What stones are the most expensive. The most expensive stones in the world: red diamond, ruby, emerald. The rarest gems in the world

1. Kohinoor, the jewel in the crown of British rulers

Kohinoor is a 106 carat diamond that was once the largest diamond in the world. Previously owned by Indian rulers, today it is in the hands of the British royal family and is part of the precious crown.

When Kohinoor became the property of the British royal family, it weighed 186 carats (37 g). Prince Albert was specifically looking for a jeweler with a perfect reputation and personally went to Holland to entrust the processing of a diamond to a certain Mr. Cantor. He set to work, and after a while the diamond was presented to Queen Victoria.

The diamond became part of the royal crown and was last worn by the Queen Mother at her coronation ceremony when she became Empress of India.

2. Millennium, football-sized sapphire

The soccer-ball-sized Millennium Sapphire is a gem carved with portraits of famous historical figures. The sapphire is currently selling for $180 million, but the buyer must place the 61,500-carat marvel where people can look at it.

Created by Italian artist Alessio Boschi, the Millennium Sapphire is a tribute to human genius. It has 134 portraits carved on it, including Beethoven, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr.

Millennium is now owned by a consortium of investors led by Daniel McKinney. Over the past 15 years, the sapphire has been put on public display only twice - at the Oscars in 2002 and on the Princess of Sapphires during its maiden voyage in 2004.

A 28 cm sapphire was found in Madagascar in 1995. In its natural form, it weighed about 90,000 carats, but lost about a third of its mass during processing, which lasted two years and was completed in 2000.

3. Don Pedro, the world's largest aquamarine

The world's largest processed aquamarine is in a museum in Washington next to the Hope diamond and Marie Antoinette's earrings. Mined in Brazil in the 1980s, pegmatite is named after the first two Brazilian emperors. Aquamarine Don Pedro has a place of honor in the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution.

The blue-green gem, shaped like an obelisk, was created by the famous German jeweler Bernd Munsteiner, known as the "father of fantasy carvings". Don Pedro is 35.5 cm tall and weighs 10,363 carats (or two kg).

4. The world's largest pearl

November 21, 2010 in the Chinese province of Hainan, the world's largest luminous pearl was shown to the public. The pearl weighing almost six tons and 1.6 m in diameter is valued at two billion yuan ($301,197,000) - in China, pearls are valued more than diamonds.

The stone, composed mainly of fluorite, glows green in the dark. It took almost three years to give the stone a perfectly round pearl shape.

5. Graff Pink is the most expensive pink diamond in the world.

Lawrence Graff is the world's largest gemstone dealer. In 2010, his reputation was confirmed through the purchase of a stunning rarity - a pink diamond weighing 24.78 carats. Graff owns five luxurious mansions in England, France, Switzerland and New York, as well as a personal Mediterranean yacht, a diamond mine outside of Johannesburg and half a dozen private estates in Mayfair.

A flawless pink diamond set a new price record at Sotheby's as bids continued to rise, things escalated and the 36th richest person in the UK ended up with the diamond for $45 million, the most ever paid for a gem.

6. Divine Ethereal Carolina - the largest Paraiba tourmaline

Financier Vincent Boucher from Montreal is the owner of the Divine Ethereal Carolina - Paraiba tourmaline weighing about 192 carats. The stone is valued at between $25 million and $125 million, and is the world record price for Paraiba tourmalines.

Paraiba tourmaline is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. The stones are named after the Brazilian region where they are mined, and it is there that the vast majority of such stones are found. For every 10,000 diamonds found, there is one Paraiba tourmaline, and in total, only 50 kg of these gems have been mined to date.

7. Rough 478-carat diamond

The massive 478-carat diamond was found at the Letseng mine in Lesotho, a small kingdom in South Africa. It is the 20th largest rough diamond ever found and the mine has previously yielded three of the world's largest diamonds: the 603 carat Lesotho Promise, the 493 carat Letseng Legacy and the 601 carat Brown Lesotho.

A similar but smaller stone was recently valued at $12 million. There is a chance that this diamond could be made into a 150-carat diamond that could outshine even Kohinoor.

8. The most expensive gem in the world

One of the most unique gemstones in the world, the flawless blue diamond was awarded the title of the most expensive gemstone in the world in 2007. A 6.04-carat diamond was sold for $7.98 million at Sotheby's in Hong Kong. The flawless diamond was valued at $1.32 million per carat.

The lucky owner of the stone is Moussaieff Jewelers in London. The diamond was previously in a private collection and will once again be an addition to a rare collection of gemstones. True, this is not the largest blue diamond in the world, but the perfect work and deep blue color justify the huge cost, which is ten times the price per carat of ordinary white diamonds.

9. Bahian emerald - the largest in the world

The Bahian emerald is the largest emerald nugget ever found. The stone weighs 1.9 million carats and was discovered in the state of Bahia in Brazil. It narrowly escaped being flooded by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 while in storage in a warehouse in New Orleans. In September 2008, the news reported that the stone had been stolen from a secure vault in Los Angeles, California. The stone is valued at $400 million and recently went on sale on eBay for "only" $75 million.

After the stone left Brazil and appeared in the USA, numerous attempts were made to sell it, but to no avail. Eventually, the stolen emerald was recovered from a dealer in Los Angeles and delivered to the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.

10. Musayif Red Diamond

Formerly known as the Red Diamond Shield, the Musayif Red Diamond is the world's largest red diamond, weighing 5.11 carats. Discovered in Brazil in the 1990s, the diamond has a triangular brilliant cut, and most recently, in 2003, it was presented to the public at the Smithsonian Exhibition.

There is a misconception that the most expensive gemstone is the diamond. However, this is not the case. The cost of a stone is determined not only by beauty and great demand, but also by the rarity of the gem. We present the top 10 most expensive gemstones in the world, many of which can only be purchased privately, without disclosing the secret of the purchase.

1. Red diamond

The number of such "pebbles" is calculated in just a few copies, and most of them have a negligible weight, which does not exceed 0.5 carats. Specialists in precious stones, gemologists, determine the color of this stone as purple-red. The gem is mined in Australia, and the price of one can reach more than 1 million dollars. You can buy a red diamond only at a closed auction.

2. Grandidierite

A rare translucent stone of green and blue hues was first found in Sri Lanka. Currently, there are no more than 20 faceted grandidierites in the world, while the cost per carat reaches 30 thousand dollars.

3. Padparadscha

The name of this mineral, translated from the Tamil language, sounds like "the color of the rising sun." It is mined in Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. In its natural form, padparadscha is almost never found: the last such stone was sold 20 years ago at a closed auction, and an artificial gem is obtained by heating the corundum mineral in a furnace at a certain temperature.

4. Jadeite

Greenish jade (or imperial) for a long time remained one of the most mysterious stones: our distant ancestors believed that the stone could change the weather. The mineral "lives" in China, Japan, Mexico, it is mined in Kazakhstan and the USA. For one carat of jadeite, they offer up to 20 thousand dollars.

5. Diamond

So we got to the diamond, which is perhaps the most popular gemstone due to its cut. Perfect diamonds sell for $15,000 per carat. Diamonds are found not only on Earth. In 2004, in the vastness of the Universe, scientists managed to discover a giant "jewel" weighing several trillion carats, which is the core of an extinct star.

6. Ruby

The mineral is famous for its rich color. Ruby deposits can be found on all continents, the only exception is Antarctica. Almost all natural rubies are processed at a high temperature, which is necessary to increase transparency and color saturation. From time immemorial, the ruby ​​has been a symbol of life and love. It is believed that it gives its owner power, courage and dignity.

7. Blue Tourmaline

Blue tourmaline or paraiba was discovered relatively recently - in 1987 in Brazil. It was believed that this is the only "habitat" of this stone, but already in 2001 it was discovered in Nigeria, and even the most experienced jewelers found it difficult to distinguish between stones found on different continents. The faceted stone is famous for its amazing "play": the radiance of the mineral cannot be missed even with a muted color.

8. Alexandrite

The amazing property of this mineral is its ability to change color: in the sun it has greenish hues, and under artificial lighting it becomes pink, raspberry and even purple-red. The very first crystal was found in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg in 1833. The cost of one carat ranges from 10 to 15 thousand US dollars.

9 Bixbit

This mineral is familiar only to experienced jewelers and collectors due to the small number of such stones mined and put up for sale. The cost of one carat starts from 12 thousand conventional units, and it is mined exclusively in the states of Utah and New Mexico (USA). The weight of the largest faceted bixbite reaches only 10 carats.

10. Emerald

Recently, pure natural emeralds have not been mined as actively as before, which determines their high cost: 8 thousand dollars are offered for one carat of the green mineral. The gem is quite fragile, and even from the slightest blow a crack can form on the surface. The largest gem was found in Brazil and weighs 28 kg. An interesting fact is that the Roman emperor Nero used an emerald as a monocle, watching the fights of gladiators.

The most expensive gemstone is the red diamond. In general, in the depths of the earth, along with ordinary minerals, there are many beautiful gems. Their production is limited, the price is high, and not even all the names are known. So, the red diamond has only been found a few times in history.

What does a red diamond look like?

Diamonds are stones with amazing magic, they are able to conquer a person instantly. Since ancient times, amulets have been adorned with jewels, which were considered to protect a person from all evil. Some believed that with the help of stones you can find out the future. Later, when the composition of gems was studied, it turned out that they are very durable. It is this property that is very valuable in them.
People who have the most expensive diamonds were delighted with them.

Uncut expensive diamonds

Gems just "burn" in the sun. The price of the stone depends on the processing and color. Their shape is most often rounded, colorless are rare. Its transparency only increases the price. However, colored stones are more expensive than white ones. They can have the following shades:

Description and properties of the stone

The size of the red diamond is small, up to 0.5 carats. It is mined mainly at the Argyle spring, located in Australia. Representatives weighing more than 0.1 carats can be found at auction sales. The price of the gem is quite high.
The most expensive gemstone in the world has only carbon in its chemical composition. It is a crystal lattice in the form of a face-centered cube with atoms at the vertices.

There are 4 more atoms inside. In the thickness of the earth, all of them are very hot and subjected to pressure. Thus, a dense "packing" of atoms in a covalent bond is formed, which helps to characterize the stone as very durable.

Significance and education

The diamond itself is quite hard. Thanks to this property, he got his name. Translated from Arabic "al-mas", which means "hardest". Even in ancient times, an uncut stone was considered an exquisite decoration and had currency meaning.

An example of an uncut diamond

One of the reliable stories of the formation of diamonds is the version of magmatic origin. Carbon atoms at great depths form like diamonds and are brought to the surface by magma.

There is also a meteorite variant of the formation of gems. By themselves, raw crystals are unsightly in appearance. They look like dull and rough grains up to 5 mm in size.

When mining, you can find:

gemstone processing process

Grinding takes place with a cast-iron disc containing diamond powder. It is noteworthy that the faces are arranged in such a way that the crystal reflects light, but does not absorb it. Multi-colored rays are refracted and the stone shines in different colors.

Work on cutting can be carried out for a long time, up to several months and even years. From the hands of the masters come out half, or even a third of the smaller gems in weight - but their cost increases several times.

famous precious diamonds

Cut forms

The cut of diamonds characterizes their appearance. There are mainly 3 methods of processing gems:

Other gems

If you make the Top 10 most expensive gems in the world, then the red diamond, of course, will take first place.

2nd place

The second position can rightfully be given to grandidierite - a rare stone expressed in green-blue hues.

This is what grandidierite gemstone looks like

I must say that some of the most expensive gems in the world are found infrequently, one might say, once in a few years. They have complex names, many of them are in honor of the names of the discoverers. So this stone was first found by the Frenchman Alfred Grandidier.

An example of a processed grandidierite

There is a gem in Madagascar, although it was originally found in Sri Lanka, and is also available in the USA, New Zealand, Norway, and Italy. To date, there are data on different amounts of minerals, but there are no more than 20 of them. The cost of a copy reaches up to three tens of thousands of dollars.

Jewelry ring with imperial

In ancient times, people believed that the stone affects weather changes. Mined in Japan, Mexico, USA, China and Kazakhstan. The cost of a gem per carat is about 20 thousand dollars.

5th place

The fifth in the list of the most expensive gems in the world is a diamond - a beautiful and quite famous gem, the price of which reaches up to 15 thousand dollars per carat.

The brilliance of the diamond is unusual, with playful colors: from colorless to black. The stone itself is very hard, but brittle, it can crack along the adhesions. But recently a diamond of excellent hardness was discovered - yakutite.
This is one of the stones that is mined on many continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

6th place

When a conversation arises about what are the most expensive gems in the world, it is worth remembering the ruby. In its structure, aluminum oxide, colors - brown, red. The most expensive is bright red with a crimson hue.

ruby ring

No matter how much a ruby ​​weighs, its value depends on the number of flaws, the clarity and brightness of the color. Such gems are adored by the fairer sex, it is believed that rubies make them even more feminine. Gemstones are mined on all continents except Antarctica.

7th place

Blue tourmaline ring design

Its discovery happened quite recently, at the end of the last century. After cutting, the stone acquires a unique shape, intensely shines even in dim light.

Mining occurs mainly in Brazil, Mozambique, Madagascar. The cost of the mineral can be up to 15 thousand dollars per carat. High quality gems cost twice as much.

8th place

The list of the most precious stones can certainly continue with alexandrite - the most beautiful gem that can change color when lighting changes.

Under the influence of daylight, the mineral shines with a blue color with a hint of green, and under artificial light, it can give out red, olive, purple and even purple colors. The stone was first discovered in Yekaterinburg in the 19th century; it delighted people with its bizarre configuration and iridescence. Until today, this mineral is being mined in Brazil and Madagascar. The cost of alexandrite can range from $9,000 to $16,000 per carat.

According to the federal law of our country, natural diamonds, rubies, alexandrites and emeralds, pearls and sapphires, as well as amber, both in raw and processed form, are considered to be precious stones. Let's see what is the most expensive stone in the world, and how much does it cost in 2017-2018.

A gemstone is a complex composition of chemical elements in nature. The gem is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • By color;
  • By purity;
  • By weight;
  • By the location of the deposit;
  • By durability.

Crystals are divided into organic and inorganic. The latter are compounds of special strength, in which the chemical structure is unchanged. About a hundred minerals are mined in the world, and only twenty to thirty of them are classified as precious, among which is the most expensive stone in the world. Precious minerals are wear-resistant, rare and very beautiful.

Organic gems, such as amber or pearls, are created by animals or plants.

Stones have always attracted attention due to their bewitching appearance, as well as the properties that they have on a person. What is the most expensive stone in the world? The diamond has long been considered the most expensive gem.

But the secrets of nature are unknown, and some time ago another beautiful gem was discovered, which is much more expensive than its counterparts. This most expensive stone in the world is called and is the most expensive of the diamond family, as well as among other gems of the world. In nature, there is only one deposit of this mineral, and it is located in Australia. And, despite the fact that the mine has existed for many years, for the entire time of its existence, a person has mined only a few copies of the red diamond. At the same time, the maximum size of the stone did not exceed half a carat. Specialists of gemological centers claim that the color of the gem is purple-red. This most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, costs $ 1 million and you can buy it mainly at auctions.

What is the most expensive stone in the world? Top ten!

Crystals, which have a number of valuable qualities, are highly valued in the jewelry market, as well as among collectors and lovers of presentable jewelry. Some copies are sold exclusively from hand to hand, not getting on the shelves of ordinary stores.

Below you will see a list of gems, and their approximate cost. The most expensive stone in the world is discussed above, and therefore, is not included in this list.

  • Grandidierite from 100 thousand.
  • Padparadscha from 30 thousand.
  • Jadeite (imperial) from 20 thousand.
  • Diamond - 15-17 thousand rubles
  • Ruby from 16 thousand rubles
  • Alexandrite from 12 thousand.
  • Tourmaline "Paraiba" - 13-14 thousand rubles
  • Bixbit - 10-12 thousand.
  • Sapphire from 9 thousand.
  • Emerald from 8 thousand rubles

Other gems known to mankind

In addition to those stones that we talked about above, there are others that delight a person with their beauty and positive properties. Among them you can find: pearls and coral, aquamarine and heliodor, garnet and chrysolite, beryl and chrysoprase, topaz and opal, amber and many others. We will consider in our article the most beautiful and famous crystals.

Delicate pearl

This mineral, which is of organic origin, is a waste product of mollusks, which is formed as a result of a foreign body entering their shell. The extraction of stone is carried out from the sea or river bottom, it can also be grown in conditions created artificially.

The advantage of pearls is that they do not need to be specially processed. Nature has made it beautiful, it has the right shape.

This most expensive organic stone in the world comes in a variety of colors.

  • On the Indian coast, in the Bahamas or in the Gulf of California, pink pearls are mined;
  • Panama gives the world stones of golden color, sometimes with brown inclusions;
  • In Mexico, a red mineral is mined;
  • In Japan or Australia, white and silvery stone is found;
  • In the Red Sea and in the Persian Gulf there are deposits of yellow and cream pearls;
  • Tahiti is famous for its black pearls.

Also, people learned how to extract river pearls. It can be found in China, Russia and Germany.

It is believed that this is not the most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, protects against infections, accumulates vital energy and promotes longevity.

If you want to prolong the life of pearls, you need to take care of them properly and on time. Do not allow cosmetics and household chemicals to get on their surface, do not overdry the stones and do not expose them to excessive moisture. The value of this gem depends on how smooth and even it is, as well as the size of the pearl and its color-brightness.

Previously, it was believed that only unmarried girls could wear pearl jewelry. They can be worn during daylight hours.

Bewitching Ruby

This stone belongs to the class of corundum and differs from the rest in red. Its value is determined by the antiquity of origin. Crystals are formed due to the movement and interaction of tectonic plates: magma and the earth's crust. Currently, such a process does not occur, and deposits of rubies can only be found in those rocks whose age is more than five hundred thousand years. Ruby is not the most expensive stone in the world, but it is very beautiful.

The color palette of the mineral ranges from light pink with a hint of raspberry to fiery red. The rarest representative of rubies is a stone of bright red color with a purple tint. In our country, the mineral is mined in the polar Urals. Other countries are India, Burma, Ceylon and Thailand.

The stone helps a person to strengthen those qualities that are given to him by nature. It is believed that it is impossible to wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can turn into an energy vampire.

Back in the nineteenth century, the ruby ​​was the most expensive stone in the world, and was worth more than a diamond. Today, the cost of low-quality minerals that are mined in Burma is no more than three tens of dollars per carat, while elite specimens cost $100,000 per carat.

Mysterious emerald

When answering the question of what is the most expensive stone in the world, one cannot ignore the mysterious emerald belonging to the beryl group. Its color varies from light green to green-blue, light or dark. Mining is carried out in countries such as:

Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Egypt. The darker the stone, the higher its value, so it is the color that has a decisive role in determining the value, and not transparency.

Emerald is a very fragile precious crystal. Quite often, small defects can be found on natural stones, which easily disappear after various synthetic processing.


Another not the most expensive stone in the world, but worthy of attention, is sapphire. It is also a type of corundum. It has high hardness and high gloss. In nature, blue, white, yellow, pink, as well as black and star-shaped colors of this stone are found. The last color is characterized by an optical effect, when a small star is visible on an opaque background.

Sapphires are mined in bulk, in the following mines of the planet:

  • In India. This is where the blue mineral is mined. Now you know which is the most expensive stone in the world among the "sapphire" family;
  • In Australia. The largest stone mining is carried out here, moreover, stones of any color are found here;
  • Sri Lanka produces pink and blue sapphires;
  • In Thailand (greenish, not the best quality), Russia and the USA.

Sapphires are actively used by people for the production of jewelry, as well as for industrial purposes.

This crystal is a symbol of purity and purity, it helps to reveal the positive traits of a human character, it can be worn even by a child.

precious diamond

Another most expensive stone in the world is a diamond, which is very popular. After cutting, it acquires a different name - a diamond. It is the oldest among the gems known to mankind.

The first diamond deposits appeared in India, and then in Brazil. Today, about twenty tons of this gemstone are mined every year, in countries such as Africa, Russia and Australia.

It should be noted that large stones are quite rare, usually their maximum weight is no more than one carat. Diamond differs from other minerals in a diverse range of colors, in nature you can find: black, red, white, yellow, green, orange, blue, pink and even brown diamonds.

Due to the fact that the described crystal is characterized by increased strength characteristics, it is widely used in industrial business.

In nature, there are more than a thousand types of gem diamonds, and all of them are without defects.

The average price of a 2-carat stone in Russia is about 120 thousand rubles.

The largest diamonds in the world:

  • "Kullian" - equates to 94 tons of gold;
  • "Hope" - costs 350 million dollars;
  • The Century is valued at $100 million.

By the way, it was diamonds and precious metals that were used to create the most expensive phone in the world.

What stones are rare in the world?

The rarest stones:

Eremeev. It comes in light yellow, white and blue. First discovered in Russia (Zabaikalsky Krai). The name was given in honor of Pavel Eremeev, a mineralogist. There are 100 products in the world that include faceted stone. It looks like aquamarine. Worth $1,500 per carat.

blue pomegranate . It changes hue depending on the lighting, in daylight it has blue, cyan and green tints, and in artificial light it has red or purple tints. It was found in Madagascar at the end of the last century. It is currently mined in Norway and Tanzania, as well as Sri Lanka.

Demantoid. It is a variety of pomegranate and has a yellow-green or green color. This most expensive stone is found among the rare ones in Russia, Kenya, Iran and Pakistan. More recently, it was known only among collectors, and it was not sold in jewelry stores. To date, the crystal is gaining more and more popularity, which contributes to the increase in its price, which is already more than $ 2,000 per carat.

Taaffeite. Shimmers in all sorts of shades of pink. It was accidentally discovered by Eduard Taaffe, who drew attention to an interesting specimen, located among the crystals of other stones that were cut. Stone deposits are located in China, Sri Lanka, South Tanzania. The cost ranges from two to five thousand dollars per carat.

Powdery. There are about six hundred gems of various texture, quality and saturation in the world. They are all pink. The first deposits were discovered in Canada, in the eighties of the twentieth century. The mine is owned by the Poudret family, however, there are no more gems (hence the name). At present, the main places of extraction of this stone have been exhausted, and it is no longer mined. The cost ranges from three to five thousand US dollars.

Musgravit. Similar to the stone described above. Mineral deposits are located in Greenland, Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania and Antarctica. This stone has a greenish and purple hue. Moreover, green costs from 2 to 3 thousand dollars, and purple is less common, so its price reaches 6 thousand dollars.

Benitoite . It is a deep blue mineral. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, a fluorescent glow appears on it. Only one deposit of this stone is known, and it is located in the USA, in California. It is considered a state gem of this state, as it is very rare. In the jewelry market, it is estimated at 4-6 thousand US dollars per carat.

Tanzanite - is a blue crystal and belongs to ziosites. The field is located in Tanzania, on Mount Kilimanjaro. The color of the stone improves with increasing air temperature.

Larminar, which is mined in the Dominican Republic, has a bluish tint. For quite a long time, the stone was not given importance, although it was known for several centuries, as gems were thrown onto the sea coast. Deposits were found only in the 70s of the last century, and the mineral began to be mined.

Bright Turquoise Tourmaline ParaibeA. It was found in the late 80s, in the last century, in Brazil. The peculiarity of the stone is that, passing light through itself, it creates a glow similar to neon. At the beginning of the 21st century, turquoise minerals were found in Mozambique and Nigeria.

grandidierite blue-green. Named after the French explorer Alfred Grandidière. It was found in Madagascar. Mineral deposits are distributed throughout the planet, however, the highest quality stones can be found, except for Madagascar, in Sri Lanka. Most minerals are translucent, and therefore the most transparent of them are considered the most expensive.

red beryl Or a red emerald. Forms its shade due to the presence of manganese impurities. Found in the USA and Mexico. It cannot be cut or cut due to its microscopic size.

Alexandrite . It is a chameleon - in the sun it becomes blue-green, and under artificial lighting - red-violet. It was found in Russia and named after Emperor Alexander II. In the event that the weight of the stone is one carat, its price will not be more than 15 thousand dollars. If the mass of the mineral is higher, then its price can reach 70 thousand dollars per carat. The stone belongs to the class of chrysoberyls.

Black opal. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that its surface shimmers with different shades, the number of which reaches several hundred. The color of the stone ranges from creamy white to black, and includes all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive representatives of this mineral are dark specimens with bright inclusions. This stone is mined in Australia, Brazil and Mexico. It costs from 2 thousand dollars per carat.

Painite . It is a dark red mineral. It is considered the one and only, and therefore, is stored in the London Museum. A little later, over a thousand similar stones were found in Myanmar, but they were all of poor quality.

Gems and precious stones

By their properties, as well as by their effect on humans, gemstones are classified by color:

  • White minerals are a symbol of perfection, loneliness and composure (pearl, diamond);
  • Green are considered a symbol of harmony, wisdom and peace (emerald, malachite, tourmaline);
  • Blue - an indicator of practicality and peace, as well as peace (sapphire, topaz);
  • Red stones symbolize strength, power and passion (ruby, garnet and others);
  • Violet is a symbol of honesty, mysticism and receptivity (amethyst).

Remember that when buying jewelry there is always a risk that you will get a fake, so ask the seller for full information about the stone, its origin and method of processing.
Read it, you will be interested!

The most expensive stones from time immemorial have fascinated people. Such things are passed down from generation to generation in the form of various jewels and amulets. Many believe that the most precious stones contain energy that allows them to protect the wearer from evil spirits. For example, Indian shamans believed that some stones are patrons of a person. In their opinion, they are able to influence the fate of a person. No one knows how right they are. Our task is to describe rare gems, the cost of which is shocking.

Top most expensive stones in the world

Opens the rating of the most expensive stones on the planet Noble Pearls. Unlike other gems, it appears in a unique, rare way. Pearls are produced when a grain of sand enters the shell of a mollusk. The phenomenon is not very common. The most expensive species is marine, as it is located at the depths of salt water. River is much cheaper. At the same time, of the whole variety of Noble Pearls, the most valuable is formed in Tahiti. Currently, one of these natural resources adorns Elizabeth Taylor's necklace and is worth $12 million.

Ruby is a type of corundum mineral. A rare and very valuable gem is born in the bowels of the Earth. For a gemstone to appear, the temperature must rise above 450 degrees. Therefore, in order to find a ruby, it is necessary to go underground to a depth of 10 to 30 meters. Currently, there are rubies of different colors:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • blue, etc.

It is worth noting that the final cost of the fossil largely depends on the color. Blue rubies are most valued. One of these was sold in 2015 for $30 million.

The emerald is one of the most expensive stones in the world. This variety of gems is a derivative of minerals. As a rule, emeralds have a greenish tint. Even under artificial lighting, this stone retains its color. Extracted from the bowels of the planet. The stone involves complex processing. Mined minerals are covered with a dense mesh that protects them from dents and cracks.

The most expensive emerald is the Fura stone, which was found in Colombia. Its cost is estimated at one hundred and fifty million dollars. To the record holders, one should also add the Theodora stone, which was found in a mine in Brazil. Its weight exceeds the "Fura" 5 times. Before processing, he weighed 28 kilograms and was sold for $150 million.

Currently, the most expensive sapphires are mined in Kashmir. They differ in cornflower blue color and unusual strength. The most expensive sapphire in history is the Millennium stone, which weighs 62 kg. It is currently being sold for $180 million. 134 porters of successful people are carved on the faces of this unique stone. The composition was created by the famous artist Alessio Boschi. It is worth recalling that it was the sapphire that was first presented by Prince Charles to his future wife. Before the engagement, he ordered a ring not from a diamond, but from a sapphire, in order to surprise his chosen one. Thus, a new tradition emerged among the elite of society.

The second place in the list is occupied by Diamond. It consists of only one chemical element - carbon in its pure form. Currently, no one knows for sure the nature of this product. There are several hypotheses:

  1. Diamond deposits formed in the planet's mantle under tremendous pressure;
  2. The diamonds came about as a result of the "burst tube";
  3. As a result of the ejection of magma.

Even more assumptions about the nature of diamonds were made up by our ancestors, linking the stone with magic. This product is known to be over 2.5 billion years old.

The most expensive stone in the world- a diamond called "Star of Africa". Also known as "The Cullinan". Weight is 530 grams or 3106 carats. It is currently valued at $7.5 billion. It was first found by miners in South Africa in 1905. The stone did not have any defects, except for one spot in the center. The black dot has survived to this day. Different nations refer to the magical power and specific purpose of the most expensive stone on the planet.