White onyx stone magical properties sign of the zodiac. Which zodiac sign is best suited for onyx stone. Physical properties of stone

Onyx is an unusual and mystical stone. Since ancient times, people have attributed to him many magical properties, including the protection of his master from damage, accidents, and even some diseases. However, as a talisman, the stone is not suitable for everyone. Read more about what magical power the onyx stone hides and how to determine whether it is right for you, read our article.

The sacred meaning of the stone

The mention of onyx is contained in ancient Greek mythology. According to legend, the stone was created when Eros accidentally cut off Aphrodite's nails. Beautiful nails immediately turned into a semi-precious mineral.

The mineral is also important for world religions:

  1. In Christianity, it is mentioned twice in the Bible: as a stone that was present in Eden and as one of 12 gems in the ring of the high priest Aaron.
  2. In Islam, black onyx is inserted into the wall of the mosque in the city of Kaaba.

Currently, the meaning of the stone is confirmed by the clergy, esotericists and even doctors.

Description of the stone, colors and characteristics

Onyx is distinguished by heterogeneity of color. There are many stripes of various shades on the stone. This is due to the diversity of its chemical composition.

The stone has a rich color palette: from light green to rich dark shades. Such a wide range of colors allows classification according to this criterion.

So, according to the predominant color pigment, the mineral is divided into 4 groups:

  • carneolonyx (red-white);
  • sardonyx (brown-orange).
  • Arabic (black);
  • pure (white onyx).

The last two varieties are valued higher, due to their greater magical potential. There are also gray onyxes. Their color is due to the high content of chalcedony in the mineral. It is because of chalcedony that some confuse onyx with agate. The stones are really similar, but there are also differences: for example, agate is matte and light, since its physical density is lower than that of onyx.

Natural onyx is highly durable due to its quartz nature. The hardness of the stone (7 on the Moss scale) allows it not to deform under external influence.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Knowing the exact characteristics of the stone, you can easily determine its authenticity.

So, to easily recognize a fake, remember that real onyx:

  1. Has a harmonious color and does not contain sharp transitions. If the transition looks unnatural and too contrasting, then most likely you have a fake.
  2. Characterized by high strength. As mentioned above, the strength of the stone allows it to avoid deformation. This means that if you run a blade over the surface of the mineral, not even a scratch will remain.
  3. Conducts heat poorly. Even when exposed to temperatures, the stone heats up slowly.

Proper care of onyx

In terms of care, the stone is not picky. To maintain a beautiful appearance, it is enough to store stone products in a box and prevent them from rubbing against hard surfaces.

You can clean onyx with a regular toothbrush of medium hardness and a mild soapy solution. If the product contains other jewelry material in addition to onyx, you can use a solution of baking soda for cleaning.

Onyx jewelry, combination with other stones

There is currently a wide range of onyx products on sale. There are both jewelry made of pure stone (pendants and pendants) and precious items inlaid with onyx. The natural beauty of the stone allows it to look prestigious without any processing.

Onyx inserts in rings or bracelets add not only magical properties to the product, but also make them more attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

The combination of gold with onyx from an energy point of view can also be very successful. Gold is considered a metal that awakens leadership qualities. This characteristic makes it related to onyx, so the magic of the stone with this combination will be twice as strong.


Onyx is a semi-precious stone, so the price of products made from it is very modest. The highest price per gram is for black and white onyx. This variety of onyx is considered the rarest, since such a stone is mined only in Arab countries.

In addition, bright onyxes are highly valued. The cost of the stone depends on the beauty of the pattern. If the natural pattern is distinguished by a variety of stripes and layers, then the cost per gram of the stone will be higher.

Onyx jewelry can be expensive. Their high cost occurs when, in addition to onyx, they contain precious materials.

Natural onyx for cladding costs from 100 rubles per kg. for agate and from 50 rubles for marble onyx. Same price for onyx slabs for tables. On average, such a countertop costs from 10 thousand rubles (when calculating the final cost, the weight of the finished product is taken into account).

The magical properties of onyx

Onyx is a stone with character. As a magical talisman, it is not suitable for everyone. Since ancient times, the stone was considered the patron of the strong-willed and strong. It helps to reveal and nurture their leadership qualities, and also sobers their thoughts.

Many rulers kept onyx goblets on the table. The stone allowed even during the feast to remain sober, not to forget about important state affairs. Traditionally, onyx is considered a "male" stone, but it is also suitable for women with a strong-willed character.

The times of kings for most countries of the world are long gone, but the stone still remains a talisman for true leaders. He will become a faithful assistant for a person with a strong-willed and courageous character.

The gem sets thoughts in the right way, helps the leader to remain respected in the eyes of subordinates. In addition, jewelry made from this stone gives the owner self-confidence, removes anxieties, fears and doubts.

Onyx has been a talisman for many legendary figures. The mention of this stone is contained even on the first pages of the Bible. Such popularity is easily explained. The gem is not only very beautiful, but also energetically strong. He helps not only leaders, but also speakers.

Especially the stone is suitable for people on whose eloquence their professional success depends (for example, politicians or lawyers). Onyx jewelry is an indispensable talisman during public speaking. With the help of a mineral, you can not only cope with excitement, but also pick up the keys to any audience. Such a speaker will be able to charm even the most pretentious listener.

It is also worth paying attention to the mineral for those whose profession is associated with a constant risk to life: rescuers, firefighters, policemen, etc. The fact is that the stone is a powerful amulet. Being constantly with the owner, the stone can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident, betrayal and other difficult life circumstances.

The black mineral is considered a talisman for entrepreneurs. It will help direct financial flows in the right direction. The owner of onyx jewelry will be able to conclude the most profitable deals and make useful contacts. The stone helps to tune in the right way, activates the entrepreneurial vein.

At the same time, the stone will not allow its owner to turn into a greedy despot. With constant interaction with the stone, he will be able to maintain sobriety of thoughts, which means that the thirst for profit will not completely capture him.

Onyx can be given to a person who lacks self-confidence. For example, before being appointed to a new important post. In this case, the stone will help you feel more confident, immediately mark the boundaries at a new place of work. As you interact with the stone, a person acquires all those qualities that the stone patronizes. Soon the donee will gain self-confidence, will be ready for great achievements.

Students during the session will also be able to appreciate the magical properties of onyx. With the help of a stone, you can not only cope with excitement, but also convince the teacher of your knowledge. A talisman made of this stone will be a good gift for a child before entering the university: it will help them to study successfully and build a career in the future.

Please note: dishonest achievement of career growth, the stone does not patronize. As soon as the owner of the talisman begins to "walk over the heads", onyx loses its magical properties.

Esotericists note that a powerful energy field of a stone can turn its weak owner into a real business shark. In order to prevent the thirst for profit from completely capturing a person, it is recommended not to wear jewelry with a stone all the time.

Who suits the signs of the zodiac?

Astrologers also did not deprive the mineral of attention.

According to their statements, the magical properties of onyx stone for various zodiac signs are as follows:

Water Release:

  1. Cancer. The stone affects this zodiac sign most beneficially. By nature, Cancers are sensitive and impressionable, but nevertheless they have great potential. Onyx will help them unlock their potential, as well as help promote their business. As for color, these representatives of the water element are suitable for a stone of “marine” shades: blue, turquoise, blue, etc.
  2. Fish. It is believed that it is better for Pisces to refrain from acquiring onyx. The stone can enhance their asceticism.
  3. Scorpion. The mysterious melancholic scorpion needs protection from his sad thoughts. Black onyx can easily cope with this and drive away depression. In addition, the talisman protects against accidents and sudden upheavals, the victims of which Scorpios often become.

Air Element:

  1. Twins. Representatives of this sign are often naturally endowed with leadership qualities and creativity. With such a set, the Gemini can achieve great success. However, they are hindered by their inconstancy and windy nature. Onyx can easily cope with this: it will strengthen the strengths and help muffle the weaknesses. For Gemini, choose onyx in bright colors.
  2. Aquarius. Like Gemini, Aquarius often lacks consistency on the way to their intended goals. Onyx will help focus, lead the owner to success. Aquarius will suit stones of green shades.
  3. Scales. A blue stone will help them stay balanced and make the right decisions. If according to the horoscope you are Libra, give preference to onyx of all shades of blue.

Fire Release:

  1. A lion. The stone will enhance the leadership qualities of Lviv, help to win the favor of others. The most preferred for them is black onyx. As a rule, Lions by nature have a strong character and are able to curb the energy potential of the mineral.
  2. Aries. Onyx jewelry will help these hot-tempered people to be more tolerant of others.
  3. Sagittarius. The powerful energy of the sign often attracts ill-wishers. Sagittarians have the ability to "infect" others with their hobbies, and as a side effect they face envy. Black onyx will help protect Sagittarius from the evil eye, damage and evil tongues.

Earth Release:

  1. Calf. These typical representatives of the earth element often suffer from self-doubt. The stone will help them to liberate themselves, and also (if necessary) overcome bad habits. Onyx of warm shades is suitable for Taurus.
  2. Virgo. Onyx will teach pragmatic Devs to be leaders. Often, representatives of this sign, doing all the work, undeservedly remain in the shadows. Onyx of light shades will correct the situation, teach Dev to present themselves correctly.
  3. Capricorn. People born under the sign of Capricorn will find in onyx not only a talisman, but also an adviser in making decisions.

When choosing a patron talisman, you can take into account not only the solar, but also the natal horoscope (the position of all the planets at the time of birth).

How to enhance the magic of onyx?

In order for the magical properties of onyx to become stronger, it is necessary:

  1. Choose a stone in a suitable setting and a suitable look. Silver is considered the strongest activator of the energy field. Of the processing methods, cabchon is preferable.
  2. charge stone leaving it under the moonlight.
  3. Wear the stone at all times. Keep in mind that the impact can be so strong that some character traits will become sharper and tougher. If omissions with loved ones reach a critical point, limit interaction with the stone for some time.
  4. Wear an onyx ring on the middle finger of your right hand.

Onyx Talismans

The magical properties of white onyx will make it a suitable talisman for people who lack self-confidence. The stone will help develop potential, give self-confidence. It is preferable to wear white onyx in the form of a pendant at the level of the solar plexus or in the form of a ring.

green onyx

Stone of family well-being. Its properties will be useful for both newlyweds and those who have been married for a long time. The most powerful family amulets are rings and beads, as their round shape symbolizes the infinity of love. As a talisman, it should be used by people who lack peace of mind and peace of mind.

yellow onyx

It is considered a patron talisman for people who are often depressed. If a decorative product made of this bright mineral is constantly kept in a room, then the atmosphere of the room will become light and cozy.

Widely used as a mascot marble onyx

This inexpensive ornamental stone consists of a dense, translucent aggregate of grains and fibers, or aragonite. The properties of marble onyx will be useful for people with a choleric personality type. A talisman with this type of stone puts the nervous system in order.

In addition, the stone has a beneficial effect on overall health. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the organs of vision and hearing.

Onyx pyramid or apple

They will become a talisman for sick people. Applying them to the problem area, the patient after a few weeks notices a positive trend in the course of the disease. Please note, when choosing an onyx pyramid, you can easily run into a fake.

onyx fish

It is a symbol of career growth. In Feng Shui, it is believed that such a figurine attracts good luck and high earnings. In addition, the fish will help the successful passing of exams.

Onyx tableware (plates, glasses, glasses)

It will be a great gift as a family talisman. It enhances the taste of food and drinks, contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere at the table.

Ring with black onyx

Traditionally, it is a talisman for businessmen. The stone will help to find the necessary connections, as well as avoid losses.

The healing properties of onyx

Since ancient times, people began to notice that onyx treats various ailments. Onyx powder promotes rapid cell regeneration. If a wound is treated with a small amount of such a powder, it will heal faster. In addition, this mineral helps fight obesity. To improve metabolism, it is enough to regularly consume water infused with crushed mineral.

In alternative medicine, onyx uses other medicinal properties of onyx. It is used as a treatment for heart failure (red or pink onyx) and as a means of restoring vision and hearing (marble onyx).

In order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to wear jewelry with a stone at the level of the problem area. So, in the fight against the disease of the hearing organs, earrings will help, in the fight against arthritis - a bracelet, etc.

For therapeutic massage, lithotherapists widely use an onyx egg. The procedure is carried out by lightly pressing the stone on the sore spot once a day.

The use of onyx slabs for facing a residential building, according to esotericists, improves the well-being of residents. Life in such a house will be long and full of health.

However, remember - only a real stone has all of the above properties. An artificial stone will not give a magical or healing effect. Before placing hope on the gem, make sure that you are not a fake.

One of the varieties of agate is the mineral onyx. Its distinguishing feature are stripes of various shades, they are white, red, black and brown. There is an opinion that the cost of a stone depends on how thin the strips are.

The mineral is divided into different types depending on the color of the base (background) and lines (pattern):

  • Sardonyx is decorated with beautiful brown stripes, organically alternating with white.
  • Black onyx, or Arabian onyx, is generally referred to when referring to the mineral as a whole: it is a deep black stone, sometimes with small patches of fine white lines, creating an interesting zebra pattern.
  • Onyx agate is less striking: instead of a black and white pattern, it is decorated with gray stripes of different brightness.
  • Carneolonics is the brightest variety in which white lines are adjacent to red.
  • Chalcedonyx, or onyx chalcedony, resembles onyx agate, but in a lighter shade, with white and gray stripes.
  • Three-layer onyx is perhaps the most beautiful of the types, in which white, gray-blue and red-brown lines create a unique pattern.
  • Carnelian contains brown stripes adjacent to white patterns.
  • White onyx resembles white marble, it can be pinkish, light aquamarine or milky white.

How different peoples treated onyx

Initially for crafts and onyx wall cladding used in ancient Egypt, but then other peoples appreciated the decorative and magical properties of the stone. The mineral caused a reverent attitude in different countries, sometimes grateful, sometimes cautious:

Due to its unusual appearance and the uniqueness of the patterns of each stone, the mineral was often perceived like something alive but frozen. This could not lead thoughtful people to think about its magical properties.

The mystical mineral has been carefully studied by alchemists and witches from century to century. Most of all, of course, the black stone aroused interest. Due to its deep color, it was valued by dark magicians, who believed that someone else's soul could be imprisoned in it, which then turned into a pattern of thin whitish lines on its surface. Black onyx jewelry even now evokes associations with magic and otherworldly forces.

On the other hand, white onyx symbolized purity, lightness and well-being. Powder of crushed white onyx was recommended in the Middle Ages for bowel problems and deafness, and pregnant women put a stone under the head of the bed to increase the chance of a successful birth.

Also, the property of the stone to protect the owner from unwanted meetings has long been noticed. A person who carried a piece of white onyx in his pocket became “invisible” to ill-wishers.

This magical stone was regularly used in the rituals of calling spirits and communicating with ancestors, and ritual dishes were served on plates inlaid with onyx. Goblets and bowls are still made from carnelian-onyx.

An essential attribute of any self-respecting magician - onyx ball and onyx pyramid. The ball collects energy, and the unusual pattern of the stone does not allow it to stagnate, directing it along its patterns and constantly mixing it. The pyramid, on the other hand, concentrates the power directed to a specific action, and noticeably warms up in the hand if there is a magical effect involving onyx. The properties characteristic of him are highly valued by wizards and fortune-tellers, and he pays them handsomely.

Jewelry with this magical stone is perfect for those who practice conspiracies and divination, as it reveals inner potential carrier and allows you to look a little further than ordinary people see. A stone with gray stripes will cover from the evil eye, and sardonyx will calm the restless soul.

On the chest, on the finger, on ... the table?

The question of where to wear jewelry with this amazing and mysterious mineral implies several answers, depending on which properties of the stone need to be revealed. Onyx gray and white it is advised to encrust in silver rings and rings if you want to protect yourself from evil encroachments, or let's say you often have to travel.

A necklace or necklace made of black stone should be worn by self-confident women with great magical potential - it accumulates energy flows from the outside world and gives the mistress an impressive power. A ring with black onyx sharpens intuition and gives confidence in the correctness of one's actions.

Earrings in pink or white-blue onyx suitable for creative natures - artists, writers, poets. A ring with a large tricolor stone attracts love adventures, increases vitality and enhances activity, and a white-red mineral will bring a bit of unpredictability and pleasant unexpected joys to life.

Onyx Stone Meaning

A geologist will say that onyx is a mineral that is a variety of agate, which is a striped version of chalcedony, and that is an analogue of latently crystalline quartz.

Onyx black as an independent stone is rare in nature. It is usually extracted from black layers of banded stone called "zebra agate". It has alternating black and white layers. Raw black onyx is a stone that is inconspicuous in appearance. Only after grinding and polishing the brilliance of its beauty is revealed.

Legends about onyx (stone)

The black mineral has shown properties since time immemorial. The people who possessed this stone believed in its healing and magical powers. Yes, and how else? After all, the Greek legend says that the onyx stone (the meaning of the word is a nail) is not simple, but a piece of the very goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. These are her overgrown nails, which were cut off by her sleeping son Eros. The Greeks believed that this stone can only be found by those whose soul and thoughts are pure.

The Georgian nobility of the tenth century complemented their outfits with onyx jewelry, believing in their protection from enemies. The peoples of Transcaucasia believed: where there is such a stone, there will be no war.

From the Middle Ages, the Persian scientist Al-Biruni told about the discovery of a huge black onyx (24 cm in diameter) with oval light spots on the surface. Numan, who found the stone, was rewarded by the ruler of the region with a whole island in the Red Sea. The outlandish stone became a shrine - the second black stone. It is immured opposite the entrance to the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, and the first one, granted by Allah, is immured in the corner of the Kaaba.

Egyptians, Jews, French, Italians bowed before black onyx. They made perfume bottles, goblets for wine from it, inlaid furniture, sculpted jewelry - rings, cameos, bracelets.

But in the countries of the East, China and in some provinces of India, black onyx was perceived with caution. Yemenis compare it to the eyes of a dead beauty. For the Arabs, it is a stone of sorrow. Some Indians believe that black onyx cools love, others recognize it as a powerful bioenergetic and healer. In China, they were afraid not only to extract stone, but even bypassed the places of its production.

What do modern healers, psychic magicians and astrologers say about the magical power of such a stone as black onyx?


Civilization has made stones in many countries the subject of only an aesthetic purpose. Many do not know about their medicinal properties. Ancient healers used stones to stop bleeding, treat dementia, with their help they alleviated joint pain, they became a drug for other diseases.

These properties of stones have not yet been studied, but a reasonable person will not refuse natural helpers.

Therapeutic action

What is the strength of onyx stone? Properties: the black mineral primarily has a positive effect on the mental state of a person, making him balanced and generous. When passions are heated, he will restrain emotions, allowing the owner to maintain dignity, and then quickly calm the nerves. Onyx will have a beneficial effect on the body with a busy rhythm of life.

Elderly lonely people, having a stone product in the apartment, will get rid of depression and insomnia, and will find peace.

Students, wearing such a stone as an ornament, activate logical thinking, attention and the ability to memorize sciences, better concentrate and systematize knowledge in the mind and pass exams without stress.

Onyx will give energy to the physically weak, and he is able to overfill the lazy with it so that it becomes necessary to translate the excess into useful deeds.

It has a beneficial effect on the ear - give a natural onyx (decoration) to a musician.

Helps in the treatment of diseases of the throat, nose and upper respiratory tract.

Relieves headaches and stops dizziness.

In a silver frame, the stone helps to alleviate cardiovascular ailments.

The stone absorbs ailments, so it is advisable to periodically clean it under running water.

It is important that the stone matches your biorhythms. Then you can use both the aesthetic pleasure from mineral jewelry and their healing effect on the body.

Is this your stone?

The recipe for determining the relationship between the mineral and the owner came from ancient legends and is easy to use. It is necessary to tie (not tight) a stone outside at the left shoulder for the night. If you have nightmares that night, it means "inconsistency" - the pebble does not fit. There were no dreams - the mineral is neutral and will not show magical power, use it as a decoration. A good dream is seen - the stone will bring health, confidence and well-being.

Ways to use the stone

The simplest thing is to hold onyx with your eyes closed in your hand for about 20 minutes. At the same time, silence or pleasant, calm and quiet music is desirable. It is useful to wear a stone near a sore spot all day. The pain subsides when the stone is rotated counterclockwise over the diseased joint or wound.

Massage is done by moving the mineral above the body at a height of about 10 cm, while rotating it clockwise. Such a massage will calm and relax, energize a person. It is known that water absorbs energy and is able to transfer it. Dip an onyx cabochon into a glass of spring water in the evening. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. This drink will give energy, create good health and normalize bowel function. That's what a healer can do - black onyx.

magical properties

An entrepreneur with a natural blue-black onyx talisman is successful in business: he is lucky in concluding profitable deals, which leads to financial stability. But the constant wearing of a stone leads to an insatiable thirst for profit, which overshadows all the delights of earthly life and does not give rest.

Black onyx (stone) is the strongest amulet for extreme people who put their lives at increased risk. It protects not only from loss of health as a result of an accident, but also from sudden death.

Onyx is attractive to speakers - with it they become more eloquent. Often this stone is worn by lawyers, lecturers, preachers, politicians. It helps to connect with listeners.

A person with onyx feels protected by a stone. To repel the evil eye and envy, to draw diseases out of the body - that's what onyx is capable of. The price of products made from a mineral depends on its size and "purity", on the artistry of the decoration and the material of the setting. A men's bracelet costs from 1,500 rubles, a handmade women's necklace from 3,000 rubles. A gold ring with onyx surrounded by diamonds is expensive - from 30 thousand rubles or more.

It is good to have an onyx charm at home in the form of a miniature figurine, a bizarre shape of a candlestick.

What do astrologers say

A talisman with such a stone is not bad for Lions and Capricorns - this is the advice of astrologers. If black onyx is used to sculpt figurines of an eagle (for Leo) or a cat (for Capricorn), then the strength of the mineral will triple. These symbols are talismans for the mentioned zodiac signs. In addition, the black color is favorable for Leo and Capricorn. It is undesirable to be the owner of black onyx jewelry for those who are born under

Even the ancient Arabs dubbed the mineral onyx a symbol of sadness. According to local customs, the combination of white and black colors in the stone meant mournful solemnity. But the ancient Jews thought a little differently, believing that the crystal is by no means sad, but quite the opposite, and its light permeability was distinguished as the main quality.

Historians suggest that the walls of the famous Jerusalem temple, built over a millennium BC, were built on the same principle, where elements made of onyx were inserted into the walls and windows. That is why the sanctuary was illuminated by rays of reverent twilight.

The gem was suitable not only for the decoration of palaces during construction work, its properties were noticed by the ancient masters of jewelry. On the one hand, strength, and, on the other hand, the susceptibility of the material to cutting and grinding, allowed carvers to create a wide variety of patterns.

From multi-colored crystals, unknown masters of antiquity created wonderful cameos, which have not lost their value even today, being considered magnificent works of bas-relief art.

Ancient Egypt was famous for onyx lining of pharaohs' palaces and temples. Ancient Greece went down in history by the fact that its speakers, according to the custom of those times, kept a mineral under their tongue in order to be more eloquent than their competitors. And in ancient Rome, the stone served as the strongest talisman.

The attraction of the gem was so strong that the tribes of barbarians who broke into the Eternal City tore off the lining of palaces and rich houses, consisting of onyx, “for a long memory”.

Physical and chemical properties

In ancient Greece, they explained that the stone appeared from the nail of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and love, marriages and childbirth. Her assistant Eros was to blame for everything, who accidentally caught the nail of the “baby feeder” with his loving arrow. The particle that broke away from it turned into a beautiful mineral. No wonder the gem comes from the Greek "onychon", which means "nail" in translation. Yes, and purely outwardly, the crystal looks great like a human nail. Usually this stone is translucent or completely transparent.

Over the years of fame, the gem has gained many synonyms. Whatever it was called: onychius, chalcedony-onyx, oriental alabaster, sardonyx, Egyptian alabaster, Gibraltar stone, cave onyx, carneolonyx, alabaster onyx, Mexican onyx.

Mineralogists classify onyx as a chalcedonic variety of quartz, and jewelers as ornamental minerals of the third group.

Onychia has a great variety of shades. They range from light marsh to yellow-brown. But the feature that makes it possible to distinguish a gem from others is parallel stripes (dark red, white, gray or black). The higher cost of the stone depends on their elegance and sophistication.

Multi-colored layering, which depends on various impurities, as well as the degree of their concentration in the rock layers, largely determines the structure of sardonyx. First of all, we are talking about impurities of chalcedony, iron, chlorine and other substances.

In order to classify a wide variety of types of onyx, specialists (mineralogists, geologists, jewelers) use special terms. The main varieties are grouped by color. So, sardonyxes differ in orange, scarlet, blood-brown shades, and carneolonyxes have white or red stripes on the surface.

The most valuable material for jewelers are black (Arabic) onyx, as well as dark green quartz. By the way, the level of decorativeness of the mineral is evaluated by color, translucency, pattern features and polishability.

Quartz tends to have a structure characterized by a strong adhesion of oxygen and silicon atoms at the nodes of the crystal lattice. This explains the hardness of Egyptian alabaster, which, in accordance with the Mohs scale, corresponds to 6.5-7.0 units, the density corresponds to 2.6 g/cm3.

The chemical formula of onyx is SiO2.

The presence of quartz, to which onyx belongs, is 60% in the earth's crust. The extraordinary distribution of the mineral in nature makes it accessible to jewelry lovers. The main deposits include the development of Brazil, Uruguay, India. In addition, crystals of high quality are found in the United States and the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in Russia.

Magic and signs of the Zodiac: who suits the talisman

Magicians believe that onyx is a special stone, and special people should wear it: strong-willed individuals, those who are called "fighters". The mineral will give such persons firmness and self-confidence, so that they can defend their own point of view, successfully complete what they have begun.

According to psychics, oriental alabaster is something like a battery that tends to absorb negative energy that accumulates around the owner of the stone. The crystal continues to work in the house of its owner, protecting it from negative intrusions from the outside, and in the form of a pendant it will protect a person from damage and love spells.

A silver ring with onyx is a wonderful remedy for laziness. In India, it is worn in order to become a favorite of fortune, to get good luck, in the Arab world, sardonyx plays the role of a “stone of sorrow”.

There is such an idea that regular wearing of jewelry with a crystal allows you to gradually “pull out” all ailments from the body and, moreover, prevent the unexpected death of the owner of the mineral.

Gibraltar stone is a wonderful "helper" for the elderly. He "knows how" to dull pains of a different nature, add strength and endurance to an elderly organism.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that an amulet made of onyx and given to warriors strengthened their spirit and made them more courageous.

Among the zodiac signs, the maximum efficiency and manifestation of the magical properties of the crystal is guaranteed to Virgo. A stone can also become a good helper for the signs of the water element, blocking the negative external influence, thanks to which Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces become more independent in their actions.

Heals, does not heal: healing properties

At one time, traditional medicine suggested that onyx has a wide therapeutic spectrum of action. The healers believed that prolonged wearing of the mineral on the body would contribute to the fact that all ailments would gradually fade away. Especially the stone is “irreconcilable” to diseases of the kidneys and liver, it is ready to “help” weather dependent, strengthens the skeletal system, improves hearing.

Lithotherapists express their firm belief that the healing properties and effects of the gem are not fairy tales. They strongly advise it to those who suffer from constant stress, have problems falling asleep, who seek to get rid of nightmares.

In some countries, "stone healers" note that onychius heals potency disorders.

Folk healers and healers advise fighting obesity with water infused with a mineral.

Ways to distinguish genuine from fake

The ways to distinguish fake from natural onyx are almost the same as for many other minerals.

  1. The first thing that should confuse the buyer is the low cost of the crystal. As a rule, they underestimate the price of a fake, and a real stone is not cheap.
  2. The second thing to pay attention to is the color of the decoration. In this regard, scammers often overdo it, giving the fake brighter tones, while the original ones are more restrained and paler.
  3. And third. Hold the gem in your fist. Even warm hands will not be able to quickly heat quartz, but a piece of plastic that they are trying to hand you instead of natural stone will heat up immediately.

stone care

If the owners of onyx want the stone to serve them faithfully for a long time, they must remember a few "don'ts".

  1. The mineral is fragile, so in order to avoid scratches on the surface, you should not allow it to come into contact with other jewelry.
  2. You can not clean the gem with active chemicals. It is best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and warm soapy water for this. If for some reason this procedure does not suit you, carry out an ultrasonic cleaning.

Often, jewelers advise the owners of a crystal to rub special impregnations into it. This is done so that a film is created on the stone that repels dirt. It proved that the use of impregnations has a beneficial effect on the structure of the mineral, giving it a wonderful shine.


Onyx has long been one of the favorite stones for lovers of jewelry and decor. Moreover, any products from this type of quartz are popular: figurines and combs, cameos and vases, candlesticks and caskets.

Naturally, the gem is indispensable in jewelry: playing with shades, it makes the product original and unique.

And the price of such a wonderful crystal cannot but please the eye. It is quite democratic - from 15 to 250 dollars. It is clear that onyx becomes precious if it is combined with gold or diamonds, if it has a black and white color. On average, onyx bracelets can cost 6-50 dollars, necklaces from 140 to 300 dollars, earrings - 60-140 dollars.


Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/chernyj-oniks-1.jpg" alt="ball of black onyx" width="220" height="237">!} Onyx black is a mystical beautiful stone. Jewelry and other products with it radiate an attractive force, and for good reason. A gem of deep dark color has absorbed the energy of all the rays of the rainbow and willingly shares magical and healing power with those who wear it. At the same time, the mineral is considered an inexpensive ornamental material, which determines its availability for everyone. But does black onyx benefit everyone in a row?

Description and properties of the stone

Onyx is a gem of many faces: both in color and in origin. Black is a type of stone that is mined from agate. Refers to chalcedony fibrous quartz. It can be monophonic, or it can have whitish layers. The best samples are isolated from the agate rocks of the “zebra” variety, where the pattern is made up of contrasting stripes.

In its original form, the gem is plain and unremarkable. But after it has been in the hands of a master cutter, a wonderful metamorphosis takes place with the stone. The gem seems to come to life, the edges acquire a characteristic playful glassy luster, which is inherent in minerals with considerable hardness. In black onyx, it is above average, about 7 units on the special Mohs scale. The stone is quite dense, has an uneven matte fracture.

Products made of onyx jewelry are amazingly good: coal color favorably refreshes skin color, emphasizes a beautiful oval and regular facial features. All sorts of cameos, figurines, figurines, souvenir crafts, interior decorations made of black onyx are also popular.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The best stones are mined in the Arabian Peninsula. The deposits of the USA, India, Uruguay, and Brazil are also rich in mineral.

Gem Legends

The stone has been familiar to man since ancient times. There are biblical references, descriptions of the mineral in ancient manuscripts. The throne of King Solomon himself was inlaid with processed black onyx. The Egyptians were very fond of this stone, which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. They used it mostly for aesthetic purposes.

Jpg" alt="Arabian Onyx" width="230" height="179">!}
But the South American tribes of the Aztecs were imbued with the magical properties of black onyx - it served as an attribute of sacred rites. Hindus revered black financial growth and luck.

But still, in many eastern cultures, the black gem was demonized. Arab sources have been preserved, where onyx of the most mystical color is called “eljazo”, which means “sorrow”, “sadness”, “sorrow”. There was a belief in the Yemeni quarries that the black onyx mined should be quickly sold, since the stones resemble the eyes of a dead woman.

In ancient China, it was believed that disturbing the onyx mines unnecessarily was a global disaster. Nevertheless, everywhere they believed in the healing and magical power of the gem.

Black healer: onyx in lithotherapy

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/chernyj-oniks-3.jpg" alt="onyx ring" width="200" height="211">!}
The energy of the stone is of a concentrating nature and can literally “pull out” ailments from the human body. Onyx copes well with pain, just apply it to the area of ​​discomfort: with intestinal colic - on the stomach, with headaches - in the forehead, etc.

The therapeutic properties of the stone are more pronounced when it comes to diseases of the nervous system. Depression, stress, emotional stress, panic attacks, apathy recede before the powerful positive energy message of the mineral. Onyx is also recommended to be worn for heart disease. Separately, the positive effect of onyx on the organs of hearing, speech and vision was noted. It is also believed that the gem strengthens memory.

The magical power of black onyx

Black onyx has unique magical properties. Since the stone absorbs and accumulates the energy of the entire light spectrum, it is a powerful stimulant for its owner. The gem forms leadership qualities, helps to emerge victorious from most life situations.

Jpg" alt="black onyx earrings" width="150" height="231">!} An interesting belief is connected with this ability: a husband should not give his wife jewelry with a black mineral if he does not want his wife to rule in family life.

Another stone perfectly eliminates complexes and suspiciousness, increases self-confidence, and gives decisiveness. The owner of the talisman of this black stone, as a rule, is a person who is able to defend his own interests, to show the necessary timely perseverance. He is persistent in achieving results. At the same time, the gem helps the owner to control outbursts of emotions, gives clarity of mind and concentrates his strength on the main thing.

The energy magnetism of the mineral gradually passes to its owner, this is manifested in signs of attention and respect from the people around him. Therefore, the amulet must be worn by directors, representatives of the political and business spheres. It is also believed that the gem induces a thirst for enrichment and endows the owner with activity and enterprise.

The uniqueness of black onyx amulets is not only that it is reliably able to protect from the evil eye by bad people and induced damage. This mineral is almost the only talisman from love powders. It is believed that a person who possesses it cannot be bewitched. Even if the love spell ritual has already been completed, the stone will help remove its unwanted effects. And as a love talisman, a black gem is not suitable, it cools amorous passions and ardor.

Black stone in astrology

The mineral can be safely worn by almost all signs of the zodiac. Each of them is affected by a black gem with a certain ability:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/lev-.jpg" alt="Lion" width="50" height="50"> Львы. Они уже лидеры от природы, поэтому минерал дополняет это качество уверенностью в своей правоте и в силах.!}

Jpg" alt="Gemini" width="50" height="48"> Близнецы. Представителей этого зодиакального созвездия амулет из оникса наделяет творческим энтузиазмом и защищает от дурного влияния со стороны.!}

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Раки. Мнительные и неуверенные, они получат от чёрного талисмана защиту от негатива и чувство самодостаточности.!}

Jpg" alt="Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпионы. Люди-загадки, рождённые под этим знаком, станут более открытыми миру. Также самоцвет поможет им справиться с апатией и меланхолией.!}

Jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Водолеи. Увлекающимся и быстро остывающим натурам волшебный камень поможет довести начатое дело до конца.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Taurus Amulet with onyx will help this sign to get rid of bad passions and craving for bad things.

Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овен. Упрямых носителей этого знака камень сделает более уступчивыми. А заодно повысит интеллектуальные способности.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Virgo. The only sign that the gem affects positively in the field of love and relationships. But to a greater extent this applies to married life.

Jpg" alt="Libra" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Весы, Стрельцы и Козероги прекрасно гармонируют с энергетикой камня. Им талисман показано не только носить на себе, но и окружать фигурками и другими вещами из оникса в бытовой и рабочей обстановке.!}

Jpg" alt="Pisces" width="50" height="50"> Рыбам чёрный минерал носить нежелательно. Всё отрицательное от камня достаётся именно этому знаку: амулет создает условия для неблагоприятных событий.!}

The mineral concentrates not only positive energy, but also negative. Therefore, black onyx must be washed with running water - this is how its aura is cleansed. Then the gem will serve not only as a spectacular decoration, but also as a reliable amulet.