Description and properties of chalcedony stone. Chalcedony stone - unusual properties and who suits

Chalcedony is feminine. According to an ancient legend, it helps women in love - to find or maintain their family relationships. This is the same mineral that you need to wear with depression and blues, it gives peace of mind and brings feelings into balance.

In addition, chalcedony has many other useful properties that you will learn in our article. And you will also find out to whom this gem can be useful, and to whom it is not suitable.

Description of the stone

Chalcedony is a variety of quartz that differs in color. This is the very stone that you need to wear with depression and bad mood, blues.

A talisman that helps to restore harmony, sometimes so necessary for our soul. It has other interesting properties, which you will learn about in our review.

Chalcedony contains impurities of iron, aluminum and 1% water. The formation of crystals is not typical at all, most often it forms in the form of streaks and veins.

The name of the stone was given by the city of Chalcedon, which is located in Asia Minor. At one time, it was the largest city for the sale and extraction of this beautiful gem. It has an ancient history, its name is mentioned in the New Testament when the walls of the Heavenly Temple are described.


There are about 100 types of minerals found in nature. We present only the most common types:

  1. Agate - layered with a pattern in the form of stripes.
  2. Onyx with a parallel-striped pattern in the form of straight or curved stripes.
  3. Sapphirine is a blue chalcedony.
  4. Carnelian is a mineral of orange, red or brown hue.
  5. Chrysoprase with apple-green or bluish-green color.
  6. Heliotrope is dark green with yellow or red spots.
  7. Mirikit is a gray gem with red patches.
  8. Stefanik (dotted agate) - white or light gray with red dots.
  9. Plasma is one of the rarest species, dark green in color.
  10. Sarder - with a brown or red tint.
  11. Prasem - a uniform color of light onion-green color.
  12. Dendragat - with a tree-like pattern.

Talisman Properties

Due to its color, chalcedony is widely used in jewelry and as an ornamental stone. It is used not only to create figurines, but also decorations for lampshades, stained-glass windows, tiles and furniture inlays. As a rule, products are very accessible and inexpensive. You can easily buy beads or a bracelet as an amulet.

The main deposits are Brazil, Kazakhstan, India, Canada, Madagascar. In Russia, chalcedony is found in Chukotka and Siberia.

Healing and magical properties

  • The mineral helps with nervous breakdowns and exhaustion.
  • Everyone, everyone, everyone who is depressed and in a bad mood. And the brighter the color of the stone, the brighter the decoration itself, the faster you will get out of depression.
  • Do you get depressed quickly? A tough day ahead? Choose jewelry with chalcedony to protect energy.
  • It not only affects you internally, but also protects you from external negativity.
  • In a short period of time, a mineral can affect a person's well-being.
  • The talisman, which lies at the head of the sleeping person, normalizes sleep, helps with insomnia and relieves a person of nightmares.
  • It is no coincidence that he was always in the children's room before: this is how parents protected the healthy sleep of the kids and protected them from evil spirits, which are especially strong and influential when a person is sleeping.
  • The blue color mineral helps those who have problems with pressure or heart. However, with all these positive qualities, it is not recommended to wear it all the time.
  • Protects sailors, as well as any people whose work is related to water.
  • The stone also helps women. Its owner will not suffer from a lack of love and attention: chalcedony helps to win men's hearts.
  • As an amulet, a bracelet is best suited.
  • To keep peace in the family, the amulet must be kept in the bedroom, and even better, put chalcedony under the mattress.
  • The properties that he possesses help to achieve happiness, both for married ladies and for girls who are in search.

Description of the stone Chalcedony

Chalcedony stone and its varieties are viscous forms of cryptocrystalline quartz, in which individual crystals are so small that they cannot be seen even under a microscope at maximum magnification.

The name of this mineral "chalcedony" comes from the name of the ancient city of Chalcedon, located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, whose palette of colors seemed to contain all the richness of colors.

Chalcedony is usually translucent or translucent, but opaque varieties also exist.

Chalcedony itself is widely distributed, but most often has an inexpressive gray color and is not nearly as popular as some of its varieties.

Chalcedony has been known as a gemstone since ancient times - it takes polish well.

Beautiful emerald green (chrysoprase), sly and apple green (mtorodite or matorolite), blue and milky blue (sapphirine), orange and red (carnelian), brown, brown (sard or sard) material are valued.

In general, jewelry varieties of chalcedony, which have different colors, have many names. So, in Russia, the terms carnelian are popular to distinguish red-orange and yellowish-red chalcedony (while in the west, chalcedony of this color is called carnellian); plasma - for light and sly green chalcedony.

Chalcedony is often banded in color. The most popular banded chalcedony in Russia is agate. In agate, usually parallel layers of chalcedony of various colors are intricately formed into an intricate pattern.

If multi-colored stripes are straight and parallel, then such agate is called onyx (this name should not be confused with marble onyx, which has a completely different nature). Onyx with clear parallel brown and white stripes is called sardonyx. Sardonyx can equally be considered both a variety of onyx and agate.

Black colored chalcedony under the historical name "black onyx" is very popular (it does not apply to onyx, because it does not have a banded color).

In the Urals, a special kind of agate is mined - perilivt, in which the layers of chalcedony seem to "flow" in bizarre jets.

Often in chalcedony there are inclusions in the form of cups and dendrites (chlorite, oxides of manganese, iron, etc.).

Patterns of green chlorite in chalcedony give rise to moss agate or mossy agate (agate is an incorrect but established name: this chalcedony does not have a banded color).

Black colored manganese dendrites create dendritic agate or mocha stone (also chalcedony, not agate).

Another wonderful chalcedony - fiery agate, which has multi-colored iridescence due to inclusions, should also be attributed to chalcedony rather than agate.

Some jewelry chalcedony does not have transparency. This is a dark green heliotrope or bloodstone with red spots, yellow, brown, blue flint (with impurities of quartz, opal, etc.).

This name is understood as the whole group of cryptocrystalline silica minerals and the chalcedony itself of a bluish or yellow-gray color.

Characteristics of Chalcedony

Chalcedony is a kind of quartz SiO2, which contains admixtures of Fe3+, Al3+, up to 1-1.5% of water, etc.

Chalcedony refers to a bluish or yellowish gray variety of quartz.

Chalcedony consists of the finest fibers oriented perpendicular to the surface of the secretions; macroscopically, it is represented by cluster-shaped, kidney-shaped or stalactite-like secretions, in the context - radially radiant.

Chalcedony lacks cleavage, dull to waxy, vitreous, translucent to opaque, with absorption lines - in bluish stones 627; 660-690.

The porous structure of the mineral determines its ability to easily absorb coloring matter. In natural chalcedony, banding is not observed with the naked eye.

Chalcedony is formed from low-temperature hydrothermal solutions, as well as during the processes of diagenesis, epigenesis and weathering. It is deposited mainly from colloidal solutions (a product of recrystallization of silica gels). Chalcedony is often found in sedimentary rocks in the form of nodules, concretions, sheet-like deposits, pseudomorphs on shells, corals, etc. Chalcedony is the main component of many siliceous rocks, petrified wood, and jasper. The main industrial deposits of Chalcedony are associated with amygdalic effusives, as well as with the products of their destruction.

Deposits of Chalcedony

Deposits of chalcedony are widespread. The leading suppliers of chalcedony are India, Brazil and Uruguay, Madagascar, the USA, as well as Canada and Kazakhstan (chrysoprase). In Russia, the most beautiful agates are known in Chukotka, Timan and Siberia. Unique allocations of chalcedony are found in the vicinity of Moscow. In Ukraine, chalcedony deposits are located in the Sea of ​​Azov and Crimea.

The magical properties of Chalcedony

Pure chalcedony (grayish, bluish) is a stone of love that attracts the hearts of men to women. It is believed that chalcedony carries a feminine essence that gives life and generates contradictions.

In India, Mongolia and China, blue chalcedony was revered as a magical stone. In one of the ancient Indian treatises it is said that this stone has the color of pure consciousness. Jewelry with blue chalcedony is able to eliminate fear, inspire the owner with confidence in their own strength.

It is believed that chalcedony, and primarily their blue varieties, are able to save the owner from outbursts of anger and bouts of melancholy.

According to ancient ideas, chalcedony contains the elements of air and ether, so this stone has a calming effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. Therefore, jewelry with chalcedony is advised to be worn by people who are easily excited.

The magical properties of chalcedony led to its widespread use. For many millennia, beads, inserts into rings, and pendants were made from it. Not only clothes were decorated with chalcedony, but also saddles, harness, and weapons. The magical properties of chalcedony depend on its specific variety.

The discovery of chalcedony in ancient Greece marked the beginning of the creation of amazing stone jewelry - gems or cameos, carved three-dimensional images on stone cabochons.

Chalcedony became not only a favorite material for jewelry in the ancient world - many legends and traditions were associated with these stones, and references to them can be found in sacred religious texts.

The Revelation of John the Theologian (21:19) mentions chalcedony (chalcedon) as a stone that adorns the third (out of twelve) foundation walls of the heavenly city of New Jerusalem.

The popularity of chalcedony after the fall of Ancient Rome and the extinction of the ancient world under the heel of the barbarians passed, but they again remembered it with the beginning of the era of classicism. Interest in varieties of chalcedony was spurred by excavations of ancient Roman cities - gems and cameos from carnelian, agate and sapphirine became the object of desire of the most high-ranking persons, they were the subject of rivalry, they were inserted into brooches, rings, earrings, buckles, necklaces and tiaras.

Interest in ancient culture continued in high society even during the heyday of the Empire. Chalcedony, as one of the most popular stones in ancient Greece and Rome, has become relevant again. The royal houses of Europe possessed huge collections of gems and cameos - the collection of the Hermitage was especially famous, in which there were many thousands of cameos, both modern production and those found in archaeological excavations of that time.

A description of the collection has been preserved - numerous shelves and slides, literally littered with cameos with mythical subjects and heads made on chalcedony, carnelian, agate and sardonyx. Napoleon, the poet J. Byron had a chalcedony ring, A. S. Pushkin had two such rings.

Chalcedony has not lost its relevance in the 20th century either - it has become a true symbol of Russian poetry at the beginning of the century. The whole color of the Russian intelligentsia of that time loved to visit the hospitable Koktebel house of Maximilian Voloshin, who passionately loved striped, blue and orange chalcedony, which he collected right on the sea coast.

Amulet of Chalcedony

According to ancient manuscripts, chalcedony is a talisman for sailors.

According to legend, chalcedony as an amulet protects against mental illness, depression and fever (especially in cameos).

It is believed that the energy of chalcedony depends on the brightness. The larger it is, the more powerful the stone in its magical properties.

Chalcedony stone saves from nightmares, drives away ghosts and keeps lunatics during their nightly journeys, protects from the evil eye and negative energy. Chalcedony in the house protects against natural disasters and accidents, neutralizes the influence of geopathogenic zones.

(Chalcedon) - a translucent mineral, a cryptocrystalline fine-fiber variety of quartz. Translucent or translucent at the edges, the color is very different, often from white to honey-yellow. It is used in the manufacture of jewelry as an ornamental stone.

Chalcedony is a stone that can mislead even a specialist. This name hides many varieties of minerals and their colors, each of which has unique properties.


Chalcedony is a dense cryptocrystalline quartz, consisting of the finest silica fibers. It features an incredible variety of colors and striped patterns. Since time immemorial, it has been used as an ornamental and jewelry stone.

The name was introduced by one of the founders of mineralogy, the German scientist George Agricola in 1546. According to one version, the etymology of the term is associated with the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon (Chalcedon, Chalchedon); in our time, one of the districts of Istanbul is located on this place. According to another version, the name of the stone is associated with Carthage, which the Greeks called Carchedon. Perhaps in ancient times significant quantities of decorative stone were transported through one of these port cities.


hydrous silicon dioxide (SiO2). H2O content - up to 1.5%. Impurities of calcium, oxides of iron, aluminum, nickel, chromium are characteristic. The thickness of chalcedony fibers is ten times less than the thickness of a human hair. Channels run parallel to the fibers, and layering is observed on the cross section of the stone. The thickness of differently colored layers varies over a very wide range - from a few centimeters to tenths and hundredths of a millimeter. Translucent, usually translucent in thin chips; occasionally it is almost transparent. Glass luster.

Fragile. The fracture is uneven, conchoidal. Hardness: 6.5 - 7. Average specific gravity: 2.5 g/cm3. The refractive indices are ~ 1.535, which is somewhat lower than that of crystalline quartz. It does not melt in the flame of a blowpipe. It reacts with potassium lye (KOH) and also with hydrofluoric acid, with which it forms a volatile compound of silicon fluoride (SiF4). Does not interact with other acids.

stone discoveries

In ancient Greece, the art of mining and processing gems rose to unprecedented heights. At first, all the stones were of imported origin - sometimes whole wars were started for the sake of mastering the rich semi-precious mines. Therefore, the discovery of a new gem in the city of Chalcedon on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, whose palette of colors seemed to contain all the richness of colors, became so significant. The stone was called chalcedony, and this discovery marked the beginning of the creation of amazing stone jewelry - gems or cameos, carved three-dimensional images on stone cabochons.

The age of the most ancient products from chalcedony is many thousands of years. During archaeological excavations, they are found more often than any other colored stones. On the territory of modern Pakistan, archaeologists have found jewelry made of carnelian, whose age is about seven thousand years. Products from this stone were in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (XIV century BC). It was on the varieties of chalcedony (onyx, sardonyx, agate) that ancient glyptics developed.

Usually blue, orange and red chalcedony were used for these purposes - in general, there are more than a hundred varieties of stone today, and each has its own name.


- bright red, reddish-orange.

carnelian- reddish-brown, meat-red.

Sarder- brown, brown.

Lincurius- yellow, orange-yellow.

sapphirine- grayish blue to light blue.

Plasma- dark green, grayish green.

Prase- onion green, grayish green.

Mtorolite- apple green.

Chrysoprase- bright emerald green; usually with a barely perceptible bluish tint.

amberine- yellow, yellow-green.

- violet.

Heliotrope- dark green plasma with red spots of hematite.

Quartsin- coarse fibrous predominantly white.

Agate- characterized by a concentric zonal arrangement of differently colored layers.

Onyx- chalcedony of a parallel-layered structure. Often described as a variety of agate.

Sardonyx- red-white or brown-white onyx.

Moss (moss agate)- almost transparent chalcedony with picturesque inclusions of tree-like dendrites, consisting of chlorites or oxides of manganese.

Flint- often described as a difference of chalcedony, although in fact it is a rock. It is a dark brown, sometimes patterned silica with a significant amount of mineral impurities.

Petrified Wood (wood agate, woody stone)- pseudomorphs of chalcedony on wood with preservation of its internal structure. Coloration: from grayish-brown to reddish-brown. Chalcedony replaces not only wood, but also other fossil organic remains - ammonites, shells, corals.

The boundary between many varieties of chalcedony is very arbitrary. For example, there are stones in which the colors of bright red carnelian smoothly turn into the brown tones of sardera or the yellow color of lincurium.

Regardless of the color in the appearance of chalcedony, there is usually a kind of “smokyness” - the light rays in these stones are scattered, reflected from the walls of numerous microscopic pores filled with water or empty.

The colors of various chalcedony are due to inclusions of other minerals trapped in its fibers during growth. Red, brown and brown (carnelian, carnelian, sardonyx) are colored with iron oxides - hematite or goethite. Their colors are usually more intense on the surface of the stone and fade with depth.

To enhance the color, chalcedony was "ennobled" in ancient times. Of course, technologies have improved over the centuries, but at their core, to this day, they have not undergone significant changes. The oldest and simplest method is impregnation with a sugar solution followed by annealing. With it, you can achieve a stable dark brown or black color. True, in our time, nitrobenzene is used instead of sugar.

The bluish-gray color of sapphirine is obtained by impregnating chalcedony with potassium hexacyanoferrate (yellow blood salt), followed by boiling in a solution of iron sulfate. The color of such ennobled stones is sometimes so bright and saturated that they can be used as an imitation of lapis lazuli. By impregnating weakly colored chalcedony with iron salts, red and yellow colors are obtained, and green ones with copper or nickel salts. The color of carnelian becomes more intense when fired up to 150°C with the addition of hydrochloric acid.

Some varieties of opal are very similar to single-color chalcedony, which are characterized by lower hardness, higher water content and optical properties. The layered structure of monochromatic chalcedony is revealed by staining or gamma irradiation. As their imitation in jewelry, glass or plastic can be used. Nowadays, in these materials it is quite possible to reproduce both the desired color and the features of the structure of natural stone.

Medicinal properties

The main power of the gem is aimed at maintaining the normal human nervous system. It helps to cure long-term depressions, nervous breakdowns, insomnia and nightmares.

With nervous exhaustion, an amulet with a mineral should be worn constantly. At the same time, blue chalcedony can be dangerous: with frequent use, they cause circulatory disorders, increase blood pressure, and cause sudden attacks of fear.

magical properties

In the countries of the Ancient East, chalcedony amulets drove out evil spirits, brought joy and peace to the owner. Today, the stone is successfully used by magicians to obtain additional powers and energy of the earth.

The mineral is able to make a person balanced and reasonable, relieving attacks of melancholy and sudden outbursts of rage.

It contains particles of ether and air, therefore, it has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person.

An amulet or jewelry with chalcedony is necessary for easily excited and too active people. An unprocessed piece of mineral, stored near the head of the bed, protects peace and happiness in family life. If you hide it under the mattress, it will help strengthen the attraction of the spouses to each other and bring fidelity. A chalcedony ring worn on the middle finger will become a guarantee of wealth and a successful career, and a women's bracelet will give family warmth and help find harmony in relationships.

Place of Birth

The most well-known deposits are in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, Scotland (Grey-Killin, South Perthshire), effusive massifs of Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Russia (Primorye). The oldest center for the extraction and processing of chalcedony is located in Germany, large deposits are located in Eastern Siberia in Russia, in the Crimea, Sri Lanka, Australia, the USA, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic.


Colored chalcedony - jewelry and ornamental stones. Samples of chalcedony with pronounced stalactite-like and kidney-shaped forms have a collection value.

Blue chalcedony is considered the most powerful stone with soothing and healing properties due to its ether and air content.

The energy of the stone saves a person from depression, melancholy, longing and restrains the manifestation of aggression.

Stone jewelry helps to balance a person and prevent anger, sadness and anger from appearing in the soul. This mineral makes stingy people more generous, insecure - it allows you to believe in yourself and your strengths, to dare to do the right thing.

Women who wear this stone become more attractive to the opposite sex and receive mutual love.

For mothers, this stone becomes a helper and protector. The mineral gives the mother of a small child health, and helps to take care of the child. It is believed that the stone can slow down aging, protect the wearer from insanity, help in the treatment of the spleen, diseases of the eyes, circulatory system and bones.

Stone for every color and taste

Chalcedony is a mineral that has a large number of varieties. Among them are agate, chrysoprase, carnelian, sapphirine, heliotrope, cerakite, flywheel, flint and cacholong. If you look at the photo of the stone, you can see many colors, ranging from milky white to black. The most expensive and sought-after color of chalcedony is sky blue, called the "stone of joy."

Chalcedony has a fibrous structure, and is a mineral of medium hardness, therefore it lends itself well to processing. In an earlier era, cameos and gems were made from stone, and now beads, rings, bracelets of stunning beauty are made from this mineral, caskets and ashtrays are inlaid.

It is worth noting that the well-known Holy Grail, which is kept in the Cathedral, is made of chalcedony. Photos of stone products can be easily found on the Internet, and if desired, purchase an amulet for yourself or your family for protection.

One of the most beautiful varieties of chalcedony is the flywheel.

This mineral has inclusions of iron, which resemble moss twigs, or algae, which is clearly visible in the photo. Each pattern is original, which makes this stone unique and unique in its kind. But in most photos, you can find an unprocessed mineral, in which it is difficult to see something amazing and beautiful, but in the photo, where the stone is presented in a processed form, you can see its amazing color structure and unusual waxy sheen.

Universal astrological stone

Chalcedony is suitable for all signs of the zodiac. Any sign can safely wear this stone, as it does not carry any negative energy. But the stone does not like egoists, and egoism depends very little on the sign of the zodiac. At different times, astrologers attributed this stone to various signs.

Previously, the sign of Aquarius was considered the most suitable for this mineral, but modern astrologers believe that chalcedony is the stone of the Virgin.

Zodiac sign Libra should wear white, pink or blue chalcedony. Zodiac sign Scorpio can wear a black mineral. Thick red chalcedony is preferred for the sign Aries. For Cancer, this stone will be a great protector. Yellow chalcedony will give lions peace of mind, even if the situation is very critical. Zodiac sign Sagittarius, without exception, chalcedony protects from envy.

Moreover, an amulet with a crystal will not only protect the owner from someone else's envy and teach him not to envy himself. Zodiac sign Pisces will protect this mineral from nightmares and negative energy. In general, according to the horoscope, the gem of the owner does not choose. For any sign of the Zodiac, you can find your own, unique stone that will give positive energy and interfere with the effects of negative.

Stone of finding and maintaining love

Modern magicians also attach great importance to chalcedony. The magical characteristics of the stone are based on feminine energy. What is important for a woman? Of course love and well-being. It is for these purposes that magicians and sorcerers speak this mineral. In addition, the properties of chalcedony allow not only to find reciprocal love, but also protect during a long journey, for which it is also called the stone of sailors who went sailing for many years, not knowing what awaits them ahead, and, not knowing, will return whether they are in their own home.

Chalcedony has a positive effect on speakers and creative people, it gives them vitality and reveals talents, while helping to drive away ill-wishers and improve material well-being. The magical characteristics of this stone are priceless for such people, but you shouldn’t abuse it, just as you shouldn’t rely on it completely, because if a person does nothing, then, as they say, under a lying stone ...

The magical value of the stone increases significantly if it is set in silver.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Hadcedon Stone" width="300" height="212">!} A distinctive feature of chalcedony can be considered its translucent structure, which, coupled with color, makes it a truly unusual stone. The surface of the mineral is covered with a unique pattern, which is how cryptocrystalline and fine-fiber properties manifest themselves.

Chalcedony as a stone comes in different shades, the color can be either pure white or honey, or have any other shade in this range. At the same time, in nature, the same translucent mineral is found in red, brown, emerald, ocher, and even interspersed with different shades. The mineral accumulates in large masses along with ferrolites, hence such a color variety.

Since ancient times, jewelers have been creating unique and bright jewelry from chalcedony. In addition to caskets and souvenirs, chalcedony with a palette of inclusions can be seen in the relief of buildings. Images were carved out of it.

The name of the stone is etymologically connected with the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon. Its deposits are volcanic in nature, and the stone itself belongs to volcanic rocks. The ancient Greeks were very skillful in jewelry, many jewelry has survived to our times, including chalcedony.

History of the stone

The mineral has been mined since biblical times. There are written references to this stone in the New Testament. The mineral is mentioned in the revelations of John the Theologian in the form of a stone, which is used in the foundation of the wall of Jerusalem.

The stone became popular in ancient times. In ancient Greece and Rome, the mineral was used in the manufacture of dishes and ceremonial goblets, weapons and ammunition were encrusted with it, and amazing seals and stones were carved. Special seal rings made from this excellent stone were very prestigious. Now many decorations of the ancient period are available for viewing in the form of museum exhibits.

Jpg" alt="Chalcedony Stone" width="300" height="182">!} Ancient people believed that the mineral had healing powers. The magical properties of this stone were mentioned in the writings of famous people of that time.

The use of the mineral for medicinal purposes in ancient times is confirmed by Indian and Chinese treatises and medieval lapidaries. European physicians and physicians from the East, such as Avicenna, also mentioned the stone. The description of its exclusive properties is confirmed by ancient Russian manuscripts and Assyrian cuneiforms.

During the late Middle Ages, the fashion for jewelry and stones resumed. This is due to the studies of ancient civilizations by medieval scientists and the general interest in the culture of antiquity. The mineral becomes the most popular stone for crafts and jewelry. All socialites tried to have body jewelry, whether it was rings, earrings, brooches, buckles or chalcedony necklaces. Vases and other decorative items such as caskets were in great demand.

Some especially famous personalities of that time could not resist the fashion for the mineral: Pushkin, Byron and even Napoleon - they all wore jewelry with this stone.

Now the mineral is still popular and in demand as a jewelry and ornamental stone.

Types of chalcedony

There is a wide variety of species of this unique mineral, which differ depending on the structure, color, origin. The following types of minerals are distinguished:

  1. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="chrysoprase" width="200" height="123">!} Chrysoprase is a silica with a fine crystalline structure. The composition contains a quartz element and chalcedony, there are also inclusions of magnite and tridymite. Green chalcedony has this color due to the increased inclusion of nickel in the composition. This species is widespread, it is often found in nature.
  2. .jpg" alt="Sapphirine" width="200" height="123">!}
    Sapphirine. This is a rather rare blue chalcedony with a delicate shade. Such translucent samples are highly valued by jewelers. Passing through the mineral, the light is refracted and creates an unusual green color.
  3. .jpg" alt="Mtorolite" width="200" height="123">!}
    Mtorolite - a type of chalcedony, is much less common, resembles chrysoprase in its greenish tint. The color of this stone has the following main shades: dark green, pale green, rich emerald. It differs from chrostoprase in the absence of nickel, and the mineral received its greenness due to chromium oxide.
  4. .jpg" alt="Carnelian" width="200" height="123">!}
    Cornelian. This is a red chalcedony, infrequently there are strip-like blotches. The mineral is very widely known. In addition to red, it also happens to be ocher, yellow or brown. Iron oxide, or rather the level of its content in the composition, provides the depth and direction of color.
  5. .jpg" alt="Agate" width="200" height="123">!} Agate. This includes chalcedony of a bluish, violet or bluish hue, consists of stripes with a dense texture. The color intensity that striped chalcedony has depends on how deeply the quartz has grown.
  6. .jpg" alt=" A variety of cacholong chalcedony" width="200" height="123">!}
    Cacholong is a rare milky white chalcedony, which has a second name -. It has a porous structure and a generally indefinite composition.
  7. .jpg" alt="Flywheel" width="200" height="123">!}
    Moss is a mineral named because of the similarity of the structure with moss found in nature. Flywheels have many chemical parts, including manganese, iron oxide, and nickel. The color is variable and may well be cold steel shades, and more neutral milky. There are many different color variations from steely cold color to white or milky.
  8. Jasper is a stone with a fine-grained structure, which provides a unique pattern that resembles curls. The color scheme varies from pale yellow to rich honey color.
  9. .jpg" alt="Chalcedony Onyx" width="200" height="123">!}
    Chalcedonic onyx. This layered chalcedony has a layer of quartz and chalcedony. More often it is red.
  10. .jpg" alt="Andrigus" width="200" height="123">!}
    Endrigus. Refers to a variety of chalcedony with a light shade. The translucent material contains lutecin, quartz and chalcedony. An interesting structure has become the key to use in jewelry.

Place of Birth

The mineral in natural conditions appears in the gaps in the rocks. Tonsils are formed in volcanic basalts, tuffs, andesites.

In the cracks of the rocks there are narrow layers of chalcedony, more like veins. In limestone rocks, on the surfaces of voids, crusts, buds and collections of the mineral formed by incrustation are formed.

Chalcedony stone is found both in the bowels at depth and on the surface. This is due to the openness of the rocks to the winds, which subject the stones to internal transformations, the removal of water and alkali.

Alluvial placers are a continuous and large supplier of the chalcedony mineral. When stones are carried by water currents, they not only polish perfectly, but also get a smooth surface and color change. This is how the porous structure and impurities appear. It has been proven that the color of the mineral is secondary, it can change after the underground composition solidifies. Brighter colors of minerals are found at a distance from the primary source.

Minerals from Uruguay and Brazil, which are mined on the border of these countries, have gained the greatest fame. Stones from India and Madagascar are also not inferior to the first in quality.

The development of industrial accumulations of the mineral is carried out by:

  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height= "24"> Russia;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Uruguay;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Kazakhstan;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Brazil;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Scotland;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> USA;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Hebrides;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> India;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Taiwan;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Madagascar;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Namibia;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Australia;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Zambia;
  • data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="" width="40" height=" 24"> Poland.

Healing and magical properties

The healing properties of chalcedony have been known since antiquity. Various healers from the people classified it as a "healer of souls" and used it for a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state.

Modern lithotherapists note that the existing properties of chalcedony make it effective for the following problems:

  • nervous disorders;
  • relief of the condition during nervous exhaustion;
  • fighting depression;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity.

Traditional healers use the mineral to treat the following diseases:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • eye diseases;
  • bone diseases;
  • problems with the gallbladder and spleen.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Chalcedony Decoration" width="186" height="153">!} Ancient shamans and magicians attributed this mineral to the feminine principle. Among its magical properties, it was considered that a person would gain love, a family hearth and happiness.

Varieties of chalcedony, according to ancient people, are capable of:

  • increase the lactation of nursing mothers, provided that the stone is worn on the woman's chest;
  • protection is provided for the house if a chalcedony stone or product is stored in it;
  • providing financial well-being to the owner, provided that the artifact is worn on the middle finger;
  • endowing a person with beautiful speech, if the mineral is laid under the tongue.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Chalcedony Decoration" width="162" height="163">!} Modern jewelry is used by women in the form of an amulet to attract a worthy companion. It is believed that chalcedony:

  • prolongs the genus;
  • keeps family happiness;
  • contributes to the attractive appearance of its owner;
  • enhances potency;
  • improves intimate relationships;
  • helps in family life to cope with troubles.

The mineral variety of chalcedony with a blue tint is called the "Stone of Joy", it provides:

  • mood improvement;
  • the expulsion of dreary thoughts;
  • endowing the owner with the energy of life;
  • gives a person self-confidence.

How to distinguish a fake

Natural stone is durable. It is not only beautiful, but is considered unique in any samples. The planet does not get more deposits over the years, so unscrupulous traders can offer fake grape chalcedony or a stone of a different color. Fake stones differ from the natural type only with the use of modern technology, and the process must be performed by a specialist.

Dzhambul chalcedony, like other varieties, is an inexpensive stone. But this does not stop dishonest people; fakes are pressed from crushed glass or plastic.

What should prospective buyers be careful about? When taking black chalcedony in the form of a bracelet or beads, then pay attention that the stones are the same. Identical beads that do not look different are most likely not real. Nature does not create stones according to a pattern. Patterned or grape chalcedony will not provide a conveyor product.

Before purchasing jewelry or crafts with chalcedony, it is necessary to study the types of collection samples. To do this, attend exhibitions of gems, where the sale of raw materials is carried out. Chalcedony is characterized by nebula in color with tenderness of color. Under natural conditions, very bright shades are atypical.

Chalcedony and the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers determine the ratio of varieties of stones to certain zodiac signs. Chalcedony is characterized by a pacifying ability, they bring calmness, sobriety, clarity, are able to strengthen the spirit and spiritual balance. The stone restores the world, perfectly pacifies anger, and the owner will feel confident.

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="40" height="30">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="40" height="40"> Алхимики любили гелиотроп (халцедон зеленого цвета). Данный камень мудрецов и ученых рекомендуют носить, если знак зодиака соответствует Раку или Стрельцу. Людей это наделит счастьем.!}

Jpg" alt="Scorpio" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="a lion" width="40" height="40"> Если знак зодиака Скорпион, Телец или Лев, то носить нежелательно.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Plasma (apple-green chalcedony) is good for calves and calms unbalanced women.

Jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="40" height="40"> Для водолеев не подойдет мирный камень, соответствующий спокойствию и тишине.!}

Golden green chrysopas refers to the stone of novelty, change or invention. He is able to avert danger and provides patronage and protection for good deeds. If it is good for Aquarius, it will not work for Cancer and Leo.

A stone for scientists and wise people, it helps to learn foreign languages. This will work for any signs.