How to clean faux fur (fur coat and inserts on boots, collar, sleeves). How to clean fur at home

Faux fur is very popular today: it is used for sewing clothes, shoes, toys, pillows, rugs, bedspreads. How to take care of such products, how to clean faux fur from dirt that has appeared over time at home, because dry cleaning services are very expensive? For example, how to clean artificial white fur on shoes or on the hood of a jacket? There are special folk remedies and methods for this.

It's no secret that faux fur is much easier to care for than real fur. Some natural fur products can be washed, but this can only be done if the label of the product contains information that this product can be washed. You can also find other useful icons on labels that will tell you how to take care of this item and how to take care of it.

How to clean faux white fur

If the label of the product has a washing permission for the item, it is recommended to wash it by hand at a temperature of about 40 ° C using various special or universal detergents. You can wash faux fur in a washing machine (if it is allowed on the label or in the instructions for the product), but only in the most gentle mode (such a program is present, if not in all, then in most modern washing machines.

Before washing, the faux fur product must be thoroughly cleaned from the front and back sides. This can be done by using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or a clean clothes brush, which should be used to remove pieces of dried dirt and dust.

Washing faux fur

In order to clean faux fur, you should prepare a simple soapy solution, in which you can add washing powder or good laundry soap, you can also add shampoo or liquid soap.

In the resulting solution, moisten the brush and gently clean the artificial fur on the product, after which it must be gently and lightly rinsed with warm running water.

You can also clean with the same solution using a foam sponge, wetting it in the solution, and run over the fur until it is free of dust and dirt. After that, you need to wash off the soap suds on the fur with a clean, damp cloth, and then blot the fur with a paper towel.

How to clean faux fur at home

How to dry faux fur: Dry faux fur items at room temperature. Fur must not be dried near heating devices: radiators, fireplaces, etc. Also, you can not dry the fur on the batteries of steam heating.

If the artificial white fur turned yellow. Almost any white thing, including white faux fur, turns yellow over time. If white fur cannot be washed, and yellow spots have already appeared on it, you should mix water with lemon juice in a ratio of one to one. Then we wet the brush in this solution and very carefully remove the yellowness.

You can return the whiteness to the initially yellowed white fur with the help of such a folk remedy: 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide 3% should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. This solution should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the artificial fur. After that, you should hang (if it is clothes) the product on a hanger or put it (if it is shoes) on the street in sunny weather (for example, on the balcony). Completely dried fur must then be combed with a brush with blunt teeth.

Another folk remedy that can restore whiteness to yellowed white fur: you should pour warm water, add a little blue there to get a pale blue solution. Soak a clean foam sponge in this solution, wring it out slightly and wipe the fur over the pile. in order not to spoil the product, you should first practice on some inconspicuous area.

How to store white faux fur so that it does not turn yellow: store the fur or product with it by wrapping it in blue paper.

How to get stains out of faux fur

Removing stains on white faux fur. On the Internet, information was found that tells about removing stains on collars and cuffs with a rubber sponge soaked in gasoline, after which the product needs to be well ventilated. There is also information that with the help of gasoline and starch, mixed in equal parts (from a 1: 1 ratio), greasy stains can also be removed. The method is simple: the resulting substance is rubbed into the contaminated area, then the fur is dried, after complete drying, the product is removed with a brush. We have not tested these methods, therefore, like all information found on the net, you need to check on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

There is also such faux fur cleaning, or, more precisely, washing faux fur, if, of course, this product can be washed. It is necessary to soak the product in warm water with washing powder for silk or wool for 15-20 minutes. Then squeeze it as gently as possible. You can wrap it in cotton cloth and wring out the water very gently. The same procedure should also be carried out after rinsing. You cannot twist things made of faux fur. Dry washed products should be at room temperature, hanging them on a coat hanger.

If this product with artificial fur cannot be washed, you can clean the fur as follows: dissolve a neutral detergent in warm water at 40 ° C (about 2-3 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of water), beat the foam. We hang the product on a hanger or strengthen it in some other convenient way and, picking up foam on a clean brush, we process the fur in the direction of the pile. We remove the remaining foam on the fur with a cotton cloth wrung out almost dry, also in the direction of the pile. Then we wipe the fur with a terry towel and hang-put (if it is shoes) the product to dry at room temperature and away from heating devices. After the fur is completely dry, it should be combed with a sparse comb (you can use an unused wooden comb) with blunt teeth so that it becomes fluffy again.

There is also such a folk method for cleaning faux fur on shoes, for example: you should sprinkle the fur with starch and rub the fur with a brush, then shake the starch out of the product.

Modern synthetic pile imitates natural furs so successfully that even sophisticated fashionistas prefer to wear eco-fur coats. It is quite understandable that the owners of such things want to know how to clean faux fur at home. Analogues are similar to natural originals, even in that they require periodic cleaning from various contaminants.

When cleaning faux fur products, several nuances are taken into account.

  1. To avoid unpleasant "surprises" with a change in color, before using a cleaning agent, they test it on a hidden part of the fur cover.
  2. Even with heavily soiled synthetic fur, do not use vinegar or acetone.
  3. Exclude exposure to high temperatures, softening the base of artificial fur products to avoid possible deformation.
  4. In the process of cleaning, sharp movements, pressure and strong friction are excluded.
  5. Prefer dry cleaning methods.
  6. The long pile is cleaned in the course of hair styling, and the short edge is against.

Cleaning synthetic fur products

With prolonged wear, particles of dust accumulate between the fibers of the fur; rubbed, becoming unattractive, hairline. However, there are many affordable tools that allow you to clean fur items before sending them to “summer hibernation”.

Washing solution

It is applied in the following way.

  1. The water is slightly heated to better dissolve the detergent in order to obtain a thick foam when stirred.
  2. Straighten the thing on the crossbar and apply foam to the pile with a sponge.
  3. They give the foam a "work" and proceed to remove it with a clean cotton cloth.
  4. The remaining moisture is blotted with a paper towel.
  5. Dry the product naturally.
  6. When drying, periodically comb the pile, laying it correctly.

To return the lost shine, an alcohol-glycerin mixture is sprayed onto the pile.

Lemon juice

The original look of artificial fur things will help to get the juice of one lemon added to water. Apply lemon water to the fur with a brush. Citrus can be replaced with citric acid by diluting it with water in a ratio of 2/1.

sawdust cleaning

Cleaning faux fur at home will help achieve the desired effect.

small sawdust obtained by sawing hardwood. They act like this.

  • A little gasoline is added to a jar of heated sawdust and tightly sealed.
  • Allow the chips to soak in the solvent.
  • Scatter sawdust on the pile for 10-15 minutes.
  • They rub the pile with sawdust, as in hand washing.
  • Thoroughly shake out the fur product, hang it in the fresh air.

Important! Sawdust from softwood contains resin, for this reason they are not used for cleaning.

Animal shampoo

Special shampoo for pets perfectly cleans synthetic hair. Half a glass of shampoo is diluted with warm water. Intensively stirring, get a voluminous foam. The pile is treated with a foamy mass and after 5 minutes it is washed off with a sponge and clean water. Excess moisture is collected with a paper towel and finally dried by hanging in fresh air.


To remove dust particles, moisten the sheet and, after squeezing, spread it on the floor. Having spread the fur coat on it with the pile down, the dust is intensively knocked out with a carpet cracker. The soiled bedding is replaced with a clean one.

Cleaning white items

You can return a fluffy coat to its original whiteness without taking it to dry cleaning. We use proven tools.

Hydrogen peroxide

Universal oxygen bleach is used, in particular, to remove yellowness from white artificial fur items. Pharmaceutical agent is sold in liquid or in tablets called hydroperit. Add one tablespoon of peroxide or a couple of tablets of hydroperite to a glass of water. For application use a spray gun. This whitening method does not require rinsing.

soda and alcohol

Soda is used to remove yellowness from white fur things. To enhance the whitening effect, a spoonful of medical alcohol is added to the soda. Wipe the pile with a sponge moistened with a soda-alcohol solution. Residual moisture is removed with a clean cotton cloth.

Semolina or starch

To remove a yellowish tint from a white artificial fur coat, use semolina or starch. It is convenient to clean the fur coat on the floor or table, laying a clean piece of cloth and straightening the folds. Starch is thickly sprinkled through a sieve pile. Then, with a cloth, gently rub the grains into a fleecy surface. Remove the powdery mass by knocking out.


Returns the whiteness of a yellowed blue synthetic fur coat. The product is not a bleach, but water tinted with blue masks the yellow tint. For its application, an aerosol method is used.

Stain removal

Lactic acid fights stains on faux fur. The spots disappear without a trace after wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in warm milk. Wet areas are immediately impregnated with microfiber. Grease stains are removed with oxalic acid or a soda-alcohol solution.

Chemical cleaning

The effectiveness of the above means and methods has been tested by time. But with a strong pollution of the fleecy surface and a lot of stains of various origins, dry cleaning is indispensable. And if you are not a connoisseur of household chemicals, you should not take risks. Use the services of dry cleaning, where professionals will take care of your thing.

How to clean fur on shoes?

Winter shoes are often decorated with synthetic fur cuffs. In the process of wearing, they quickly become dirty. Knowing how to clean the fur on shoes, you can quickly put a pair in order if necessary. Most of the methods described above are used when cleaning fur cuffs on shoes. In addition to semolina. After all, winter shoes are in a humid environment for a long time, and the grains remaining on the fur can swell and spoil the appearance of the finish.

  • Washing an artificial fur coat is contraindicated.
  • Do not use a powerful vacuum cleaner for cleaning, use a brush with stiff bristles.
  • Dry fur synthetic products only in a natural way.
  • When drying, shake the item periodically and smooth it with a brush.
  • Do not use an iron.
  • Before sending a fur coat for "summer hibernation", clean it and air it.

Treatment of faux fur products with antistatic will reduce the amount of pollution.

Products made of faux fur are very popular - today not only stylish jackets and vests are sewn from this material, but also various interior items: blankets, rugs and even pillows. In order for your favorite things to please the eye with their impeccable appearance for a long time, their owner should know how to clean faux fur without harming it.

Of course, you can use the services of dry cleaning, but if you don’t have the time or desire, you can easily remove the dirt yourself at home.

The main rule to remember: faux fur is highly undesirable to wash!

From such processing, it can shrink, lose its shape, and the thing will be irretrievably damaged. To care for faux fur products, only cleaning is recommended, during which the hostess will have to ensure that moisture does not wet the fabric base.

Removing stains

If you want to remove a stain from a fur surface at home, it is enough to clean the contaminated area in any of the following ways:

  • Mix equal parts starch, dish detergent and laundry detergent. Apply the resulting slurry to the desired place and leave to dry completely. Then brush the faux fur with a brush.
  • To remove greasy marks from the surface of the fur at home, gasoline is usually used. Soak a tissue or clean rag in the liquid and gently rub the stain. Before doing this treatment, test on an inconspicuous area to see if the gasoline will remove the paint from your item.
  • You can clean the stain with a carpet or upholstery cleaner. Dilute and apply the product as instructed, and then carefully remove its residues with a damp cloth.

We clean the entire surface

If, as a result of long-term use, a thing made of faux fur has become dusty and has acquired a stale look, you can completely clean it at home by preparing a soapy solution.

For this processing you will need:

  • basin;
  • liquid soap or mild shampoo;
  • foam rubber sponge or brush with soft bristles;
  • cotton napkin;
  • terry towel.

To clean the product, lay it on a horizontal surface. Clothes can be hung on hangers. Pour water into a basin, which should be slightly warm (no more than 30 degrees). Dilute the soap or shampoo used as a cleanser and lather well.

Soak your sponge or brush in the liquid and begin to process the fur in the direction of the pile. When all dirt has been removed, soak a cotton cloth in clean water and remove traces of soapy water. To remove the maximum amount of moisture, blot the thing with a terry towel, smooth the pile and send the product to dry.

Such things should be dried in a natural way, away from steam heating batteries and thermal appliances. To give the product a well-groomed look, after drying, comb it with a large comb with rounded teeth.

We return the whiteness

Since white fur can turn yellow over time, cleaning items made from this material will require you to special approach. To clean a thing and restore its lost whiteness at home, you can resort to the following folk methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

To make white fur look like new, you can clean it with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Add 10 ml of peroxide to 500 ml of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake thoroughly. Spray the yellowed surface and send the product to dry in fresh air, hanging it in a sunny place if possible. After drying, comb the pile well.

Cleaning semolina or starch

You can clean faux white fur and remove yellowness from it at home using semolina or potato starch. Lay the product evenly, straighten all the folds and sprinkle it thickly with semolina or starch. Then take a cloth napkin and treat the surface, as if rubbing the powder.

To remove the remnants of semolina or starch, the thing is vacuumed and the particles are knocked out with a stick.

Recipe with soda and alcohol

Yellowed white fur will turn snow white again if you treat it with a solution of 300 ml of warm water, 15 grams of baking soda and 5 ml of medical alcohol. Dampen a soft brush with liquid and brush the product well, moving in the direction of the pile.

Care rules

If you want to extend the life of the product, take care of it properly:

  • Store fur things, if possible, in a hanging position, without bending or crushing it;
  • Periodically comb the fur with a metal comb in the direction of the pile;
  • If moisture gets on the surface, remove it with a soft cloth, straighten the product and dry at room temperature;
  • If necessary, remove dust with a damp brush or knock out the product with a cane, laying it pile down on a clean sheet.

During operation, the fur can get dirty, fade and turn yellow. After that, of course, it needs to be cleaned.

Many people think that dry cleaning is the only way to restore faux fur to its original look, but the chemicals used in dry cleaning can stiffen faux fur.

Before choosing any method of cleaning faux fur, you should study the recommendations on the product label, which will help you determine the best method and do it right.

There are many options and means of how to clean an artificial fur thing, of which we can distinguish:

  • soap solution;
  • composition of hydrogen peroxide with water;
  • special liquid detergents;
  • a solution of soda and alcohol;
  • use of blue.

Invalid methods

Many thematic Internet resources offer a combination of gasoline and starch as one of the ways to clean artificial fur products, which even as a combination is strange.

The use of this combination to remove dirt and stains is extremely doubtful, but it will be quite difficult to remove the pungent smell for a long time. Also, from the use of gasoline, the pile may turn yellow.

Another method that should cause alertness involves the use of lemon juice.

This ingredient in cleaning faux fur can simply change the original color of the product.

It is also unacceptable to use such cleaning agents as acetic acid and acetone on fur, however, a weak solution of vinegar is acceptable to add shine.

How to clean a faux fur coat at home

If you are going to clean a faux fur coat at home, you need to take into account the specifics of the material of the product and know some of the nuances of cleaning.

  1. Faux fur should not be exposed to high temperatures, as this can lead to a softening of the base and, as a result, deform the product. High temperatures will also not have the best effect on the appearance of the pile, which will lose its gloss.
  2. Dry cleaning, in most cases, is the optimal and more correct method to get rid of pollution. The wet version should be used as a last resort and only if the base of the fur coat allows it (for example, it is made of leatherette) and the pile is thick and short.
  3. The use of a centrifuge for subsequent drying of a fur coat is strongly discouraged. There is a high probability that the product will simply be wrinkled and the look will be far from marketable.
  4. After any cleaning or washing, faux fur becomes shaggy and sticks out in different directions. This is explained by the fact that the pile simply does not have a specific growth direction. That is why, after processing and drying, it must always be carefully combed with not too frequent teeth or a special brush.
  5. Faux fur does not tolerate moisture, and even more so it is not advisable to get into such clothes in the rain. A wet fur coat made of this material can easily lose its shape, so if the fur coat gets wet, it needs to be dried, and then treated with specialized products or a hair product that contains keratin and no alcohol! After all the procedures, the pile is necessary, otherwise it may fade and curl.
  6. Drying should occur naturally, preferably in a sunny place, but not under direct rays. You should not speed up this process with various devices.

Faux fur is quite popular, and is used for tailoring:

  • clothes;
  • toys;
  • shoes;
  • covered;
  • rugs.

Having a product made of this material, it is imperative to know how to clean faux fur at home using folk methods and methods. It is worth remembering that it is much easier to care for it than for natural, as it can even be washed.

Feature of cleaning faux fur

This material is so popular and in demand, because in its appearance it is in no way inferior to natural fur. It is made to look like a fox, rabbit or raccoon, but it is more affordable and does not require the destruction of animals. In order for things to retain their attractiveness for a long time, you need to provide them with the right care, so it is important to know how to clean faux fur at home.

It is worth remembering that acetone or vinegar cannot be used for cleaning. It is best to use potato starch, soda, gasoline for this. However, you must first test the product on a hidden part of the fur so as not to disturb its color.

Cleaning faux fur at home can be done quickly and easily, as it is much easier to clean than natural material. In addition, it is important to properly store such products, because synthetic materials attract moths. Therefore, to keep the item attractive, it should hang in the closet, packed in a special case.

If stored incorrectly, white fur can turn yellow, and it is not so easy to remove yellowness. It is worth remembering that products made from this material can even be washed if the pollution is very strong.

How to clean white fur

Many are interested in how to quickly clean white fur at home in order to eliminate pollution and yellowness that has appeared. If the label indicates that the product is washable, then the item must be washed by hand at a temperature of approximately 40 degrees. It is worth remembering that if the product is heavily soiled, then it is best to contact the dry cleaner, as you can ruin the fur.

You can clean artificial at home with starch. To do this, mix the starch with water until a slurry is formed. Apply the resulting mixture to yellowed places and leave for a couple of hours. Then gently clean with a brush and dry the product in the fresh air. Even with the most severe contamination, it is best not to completely wet the fur product, but only to treat the most contaminated areas with soapy water.

Preparing for cleaning

We clean the fur at home quickly and accurately, since the appearance of the product will largely depend on this. Competently carried out, high-quality fur cleaning begins with its preparation. Previously, the fur product is carefully inspected so that there is no confusion and frizziness.

Cuffs and collars are examined separately. The detected defects are smoothed out gently with a brush. Then the product must be shaken well from excess dust and hung on a coat hanger for smoothing, and then only proceed with cleaning.

Cleaning the fur on the jacket

It is very important for everyone to know how to properly clean faux fur on clothes, since with the help of simple methods you can restore its former attractive appearance without resorting to the services of specialists. You can try a solution made from lemon juice or citric acid.

To do this, dilute lemon juice with water in equal proportions, moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and clean the fur strictly in the direction of the pile. Hang the product on a coat hanger to dry. After complete drying, it is necessary to comb the fur with a rare comb.

Use lemon juice very carefully, as it can slightly change the color of the fur. That is why initially you need to experiment on an inconspicuous area.

Cleaning fur on boots

If dirt has formed on the boots, then you should definitely use practical tips on how to clean faux fur on shoes. To do this, you need to use means that will remove dirt and at the same time do not change the color of the product. An effective remedy is baking soda, which is rubbed with hands into contaminated areas until it itself changes color to gray. Thanks to this tool, you can quickly and effectively deal with dust and dried dirt. Baking soda residue can be removed by shaking the boots several times.

In addition to soda, you can also use flour, talc or potato starch, which are also rubbed into the fur trim on the boots, and then they need to be shaken thoroughly.

Cleaning the fur on the collar

The collar is distinguished by its vulnerability and the fact that pollution is most often formed on it, as it comes into contact with skin, hair and cosmetics. Cleaning it is quite complicated and time-consuming, so you definitely need to know how and with what to clean faux fur at home. In this case, gasoline or a mixture of salt, alcohol and water are considered effective means. You need to take all the components in a ratio of 3: 1: 50, mix thoroughly and apply on the fur collar with a sponge, then blot with a cloth and knock out.

Strong, persistent dirt is very easy to remove with bran. To do this, you need to warm them up a little, stirring constantly so that they do not burn. Put the product on the table, sprinkle the contamination with bran and rub strictly in the direction of the pile, and then back. After that, the fur is well knocked out, and it will become clean and fresh.

Stain removal

Many people are interested in how to clean fur at home. You can remove grease stains on white faux fur with gasoline and starch mixed in equal proportions. To do this, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the contaminated area, and after it dries completely, the product is simply removed with a brush. Since gasoline is a rather aggressive agent, it is initially necessary to process a small area on the wrong side of the product with it and check the reaction of the material.

In addition, to remove the stain, you can mix starch and any dishwashing detergent in equal proportions, apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area and leave until completely dry, and then brush well.

You can get rid of stubborn stains with any product used to clean carpets and furniture. To do this, you need to dilute it according to the instructions and carefully treat the contamination, and then wipe it with a slightly damp sponge to wash off the remnants of the product.

There are a variety of ways to clean faux fur, one of which is the use of sawdust. To do this, spread a sheet on a horizontal surface, moisten it a little and lay the fur product so that the pile is at the bottom. Use a carpet beater to knock out the dust. Then hang the product on a coat hanger and sprinkle with sawdust. After a couple of hours, thoroughly clean them with a clothes brush.

Heated sand is good for cleaning fur. Spread the fur product on a perfectly flat, hard surface, pour hot sand and rub it into the fur. Just shake off the rest of the sand. The procedure must be repeated until it is perfectly clean.

It is important to know how to clean fur at home. Dishwashing detergents or just shampoo can clean fur products with high quality. Initially, you need to dissolve it in warm water and beat the foam well, which is applied to the fur, rub it into the pile and leave for about 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the shampoo thoroughly.

Removal of yellowness

You need to know not only how to clean faux fur at home, but also to remove the resulting yellowness. The initial whiteness of the fur product will help to return the blue. It is necessary to dilute it in water to a pale blue color, wipe the inside of the fur product to check the reaction to this remedy.

Then moisten the foam sponge in the blue solution, wring it out a little and wipe the fur product well. Leave until completely dry.

Ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help to update white fur. To prepare this solution, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. peroxide in 0.5 liters of water. Stir this mixture well, and then carefully treat the surface of the fur product, hang it on a coat hanger and leave it in a sunny place until it dries completely. Then carefully comb the pile with a brush.

You can get rid of any kind of pollution and yellow spots formed over time with the help of semolina. To do this, lay out the clothes on a flat surface and sprinkle well with semolina, and then carefully rub it into the fibers. To remove the remnants of cereals, you need to thoroughly vacuum the product.

Basic cleaning rules

In order not to spoil your favorite thing, you definitely need to know how to clean faux fur at home, as well as take into account certain rules for this procedure. Dry things from this material in a natural way, you can not use a hair dryer, battery or iron.

To give the product extra shine after cleaning fur products, you need to use acetic acid. Thanks to this, the pile will become smooth. If concentrated or hazardous products are used for cleaning, then safety rules must be observed.


To give the fur a beautiful shine, you can use a weak solution of acetic acid, glycerin or lemon juice. It is necessary to carefully treat the fur with one of these products, and then wipe it with a napkin.

In addition, a special product made from fish oil (100 g), ammonia (12 drops), ordinary household soap (10 g) and boiling water (1 l) will help to make the fur product shine. All these components must be thoroughly mixed, then the resulting solution is cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees and the fur is carefully treated with it. If the fur coat is dusty, then it must be wrapped with a damp sheet, and then knocked out.

Fur washing

To wash faux fur, you need to prepare a soapy solution, to which add washing powder or shampoo. Moisten a brush in the prepared solution and thoroughly clean the fur product or wash it in a gentle wash. After washing, simply rinse the fur product under warm running water.

Blot the product with a clean, dry cloth and hang it on a coat hanger to dry completely. And when the fur is dry, comb it well.