Alexandrite in daylight has a color. Minerals can be found in two types. How to distinguish an original from a fake

Alexandrite is a type of mineral chrysoberyl(Be Al 2 O 4 ). Contains chromium ions.

What color is alexandrite? Under artificial light, this mineral has a red-violet color, and in sunshine becomes emerald green or dark green. This mineral is completely transparent, its color is deep and bright, and this stone is very beautiful. Why does alexandrite change color? The ability of this mineral to change its color is explained by the fact that chromium ions Cr 3+ absorb and reflect sunlight and artificial light in different ways. And the human eye perceives the color of this stone in different ways. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what color alexandrite is.

In the people, this mineral is sometimes called " widow's stone". One of the versions claims that the stone received this nickname in the second world war or after it. In the thirties, artificial alexandrite began to be grown in the Soviet Union, setting it in gold and silver. Jewelry at a price was affordable for many.

alexandrite's crystal rock, flashlight illumination

This stone became very popular, and husbands gave their wives jewelry with their favorite alexandrite. Although other jewelry and ornamental stones also gained popularity. After the war, many women remained widows, and alexandrite received the nickname "widow's stone" among the people.

Now this stone is once again popular, and jewelry sellers advise wearing it only in pairs or as a set.

Natural alexandrite is a rare and expensive stone. The main deposits of chrysoberyl, where alexandrite can be mined, are located in Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the USA (in the states of Maine, Colorado and Connecticut).

In the deposits of the Urals in the nineteenth century, pure transparent crystals and druse of alexandrite were found. These unique samples can be viewed at the Mineralogical Museum. Fersman and the Museum of St. Petersburg Mining University.

This mineral is successfully synthesized at specialized enterprises. In the largest part of the decorations that offer jewelry stores, inserted artificial alexandrite.

Natural stone or artificial - only a specialist gemologist can determine. Companies on the labels for jewelry indicate information about the naturalness of the stone (or should indicate).

Interestingly, using a digital camera or camera, it is not easy to capture the color of alexandrite in daylight. You see a dark green or emerald coloration - and the camera and camera show a light lilac or blue. Apparently, these are the standard settings of digital technology.

Astrology recommends alexandrite Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio and Gemini.

Alexandrite is an unusual stone. He knows how to change color when changing lighting. The daytime shade of the chameleon stone is blue or green, but with artificial lighting it turns purple.

The history of the imperial gem began a long time ago, but the stone got its usual name for us only in the last century. A mysterious mineral whose fate crossed paths Russian emperor It has healing and magical properties. Today you will learn about them and figure out who suits the alexandrite stone according to the horoscope.

The history of the gem is no less interesting than its amazing properties change its color depending on the lighting. The first written mention of this stone is recorded in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. Then they called him "peacock eye".

The stone got its name in honor of Emperor Alexander II.

In our country, alexandrite became known much later. At the beginning of the 19th century, the mineral was discovered in the Ural Mountains, mistaking it for an emerald. However, an oversight was soon noticed. The Finnish mineralogist Nordenskiöld, who was in charge of the research site, saw how, next to the flame of a candle green color stone turned blood red.

Having reported his unusual find to St. Petersburg, Nordenskiöld handed over the gem to the jeweler Perovsky for study. It is thanks to the latter that he received his name, which is actively used today. At first, the jeweler wanted to call the mineral diaphanite, but soon changed his mind. Get title "stone with double brilliance" he was not destined.

The birthday of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II, was approaching. Therefore, Perovsky decided to present such a gift to the Tsarevich, naming the mineral in his honor. This is what influenced the fact that the stone received the glory of an elite gem, available only to very rich and noble people.

However, this status was soon spoiled. It happened during the First and Second World Wars. Then many wealthy women lost their husbands and sons. And since most of them had alexandrite in their boxes, a stupid superstition soon arose that jewelry with this stone brought misfortune.

The alexandrite stone is often called the "widow's stone", "the stone of loneliness". The names speak for themselves. For a long time, jewelry with a chameleon mineral was associated with loss. Some even believed that he could predict the death of a loved one. Now fashionistas practically do not pay attention to these prejudices, acquiring alexandrite for its beauty and unusual property change color.

Where is Alexandrite mined?

In addition to Russia, the mineral alexandrite is also mined abroad. In particular, in the following states:

  • India;
  • Brazil;
  • Burma;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Tanzania.

Chameleon stone is not mined in all countries of the world.

Alexandrite natural origin- a rarity. This is what influenced its price. Not everyone can afford jewelry with such a stone. However, in the territory of the above countries, a gem of the highest quality is mined.

The largest sample found in Russia was 535 carats (translated into a more understandable weight for us - about 107 grams). Among foreign nuggets, a copy of 1870 carats (which is equal to 374 grams) was found.

Varieties of the mineral

Without knowing what this "chameleon" is, it is very easy to stumble upon a fake. Before buying products with alexandrite, figure out what distinctive properties it has:

  • the color of alexandrite in daylight ranges from blue to green;
  • being in a room where lamps are turned on or candles are lit, the gem changes its color to a blood-crimson color.

This general information helping to distinguish fake diamond alexandrite from the present. But it is a mineral found in several varieties. Each of them has its own differences, depending on the field.

For example:

  • The Ural species is recognized as the mineral with the most beautiful color palette. In artificial light, it looks magenta or violet.
  • Brazilian. Has more smooth transitions between colors compared to the bright contrasts of the Ural mineral.
  • The Indian gem in daylight plays with green-blue hues.
  • The color of the stone mined in Sri Lanka, in sunlight, seems dimmer and gives off a brownish tint.

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists confirm medicinal properties alexandrite and advise using this mineral to get rid of various ailments and diseases.

Experts say that the properties of alexandrite stone are best manifested in daytime days. For this reason, it is recommended to use it during the day. At night, it is better to let the stone rest. If a person is seriously ill, wearing the stone all the time will cause the amulet to stop working.

What are the useful properties of the imperial gem:

  • cleanses blood vessels helps fight varicose veins;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heals nervous system- relieves stress and insomnia;
  • helps to get rid of alcohol addiction;
  • improves mood and performance;
  • protects against skin diseases;
  • supports the functioning of the pancreas.

To get out of constant binges, you need to drink water infused with a chameleon stone. Place the pendant in a glass of water overnight and drink this liquid in the morning before breakfast. Repeat the process until you feel relief.

Prolonged wearing of minerals is considered undesirable. But everywhere there are exceptions. In the case when a person is in great need of what a stone is able to give him, it is allowed to do the following:

Only has medicinal properties natural alexandrite.

  1. You can wear alexandrite all day and night, leaving the jewelry in spring water for several hours every day. This will cleanse the talisman of the negativity that it has absorbed into itself.
  2. If it is not possible to use living water, replace it with salt. It is a more powerful absorbent negative energy so you don't have to use it every day. Carry the pebble for a whole week, leaving it for one of the nights in a hill of salt on a plate.

Remember that all of the listed positive properties are characteristic of a natural mineral. artificial substitutes, the same Czochralski alexandrite, do not have these properties. There is nothing to say about glass gems. Be careful when buying so as not to waste a fair amount of money!

The magical properties of Alexandrite

The magical properties of alexandrite make it an indispensable companion for anyone who is in a difficult life period and needs help.

Among the most useful magical properties of the mineral are the following:

  • help in finding inner harmony;
  • gaining strength to deal with life's difficulties;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • anticipation of key life turns;
  • good luck in gambling and financial events;
  • strengthening internal confidence in their abilities;
  • increased vigor and performance.

Alexandrite is called the stone-prophet. It is believed to be able to warn about important events and unplanned life changes. He also warns of impending troubles - at such moments, the mineral begins to glow with golden hues.

Jewelry with this gem can improve mood and perfectly replenish vital energy. But they should be worn carefully, because in some cultures the mineral is considered a talisman of lovers, and in others jealousy stone.

The negative property of alexandrite is that it can multiply the emotions experienced by its owner many times over. This means that the owner of such a talisman will have to learn to control his thoughts and words.

But it is better for natures with a choleric temperament not to wear such talismans, because self-control is difficult for them. Therefore, alexandrite is not recommended for the fiery signs of the zodiac.

Who suits alexandrite stone according to the zodiac sign

Selecting a stone based on intuitive sensations is good. But what about those who do not have much intuition? It's not the best thing to trust the first seller you meet. The best decision because he is too interested in selling his product.

In this case, it remains only to believe the specialists who made the compatibility according to the horoscope.

The meaning of the alexandrite stone for the signs of the zodiac will be as follows:

  • Aquarius. For this water sign, the gem helps to sharpen the intuitive perception of the world and favors creative development.
  • Scorpion. He helps Scorpions to realize dreams, overcoming any difficulties on the way to the goal.
  • Twins. For twins, this amulet will become a protector of peace of mind.
  • a lion. The mineral will help these regal and ambitious natures to reach new heights in their careers and cool their excessive temper.

It is to these signs that the alexandrite talisman will bring the greatest benefit. It is especially useful for water signs. Not only for Aquarius and Scorpio, but also for Pisces. But for fire signs, with the exception of Leo, it is better not to wear such an amulet.

How to distinguish natural alexandrite from artificial

Natural alexandrite costs a lot, and therefore manufacturers are trying in every possible way to deceive buyers. In order to increase their profits, they not only sell artificial alexandrite, but also replace widow's stone with cheap material like glass.

Feel free to leave decorations on the counter if they do not have signs of a chameleon.

To distinguish a natural mineral from a fake, it is important to know what an alexandrite stone looks like and understand its features:

  • Artificial minerals, like glass, do not change their color when lighting changes. Feel free to leave decorations on the counter if they do not have signs of a chameleon.
  • Previously, the original was replaced with corundum. This is due to the fact that its price is much cheaper. It is not difficult to recognize a fake - under artificial lighting, corundum acquires a bright yellow tint.
  • In addition to corundum, the imperial gem was often replaced with artificially grown spinel. Distinctive feature spinels - manifestation purple tone under artificial lighting conditions.
  • There are also fakes on the market. This mineral is not capable of changing color, but it can produce iridescent hues when the viewing angle changes.

The cost of alexandrite is not a guarantee of its quality. Therefore, you should not choose the most expensive sample on the market, hoping that it will not turn out to be a fake. If you doubt that you can correctly determine the authenticity of a mineral, call a specialist with you. The mineralogist will help you choose real stone avoiding unnecessary expense and frustration.

Alexandrite Care

Products with alexandrite should be stored separately from other jewelry.

Jewelry with alexandrite can be worn every day. This is a durable stone, so you should not be afraid that it will accidentally crack.

Still, it is better to remove the alexandrite ring while washing dishes and other household chores.

However, despite the hardness of the mineral, experts still do not recommend storing products with natural alexandrite along with other jewelry.

How to wear and store a stone, we figured it out. Now let's talk about cleaning rules:

  • no harsh cleaning products - only soap and warm water;
  • the use of an ultrasonic cleaner is allowed;
  • to get rid of dust and dirt clogged in the decoration, you can also use a soft brush;
  • the product washed from dirt should be wiped with a piece of soft cloth so that it does not leave ugly stains.

One of the varieties of the mineral chrysoberyl is the gemstone alexandrite. Feature its lies in the fact that alexandrite changes color depending on the lighting. The palette of one stone ranges from blue to blue, from green to pink or even red.

The pleochroism of the alexandrite stone is explained by the specific structure of its crystal lattice, and the unique arrangement of chromium ions in it.

Among the many varieties of alexandrite stone colors, there are minerals with an optical phenomenon of opalescence (cat's eye). Such gems are called cymophane. The most common color of alexandrite is green, with blue or brown shades. Sometimes colorless minerals are found.

Photo of Alexandrite stone:

Alexandrite stone is classified as a brittle mineral. Its hardness index is 8.5 on the Mohs scale, the density reaches up to 3.84 g per cm3. Mostly small in size.

The meaning of alexandrite stone

For the first time, alexandrite, as a precious stone, appeared in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that our country determined its significance.

Initially, alexandrite stone properties were defined for loneliness and longing. Explanations for this characteristic are hidden in the history of our Motherland:

  • First mines precious mineral were destroyed and flooded by the river current.
  • The Alexandrite stone got its name in honor of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, to whom it was officially awarded. The assassination of the monarch in 1881 gave the meaning of the stone a dark note.
  • When searching for emerald deposits in the Urals, meeting alexandrite was considered a bad sign. There was a belief that if you find this mineral first, you will not be able to find another precious stone.

During the Great Patriotic War, the meaning of alexandrite stone has changed. In the people, he began to be called a widow. The beginning of such fame was laid by the widespread synthetic production of the mineral in the pre-war years. Accordingly, jewelry with such stones was worn by many women who lost their lovers and husbands on the battlefield. So there was a belief that alexandrite jewelry can only be worn in pairs.

However, history has endowed alexandrite and positive values. This stone is a symbol of fidelity. There is even a 45th birthday named after him. life together- Alexandrite wedding.

This variety of chrysoberyl is also called a prophetic stone. His predictions depend on what color alexandrite is in daylight.

The magical properties of alexandrite

Alexandrite is known throughout the world as a powerful magical stone. This is not at all surprising, because only one of its ability to change color envelops the mineral in mystery.

Alexandrite stone has the ability to attract trials. Through them, strong personalities are ennobled, become more resistant to all adversity and gain wisdom. This mineral is not recommended for people with weak exposure, as it can only harm.

Whoever suits alexandrite stone is creative, emotional and impulsive people. As magic amulet, he is able to balance their temper, reveal their inner potential, activate rational thinking and give peace of mind that will not leave its owner even in the most difficult and extreme situations. The alexandrite stone is most favored by rescue workers, diplomats, sailors, judges, military personnel, law enforcement officers, travelers, lawyers and church ministers.

Alexandrite stone in the photo

The magical properties of alexandrite are able to attract good luck and fabulous wealth to the owner of the stone. He is excellent suitable for women who are in search of a wealthy life partner or men who love to try their luck in the gambling field.

For people who practice meditation techniques, alexandrite will become great helper. It contributes to the normalization of the flow of vital energy in the body, activates the work of the chakras, improves concentration.

Among the magical properties of alexandrite, it is worth noting its ability to predict the future by changing shades. Yellow and brown tones warn of diseases, shining emerald color- a harbinger of wealth and comfort, and if during the day you notice brown shades on the stone - expect bad news.

The healing properties of alexandrite

The pleochroism of the alexandrite stone has long been associated with the duality of human blood (venous, arterial). The mineral really has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, maintains vascular tone, prevents thrombosis and varicose veins.

The healing properties of natural alexandrite are very effective in combating diseases of the pancreas, liver, endocrine system, intestines. The inhabitants of India believe that the precious stone prolongs its owner's life for a considerable period of time.

The magical properties of alexandrite extend to the treatment of alcohol addiction. To get rid of this disease, use a special infusion. A stone is placed in a glass of running water, where it is left for the whole night. In the early morning, alexandrite must be taken out and water drunk.

Alexandrite stone is very useful for people with neurological and mental disorders. It has a sobering effect on the human mind, puts thought in order, stabilizes the nervous system, balances emotional background, returns healthy and deep sleep, eliminates problems of concentration.

Therapeutic effect on human body, can only provide natural alexandrite. An artificially synthesized mineral serves only as a decoration and nothing more. However, despite healing power natural stone, it is recommended to wear it only during the day.

Alexandrite deposit

The first mines for the extraction of the precious mineral belonged to Russian Empire. They were located in the Urals and functioned until 1995, after which they were closed due to the depletion of the precious stone.

Another major supplier of alexandrite stone is Sri Lanka. Both the classical mineral and cymophane are mined here.

A small alexandrite deposit was discovered in Brazil in 1987. Large production there was stopped in the same year, due to the almost complete depletion of reserves.

The number of suppliers of gemstones to the world market also included African countries are Madagascar and Tanzania. Their deposits closely border on sapphire and ruby ​​mines. However, the African alexandrite stone has a weakly expressed ability to pleochroism.

Also, at present, big booty the precious mineral is underway in India and Thailand.

How to distinguish alexandrite stone

Alexandrite stone- one of the most expensive precious gems in the world. The demand for it, due to its amazing ability to change color, has been high at all times. However, in order to extract this mineral, you need to try hard, since its deposits in nature are extremely rare. And the high cost of a precious stone serves as a great temptation for scammers. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish an alexandrite stone from a fake.

natural alexandrite can be replaced by the following materials:

  • synthetic stones.
  • Similar in appearance with alexandrite natural stones.
  • artificial stones.

Synthetically grown alexandrite is fake highest quality, which will be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. If you have any doubts, refer to the jewelry expertise. Its cost is very affordable, and a professional opinion in this matter is indispensable. The thing is that modern synthetics, especially of excellent quality, are in fact absolutely identical to natural alexandrite. In such stones, there are even inclusions, as in a natural mineral, and in appearance it surpasses natural counterparts.

Synthetic fakes of alexandrite also include spinel. When falsified natural stone, this material is used in 99% of cases, and it is quite easy to distinguish it. The color of natural alexandrite is always ternary. When moving from one tone to another, it shows shades of yellow. Spinel has only two colors.

You can check the authenticity of natural stone using a white fluorescent lamp. If the mineral has an even purple color, you have a synthetic spinel in front of you. Red and green highlights with transitions are present in natural alexandrite.

Synthetic corundum can be used as a fake. Its spectrum of colors, like that of alexandrite, includes three shades, among which yellow dominates. In alexandrite, it fades into the background, and red and green are predominant.

The alexandrite stone in jewelry is very often replaced by natural minerals similar to it. For example tourmaline. Such a stone does not have pleochroism, but has a color with a clearly defined transition. This factor is its main difference from alexandrite.

Among fakes of natural alexandrite, andalusite is often found. Its change of colors is much more pronounced, and it is caused not only by the type of lighting, but also by a change in the point of view.

Among artificial imitations of alexandrite, glass is the most common. To verify the authenticity, it is enough to draw a knife over the stone. The surface of natural alexandrite will remain unchanged, a scratch will appear on the glass.

Alexandrite cost

The price of alexandrite stone depends on several factors:

  • Colors.
  • Depths of pleochroism.
  • Weight.
  • Purity.

The most expensive color of alexandrite is green. The gems of the Urals have this shade, the cost of which can reach up to $ 35,000 per carat.

The deeper the pleochroism effect of natural alexandrite, the more expensive its price will be. Stones with a dull tint and a slightly pronounced color variation are equal in value to synthetic gems, which does not exceed $ 500 per carat.

Typically, alexandrite stone is small in size and rarely weighs more than 1 carat. But if such minerals are found, then their cost can reach up to $ 1,000,000.

Alexandrite and the signs of the zodiac

The alexandrite gemstone has a beneficial effect on the signs of the zodiac of all four elements. However, it, like other minerals, has more positive combinations, or even negative ones.

Who suits alexandrite stone is Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Scorpio. Such personalities have dual and difficult characters, which perfectly matches the nature of the gem.

With the help of natural alexandrite, Aquarians can greatly enhance their creative potential. Also, the gem has a positive effect on the development of the intuitive abilities of this sign.

The complex and changeable nature of the twins, the amulet with alexandrite will become a reliable ally. People of this sign, under the influence of the gem, become more balanced and calm. At the same time, their versatile individuality is not suppressed and actively interacts with the outside world.

Lions stone alexandrite will serve excellent remedy to achieve the desired goal, as well as give an unshakable will and authority.

Alexandrite will temper scorpions through trials. He will develop in them fortitude and purposefulness, courage and responsibility for their actions.

The positive impact of alexandrite also extends to archers. The stone will become reliable protection from anxieties and fears, balance their actions and give a life goal.

Jewelry with natural alexandrite it is not recommended to wear virgins, calves and crayfish. For people born under these zodiac signs, the positive properties of the gem become opposite in meaning.

December 12, 2012, 03:39 pm

There is alexandrite in my ring, It was once a gift from my grandfather, It shines with bright green, And then the Neva is leaden in color. How changeable the game is! I imagine in my imagination The coolness of gloomy oak forests, Violent blooms of lilacs. Well, sometimes it happens that a stormy sky can be seen in it, As if lightning flies ... My destiny is alexandrite. I have alexandrite in my ring. How beautiful he is, changing colors! He mourns alone, But never changes. T. Lesteva.
In nature, alexandrite is extremely rare. Large crystals are almost impossible to find, and transparent stones good quality and thick color are unique. This is the rarest of jewelry stones, having the status of precious, and one of the most expensive. For the first time, the stone was found in the Urals in 1833 and they took it for an emerald, it was originally planned to call this mineral "diaphanite" (from other Greek - "brilliant, bright", according to other sources - "seemingly double"), however, using an opportune moment to distinguish himself in front of the royal family, the officials presented the mineral to the age of majority (16th birthday) of Alexander (future Tsar Alexander II) on April 17, 1834. Description of a mineral called alexandrite (the most valuable variety color-changing chrysoberyl) was first published in 1842. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I and mother of Emperor Alexander II, wearing alexandrite jewelry Alexandrite adorned the Russian imperial regalia, sparkled in precious jewelry of the royal family and court, in crosses, icons and church utensils, in the works of the great Faberge and the jewelers of his school. The gem immediately became fashionable among the Russian elite of that time. Wearing jewelry with alexandrite was considered prestigious, because these stones were not only expensive, but also rare. Only representatives of the upper classes, close to the court of the emperor, could afford them. The meager selection of jewelry with alexandrites was partly explained, among other things, by one sign - the miners used to say that if you find this nugget, then you will not see emeralds. So the hard workers tried not to pay attention to the alexandrites, and even more so not to lift them from the ground.

Any piece of jewelry with alexandrite - exclusive thing available only to a select few. Of paramount importance in the evaluation of alexandrite is color. The color palette includes many tones, from blue-green in natural light to purple under lamplight. Stones mined in the Urals are characterized by a bluish-green color, while Ceylon gems are olive.
There is no single generally accepted opinion about which shade of stone is the most expensive. Some experts believe that the cost is determined by the intensity of the evening red, while others, on the contrary, estimate the depth of the daytime green tone. It should also be borne in mind that some stones have an attractive appearance only at one time of the day and in certain lighting conditions. Such crystals cost significantly less than those that always retain color saturation. Alexandrite with effect cat eye(cymofan) Alexandrite is a small stone, most often its weight does not exceed 1-2 carats. Stones of 3 carats are considered very rare and the cost will be appropriate. In terms of price per unit weight, the mineral is in the top five, following diamond, sapphire, emerald and ruby. The best stones are worth more precious than diamonds and are sold at prices ranging from 6 to 40 thousand dollars per carat. Of course, we are talking about nuggets of unique color characteristics and transparency. Gems with the effect of a cat's eye (cymophane) are cheaper, but even their price sometimes reaches several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars per stone. Even artificial alexandrites cost at least $500 per carat.
Natural alexandrites are rarely transparent. Most of the crystals have small turbidity, cracks and foreign inclusions. The most correct approach to choosing alexandrite would be to focus on own feelings. An imperfect stone that pleases the eye will bring more joy than a high-quality stone that does not evoke any emotions. The factor determining the cost is the intensity of the color (the more it is, the better), the clarity and quality of the cut of the stone. Unfortunately, the only mine in the Urals was completely depleted and closed. Now it is almost impossible to buy natural Ural alexandrite. And although natural alexandrites from Brazil and Africa can be found on the market today, these gems olive color are suitable only for comparison with the unfading beauty of Russian stone.
Alexandrite (Sri Lanka) Along with Russia, an important supplier of alexandrites to the world market of non-ferrous precious stones is Sri Lanka, where alexandrites are found in alluvial deposits with another variety of chrysoberyl - "cat's eye".
Alexandrite (Sri Lanka) The alexandrite deposit in Brazil was discovered in the mid-1980s. of the last century in the state of Minas Gerais in the Hematita region, which was almost completely developed within just three months from April to June 1987. During this time, 260,000 carats of rough alexandrites were found. Subsequent finds of alexandrites were sporadic.
Alexandrite (Brazil) Tanzania and Madagascar were among the new countries supplying alexandrite to the world market. Here, alexandrites are found in areas where rubies and sapphires are mined. In general, alexandrites from African deposits are characterized by a low contrast of color changes.
Alexandrite (Madagascar) In 1993, new deposits of alexandrite were discovered in southern Tanzania, near the border with Mozambique - and in Zimbabwe.
Alexandrite (Zimbabwe) Inserts from natural alexandrite in jewelry are a huge rarity, since almost all faceted stones go to gemological collections. The few pieces of jewelry that are still found on the market are, as a rule, produced abroad (even if the stones were found in the Urals). If it is still possible to buy real alexandrite in the USA, although it is very problematic and expensive (a good quality stone of 1 carat costs from 5 thousand US dollars and more), then in Russia it is almost unrealistic. Inhabitants former USSR we are sure that all the jewelry purchased in Soviet stores is natural. However, few people know that for the entire period of the existence of the Soviet Union, not a single real alexandrite was sold through the official jewelry network. The fact is that the mineral was considered state property and never went on free sale. Thus, the only thing that guarantees the purchase of a product with alexandrite in the Soviet era is its synthetic origin. A typical Soviet imitation of alexandrite is synthetic corundum with vanadium impurities. Until 1973, artificial alexandrite simply did not exist. It was an artificially grown spinel or corundum with a pronounced color change. In the Soviet Union, for simplicity of soul, these stones were called alexandrite, because the stone changed color (they say that they even wrote “alexandrite” on the labels in jewelry). The stones were very beautiful and of high quality, but the color was mostly pink-violet / blue, while while natural alexandrite changes color from green to red. In 1973, they began to grow artificial alexandrite. But the unfortunate thing was that grown, with the same chemical composition like natural alexandrite, artificial alexandrite also changed color from purple / blue to pink / purple like spinel / corundum! In 1987 (a year I can lie), alexandrites with a natural transition of colors were obtained in the USA. The first batches of stones disintegrated instantly and many were not certified as artificial. The quality of the stones was such that many of them cannot be distinguished from natural ones even by laboratory methods. Mankind had to come to terms with the fact that a certain amount of artificial alexandrites were mixed with natural ones. Now all high-quality artificial alexandrites have a certificate. Growing artificial alexandrite is very expensive and in Russia, for example, all laboratories for growing alexandrite are currently closed. Alexandrite has an equally rare and worthy replacement - pyrope, pure tones emerald green stone changing color to bright red. The only visual difference between pyrope and alexandrite is that alexandrite actually has 3 color changes: when changing from one color to another, a yellowish tint appears in the stone. People call alexandrite a widow's stone. It is believed that it can only be worn in pairs. The emergence of this sign has real historical background. The revival of the fashion for jewelry with alexandrite fell on the post-war period. Many women who lost their husbands on the battlefield wore rings and earrings with artificial alexandrite. So there was a warning that the stone brings grief to the family. But it really has nothing to do with genuine jewelry. According to astrologers, alexandrite is most suitable for Gemini and Scorpio. Can wear it and Aries. But Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer and Virgo should treat alexandrite with caution. If you have a dream to buy natural alexandrite, and also have a couple of thousand dollars), what we look at when buying alexandrite on the advice of professionals: 1. For good, only for a certificate (must be presented with the stone). 2. Per price (must be expressed in thousands) 3. For the size of the stone, remember? - natural alexandrites of 1-2 carats are already considered large. 4. The violet-blue-pink transition to the color of the stone is definitely not alexandrite. Alexandrite has a transition from all shades of green - from emerald to olive - to all shades of red with a yellowish glow in the transition. 5. To the place of extraction. There are no more Russian alexandrites on the market, even in Russia (the resale of alexandrites in Russia is prohibited due to the loss of output, the crime is punishable by law!). It could be South Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and very unlikely Brazil. There are NO alexandrites in EGYPT AND MEXICO, but they are sold to tourists at affordable price, even with a certificate of authenticity, also confirming that the stone got its name in honor of Alexandria, where the stone is allegedly mined, which is not true. These stones are generally just glass fakes - be careful when relaxing in these countries, do not bring a fake souvenir. 6. Alexandrite should have a TRIPLE (and not just a double) color transition with a slight yellowish tint. 7. For the product itself - it cannot be made on stream (if the seller has a batch of the same products) - alexandrite products are made only on order.

The alexandrite stone is known in jewelry world as one of the most exotic minerals. Its feature in unique ability change color at different degrees of illumination (the reason for this is the special structure of the mineral and the admixture of chromium in its composition). A stone with a glassy luster is used in jewelry from gold and platinum.

History and origin of alexandrite stone

There are two main theories that describe who and when this mineral was first described. According to the first of them, the alexandrite stone was discovered by the Finnish scientist N. Nordenskiöld in April 1934. The mineralogist was interested in a strange greenish stone, outwardly similar to, but distinguished by incredible strength. The scientist's interest intensified when the stone, under artificial lighting, changed its color from emerald to garnet. On the day when the scientist found a strange mineral, the future heir to the throne, Alexander II, celebrated his coming of age (hence the name of the gem).

According to another version, the alexandrite stone was found in a river mine near Yekaterinburg in 1833. Then it was described as an ordinary emerald and sent to St. Petersburg. A strange mineral interested the scientist in the field of mineralogy Lev Alekseevich Perovsky. The mineralogist thoroughly studied the find and proved that alexandrites are a separate type of precious non-synthetic stones with characteristic features.

Physical properties

To the main physical properties Not synthetic stone relate:

  • degree of hardness (8.5 units on the Mohs scale);
  • mineral density - 3.5-3.84 g / cm3;
  • beam refraction level - 1.74-1.76;
  • "reverse" effect (color change);
  • color: transparent with a shade from green to lilac-red;
  • gloss: glass.

Place of Birth

Alexandrites have long been considered truly Russian heritage, because mined only in the Ural deposits. Now these sources are practically depleted. Mineral deposits have been discovered in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Brazil, in Sri Lanka and Madagascar on the island of Ceylon (alexandrite was found here in 1876 carats) and in the USA. The rarity of the rock and the peculiarity of its cutting have contributed to the fact that artificial (synthetic) analogues of the stone are more often used in jewelry.

The healing properties of alexandrite

The healing properties of alexandrite stone usually associate it with the human circulatory system. It is believed that red green tint stones represent the venous and arterial blood. Alexandrites are recommended to be worn as jewelry for the following diseases:

  • disorders of the heart muscle;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • alcoholism;
  • anemia;
  • chronic diseases of the spleen;
  • varicose veins.

The healing properties of alexandrite stone are attributed to it in terms of effective sedative which has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. It is recommended to be worn by people engaged in mental work. Alexandrite stone (not synthetic) normalizes sleep, helps to maintain emotional balance in stressful situations.

The magical properties of alexandrite

Due to its ability to radically change color, this mineral has gained fame magic stone. It is often used in magical rituals, as it has the strongest energy and, according to legend, allows you to see more than others can.

Natural alexandrite is able to notify its owner of changes in fate. If a stone suddenly begins to darken or simply change its color to an atypical one, spots appear on it (especially a yellow tint), this may indicate future difficulties, dangers and failures.

Among other magical properties of alexandrite stone, it is worth highlighting:

  • strengthening intuition;
  • finding harmony with oneself and the world around;
  • impact on creativity and the possibility of self-improvement;
  • attracting good luck, gaining financial independence.

Natural alexandrite (not a synthetic substitute) is considered a particularly strong stone in terms of energy, so only strong-willed and self-confident people can wear it. Synthetic analogues do not have this effect. In Russia, the magical properties of alexandrite stone have long been associated with diabolical influence, and its red-scarlet hue with bloody defeat. The stone was nicknamed "widow" and was treated with caution. It is not surprising that with such fame, vintage items from Russian stones to see today is a rarity. Most of them were melted down and sold abroad.

Talismans and amulets

Due to its powerful energy, the alexandrite stone is actively used as inserts for amulets, amulets and talismans. The synthetic (artificial) version is outwardly similar to the original. Artificial alexandrite is not suitable for astral protection purposes, because. in addition to visual resemblance to a real mineral, it has no common properties with it.

  • players and adventurers;
  • strong-willed and zealous in their undertakings to people who are confident in their abilities (it is believed that a weak stone can suppress its energy);
  • businessmen;
  • sailors, lawyers, military, public figures.

Talismans with alexandrite inserts make a person more contact and sociable, balance his inner state, and contribute to establishing new contacts. Choose as an amulet better model from precious metals, because in such a tandem, the stone enhances its energy strength and protects the owner from life's troubles better than synthetic counterparts.

Alexandrite colors

A distinctive feature of the mineral (not synthetic) is its ability to change color. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the presence of chromium ions in the composition of the stone.

Typical colors of alexandrite:

deep and saturated color with a characteristic clean and deep luster; natural mineral turns green in natural light; the shade may vary depending on the angle of illumination by the light source; experts note the most beautiful emerald hue in the Urals.

The shade is similar to ruby, but deeper and more transparent; color appears under artificial lighting in natural stone; synthetic alexandrite in this color solution difficult to distinguish from the original without resorting to appropriate expertise.

Pink and Crimson Alexandrite

These are the colors of artificial (synthetic) stones, which can be quite difficult to identify for a non-professional; artificial analogues do not change color, their color may be brighter than that of the prototype; synthetic chrysoberyl is less shiny than natural, artificial - not as deep in color.

How to distinguish a fake

A natural gem is a rarity in the jewelry world, which has a corresponding price and is not often found. as the most clear sign original chrysoberyl is its ability to change color when different character lighting. Trying to independently determine a synthetic substitute, it is worth considering the following features:

  1. Alexandrite is precious and rare mineral, in budget jewelry it is replaced with ordinary painted glass or artificial, synthetic materials.
  2. In Soviet times, this mineral was imitated with the help of which, under artificial lighting, has a pronounced yellow tint (for an analogue, it is greenish and deeper, combined with a characteristic overflow of emerald tones).
  3. Another way to imitate jewelry is to use. In this case, under artificial lighting, a violet glow characteristic of a synthetic stone is formed.
  4. Andalusite - used as an analogue of alexandrite; it changes tint when the viewing angle changes, not when the lighting changes.

artificial alexandrite

Due to the extreme rarity of the gem, synthetic analogues are very popular in jewelry. Artificial alexandrite is produced from lithium molybdate by heating it to 1200C and then slow cooling. The method was invented in the USA in 1964. Today, the production of this synthetic gem is carried out in Russia, the Japanese Islands and the USA. According to its external characteristics, synthetic alexandrite is as similar as possible to natural alexandrite and is actively used as jewelry. An artificial version costs an order of magnitude less than the original. An artificial gem can duplicate, diobside,.

Care of products with alexandrite

Care includes proper storage of the stone and its systematic cleaning from contaminants that impair its characteristic brilliance and transparency. Recommendations for the care of the mineral (artificial or natural):

  • store jewelry in a dark and cool place;
  • do not use chemical reagents, synthetic aggressive additives for cleaning;
  • protect against the formation of chips in contact with other jewelry;
  • wash in not hot water with the addition of a small amount of non-abrasive dishwashing detergent, dry thoroughly after the procedure with a napkin and synthetic analogues.

Alexandrite and the signs of the zodiac

Among all the signs of the zodiac, alexandrite is suitable for:

  • capricorns;
  • fish;
  • twins;
  • scorpions;
  • lions.

The stone will allow representatives of these zodiac signs to feel confident and achieve a lot in life. Despite this interpretation, it is worth choosing a stone with extreme caution, focusing not so much on the sign of the zodiac, but more on individual characteristics a specific person, if the conversation is not about a synthetic analogue.

The stone is designed to endow its owners with wisdom and endurance. These qualities are traditionally lacking in charismatic lions and wayward scorpions. For Capricorns, the gem will give self-confidence and make them more persistent and sociable (an artificial analogue is not suitable for them). Pisces stone will help achieve those goals. Alexandrite can be a powerful amulet for Gemini if ​​they are willing to take risks in their endeavors.

In addition to the fact that alexandrites are rarely found in nature, not every mineral is of gem quality and can be used for cutting (artificial ones are specially prepared for this purpose).

It is impossible to photograph alexandrite with a digital camera in the shade that you see with the naked eye. The camera focuses colors in a different way, so green in this moment the stone in the picture may look pink or yellow.

Natural gems have inclusions that can be easily distinguished in the thickness of a transparent mineral. At synthetic production stone manufacturers deliberately imitate this feature of the rock, achieving maximum similarity artificial material with natural.

The superstition that alexandrite promises loneliness arose after its artificial analogues began to be actively sold on the eve of World War II. After the war, women turned out to be widows and a parallel was drawn regarding their widow's fate and colorful jewelry (it was not mentioned that a fake, artificial stone was used).

Astrologers advise choosing this stone as an amulet and decoration for strong and confident signs of the zodiac. Although its ability to change color is understandable from the point of view of chemistry, the magical influence and healing properties of the stone remain a mystery to science. artificial gem - universal choice for each sign of the zodiac.

Alexandrite - imperial stone

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