Bright and unique shades of red hair colors. Who and how to dye their hair dark red

There are not so many red-haired girls in the world and that is why the fiery hair color is so desirable for ladies. Many of the fair sex do almost everything possible in order to become the owners of red hair. However, not everyone will like this shade, so before you go to a beauty salon, you should find out who really suits the red hair color.

Who suits red hair?

First of all, it should be noted that the redhead has a huge variety of different shades. Thanks to such a wide palette, almost any young lady will be able to find the one that suits her. Professionals advise choosing a shade according to your color type. It is absolutely simple, but with the help of this approach, you can find the perfect red hair color for yourself.

Very popular now are light red shades, close to blond. They are not too bright and therefore look more gentle than the usual fiery red. Such shades are ideal for girls who are afraid of dramatic changes and do not want to stand out too much from the crowd. Light red shades are absolutely perfect for ladies with the “summer” color type, these include blue-eyed and fair-haired young ladies. Such girls do not need to choose more saturated red tones, because they will look out of place.

As for the female representatives with the “autumn” and “spring” color types, it is quite possible for them to use bright red shades that will help make their appearance more catchy, and fiery strands will not allow them to get lost in the company. You can choose a more carrot shade or copper-red. When choosing, it is recommended to also rely on the color of the eyes. So, for example, brown-eyed bright red strands will go perfectly.

Dark-haired and dark-eyed girls, that is, those who belong to the “winter” color type, should give preference to copper-brown and cherry shades. As a rule, such colors are not so much red as red, they look very rich and noble.

red hair shades

As noted above, a color like red has a huge variety of various shades, which is precisely why many ladies love it. You can remain red, but at the same time constantly change. However, before you start painting in one color or another, you need to consider in more detail the existing classifications of shades.

dark red hair

Dark red shade can rightfully be called the most saturated. He will not only give the girl a mystery, but also make her bright and noticeable. Moreover, deep red hair color is considered incredibly sexy, because it undoubtedly attracts the eyes of others.

Dark shades include: burgundy, copper brown.

Light red hair

Light red color looks much more tender and therefore suits more modest natures. The golden hue will emphasize innocence and lightness, for this reason it is recommended for young ladies. The image will be very romantic.

Light shades are called the following: light copper, strawberry, copper golden, and ginger.

Red-red hair

The red-red color is definitely not suitable for shy ladies, it is best used by self-confident women who know exactly what they want from life. This shade can be called universal, because it can go with almost any skin color.

Red shades should be attributed cherry, red-copper.

fiery red hair

Fiery red is a provocative color and not every woman decides to dye her hair in such a way. However, these shades look chic, they help to emphasize absolutely all natural virtues.

These should include: carrot, copper red And orange.

How to dye your hair red?

Once the desired shade is selected, you can start staining. Dyeing red hair is not as easy as it might seem at first. It is necessary to follow certain rules in order not to spoil your hair in the end and get the desired shade.

The easiest way, of course, is to go to a reputable beauty salon and completely entrust your hair to a professional. But it is worth noting that not all ladies can afford such pleasure, someone does not have enough free time, someone has financial means, and someone simply prefers to do everything on their own. You need to start by choosing a color. As noted above, in order to correctly choose a shade for hair, you just need to know your color type.

When buying paint, you should ask the store for a palette with multi-colored strands in order to more clearly imagine the result. So, the lighter the original color, the brighter the final color will be.

Having bought paint, you should very carefully study all the instructions for it. It describes in detail exactly how and in what proportions it is necessary to dilute all the ingredients. At this stage, it is extremely important not to make a mistake, otherwise the desired red hair color may turn out to be far from ideal.

Coloring should start from the strands that are near the top of the head, after which you can go to the back of the head and go down below. The latest strands that are at the forehead and temples are painted. It is very important that the paint lies evenly, then the color will turn out really beautiful, for this it is recommended to use a comb.

The paint should be kept on the hair for no longer than forty minutes, as a rule, this is indicated on the package. Wash off the paint with water and shampoo. When painting, as well as directly when washing off the paint, you need to be careful and do not forget that it can easily ruin both furniture and towels, tiles, etc.

Indecisive girls can use tinted shampoos instead of paint, they are washed off much faster and do not spoil their hair.

Red hair care

Red hair is quite demanding. A lady who dreams of becoming brighter should understand that fiery hair will need regular and extremely thorough and serious care, which takes a lot of time and money.

In summer you need to hide the red strands from the sun, otherwise the color will fade, so you have to fall in love hats and panamas. It is also recommended to buy sprays, oils, masks, other various means that help perfectly protect them from dangerous rays.

Red-haired ladies will have to stock up on certain shampoos proven brands with color pigment, which allows you to save the red color brightness.

Hairdressers, as well as all famous stylists who constantly work with red hair, advise use in the usual home care routine henna, making masks from it according to popular folk recipes. You can also add it to your shampoo.

But sometimes choosing henna is not such an easy task. You will see some secrets on how to use it better and what to give preference to in the video below.

And, of course, regular thorough washing will allow the red hair to remain in a brilliant state.

Makeup for red hair

Red in itself is a very bright color, but sometimes you want to emphasize this brightness once again with the help of competent makeup. It’s not difficult to choose a make-up for owners of fiery hair color, but you should know certain nuances.

If we talk specifically about daytime makeup, then it must be barely noticeable, that is, natural, so you should carefully monitor the condition of your skin, constantly clean it, do peels, use creams. The foundation should be matched as closely as possible to the skin tone, with the help of it it will be possible to even out the complexion, and to hide minor redness, a concealer should be applied pointwise. Red-haired girls will perfectly go with delicate peach blush. It is better to apply shadows of warm shades on the moving eyelid, and leave the eyelashes intact or use brown mascara. It is recommended to completely abandon lipstick with a daily make-up in favor of shine. Thanks to this makeup, the image will be very neat.

Evening makeup should definitely be much brighter than daytime. It is necessary to start, as with a daytime make-up, with a tonal base, which can be dense, and then you need to move on to blush, which can already be brighter than during the day. Eyelids can be tinted with a rich brown pencil, drawing a thin arrow. As for the shadows themselves, it is best to use caramel or darker brown shades. It is recommended to choose a mascara that will add volume to the eyelashes. On the lips, apply a bright gloss or use a lipstick of a rich color.

The most important thing that women who love to change sometimes forget is that makeup should match the new image. To see the difference between which makeup is suitable for redheads, which for blondes, and which for brunettes, watch the video below.

How to get rid of red hair?

Although the red hair color is rightfully the most beautiful color, sometimes it becomes boring, so the fiery ladies have a question: “is it possible to eliminate the redhead from the hair forever?”. Of course, everything is possible, but it will take considerable effort.

A more or less simple way to remove redheads - painting with dark color. Such a cardinal method is not acceptable for every red-haired girl, because some modern ladies only dream of a blonde.

You can remove a redhead from your hair using simple homemade multiple lemon face masks, more precisely from their juice. It is important to apply these to the hair often. Masks will certainly be less effective than coloring.

An ideal option that helps to change the red hair color without loss is to contact a professional who, using high-quality, time-tested and work-tested products, will quickly bring out the red tint. Masters take into account, when removing a red tint, the natural hair color of each client, the paint with which she previously dyed her hair. A detailed and scrupulous approach allows you to determine with high accuracy specific methods that will help you effectively rid your hair of a boring shade without harm.

Many girls do the usual wash. This procedure is serious, you can not omit the fact that it can literally instantly ruin even the most well-groomed hair, so the wash should be selected after consulting a specialist. After washing, you should continuously nourish the hair with specialized products.

If you have black hair but have always wanted to dye it red, then it is quite possible to do it at home. Only 2 percent of the population is born with red hair, so it will make you stand out from the crowd. However, black hair is not so easy to dye red. However, modern dyes will allow you to color your hair at home without prior bleaching.


Part 1

Choosing the right paint

    Choose a color that suits your skin tone. There are three types of red shades: copper, purple and red. The red tint will be very bright, and the magenta will be darker. Copper is closer to chestnut color.

    Consider the type of product. There are different types of hair coloring. Permanent coloring, which penetrates directly into the hair cuticle and remains for several months, and temporary coloring, which covers only the outer surface of the hair and lasts only a few days. Temporary dye is usually sold in shampoo bottles. The boxed version of L "Oreal paint is permanent.

    • Curly hair is more fragile. Do not lighten them more than 3 shades from your natural hair color, otherwise it may harm them.
    • Ionic paint is best for people with sensitive skin.
  1. Assess the condition of your hair. Be honest with yourself and carefully consider the possibility of coloring your hair. Dyeing causes damage to the hair, so it is very risky to apply dye if they are already weakened.

    Plan ahead for coloring. Do not start coloring your hair without all the necessary ingredients. If you forget to get at least one of them, such as a brush, you probably won't get the desired result.

    • You can buy most of the products in the nearest cosmetics store.
    • Be prepared for the whole process to take about 2-3 hours. It will take about 30 minutes to process the hair itself. This is without taking into account the time you need to mix the ingredients, apply and then rinse off. In addition, on dark hair, you will have to repeat the procedure twice.

    Part 2

    Hair coloring
    1. Don't bleach your hair. Black hair should be bleached before dyeing red. However, today there are dyes such as L'Oreal Excellence HiColor Reds for dark hair with H8, which are able to dye dark hair red without prior bleaching.

      Comb your hair. You don't want your hair to get tangled, so comb it carefully. Then use special clips with which you can separate the hair into strands.

      • Apply petroleum jelly along the hairline to avoid accidentally coloring the skin.
      • It is best to divide your hair into equal strands.
    2. Mix the ingredients. Squeeze a tube of paint and developer into a bowl. Use a ratio of 2 to 1. Add 1 tube of paint (35 ml) and 70 ml of developer to the bowl. Use a measuring cup to be able to measure accurately. 35 ml is a full tube of paint.

    3. Apply color to your hair. Using a brush, apply the dye to the hair, starting from the ends, without coloring the roots. Paint one strand at a time. Gradually move up to the roots.

      • The dye can lie unevenly if you squeeze it out of the bottle directly onto the hair. Therefore, it is best to dye your hair with a brush.
      • Always wear gloves while painting. Otherwise, you will get your hands dirty.
      • Don't forget to color the hair around the ears. You can do it with your finger.
      • Completely cover your hair with paint.
      • Paint over the entire length, except for the roots. The hair at the roots has a more natural color, so if you color it first, you may end up with a brighter shade than at the ends. That's why you need to paint the tips first, and only then the roots.
      • Put on a shower cap and leave the paint on for 20 minutes. Then remove the cap and color the roots. Leave the paint on for another 10 minutes.
    4. Wash off the paint. Follow the instructions on the package. There will be written about the need to completely wash off the paint. In this case, you should use a shampoo for colored hair, but for starters it is better to just rinse them with running water.

      • Use warm or cold water, but never hot, as this can dull the paint.
    5. Repeat procedure. You need to color your hair again for best results. Dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer first.

      • After the first dyeing, black hair will take on a slightly reddish tint, so you will need to repeat the procedure to get a rich red color. However, do not re-color the roots because they already received enough dye the first time.
      • You can wait 24 hours before painting them again, or you can do it immediately.
      • Before you start, make sure you have enough paint. Buy more paint than you need, as the dyeing process will take two steps.

      Part 3

      Red hair care
      1. Consider the features of the red hair color. Red pigment has larger molecules than other colors.

        • Don't take hot showers. Hot water helps the paint wash out faster.
        • Hair dye can stain towels. Don't be surprised if your towel gets dirty after you shower.
        • Color your hair. Red hair requires constant maintenance. So you will have to repeat the procedure periodically. People often have to color their hair every three weeks, especially at the roots. However, you do not need to carry out a full staining.
      2. Turn on the fan during the hair dyeing process to ventilate the room a little, as the dye has a very strong smell.
      3. Get ready to get dirty. Wear a shirt you don't mind getting dirty and try to prevent paint from getting on the carpet or tiles.
      4. Before coloring your hair, it is better to consult a specialist if your skin is sensitive to chemicals.
      5. What will you need

      • 1 plastic bowl for paint and developer
      • 1 coloring brush
      • 2 boxes of hair dye (4 for long and thick hair). Many color guides use a dye that does not require pre-bleaching, such as L'Oreal Excellence HiColor Reds for dark hair.
      • 30% oxidant
      • Shampoo and conditioner for red hair
      • Polyethylene gloves
      • 1 measuring cup
      • 1 shower cap
      • old shirt
      • Hair clips
      • Brush

It is quite difficult to meet mischievous "saffron mushrooms" on the street. Few have red-haired curls from birth, but there are also not enough of those who would decide to take a step to become “red-haired”. This hair color remains out of fashion and time, unlike dyeing and haircut techniques.

Who suits red hair?

Well, I wanted to change my life in a decisive way, and it started with hair color. Having bought a pack of paint in the nearest store or having come to a beauty salon, it is worth considering some nuances.

Ideal red hair color is suitable for women:

  • with fair skin;
  • "cold" eyes;
  • aristocratic facial structure.

Even if such features are not observed in women, you can always choose your own shade based on natural data - the type of appearance. But there are also categories of women for whom red hair will not become the highlight of the image.

Who doesn't fit?

  • gray hairs in the amount of more than half of all available, and if the hair is too dry, there is significant damage to the hair structure;
  • there are many age-related wrinkles;
  • there are age spots, a large number of moles and freckles.

All the rest of the young ladies should devote more time to choosing the right shade, then such coloring will decorate the whole image.

Examples of shades with a photo

The widest palette of red shades allows you to choose the optimal tone for almost any woman. But in order not to miss, it is better to follow some recommendations.

bright red

This shade will be a daring solution for owners of brown and black eyes. In this case, the saturation of the color does not matter: whether it is “light copper” or a bright sunny orange. But this tone should not be chosen by beauties with eyes the color of the sky and near the nearest shades.


One of those shades that look very natural on the hair without overloading the image with color. A lady with any eye color and skin tone will do. This shade will add a special sophistication, aristocracy to a woman. A red, golden hue will add a special charm to the overflow.

Carrot shade

Another option to make your new hairstyle as natural as possible is a shade of carrot. It has a rich palette: calm, balanced tones, rich colors for red beasts, rich tones with a golden sheen. It will look great on fair-skinned women. The preferred eye color is green, gray, sky blue.

fiery red

More than a bold color, which is chosen by self-confident future red-haired beauties. The fiery palette is incredibly wide, so the strands can be painted over in different ways, depending on the appearance: darker options are perfect for girls with dark skin. Light tones of fiery red will go well with pale skin.

light red

Light shades look on the hair somehow unnatural. For a balanced look, light red is recommended for owners of pale or pinkish skin. The color of the eyes with this choice is not fundamental.

The tint map of this color may be different. More restrained tones of red-red are universal: any skin tone and eye can be combined with a new hair color. A bright option is suitable for a lady with fair skin.


Luxurious blond curls just play in the sun if they have a reddish tint. This hair color can be from birth, it can also be achieved by toning. This hair color is suitable for women with any skin and eye color.

Copper red

Ladies with any skin tone can safely decorate their hair in this color, but green eyes will add special charm and mystery to their appearance. But this does not mean that women with a different eye color cannot treat themselves to such a shade. It may look closer to the fiery palette or be darkened. In any case, a reflection of copper-red will ennoble the image.


Brown pigments will subdue the red color, so there are a lot of chances that the shade will suit you optimally. Whether it is dark skin or pale - this shade will look great against its background. Notes of mahogany will add playfulness to the strands, and in the sun this color will have a lot of reflections.

chestnut red

A rich tone will look great on fair-skinned beauties. This color perfectly copes with the manifestation of gray hair, the shade is in harmony with any haircut. Therefore, ladies older than middle age should pay attention to it.

Ash red

Very "young" shade with hints of ashy. It is not recommended to choose middle-aged women, so as not to add visually extra years. Favorably stands out against the background of pale skin, eye color is not important. As a bold variation, the shade can be used for swarthy women. In this case, it is better to choose a more intense red with subtle signs of ashy.

chocolate red

Deep red with a touch of chocolate is an excellent option for women who dared to acquire a new shade, but did not dare to take a cardinal step. The "chip" of this shade is versatility - in poor lighting, the curls appear dark blond, in the sun - redheads. Perfectly this shade copes with gray strands.


The original tint ensemble is created with a tandem of red color with pink tones. This shade is good for young girls. Young ladies with any color type will be able to repaint their hair in such an unusual color.

golden red

Hair color can approach golden chestnut tones, oak, chocolate. Whatever it is, the tone will decorate the image of girls with any skin tone. Often, when dyeing in this color, you have to pre-lighten your hair. Therefore, it is simply necessary to pay attention to caring for such a “fiery” hair so that it does not turn into a washcloth.

Pre-lightening before reaching this shade is inevitable. Red on such a blond will be bright and bold. A red-haired beast with such a shade will not go unnoticed. If the red tone was applied to a natural blonde, then the manifestation of "redness" will not be so intense. Universal color that will suit almost everyone.

caramel red

Such an interesting shade will ennoble the red and give the curls a soft color. Suitable for ladies with dark skin, brown eyes will give a unique zest to the image. Effectively in this color to be painted with natural and clarified blondes. If you want to paint over gray hair, caramel-red color is a good option.

Achieving the planned red color is not so easy, especially at home. Difficulties can easily arise, for example, if the goal is to turn into a golden red blond with an initial dark blond.

The sequence of actions when painting in red color may differ depending on the initial shade of hair. But sometimes becoming a red-haired lady is very simple, and the price for this is a penny.

If the original color is brown.

The easiest way with this hair color is to repaint in chocolate -, chestnut -, dark red, etc. It is enough to buy natural henna and make such a coloring at home. As an option, balms and shampoos with a tint effect will come to the rescue. For a more durable and clear effect, you should use resistant paint. When choosing dark shades of red, you should pay attention to your eyebrows. Coloring your eyebrows in dark brown is a great option for a harmonious look.

If the transition to red occurs dramatically and, for example, a fiery color is chosen, then you will have to lighten at least 3 tones, and only then turn into a red color. It will not be superfluous to mentally prepare for the fact that any discoloration will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, and therefore additional procedures for caring for them cannot be avoided.

If the original color is light brown

Whatever the shade of light brown, it can be tinted. Dark or light shades lend themselves perfectly to the effects of tinted shampoos, balms. Henna also plays an important role here. With its help, you can achieve at least not a bright, but natural result.

With light brown it is convenient to achieve both dark and light shades of red. If henna did not bring the desired effect, then professional paint will definitely correct the situation. Stylists recommend painting a few weeks after using henna, as the result of the procedure can be unpredictable, and most likely not in favor of a red-haired girl.

If the original color is blond

It doesn’t matter how hard the woman got her hair color, but in any case, it’s great to switch from it to bright red shades. You can choose a dark one, but it will quickly wash out of your hair. Therefore, such experiments are best done in several stages: first darken the hair, and then turn red.

If you use exactly the original blond color, then you can get by with various tonics and balms. The effect will last no longer than a month, but there will be a minimum of trauma to the hair.

Selection of paint for coloring curls in red color

Each time the choice of coloring agents leads a woman to panic: choose a professional paint without ammonia or get by with a cheaper one. If the choice falls in the direction of natural dyes like henna, then the hair not only acquires the desired red tint, but also receives additional care. When choosing a paint, most often, we are not talking about the benefits for the hair.

  1. Price. Although decent paints cost the corresponding money, famous brands try to justify their products to the maximum, this applies primarily to the composition. Professional paints often contain natural ingredients. Palettes of such colors are observed in beauty salons, and the master can vouch for the result.
  2. Compound. Do not abuse the ammonia compositions of paints. They deplete the hair, and if the red color requires regular tinting and toning, then the result will be clearly deplorable.
  3. Hue. The right shade is half the battle. On the back of the package there is a small stretch of colors - outgoing and the one that will turn out after the staining procedure. If you can’t choose it yourself, then it’s better to resort to the help of specialists and contact a beauty salon.

Any coloring is a significant stress for the hair. Their structure is damaged, after which the color fades, and the hair itself looks like straw. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of your hair “wisely”:

  1. After washing your hair, do not forget about conditioners, at least once a week - a mask;
  2. Choose shampoos that are designed for colored hair;
  3. With a quick washout of color, it is safe to use tonics or other tint products on natural ingredients;
  4. Cut off intensely damaged ends of the hair in time so that the hair does not turn into a shock of hair;
  5. You should not often use thermal devices, so as not to damage your hair even more.

Any coloring requires care, but if it comes to the intensity of the color, then you will have to tinker with it. What is the right selection of hair products with color protection. When you see a minimum of washed-out red pigment while washing your hair, you can safely stop in search of your ideal product.

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Increased attention is experienced by people who have red hair. A naturally natural color is usually accompanied by freckles, which often leads the owner to complexes.

Who suits red hair

Recently, dyeing in red has become popular. It is widely believed that the fire in a person is not only on the head, but also in the heart, so men, anticipating an acquaintance with a passionate temperament, are in a hurry to win the attention of a fiery girl.

People with a strong character consciously dye themselves red, so there are not so many of them as brunettes and blondes. They are not afraid to draw attention, be at the center of discussions and are ready to maintain the image of a medieval witch, who was desired by the strong and feared by the weak.

Only 2–4% of the inhabitants of the planet Earth have been endowed by nature with natural red hair. However, many more people want to stand out from the crowd. The thirst for experimentation does not always lead to the expected results, and it is not so easy to bring out a bright color. Who really suits red hair?

  • Swarthy girls are impressed by dark shades of red, caramel and honey tints.

Not all people can repaint in such a bright color. It is contraindicated in older people whose hair has lost its own pigment and turned gray. Mimic wrinkles are more clearly visible, and age folds are even more emphasized by bright shades. In combination with red, freckles and age spots begin to ripple, and the face merges into one spot with hair, which develops complexes about appearance.

Advice!Women with a frequent blush should refrain from bright shades of red in their hair.

How to choose shades

To choose the right shade of red, first of all pay attention to skin tone. Owners of pinkish skin can safely repaint both light red and dark. Golden chestnut is perfect for a girl with an olive skin tone. Swarthy girls are better off giving preference to juicy red-red colors. Pale-skinned people are advised to pay attention to natural shades.

You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve the color and protect the hair from the effects of external negative factors Ombre on red hair needs regular correction. You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve the color and protect the hair from the effects of external negative factors. For a haircut, the ladder method, cascade and other multilayer options are best suited.

Fair-skinned girls are recommended to play with honey shades, they look the most natural and calm. Dark-skinned people should pay attention to the colors of mocha, eggplant, mahogany and red. If the appearance is of an oriental type, you can complement the ombre technique with a chocolate or nut accent.

Advice! You should not carry out the Ombre technique on your own at home. You can spoil not only the color, but also the structure of the hair. It is better to trust professionals.

How to eliminate unnecessary redhead

Red color is the most persistent on the hair. Its ebb remains even after full painting in another dark color. Switching to light colors is completely problematic. However, girls love experiments with appearance and the issue of eliminating redheads is also relevant in the world of the beauty industry.

At home, you can use proven folk remedies:

  • Hair mask of 2-3 lemons. Citrus juice is moistened with hair for several hours. It is washed off with warm water.
  • The crumb of rye bread is diluted with water and evenly applied over the entire length of the hair for an hour. Wash off with warm water.
  • In the morning, the hair is generously moistened in beer, and before going to bed they are washed with laundry soap. Olive or castor oil can be added to the drink to enhance the effect.

Home remedies are not always, unfortunately, effective. It is better to contact a beauty salon, where specialists will remove the bright color with a special wash. But this procedure can ruin the structure of the hair and is not cheap. A professional product is applied to the hair for 15–20 minutes and lightens it by several tones at a time. Most likely, one procedure will not be enough and tinting will be required after it. Such a complex will harm the hair, so before you eliminate the red color, you should think about treating your hair in advance.

Advice! Without harm to the hair, you can get rid of the red color only with a stylish haircut. It will be short, but the hair will be completely renewed.

About the rules for dyeing red on video

Finally: 5 interesting facts about redheads

  1. There is a strong opinion that the first wife of Adam Lilith, created by the Lord in the same way as Adam himself, from clay, had red hair. According to her husband, she had a bad character, as she claimed that she was no more stupid than him. As a result, God had to urgently create for the first man a second wife, less demanding and more obedient. According to another version, the first red-haired people began to be born from Lilith and Satan.
  2. In ancient Egypt, people with red hair were sacrificed to the sun god for a good harvest of grain. The reason for the association was the golden color of wheat ears.
  3. The Scots believe that underground fairies have fiery hair color, and people with hair of all shades of flame are their descendants and themselves have magical abilities.
  4. In ancient Greece, the attitude towards people with such hair was twofold. On the one hand, fair-haired slaves, including redheads, were especially valued in the slave market. On the other hand, it was believed that it was the fiery-haired ones who became vampires after death.
  5. There is a hypothesis that the word "Rus" itself was formed from the word "red", since the Latin "russus", which was called the Vikings, means "red".

When choosing a natural face frame, the fair sex should pay attention to the style of clothing and eye color. Be especially careful when experimenting with dark red hair. It is important to take into account the various nuances that will help you choose the right color. How to get dark red hair color? It is not difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Painting in dark red color: working with henna

Dark red hair color is easy to get with henna. But in working with it, you must follow the rules. Otherwise, you can get a green shade of hair.

Before using the composition, it is worth conducting a test that allows you to get color on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair. If the color suits you, you can proceed to staining.

For the test, you need to take a strand of hair and apply the prepared natural paint on it. Wait a couple of hours, wrapping your head in a towel. Wash off in the usual way. After three days, when the hair darkens a little, you can evaluate the result.

The advantages of henna over chemical dyes are obvious. She is not able to fade in the sun and fade. When using this dye, with each subsequent dyeing, the color will be brighter, and the health of the hair will not suffer.

When staining, use only ceramic dishes. And apply the cooked henna warm.

Recipe number 1. To get a dark red hair color, experts recommend mixing the contents of three sachets of the product and half a sachet of ginger and pour very hot water. If there is boiling water, that's fine too. Mix well and apply to hair. At the same time, it is important to take into account a small secret: with prolonged infusion of the product, you can get a dark red hair color. When using henna for hair coloring, the hair is shiny and lively due to the content of unique components in it. It can be used after unsuccessful dyeing of hair with chemical dyes, as it helps to restore the structure of the hair.

Recipe number 2. Dark shades of red hair can be obtained by mixing ground cloves, henna and red wine. Mix the ingredients and let it brew for a few minutes. Can be applied to hair.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a beautiful shade can also be obtained after staining with chemical agents.

If a woman naturally has chestnut hair color, henna dyeing will give them a beautiful dark red color.

In the presence of gray hair, it is henna (unlike paint) that can paint over it and, with prolonged use, prevent its appearance.

Coloring with paint. Nuances

How to get dark red hair color? Paint will help to achieve the desired result, if you choose it correctly and take into account some of the nuances.

If the natural hair color is naturally light, you can proceed immediately to dyeing with paint.

For dark hair, pre-lightening is necessary. The hairdresser can do the job perfectly. It should be noted that lightening worsens the condition of the hair, and they will need additional nutrition.

Who suits red

Who will suit dark red hair color? The shade of curls often reflects the state of mind, the character of a person. In fact, this color is chosen by people who want to be in the spotlight. But, following the impulse of fashion, you should choose the right shade for the color of the eyes and the style of clothing. The palette of dark red shades is wide, it will not be difficult to choose what you need. It is worth remembering that it will not be easy to get rid of the red color if there is a desire to change the hair color.

It is important to take into account the presence of age spots and freckles on the face. Red coloring will make them appear brighter.

If it is difficult to determine the hair color, you can use a tinting shampoo, which is washed off after a short time. During this time, you can feel the shade and decide whether it suits or not. At the same time, the agent envelops each hair with an invisible film, without penetrating deep into the hair and without violating its structure.

It is worth remembering that dark shades of red do not tolerate bright makeup. An exception is a party or going out.

The right dark red hair color just looks amazing. The photo in the article is a clear proof of this.

eye color

Those who have brown and light brown eyes can safely dye their hair in copper and dark caramel shades. In this case, it is desirable that the skin color be swarthy or close to it. This rule also applies to green-eyed girls. Red will perfectly emphasize individuality and create a unique image.

But such shades are completely unsuitable for shy and modest women who are not used to enthusiastic looks.


Red color should not be used by women whose age is called "Balzac". Such a shade will only add age to a woman.

skin tone

To determine the skin tone, you need to look at the inside of the wrist. If blue veins are found, the skin is very light. Greenish veins indicate peach skin.

In exceptional cases, fair-skinned women are allowed to dye dark copper.

Whatever shade of dark red was chosen, the main thing is that the feeling of comfort does not leave the owner. By changing the image, you can become a more confident and relaxed person, gaining admiring glances from others. But dark red hair color is really capable of this. The photo in the article proves it to us!