How to color eyebrows with a pencil to complete the look. How to paint thin eyebrows with a pencil. Wax eyebrow pencil Master Shape, Maybelline New York

The quality of makeup depends on knowing how to properly paint eyebrows with shadows.

Not every girl can afford a high-quality tattoo, but every fashionista should be able to make her eyes more expressive.

Why do we color our eyebrows?

The fashion for eyebrow painting was first introduced by the French actress Catherine Deneuve, after which women all over the world began to pay attention to the beauty of eyebrows. If you find the perfect shape for yourself, you can even not paint your eyes.

Previously, a pencil was used to create an emphasis on the eyebrows. Now makeup artists recommend the use of shadows, because they have a lot of advantages. First, they are softer. Secondly, they carefully mask the space between the hairs. Thirdly, they look as natural as possible. Also, shadows are simply necessary if a girl has short hairs or natural eyebrow too wide.

It is not necessary to paint eyebrows only if they have good form and tint. To save time on painting, some girls choose tattooing. Shadows are a great outlet for enhancing saturation. The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, too bright arcs create a comical effect.

The success of beautiful eyebrows depends not only on the ability to create a neat shape, but also on right choice shadows. They should be darker than natural by 2-3 tones. For brown-haired women and blondes, black colors will not work, you should pay attention to brown shades. To prevent the eyebrows from shimmering in the light, choose shades of a matte texture.

In the kit for the shadows, you will need to purchase a hard brush with beveled edges and short fibers.

Well-known brands offer special lines of shadows for painting eyebrows.

For example, at "Letual" there is a set to help correct the arc. It includes three different powders, brush and brush. An individual tone is obtained by mixing shades. The main thing is that the makeup looks harmonious. To fix the shape and color, the set contains wax.

In set Essence users find two shades, a brush and three silicone brow molds. They are rarely found in other manufacturers. However, this is very convenient. Eyebrows are perfect and the same.

Eyebrow correction kits are also available at Pupa And "Rive Gauche". In the first case, the company offers two contrasting colors shadows and two brushes (with a round and beveled end). The durability of cosmetics is guaranteed. In the second case, users receive a set of light brown shadows and tweezers. Means are suitable for blondes. For brunettes, it is better to look for another manufacturer.

Three rules for choosing an eyeshadow brush:

  • Thick eyebrows with long hairs are best shaped with a beveled brush with stiff bristles. The brush can be washed with water. It keeps working and turns into an indispensable tool.
  • The round tip brushes are perfect for fine brow line and ombré. Suitable for girls with sensitive skin.
  • The short bristles on the slanted brush are perfect for self-applying and spreading shadows on the brow line.

Advice! To evenly distribute the shadows on the eyebrows, use special brush.

Eyebrow Tinting Techniques

Before applying shadows on the eyebrows, they need to be adjusted. The beginning of the arc should be in line with the edge of the wing of the nose. To make the right bend, apply the brush to the tip of the nose at an angle so that it crosses the middle of the pupil, if connected to the tip of the nose. To determine the end of the eyebrow, you need to attach the brush to the nostril so that it crosses the outer edge of the eye. At the intersection with the eyebrow line, it should break.

Professional makeup artists There are four staining techniques:

  • One-color shading, which is perfect for fair-haired girls.
  • Two-tone shading to define clear shapes and hide overhanging eyelids. To achieve the goal, you need to shade the entire width of the eyebrow with a light tone, and bottom edge complete with dark color.
  • To create an ombre effect, you need to apply light tone on the base of the eyebrow, and dark to complete the design of the tail.
  • Partial filling involves drawing hairs in places of empty gaps.

According to other characteristics, three eyebrow shaping techniques can be named: graphic, natural and mixed. Graphic involves drawing clear lines so that they become bright accent. Applying eye shadow naturally means darkening the space between the hairs to match the shape of your own eyebrow. mixed media performed with the help of shadows, a pencil and a special gel.

Advice! It is better not to use eyeshadow to paint over the eyebrows. At brown shades a reddish pigment, in contrast to specially designed ashen-colored cosmetics.

Correction rules

During eyebrow correction, you do not need to try to completely change the outline. You can pluck too much extra hair which will lead to disastrous consequences.

  • Moderation and naturalness are the main allies of perfect makeup.
  • To make the eyebrows perfect, you need to take into account the features of the face.
    Small eyes and narrow lips should not be emphasized with too wide a line. She will draw attention to herself and erase the correct proportions.
    Large facial features should be smoothed out with thick drawn lines with an elongated shape.
  • To rejuvenate the face, you can shorten the tips and slightly lift them up to the edge of the ears.

  • For owners round face it is better to choose the shape of the arc with a kink. The ends need to be straightened and lengthened.
  • smooth out sharp corners chin and shorten the oval using straight shortened hairs. The form is not suitable for girls with square type faces.
  • The tips of the eyebrows, which fall down the eyelids, give the image sadness and melancholy. Therefore, it is better to avoid this form. If it is given by nature, remove excess hairs and lift them yourself with shadows.

To get perfect makeup, the main thing is to choose the right shadows. This season is a trendy contrast. It is not necessary that the color of the eyebrows be in harmony with the hair. However, there are recommendations for combining shadows with hair on the head.

Resin shadows are suitable for burning brunettes. But stylists recommend lightening them somewhat with hydrogen peroxide. You can also use a special cream or herbal decoction. And after the procedure, correct the color with shadows or a pencil.

Blondes need to darken the arcs. light eyebrows merge with the face and lose their charm. Therefore, it is recommended to tint the hairs.

Red-haired beasts need a reddish tint. Perfect mahogany, terracotta or copper. Eggplant pigment blends harmoniously with blue-black curls.

Women whose eyebrows have turned gray are ideal for shadows. They fill the space between the hairs and color them in natural shades.

Advice! After processing the eyebrows with shadows, it is recommended to treat them with gel or wax so that they do not sprinkle.

How to shape dark eyebrows with eye shadow

Brunettes are luckier than blondes because of bright color eyebrows. They do not need to be tinted, because natural tone clearly visible, and it emphasizes the beauty of the eyes. However, no one canceled the arc correction.

2016-2017 are characterized by respect for naturalness. Therefore, it is almost impossible to meet arc-arches. Today, makeup artists depict the most natural shape and color. The trend is always a neat shape of the eyebrows.
To change color and shape own eyebrows, you must first eliminate excess hairs. Black arcs can only be corrected by applying desired shade at free intervals.

Owners of dark eyebrows should choose black shadows. They are as close as possible to the natural color and do not stand out from the overall picture. If the eyebrows are black as pitch, they can be lightened by several tones.

Advice! To visually give volume to sparse eyebrows, before processing with shadows, draw hairs with a sharpened pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for painting eyebrows with shadows

achieve desired color with a variety of shades, you can mix several shades of a gray-brown eyeshadow palette. To draw the shape perfectly, you need to follow the instructions:

  • Comb the hairs against the growth line to expose the skin.
  • On a beveled brush, scoop matte eyeshadow of a pre-selected color.
  • As close as possible to the skin, you need to walk along the arc line with a brush with blotting movements.
  • Comb hair back along the growth line.
  • Draw neat strokes with short strokes from the beginning of the eyebrow to the tip. The brightest thing is to paint the main part. The tip should be 1-2 shades paler.
  • Apply fixing wax to the brush and work over the already colored eyebrow to set the makeup.

To perform eyebrow makeup using the ombre technique, you must first apply light shadows, and then shade them with dark ones.

Advice! So that the makeup does not wear off prematurely, it is better to choose solid shadows. They don't crumble and last a long time.

Not every girl knows how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil. At the same time, not everyone has their perfect form by nature. Some ladies generally pay little attention to their eyebrows.

However, do not forget that eyebrows, even without special makeup allow you to make the eyes expressive, look more open, slightly change the shape of the face and, in general, transform the appearance. However, it is necessary to learn how to “draw” eyebrows correctly as diligently as, for example, to draw perfect arrows.

Those who are faced with eyebrow correction with the help of cosmetics for the first time should first of all choose their shape, which is optimally suited to a specific type of face.

To do this, you can use the services of a stylist or follow general advice beauty experts:

However, the shape of the face is often quite a blurry type, so only experiments will allow you to choose the best option.

How to draw perfect, beautiful eyebrows: step by step instructions. Photo in stages

Having decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you should carefully get rid of extra hairs with the help of tweezers, tweezers or a blade, and you can proceed to the sacrament. Today, there are a lot of tools for eyebrow shaping - gels, shadows, mascara. However, for beginners, the best option is a pencil.

The main advantage of pencils over other means is convenience and practicality:

  • Ability to draw lines of any thickness.
  • Ability to adjust color intensity.
  • Ease of use.
  • Mobility.

Eyebrow pencils are of two types - twisting and sharpening. Each of them has its own advantages. For example, a mechanical pencil can be pulled out as you use it, and with proper dexterity, it will be possible to tint the eyebrows everywhere.

However, such a pencil quickly ceases to be as sharp as after purchase. Therefore, a regular pencil is used more often - longer term service, the ability to achieve the perfect sharpness of the tip.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil through a stencil

In order to correctly paint your eyebrows with a pencil, it is first of all important to comb them properly. To do this, you can use a special eyebrow comb or use a clean brush from the end of the mascara. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth, giving the desired shape.

To facilitate the task, you can moisten the brush a little or apply a light cosmetic oil. In this case, it will be easier to shape the eyebrows. Often at such a moment it is discovered that a couple of treacherous hairs nevertheless escaped attention and they will have to be plucked out. After the eyebrows are laid, coloring should begin.

The most commonly used two types of eyebrow modeling:

The first option is only suitable for thick eyebrows, so they are given saturated color and correct the form. Owners of rare vegetation should resort to the second method - neat lines will create the illusion of luxurious "sable" eyebrows. Most often, both methods are used simultaneously, which allows you to create the perfect shape.

To make the eyebrows look natural and well-groomed, it is necessary to draw thin long (approximately equal in length to the hairs) lines. This is especially true of the area near the bridge of the nose and in the temporal part.

Thus, you can lengthen and expand the eyebrow. In the middle, it is better to stroke thinly with a sharp, hard pencil to achieve the effect of natural density. Can also be used for thick lines with a lighter pencil - this will create the appearance of lightness.

After the eyebrows have acquired the desired shape, you can fix them with a fixative gel or use ordinary varnish for styling. When using hairspray, apply it to the eyebrow brush and gently stroke through the hairs without pressing too hard. This makeup will last an average of 6 hours without additional touch-ups.

To make the look more open, you can apply a light concealer above and below the eyebrows - the eyes will appear larger and more expressive even with everyday makeup.

How to neatly, evenly draw (underline) eyebrows with a pencil

Perfect eyebrows do not work out the first time. To do this, it is worth "filling your hand." However, there are several simple rules to make this process easier.

First of all, it is important to get the right pencil. This is the main tool of labor, not counting, of course, the eyebrow brush and tweezers. The pencil must be properly hard - it does not melt on contact with the skin, leaving sloppy wide streaks and at the same time not scratch delicate skin.

That is why it is not recommended to use eyeliners - they are too soft. When using a sharpening pencil, it is important to sharpen it in time. To do this, a good sharpener is useful, which will sharpen the pencil evenly without leaving wood chips.

To evenly emphasize the eyebrows, you should not immediately completely tint them. It is enough to draw with a pencil a few fine lines. Perhaps this will be enough to get you started.

If the eyebrows are still too sparse or short, the work will be more serious. It should be neat shading lines to fill the largest voids with a pencil, imitating hairs. Short eyebrows can be lengthened with thin long lines. Eyebrows summed up in this way will look neat and well-groomed.

How to choose the right eyebrow pencil color - optimal shades

Speaking about how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil, do not forget about choosing the color of the product. Even brunettes rarely boast blue-black eyebrows.

In addition to hair color, it is also important to focus on skin tone, which often plays a decisive role. By choosing the optimal shade of the pencil, you can make your face more fresh and radiant. For each color type there are certain nuances of choice.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for brunettes

Brunettes with fair skin most often do not go black pencils. Optimal, according to experts, are dark brown and gray shades. For example, a light-eyed brunette with “porcelain” skin and a pale pink blush should most often choose a dark gray pencil.

For the owner of resin curls and yellowish skin more suitable brown pencil. For burning brunettes with dark skin, dark eyes and crimson lips, a black pencil can be used.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for dark blonde hair

For owners of dark blond hair, it is better to use brown pencils. Depending on the color of the hair, you should choose how dark the color of the pencil will be.

For redheaded girls warm color skin fit terracotta shades. And for cold fair-haired people, it is better to choose a calm pencil Brown. It is also worth paying attention to the color type - the warmer the skin color, the warmer the eyebrow pencil should be.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil color for blondes: the best shade for blondes

Girls with blond curls will effectively emphasize their femininity with light brown or gray pencils.

Blondes with golden skin And brown eyes You can also use a brown brow pencil. And if the skin is rather peach, and the eyes are blue gray shade would be more preferable.

Which eyebrow pencil is better to buy

When buying a pencil, you should be guided by a considerable number of characteristics:

Modern industry offers a few more items that will allow any girl to buy perfect pencil. You can choose from three categories: waterproof, wax and powder pencils.

Waterproof eyebrow pencil

A waterproof eyebrow pencil is useful for any girl who leads an active lifestyle. And also for those who live in the area with high humidity. The main advantage of this pencil is its amazing stability.

If you correctly paint your eyebrows with such a pencil, no natural disasters are terrible. The only caveat is that it is necessary to carefully monitor the fat content of the skin - since the pigment is fat-soluble. Therefore, do not forget to walk with a matting napkin or just a dry, clean handkerchief over the skin in order to avoid unpleasant situation.

Eyebrow wax pencil

A wax pencil is useful for owners of coarse hair. Such a tool smoothes unruly hairs as naturally as possible and allows you to create the perfect shape, even if they are short. When using a wax product, there is no need to fix the eyebrows after makeup. It is not uncommon for wax crayons to be waterproof as well.

Powder Eyebrow Pencil

Eyebrow powder pencil is the best option for cool weather. This product is suitable for all skin types, including oily. Powder pencil looks the most natural. Among its advantages are easy application and maximum staining.

For evening make-up You can moisten it a little and then the shade will be more intense. If the pencil is used incorrectly, its service life is short. Eyebrows should be painted as carefully as possible - the stylus is not too resistant to damage. Also, the disadvantages of the product include its instability: after a few hours, makeup will need to be corrected.

When choosing an eyebrow pencil, it is important to focus not only on the price, manufacturer, type and color of the pencil. Make a purchase of a pencil only when daylight, be sure to use the tester to see how natural the pencil will look on your skin, and then the result will delight you and others.

Video tutorials: How to learn to paint eyebrows

How not to draw eyebrows, and how to make them up:

Eyebrow makeup. Eyebrow correction with cosmetics:

Eyebrows set the direction for all makeup. Much depends on the solution of the question of how to paint eyebrows correctly. female image. With the help of eyebrows, you can visually lift your eyes and even change the impression of the nose. Therefore, it is natural that great importance is attached to the correction of eyebrows.

How to color eyebrows? The question rests not only on the makeup technique, but also on the choice of the right cosmetic product. To create a conceived image on the face, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, the main thing is to emphasize the individual characteristics of a woman as much as possible. Eyebrows complete the selection of the eyes, that is, they should contribute to their charm. Any girl dreams of natural spectacular eyebrows, and allows you to bring them closer to perfection.

Features of eyebrow makeup

It is aimed at emphasizing them and includes care, adjustment and painting. Eyebrow care is to provide the necessary thickness of the hairline and hair length, as well as to improve the skin in the eyebrow area. Adjustment provides the right dimensions(length and width) and the selected shape (bend, arc, etc.). Finally, painting provides the final look - the color and its saturation. All this is done professionally beauty salons, but can be successfully carried out independently at home.

To make the eyebrows look beautiful, the following basic cosmetics are used:

  • shadows;
  • pencil;
  • eyebrow dye;
  • gel;
  • powder;
  • means for accelerating the growth of eyebrows;
  • castor and linseed oil;
  • natural henna;
  • ink;
  • hydrogen peroxide for hair bleaching and tweezers treatment.

For cosmetic procedures the following tool is used:

  • a brush with beveled ends and a hard bristle for applying shadows;
  • hair removal tweezers;
  • brush, tweezers and cosmetic scissors.

The question of how to paint eyebrows, the girl decides individually. You can tint them in the following main ways:

  1. Pencil is the most common way. Main advantages: ease of use, speed of the procedure, the ability to provide a thin form. Disadvantages: intended for one exit, constant application of a new layer is required, insufficient volume saturation.
  2. Shadows are in many ways similar to a pencil, but they look more natural, they saturate the volume more, the disadvantage is a one-time use.
  3. Dye. The main advantage is the duration of makeup (from 7 to 30 days), color saturation, the disadvantage is more aggressive impact on the skin.

Preparing for painting

Before proceeding with the solution of the question of how to color the eyebrows, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures. They consist in carrying out the correction: to create the desired length of the hairs, uniform in area; provide the necessary width with the removal of excess hairs with tweezers; choose the shape you like, for which you may have to actively work with tweezers and tweezers.

After the adjustment is completed, the skin area must be thoroughly disinfected (if necessary, remove inflammation special cream or lotion). Preparatory work should be completed 2-3 hours before dyeing the eyebrows, and it is best to carry out the correction procedure a day before dyeing. Special security measures should be taken by girls with particularly sensitive skin.

Eyebrow shape selection

When choosing, one should take into account the features of the face in order to emphasize the most advantageous features, in particular, the following recommendations are offered:

  1. If the eyes are small and the lips are narrow, then you do not need to create wide arcs.
  2. With large facial features, thick elongated arcs are recommended.
  3. To rejuvenate the face, you can shorten and raise the tips of the eyebrows towards the ears.
  4. At round shape eyebrows with a kink and elongated straight tails are suitable for faces, the lack of length can be made up for by drawing with ink or pencil.
  5. For an elongated face and a pointed chin, straight and short hairs are needed.
  6. Eyebrows with hairs lowered down make you look older and give the impression of sadness on your face. It is recommended to remove hanging tips and carry out an appropriate combing.

Eyebrow color selection

Before you paint your eyebrows, you need to choose a color and its saturation. Classic option it is considered the coincidence of the color of the eyebrows with the color of the hair on the head, however modern fashion shows a tendency towards different contrasts. With all liberties, interpretations of the color scheme exist certain rules choice.

Resin eyebrows are quite suitable for brunettes, but it is still recommended to lighten them a little. Such clarification can be done with hydrogen peroxide, a special cream or herbal decoction. After lightening, the hue is adjusted to the selected saturation.

Blondes should consider darkening their hair with paint or gel. Gray-brown shades and graphite color are suitable for brown-haired women. In the case of red hair, it becomes necessary to use paints of a reddish tone, for example, mahogany, terracotta or copper.

If there is gray hair, then the use of a pencil will not give effective painting.

The most suitable coloring method is the use of shadows and powder. The dispersity of their particles makes it possible to ensure a uniform natural color.

Pencil painting

One of the most common methods for painting eyebrows is the use of a pencil. To begin with, the pencil itself is correctly selected, it must be hard enough and sharp. The color of the pencil is chosen taking into account the selected makeup. To carry out the procedure, you need a brush, it should be chosen in the most rigid version.

Preliminary preparation and adjustment of eyebrows is carried out. The procedure itself includes several steps. Applied Foundation. Two small strokes mark the beginning of the eyebrow (near the bridge of the nose) and the end (a point on the line drawn from the nostril through the edge of the eye to the temple). The hairs are straightened with a brush on the head from the bottom up, in other areas - along the line of hair growth towards the temple. With the sharp end of the pencil, short strokes are made that imitate hairs, starting from the head to the end of the eyebrow. It is advisable to first draw below, and then supplement the figure above.

If you want to add density, then the area with sparse hairs is hatched with the tip of a pencil. In this case, the strokes should be placed one above the other. Then the hairs are combed again to obtain a straight line and remove excess mass. It is recommended to color the hairs as follows: in the area of ​​​​the eyebrow head - barely noticeable, in the center - a little stronger, and a few strokes are made at the tip, even if the eyebrow is short.

When using a pencil, follow some rules:

  1. The whole line is not drawn with a pencil, only individual hairs are drawn.
  2. To lengthen the eyebrow line, the pencil moves along the hair growth with small strokes.
  3. To increase the brightness, the hairs are combed down, the pencil is drawn along the eyebrow line, then the hairs return to their previous position.
  4. To give naturalness, 2 pencils of the same color are taken, but one is lighter than the other; a light tone is applied first, and then strokes from below are made darker.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the hairs are combed with a brush.

Using shadows

Coloring eyebrows with shadows allows you to create a more uniform natural color. In general, their application is similar to painting with a pencil.

Eyebrow shadows are available in various forms. Pencil shadows (highlighters) are used, which are a pressed powder lead and placed in a plastic case. This powder is applied smoothly and evenly in a thin line.

Palettes are quite popular - sets of 2 shadows different shade(for example, black and chocolate, gray and dark gray). The consistency of these compounds is loose powder or thick cream. Finally, the shadows are sold as a universal set with compositions of different colors, complete with wax, gel, brush and stencil.

It is recommended to pay special attention to cosmetics from leading companies: Oriflame (shadows, pencils, gels), Letual (Regard Fatal correction kit with three colors of shadows with the possibility of mixing them), Essence (for example, a palette with beige and brown shadows), Eyebrow Set (supplied with original tassels), Rive Gauche.

Coloring technology

Shadows are usually chosen in matte shades and solid consistency, respectively, the brush must also be chosen appropriate - with a solid base and beveled edges. The technology of painting with shadows is very similar to painting with a pencil. After completing the procedure, comb the hairs to evenly distribute the dye.

The process of coloring with shadows consists of the following steps:

  1. The hair is combed with a brush.
  2. A small amount of shadow is applied to the brush.
  3. Shadows are applied to the eyebrows along the hairline and gradually distributed between them.
  4. Hair is combed and excess mass is removed.
  5. A line is drawn from the bottom of the eyebrow bright shadows to create contrast.
  6. At unruly hair you can use gel or wax for fixation.

Paint application

The main advantage of using eyebrow dye is its long-term color retention. However, the skin near the eyes has hypersensitivity, which increases the requirements for chemical composition paints. Modern eyebrow tinting kits already have grooved sticks or special brushes, a small plastic or ceramic container for preparing one portion of dye, a crescent-shaped swab to protect the eyes.

Coloring includes several characteristic steps:

  1. The mixture is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions.
  2. The skin around the eyebrows is lubricated with a protective fat cream or gel.
  3. Using a stick or brush, the paint is carefully applied to the hairs in the direction of their growth, starting from the outer edge.
  4. The paint is dried for the time specified in the instructions (usually about 15 minutes).
  5. The eyebrow is wiped first with a dry bandage or gauze, and then with a damp swab.
  6. The remaining paint is washed off with warm water.

Paint is retained enough long time, and when using a qualitative composition, the next similar procedure is carried out in a month. However, slight adjustments to the shape as needed are made with a pencil.

Powder touch-up

With rare eyebrows, a special tinting powder can be used to tint them. It is applied with a brush by analogy with shadows or a pencil and fills the entire volume well.

Filled eyebrows visually appear thicker and fluffier. Eyebrow powder has a special composition and does not crumble after application. If the eyebrows are thick and have an even, saturated color, then the use of powder is not recommended - it can have the opposite effect.

Almost every woman uses makeup to emphasize the dignity of her appearance and hide her flaws. It should be remembered that when applying any cosmetic product, the rules for its use are taken into account. This will help avoid errors and spoiled appearance. When creating eyebrow makeup, women often use a pencil, as it is easy for them to color the hairs and correct if mistakes were made. It gives eyebrows natural look. When using a pencil, you need to know some of the nuances of creating a shape in accordance with facial features.


The right choice of color

Eyebrows require no less attention when applying makeup than other parts of the face, because they are able to emphasize the depth of the look and make it even more expressive. Surely, every girl knows which shade suits her, but it is worth noting that there is a universal recommendation regarding the choice of pencil color: it should be a little darker hair, but a few shades lighter than lashes.

It is important to paint eyebrows with a pencil correctly. Do not apply it too thickly. This will make the appearance unnatural and even vulgar. The main rule here is: it is better to under-paint the eyebrow slightly than to overdo it.

How to determine your eyebrow shape

One of the most important points in eyebrow makeup is choosing the right shape. It should correspond to the features of appearance, otherwise it can not only spoil the image, but also give the face an unnecessary expression, for example, sullenness or surprise.

Eyebrows can be smooth, they are also called raised. These eyebrows look good on oval face. Semicircular eyebrows can visually lengthen and narrow, so they will definitely suit chubby beauties. But the rounded shape is ideal for owners of a too sharp chin, as it visually softens the contours of the face. Also, eyebrows can be a house or with a break. Which form is needed depends on individual features and the desired result.

It is important to remove excess hairs when creating a form, for which it is necessary to determine three main points. You only need tweezers and any pencil:

  1. First of all, you should determine the beginning of the eyebrow. To do this, the pencil is applied to the wing of the nose perpendicular to inner corner eyes. This will be the first point.
  2. To determine the highest part of the eyebrow, it is necessary to draw a conditional line from the wing of the nose through the center of the pupil.
  3. The third point defines the end of the eyebrow. It is enough to draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Steps for applying eyebrow pencil

When creating eyebrow makeup, you should be careful not to overdo it with the pigment. It is recommended to use a pencil designed specifically for this purpose: it should be moderately hard so that you can draw thin, clear lines that resemble hairs. Never use eyeliner to color your eyebrows. It has a too soft stylus, therefore, it will be difficult to apply it, and even with the slightest increase in temperature it will certainly flow.

When coloring eyebrows with a pencil, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the sequence of application:

  1. Before applying the pencil, you need to moisturize the skin, and when the cream is absorbed, apply a tonal foundation.
  2. Now, using a brush, comb the eyebrow in such a way that the hairs are directed downwards.
  3. Then, with a sharpened pencil, draw short lines in the direction of hair growth. This must be done from the bridge of the nose to the temples. When applying, avoid excessive pressure.
  4. If you suddenly managed to paint over the eyebrow too intensively, you can use a cotton swab to remove excess makeup.
  5. Makeup is almost ready. It remains to comb the eyebrows with a brush and shade the pigment a little to give the eyebrows a more natural look.

Do not paint your eyebrows with thick continuous lines to avoid a mask-like vulgar face. By the way, many makeup artists recommend using two shades when coloring eyebrows with a pencil. The darker one should be shaded on the inside, and the lighter one should be applied to the thin outer area of ​​​​the eyebrows.

Eyebrow correction

Many people think that using a pencil can only give the eyebrows a brighter and more saturated color. In fact, using this cosmetic product, it will be possible to make them more voluminous, as well as change the shape.

You can resort to this method in cases where there is no time to change the shape with tweezers or it cannot be done for any other reason. First of all, you need to consider the structure of the eyebrow in a magnifying mirror and determine what kind of effect you want to achieve.

Now you should apply thin strokes with a pencil to the necessary areas. They should be located above the superciliary arch, which will make the makeup more natural. Most of the pigment is recommended to shade in the body of the eyebrow. If it is shorter than we would like, you can draw it a little according to the same principle: thin dashed lines in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

One important nuance: when correcting eyebrows with a pencil, excess hairs near the bridge of the nose, if any, are plucked, since it will not be possible to hide them with cosmetics.

Video: Correction and coloring of eyebrows at home

Secrets of the correct coloring of thin eyebrows

It would seem that you can paint eyebrows with a pencil, adhering to the above rules, regardless of their thickness. In fact, this moment is very important and should be taken into account when creating an ideal image.

Owners of thin eyebrows should know how to visually make them more voluminous. To do this, you need to have a pencil that is used for daily makeup, and purchase another one, but lighter by 1-2 tones.

It is quite simple to make up thin eyebrows: first, you should shade the eyebrows over the entire length light shade pencil using the same technique as usual. Next, apply more dark color at the bottom. Finally, the pigment is shaded with a brush, which will give naturalness and make the lines invisible. This technique is used by many makeup artists when creating a make-up for celebrities.

There is no single formula that could unequivocally determine how to properly create eyebrow makeup with a pencil. However, taking into account all the above recommendations, through trial and error, any girl will be able to achieve exactly the look that can emphasize her look and give her appearance a special chic.

Nothing emphasizes so much natural beauty faces like eyebrow makeup. With beautiful thick eyebrows, you can safely stop at nude makeup or do a full make-up. They will look equally good everywhere. The contour greatly affects the perception of our face, wrong eyebrows can easily make the face look sad or angry. Therefore, first of all, independently, or with the help of a specialist, select correct form.

Plucking eyebrows is not difficult at all, in addition, we recommend coloring them with henna or hair dye. Then they will always remain expressive. But it often happens that its shape is not ideal, and the choice of shape is limited by the presence of hairline. In this case, do not be upset. It is necessary to work with what is, and the missing touches can be easily added using cosmetics.

What are the ways of correction?

If you have your thick eyebrows the correct shape, then all you need is a fixing gel that will not allow you to lose your perfect shape in a day. Just comb the hairs and fix. This will be enough for daytime makeup.

But if your hairs are not as thick as you would like, then eyebrow correction can have two options for you.

Long-term interventions

This can include henna staining, or paint. Suitable for those people who have fairly thick eyebrows, just a little colorless. But if the density does not please, and there is no desire to do makeup every day, then you can resort to microblending, or tattooing. In this case, dye will be injected under the skin, which will create an eyebrow contour for several months. Of the advantages of this method, the time for morning makeup is reduced.

Even without makeup, you will look bright and beautiful. Cons: hard to find good master which will make beautiful and natural Permanent makeup. Recommendations from friends and a portfolio from a specialist will help you in your search. Remember that eyebrows are always in sight, because this is not a service that you can save on.

Short-term correction methods

Not every girl wants to completely get rid of eyebrows and create them on her face again. For those people who appreciate the natural look, correction with the help of cosmetics is suitable. It can be a pencil, eye shadow, marker, or special ink.

The advantage of these tools is that they are easily washed off, and you can emphasize the eyebrows only when necessary. For example, for evening make-up. Plus, you will not be limited by frames and you can always experiment with makeup. So, now it is very fashionable to dye eyebrows with bright colors to match a non-standard hair color. For life, this option may be too bold, but in artistic photography it can be very beautiful. Different colors, sequins and unusual shapes now at the height of fashion.

It is difficult to say which tool is the most convenient for creating makeup. It is easier for someone to emphasize eyebrows with shadows, someone draws hairs with a thin marker. But the most classic remedy- this is a pencil. It is very convenient for them to apply strokes that will look natural and soft. The advantage of a pencil is that it is easy to take with you and adjust the shape as needed. Pencils usually have a wide colors. Of the disadvantages of a pencil, it can be distinguished that it is not as resistant as a marker.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil? You need to apply short but precise strokes where you want to add color. Try not to get on the hairs. Pencil is a bad way to color your hair. For this, it is better to use henna.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil?

To properly paint eyebrows, first of all, you need to choose correct shade pencil. Try to choose a shade that is one or two shades darker than yours. own hair on the head. But just choosing a tone is not enough. All available pencils have two subtones:

  • red;
  • grey.

A pencil with a red undertone is suitable not only for owners of red hair, but also for girls with a warm color type. It will be perfectly combined with all warm shades of hair. If you are dominated by a warm color, then be careful. Using a pencil with a gray tone, there is a risk of getting a greenish tint to the eyebrows.

If you are a beauty ashy shade hair, cold skin and a cold tone of the eyes, then the red undertone does not suit you. Look for pencils that will have a gray tone. In any large chain store, you can contact a consultant with a request to try makeup on your eyebrows. So you will have no doubt that you made the right choice.


Advice: beautiful make-up can be obtained by using two eyebrow pencils (one slightly lighter, the other darker). This method is more laborious, requires skill, but perfect shape worth the effort.

When choosing a pencil, try to get a tool with a hard core. A soft pencil will smear more on the hairs, which is absolutely not effective. You need a solid product that can fill the gaps between the hairs. To make the pencil even harder (and therefore more convenient), it is recommended to store it not in a cosmetic bag, but in the refrigerator. Then you can sharpen the pencil sharply with a chip.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step

First you need to decide on a form. Think about where the beginning, the highest point and the end will be. Some bloggers recommend using stencils to create perfect eyebrows, but this method is not very effective. After all, everyone's faces are different and you need to create a shape that maximizes the beauty of your face. And not just draw two perfect arcs on the face.

Take a special brush. Comb your hair up first, and then in the direction of hair growth. Now pick up a pencil, step back a little from the edge and emphasize the bottom border. We don't start drawing from the very edge, because the first border should be soft, not hard.

This will give the face a natural look. The part that starts the eyebrow is best shaded with a pencil a tone lighter. Remember that this line should not be straight and strictly defined. This immediately gives out the drawn eyebrows. Look at the photo, this is an example of bad makeup.

In this situation, such eyebrows may be appropriate, as this is an artistic photograph in the image. Here the girl with the help of makeup emphasizes the unnatural makeup. But in life, strict contours give the face a comical look.

Also emphasize the upper border of the eyebrow. Make sure these two lines run parallel. There should be no deviations and wavy lines. Now critically inspect the space and shade everything with a pencil empty seats. With a dark pencil, underline the thin edge.

With a light pencil, you can finish the beginning a little. To make the eyebrows look more defined, you can emphasize them with a pencil. beige shade. Check that all transitions are smooth and natural.

How to draw eyebrows step by step with a pencil thick hair Oh

If you are the owner of thick hair, but want to get a strictly defined contour, then the principle of coloring remains approximately the same.

You need to brush your eyebrows. Then draw a line with a pencil along the upper and lower borders, giving them the correct shape. If there are bald spots somewhere, then shade them with a pencil. Apply light shadows under the eyebrow, or bring this area with a light pencil. So that your hairs do not lose their shape, it is best to fix them with a special gel.

How to make up eyebrows beautifully - expert advice

All of the methods listed above help to make up your eyebrows beautifully. The only thing you need is practice. From the first time, no one succeeds in creating eyebrows in best traditions Instagram chic. You will need, first of all, to fill your hand in creating the correct symmetrical eyebrows. This part is the most difficult for a beginner.

It's very easy to draw one beautiful eyebrow, but then the problems start on the second. In order not to encounter this problem, at first try not to change the shape much, but simply emphasize their natural look.

Bright, thick and graphic eyebrows have not gone out of fashion for years. They give the face a natural look, and make-up completeness. If your hair is not too thick, then do not neglect various oils and serums for hair growth. And you can correct small flaws with the help of cosmetics.