Salt crystals in the urine are increased, what does this mean in a child, during pregnancy. Crystals in the urine in large quantities: what does it mean

Soreness in the lumbar region, the presence of blood particles at the time of bladder emptying often accompanies oxalates in the urine. A key source of pathological deviation is non-standard volumes of ethanedioic acid present in the body.

Oxalate salts accumulate due to excessive passion for certain foods. A large number of trace elements, in the absence of adequate treatment, provokes the formation of oxalaturia.

An abnormal condition requires the appointment of individual therapy, the basis of which is a specialized dietary menu. In complex cases, the problem is solved by surgical intervention.

About oxalates

What is and what oxalates consist of is a dibasic compound of carbon origin.

Calcium oxalate present in the biological fluid indicates the instability of the acid balance. The standard indicator of subacidity in urine in the adult population varies within 6 elements. Changes upward indicate acidic urine, downward changes indicate alkaline urine.

What does the diagnosis of "calcium oxalate crystals in the urine" mean - this feature is characterized by the precipitation of ethanedioic acid salts in a crystalline precipitate. It is a blank on the basis of which stones can be formed - subject to the presence of predisposing factors.

Spontaneous excretion of waste products of metabolic processes by the body was noted. The standard rate of oxalates present does not exceed 40 mg.

Urinalysis in adults (men, women, pregnant women)

The determination of the presence of oxalates in urine samples is carried out using a daily clinical and biochemical study. Their fence allows you to identify the level of leukocyte bodies, the number of precipitated salts. Laboratory diagnostics allows you to detect the pathogenic microflora that provoked the inflammatory reaction.

Rules for preparing for a general clinical analysis of urine

Experts give full instructions on how to collect urine.

A day before the appointed day, patients should stop eating any food that provokes changes in the shade of urine - carrots, beets, asparagus. Ignoring the requirement will lead to problematic research.

Alcoholic, low alcohol and tobacco products are also excluded from consumption. A week before the delivery of biological fluid, the use of drugs, especially diuretics, is not recommended. If it is impossible to cancel them, a warning to the attending physician is necessary.

The female gender should not pass urine during the menstrual cycle. Before the fence, hygiene of the genital organs is mandatory. Collection is carried out in the morning - within one day, or in the evening - for 12 hours.

The first portion of urine is not taken into account - only the time of its excretion is noted. All subsequent portions are collected in a clean glass container. Before being transferred to a specialized container, purchased in advance from a pharmacy, the urine is shaken and poured. For laboratory diagnostics, 200 ml is enough.

The label indicates the total amount of daily urine output. Urine is delivered to the laboratory within the first two hours of the last emptying of the bladder.

Norm of oxalates for adults

A slight excess of the amount of oxalates in urine is not a sign of an ongoing pathological process when single elements are detected. Normative indicators of microelements in the analysis of urine can range from 0 to 40 mg.

An unusually high level of calcium oxalates means the development of oxalaturia - an anomaly provokes an increase in oxalic acid levels in the kidney. Deviation is more often associated with the formation of urolithiasis.

Causes of oxalates in urine

Oxalates that occur in the body, with the normal functionality of internal systems and organs, are excreted through the kidneys, in the process of releasing the bladder. The reasons for the increased content of oxalates may be pathological abnormalities of hereditary or acquired etiology.

A large percentage of the deviation falls on problems with metabolic processes in the body.

Lab error

False-positive results during a diagnostic study are associated with a violation of the requirements for preliminary preparation before passing urine - which is why errors occur. A large number of certain foodstuffs, reuse of containers for general analyzes can distort the final data.

Common factors for all

The appearance of oxalates in urine may not be associated with an incorrectly chosen diet. Standard for male and female sources of the problem are presented:

  • insufficient intake of magnesium, vitamin B6;
  • the use of ascorbic acid more than 5 mg per day and the development of hypervitaminosis;
  • violation of the processes of vitamin D metabolism;
  • a decrease in the enzymatic activity of the pancreas associated with diabetes mellitus;
  • congenital atresia;
  • deviations in the working capacity of the liver - with unusually high levels of bile acid production;
  • a change in the acid-base balance towards an increase in acidity in the renal canals, including pathologies of hereditary etiology;
  • progressive enlargement of the renal pelvis and calyces - hydronephrosis;
  • nonspecific inflammation of bacterial origin, with damage to the renal tubules - pyelonephritis;
  • the formation of stones in the bladder or kidneys against the background of instability of metabolic processes - urolithiasis or urolithiasis;
  • previous surgical interventions in the organs located in the abdominal cavity - for tumors or other diseases;
  • chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the large intestine - nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • instability of the psycho-emotional state - occurs against the background of a strong shock, chronic stress;
  • granulomatous inflammation with damage to certain parts of the digestive department - Crohn's disease.

The source of the disease can be a passion for buckwheat or oatmeal diet.

Male pathologies

The source of the formation of oxalates in the urine in men is an excessive passion for:

  • meat products;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • strong broths;
  • alcoholic and low-alcohol products, especially beer.

The pathological process is detected in males several times more often than in females due to frequent ethylene glycol poisoning. The substance is part of individual automotive mixtures - brake fluid, antifreeze.

Problems with urination increase the likelihood of detecting oxalates, especially with hyperplasia, benign or malignant tumors.

The onset of menopause in women is characterized by an increased need for calcium. During menopause, there is a rapid destruction of the element. Deviations in calcium metabolism at the indicated time is a problem for many of the fairer sex.

Ignoring the need to take multivitamin complexes increases the likelihood of an excess amount of oxalates.

Pregnancy and oxalaturia

The appearance in the period of bearing a baby is due to:

  • complex toxicoses - painful conditions that occur under the influence of exogenous toxins or harmful substances of endogenous origin on the body;
  • dehydration - the loss of significant volumes of fluid against the background of ongoing toxicosis and frequent vomiting;
  • infectious lesions - with the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the urinary tract of a pregnant woman.

Violation of the principles of nutrition designed for pregnant women, attempts to replace multivitamin complexes with large volumes of vegetables and fruits lead to the gradual formation of oxalates in the urine.

Why is oxaluria dangerous?

The disease leads to the formation of oxalate stones, which are able to partially clog the urethral canal, being held in it by sharp tubercles. The deviation violates the normative output of urine, patients develop renal colic. And also the source of their occurrence can be blood clots, accumulation of purulent exudate.

An attack of renal colic can last both a few seconds and two or three days. The patient has an increase in body temperature, a feverish state with chills. The pain syndrome affects the ureter, radiates to the iliac, inguinal region. Urine is stained with blood, at the end of the attack, a stone may come out.

The most serious consequence is anuria - complete blockage of the lumen of the urethral canal. With an anomaly, the maximum pressure on the kidneys is recorded. Metabolic products begin to accumulate in them, the problem ends with the formation of uremia - the poisoning of the body by the present protein and its metabolic products.

Registration of oxalates in the urine does not always require full treatment. Minor volumes are regulated by a strict diet, with the removal of all products that provoke an increase in oxalic acid.

Medical therapy

After the announcement of the results of a laboratory study, many patients are wondering how to quickly rid the body of the presence of oxalates. Treatment options directly depend on the primary source of the disease and the level of damage to the urinary tract.

The basis of therapy is a conservative direction, using the following pharmacological subgroups:

  • antibacterial drugs - used to stop the inflammatory process;
  • vitamin therapy - multivitamin complexes or individual medicines, with a predominance of magnesium, vitamins of subgroup B;
  • formed kidney stones require the appointment of potassium, citric acid - to increase the alkaline indicator of urine;
  • diuretic drugs - allow you to normalize the standard release of the bladder, prevent the formation of swelling.

In the event of large oxalate stones and blockage of the excretory highways, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention. After it is carried out, the patient undergoes medical treatment, in compliance with dietary nutrition.

Folk methods

What to do, how to remove accumulated salts? Alternative medicine claims that the problem of oxalate in the urine and stones of minimal volumes is solved with the help of home recipes. They are designed to cleanse the renal section of accumulated salts. Traditional healers recommend taking decoctions, tinctures to get rid of salts:

  • linden flowers;
  • birch buds;
  • nettle leaves;
  • lingonberry fruits;
  • rosehip berries.

Carrot and rowan juice have a positive effect on the state of the urinary system. These drinks are used in reasonable quantities.

Before starting self-treatment, consultation with the attending physician and his approval is necessary. Experts recommend not to forget about the allergy test - many patients have a negative reaction to medicinal plants that are part of the formulation of alternative methods of therapy.

If there are urate or phosphate crystals in the urine

We have already said that if there are salt crystals in the urine or already sand, measures must be taken. It is better not to bring the matter to stones in the urinary tract. And if there are stones, there is nothing to grow them even more! Because small stones can still move away on their own. If the stone is less than 5 mm in diameter, it leaves itself in 90% of cases, 10 mm - only in 50% of cases. Often this process is accompanied by renal colic. And at the same time, there is an injustice towards the male sex. Feelings during the passage of the stone - the pleasure is generally doubtful. A person "climbs the wall" from severe pain. - Can't sit still - tries to find a more comfortable position. But men have to endure incomparably worse because of the anatomical features of the urethra.

And do not delude yourself, if so far everything is calm. Attacks of pain, renal colic, complications in the form of a secondary infection and bleeding from the urinary tract usually occur several years after the formation of stones. And for some time, urolithiasis is asymptomatic. Therefore, if for some reason they did a urine test, it’s better to see for yourself if there are crystals in it and which ones. And take action.

Let's talk about urates and phosphates.

Urate stones are made up of uric acid and its salts.. The color is different and depends on the pigment inclusions, but in general they are darker. Rounded. They are often cluster-shaped.

They are excreted in acidic urine. In these salt stones, urates can combine with phosphates. Or phosphates can be separately.

What to do and what not to do if there are urate crystals in the urine.

Why do urates suddenly crystallize in urine? It is also important to excrete them in the urine in larger quantities if their concentration in the blood rises (with gout). Local causes also matter - in the urine itself. They can be common for the formation of any stones (see previous material,, and contribute to the loss of urates . (We will not repeat the general principles of the diet for any stones in the urinary system - this can and should be looked at in the previous topic.)

When urates crystallize in the urine, follow a diet so that less uric acid is formed in the body. And, accordingly, it was less in the urine. Limit the amount of protein food. Although, in fact, it's not about proteins. And in purines, which are contained in cells in nucleic acids. Uric acid is a breakdown product of these purines. Its quantity in the body increases either with excessive intake with food, or with a violation of utilization. (This is not our topic now, but along the way - since there was such a question - with gout (a disease with impaired purine metabolism), it happens that uric acid crystals are deposited only in the joints. And there is also a combination with the crystallization of uric acid salts in the urine and the formation of stones ). And purines, indeed, more in protein foods. But in some types of protein foods, purines are especially high. Purines are especially abundant in intensely working muscles. More in the muscles of young organisms. Therefore, limit the diet of meat, fish, poultry. And therefore it is better to eat chicken and turkey breasts than legs. Veal, chickens are not desirable. Moreover, meat and fish should be consumed only in boiled form. Boil in large amounts of water, and broths are not for you. Because purines go into decoction when cooked. And in general: if your family adheres to the rules of a healthy diet, it is generally better to pour out the broths - they are definitely not useful. Limit fats, especially animals. In the presence of urate stones, lean meat is recommended in an amount of no more than 150 g 2-3 times a week.

Exclude: rich broths and jelly, offal such as heart, liver, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong tea, mushrooms, beans, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, cheeses, fish - herring, sardines, mackerel, cod, especially fish caviar. Spinach is not good. Do not abuse tomatoes, because they also have a lot of purines. You can not use preparations of vitamin PP - nicotinic acid.

It is necessary to create such conditions that, nevertheless, urates that have got into the urine do not crystallize. And urates crystallize in an acidic environment. Therefore, alkaline drinking (Borjomi, milk), vegetable products, which also alkalize urine, are useful. Other dairy products are also helpful.

Drink more - not less than 1.5 - 2 liters per day in the absence of contraindications. Anything salty is bad. Because it retains fluid in the body. Before going to bed, be sure to drink a glass of water.

Alkalizing foods are recommended: cucumbers, beets, peaches, dried apricots, pears, watermelons. In general, vegetables and fruits are healthy. As stated in the previous article on urinary stones, a high fiber diet is beneficial for stones of any composition. Therefore, bread and rice are recommended less refined.

Potatoes are not contraindicated. Less sugar.

Once a week - fasting day. On vegetables and dairy products. But not complete starvation! (Because during starvation, nucleic acids break down in larger quantities and a lot of urates are formed.) You need products containing citrates, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, zinc.

Phosphates are made up of salts of phosphoric acid. They are irregular in shape, rough, grayish or white. These stones are fragile, easily crumble. They are more common in alkaline urine. They are usually made up of crystals. struvite. These are carbonate-apatite stones. There are more calcium and magnesium. They are also dangerous, like oxalates. They grow quickly and are uneven, rough, and can injure the mucous membrane.

If there are phosphate crystals in the urine. It is necessary, of course, to treat a urinary tract infection (80% of such stones form against the background of inflammation.)

Limit foods that contain a lot of calcium and vitamin D (fish liver, fatty fish, fish caviar, eggs, dairy products, especially fatty ones).

Try to change the reaction of urine to the acid side: eat poultry, lean fish, cereals, beans, pasta.

In some cases, it is necessary to drastically limit and even temporarily eliminate dairy, vegetables, fruits, berries that alkalize urine. With the exception of peas, cabbage, pumpkin, sour apples, lingonberries, cranberries - this is allowed and even useful.

Drinking water is a contentious issue. Usually, if there are any crystals in the urine, it is recommended to drink more. But drinking a large amount of liquid will reduce the acidity of the urine, achieved by a special diet, and this is undesirable. So, apparently, after all, the amount of fluid consumed should be moderate. Tea, rosehip infusion, cranberry and lingonberry juice, Essentuki 17 are recommended. From herbs, corn stigmas and dandelion are useful.

Metabolic disorders lead to the appearance of characteristic crystalline compounds in the urine. It is not difficult to identify crystals in urine, as they precipitate. They can be divided into normal and abnormal substances.

The appearance of crystals is associated with the process of salt deposition and are evidence that pathological processes develop in the human body, in particular, the kidneys, liver or urinary system.

The phenomenon of crystallization does not always mean a symptom of the disease, especially this statement is true for single, one-time cases. But for those patients who have salt crystals in the urine - a frequent or long-term phenomenon, it is recommended to seek the advice of specialists.

Types of crystals

There are many tables indicating the norms for the content of all kinds of salts in the urine.

The following species are most often found in sediment:

  • Urats. The presence of these substances in urine indicates excessive consumption of meat, legumes, tea. The appearance of uric acid is observed after heavy physical exertion;
  • Phosphates. They are compounds that occur with frequent vomiting, high body temperature. Foods that can significantly increase urinary phosphate levels include fish and dairy products. experts advise using ascorbic acid and products that contain it;
  • Urate ammonium. One of the indicators of the development of pathologies in the functioning of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system;
  • Oxalates. These substances enter the human body from plant products. To reduce their level, you need to use B6 vitamins and magnesium;
  • Cystine salts, which are colorless plates. They occur simultaneously with uric acid deposits in case of intoxication and heavy metal poisoning.
  • Bilirubin. An increased amount indicates possible liver diseases.

The reason for the appearance of crystals in healthy people

Being an accumulation of salts, crystals form a precipitate in urine. If, according to the results of the analyzes, their content is insignificant, then there is no need to talk about the development of pathologies in the body. A significant increase in the level of various substances in the urine indicates a violation of mineral metabolism.

The following causes of salt deposition are distinguished:

  1. Excessive amounts of certain foods in a person's diet. They contain a significant proportion of acids that form crystals and precipitate;
  2. Increased sweat separation during physical exertion;
  3. Taking certain medical and medicinal products;
  4. Use of untreated water.

Video: Oscalates in urine

Appearance in pathology

Depending on the type of substance, there are several types of formations in urine. Each of them can cause the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. Sometimes it happens that the composition of stones includes several salts at once.

With inflammation of the bladder or excessive synthesis of parathyroid hormones, phosphates most often precipitate. An excessive amount of urate indicates the presence of disorders in the metabolism of minerals and the development of gout.

An increased amount of urate may be due to the presence of chronic kidney disease. The most common group of stones are those that are composed of calcium. Oxalates in urine can be detected in the presence of pyelonephritis and diabetes mellitus.


With a slight increase in concentration, no symptoms are often observed. The main signs that occur when stones form in the kidneys and bladder are:

  1. The occurrence of acute or tolerable pain in the lumbar region and pelvis. At the same time, pain in renal colic is characterized by high intensity;
  2. Difficulty urinating, which is caused by a stone in the ureter;
  3. Increase in body temperature;
  4. Deterioration of the general condition, feeling of weakness.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes various changes throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Before each visit to the doctor, a pregnant woman gives urine for analysis to monitor her health.

Quite often, all kinds of accumulations of various formations are found in it. During the gestation period, such test data indicate the following factors of their appearance:

  1. The use of a certain group of food products;
  2. Pathologies in the work of the kidneys;
  3. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders, in particular diabetes mellitus;
  4. Low fluid intake
  5. Feverish conditions and poisoning of the body.

If the increase in the level of crystals is insignificant, the pregnant woman should be re-tested. If its results also show an increased content of salts in urine, then specialists should find out the causes of this symptom as soon as possible and direct efforts towards the most effective treatment of the disease.

Increase in children

When conducting tests in children, the presence of urates is most often detected. Oxalates are characterized by the formation not only in an alkaline, but also in an acidic environment, while phosphates are more often formed in an alkaline environment.

It must be taken into account that the appearance of crystals in urine in childhood and adolescence may be associated with the use of a special group of foods with a high content of purine bases.

These dishes include meat broths and meat, offal and legumes. It is necessary to use smoked dishes, mushrooms and chocolate in the child's diet in minimal quantities.

The presence of crystals is often caused by all sorts of congenital disorders in metabolic processes. Against the background of their occurrence in this case, diseases such as inflammation of the kidneys and urolithiasis develop. In addition, children may experience an increase in oxalate levels in the following diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Ulcerative colitis;
  4. Intestinal lesions.

in completely healthy children. This process is associated with overeating, resulting in a significant decrease in the level of uric acid.

In addition, precipitation is observed in childhood during the gastric lavage procedure.


The presence of salts in urine indicates that a person has a nutritional imbalance. Only their significant increase indicates the development of diseases. That is why treatment should be directed to the pathologies that cause the appearance of sediment in the urine.

  1. Treatment of diabetes mellitus is carried out with the help of special medications after the diagnosis is made by an endocrinologist. An important point is to follow the right diet for this disease. It is recommended to exclude spicy, fatty, smoked foods, alcohol from consumption;
  2. Education is treated comprehensively, depending on the components of the calculus. Good reviews have the use of dietary nutrition and drug treatment in combination with physiotherapy. If many large stones are found in the kidneys, the patient is shown surgical treatment;
  3. With pyelonephritis, the specialist prescribes the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is often possible to normalize the level of salts with the help of a proper diet:

  1. An increased content of urates in the urine requires exclusion from the diet of meat and dairy products. It is recommended to consume more mineral alkaline water;
  2. With an increased level of phosphates, a decrease in the consumption of fish and foods rich in vitamin D is required;
  3. To reduce the level of oxalates, it is necessary to abandon plant foods, dill, sorrel.

Thus, it is important to remember that urine is the most important biological material, the study of which can reveal the presence of many diseases in the human body, as well as determine its general state of health. With the timely detection of deviations, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of complications and consequences in the future.

Video: Uric acid crystals

Many even the simplest studies can provide information about how the body works in general and even some of its organs and systems in particular. That is why everyone, without exception, even with full health, should from time to time (once a year in the same month, if possible) visit the clinic at the place of residence and undergo a complete examination. Such a preventive examination also implies the delivery of general blood and urine tests, which are deciphered by the therapist. But the data of such studies can be interpreted independently. Let's clarify why salt crystals appear in the urine, what it means in a child and during pregnancy, why they can be increased.

Urine is essentially a solution of various salts. When standing urine, they may well precipitate - in other words, form crystals. The formation of crystals is facilitated by a reduced temperature. By the presence of certain salt crystals in the resulting urinary sediment, it can be concluded that the reactions have changed to the acidic or alkaline side. Excessive amounts of salt in the urine can contribute to the development of various health problems.

If a small amount of salts in the urine was detected during a single study and the patient does not have any other health problems, this analysis can be considered as indicative. In most cases, an increased amount of salts in the urine does not indicate excessive saturation of urine with salts, since such a phenomenon can be explained by changes in the colloidal composition of urine and its reactions, in addition, it can be observed in response to the consumption of certain foods.

However, the detection of significant salt sediment in the urine or its regular fixation can be considered as a symptom of impaired kidney function or ailments of the digestive tract and other health problems.

Salt crystals in urine are normal

Salt crystals in the urine can be found in patients of all ages. With absolute health, they are most often recorded in preschool children, which is explained by the peculiarities of their nutrition, the reduced ability of the kidneys to break down a significant amount of chemical elements, and in addition, fluctuations in the level of acidity. The amount of salts found in the urine is usually indicated in the analysis decoding form with pluses - from one to four. Doctors usually consider the presence of two pluses as a variant of the norm.

Why are salt crystals in the urine of a child elevated?

Most often, urates are found in children's urine (they usually precipitate in acidic urine), oxalates (precipitate in an alkaline or acidic environment), and phosphates (most often fixed in an alkaline environment).

Urate is a precipitate of uric acid and its salt. In childhood, they may appear in the urine in response to the consumption of foods rich in purine bases. Such food is represented by meat broths, meat, sardines, sprats, herring, offal and legumes. In addition, urates can precipitate when a person constantly drinks strong black tea, cocoa, when he consumes various smoked meats, mushrooms and chocolate.

Sometimes such salts are found after physical exertion, due to febrile conditions, dehydration, uric acid diathesis, leukemia and gout.

Oxalates in children's urine can precipitate when eating foods that are high in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as well as oxalic acid. Also, this phenomenon is possible with congenital failures in the metabolic processes of oxalic acid, which is manifested by urolithiasis or inflammatory damage to the kidneys. Oxalates also increase with pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or ethyl glycol poisoning.

As for phosphates, their increase can be observed in absolute health, including due to a decrease in urine acidity against the background of overeating. This phenomenon is possible with the consumption of food enriched with phosphorus, with an alkaline urine reaction. Phosphates can precipitate in the urine after gastric lavage has been performed in case of poisoning, due to cystitis, vomiting, Fanconi syndrome, fever and hyperparatiseiosis.

Why are salt crystals in the urine increased during pregnancy?

Normally, expectant mothers rarely record an increase in salt crystals in the urine. Of the relatively natural factors that can cause such a violation, one can name the peculiarities of the diet (as well as in childhood), severe toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy and even until the end of its first half (vomiting) and excessive sweating. In addition, in many pregnant women, phosphates are found in the urine in small quantities, this phenomenon is explained by a shift in the acid-base balance to the alkaline side, which is often observed during the period of bearing a baby.

In other cases, an increase in salt crystals in the urine most likely indicates some kind of health problem. They can be represented by a variety of disorders: a deficiency of certain nutrients or their excess (for example, an increase in oxalates may indicate a lack of magnesium), various intestinal and inflammatory diseases (including diseases of the genitourinary system), endocrine disorders, stress, drug overdose. funds, etc. Therefore, if an increased amount of salt crystals is found in the urine, the expectant mother needs to undergo an additional examination and, if necessary, treatment, adhere to the diet recommended by the doctor.

Folk remedies

Quite often, salt crystals in the urine are increased due to the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. A similar situation can be observed with pyelonephritis. To correct such a disease, you can use not only medicines, but also herbs, for example, the medicinal plant thyme. Brew a tablespoon of crushed flowers of this plant with one glass of boiling water. Infuse the medicine for half an hour, then strain and take a tablespoon up to five times a day. Such an infusion can be used in childhood and during pregnancy.

The feasibility of using traditional medicine should be discussed with your doctor without fail.

If the level of salt in the urine is constantly elevated, this means that the body is not all right, because in a healthy body, the substances necessary for normal functioning are completely absorbed, and the excess is excreted. Normally, when a general urine test shows the absence of salts or a small proportion, but if the concentration is increased, then it's time to visit a urologist.

The appearance of salt in the urine is an alarming signal from the kidneys.

Symptoms and causes of the appearance of salts in the urine

The reasons for the appearance of salts in the urine are divided into those that are interconnected with diseases that increase their concentration, and those that are not associated with diseases.

Sometimes, even in a healthy person, crystals are detected in the urine, because the parameters change from the foods used, climate, and activity. But, most likely, the increased salt content in the urine and kidneys is a consequence of malnutrition, lifestyle, a serious illness or infection that requires medical attention:

  • salt precipitation is present when a person drinks little liquid or with severe dehydration associated with illness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • violation of blood supply after nephrosis, prolapse of the kidney, infections, blockage of blood vessels.
  • an irrational menu in which too monotonous food favors the deposition of salts, as well as salty foods, or, conversely, fasting, dieting, fasting;
  • drug therapy, when salt in the urine is detected after potent antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, which is often accompanied by the accumulation of urates;
  • hard physical work for men.

Taking pills, a poor menu, a violation of water metabolism lead to "salinization" of urine.

Usually, with salts in the urine, the symptoms are not pronounced, however, it is important to pay attention to the signs by which the disease can be recognized. If at least one symptom appears, then there is cause for alarm:

  • cloudy sediment in the urine;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • weakness and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • hourly emptying;
  • burning in the genitals, when the salt corrodes the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, and the crystals released enter the urethra.
  • dysuria (difficulty urinating).

Types and norms

Urine consists of water - about 95%, proteins and salts - 5%. The presence of salts in the urine test is compared with a special scale with 4 pluses. In healthy people, salts are not detected, but a one-time increase to 2 pluses is acceptable. When the salt concentration is high (3-4 plus), then it is required to pass a daily urine test for salts for a more accurate check. If bacteria are detected in the tests, it indicates a dangerous infection in the urinary tract. Additionally, the indicators are evaluated:

  • the content of white blood particles, when the norm of leukocytes in the field of view for a man is 0–3, and for a woman it is 0–5;
  • epithelium, erythrocytes, cylinders in the urine.

Normal urine is neutral or slightly acidic. Sharp jumps in the balance of alkalis and acids (pH) favor precipitation. Alkaline or acidic environment is determined in the laboratory study of analyzes. In acidic urine, there are crystals and salts of uric acid - urates. In alkaline urine, crystals of ammonium uric acid, calcium carbonate, phosphates and tripelphosphates can be found. Oxalates appear in both acidic and alkaline urine. Calcium carbonate and ammonium urate appear rarely. Urates, oxalates and phosphates in the urine come across more often.

Stress, diabetes, bad habits can be provocateurs of the formation of salts in the urine.

What triggers education?

Possible causes of increased salts in the urine
Type Causes
  • impaired renal function;
  • gout;
  • hepatitis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • frequent presence in the menu of dishes from mushrooms, fish, spicy cheese, meat, spinach and tomatoes;
  • abuse of cocoa, coffee, strong tea, alcohol;
  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • antibiotics.
  • inflammation in the kidneys, stones;
  • congenital deviation in the exchange of oxalic acid;
  • diabetes;
  • poisoning;
  • products with oxalic acid;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • colitis.
  • food that contains a lot of phosphorus, or vegetarianism;
  • infection in the genitourinary system;
  • kidney problems;
  • diabetes.

How to remove salt from the body

Only after finding out the reasons for the appearance of salt in the urine, specific steps are taken to remove it.

If the level is elevated due to a serious illness, then the doctor prescribes the necessary medications and procedures. When oxalates and urates are elevated in the urine, the doctor may prescribe Blemaren, Allopurinol, Asparkam. With oxalates, magnesium oxide, "Pyridoxine", vitamins E and A in the complex are prescribed. With phosphates, drugs are prescribed that slow down the secretion of gastric juice. If the reasons indicate an improper diet, then it must be corrected, if there is a lack of water, the consumption of drinking should be increased. In any case, a medical consultation is necessary.

Nutrition and diets

The appearance of urates, oxalates and phosphates directly depends on food. Having found out which species are found in the urine, and what they mean, some products should be added and others excluded. Therefore, first of all, diet therapy is prescribed before treatment. Increasing urates involves a special menu of products, with the presence of vitamins A and B, zinc, magnesium and potassium. It is recommended to supplement the diet with alkaline mineral water, vegetables and dairy foods. In the presence of oxalates in the urine, compotes, tea with lemon, dishes from oats, wheat, seaweed and other products that contain vitamin B6 are very useful. To get rid of phosphates, you need to reduce the amount of salt to a minimum and eat more eggs, liver, dairy products, fish, i.e. foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.

Fresh vegetable juices effectively and painlessly remove excess salt from the body.