All about alexandrite. Rules for wearing alexandrite. Natural and artificial stones: prices

Alexandrite is a type of mineral chrysoberyl(Be Al 2 O 4 ). Contains chromium ions.

What color is alexandrite? Under artificial light, this mineral has a red-violet color, and in sunlight becomes emerald green or dark green. This mineral is completely transparent, its color is deep and bright, and this stone is very beautiful. Why does alexandrite change color? The ability of this mineral to change its color is explained by the fact that chromium ions Cr 3+ absorb and reflect sunlight and artificial light in different ways. And the human eye perceives the color of this stone in different ways. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what color alexandrite is.

In the people, this mineral is sometimes called " widow's stone". One of the versions claims that the stone received this nickname in the second world war or after it. In the thirties, artificial alexandrite began to be grown in the Soviet Union, setting it in gold and silver. Jewelry at a price was affordable for many.

alexandrite's crystal rock, flashlight illumination

This stone became very popular, and husbands gave their wives jewelry with their favorite alexandrite. Although other jewelry and ornamental stones also gained popularity. After the war, many women remained widows, and alexandrite received the nickname "widow's stone" among the people.

Now this stone is again popular, and sellers jewelry It is advised to wear it only in a pair or as a set.

Natural alexandrite is a rare and expensive stone. The main deposits of chrysoberyl, where alexandrite can be mined, are located in Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the USA (in the states of Maine, Colorado and Connecticut).

In the deposits of the Urals in the nineteenth century, pure transparent crystals and druse of alexandrite were found. These unique samples can be viewed at the Mineralogical Museum. Fersman and the Museum of St. Petersburg Mining University.

This mineral is successfully synthesized at specialized enterprises. Most of the jewelry that jewelry stores offer is filled with artificial alexandrite.

Natural stone or artificial - only a specialist gemologist can determine. Companies on the labels for jewelry indicate information about the naturalness of the stone (or should indicate).

Interestingly, using a digital camera or camera, it is not easy to capture the color of alexandrite in daylight. You see a dark green or emerald coloration - and the camera and camera show a light lilac or blue. Apparently, these are the standard settings of digital technology.

Astrology recommends alexandrite Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio and Gemini.

December 12, 2012, 03:39 pm

There is alexandrite in my ring, It was once a gift from my grandfather, It shines with bright green, And then the Neva is leaden in color. How changeable the game is! I imagine in my imagination The coolness of gloomy oak forests, Violent blooms of lilacs. Well, sometimes it happens that a stormy sky can be seen in it, As if lightning flies ... My destiny is alexandrite. I have alexandrite in my ring. How beautiful he is, changing colors! He mourns alone, But never changes. T. Lesteva.
In nature, alexandrite is extremely rare. Large crystals are almost impossible to find, and transparent stones good quality and thick colors are unique. This is the rarest of jewelry stones, having the status of precious, and one of the most expensive. For the first time, the stone was found in the Urals in 1833 and they took it for an emerald, it was originally planned to call this mineral "diaphanite" (from other Greek - "brilliant, bright", according to other sources - "seemingly double"), however, using an opportune moment to distinguish himself in front of the royal family, the officials presented the mineral to the age of majority (16th birthday) of Alexander (future Tsar Alexander II) on April 17, 1834. Description of a mineral called alexandrite (the most valuable variety color-changing chrysoberyl) was first published in 1842. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I and mother of Emperor Alexander II, wearing alexandrite jewelry Alexandrite adorned the Russian imperial regalia, sparkled in precious jewelry of the royal family and court, in crosses, icons and church utensils, in the works of the great Faberge and the jewelers of his school. The gem immediately became fashionable among the Russian elite of that time. Wearing jewelry with alexandrite was considered prestigious, because these stones were not only expensive, but also rare. Only representatives of the upper classes, close to the court of the emperor, could afford them. Poor choice jewelry with alexandrites, it was partly explained, among other things, by one sign - it was customary among the miners that if you find this nugget, then you will not see emeralds. So the hard workers tried not to pay attention to the alexandrites, and even more so not to lift them from the ground.

Any piece of jewelry with alexandrite - exclusive item available only to a select few. Of paramount importance in the evaluation of alexandrite is color. The color palette includes many tones, from blue-green in natural light to purple under lamplight. Stones mined in the Urals are characterized by a bluish-green color, while Ceylon gems are olive.
There is no single generally accepted opinion about which shade of stone is the most expensive. Some experts believe that the cost is determined by the intensity of the evening red, while others, on the contrary, estimate the depth of the daytime green tone. It must also be taken into account that some stones have attractive appearance only at one time of the day and under certain lighting conditions. Such crystals cost significantly less than those that always retain color saturation. Alexandrite with effect cat eye(cymofan) Alexandrite is a small stone, most often its weight does not exceed 1-2 carats. Stones of 3 carats are considered very rare and the cost will be appropriate. In terms of price per unit weight, the mineral is in the top five, following diamond, sapphire, emerald and ruby. The best stones stand more precious than diamonds and are sold at prices ranging from 6 to 40 thousand dollars per carat. Of course, we are talking about nuggets of unique color characteristics and transparency. Gems with the effect of a cat's eye (cymophane) are cheaper, but even their price sometimes reaches several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars per stone. Even artificial alexandrites cost at least $500 per carat.
Natural alexandrites are rarely transparent. Most of the crystals have small turbidity, cracks and foreign inclusions. by the most right approach the choice of alexandrite will be oriented towards own feelings. An imperfect stone that pleases the eye will bring more joy than a high-quality stone that does not evoke any emotions. The factor determining the cost is the intensity of the color (the more it is, the better), the clarity and quality of the cut of the stone. Unfortunately, the only mine in the Urals was completely depleted and closed. Now it is almost impossible to buy natural Ural alexandrite. And although natural alexandrites from Brazil and Africa can be found on the market today, these gems olive color are suitable only for comparison with the unfading beauty of Russian stone.
Alexandrite (Sri Lanka) Along with Russia, an important supplier of alexandrites to the world market of non-ferrous precious stones is Sri Lanka, where alexandrites are found in alluvial deposits with another variety of chrysoberyl - "cat's eye".
Alexandrite (Sri Lanka) The alexandrite deposit in Brazil was discovered in the mid-1980s. of the last century in the state of Minas Gerais in the Hematita region, which was almost completely developed within just three months from April to June 1987. During this time, 260,000 carats of rough alexandrites were found. Subsequent finds of alexandrites were sporadic.
Alexandrite (Brazil) Tanzania and Madagascar were among the new countries supplying alexandrite to the world market. Here, alexandrites are found in areas where rubies and sapphires are mined. In general, alexandrites from African deposits are characterized by a low contrast of color changes.
Alexandrite (Madagascar) In 1993, new deposits of alexandrite were discovered in southern Tanzania, near the border with Mozambique - and in Zimbabwe.
Alexandrite (Zimbabwe) Inserts from natural alexandrite in jewelry are a huge rarity, since almost all faceted stones go to gemological collections. The few pieces of jewelry that are still found on the market are, as a rule, produced abroad (even if the stones were found in the Urals). If it is still possible to buy real alexandrite in the USA, although it is very problematic and expensive (a good quality stone of 1 carat costs from 5 thousand US dollars and more), then in Russia it is almost unrealistic. Inhabitants former USSR we are sure that all the jewelry purchased in Soviet stores is natural. However, few people know that for the entire period of the existence of the Soviet Union, through the official jewelry chain not a single real alexandrite was realized. The fact is that the mineral was considered state property and never went on free sale. Thus, the only thing that guarantees the purchase of a product with alexandrite in the Soviet era is its synthetic origin. A typical Soviet imitation of alexandrite is synthetic corundum with vanadium impurities. Until 1973, artificial alexandrite simply did not exist. It was an artificially grown spinel or corundum with a pronounced color change. In the Soviet Union, for simplicity of soul, these stones were called alexandrite, because the stone changed color (they say that they even wrote “alexandrite” on the labels in jewelry). The stones were very beautiful and of high quality, but the color was mostly pink-violet / blue, while while natural alexandrite changes color from green to red. In 1973, they began to grow artificial alexandrite. But the unfortunate thing was that grown, with the same chemical composition as natural, artificial alexandrite also changed color from purple / blue to pink / purple like spinel / corundum! In 1987 (a year I can lie), alexandrites with a natural transition of colors were obtained in the USA. The first batches of stones disintegrated instantly and many were not certified as artificial. The quality of the stones was such that many of them cannot be distinguished from natural ones even by laboratory methods. Mankind had to come to terms with the fact that a certain amount of artificial alexandrites were mixed with natural ones. Now all high-quality artificial alexandrites have a certificate. Growing artificial alexandrite is very expensive and in Russia, for example, all laboratories for growing alexandrite are currently closed. Alexandrite has an equally rare and worthy replacement - pyrope, pure tones emerald green stone changing color to bright red. The only visual difference between pyrope and alexandrite is that alexandrite actually has 3 color changes: when changing from one color to another, a yellowish tint appears in the stone. People call alexandrite a widow's stone. It is believed that it can only be worn in pairs. The emergence of this sign has real historical background. The revival of the fashion for jewelry with alexandrite fell on the post-war period. Many women who lost their husbands on the battlefield wore rings and earrings with artificial alexandrite. So there was a warning that the stone brings grief to the family. But it really has nothing to do with genuine jewelry. According to astrologers, alexandrite is most suitable for Gemini and Scorpio. Can wear it and Aries. But Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer and Virgo should treat alexandrite with caution. If you have a dream to buy natural alexandrite, and also have a couple of thousand dollars), what we look at when buying alexandrite on the advice of professionals: 1. For good, only for a certificate (must be presented with the stone). 2. Per price (must be expressed in thousands) 3. For the size of the stone, remember? - natural alexandrites of 1-2 carats are already considered large. 4. The violet-blue-pink transition to the color of the stone is definitely not alexandrite. Alexandrite has a transition from all shades of green - from emerald to olive - to all shades of red with a yellowish glow in the transition. 5. To the place of extraction. There are no more Russian alexandrites on the market, even in Russia (the resale of alexandrites in Russia is prohibited due to the loss of output, the crime is punishable by law!). It could be South Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and very unlikely Brazil. There are NO alexandrites in EGYPT AND MEXICO, but they are sold to tourists at affordable price, even with a certificate of authenticity, also confirming that the stone got its name in honor of Alexandria, where the stone is allegedly mined, which is not true. These stones are generally just glass fakes - be careful when relaxing in these countries, do not bring a fake souvenir. 6. Alexandrite should have a TRIPLE (and not just a double) color transition with a slight yellowish tint. 7. For the product itself - it cannot be made on stream (if the seller has a batch of the same products) - alexandrite products are made only on order.

The originality of alexandrite is manifested by the ability to change color depending on how the sun's rays fall on the gem.

It got its name thanks to the young sovereign Alexander, at whose coronation the stone was first revealed to a wide consumer at the beginning of the 19th century. Having become emperor, Alexander, without taking off, wore a ring with a stone, due to which the mineral received the additional name of “imperial stone”.

Currently, the mineral is recognized as one of the most beautiful and rare precious nuggets. Original copies of the stone are more expensive than diamonds.

Alexandrite color difference

The mineral is one of the manifestations of chrysoberyl with an original composition of chemical components. Change colors causes chromium and in some cases vanadium. In addition to these light-active components, the mineral contains iron and titanium molecules.

The standard colors of alexandrite are considered to be green-blue, a little less often you can find in nature samples of olive color with a brown and yellowish tint. In this case, the stone is always absolutely transparent. Depending on the place of extraction, minerals may differ in color and reverse strength (as experts call ability to change color).

  • Minerals of the Urals are leaders in the power of reverse; they are recognized as examples of beauty. At daylight the mineral gives a bluish color with a green tint, and in the evening, when the lamps are turned on, the mineral turns into a crimson or red-purple gem.
  • artificial lighting stones, originating from Brazil and the African continent, they show a rich red-burgundy color, and in natural light the minerals are colored in green shades with a brown tint. Brazil is the supplier of the largest stones.
  • Stones from the island of Sri Lanka at natural sunshine They look bluish-green, and in the evening their color becomes purple.

natural specimens

In our time, the primary deposit of the emerald mines of the Urals is almost completely depleted and the search for the stone is not conducted. At the end of the last century, alexandrite mining was started in Brazil, but the mine turned out to be not very rich and was actively used for only six months. Since then, a small amount of alexandrite minerals have been found there.

IN large deposit on the peninsula of Sri Lanka the main mining of alexandrite. Minerals are also supplied to the world market by Madagascar, India, Thailand and Tanzania. The general opinion of experts is that all these stones in value cannot be compared with the alexandrite of the Urals.

Alexandrite price

According to the degree of color, and the depth of the reverse, alexandrite is evaluated. The price depends on the purity of the mineral and its weight. The most precious are nuggets from the Urals, stones mined at those deposits can cost between 20,000-35,000 dollars per carat. Natural alexandrite is rarely more than one carat, stones found in nature are most often small in size.

There are many low quality minerals that have only a slight reverse and a more greyish coloration. Such natural specimens are equated in price with synthetic alexandrites, and they cost 200-500 dollars per carat.

Alexandrite belongs to the five most expensive stones in the world, including such precious minerals as sapphires, emeralds, diamonds and rubies. The stone is not sold separately, only in jewelry, which is simply exclusive in terms of price and value.

Jewelry with alexandrite of natural origin

The bulk of jewelry with alexandrite as an insert for a long time made to order and therefore is in private collections. The sale of such exclusive tiaras, bracelets, necklaces is carried out at auctions and their price is determined there. In trade pavilions, you can rarely find alexandrite in free sale.

To create jewelry, alexandrite inserts are used next to diamonds, which in tandem emphasize the grandeur and beauty of each other. Gold is used for framing, other metals do not properly set off the unusual lighting effects of alexandrite.

Sometimes to express the beauty of the mineral, it is used in combination with emerald and pearls. The brilliance of neighboring minerals is limited and emphasizes the play of alexandrite all the more. Earrings and pendants in this design are simply amazing from the point of view of collectors.

The price of necklaces, tiaras and bracelets with inserts made of stone previously mined at the Ural deposit is comparable to the cost of a small exotic island. All these decorations belong to private individuals.

The cost of a synthetic analogue of alexandrite

On the shelves of jewelry stores, you can often find jewelry made with artificial alexandrite inserts. Modern technologies make it possible to make the effect of color change even more expressive than that of natural stones.

In appearance, synthetic products are difficult to distinguish from natural analogues. If the natural mineral is of low quality, then such artificial stones even more attractive to the eye. The color of human-made stones ranges from gray-blue to pink. It costs artificial alexandrite within $400–500 per carat.

Jewelry with alexandrite

Obtaining artificial minerals can be done in two ways:

  • Alexandrite is grown in the laboratory completely from scratch.
  • Made on the basis of another mineral by enriching it with chromium and vanadium additives.

artificial stones devoid of those natural defects, which are present in natural minerals, for this reason, specimens obtained by the second method are rated somewhat lower.

Gold ring, made with synthetic alexandrite, costs from 300 dollars, and earrings, depending on the weight, can be bought from $450. Pendants and necklaces, pendants and bracelets will cost, depending on the weight of gold and how many stone inserts are used.

The impact of alexandrite on the healing of the body

Speaking of unique medicinal qualities mineral, you need to understand that only natural natural stones have such qualities. Alexandrite is very different. strong effect on a person, so experts advise wearing it only in daytime, and at night, remove from the body and store separately until morning.

The manifestation of magic through the embodiment of stone

About it mysterious stone folded legends. Masters of magic claim that during the day this stone becomes an emerald, and at night it takes the form of a ruby. The magic of the stone is able to help its owner cope with any life hardships, only if the owner has a strong personality and corresponds to the inviolability of the "imperial stone".

The future is not able to hide the veil from this mineral. Host he announces trouble unusual color change. During the day, it suddenly acquires a purple, red or brown color, and in the evening it turns green. It is especially worth being wary of the appearance of yellow flashes in the depths of the stone - this threatens the owner with serious troubles and anxieties.

Alexandrite jewelry is worn as protective talisman from troubles. It is most valuable for those who cannot control their thoughts and feelings. It is to such people that he will help change their fate, teaching them calmness and balance in all life situations. Wearing such an ornament to a business meeting, a person will always be able to calmly and soberly assess the situation and will not miss important nuances.

The stone has always been especially distinguished by gambling people in life, as it helps the emergence of sudden wealth. With success wear it and spectacular persons. Indian magicians of antiquity claimed that the stone changes color according to mood owner with whom he has been in close contact for a long time.

Alexandrite can help the wearer achieve unity with higher spiritual powers. It opens the possibility of communication with otherworldly forces, opens the human chakras to receive cosmic energy.

If the owner of the stone has Creative skills, alexandrite will develop them, make them bright, and the owner will gradually find a use for them and receive well-deserved recognition. Scientists and travelers will receive from the stone the desire for new discoveries and good luck along the way.

In Russia, among psychics, there is an opinion that if a woman wears one piece of alexandrite jewelry, then she is threatened with loneliness in life. Wearing multiple pieces of jewelry with this stone will soon arrange well your personal life.

In Europe, an alexandrite ring is given as a gift to someone who is very jealous. This emphasizes such a quality of a person’s character. And since stone calms passions, then after some time the owner will change his attitude towards the second half.

The combination of alexandrite and zodiac signs

The energy of the stone is led by two opposite planets - Mars and Saturn, and the energy of alexandrite inconsistent and inconsistent. The signs Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, whom the cosmos endowed with strong, complex and extraordinary character traits, will be able to tame the bright character of the mineral.

For the sign of the twins, the stone will act as keeper of peace of mind and curb volatility. The interests of this zodiac sign in all areas and the desire for everything new will not be suppressed by the stone.

The stone will push the scorpions to rise to the top spiritual development wearing alexandrite will be able to overcome any obstacles and difficulties to achieve their dreams.

For a lion, a mineral will become an assistant on thorny path to the pinnacle of power and help curb the seething fiery passions. Aquarius will be able to develop and strengthen the already remarkable creative abilities and sharpen the cosmic intuition inherited by their sign.

Astrologers advise not to wear jewelry with alexandrite if the owner feels constant discomfort, the energy of the stone is very strong, and it is better not to risk it, but to get rid of the mineral.

Real Ural alexandrite is very difficult to find, all the jewelry is with the owners, and new stones mined at numerous second-rate deposits do not have such valuable qualities. Antique alexandrite jewelry is sold only at auctions and is very expensive.

Alexandrite is a precious mineral and its name is not accidental. The first such stone was mined in the Urals, near Yekaterinburg, in emerald mines in the 19th century. The general public saw this unusual mineral at that time on the day of the coming of age of Tsar (then future) Alexander II. And a wonderful mineral was named in honor of this event, alexandrite. Despite the fact that the extraction of this gem was started relatively recently, this stone has already developed its own, very interesting, history. Its amazing coloring is transitions of red and green flowers- immediately made this gem an elite one. After all, it was these colors that were present on the military flag of Russia in those years, besides, they were a symbol of luxury and wealth.

Alexander II Nikolaevich - Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland (1855-1881) from the Romanov dynasty.

It is not surprising that Alexander II was also captivated by a wonderful stone and, as historians say, he always carried alexandrite with him, like a talisman, almost never parting with it.

It is known that several attempts were made on the life of Alexander II, but none of them succeeded. The people said that the alexandrite talisman kept the king.

On the day of the death of the king, March 1, 1881, Alexander II did not have a faithful talisman with him, and the day ended in tragedy. But the popularity of the stone has grown many times since that terrible day.

The subjects of Alexander II after his death began to take things in memory of him and, of course, attention was primarily given to products with alexandrite. So he became the "Emperor's Stone". In those days, having a product with alexandrite was perceived in society with special respect.

Expert of the most famous jewelry house Tiffany was absolutely delighted with the regal mineral, and on his initiative, the jewelry house created several collections of ensembles and rings with alexandrite. In England, in Victorian era, this mineral was also extremely popular, but there were usually smaller stones.

The reputation of the stone faded during the First and Second World Wars. Many women who have jewelry with alexandrite remained widows. Another name was assigned to the stone - “Widow's Stone”.

People believed that alexandrite could predict the death of someone close to them by changing its color from green to red. They also believed that this stone cannot be worn in one copy, that is, either earrings with alexandrite or a set with several stones are needed.
Alexandrite is outwardly very beautiful, but jewelry with it can not be found often. And jewelry with this stone from the time of Alexander II was destroyed almost all. The Soviet government considered them the property of the country, so the stones were kept by the state, and the frames of the jewelry were melted down.

Colors and varieties of alexandrite

Alexandrite is a very rare variety of chrysoberyl.

Under artificial and natural lighting, alexandrite can drastically differ in color.

Certainly, main feature of this mineral is the ability to change not even shades, but completely its color. In daylight, the stone has green color, sometimes with an admixture of blue, and under electric lighting, the stone can take on almost any of the shades of red. This property of the mineral is completely unique, and therefore the stone itself is considered one of the unique and most valuable of the existing gems.

At the beginning of the 20th century, one of the gemologists (an expert on precious stones) said about this mineral that during the day it is an emerald, and at night it turns into an amethyst.

The quality of the cut greatly affects the cost of alexandrite.

Most often, alexandrite is transparent, but sometimes it contains various inclusions. Hence, the value of the stone varies widely. When evaluating a gem, the quality of its cut is also of great importance.

There is very little natural alexandrite, this is due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition. Unlike other chrysoberyls, in addition to iron and titanium, it contains chromium, moreover, as the main component. It is chromium that is “guilty” of such an impressive feature of this mineral to radically change its color. Sometimes the composition of the mineral also includes vanadium.

Despite the fact that this stone was first mined in the 19th century, its true age, like most other gems, is millions of years. Alexandrite differs in that it can form only under a certain set of geological conditions. For example, chromium and beryllium must react during the formation of this mineral, but in natural conditions these two elements usually do not occur because they require absolutely Various types earth soils.

From alexandrite to emerald, there is only one element - silicon

Another factor in the formation of alexandrite is that the soil should not contain silicon, and silicon, in turn, is the second most common terrestrial mineral. If silicon gets into this mineral, it will turn it into an emerald. These are the three rarest factors that must combine in one place in the earth's crust to give birth to this stone. Therefore, there are very few real natural alexandrites, and their value from this, of course, only increases.

For a long time, the only place where these minerals were mined was the Urals, the same emerald mine, where the very first alexandrite in the world was found. The development of this field was stopped in 1995.

In addition to the Urals, a deposit was found in Sri Lanka, and in 1987 also in Brazil. The Brazilian field operated only about four months after which it was closed. Some time later, a real pilgrimage of hunters for alexandrites began to the Hematite Valley (it was there that these stones were found). There were so many who wanted to get rich that the authorities were forced to take action (shoot every disobedient) and completely close access to these places.

Alexandrites were found in small quantities in India, Africa (Tanzania, Madagascar, Zimbabwe), Burma.

The largest alexandrite in the world

The largest stone found to date weighs more than 5720 grams, it was mined here in the Urals.

In general, the Ural alexandrite from the emerald deposit is the most beautiful of all mined in other parts of the world. They have the purest spectral hues and the most contrasting color transitions. Brazilian minerals have a less saturated green color, and stones from Sri Lanka, turning into red, give a pronounced brown shade.

Alexandrites from India are very beautiful in daylight, they have delicate greenish-bluish tones.

Tanzania and Madagascar are proud of the fact that the largest stones have been discovered in their deposits.


It is unlikely that anyone knows, but not a single genuine alexandrite was sold in the USSR. The authorities considered these stones to be the highest value, their sale was prohibited. However, the population was not informed about this, and with pleasure they acquired fakes under the guise of real stones.

Imitation alexandrite

If you have jewelry with this mineral (as you think) of those times, then we must disappoint you - you probably own a product with corundum and vanadium impurities. This is the main imitation of genuine alexandrites, which has nothing to do with natural stone.

This mineral can be imitated in two ways. One of them has just been mentioned. The second way is to artificially grow a stone. This laborious process, and such an artificial alexandrite will also not be a cheap stone.

Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC

The largest natural faceted mineral weighs 66 carats and is stored at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Identification of counterfeiting can be carried out first of all by color shade. Artificially created alexandrites have a pronounced purple hue. natural minerals in no case have such a shade.

Another sign: artificial stones are too transparent and pure, while natural gems in any case have a certain amount of third-party natural inclusions. By the way, the number of foreign inclusions just affects the cost natural stone the less there are, the more expensive the stone. Sometimes this "defect" can be corrected by a real master jeweler, having carried out a high-quality cut. But the cost of such a master cut can result in half the cost of the gem itself.

For information, let's say that real natural alexandrite can rarely exceed the weight of one carat. There are impressive exceptions, but they are few in number.

Alexandrite magic

In the 19th century, people versed in magic claimed that this mineral is able to harmonize the physical, astral and mental bodies of a person. In physical reality, a person as a result becomes balanced, calm and capable of thoughtful and balanced actions. Mystics of the past recommended wearing natural alexandrite to choleric people and, in general, people with an explosive character.

Alexandrite develops the imagination

In extremely difficult, perplexing situations, the mineral will help the wearer to find it only sure way out, even in cases where logical thinking powerlessly. In addition, alexandrite is considered a stone that develops the imagination and stimulates creativity.
Among avid players, he was also in special esteem. They were attracted by the property of the stone to change color, which, in their opinion, warned of a change in the mood of Lady Fortune.

This mineral can be worn by people with a strong and strong character. wavering and weak man wearing such a stone promises only misfortune.

The name of the alexandrite "Widow's Stone", which was mentioned earlier, is completely unfair. After all, it is now clear that women who did not wait for their husbands and sons from the wars did not wear alexandrite, but its more or less skillfully made fake. IN Eastern countries On the contrary, they believe that wearing this mineral brings joy, love and well-being to life.

Alexandrite and its healing properties

The most famous occultist of the 19th century, Eliphas Levi, correlated the dual contrast of the color of alexandrite with the property of human blood, that is, the properties of arterial and venous blood. And it is quite natural that amazing properties gems to discoloration have been associated with the possibility of influencing the functioning of the human circulatory system.

Alexandrite normalizes blood circulation

This mineral really affects the blood circulation in the circulatory system, normalizing and improving it. But that's not all! This stone improves the performance of the spleen and pancreas!

It is believed that alexandrite is able to predict the deterioration of human health: in this case, the stone takes on a yellowish tint.

The magical properties of alexandrite stone for zodiac signs

Astrologers have no consensus on alexandrite

There is no consensus among astrologers regarding this mineral: it has entered the scene too recently in the historically foreseeable period. To which sign of the zodiac will the alexandrite stone reveal all its positive properties? different schools have their own views on this issue, and each opinion has weighty arguments in its defense.

The Indians believe that alexandrite is close, since they are patronized by Mars. In addition, the ability of the mineral to change color as best as possible, according to the Hindus, is precisely the sign of Gemini.

In Russia, especially in tsarist Russia, alexandrite was considered a stone of Lions, winners and monarchs.

Modern astrology advises Libra, Aquarius, Virgo and, of course, the same Lions to test the properties of the stone.

By the way, modern astrologers most strongly recommend this unique stone to Pisces.

Americans believe that this mineral will be very good for.

The stone was discovered relatively recently and, in comparison with other minerals, cannot boast of traditions of a thousand years ago. Whether it is available to you, whether it is useful to you, whether it will benefit you or whether you should refrain from wearing it - it's up to you for now!

In any case, this stone is unique, and we are very glad if the information you received led you to some deep thoughts.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
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  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Alexandrite refers to precious minerals thanks to natural beauty, pure brilliance and unique properties. In terms of value, the stone can only be compared with diamonds and rubies. The mineral owes its name to unknown geologists who discovered the crystal in 1833.

The first gem mined so surprised with its beauty and ability to change colors that it was presented as a gift to the young tsar, Alexander II, for his sixteenth birthday. So the stone became known as alexandrite. Since then, many beliefs began to circulate about the mineral, some of which have come down to our times.

One thing is clear, alexandrite is a stone of strong personalities who can overcome all the hardships on the path of life. A valuable mineral is identified with luxury, wealth, power.

Place of Birth

The most famous deposits are in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Sri Lanka. The mineral is also mined in the USA, Brazil, and Ceylon. The reserves of the Russian field located in the Urals are practically depleted.

Who will suit

Amulets and talismans with alexandrite are suitable for strong natures. To attract fortune, ritual items can be worn by players and people prone to adventure. Stones can bring good luck on the road to those who move around a lot. different countries. In addition to the open road, they will patronize in the development of something new. Find mutual language it will be easier with people.

The mineral will help entrepreneurs, top managers, the military, and lawyers to implement strategic plans. Public people will feel more confident with an amulet or amulet made of alexandrite. A stone will help sailors not to go astray in a sea voyage.

Alexandrite properties

Physical properties of the gem

  • hardness is 8.5 units on the Mohs scale;
  • refractive index of the beam - 1.74-1.76;
  • density - 3.5-3.84 g / cm3;
  • the ability to change color;
  • the color of the mineral is transparent with a tonality from green to violet-red;
  • glass surface luster.


There are many mysteries and legends around the color-changing mineral. And although there is a physical explanation for this phenomenon, the people still believe in magical properties alexandrite.

For example, it may suddenly change the shade or color to an atypical one. This means that changes, dangers or difficulties are expected. The stone, as it were, warns the owner about significant events.

Esotericists are sure that the crystal develops intuition, helps to find harmony with other people, attracts finance and success.


The valuable mineral is famous healing properties , one of which is the ability to overcome addiction (alcohol, gaming, drug addiction).

Not less than powerful action exerts a crystal on the chemical composition of the blood and circulation. Alexandrite regulates blood pressure, stops bleeding, strengthens blood vessels. Lithotherapists believe that the stone has an effect on blood sugar levels.

There are cases of the use of a gem in the treatment of scabies, leprosy, pancreas, spleen.

What zodiac signs are alexandrite suitable for?

Most of all, a mineral with powerful energy is suitable for Gemini, Pisces and Scorpions. With the help of an amulet or a talisman, self-confident individuals will be able to open an internal reserve for further improvement. An Indian gem is more suitable for Aries. He will pacify and balance the quick temper.

Types and colors

A unique feature of alexandrite is its color change. conditioned this process presence of chromium ions.

Natural gems are presented in the following colors:

  • purple-red crystal, similar to rubies, characterized by transparency;
  • green, characterized by a deep and pure brilliance;
  • pink and raspberry.

The existing varieties of alexandrite are classified according to the location of the deposit:

  • Ural crystals are the purest and brightest. Emerald green color in natural light changes to red-violet in artificial light.
  • Brazilian minerals have a less contrasting transition than the Ural specimens. In natural light, the stones take on an olive green color.
  • Indian crystals are different blue-green tint.
  • Stones mined in Sri Lanka, have a losing brown tint under artificial lighting.

Amulets and talismans with alexandrite

There is an opinion that the nugget equates prosperity and longevity. The changeability of color is interpreted as a twist of fate, an improvement in the quality of life. For this reason, many dream of acquiring at least a small crystal for making an amulet or talisman.

Astrologers are sure that you should carefully monitor the change in shade or tone. Each color has its own meaning, you can prepare for upcoming events. yellow shade is a harbinger of severe trials. The stone not only predicts them, but also has a neutralizing effect.

A crystal amulet will help overcome the troubles and hardships that have piled on strong and powerful people. The amulet will protect from ruin and poverty.

The gem is the talisman of travelers. Its properties help to adapt to the new environment and climatic features. They say that the mineral helps to find a common language with foreigners and non-Christians.

It should be noted that only strong personalities are recommended to wear amulets and talismans with a nugget. people leading closed image life, they can harm.


The formation of the price is influenced by the main factors: the mass of the stone, its color and purity. Brighter and more saturated specimens will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. Not the last role is played by the size of the mineral. Small stones are more common, and a large gem is a rarity.

Minerals of small size and low quality are offered for sale at prices ranging from $600 to $2,500 per carat. A good quality stone costs between $9,300 and $12,500 per carat.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Alexandrite belongs to the group of precious stones, so there are many fakes of this mineral on the market.

To distinguish the original from the copy, you should study the main features of a natural crystal:

  • color change;
  • purity of color when changing the angle of illumination (fakes are cast with multi-colored highlights);
  • the surface of the stone is almost impossible to scratch with sharp objects;
  • availability of a certificate (act of homological examination);
  • the reaction to the magnet is inert or weak.

A more thorough check can be made in a laboratory way. At the time of buying valuable mineral still can't do without it.

Some of the commonly used materials for making fakes are:

  • synthetic sapphire with color change effect;
  • pomegranate;
  • corundum;
  • spinels;
  • andalusite;
  • jewelry glass.

However, the most confusing in determining originality is synthetic alexandrite. Grown in a laboratory, it shares many qualities and properties with natural stone.


Products with alexandrite should be stored separately from other stones. so that it does not damage softer minerals with its hard structure.

Several methods are used for cleaning. The most common is washing in soapy water and rinsing with vinegar water. In addition, other means are used: steam, ultrasonic cleaners, soft tissues and brushes.

Do not use for procedures chemical compositions and spray. When applying cosmetics, avoid contact with the crystal.