The most affordable crochet tutorial. A fascinating hobby crochet - openwork weaving for lovers of exclusive things

If you have never held knitting needles or a hook in your hands, then you should start by buying these tools.

Spokes are:

  • Straight (A). At one end, as a rule, there is a plug so that the loops do not fall off.
  • Circular (B). They are interconnected with a string.
  • Stockings (B). Double-edged, usually sold in sets of five.
  • For knitting harnesses and braids (D). They are distinguished by a bend in the middle.

They can be made of metal, plastic, wood or bone. To learn the basics, you need ordinary knitting needles. Best of all, steel ones, since aluminum ones can stain light-colored yarn, wooden ones cling to fluffy threads, and plastic ones often break.

Hooks are made from the same materials. There are models with handles and cheeks for holding.

Knitting needles and hooks differ in numbers. The number is the diameter in millimeters. It is usually indicated on the instruments themselves. The larger it is, the thicker the yarn should be. An important role is played by the material of the knitting needles or hook. For example, steel hook No. 1 will be slightly different from the same plastic one.

The metric systems of knitting needles and hooks differ by country. Keep this in mind if in the future you will knit according to English or Chinese patterns, of which there are so many on the Internet.

Yarn is natural (wool, angora, cashmere, mohair, cotton, linen), synthetic (acrylic, viscose, polyester and others) and mixed (for example, 25% mohair and 75% acrylic). For your first stitches, it is best to use synthetic or mixed yarn. She is smoother and more obedient.

The label will help you choose knitting needles or a hook for yarn.

Manufacturers usually indicate the footage and weight of the skein, the composition of the threads and the recommended number of knitting needles or hooks. Yarn labels are best kept.

In addition to yarn, knitting needles or a hook, colored paper clips, pins, scissors, a tailor's centimeter will also come in handy.

How to read knitting patterns

Many girls first learn to knit from their grandmothers and mothers, and only then they get acquainted with the patterns and instructions. If you didn’t have such a school, it’s better to figure out how diagrams are read right away.

When knitting, the pattern is indicated by cells. The number of cells horizontally corresponds to the number of loops in a row, and the number of cells vertically corresponds to the number of rows. In each cell - a symbol of a particular loop.

Here are the typical designations for loops. But in specific schemes there may be other signs. Always study them carefully.

When knitting, the rows in the diagram are read from bottom to top and alternately: first from right to left, then from left to right. Circular rows are always read from right to left.

When crocheting, the rules are the same. In circular crochet, the pattern is read from the center to the edges.

The rows in the diagrams are usually numbered: the odd ones are facial, and the even ones are purl. Also on the diagrams you can find round or square brackets. They highlight the repeating part of the pattern - rapport.

How to learn to knit

Any item can be knitted or crocheted. , as a rule, know how to do both, but prefer one thing. We invite you to try both knitting techniques to find out which one is closer to you.

Knitted stitches set

There are various ways to cast on knitting needles. The following is considered traditional:

Front surface

Knit and purl loops are the basis of knitting. Having mastered them, you can knit your first simple pattern - an elastic band. But first, an important point.

Any loop has a front and back wall.

You can knit for one or the other, but the result will be slightly different. Therefore, the front loops are divided into classic (those that fit in the front wall) and grandmother's (knit in the back wall). Clinging and pulling the thread behind the back wall is easier, especially for beginners.

This is how grandmother's facial loops fit.

And here is the classic method of performing facial loops.

Pick up the loops and try to knit several rows of facial loops: grandmother's or facial loops - your choice. This is the front surface or garter stitch.

Wrong side

Purl loops are divided into grandmother's and classic according to the same principle. Watch the following video tutorial and you will understand how grandmother's purl loops are knitted.

Classic purl loops.

Knit several rows in one way or another. You will get the wrong side.

Elastic band 1×1

Having practiced knitting and purl stitches, you will be able to complete your first knitting pattern - 1 × 1 elastic. You have probably seen it on sweaters and scarves.

By the same principle, you can knit an elastic band 2 × 2 or 3 × 3.

Closing loops

To complete knitting, the loops must be closed. This is also done in different ways.

The Russian method is used most often.

The elastic method is usually used for rubber bands.

To close the loops in the Italian way, you will need a needle with a large eye.

How to learn to crochet

The crochet hook can be held like a pencil (left) or like a knife (right).

Try it both ways and decide which is more convenient for you. After that, you can begin to master the basic loops. In crochet, these are air loops and double crochets and without.

Chain of air loops

In crocheting, any fabric begins with the first loop and a chain of air loops coming from it. You can make the first loop in various ways. Their variety is presented in this video.

Single crochet

Another basic element in crochet is a single crochet. Here's how it knits.

But crocheted loops also have front and back walls. Depending on which of them you will start the hook and pull the thread, the pattern of the canvas will change.

Double crochet

Knitting is all about practice. The more you knit, the better it will turn out. Having perfected single crochets, you can move on to a more complex element - single crochet or multiple crochets.

Knitting resources and YouTube channels

During the Soviet shortage, many women were fond of knitting. But there were very few sources for learning and inspiration. Pattern patterns and various techniques were copied from each other by hand, and also carefully cut out from home economics magazines.

In the age of the Internet, there are many more sources. There are a huge number of sites and YouTube channels on the Web with educational articles and videos on the topic of knitting.

If, after knitting your first loops, you feel excited and want to learn more, bookmark the following resources.

Today I would like to discuss such a topic as "crocheting for beginners." You can crochet a large number of interesting products, but it’s always worth starting from the basics, so I suggest that all beginner needlewomen and needlewomen start mastering simple lessons, where every detail is explained step by step.

Crochet - knitting for beginners (photo)

How about learning to crochet for free? If you have made up your mind, but do not know where to start, pay attention to simple patterns and practice making beautiful, even, identical loops. If you master the basic knitting technique, feel free to proceed to the products.

How about washcloths with elongated loops (master class)

To knit a washcloth, we need polypropylene threads (I buy them on the market or in hardware stores) and a hook 2. Knitting a washcloth is easy: 1 row single crochet, 1 row elongated loops.
And so, let's get started.

We collect a pigtail of 56 air loops (in my opinion, this is the best option for the size of a washcloth in width) and close the pigtail into a ring (Attention! Connect the pigtail so that it does not twist with a figure eight). Next, we knit 4 rows with single crochets. We knit the next row with elongated loops.

Knitting elongated loops.

We knit like this until the end of the row. We knit the next row with single crochets. And so, we knit 14 rows (7 rows with single crochets, 7 rows with elongated loops). Next, we break the thread, straighten the tail of the thread to the front side (“mohrushki”) and attach a thread of a different color.

We knit in the same way (7 rows with single crochets, 7 rows with elongated loops).

So we continue to knit until the end of the washcloth.

Here we knitted the last row of elongated loops, and then we complete the washcloth 3 rows with single crochets.

Now let's start knitting pens. Without breaking the thread, we collect a pigtail of 65 air loops (the length of the handles is optimal, after several uses the washcloth will stretch a little) and attach the pigtail on the opposite side, and knit 2 rows with single crochets (back and forth). Many, I know, knit handles with double crochets, but such handles quickly stretch and tear.
The handle is ready.

Knitting booties for children in pictures (for newborns)

For a little girl, you can knit such new booties from old threads. In the cold season, they can play the role of children's slippers.

Materials: 1 skein of Cisne Bebê Todo Dia (100% acrylic, 100g/330m), hook 2.0mm, 2 flowers, ribbon 90cm long.

Knitting density: 20 stitches * 24 rows = 10*10 cm.


Sole: dial 13 v / p. into a chain. Knit 1-3 rows of the sole according to scheme 1.

Foot: then continue to knit the work with an elastic band from embossed columns according to scheme 2. At the same time, knit the 4th row of work only for the front wall of the loops. Knit a pattern repeat to the center of the front, perform decreases as in the diagram in the center of the front. After the 11th row, finish the work.

Finish: insert the tape as in the photo, pull off, sew on flowers (satin roses).

Knitting napkins from round motifs (

Flower napkin. As a flower, we chose daisies. Decorated with purple yarn (you can take juicy green).

Materials: Duna yarn (100% mercerized cotton, 100 g / 170 m or 200 g / 340 m) - 2 skeins of white, 2 skeins of blue, 1 skein of blue melange and 1 skein of yellow flowers, crochet 3.0 mm., needle, 19 beads.


Make a ring by winding the thread around your finger twice, knit 3 in / p. from the ring, then knit 11 tbsp. s / n in the ring, finish with a connecting column. Pull the tail of the thread to tighten the ring. Continue to knit the motif according to scheme 1. Change the color of the thread when the color of the scheme changes. In total, connect 19 motifs according to scheme 1. Connect the motifs in a checkerboard pattern as follows: 1st row: 6 motifs. 2nd row: 7 motives. 3rd row: 6 motives.

Strapping: crochet the resulting napkin with a white thread according to scheme 2. Sew a bead in the center of each flower.

A guide to making granny's home rugs

For rugs, it is permissible to use thick yarn or cuttings from old rags.

Size: 152.5 cm in diameter.

Materials: 28 skeins of Lily® Sugar'n Cream™ (100% cotton, 70g/109m), 15.0mm hook.

Knitting density: 5 st. s / n * 3 rows \u003d 10 * 10 cm. Thread in 6 additions.

With a thread in 6 additions, dial 6 air loops, connect into a ring. Knit 1-19 rows according to the scheme. Finish work.

DOLCE & GABBANA style cardigan

Materials: 600 (650) g ​​of Linie 260 Corsofino yarn (35% cotton, 35% polyacrylic, 30% viscose, 50 g / 114 m), hook No. 4-4.5, strip with rhinestones 18 mm wide.

Knitting density: 8 rapports * 8 rows = 10*10 cm.


Back: dial 75 (81) air loop. Knit according to the scheme, repeat the rapport 37 (40) times + 1 chrome. a loop. At a height of 32 cm, perform reductions for armholes, for this, reduce 2 rapports on each side - 1 time, then 1 rapport - 2 times = 29 (32) rapports + 1 chrome. a loop. At a height of 50 (52) cm, reduce the central 15 (16) rapports for the neckline = 7 (8) rapports for each shoulder. Finish the sides separately. Knit 4 more rows of the scheme (or 2 rapports in height). Finish work.

Left shelf: dial 37 (39) air loops. Knit according to the scheme, repeat the rapport of the scheme 18 (19) times + 1 chrome. a loop. Perform decreases for armholes as for the back. At a height of 42 (44) cm, reduce from the side of the neck in every second row 3 rapports - 1 time, 1 rapport - 2 times, then in each row 1 rapport - 2 times \u003d 7 (8) rapports + 1 chrome. a loop. At a height of 52 (54) finish the job.

Right shelf: knit symmetrically with the left. Sleeves: cast on 43 (47) air loops. Knit according to the scheme, repeat the rapport 21 (23) times + 1 chrome. a loop. At the same time add on each side of the loop until you add 5 rapports in total = 26 (28) rapports + 1 chrome. At a height of 32 cm, reduce on each side in every second row 1 rapport - 2 times, then in each row 1 rapport - 5 times \u003d 12 (14) rapports. Finish work. Knit the second sleeve.

How to assemble a cardigan: connect the shoulders, sides and sleeves, sew the seams of the sleeves. Hem the panel with rhinestones as in the photo. If you want the rhinestones to be in work, and not just around the shelves and neck, replace the rhinestone panel with a pattern repeat line as in the photo.

Crochet for beginners (crochet) - video tutorials

Simple video tutorials for beginners will help you learn the basics of crochet. There are a lot of them on YouTube, and we have chosen the most interesting and useful ones.

There are not many toys

Fillet shawls for winter (step by step instructions)

Baby sweatshirts for a newborn (in stages)

For such a blouse, it will take a minimum of time, since the thread is taken thick. If you have no one to give it to, you can please your old favorite dolls by adding cool boots and a beret.

Carpet on the floor from circles

23.12.2014 1 121 0 ElishevaAdmin

Knitting lessons / Video

Now knitted things have become fashionable as never before, and many would like to learn how to knit themselves. Well, at least because all the girlfriends are already knitting, arguing which is better - knitting needles or a hook, and infect everyone around them with their enthusiasm.

You can learn if you want to. We advise you to choose not knitting needles, but a hook, at least for a start, for many reasons. Crocheting is more mobile than knitting. Firstly, the hook is smaller than, for example, circular needles or stockings. Secondly, when crocheting, you work with each individual loop, and there are much more opportunities to show skill and invention. Yes, and crocheted things can be immediately recognized, because the patterns on them are much more interesting, they are more individual and original.

If the desire to master science is strong, why not try. Moreover, it will be possible to start knitting things in two weeks, or even earlier. First - what is simpler and more understandable, and then you will begin to improve very quickly. The main thing is to understand the very idea of ​​knitting, to master the characteristic techniques and peculiar movements.

So, let's begin. We will start with a chain of air loops. But now let's pay attention to the very first moment - creating the initial loop directly from an even thread of yarn. Taking the thread in hand, we bend its end and cross it to form a loop. We put a hook into it, and this is the starting position, and then you can simply pick up the thread over and over again, pulling it with a hook through the loop that is currently present on it.

We knit a chain

The chain is knitted simply, and this is already clear from the previous paragraph. Let's knit it longer, mastering the characteristic movements: the hook picked up the thread, stretched it, straightened up - and repeated, and repeated this maneuver. Work out the participation of both hands in knitting: the left, which is responsible for feeding the thread to the hook, and the right, which, in fact, performs all the tricks. To understand this better, check out the video.

Let's go through the basic elements that are used to create crochet patterns.

Half column

We have a chain of loops, or a pigtail.

We step back along it, count the 3rd loop in this direction and insert a hook into this loop.

We throw the thread on the hook and drag it through both loops present on the hook.

That's it, the element is simple. But you need to master it, because it is often present in patterns as a technical one.

Single crochet

We retreat into the 3rd loop of the chain, as before, and insert the hook into this loop.

Once again we pick up the thread, drag it through both loops.
The column is ready. This element is used more often, especially when it is necessary to knit a dense and strong fabric. For example, slippers are often knitted with such columns.

Durable post

We throw a thread on the hook, count the 3rd loop of the chain in the opposite direction and insert the hook into it.

We pick up the thread again and pull out a new loop.

Once again we pick up the thread, drag it immediately through 3 loops.

Double crochet

With a column, simple, we have already met, but there is an opportunity to make it taller. To do this, use such a technique as extra picking up the thread with a hook, single and multiple. Through such “extra” loops created out of the blue, loops are gradually knitted, and with each such step the column grows.

Consider the construction of such a column step by step:

  1. We hook the thread with a hook, count the 4th loop on the chain in the opposite direction from the hook and insert the hook into it.
  2. We throw a thread on the hook and pull out one loop.
  3. We throw on the thread, drag it through a new loop and yarn over, which we consider as an ordinary loop.
  4. Yarn over and pull through the last 2 loops.

As you can see, the column turned out to be higher than its counterpart without a crochet.

Columns with several crochets

They are knitted in exactly the same way: they throw several crochets in a row on the hook, for example, 2 or 3, and with each next step they drag the picked up thread through the next 2 loops until they are exhausted. Nakida here play the role of full-fledged loops at the time of knitting, that is, they are counted as loops. In this case, the initial insertion of the hook into the chain of loops is counted further by the number of yarns: for 2 yarns, this will be the 5th loop (3 + 2), for 3 (3 + 3) - the sixth, and so on.

The next elements that we will deal with cannot be made from the original chain of loops. A feature of these elements is that they work with columns made in the row preceding the current one. This means that before the execution of such elements, rows of some columns should already be knitted. And the purpose of the relief columns is to create decorations in a uniform canvas. So, let's get acquainted.

Embossed front column with a crochet

We throw a thread on the hook and insert it under the body of the column of the bottom row. We do this from the front side of knitting. Pull out the loop.

Once again we throw a thread on the hook and drag it through the last loop and yarn over.

Once again we throw, dragging the thread through the last 2 loops.

This is our column. Pay attention to how the thread lay around the column of the bottom row, and compare with how it will lie in the next element.

Embossed purl double crochet

We throw a thread on the hook, insert the hook under the body of the column of the bottom row. We do this from the back, wrong side of knitting. We pull the loop, also on the wrong side.

Once again we throw a thread on the hook and pull it through the last loop and yarn over.

Yarn over again and pull through the last 2 stitches.

The column is ready - consider the drawing of the resulting relief.

Like ordinary columns, embossed ones can have more than one crochet, and they fit in exactly the same way.

In many descriptions of the knitting process, pattern schemes are used. There are figures in which generally accepted conventions are used. In Russian magazines and on websites, quite specific icons are used to designate crochet elements. In the appendix we provide a table with a list of such symbols.


Also in the application, we have placed diagrams of simple crochet patterns, on which you can practice. Don't be afraid to start, these patterns are simple and straightforward.

Pattern schemes

Pick up yarn and a suitable hook. Take simpler yarn, acrylic, for example, it is convenient to knit with it. You can also take wool, but not mohair or fancy yarn, this is your future. And in the present, you need to take yarn without lint, easy to work with. In the instructions for yarn, they usually write which hook is suitable for a thread of a given thickness. Be sure to follow this recommendation, because it will be difficult for you to crochet with a thread that does not correspond to the thickness of the thread. And the result in this case will disappoint you, and this is absolutely not desirable.

Trying patterns, you can knit squares or rectangles of the same size from them. If you like your work, then at the end, when all the patterns have been tested, combine them into a panel and save - after all, this is your “pen test”! You will also teach your grandchildren from it.

Do you love everything openwork and fluffy and can't take your eyes off knitted things? Do not rush to buy a knitting machine! To create masterpieces, a penny hook is enough.

Do you associate the hobby of crocheting with a lace doily decorating your grandmother's chest of drawers? This fashionable hobby is not limited to openwork rosettes and starched vases. It happens that weeks go by in search of an exclusive knitted sweater, handbag or scarf, but the right thing still does not come across. Then you should buy a hook, yarn and knit a new wardrobe item with your own hands!

A bit of history: from the 19th century to the 21st century

One of the first mentions of crocheting was an 1824 publication in a well-known Dutch magazine. Then this kind of needlework was called "shepherd's knitting". The work was done with homemade hooks - a bent needle with a cork handle.

The progenitor of modern technology was Irish lace. Difficult to perform, they have become increasingly popular. And to this day, Irish lace does not lend itself to all knitters at once - this is a very painstaking work with small details.

At the end of the 19th century, the crochet hobby also swept the Slavs. Today this type of needlework is popular in all developed countries of the world. With the help of a hook, you can knit both a finished product and an ornament for a boring wardrobe item, giving it a new life.

First steps: how to start a new hobby

What do you need to crochet for beginners? Quite a bit: a diagram or description of the product, hooks, yarn and perseverance.

To work, you need to learn two types of loops - “air” and a column (with one and with several yarns). It is worth starting any work from the first node. To do this, the working thread should be thrown over the index finger of the auxiliary hand (left for right-handed people), then make a loop around the thumb.

Next, you need to insert the hook under the thread on the thumb, grab the thread from the index finger and pull out the loop. Then you should dial a chain of "air" loops - while holding the thread on the index finger of your left hand, and grab it with a hook and bring out the loops.

1.Magic thread ring; 2. single crochet in a circle; 3. single crochet; 4. double crochets with a common top

Single crochet. Insert your hook into the loop of the chain and pull the thread through the loop. If the column is double crochet, then before the hook is inserted into the loop of the chain, it is necessary to throw the thread on the hook.
Where to get schemes for practice? There is a lot of specialized literature, as well as on the Internet - forums, groups in social networks, sites.

To read the diagrams, it is enough to know the symbols, and they are the same in all diagrams. The air loop is an oval, the single crochet is a vertical stick and the double crochet / s is a vertical stick with horizontal dashes, the number of which indicates the number of crochets.

ABC for reading diagrams

Crochet hooks are divided according to the material of manufacture - wood, metal or plastic, the presence of a handle - with or without a handle (the needlewoman chooses whichever is more convenient for her) and thickness - from 0.5 mm to 10 mm in diameter. For convenience during work, the hook should be held like a pen at school.

With the thinnest hook 0.5 mm, napkins and lace are more often knitted. For more global things, a 2.5-4 mm hook is often taken, the rest up to 10 mm are already knitted with thick yarn - wool or wool mixture. If you are a beginner knitter, use the yarn and hook number indicated in the description of the model.

Benefits of fashion craze

What can be crocheted from yarn? A big plus is that you can crochet both an airy light product and a denser, warmer thing. The crochet hook is easy to carry with you, whiling away a trip in transport or a lunch break while knitting.

Napkins, curtains, summer things for children and adults, accessories - all this is knitted with a light cotton thread. Thicker yarn for a 3-5 mm hook is acrylic, wool and wool mixture. There is where to roam - hats, scarves, sweaters, skirts, dresses, gloves, socks and much more. Moreover, it depends on the pattern - if it is more “perforated”, then the thing will be lighter, but if the pattern in the diagram is dense, then the thing will be warmer.

Crochet Poncho

It should be noted that some people are allergic to wool, then you can safely replace it with acrylic, it is, of course, "cooler", but with tight knitting it will not be noticeable. For women's swimwear and children's items, try to take 100% cotton. For kids, give preference to threads marked "Vavu".

The possibilities of the crochet hobby do not end with clothes. With it, you can knit umbrellas, a christening set for a baby, tablecloths, bags, toys, slingobuses, popular among young mothers. Very beautiful plaids and pillowcases are obtained, which are knitted with “grandmother's squares” from the remnants of yarn. Recently, things made of thick yarn are very popular just for a 10 mm hook.

Later, not only threads can be used as yarn, but all kinds of improvised materials: rope, strips of fabric, and even garbage bags!

Having mastered the crochet technique, the hobby can be safely used to good use: give openwork gifts to relatives and friends for small and big holidays. Use the technique in other types of needlework, for example, for creating elements and decorating things made by hand and related, decorating homemade, jewelry boxes, making outfits for and soft toys.

From an exciting hobby to additional income

When you get a hook and you completely plunge into the colorful world of woolen balls, you can safely dress not only yourself and your loved ones, but also have an extra one.

At first, you can sell your products through word of mouth, and later use Internet services, for example, open your own online store or exhibit your work on online platforms with free ads. Toys can be sold at handicraft fairs or in specialized stores, which are now available even in small towns.

Practical classes: master classes

If you are fascinated by this hobby, then start practicing. We have prepared for you master classes for beginners and experienced craftswomen. Click on the thumbnails you like and go to detailed descriptions with photos. More knitting instructions.

Crochet is one of the leading positions among modern types of needlework. The detailed diagrams for beginners are very simple, which makes such a pastime useful and productive, even if you do not have special skills. If you want to become the owner of exclusive things for yourself, your child, husband, interior, then you should learn to crochet. You just need to put in a little patience and effort, learn patterns for beginners and amaze everyone with your knitted masterpieces. This article will help you with tips, master classes and video tutorials from this article.

Before you start knitting, you need to choose a yarn and a hook. For training, beginners should give preference to a hook that is not too thin and not too thick: tools numbered 3, 3.5, 4 are suitable, which is determined by the thickness of the head in millimeters. For ordinary knitting, short hooks 12-15 cm long are intended. Longer ones are used in Tunisian knitting. It is convenient to hold the tool flattened on the handle. The head should not be sharp, otherwise you will injure your fingers.

Give preference to metal hooks, bamboo, Teflon coated. The number should correspond to the thickness of the yarn: the tool is 1.5-2 times thicker than the thread. In most cases, the recommended hook is indicated on the yarn label. For training, a smooth thread of medium thickness mixed (acrylic and wool) or acrylic is suitable. The following tips will help you in your work:

  • To move to the next row at the end of the previous one, it is necessary to knit several air loops.
  • The number of stitches in a single crochet row is counted at the top edge, and in long stitch rows, each crochet is counted as a separate stitch.
  • To move to the next row, you need to turn the work.

It is worth touching on the topic of the correct body position when crocheting for beginner needlewomen according to patterns with a detailed description. Your legs should be standing, so put a stand on the chair if you are small and the height of the chair is not adjustable. This is a very important point, because otherwise the posture is disturbed. The back should be straight and the shoulders should be straight. Give part of the load on the spine to the back of the chair, leaning a little on it. Don't lean to one side.

Your main tool when crocheting according to detailed patterns for beginners is your arms, which should be bent at the elbows. Do not bring knitted work closer than 40 cm to the eyes. If this becomes necessary during knitting, take a break and give your eyes a chance to rest. When working with dark yarn, the eyes will strain less if a light-colored fabric is placed on your knees. You should not keep your muscles in a constrained state, sit still, otherwise you will harm yourself.

Before you start crocheting according to the patterns for beginners with a detailed description, put a box with the necessary needlework supplies near you. Everything you need in the process should be at arm's length. Remember to take a break every half hour to relax your eyes. This is a necessary component of success in any needlework. If your hands get tired, you should raise them up above your head, move your fingers. Every three hours you need to walk to disperse the blood.

Detailed crochet patterns and descriptions for beginners

Crocheting for beginners is easy to learn on your own. There is no need for special skills to learn how to knit double crochets and without, a chain of air loops. The following master classes with diagrams and descriptions of various products will come to your aid. Anyone can master different patterns. With experience, you will gain the ability to adjust the density of knitting, accuracy, creating things according to patterns. Crochet has no limits for imagination. By alternating loops, you can create a masterpiece - and this is true magic.

Napkins in a circle without tearing off the thread

A crocheted napkin has been considered the main decoration of the house since ancient times. Looking at such products, everyone will be flooded with memories of the grandmother's house, where every free place was decorated with openwork knitted things. This interior decor is back in fashion. The most common way to crochet napkins are patterns for beginners in a circle without breaking the thread. For the proposed option, cotton yarn of the Iris type is suitable, a hook with a number of 1.2-1.5. A step-by-step master class in crocheting a napkin according to a pattern with a detailed description:

  • We knit a chain, which consists of 12 air loops. We connect with a half-column. Next, knit in a circle from right to left.
  • Each row begins with a set of three air loops, as indicated in the diagram.
  • We tie the ring with 32 columns with two crochets. We connect the last column with the chain with a half-column.
  • Next, we knit according to the scheme.
  • We cut off, fasten the thread, making a knot, hide the tip from the inside, stretching it with a hook under the posts. Starch a napkin, straighten, iron.


A crochet potholder will make the atmosphere of the kitchen more cozy, warm and homely. This is a beautiful and bright accessory. Strawberry potholders can also be used as coasters. Use green yarn for the stalk and red yarn for the berry itself. Knitting according to the scheme with a detailed description begins with a set of 16 green air loops. Connect them in a circle with a half-column, knit three rows. From the fourth we continue with red yarn. We knit according to the scheme. For convenience, tie a loop for which you will hang on the hook.

Amigurumi toys

Crocheted amigurumi toys have become very popular. This is a Japanese type of needlework, as a result of which the needlewoman creates a small animal with characteristic features. In most cases, the knitting of these items is limited to techniques such as a connecting column, a single crochet, an air loop. Amigurumi can be not only a subject for children's games, but also a wonderful souvenir, interior decoration, key chain. To connect the penguin according to the scheme with a detailed description, first make the legs and beak, and then the body and wings.


Crochet allows you to reproduce the elegance and splendor of fresh flowers with your own hands. Such a product can be made by any person, even without skills in this area. Crochet flowers are a great practice for beginners. The attached diagram with a detailed description will help you tie a camomile. The process begins with knitting twelve petals, the core in a spiral. Next, you need to make leaves, a cup and connect the individual parts into the finished product.

Baby booties

Crocheted booties can not be compared with any purchased shoes for a newborn baby. They are soft, comfortable and a pleasure to make. Knitting baby booties is a quick process, so you can make a variety of options for each set of clothes. These models should have as few seams as possible so that the child does not feel discomfort. Yarn must be chosen from natural cotton, wool, acrylic.

According to the proposed scheme with a detailed description for beginners, crocheting booties begins with the sole. To do this, you need to dial 15 air loops, additional to raise the row. The length of the resulting chain should correspond to the size of the foot. Next, you need to knit half-columns very tightly. Then go to the double crochet. Then knit the top from the base of the sole to the ankle according to the pattern: first there are single crochets, and finish, like the sole, with 60 loops.


Each mother can crochet a light openwork panama hat for her child for the summer. This is a beautiful, interesting product that will decorate the head of your baby and help protect from the sun's rays. To crochet, you will need some viscose or cotton yarn in a light or bright color. A cute panama hat, according to the attached free pattern with a detailed description and symbols, is knitted easily and quickly. Start by creating a ring, after which the knitting of the pattern begins. Remember to alternate colors as shown in the photo.

Blanket for a newborn

When a newborn child appears in the house, there is a need for a thousand little things that a caring mother cannot do without. One of those things that makes caring for a baby more comfortable is a blanket. You can take this product with you on a walk to cover your child in a stroller. It is easily created with your own hands, so even a novice craftswoman can handle it. You can vary the length of the sides of the bedspread at your own discretion.

Choose a crochet yarn that will be pleasant to the baby's body. Work begins with a set of chains of 140 air loops. After that, the first pattern begins, the description of which you will find in the attached diagram with a detailed description. When you reach the desired height, knitting ends and the thread is cut. Further, all sides of the bedspread are tied with lace according to the second pattern.

Capes and shawls for women

Crocheting shawls gives women a stylish, outrageous product. A bright and airy cape is always in fashion. A shawl made of cashmere, linen, made with a beautiful pattern, will emphasize the expressiveness of the outfit, add an interesting note to the image. Knitted from a wool mixture or wool, it will be able to warm you on a cool evening. The proposed scheme with a detailed description for beginners will help you easily create such an accessory. The shawl begins with knitting separate triangular and square motifs. Their connection into a single whole occurs in the last row.


Crocheting a bag for beginners helps to create an original, beautiful and individual accessory that will help diversify any female look. Such a product can be a great gift for a friend or loved one. In addition, knitwear in the women's wardrobe is becoming very fashionable and relevant. In the photo you see one of the simple options for knitting a handbag.

First you need to tie the back piece with the first pattern in the attached diagram containing a detailed description, not forgetting to make additions. The front part is created similarly to the back. Next, go to the bottom and side parts, which are one piece, consisting of single crochets. The valve is knitted according to the second pattern. For assembly, the bottom and sides are sewn together with the front and back. The upper edge is tied with double crochets. A valve is sewn in the center of the back element.


So that in the cold season your legs are always warm and comfortable, the best way out is to crochet the tracks according to the attached diagram, which contains a detailed description for beginners. This is a very comfortable product, which is almost not noticeable on the legs. Especially the traces save those people who do not like to wear slippers. If you use multi-colored yarn for crocheting products, then you will give yourself not only warmth on winter evenings, but also pleasant emotions.

First you need to make a sole: cast on a chain of air loops, knit single crochets around it, making an addition along the lines indicated in the first diagram of the picture. The top consists of two triangles on the third pattern and a square on the second. Further, all the details are crocheted. The back is created with short rows. Ready-made footprints can be a great Christmas gift for loved ones.

Socks and slippers

How nice, returning home, to dive into cozy warm slippers. And, crocheted, they give even more pleasure and comfort. According to the proposed scheme for beginners, containing a detailed description, you can easily and quickly make these home shoes. Start creating slippers from the toe. The whole pattern consists of double crochets. Gradually make increments, not forgetting to check the length of the product along the leg. The last row is knitted with single crochets. Finished slippers are tied with single crochets and elongated loops.


A crocheted plaid for the home is the personification of peace, comfort and warmth. How nice it will be for you to wrap yourself in it on cold evenings, watch your favorite movie, read an interesting book. A knitted blanket should look stylish and aesthetically pleasing, then it will become an elegant interior decoration at the same time. You can easily make it according to the attached scheme, which includes a detailed description.

The proposed version of the blanket consists of squares with a side of 20 cm. Each square begins with a set of a circle of air loops. After that, a pattern is created with lifting loops, double crochets and without. In the yarn it is necessary to use several colors harmoniously combined with each other. Finished squares are steamed, stitched together with decorative stitches. The finished plaid is tied with double crochets and without.

Floor mats

If you want to bring comfort and warmth into your home, then you should start decorating the interior. A special atmosphere of comfort is created by crocheted gizmos. Handmade with care and love, they radiate positive energy. Rugs are those items that harmoniously fit into the interior, change the aura of housing in a positive direction.

The proposed version of the rug scheme, including a detailed description for beginners, is very simple. It is created from separate elements in the form of flowers, which are then sewn together in the order indicated in the photo. Each flower begins with a set of air loops that are connected by a ring. Further, columns with five crochets are knitted into the center in the first row, with two in the next.

Video tutorials with a detailed description of crochet for beginners

Crocheting is an interesting, easy and rewarding hobby. It helps to have fun, to realize their own creative potential. Imagine how a masterpiece is born from a ball of yarn: a napkin, children's shoes, flowers, clothes, hats, toys, snoods, collars, berets, blouses with openwork necklines and sleeves, skirts. This causes the growing popularity of crochet. This hobby requires time, patience and material costs from you. Sometimes the first time it is not possible to realize your plan and the product has to be dissolved. But the result is worth it.

Things created by one's own hands have no value, since a piece of the craftswoman's soul is invested in each product. As in any other kind of needlework, the highest level of skill is achieved through long hard work, many years of practice. The main advice - do not be afraid to start, because each of us can master any craft. To help you, below are the videos for beginners, which clearly describe the process of crocheting with different techniques, consider diagrams of various products (sweatshirts, cardigans, dresses) for yourself and at home.

Filet crochet

Flower in the technique of Tunisian knitting

Crochet Freeform Technique

dress for women

Master class knitting a cardigan for girls

Washcloths with elongated loops