing each of them, the participant is sent to the next one according to the final hint - and so on until the finish line.
The end goal can be different:

  • find a way out of the room
  • find hidden treasure
  • conduct your own investigation.

It all depends on the peculiarities of the scenarios of children's quests, the theme of the events and their complexity.

The peculiarity of the quest is that it can be completed alone. Most often, the hero of the occasion is offered just such a variant of congratulations, which allows you to present a gift in an unusual way. You can invite friends as a support group.

However, professional holiday agencies that organize quests separate individual and collective events. The latter are distinguished by a higher level of complexity and the parallel execution of several tasks at one stage of the game. Here, each participant has a role to play.

Let us dwell in more detail on the thematic variety of children's birthday quests. They can be:

  • universal
    with a set of standard riddles, puzzles and rebuses
  • thematic
    dedicated to a certain plot of a famous cartoon or book.

When choosing the level of difficulty and the theme of the quest game, you need to focus not only on the age, hobbies, but also on the temperament of the child.

  • For the swift fidget
    Pick up more dynamic tasks for the kids quest with many transitions and clues in different places.
  • Thoughtful and unhurried child
    will get a lot of pleasure from unraveling intellectual puzzles.

Starting from the age of 4, the kid can already purposefully complete the tasks of the quest. For preschool children who are not yet able to read and write, select simple logical tasks related to visual perception. Below are examples of designing tasks for a children's quest for the birthday of a child 6 years old and younger:

  • the path from one clue to another can be laid with drawn and glued traces;
  • find differences in two pictures (each difference is the location of clues in the room);
  • assemble a puzzle (the assembled picture is a hint or its location);
  • find an extra item from a series of pictures (it will be a hint);
  • laying out clue cards without tasks (each picture indicates the place where to look for the next clue, etc.).

The following tasks are suitable for school-age participants: solving crossword puzzles with a clue keyword, rebuses, anagrams, deciphering coded clues, adding catchphrases, guessing riddles, a quiz. On the children's birthday quest for 10 years, along with the classic options for clues, there can also be unexpected ones - for example, you can take a picture of a room, print a photo, mark the place of the next clue with a cross, and then cut the picture into puzzles.

We think over the design and scenario

Any adventure begins with a postcard left in a conspicuous place for the birthday person. It should contain a congratulation, an invitation to the game and instructions for it. The same postcard should contain the first task or hint that will lead to its location.

Thinking over the scenario of a children's birthday quest, choose the most unexpected places to store keys and clues - an oven, a refrigerator, a washing machine, a coat pocket or a box of potatoes. An important rule: the places where the keys are stored should not overlap, so that the child does not stumble upon the next clue ahead of time. The optimal number of stages is 6-10. If there are fewer of them, then the game will end very quickly, and if there are more, it will be exhausting. On average, the quest lasts about an hour. For the smallest participants, its time can be reduced to half an hour.

The keys do not have to be submitted ready-made. We offer several ways to hide a hint in an interesting way:

  • put in a toy
  • wrap in candy;
  • put in a balloon;
  • in a magazine or newspaper, circle the letters from which you need to make a hint word;
  • send the key word by e-mail;
  • place a hint note in a deep plate with cereal or flour;
  • seal the clue in a bottle (this idea is especially suitable for the scenario of a children's pirate birthday quest)
  • make one of the camera frames a hint repository (let the player look for it by “flipping through” the frames).

All tasks and tips should be colorful and interesting. The last key will lead the hero of the occasion to the final goal - the present. It must be hidden in a safe place so that it will not be discovered during the game. For additional excitement, you can come up with a reward for each successfully completed level. By collecting chips, the participant will have a better chance of unraveling the gift at the last stage of the game. According to the scenario of the children's quest, instead of chips, you can collect pieces of a home-made map, on which the place of the “treasure” is marked in red.

The card is especially appropriate if you are organizing a children's birthday quest in nature. In this case, the sequence of stages will be determined not by hints, but by the marked route. In such a scenario, each completed level must be secured with a token, a puzzle piece, or another attribute that will come in handy at the stage of solving the place with the gift. The map is designed in an interesting thematic style - medieval, paramilitary, using famous characters from cartoons or books. The card can be left in the invitation card, but it is more interesting to come up with tasks for receiving it or cut it into pieces that need to be assembled and glued together.

Choosing a birthday present

A birthday gift is the main goal for which quest-style adventures are organized.

It should be desirable, interesting, so that after so much effort spent on searching for it, the birthday man would not be disappointed. At the same time, it is advisable to choose a gift for quest congratulations in a compact size so that it is convenient to hide it (for example, roller skates or a bicycle will be out of place here, but a tablet, phone or a collectible car are perfect).

There is a universal set of gifts that girls or boys will be pleased to receive. Young ladies can be presented with dolls with accessories, toy household appliances, creative kits, a beautiful dress, jewelry or accessories to create a unique image (your own or a doll's). Boys will be delighted with cars, a set of children's railway, constructors, sets for outdoor games. Table football or hockey will be an excellent gift option for a young sports fan.

In addition to the final main gift, you can decorate the quest-style congratulations with small additional gifts that the player will receive at each stage of completing tasks. A set of felt-tip pens, a stylish headdress, a bright bracelet or long-awaited sunglasses will be pleasant surprises on the way to the main treasure.

An example of a quest for boys

We bring to your attention templates of two quests that are suitable for school-age children. The topics of the proposed activities correspond to the gender of the child. As boys are more adventurous, investigative and thrill-seeking, we have selected an exciting game for them in this style.

Quest “In the footsteps of the Hound of the Baskervilles”

This game is intended for a participant from 7-8 years old (it can also be adapted for a girl if she is a fan of detective stories). You can limit the time of its holding (40-60 minutes, depending on the age of the player). Among the supporting materials are an envelope with an invitation letter, paper and a pen, an electronic drive with audio files, a computer, carved dog paw prints, a toy dog, a collar. For the player, you can also prepare a detective costume to bring all events closer to reality.

The short script for this children's birthday quest at home is as follows:

  • The postman knocks on the door and brings a letter of invitation. It contains a hint where to look for a box with things for the game.
  • Having found the box, the participant puts on a detective costume and starts the investigation. His first task is to identify the voice of the Baskervilles dog, recorded on a memory card, and remember the serial number of the recording.
  • Using this number, the player "identifies" the dog's footprint. The chosen direction will lead to the next goal, where the next clue is located.
  • The trail leads to “criminal things”. Letters are hidden in them, from which you need to make a word-key - the place of the next test.
  • Finding himself at the next level, the young detective is waiting for the task of quick wits. By answering each of them correctly, the player gets a hint where to look for the next key.
  • Having found another note with a dog collar, the participant goes along the indicated route and finally finds the dog. Putting a collar on her, he becomes the winner of the game.

An example of a quest for girls

Fairy-tale adventures for girls are of a different nature: young ladies dream of attending a ball, trying on glass shoes and showing off in chic outfits. Tests in such games should be more applied in nature: dance or sing, show culinary talents or pick up a beautiful dress. We bring to your attention a fascinating quest for a young lover of beauty from 7-8 years old.

Quest “Princess test”

For this game, you will need the following materials: nice shoes and several pairs of other shoes (perhaps not quite the right size); 200 grams of peas and lentils and three bowls; audio recordings of waltzes or other music suitable for a ball; some products and utensils for cooking and table setting; invitation forms; Princess Certificate.

A brief overview of the children's quest is as follows:

  • The contestant receives a letter from her great-grandmother, stating that the birthday girl belongs to the royal family. To test this, she is invited to take a test for princesses.
  • The first task is to sort the peas and lentils into bowls. The time to complete the task is 5 minutes. After successfully completing the task, the participant receives a pass to the royal ball.
  • An audience with a court lady (answer all questions, showing your knowledge of cultural manners).
  • Shoes competition. Trying on different shoes, the girl must choose the only pair that fits her in size. She should be elegant shoes hidden nearby.
  • Dance a waltz, nocturne or other dance suitable for a royal ball in new shoes.
  • Culinary test (from the proposed products to prepare simple dishes, make a table setting and fill out forms for inviting guests).
  • In the final part, the presenter solemnly congratulates the young lady and hands her a “princess certificate”.

The long-awaited holiday can be turned into an exciting adventure that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time - just don't be lazy and take the time to prepare the event. Children's birthday in the style of a quest is a non-standard and bright event.

Among the many ideas for quests for a children's birthday, you will definitely find those that will suit your child, depending on age, style and thematic preferences. Turn on your imagination - and you can easily adapt the script you found for your young fidget.

How to conduct a children's birthday quest: video

Quest is an exciting adventure for children. In the first video you can see an example of a collective quest, and in the second - an individual one. Happy viewing and inspiration!

A birthday according to this scenario is best spent in an open large space, or in a large multi-room apartment, where you can hide the scrolls with tasks. The script is designed for 7-9 people, but can be used for a smaller number. The mother, older sister, aunt, grandmother of the birthday girl in the costume of the Witch can act as the host. It is also possible to organize a costume party for children, taking into account the favorite cartoon heroines of the hero of the occasion. Particular attention in this scenario is given to quest scrolls, which can take some time to prepare. In advance, you need to prepare the number of scrolls, based on the number of invitees. On each scroll, write a letter in order to add up the final word that will lead the kids to the treasured treasure. The quest presented in this scenario is called "Fairy's Treasure", but there may be another option. Remember that the look of the room also plays an important role, so don't forget to decorate it.

Requisites: scrolls with tasks, hints hidden in objects, prizes for participating in contests, blindfolds, fruit plates, felt-tip pens, balloons, ribbons, treasures.

Witch, children.

Children gather in the room, the Witch appears.

Witch :
I know there is a birthday girl here
The fairy has prepared gifts for her,
Seven treasures stolen by me
Oh, you kids will not be sweet!
Well, I don't know where to start
Maybe I'll tell you riddles
Guess - I'll give you a scroll,
You will find hints in it.

(Makes riddles and hands the scroll to the one that can give the most correct answers. The name of the item is encrypted in the scroll, which the children will need to find. The item holds another clue leading to the next)

Witch :
Oh, what good fellows, you could guess everything,
And the clue was found, you figured it out quickly.
Well, let's also quickly see if you can guess
What kind of dishes on the plates, you need to blindfold!

(The guests are blindfolded, and a plate is placed in front of each participant, in which there is a piece of chopped fruit. The task is to guess everything that is on the plate. The one who guesses the most will receive a new scroll. Requisites: blindfolds, fruit plates)

Witch: Yes, you quickly take the scrolls from me, it’s somehow uninteresting, but I know what kind of task this scroll hides, and you definitely won’t complete it quickly. My favorite animal is encrypted in it, think!

(Letters are written in a random order on the scroll, from which the children must add the name of the animal and find this animal in the room in order to get a new clue)

Witch :
It is necessary, and they were able to solve it,
And read the congratulations
Because today is my birthday,
Read fast poems!

(You can not rhyme, but just beautiful congratulations to the birthday girl)

Witch :
I prepared a scroll for you
But I just won't give up
You must dance
For the scroll - the best reward!

(Music turns on and children dance)

Witch :
Here is the assignment, read
And do it faster
Fairy hid gifts
It will be kids, sweet, sweet!

(Pencils and pictures (according to the number of children) are attached to the scroll, which children must decorate and fold like a puzzle. The task on the scroll is to collect a card that will lead to the next clue. By the way, questions about the birthday girl, cartoons, etc. can be used as clues. e.)

Witch :
It turned out that I accidentally destroyed several villages, but that's not a problem, because in order to get a new scroll, you will help me create and populate them! And the one who settles more residents will receive a scroll.

Competition "We populate"
Children are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. The task is to paint the ball with little men in 1 minute. Whoever gets the most is the winner. Requisites: felt-tip pens, inflated balloons.

Witch :
Oh, how wonderful, how many new villages now. Here is your scroll, as agreed.

(There are two pictures on the scroll. The task is to find the differences)

Witch :
To get a hint
You must weave a braid,
Instead of a bow - a hint,
It takes a lot of effort!

Competition "Scythes"
Participants are given three satin ribbons, preferably of different thickness, from which they must weave a braid in 1 minute. A prerequisite is that each participant must hold on to the ribbon. Requisites: ribbons.

Witch :
Here is the scroll and the hint. Eh, I feel soon, you will find treasures, and you will have to give them away.

(The next scroll contains several riddles describing household appliances, one of which contains the next clue)

Witch :
You haven’t danced for a long time, you need to fix it urgently! And to make it more interesting for you, I suggest repeating the movements after me! Whoever repeats better, that and the scroll!

(In the last scroll, it is proposed to add a word from the letters on the scrolls that will lead to treasures. As treasures, you can make gift bags with sweets, children's jewelry. Of course, the largest for the birthday girl, smaller for guests. Alternatively, you can still use dolls or others inexpensive toys to cheer up and good emotions)

Witch :
Treasures were found
There is a hint for you
She will lead you to the feast,
There's a lot of juice, delicious cake!
There are cartoons, sweets, cups,
There are a lot of fruits and toys,
There are cookies and cheesecakes,
There's lemonade and there's a surprise
I advise you to hurry.

(Gives the last clue leading to the sweet table. As a surprise, you can prepare a watercolor painting of faces, or a master class on creating bracelets, or magic tricks, but you can do without this, but just limit yourself to a couple more