The child is 4 months old. Baby skills at four months from birth

The first three months, when debugging took place in the work of the stomach, and with them the tormenting colic after eating, are already behind. The time has come for the fourth month - the time when great changes are observed in the psychological development of the baby. What skills did he acquire during this period? What does the development of a child at 4 months include?

Physical parameters

The baby confidently holds not only his head, lying on his stomach, but also raises his chest, leaning on his half-open palms. The angle between the shoulders and forearms, if measured, will normally not be more than 90 O. At four months, the baby is able to hold the head vertically for a minute or more.

The weight of the child will increase by about 500-600 grams. Such a large weight gain is due to a small physical activity. With each subsequent month, the number of grams gained will decrease. Height will increase by 2 cm.

Thus, on average, in four months, the following picture is observed for these two indicators:

  • Weight is from 6 to 6.8 kg;
  • Height from 62 to 65 cm.

Do not worry if the weight of the newborn does not match the generally accepted norms and tables. In a series of these articles, attention has already been paid to the individual development of children, as well as the way they are fed. Only too little weight gain (or too much bust) can be considered alarming signs.


The need for sleep remains high. At four months, babies sleep 16 hours a day, 10 of which are at night. The remaining hours are distributed between three daytime sleeps. Some babies by this time allow their parents to rest all night, but in most cases, the mother still has to wake up twice for a nightly feed.

If the child's daily routine is set at 4 months, there will be no problems with going to bed. It is recommended to put the baby to sleep from 7 to 9 pm. If , you should analyze the situation. The following factors can contribute to poor sleep:

  1. Late going to bed. An overtired child has difficulty falling asleep and gets up earlier than usual.
  2. The child is constantly naughty. The reason may be teething or protracted problems with the tummy, aggravated by the evening. If the baby has become capricious, go to the pediatrician.
  3. There is no ritual of going to bed, or it is broken. This includes the same sequential actions that set the child up for sleep: a bath, reading a favorite book, a lullaby.
  4. There are many distracting details in the crib. Toys in the sleeping place keep the crumbs active, and do not contribute to falling asleep.

Whims before going to bed should not be ignored, you should look for the cause


Babies who are exclusively breastfed have no nutritional change. Through mother's milk, the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development, so up to 6 months there is no need for any complementary foods.

Should I give my baby water? It is believed that with milk he receives enough liquid and cannot be thirsty. But there are no strict rules. If you offer the baby to drink and he does not refuse, then, of course, it is worth drinking more, especially if it is hot outside. Dehydration at this age is very dangerous.

In the process of feeding, the baby begins to try his mother's breast "by the tooth". Although the teeth themselves are not yet there or the front ones are just erupting, squeezing the nipple with the gums is very painful and unpleasant for the mother. Do not be afraid to wean the baby from such actions: a fright from the mother, a cry will help him realize that you are in pain. If that doesn't work, you can get the nipple squeezing to be associated with discomfort for him as well. For example, it is recommended to close his nose with his fingers for a few seconds: this way he will understand that he is doing it wrong and release the nipple “from captivity”.

The nutrition of a child at 4 months includes another feature: the crumbs tend to be distracted during feeding, look around. Treat this condescendingly: he does not refuse the breast at all, but is simply afraid to miss something interesting.

Breast milk covers all the needs of the child at this age.

The nutrition of a 4-month-old baby on artificial mixtures is somewhat different. About 6-7 feedings are obtained per day, which is almost 1 liter in volume. Sometimes there is a need for early complementary foods, but this is more the exception than the rule. If the pediatrician gives advice to feed the child with "adult" products, it is best to start with cereals.

Some believe that juices should be included in the baby’s diet from almost a month old, and vegetable purees, egg yolk from four. However, remember that juices contain acids that are absolutely not needed at this age for the developing children's digestive tract. The fact that they are on sale marked “from three months” speaks more of a marketing move that promotes a particular product than of care. The benefits of egg yolk are difficult to notice, but the harm in the form of rashes and dermatitis is quite. Therefore, do not rush, everything has its time.

Bathing and walking

Bathing, as before, brings a lot of pleasure, only now during the procedure the baby swings his arms and legs more actively, hums happily. Bathing with toys brings a special pleasure.

In the child's regimen, it is worth including daily walks in the fresh air, at least 2 hours a day. And you need to walk in any weather.

Core Skills

  1. Rollovers from the tummy to the back or sideways occur easily and naturally.
  2. The kid rises in his arms, knows how to hold his head well.
  3. Crawls on his stomach like a plastuna for a toy he likes.
  4. If you support him by the armpits, you can see how the baby rests his toes on the surface and pushes off from it.
  5. Hypertonicity of the hands is already absent (it may still be present on the legs).
  6. He sits down from a prone position when he is pulled up by the handles. This movement can be used as an element of charging, but it is not yet possible to fully land due to weak back muscles.
  7. He holds the toy well in his hand, knows how to rattle it.
  8. Fingers in the mouth are common.
  9. During feeding, the baby holds her mother's breast.
  10. He already perceives bright colors well, especially yellow and red. But toys should not be oversaturated with colors. Three or four colored components per toy is enough. At this age, the baby does not just see, he follows the moving object with his eyes.
  11. The baby turns its head after the source of noise, speech, recognizes relatives by voice. If he hears rhythmic music, he may shake his head to the beat. Develop a sense of rhythm by clapping in front of the baby to the beat of the music with your hands.

Good exercise for a 4 month old baby

Features of psychoemotional development

The skills of the crumbs are associated not only with his physical development, changes are also observed in other areas of his life:

  1. Communication skills. At the sight of a mother or someone close, the baby perks up, gives a smile, actively pulls his arms and legs. The cooing becomes more and more distinct, open vowels “a”, “o” are clearly audible, sounds similar to the consonants “m”, “p”, “b” are caught. Responds to his own name.
  2. At 4 months, the baby is able to express a whole range of emotions: joy, resentment, fear, curiosity.
  3. With great interest is the study of one's own body. The child likes to touch his face, legs, look at himself in the mirror.
  4. The ability to establish causal relationships is traced. For example, at the sight of mother's breast, the baby freezes in anticipation, realizing that now there will be feeding.
  5. The first reaction to strangers is alertness. Further, she turns either into crying, or into accepting a stranger with a curious examination. If the mother changes, for example, dyed her hair, cut her hair dramatically, put on glasses or a hat, the baby may not recognize her.

Looking at yourself in the mirror is a very interesting activity.

Games with a baby

Activities with the child should include games that develop fine motor skills and communication skills.

  1. “Okay”: mom puts the baby on her knees, shows how to clap and says a rhyme: “Okay, okay, where were you? By Grandma...". Such a game helps to open the palms to the fullest.
  2. "Magpie Crow". This game involves circular movements with a finger in the center of the palm, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. "There is a horned goat" also brings joy to the kids, causing them to laugh.

So, at 4 months, the child's behavior becomes more and more meaningful, bringing joy to the surrounding relatives and parents. Since the baby skillfully rolls over, acquires crawling skills, in no case should he be left alone, even on a large bed. In the next month, you will see even greater achievements and small victories in the development of the baby.

The fourth month in the life of every baby is a responsible and difficult period, full of various trainings and development of the skills mastered during the previous three months. Parents need to look both ways so as not to miss important moments in the development of their crumbs. If they are aware of what a child should be able to do at 4 months, this will allow them to notice deviations from age norms in time and turn to doctors for help. Even if the discrepancies are not so significant, they can be corrected so that in the future the baby can catch up with his peers in physical, emotional, social development.

At four butts, the baby already holds his head much more confidently and higher, raises his body, leaning on the handles

Basic Skills

A list of the main stages of development will help prepare parents for new achievements, discoveries and achievements of their crumbs. All four-month-old babies are funny, funny, interesting, and it will be better if adults are aware of what to expect from mobile and active babies who are already trying to get out of diapers, and it’s too early to count on what else.

Physical development

At 4 months baby:

  • holds his head independently and confidently enough when he is picked up;
  • actively moves arms and legs during his wakefulness;
  • increases the activity of these movements at some moments of his life: for example, when he is undressed (changed clothes) or when a loved one approaches him, to whom he is accustomed (mother, father, grandmother, etc.), - this is how he expresses his joy;
  • at the sight of a stranger, a small, but already such a smart little man, most often freezes and becomes alert, suppressing his motor activity;
  • reaches out with his hands to those objects that interested him; he grabs those that he is able to reach, pulls them towards him, examines them, tastes them;
  • when he is in a prone position (it doesn’t matter - on his back or on his side), he makes movements, as if he is trying to sit down: you don’t need to rush him with this skill and seat him too early, especially if it’s a girl;
  • lying on his back, raises his head on his own;
  • lying on his stomach, he is able to roll over on his side;
  • in the same position (lying on his stomach), he raises his head quite high, turns it to the left and right, even rests his arms against the surface where he lies - accordingly, slightly raises the body, bending the back quite deeply at the same time.

social development

Four month old baby:

  • interested in what is happening around him;
  • pays special attention to moving objects: a person or animal that has passed by, or a toy that can be periodically held in front of his eyes;
  • perks up at the sight of toys and rejoices at each new one;
  • reacts to sounds: determines by ear the place where the noise comes from, turns the head towards it;
  • he likes it when they take him not ON the handles, but UNDER the handles - this is a position from which he can contemplate most of the world around him;
  • remembers voices: easily recognizes the voice of the mother, while showing joy; a four-month-old baby is also able to recognize dad and other household members who are in his circle of communication at this age by the first notes of their voices;
  • shows interest in the sounds of music - most kids like it; the child, having heard it, begins to listen, freezes for a while, and then can show a whole storm of emotions through his lively facial expressions and cooing;
  • tries his own voice, makes peculiar guttural, sometimes very melodious sounds, to which he himself likes to listen;
  • babbles and gurgles;
  • responds to own name;
  • responds to a smile, perfectly understanding its meaning;
  • some even laugh contagiously at this age, but this is very rare: parents should remember that at 4 months the little man actively replaces laughter and joy with fast and intense movements of his arms and legs.

These are just the basic skills that babies acquire at the age of 4 months. In reality, there may be some deviations from these standard norms, which parents should not be afraid of. Each little man is very individual, which can affect his development. If the deviations are significant, they cause doubts and fears in adults, then it is better to consult a specialist, but not to make independent hasty conclusions.

If the baby does not show much interest in what is happening around and does not seek communication, there is cause for concern.

Deviations from the norm

Parents should really worry when most of the skills listed above are not acquired by the baby at 4 months. The alarm should be sounded if by this time the child:

  • does not show motor activity;
  • does not try to hold his head;
  • does not coo and does not babble;
  • does not respond to extraneous sounds and own name;
  • does not recognize adults who are in his constant environment, and does not react to them in any way;
  • rarely smiles, and does it completely unconsciously and aimlessly;
  • does not try to roll over;
  • indifferent to toys.

If attentive parents note all this in their four-month-old baby, it means that there are some serious problems in its development. If they are significant, you can not do without the help and advice of a doctor. If they are insignificant, the pediatrician will most likely advise you to simply engage more actively with the child, develop him in all respects.

To stimulate the development of the baby, communicate with him more often, talk, show your love for him in every possible way.

Development Adjustment

If some physical skills remain undeveloped in a baby by 4 months, it may be due to some kind of internal illness that was not detected at birth or appeared later. Sometimes a comprehensive medical examination is required to find out the causes of these deviations. In some situations, it is enough to give the baby a special massage. However, most often, parents are able to independently correct the development path of their crumbs, so that in the very near future he will catch up with his peers. With the help of mom and dad, everything that a child should be able to do at 4 months, he will master quickly and with pleasure.

  1. The baby should be provided with full communication with the parents. Moreover, it should not be limited only to feeding, walking and hygiene procedures. It should be reading at night, affectionate conversations, smiles, games and activities.
  2. Daily reading of poems and nursery rhymes will help in the future development of correct speech and will have a positive effect on his memory in the future.
  3. While reading poetry, parents are encouraged to do the following exercise. Touch your baby's cheeks while reading. The vibration of your skin will convey to the little man the understanding of how sounds are born.
  4. You can not talk to a four-month-old baby in a rude tone, and even more so - shout at him. All these intonations will be deposited in his memory, will become a source of unconscious fear in the future. Caress and tenderness - only these two ways can ensure the full emotional development of your crumbs.
  5. When talking with a child, parents should try to be as emotional as possible in order to acquaint him with the palette of human feelings.
  6. Always address the baby by name, preferably in a diminutive form, always with gentle intonations and love that the baby will definitely feel.
  7. Teach him to talk. After the next cooing of the baby, tell him a phrase and shut up. Wait for his “answer” in the form of baby talk, be sure to let him finish speaking and say something again. Usually little kids really like it, and they quickly catch what a conversation is. This is very important for the further formation of the child as a full-fledged, social person who will be able to conduct a dialogue.
  8. Buy your child bright, varied toys, please him and cause him as many positive emotions as possible.
  9. Every day, turn on pleasant, beautiful music for your baby to listen to. It can even be songs that you can sing along to: you'll see - soon the baby will join your vocals.

Any parent dreams that the development of his baby does not lag behind the standards, that he grows up with his peers, not particularly differing from them in his development. However, if some kind of failure has occurred, there is no need to panic: some serious internal disease is not always the cause of this. Most often, it is enough to give the child more time, to engage with him - and then everything will fall into place. Throughout this period, parents just need to keep in their heads what a four-month-old child should be able to do according to his age standards. Tracking, monitoring and correcting any deviations will help direct the development of the baby in the right direction.

What can a 4 month old baby do?

Develop in your child the desire to imitate, especially speech. Listen carefully to the baby's cooing: highlight your son's or daughter's favorite sound and try to repeat it during the "monologue". Join the "conversation" of the child, and after a while he will begin to repeat the sound after you. Introduce new sounds into your “conversations” (first you need to take vowels).

Mastering the coup

To help your baby learn (or train) to roll over on their side, place a large, colorful toy on the side of the crib. Move this toy away so that the baby has to reach for it. After several attempts by the baby to reach the toy, move it towards him. Tie a bell on a ribbon to the baby's arm or leg - the child will really like it and will allow you to better feel your body.

At 4 months, the child learns to voluntarily grab toys; movements become clearer and more precise. The baby has “feelings”, he notices the appearance and disappearance of objects, their qualities (for example, heaviness), is able to correlate various properties of objects (optical, sound, etc.).

The actions of the hands are still random, without a purposeful volitional effort. Infants begin to re-attract an accidentally grasped object, followed by palpation and examination: now the baby examines the object with his lips and tongue, can throw it in a certain place, for example, on the floor, to cause a sound.

From 4 months, the child can already lie on his stomach, lifting the body and leaning on the palms of straightened arms. Under the child's palms, you can put flat foam rubber pads (1-1.5 soi). To the pillow, you need to pick up a set of covers from fabrics of different colors and textures (flannel, silk, oilcloth, etc.). It would be nice to sew flat buttons of various shapes to the other side of the cover.

Lying on his stomach and leaning on his forearms, the baby holds his palms on the surface of the pad. An adult takes the child's hand by the wrist and runs the baby's palm along the surface of the pad, trying to cause groping movements.

Ribbon and cord exercises are useful: when the baby lies on its back, an adult puts a smooth ribbon in his hands, and then a cord with knots. Carefully pulling on one end of a ribbon or string, an adult encourages the baby not only to grasp the object more firmly, but also to intercept it.

Offer the baby objects of various shapes to capture (soft toys, large cubes from the designer, rings of different diameters, etc.). Such exercises develop both fine motor skillsand touch.

Fun games

Mom puts the child on a pillow, rhythmically throws it up, and then throws it off or rolls it down:

  • Carcasses, carcasses, sat on the pillow,
  • The girlfriends came
  • Pushed off the pillow.
  • I will lift my daughter (son) up a steep hill.
  • Wow! They rolled, they fell off the hill.

The child lies on his back, the mother first bends his legs in turn, then brings and spreads the arms:

  • Legs-tramples went to thresh,
  • Rake handles to turn hay.

Bent legs lead to the tummy, turn over on the side:

  • Pushers - horns, op!
  • Changelings!

Pull the legs towards you:

  • Let's go - let's go for salt, for salt.

Mom taps on the heels of the baby in time with the nursery rhyme:

  • Kui, Kui, farther,
  • Give me a shoe
  • For a small foot
  • Golden horseshoe.

Mom strokes her hand, and then the baby's hands on the called parts of the body:

  • There is a forest (hair),
  • Here is a clearing (forehead),
  • There is a hillock (nose),
  • Here - the heart lives (put the child's hand and let him listen to the beat of the heart).

Theater of one mother

In order for your baby to listen to poems and fairy tales with pleasure, they must be told vividly and emotionally. You can even set up a small puppet show with the toys you have around the house. From 3-4 months old, children follow with admiration small bright animals, each of which has its own voice, timbre and rhythm. In addition, in this way, kids learn to perceive and convey emotions, rejoicing with you at an elongated turnip, crying over a broken testicle, cooing after the runaway Kolobok ...

Research by scientists has shown that children who were told poems from the first weeks did not have any problems with memorizing large volumes of rhymed, rhythmic text in the future (didn't you suffer at school, memorizing poetry?!). They had a better developed phonemic hearing, there was a greater susceptibility to foreign languages.

A four-month-old baby is very different from a newborn. By this age, children are already noticeably growing up compared to the first months after birth, they are changing externally, physically and psychologically.

The proportions of the body change a little: the difference in the volume of the head and chest, which is striking in the first months of life, gradually decreases, the limbs become longer. In general, the proportions of the body are slowly approaching the proportions of an adult. In addition, by four months, the baby “eats up” the cheeks and turns into a nice plump little one.

There are also new skills. The kid masters different ways of studying the world around him, begins to actively interact with him, masters new actions. All this happens against the background of the improvement of the organs of movement, senses and nervous system. We will talk in more detail about what a child can do at 4 months.

4 month old skills

  • At four months, the grasping reflex fades, and grasping becomes arbitrary. This means that earlier the child reflexively squeezed the fist as soon as something touched his palm, and now he squeezes the object with the pen when he wants to take it. The voluntariness of movements is a great progress in development, because this means that the child is already trying to learn how to control his body, coordinate movements. If we talk about grasping, then for the child this is a new, much more complex chain of nerve impulses, the trigger of which is the child's interest in the object. ()
  • When a child picks up some interesting object in his pen, he no longer just holds it, but tries to perform various manipulations, examines it, and always puts it in his mouth. The kid may try to knock with an object, touch the details with his fingers. This is a natural and very important stage of knowledge. True, at four months, coordination of movements is still very far from ideal, especially since the muscles of the hand are still poorly developed, so the child cannot hold anything for very long.
  • At the age of 4 months, many babies master not only the ability to roll over on their stomach, but also in the opposite direction. Usually, when the child has the whole set of coups in the arsenal, the parents move the child to the floor in order to avoid falling. So much the better for the child, because there is now a huge space for development in front of him. With the help of coups, children will learn to move around the room and even get to objects of interest. (We read in detail:)
  • Lying on his back, a four-month-old baby tries to raise his head and shoulders, as if he is trying to sit up. In fact, it is rare for any of the children to sit down from the “lying” position; basically, children begin to sit down, as it were, from the side, leaning on the thigh. It used to be that at 4 months the baby should already be seated. Attempts to rise from a horizontal position only increase the desire to quickly seat the baby. To date, orthopedists categorically do not recommend sitting down children until they begin to sit down on their own, and even more so, it is not necessary to offer the baby soft pillows as a support. Support for sitting at any age should be rigid. (We read the article:)
  • New skills are demonstrated by the child and lying on his tummy. We are talking about the makings of a crawl. At 4 months, the child is able to lift the ass and push off with the legs. Some people are really crawling. By the way, for many children at first it is easier to crawl backward than forward. You can motivate your baby to crawl with your favorite toys laid out in front of him at an accessible distance. At the same time, the baby should still be able to carry out his plan and reach for the toy, otherwise interest in such fun will quickly fade away. ()
  • Innovations appear in the field of vision and hearing. If earlier the child could clearly see objects located within 50-70 cm from him, now he sees well at a distance of 3-3.5 meters. This means that the baby can easily view the room or enjoy the view from the window. Hearing also becomes more subtle. The child begins to distinguish sounds well, to respond to the sounds of music, to understand the emotional coloring of sounds. The most pleasant sound for a child, of course, is the mother's voice.
  • Speech development is closely related to hearing. From the age of four months, the child already knows how to pronounce syllables, which are often mistaken for the first words. It can be syllables "pa", "ma", "ba". With lips, the baby tries to reproduce the articulation of adults. The cooing and babbling sound more and more frequent. Especially a lot of kids "talk" when they are in a good mood. At that stage, emotional communication between an adult and a child is very important. At 4 months, children themselves are already able to initiate this communication, calling on their mother to contact with the help of smiles and their “words”.
  • Social development also does not stand still. The main figures in the life of the baby, no doubt, are the parents. By four months, the child is already beginning to distinguish between “us” and “strangers”. Moreover, even quite close relatives can fall into the category of “aliens”, if the baby rarely sees them. Usually, the little one expresses his preferences by the fact that in the presence of an unfamiliar or unfamiliar person, the baby shows anxiety, cries, tenses with the whole body. By and large, a child at this age allows only those whom he sees every day or at least every other day into his circle of attachments. The fact is that the memorization and long-term memory of a little man is not very well developed, so for him there is only what he sees at the moment. Therefore, relatives who appear in front of the child episodically are perceived each time as new people.

In this article, we looked at what a child should be able to do at 4 months. This set of skills is conditional for 4 months, since each child develops certain “skills” in accordance with his own pace of development. There are still many new discoveries and achievements ahead, so it’s better not to rush things and enjoy the gradual growing up with your baby.

The development of a child at 4 months is more active than before. The kid has finally adapted to the world around him and is ready to learn new things every day. Both the psychology and the body of the child are changing. Height and weight increase, and the emergence of new skills pleases parents.

  • The kid is able to grab a toy that has a small weight and hold it in the handle for 30 seconds. He understands that the rattle needs to be shaken in order for it to make sounds.
  • The child should be able to roll over from the tummy to the back and vice versa.
  • In the prone position on the tummy, he can rise on the handles, while holding the head.
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he should rest on the floor with his toes and push off.
  • The child basically opens his palms. He should be able to put his palms together and pat them a little.
  • The baby can put his fingers in his mouth.
  • During feeding, he tries to support his mother's breasts himself, his weight already allows him to do this.
  • The child reacts when called by name.

Physiology of the child

The weight of the baby for the 4th month increases by 700-800 grams, so the total weight of the baby reaches 6-7 kg. The circumference of the chest and the circumference of the head increase. Growth also becomes more by several centimeters. At four months, the normal height of a baby is 60-63 cm.

The proportions of the body of the baby become more harmonious. If at birth the head was very large in relation to the whole topic, then by 4 months it becomes proportionally smaller. Too large a head at this age can indicate a number of diseases. Therefore, a medical examination is required.

Feeding a four month old baby

For breastfed babies, breast milk is still the only product in the diet. If the baby has no health problems, and the mother’s milk is enough to saturate him, then you should not introduce any complementary foods.

Feeding is usually six times a day. But sometimes babies at four months are already switching to food 5 times a day. For children who are bottle-fed, the introduction of the first complementary foods is possible. If there is a tendency to loose stools, applesauce is suitable as a complementary food. Babies prone to constipation are given mashed and grated prunes. The total amount of any complementary foods starts with a quarter of a teaspoon, gradually increasing to several teaspoons. In the event of an allergic reaction to any type of complementary foods, you should immediately stop using it.

If the baby was born prematurely or in the cold season, it will be useful to give him cottage cheese. The use of this product prevents rickets. Only very fresh cottage cheese without lumps, almost liquid, is suitable for a baby.

In the fourth month of life, there is an increase in the total amount of food consumed, which is 150-170 ml.

Breast care

At four months, the baby already begins to grow hair on the head. They are still short. But even with short hair, excessive sweating of the scalp is possible. In this case, be sure to cut the hair.

Nail growth at this age also requires attention. They need to be trimmed periodically so that the baby does not scratch himself and cannot comb the body with his nails. Nails on the hands are cut in an arcuate line, and on the legs - in a straight line. This will prevent the nails from growing into the skin.

The fourth month is a time of great activity for the child. He moves his arms and legs while lying in the crib. Therefore, it can easily throw off a blanket or diaper. Once in a cooler environment, the baby freezes and can urinate. A wet baby gets supercooled pretty quickly. Mom does not always have time to react and change clothes for the baby. And hypothermia leads to colds.

That is why hardening is important. For a 4 month old baby, these are rubdowns, which are usually done after bathing. The whole body of the baby is wiped with a damp sponge or damp towel. First, the mother wipes the baby’s chest and arms, then puts a shirt on him. Then he rubs his feet. During the whole process, you should talk with the child, gently pronounce your actions. This will calm the baby, he will not be capricious.

In the fourth month of a baby's life, an important event occurs. He must prepare for the DPT vaccination. It acts against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. She is also vaccinated against polio. DTP is done three times, the intervals between vaccinations are 6 weeks.

To safely get vaccinated, the baby must be healthy not only at the time of vaccination, but also a month before it. If the baby has developmental disabilities, the pediatrician can set a special vaccination schedule and prescribe medication to prevent the consequences.

The child in the last days before vaccination should not be given new products. It is also necessary to strictly observe the daily routine and monitor the observance of cleanliness. If one of the relatives is ill with acute respiratory infections, it is undesirable for him to approach the child. Wearing a mask is mandatory to prevent the spread of infection.

On the first day after vaccination, the infant has a decrease in appetite, an increase in body temperature, and he is naughty. This is normal, but the next day the temperature should drop. If the fever persists or a rash develops on the body, you need to see a doctor.

We develop the baby

How to develop a child at 4 months? Of particular importance for the baby is the daily routine. Bedtime should be the same. Many mothers introduce their own bedtime rituals that help the child relax, calm down and fall asleep quickly. It can be light strokes, a lullaby or the quiet sound of calm classical music.

A 4-month-old baby will walk longer than at an earlier age. It is advisable to go for a walk with him twice a day.

Staying outside in summer can be up to 2-3 hours. In winter, walks are not so long, especially in frosty weather. And yet it is advisable to walk with the baby for at least an hour.

At 4 months, babies often ask to be held by their mother. It is not surprising, because from a height they can better see the world around them. But do not go with the baby on about. His height and weight are quite large. It can be too hard for mom to carry her treasure in her arms. In addition, the baby will soon get used to and will be naughty if left in the stroller.

But the father is quite capable of lifting the baby in his arms. His height and weight should not confuse the parent. But how much joy the baby will experience, examining the surroundings from a height.

At 4 months, the baby continues to actively walk and coo. He gradually learns the language, listens to his mother's speech. Therefore, be sure to talk to him, read poems and fairy tales. Let your speech be gentle and expressive. This will create emotional comfort for the baby.

Try to teach your child to speak vowel sounds. He will repeat after you. Organize a small puppet theater. Actors can be toys in the form of animals. Move the toys, imitate their voices, play a mini-performance in front of the baby. Try to show emotions during the performance: joy, surprise, chagrin. It is now important for a baby to be able to perceive emotions.

A 4-month-old baby begins to take in his mouth and taste everything around him, including his fingers and toes. This is an important part of his development - he learns the world with the help of taste buds. You shouldn't interfere with it. But what needs to be done is to wash all the toys with soap every day.

For the safety of the baby, keep all small items away from him that he could accidentally swallow. Remove all sharp objects, as well as everything that should not be taken into the mouth.

Do not leave things with filler near the crib. The baby can tear them, and the filler will fall into his mouth. In addition, the weight of the toys should not be too large so that the baby does not accidentally injure himself.

When mom is around, you can use a variety of toys. Soft and hard, light and heavy, rough and smooth, big and small. Materials for making toys should also differ: plastic, rubber, wood or fabric. Give them to the baby. Let him feel the toys, while developing tactile sensitivity.

The following toys are indispensable for the development of the baby's vision and hearing: bells, rattles, rubber tweeters, cardboard books with large pictures.

Some babies start teething at 4 months. At the same time, the baby can be naughty and sleep poorly, sometimes the temperature even rises and a runny nose begins. During the appearance of the first teeth, there is an increased secretion of saliva. In order to alleviate the condition of the baby, buy him rubber teethers.

Thus, at 4 months, the child will be able to do much of what was previously given with difficulty. For example, roll over. His height and weight will become larger, his eyesight and hearing will get stronger. Use a variety of toys in games, but watch out for safety. Everything that you give to the baby, he will definitely taste it.

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