What color is spinel stone. Spinel is a rare precious mineral.

Colors than spinel. This bright mineral with play of light gives charm and warmth. Spinel (a stone, properties, the zodiac sign of which we will consider in this article) will certainly bring a happy life and love to its owner. But you need to know that this mineral has a changeable character, and requires careful attitude and worries.


Spinel is a stone (properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it suits, we will consider in this article) jewelry precious. It is classified as a rare and unusual crystal due to its rich color, physical properties and glitter. The minerals are mostly small in size. But sometimes specimens can be found that are over a foot long and weigh about a pood.

Depending on the location, color and transparency, the stones have different names: lal, noble spinel, celonite, rubicel, picotite. The crystals have a bright glassy luster. Pure stones are colorless and transparent, but they are very rare in nature. The red color of cameos determines the presence of chromium ions. With the presence of manganese, a lilac-red tint is associated, and with an admixture of iron, a yellowish hue is associated. The hardness of spinel is 8. This is 2 units less than that of diamond.


As a valuable jewelry stone, this mineral was first mentioned in the 13th century. At that time, these crystals were being mined in the Kuhilale deposit.

Only in the 19th century, due to the development of science, it turned out that spinel (a stone whose properties, the zodiac sign of which has been of interest to people for a long time) has only its inherent physical properties, and also belongs to a separate group of minerals. Many pieces of jewelry were examined after this, and it turned out that stones that were mistaken for rubies were actually spinels. The Black Prince Ruby is one of the most famous such stones in history. It was presented to the Prince of Wales and Aquitaine for military prowess in 1376 by the King of Castile.

Since 1415, Henry V began to own the famous mineral, who always carried it with him. During the Hundred Years War, the helmet of the monarch was split by a sword blow in one battle, while the king himself remained alive. Therefore, it is believed that the stone saved his life.

The ruby ​​of the Black Prince disappeared during the bourgeois revolution and royal family returned in 1660 with the restoration of the monarchy. From that moment on, he adorns the crowns of British monarchs.

The Timur Ruby crystal, which once belonged to the conqueror Tamerlane, weighs 361 carats. In the Louvre, there is a spinel that adorned the crown of the monarchs of France. The weight of this stone is 105 carats.

IN Diamond Fund of our capital, and today there is a crystal of dark red color, which was the decoration of the crown of Catherine the Great. Until recently, all these gems were considered natural rubies, and only with the help of progressive diagnostic methods, scientists managed to establish their true origin.

Spinel deposits

In the Pamirs, in the mines of Badakhshan, spinel is mined (stone, properties, zodiac sign and other details related to it, we consider in this article). This system of mountains passes through the territories of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The ruby ​​twin is also actively mined in Thailand. There are deposits in the Chantabu region. There, the mineral is found along with garnets and sapphires. The place was mentioned by Marco Polo under the name "Pomegranate Mines". Burma and Ceylon are also famous for their mineral deposits. Russia is not rich in spinel. Jewelry specimens were found only near the riverbed. Slyudyanka.

There is also the Malobystrinskoye deposit near Baikal. But here colorless spinel is the rarest type of mineral. It is valued much less than red, and is of great interest to geologists. The Urals are also famous for gems. Although only one color of spinel is found here - a green stone. The mineral is found in the Kochkar region in the south of the ridge. Due to its color, it is often mistaken for an emerald.

There are also shades. They are also mined in the Kochkar region (the Kamenka river). The largest spinel crystals have been found in Yakutia in Russia. In this place, at the Emeldzhak deposit in the Republic of Sakha, black samples are found. Emeldzhak spinel (stone) reaches a size of 8-12 cm. Its properties are similar to other types of minerals, while there is a special name - hercynite.


The stone has a large number of varieties that differ in color and degree of transparency.

Represents transparent crystals of different beautiful shades. The main deposits of these stones are Ceylon, Borneo and India:

  • purple - oriental amethyst;
  • ruby stone - rich red spinel;
  • orange-red - rubicella;
  • pink - ruby-bale;
  • pale blue or blue hue - sapphire spinel.

Ordinary spinel, pleonast or ceylonite is distinguished by its iron content. It has a dark brown or dark green color. In our country, many pleonast deposits are located in the Shishim and Nazyam mountains, in the Urals.

Picotite or black chrome spinel. In this stone, part of the aluminum is replaced by chromium.

Zinc spinel or ganite has blue tint, periodically with a purple tint. Here magnesium is replaced by zinc and iron.

Healing properties

The red mineral can support the human body in various viral diseases, stimulate immune system and improve blood circulation. Mineral powder in ancient times was used to improve the complexion and treat the stomach. It is believed that he can get rid of terrible dreams and cure lumbar pain.

The green mineral stabilizes metabolism and blood pressure, helps with joint pain and eye diseases. Pink crystal is used for skin diseases. It heals nerves and normalizes sleep. Lithotherapists recommend wearing a black gem for hypotensive patients. In addition, it can relieve pain and reduce bleeding. With diseases of the kidneys, lungs and liver, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system blue spinel will help - a stone, the properties of which we consider in detail in this article.

Use in antiquity for healing

The stone is very fragile, therefore, it can be easily ground into powder. Ancient physicians used given property gem, and the resulting powder was used to treat wounds and burns.

magical properties

The other side of the spinel stone is also interesting. Its magical properties can radically change human destiny in better side. But the gem helps only kind, sincere people who have good intentions. The crystal of its owner will rejuvenate spiritually and physically, energize, bring happiness and help to find friends. In the East, red gems are considered excellent sexual stimulants. Therefore, they are recommended to young people to attract the attention of women and increase sexual activity.

Rings or earrings with a mineral can attract love and family happiness. An amulet with a crystal was worn in Europe for quick rejuvenation. It was believed that he was able to prolong years. The overcoat is considered a talisman for people whose work requires quick decisions, as well as for travelers. You can not wear a talisman all the time. A stone can pump up energy, but it can also deprive its owner of his strength.

A bit of astrology

Recommended to wear various decorations with a mineral as an amulet for Libra, Pisces and Taurus. This will attract the favor of the opposite sex and good luck in their lives. A special support will be a stone for Pisces-women. The crystal is most suitable for people born under the sign of Leo. Thanks to him, they will be able to improve their strong-willed, as well as intellectual ability, get extra energy and strength. It is better for cancers not to wear jewelry from these gems. People who were born under this zodiac sign can be made too lazy by a gem.

Amulets and talismans

As mentioned above, a stone for Pisces, Lions, Taurus and Libra is excellent as a talisman. The gem does not suit Cancers and Scorpios at all. His spinel can make lazy and "blind in life." It is interesting that the representatives of these signs cease to notice flattery, lies, dangers. For all other people, information space channels can open if they carry a spinel stone with them.

Who is a mineral suitable for in terms of a professional field of activity? It is ideal for people who need to quickly make various decisions, often find themselves on business trips. These people choose spinel as their amulet. This mineral especially protects and becomes great helper drivers, air traffic controllers, doctors, journalists. Apparently, the stone helped Paracelsus in treating people, as well as learning new things, making the right decisions.

Other application

Gemstone spinel - jewelry. What is made of it? Red spinel is mainly used for necklaces and rings. The main number of large famous rubies in crowns, royal attire, treasuries turned out to be fake for a reason. Large garnets are almost never found. Much more often find imposing spinel stones. High-ranking persons wanted to take possession of large crystals that would emphasize their status and wealth. As a result, the seekers turned out to be the owners of the spinel stone. At the same time, the price was paid, as if for a pomegranate.

A twin mineral in jewelry replaces more than rubies. Spinel of blue color goes for sapphires, for emeralds - green. Black specimens are sometimes passed off as diamonds. Therefore, when buying earrings or a brooch, you should check the quality certificate that comes with the stone. Jewelers transparent samples bright tone called noble spinel. At the same time, the term “ordinary spinel” is indicated - this is a slightly cloudy brown, black or green spinel (a stone whose properties are given in the article above).

Jewelry craftsmen use natural synthetic stone more often. Differences from a real mineral are practically not visible live. Such crystals have a 2nd refraction of light. Therefore, visually distinguish artificial inserts from sapphire, garnet, topaz is almost impossible. Manufacturers take advantage of this. If natural mineral connoisseurs can identify, then common man it remains only to carry the stone for examination.


When buying such jewelry, you need to understand that the gem is very fragile and can wear off on the edges over time. Because of this, it should be handled with care. Jewelry with a mineral is best stored in a special box with an inner soft coating. Be sure to remove before doing any physical work. Wearing jewelry with such a crystal is not recommended daily.

The stone should be protected from impacts, falls, contact with the chemical environment. The gem should be cleaned once every 3-5 months with soapy water using a soft toothbrush.

Spinel stone is a very rare and original mineral. It has rich colors and magic glitter. The stone has many properties, which makes it very original and unusual. Spinel brings to its owner only good mood and happiness. But at the same time, he requires a benevolent attitude towards himself.

History and origin of the mineral

The name of the stone comes from the Latin word Shinelle - "little thorn". But many also attribute a Greek origin to his name, from the word Spinos - to shine, to sparkle.

For the first time, people learned about spinel as a precious stone from the lips of Marco Polo. In the 13th century, he ended up in the Pamir Mountains, where stone was mined. It turns out that it has been mined since the 9th century, but it was confused with and. Marco Polo discovered in the mineral its unique physical properties and told the world about them.

Since ancient times, without even knowing the name of the stone, it was already considered magical, mysterious and very beautiful. The most expensive things were decorated with spinel the richest people peace. In 1762, the crown of Catherine II was made, decorated with this particular stone. Also, the spinel stone is present in the famous Cap of Monomakh. Today, the mineral is equated to and.

Physical properties of spinel stone

  • The density of the stone is 3.72 g/cm.
  • Spinel class - Oxides.
  • Refraction - 1.76.
  • Hardness - 8 on the Mohs scale.
  • Has a glassy sheen.
  • The fracture of the stone is conchoidal.

Spinel contains magnesium and aluminum ions. The stone is very fragile and prone to the slightest damage when in contact with a hard surface.


The largest deposits are in Kampuchea, Thailand and Vietnam. Spinel is also mined in India, Madagascar. In Australia, you can also find a mineral, but not in such a large amount. Mostly black spinel is mined there.

Red spinel is considered a very rare species and is mined in Myanmar. Blue spinel found in Sri Lanka. It is believed that the healing and magical properties of spinel stone in blue and red are much higher.

Medicinal properties of spinel

The first mention of the medicinal properties of spinel comes from the healer Paracelsus. He used the powder of this stone to treat the most serious illnesses. It is believed that each spinel color also determines which ailment it will be useful for.

  1. green spinel. It helps to cope with severe headaches and migraines. Also, the properties of the spinel stone will help normalize blood pressure and help the heart work. For people who suffer from poor eyesight, it is often necessary to look at the green stone. It relaxes the eyes and restores their strength.
  2. Red spinel. Such a mineral gives the owner amazing immunity to flu and colds. It also helps blood circulate properly throughout the body. In the East, it is believed that red spinel gives great sexual energy to both men and women.
  3. Black spinel. The stone is used to heal wounds and bruises. He handles the most heavy bleeding. Black spinel is also used to increase pressure.
  4. Pink spinel. Soft color helps calm nervous system person. The properties of spinel stone relieve insomnia and frequent stress. It is also used to treat skin diseases. It is enough to attach pink spinel to the body and all rashes will soon pass.
  5. Blue spinel. Helps with any stomach ailments. Recommended for people who suffer overweight and are often malnourished. Blue spinel is used to treat diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

The magical properties of spinel

It is believed that this stone has powerful magical properties. Consider the most basic:

  • Turns the life of any person only for the better. Even if you are disappointed in everything, he will again be able to revive interest in life and give positive energy.
  • Spinel stone endows its owners with good luck and gives mutual love. Only you should always be sincere in your feelings, have only positive intentions and not try to harm others. Only then will the stone affect your success to the maximum.
  • Spinel develops the gift of predicting the future. The owners of the stone can make big plans in advance, which will definitely come true.
  • The stone negatively affects evil, greedy and vile people. It is better not to get in touch with spinel if you are negative. She will turn all anger and hatred against you.
  • The mineral gives men great sexual power. It helps to attract the weaker sex and create happy marriages. The properties of the spinel stone makes girls beautiful, attractive and helps to find a soul mate.

Talismans and amulets

Experts advise wearing a spinel stone in a gold setting. Then its full potential is revealed. It can be gold earrings, rings or necklaces with a stone. You can simply make an amulet by framing the spinel with gold and carry it with you every day.

The talisman from this stone has incredible energy. It helps to cope with laziness and start moving forward. Always take a talisman with you to work, training or study. It will help you to be as focused as possible, absorb knowledge and apply it in practice.

Be sure to wear spinel jewelry to important social events. The stone will help you communicate with big company people, throw back shyness and enjoy any holiday. On romantic dinner and on the first date, you also need to take a spinel amulet with you. The stone will help you in love and in creating happy family. Married couples should add spinel decorations to their home. It will help revive past passion and add to long relationship something new.

Spinel colors

Completely pure spinel, often referred to as noble spinel, has an almost transparent or colorless texture. Colored spinel appeared due to the combination of stone with various minerals in the natural environment. For example, red spinel was formed due to chromium ions. Purple stone is created using manganese.

If you meet a dark green stone, black or dark brown, then this is a spinel with a high percentage of iron.

Red or orange spinels are highly valued these days. The stone is very reminiscent precious ruby and attracts the attention of jewelers. Is considered expensive blue spinel, as very difficult to find in nature big stones this color.

Cheaper is purple and pink spinel. The lowest stone in price is gray or dark blue. Thanks to the research of scientists, it was possible to breed a rare type of aquamarine spinel.

How to distinguish a fake

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the price of the stone. If you are offered a cheap option, then it must be a fake. The cheapest stones cost from $30 per carat. More expensive red crystals start at $600 per carat.
  • Spinel stone does not have to be perfect. It may contain various inclusions and defects. This crystal is real.
  • Now they offer to buy spinel stones only with a special certificate of quality. It is provided by the really best jewelers. Therefore, we advise you to purchase such an expensive stone from them.

artificial spinel

Scientists have been able to create an artificial spinel. It's called "synthetic spinel". Externally, the stone is completely like the original. However, if you study it deeper, you can find the absence of many physical qualities. Synthetic spinel will no longer have the same magical and healing energy that is inherent in a real precious crystal.

Spinel Care

  1. The stone is very susceptible to any damage. So try to carefully wear jewelry and in no case drop it.
  2. Spinel can be polished once every 3 months, not more often. For this purpose, you can take a soft brush and a very weak soap solution. Remember to dry the stone after washing with a small towel.
  3. Keep the spinel in a separate box from other stones. It is best that it has a soft bottom.
  4. Be sure to remove all spinel jewelry when exercising and cleaning. In no case should the stone be in contact with chemicals.
  5. Do not wear items with spinel every day. Often wearing will lead to the fact that the stone will quickly lose its color, properties and be damaged. It is best to wear a spinel for important events where its strength comes in handy.

Spinel and zodiac signs

  • Great preference is given to the stone Lions. He gives all his energy to the maximum and gives a person a lot of strength to achieve success. The properties of the spinel stone improve the intellectual abilities of Lions.
  • Aquarius and Capricorn stone will help improve physical abilities.
  • Jewelry and amulets will be of great benefit to Pisces, Libra and Taurus. They will help in personal life and career growth. The mineral will also help to always make the right decisions and find a way out of difficult situations.
  • The stone is not recommended only for Cancers. It is better for such people not to contact with spinel, but to look for another stone suitable for themselves. Because the mineral will give Cancers additional peace and serenity. This can lead to job abandonment and laziness.
  • The largest pink spinel stone was found in 1986. He weighed over 5 kilograms.
  • It was possible to find rare species of spinel magenta and shades of indigo. Such copies are stored in world museums.
  • Do not give spinel jewelry to children and teenagers. The stone will awaken excess temperament, which can harm a teenager in life.
  • Experts do not recommend wearing spinel every day. The stone can influence you and drag you into a fantasy world. For many, it has a very calming effect and distracts from reality.
  • If you are engaged in creativity, drawing or writing music, then wear spinel rings on the index or ring finger on your left hand. You can also wear earrings with this stone. Then the spinel energy will give you additional inspiration, give you a lot of ideas and lead to the creation of a real masterpiece.
  • The more sincere and kinder you are with the stone, the more positive qualities he will open for you. Try not to deceive the spinel, do not hide the truth from it. Because only honest and kind people will get luck and happiness from this stone.
  • Don't wear black spinel if you're too impulsive. It is this color that can remind you of weakness and fear. So try to choose a different shade for yourself.
  • For travelers, the stone will be an excellent talisman. It will help you stay on track, always make the right decisions quickly and enjoy the process.
  • With nervous work, it is often recommended to turn to the help of a stone. You can tell him all the problems or just look at his magical color for a while. Believe me, you will immediately relax, calm down and be able to think clearly. In this state, you can find a way out of any situation.
  • The stone does not like to share its owner with other jewelry. Therefore, it is better for spinel owners to refuse to wear any other stones. Otherwise, the mineral may not reveal all its capabilities, and even, on the contrary, harm a person.
  • Spinel is an adornment of real rich people and kings. Therefore, choose the appropriate clothing for jewelry with this stone. It doesn't have to be simple and everyday. Your appearance must be so chic that the stone can harmoniously fit into your image.

Spinel is a beautiful gemstone of the first order. Due to its extraordinary physical properties, brilliance and color saturation, spinel is one of the rare and unusual stones.

History of the stone

The first mention of spinel as a jewelry stone belongs to the traveler Marco Polo, who visited the Pamirs in the 13th century. Here, in the Kukhilale deposit, located in the southwest of the Pamirs, spinel mining began in the 9th century. True, in those days it was confused with corundum and rubies. So the famous traveler wrote about the spinel deposit as “ruby mines”.

Only years later, thanks to the development of science, it was possible to find out that it is a separate group of minerals with physical properties inherent only to it.

However, this stone has been loved since antiquity. It has always been one of the most expensive and rare minerals. They decorated their clothes and symbols of power with the rulers of different countries: Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain:

  • Spinel, and not rubies, as previously assumed, is used to decorate the famous "Cap of Monomakh".
  • The imperial crown of Catherine II, made in 1762, is inlaid with spinel.
  • The British crown is adorned with eminent spinels, which were previously classified as rubies: "Black Prince" and "Timur".
  • The “rubies” with which the Wittelbach crown was encrusted in 1830 turned out to be drop-shaped spinels.

Description of the mineral

Spinel is an independent group of minerals, which includes shiny transparent and opaque stones. different color. It can be either absolutely colorless or gray, blue, blue, purple, pink, orange, green, yellow, red and even black. The most valued among jewelers are spinel of red shades, reminiscent of ruby ​​in color, as well as neon-blue stones. Large specimens of spinels are extremely rare and highly valued.

There are two versions of the origin of the name spinel.

  1. According to the first, the word "spinel" has Greek roots and comes from the word "spinos", which translates as "spark".
  2. According to another version, the name of the stone comes from the word "spina", which in Latin means the word "thorn".

In different countries in different times named this stone in their own way:

  • In Rus', these beautiful red stones were called lalom.
  • In Europe, spinel was called the word "balas", in accordance with the ancient name of the Afghan province of Badakhshan (Balas), from where the stones were brought to Europe.
  • In France, the stone was first called "ruby bale", and later, when spinel was identified as a separate group of minerals - "spinel bale".

There are other names for this stone and its varieties: ceylonite, picotite, rubicelle.


There are a large number of varieties of spinel, which differ colors and degree of transparency. However, only a part of them are precious stones and belong to jewelry.

So, the following are considered the most valuable:

  • ruby spinel- saturated red shades;
  • bale ruby- beautiful pink-red color;
  • almandine spinel- purple-red hue;
  • rubicelle- red with a yellow or orange-red tint;
  • chlorospinel- bright green or bottle color;
  • sapphire spinel- blue and pale blue;
  • pleonast- dirty green color with a brown tint;
  • ceylonite- dark green color;
  • ganospinel- blue, sometimes with a slight purple tint.

Chemical composition and physical properties

According to its chemical composition, spinel is a complex oxide of magnesium and aluminum. Its chemical formula without impurities: MgAl2O4.

IN chemical composition includes:

  • magnesium (Mg) - 28.2%;
  • aluminum oxide (Al2O3) - 71.8%.

Often, spinel crystals contain impurities of oxides of iron (Fe2O3), zinc (ZnO), manganese (MnO) and chromium (Cr2O3), which determine the color of the stone. It should be noted that the color of the spinel is uniform.

Depending on the content various impurities it can acquire the most unexpected shades - from colorless to black.

The degree of transparency of the mineral also differs. Spinel crystals can be either completely transparent or cloudy. They have a beautiful glassy sheen. True, after gem-cutting, spinel inserts can lose their luster and wear off at the corners and edges of the faces as a result of prolonged wear.

Usually in nature, spinel occurs in the form of crystals not large sizes, which are sometimes combined into druze.

The hardness of spinel on the Mohs scale is quite high and is 8 units, however, the presence of impurities such as chromium and iron oxide can reduce it to 7-7.5 units. The density of the mineral is 3.57-3.72 g/cm3.

Place of Birth

The most famous large deposits spinels are found today in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Kampuchea, Burma, Vietnam and, of course, Tajikistan (in the Pamirs). Smaller spinel deposits are found in Madagascar, Australia, India and Afghanistan.

The best specimens of pink and red spinels are found in Tajikistan, Tanzania and Myanmar (in the Mogok region), while blue ones are found in Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

The healing properties of the mineral

According to lithotherapists, spinel:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • effective for injuries;
  • helps in the treatment of skin lesions;
  • useful in acute infections;
  • beneficial effect on vision;
  • relieves muscle and joint pain.

Various medicinal properties have different varieties.

  1. Red:
    • stimulates the immune system;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • helps with paralysis;
    • increases sexual activity.
  2. Pink:
    • helps with nervous diseases;
    • normalizes sleep;
    • cures skin diseases.
  3. Green:
    • helps restore metabolism;
    • supports cardiac activity;
    • stabilizes blood pressure;
    • helps with eye diseases;
    • relieves headache and joint pain.
  4. Blue helps with:
    • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • lung diseases;
    • liver diseases;
    • kidney disease;
    • dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  5. Black:
    • helps to relieve pain in case of injuries;
    • reduces bleeding;
    • raises the pressure.

magical properties

Spinel is a stone with strong magical properties. It is even believed that this stone is capable of radically change the fate of a person and, most importantly, for the better.

True, spinel helps only kind, sincere people with good intentions. For such owners, spinel will bring good luck in love, the ability to predict the future and help in the implementation of good goals.

But for evil, greedy and soulless people, it’s better not to touch this stone, because. spinel can harm them and even destroy them.

In the East magical power spinels have long been used to restore male strength and attract sexual energy. Unmarried women wore spinel jewelry to attract love into life.

Spinel and zodiac signs

According to astrologers, spinel is most suitable for people born under the sign of Leo. It is to them that this stone will give energy and additional strength, help improve volitional and intellectual abilities.

Jewelry with spinel as an amulet is also useful for such signs of the zodiac as: Libra, Pisces and Taurus.

But Cancers should avoid such an amulet.

Application of the mineral

The only area of ​​application of spinel is jewelry. True, not all spinels are equally valuable to jewelers. So, the most valuable for making jewelry are spinels of red, pink, purple, neon blue and black, which are processed in brilliant or step cut, and of the least interest are gray-blue specimens.

  • The largest instance of pink spinel was found in the Pamirs in 1986. His weight was over 5 kg.
  • London, British Museum natural history two large famous specimens of spinel are kept. The mass of each of them is more than 500 carats.
  • Valuable large specimens of spinel are stored in the famous treasury of the Iranian Shah, which is located in Tehran. Their mass is 500 and 225 carats.
  • The Louvre shows its visitors a faceted spinel weighing 105 carats of an unusual red hue.
  • In the USA, in the New York Museum of Natural History, you can see a red spinel brought from Sri Lanka. Its mass is 71.5 carats.
  • Delightful samples of spinel are also presented in another US museum - the Smithsonian Institution, which is located in Washington: a purple spinel brought from Ceylon weighing 45.8 carats, a spinel of saturated purple weighing 29.7 carats, an indigo spinel brought from Burma weighing 36 carats, and a beautiful red spinel weighing 34 carats.

How to distinguish natural spinel from a fake

The main difference between natural spinel and fakes is its price. The stone is quite expensive.

So, the cost of the cheapest variety of gray-blue spinel is $ 25 per 1 carat.

Next in price is purple spinel. Its cost reaches 200 dollars/carat.

Pink spinel will cost from 100 to 300 dollars / carat.

The most expensive red spinel costs $600/carat.

Accordingly, the lower price of the stone should alert the buyer.

  1. Determining the naturalness of spinel, it is also worth paying attention to its inherent inclusions and possible defects, and most importantly, the uniformity of color.
  2. The most reliable guarantee of the authenticity of the spinel will be a certificate for it.


When purchasing spinel, it should be remembered that this is a rather fragile stone that can wear off on the edges over time, so you need to handle it with extreme care:

  • Store in a separate box (preferably with a soft inner lining).
  • Do not wear jewelry with this stone daily.
  • Remove before doing physical work, including household chores.
  • Protect from bumps and falls.
  • Keep away from contact with aggressive chemical environment.
  • Clean no more than once every 3-5 months with a soft brush and mild soapy water.


Spinel is a deceiver stone that has been present on crowns for centuries, like its more expensive counterpart, the ruby.

Spinel surpasses ruby ​​in its brilliance and depth.

It can be scarlet red, mysterious green, pale blue, deep green and even jet black. The beauty of a stone can only be overshadowed by the beauty of its history.

History and origins

The name of the stone - spinel - Spinell, came to us from the German language. This word may have Latin roots, from spina ("thorn"), which can be associated with pointed crystals, or Greek - from the word σπίν (ν) ος ("shine").

Gem mining has been carried out since ancient times, the first information about mining in the Pamir mountains since the 9th century has come down to us thanks to Marco Polo, a traveler of the 13th century. He called the spinel deposits "ruby mines". The fact is that all valuable red-pink gemstones were then called "lal", without division: spinel, ruby, garnet, red tourmaline.

This word, which has roots in Hindi and Farsi, was passed down for generations in different ethnic groups for centuries, was used in ordinary speech and trade until the 13th century, along with the collective concepts of other precious stones: yahont and carbuncle. It has been preserved in the folk epic. Then, until the 18th century, the name “lal” (“lall”) was used only with respect to red spinel as a stone inferior in its jewelry value to ruby, but superior to garnet and other red gems that fall into this group.

Due to its beauty, rich color, hardness and transparency, it is not easy to distinguish spinel from other stones of high jewelry value. This became possible only with the development of technology and chemical analysis. Only 150 years ago, the stone received its name and deserved place among the gems, and this was a period of exposure.

It turned out that collectors, in museums, in the crowns of European dynasties, in the treasuries of the Persian shahs kept not rubies, but beautiful specimens of spinel.

The most famous impostor spinels:

  • The stone on the crown of Persian shahs from the treasury of the fallen Mughal Empire. Most big Stone in history - 500 carats, accompanied by more than twenty 100-carat "pebbles".
  • 170 carat spinel on the crown of the British Empire. Until the 20th century, this stone was known as the "Black Prince" ruby, bringing misfortune to all owners, until, in a strange way, it ended up in England.
  • "Timur Ruby" 361 carats, decorated with the names of six owners. Now owned by the British Crown and kept in Buckingham Palace.
  • In the treasuries of the Romanovs, the royal "ruby" of 414 carats was kept.
  • The crown of the Russian Empire of Catherine II, the property of the Diamond Fund of Russia, is decorated with a spinel of 398.72 carats.

Physicochemical characteristics

MgAl2O4 - spinel has a high degree isomorphism of the contained metals: part of the magnesium and aluminum ions can be replaced by metal ions with a comparable size without changing the basic properties.

Magnesium ions are replaced by iron, sometimes zinc, and part of the aluminum by iron or chromium. Without affecting the basic properties in any way, this determines the color of the mineral.

ColorColorless, red, pink, blue, green, purple, yellow
TransparencyTransparent to translucent
Density3.57-3.72 g/cm³

Mining place

Spinels are formed under conditions high temperatures. Most of them are not of mineralogical value, some may be of industrial importance. Ores of metals titanium, iron and others, which are spinels, form physical indicators magnetic properties of rocks.

On the surface, they are resistant to weathering, so they are mined in placers. They are found as single crystals 10–12 carats in size, more often in the form of an octahedron or dodecahedron. Sometimes they form drusen.

Speaking of spinel deposits, they consider the extraction of precisely the noble variety. As a rule, crystals are small in size - 10-12 carats, that is, about 2 grams. Most big crystal- pink spinel - found in the mines of Tanzania, its size is 30 x 30 x 25 cm and weighs about 25 kg.

Spinel is mined in India, Afghanistan, Madagascar, Australia. The largest deposits are in Sri Lanka, Kampuchea, Thailand, Burma.

The red variety, the most valuable, often accompanies the ruby ​​in deposits. An example of this: the Tajik field Kuhilal (Pamir), a mining site in Myanmar (Mogok).

Minerals are mined together to avoid errors, despite the differences in crystals. After cutting, it is more difficult to distinguish them. When identifying stones, special equipment is needed to measure the density and other physical properties of the sample.

Varieties and colors

Spinel is a large group of minerals that are complex oxides. Only a small part of them, called noble spinel, are semi-precious and precious stones. Their value is determined by clarity, transparency and size, but the first significant criterion is color:

  • Spinel without impurities is watery-transparent, like a diamond; when cut, it loses by the absence of a characteristic play of light on the edges.
  • Ruby spinel. It is painted in deep red from an admixture of chromium, like a ruby. It is the most expensive variety of spinel. Its cost per 1 carat can reach up to 1000 dollars.

  • Bale-ruby - pink-red. Her purple shades gives manganese. In 1951, a specimen weighing 5.1 kg was found in the Pamirs.
  • Almadin - purple-red.

    Almadine spinel

  • Rubicella - yellow, orange-red. Iron adds yellowness.

  • Sapphire - blue, blue, extremely rare in nature. At a cost deep blue samples High Quality immediately followed by ruby ​​spinel.

  • Chlorospinel - bright green tones due to the presence of chlorine. Single specimens were found on the Kamenka River (South Ural).
  • Ganospinel - blue, sometimes with a purple tint.

  • Pleonast (ceylonite) - brown tones - green, black, brown, contains a large amount of iron, opaque or translucent. These are the most common spinels, there are crystals of large sizes - up to 30 cm. Deposits in Yakutia, the Ural Mountains.

  • Picotite - with chromium, which has displaced some of the aluminum.

  • Hercynite is black with dark green, where magnesium is replaced by iron. Crystals found in Yakutia reached 12 cm.

Medicinal properties

The healing effect of the stone:

  • red - improves performance of cardio-vascular system, increases immunity, gives sexual energy;
  • black - helps to increase pressure, relieve pain; relieve pain of the articular and vertebral, which came with age;
  • pink - has a calming effect, helps to cope with emotions;
  • green - removes headache;
  • blue - normalizes the system internal organs, will improve the skin, hair and the whole body.

The powder obtained by rubbing the stone - a hemostatic, wound healing, antiseptic agent, was used by our ancestors. In the Far East, it is still being used today.

Spinel can bring metabolic disorders, liver disease.

Color, which in general does not add to its popularity, attracts all kinds of magicians, sorcerers and people interested in occult affairs. When using it in rituals, you must keep magic stone fingers, avoiding contact with the palm of your hand. Otherwise, you will acquire an enemy in the face of a former ally. The black stone definitely looks magical. Like other stones of this color, it carries some qualities: how an energy channel can become a talisman, but it can also help to bring damage to the owner of the stone.

Beads with black spinel

Black color, as absorbing all colors, unites in itself healing and magical properties spinels of the whole spectrum.

Daily wear is shown only to self-confident people - major figures, accomplished individuals. In other cases, you should not wear it all the time, without exacerbating your flaws. Yes, and the stone must be restored - in order to wash off the burden of negativity from it, you need to rinse it in running water and let it rest in the dark.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Spinel, so different in colors and energy, is of interest.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated).

When choosing a spinel jewelry or amulet, you need to take into account its fiery essence.

Compatibility with other stones

Noble spinel should be worn in gold to enhance its characteristics.

The complex question of the compatibility of stones is decided for us by mineralogical astrology. Spinel belongs to the fiery element, combined with the minerals of the element of Air, mutually reinforcing the properties and not conflicting.

Spinel has three patron planets: the Sun, Venus and Jupiter with rhythms that affect the stone and the owner. This indicates the inconsistency of the mineral and inconstancy. The Wheel of Fortune is always in motion, a chance can go away, happiness is replaced by disappointments and hardships.

Being complex and contradictory, spinel requires attention to its individuality. Even if it is only one ring or pendant, a product with such a stone will not go unnoticed and will testify to your undoubted taste.

Application area

Opaque pleonast - ornamental, specimens with purity and beautiful shades can be used as noble mineral. Due to the controversial attitude towards blacks and dark stones(partly an anachronism), the prices for products are more democratic. Original and large crystals are valued by collectors.

Picotite is often used as an ornamental material and can be confused with black sapphires or garnets. Picotite beads can be purchased from 5-15 thousand, often used in bracelets, beads and as inserts in more complex jewelry.

High quality spinel is an expensive gemstone second only to diamonds and rubies. When cut, spinel can surpass ruby ​​in saturation, depth and brilliance, but is inferior in hardness, smoothing out in the corners and on the edges of the faces. Used when creating jewelry extra class.

Dark varieties of the gem in the absence of sunlight may seem gloomy, light ones, even in low light, look impressive without losing their radiance. The impact on the price of a stone is not only color, but also uniformity, transparency, clarity, size (price per 1 carat increases with the size of the stone), processing, and its historical value. The market value of a noble spinel ranges from $25 per carat (ganospinel) to $500 (red and sapphire spinels).

Pink and ruby ​​spinel

Cut - brilliant or stepped. With the manifestation of asterism (optical effect - the appearance of a star-shaped figure when illuminated), which looks better with a convex surface, is processed with a cabochon.

How to distinguish a fake

Spinel cost is the main criterion. Gray-blue variety - ganospinel, from $ 25 per 1 carat. Maximum price, from 500 dollars, - ruby ​​spinel.

Natural spinel, like other transparent natural stones, may contain small internal defects: blackouts, turbidity, blotches. It is very difficult to identify a fake by eye, so it is better to make a purchase from trustworthy jewelers.

The sale of jewelry of this level must be accompanied by the presentation of a certificate of quality.

Synthetic spinel

Synthesis of spinel is carried out according to the Verneuil method (like ruby, sapphire). Instead of natural ones, the addition of ions of lithium, copper, calcium, cadmium, etc. is used. Artificial spinel, corresponding in its properties to its analogue, is used in ceramics, radio engineering, instrument making and other narrow industrial purposes.

Synthetic spinel

Jewelry synthetic spinel is dyed in blue, green and aquamarine tones. In addition to imitation of the actual natural spinel, it is used like other precious stones, for example, artificial alexandrite. Like natural alexandrite, the stone has the ability to change color. Depending on the lighting, blue to purple hues can be seen.

How to wear and care

Spinel should be stored in a box with soft walls, separate from other decorations - its edges can be erased.

The mineral loses its natural luster from sun rays, he is shown storage in the dark.

It is better to remove the decoration during training and physical work. Except mechanical damage the influence of moisture, sweat, chemicals will negatively affect the stone.

silver ring with spinel

Stone care is carried out as needed. Stone cleaning, preferably no more than 4 times a year. It is performed in a soapy solution, with a soft brush, with good rinsing in running water. Then dry with a soft cloth.


Since ancient times, when man's relationship with the world was based on the deification and animation of natural objects, people have been looking for symbolism, meaning, based on history, mythology, astrology, esotericism and pseudoscientific layers. A person is attracted by the magical component of life. If you attach serious, especially mystical significance to this, then you need to consciously choose your stone.

If you are a pragmatic person who does not expect a miracle or a dirty trick from a stone, then communication with a stone will bring you wonderful moments of contemplation. This is the exchange of energy.

If you decide to become the owner of spinel, then it, being a difficult and expensive stone, requires a careful approach to the choice when buying.

Spinel stone enjoys special attention in jewelry circles. This mineral is rare. By itself, it is a compound of magnesium oxide and aluminum. There are several versions of the origin this stone. If translated from German, then the “thorn” comes out - this is a characteristic of the shape of the crystal, it is pointed. And if translated from Greek, then the “chaffinch” comes out - this is a characteristic of color.

Not only does the stone have many different qualities, it is no less valued for the color that impurities give it. This mineral has one interesting feature which is unique to him. Each color has its own unique shade. For example, orange gives off pink, green has a bluish tint, red also has a pinkish tint.

This stone is considered a rare gem due to its magnificent brilliance, extraordinary palette and various physical characteristics. Even in ancient times, the owners of an ornament or an amulet made of spinel were prophesied love and happiness. The essence of the mineral is that it changes.

So it must be treated with care.

From the history

The first mention of spinel as jewelry stone belong to Marco Polo after he visited the Pamirs in the 13th century. In this place, the mineral began to be mined in the 9th century. Only at that time it was still constantly confused with corundum and ruby. Therefore, it is not surprising that the traveler mentioned that there are deposits in the Pamirs not of spinels, but of "rubies".

Years passed, science developed. And only then it was possible to find out that spinel is a separate group of minerals, which is characterized by special physical properties.

Whatever it was, but our ancestors chose this stone. It has always been considered expensive and rare.

The mineral was used as an ornament.

For example:

  • the same “Monomakh's hat” is decorated with spinel;
  • the crown of Catherine II, which was made in 1762, was inlaid with this stone;
  • a rare mineral can also be found on the British crown.

About varieties and colors

Noble, or pure, spinel has a watery-transparent structure. Or it can be completely colorless, which is extremely rare. In most cases, already colored stones are mined, on the creation of which mineral additives “worked”. That is why there are stones of blue, red, green, brown, pink and black colors. The spinel stone owes its red hue to chromium ions.

Due to the admixture of iron, the mineral becomes yellowish.


  1. Noble spinel. This variety is almost completely transparent. She has species that are distinguished by beautiful rich colors.
  2. Ordinary. This is a gem whose structure contains iron. This stone has green, black and brown shades.
  3. Chrome. This is a black spinel, the structure contains a lot of chromium.
  4. Zinc. In its composition, magnesium was replaced by zinc and iron.

But modern mineralogy does not provide a very deep classification of spinel. Because of this, not every species is a precious stone, and ultimately does not carry any value for jewelers. For example, spinel of dark shades (brown and black) can be considered as such. It belongs to the ordinary category. Because of this, jewelers do not pay any attention to her.

Much more they appreciate the red and orange spinel stone. Blue spinel and neon are in demand. In nature, large specimens are rarely found, which is the reason for the high price.

In terms of pricing, the most expensive option is red spinel. Further the price decreases - purple and pink variations.

The cheapest are blue and gray mineral.

Under laboratory conditions, it was possible to remove spinel absolutely different colors. The blue spinel is the most popular. Outwardly, it looks like aquamarine and sapphire.

The extraction of crystals takes place in Thailand, on the territory of Kampuchea, in Vietnam. In addition, spinel stone is mined in India and Tajikistan, Australia and Madagascar. As for Russia, here this mineral was found in the Urals. And the most expensive red spinel can be found in Myanmar.

In general, there is another classification of spinel varieties. But these terms are conditional. For example, a red-orange stone is called a fiery spinel. Red and purple are called ruby. stone with purple hues called the almandine variety. Any stone with signs of blue is considered a sapphire. With a bluish tint, the crystal is simply called blue spinel. There is even a brown stone, ie. picotite. There are also trade names for spinels. And there are a lot of them.

Quite often there are fakes of this stone. First of all, the price should alert. It is the low cost that indicates that something is wrong. Even the cheapest kind of stone costs about $25.

Due to the fact that the mineral is rare and expensive, scientists decided to try to synthesize its artificial counterpart. Synthetic mineral spinel was obtained quickly. Although everything happened spontaneously. However, after a successful experiment, the production of synthetic material began. And in practice, they continue to study the properties of the stone and its application.

In general, spinel has a bad reputation. This happened due to the fact that for a long time Europeans confused it with corundum, ruby ​​and sapphire. This continued almost until the beginning of the 19th century. As a result, it turned out that some historical rubies and sapphires turned out to be spinels. This fact has become known thanks to modern gemological verification. Only once was spinel not confused with corundum. It happened even before our era in India. There was also a deposit of this crystal at that time.

They do not particularly like this mineral due to the fact that many synthetic analogues can be found on the wide market.

Natural product

A natural mineral with a reverse effect stands apart. It is worth noting the fact that most often people are aware of the synthetic analogue, which in best case worth a dollar per carat. Natural spinel is less common and can cost as much as $500 for a 1 carat spinel. Can change color. The synthetic counterpart has all the characteristics of a natural one.

The only thing missing is the ability to refract light.

When buying natural spinel, be vigilant. The price of the stone is unstable. It is influenced by personal evaluation criteria of jewelers.

As a rule, the crystal is used mainly as a jewelry insert when creating necklaces, bracelets and large rings. You can even meet beads with this stone.

Spinel is similar to other stones. It is necessary to approach its definition carefully, because it is very easy to make a mistake.

magical properties

Spinel also carries the strongest magical properties. This gem can help a person in the direction of his destiny in a positive direction. With it, you will even be able to find the forces that will help you be reborn. However, spinel magic will only help those with good and sincere intentions. With the help of a gem, you can attract good luck and love.

The stone helps in achieving goals, to see the future and upcoming events.

If you are an evil and greedy person with bad intentions, then you should not encounter this mineral. It is not even recommended to touch it. Because it can harm you.

Spinel has an energy connection immediately with 3 celestial bodies. These are Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. This is connected with the fact that the strength of the stone is a fickle phenomenon: it can act either to the maximum or partially.

Most of all, the magical properties of a stone are revealed when it is framed by a gold frame. Eastern culture advises using the stone as an amplifier of sexual energy.

Jewelry with such a mineral helps to restore masculine strength.

Medicinal properties

In addition to magical properties, the gem also has healing characteristics. Moreover, they have been known for a long time. For the first time, the healer Paracelsus wrote about such a characteristic of the stone. A powder was made from the mineral, which helped in the treatment of diseases.

Experts have confirmed the fact that spinel has therapeutic effect. If you prepare a powder from a stone, it will help you improve your health. The mineral is valued for its general strengthening characteristics. In addition, it is able to activate blood circulation.

Spinel powder effectively fights skin diseases, helps to get rid of pain in muscles and joints. If you constantly wear jewelry from such a gem, you can improve eye health.

Each variety of spinel has its own medicinal properties. For example, red spinel has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps improve blood circulation, heals paralysis, and increases sexual activity.

Pink spinel will be useful for those who have problems with nerves, with sleep, there are skin diseases. Green spinel restores metabolism, participates in cardiac activity, normalizes blood pressure, helps with eye diseases, relieves headaches and joint pain.

With the help of a blue stone, you can get rid of an upset gastrointestinal tract. It will be effective in diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys. This variety of crystal will help those who have problems with the endocrine system.

With the help of black spinel, you can get rid of pain after injury, reduce bleeding and increase blood pressure.

Stone properties for zodiac signs

Since the stone has a powerful magic power, he is able to save a person from loneliness, helps to find happiness and love. But do not forget about the capricious and rather complex nature of the gem. Experts recommend wearing jewelry with a mineral all the time so that the action is effective.

To enhance the effect of the stone, it must be used as an element of a ring or earring. If you decide to opt for a ring, then put it on the ring finger of your left hand. It can also be worn on the index finger.

The sign of the zodiac also matters in determining the properties of the stone. This is the symbol of Leo. However, it can be worn by other representatives of fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius). The gem helps to improve many qualities of a person - intellectual, physical.

Helps to gain strength and energy.

In terms of health, these crystals will be useful to Taurus and Libra. They are especially effective in this regard for Pisces. The stone will give this sign additional strength, which will be needed by those who spend most of their time traveling and making decisions.

The stone gets its dark color due to the admixture of iron. Weaken this shade by oxidation at the time of calcination. At a temperature of 1000 ° C, the blue color can be turned into a bluish-green. If you increase the temperature by another 400 degrees, you can get an olive green tint, and then bring it to yellow.

For information

The only area where spinel stone is used is jewelry. But it is worth remembering that not every type of stone is valuable for a jeweler.

Most often, the stone is used in rings and necklaces. In these cases, red spinel is used. The counterpart of the mineral is the ruby. alternative blue stone considered sapphire, green - emerald. A black sample may be perceived as a dark diamond.

In order not to be deceived, it is worthwhile to clarify the presence of a quality certificate when buying, which the stone should have.

A sample of saturated tone received the name noble spinel from jewelers. Jewelers often use synthetic stone spinels. Laboratory crystals have a double refraction of light. So it is almost impossible to distinguish a synthetic insert from a garnet or sapphire purely visually. This is actively used by manufacturers.

Interesting Spinel Facts:

  1. The largest specimen of pink spinel was found in the Pamirs in 1986. The stone weighed over 5 kg.
  2. The Natural History Museum in London has two large specimens. Each of them is about 500 carats.
  3. Equally valuable are the copies that are stored in the treasury of the Iranian Shah. The mass of these minerals is 500 and 225 carats.
  4. In the Louvre, you can see a spinel weighing 105 carats. At the same time, the stone has an unusual red tint.
  5. A red overcoat was brought to America, the mass of which is 71 carats, its place of origin is Sri Lanka.
  6. In the United States, in general, many specimens of spinel can be found. So, an interesting copy was brought from Ceylon - its mass is 45.8 carats, the color is purple.

The stone, which was given the name "Ruby of the Black Prince", received wide popularity. Where he was found is still unknown. The first mention of this mineral dates back to 1367. The crystal was placed in the royal treasury of Granada. Part of this cache was taken over by the Castilian king. During the battle of Nager, the Castilian king was supported by the son of the king of England, who was called the Black Prince. For this he received gem. After the "ruby" went to Henry 5, who used it to decorate his helmet. In one of the battles, it was he who helped him avoid death by protecting him from a fatal blow. At the moment, the famous stone is on the State Crown of the British Empire. It was decided not to change the shape of the stone. It's just been polished.

Spinel began to belong to a special group of minerals only in the 19th century. Both in the East and in Rus', a precious gem of a red hue was called lal. This name was retained until the stone was separated from other gems. Even the spinel, which is located on the crown of Catherine 2, was considered a ruby.

The Hermitage keeps a pendant with an inserted spinel. Moreover, its size is compared with the size of a large plum. Once this decoration belonged to the English pirate Francis Drake.

If you are a person who belongs to a creative profession (painting, making music), then this advice is for you: put a ring in which this crystal is present on the ring finger on your left hand. Then you will feel a surge of additional inspiration, you will have many new ideas, and the stone will help in their implementation.

Treat the stone with kindness and sincerity. Then it will open up to you in a more positive way. But do not try to deceive the crystal and hide the truth from it. Only honest and good people can count on good luck and happiness from this mineral.

Too impulsive people are contraindicated in black spinel.

Otherwise, the stone can weaken and frighten them. So it is better to choose any other shade.

This is a wonderful talisman for those who travel a lot. With a stone, you will never go astray, it will help you always choose what is right. In addition, it will help to get satisfaction from the process.

If you have nervous work, then you should turn to the stone for help. You can express all your problems to him or just enjoy his magical color for a while. Be sure that you will feel relaxed, calm down, your thoughts will become fresh. In this state, you will be able to find a way out of any situation.

The stone does not like it when its owner uses other jewelry. So if you have spinel, then other decorations will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the stone may refuse to reveal all its capabilities. It may even cause harm.

In general, spinel is considered an adornment of people from high society, the rich and kings. So under this stone you will need an appropriate outfit. It is necessary to choose not simple and not everyday attire. Your appearance should be so chic that the stone can harmoniously fit into the overall image.

How to care for a gem?

When you buy a spinel stone, remember that it is quite fragile. Over time, it can wear off on the edges. So it must be handled with extreme care.

Prepare a separate box for storage. Best with soft coating inside. Jewelry with this crystal should not be used daily. If you plan to do physical work or any household work, then the jewelry should be removed. Try to avoid bumps and falls of the stone. Make sure that the stone is not exposed to an aggressive chemical environment. Cleaning should be done no more than once every 3-5 months with a soft brush and mild soap solution.