How to Add Magic Glitter to a Photo in Adobe Photoshop Add Shine to Hair in Photoshop

How to animate an image. Glitter in Photoshop. This Photoshop tutorial is part 2 of the tutorial In this part of the tutorial, we will make a glitter animation in Photoshop using the Alien Skin Xenofex 2 filter, which you can download for free from the links in the first part or from the link at the end of this tutorial.

Let's decorate our collage with glitter.

1. So open the saved collage as a new document in Photoshop and remove the lock by double clicking on the layer with the left mouse button. We take an eyedropper in the toolbar and select a beautiful dark color from the collage (see screenshot).

2. Take the tool rectangular area and make a selection of the frame from the upper left corner to the lower right. A dotted box appeared. Go to the layers panel and create a new layer.

4. Make two more copies of the layer with the frame, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the letter J. Selection - Deselect. Now we have the main layer with the collage and 3 layers with the frame. On the collage layer, the peephole is always enabled. We get up on 1 layer with a frame, make it active, turn off the eyes on the remaining 2 layers and go to the animation panel - Window - Animation.

5. In the animation panel we have 1 frame, let's frame the rest of the layers. Click on the New frame icon in the animation panel, and in the layers panel turn off the peephole on the 1st frame layer and go to the next layer by turning on the peephole on it. again create a new frame in the animation and go in layers to the third top layer. Do not forget to turn off sequentially the eyes on the previous layers. Those. each frame must correspond to a certain layer.

6. Get up 1 frame and 1 layer, go to Filter - Alien Skin Xenofex 2.0-Constellation with the following settings:

7. Go to the frame panel on the 2nd frame, and in the layers panel on the 2nd layer of the frame, I remind you that on the layer with the collage the peephole is always on and set the settings, reducing the settings of only one button - Random Seed by 20, leaving the rest unchanged:

8. Go to the last 3rd frame and the top 3rd layer of the frame, do not forget to turn off the eyes on the previous layers. Once again, decrease the value of the Random Seed button by 20.

9. Check the correspondence of frames to layers. We get up on the first frame - in the layers, the eye is included on 1 layer with a frame and always on a layer with a collage. Then alternately stand on the 2nd frame - 2nd layer, 3rd frame - 3rd layer. If everything matches, go back to frame 1, hold down the Shift button and click on frame 3. All frames are highlighted in blue. Now we set the time on 1 frame 0.2 sec. All other frames will also have this delay time. Turn on the animation and watch. If everything suits, let's move on to the animation of the picture itself.

10. We get up on the bottom layer, with a collage and we will select those areas on it that we want to animate. In the toolbar, take the lasso tool with the following settings and circle the desired areas:

11. Without removing the selection, make 2 more copies of the layer, as in step 2. So, in the layers panel, we have 3 frames with a frame and 3 frames with a collage. The eyes are included on the bottom layer with the collage - we have it active - highlighted in blue and on 1 layer with a frame. On other layers, the eyes are disabled. In the animation panel, we stand at frame 1.

12. Go back to the Filter - Alien Skin Xenofex 2.0-Constellation with the following settings, the filter remembers the last settings that we set and now you just need to decrease the value of the Random Seed button again by 20:

14. And the last frame, the last layers of the collage and the frame and again decrease by 20 the value of the Random Seed button. When moving to the next layer, do not forget to turn off the eye on the previous one. After checking that all the frames match the layers, go to Select-Deselect.

15. Turn on the animation and watch. If everything suits, save. Go to File - Save for Web & Devices with the following settings:

I wish you pleasant, creative work! I hope you enjoyed this easy tutorial.

Download Alien Skin Xenofex 2 filter.

Download lesson How to animate a picture. Photoshop lessons. Glitter in Photoshop.

In this tutorial I will show you how to remove oily sheen in Photoshop from the face. The lesson may be useful for people who have recently worked with the program, but really want to learn.

Earlier, in I already told you how to deal with problem skin in Photoshop. In this tutorial, we will use other tools and methods.

Frankly, the problem of oily sheen in the photo is quite common, I think many novice photographers often encounter it, and they already have their own set of techniques for retouching such photos in their arsenal. I, in turn, process such pictures at the numerous requests of girlfriends or acquaintances who for some reason believe that you don’t feed the designer with bread - let me cover up a pimple or oily sheen in Photoshop).

Define tasks

So what are the challenges before us?

  • Remove oily face
  • Save skin texture
  • Keep the volume of the face.

The last two points are extremely important. It is about them that beginners often forget in their work. The result of photo processing should be as realistic as possible, and interference should be invisible. After all, it’s funnier to look at rough poor-quality photo processing than at problematic skin.

So let's get started.

Open our image: File - Open (Ctrl + O), in the window that appears, select a photo, click "Open".

Call the layer panel "Layers" - press F7.

This is the main panel that we will often refer to.

Now we have only one layer in the list of layers - "Background".

Duplicate the layer by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting "Duplicate Layer" - "OK" from the drop-down menu, or by holding the layer with the left mouse button, drag it to the new layer icon.

The second layer will be called "Background copy" by default (or you can give it any other name by double-clicking on the layer name in the layers palette). Now we have 2 layers in the layers palette. Create a third empty layer by clicking on the new layer icon in the Layers palette, or by pressing Crtl+Shift+N. We will now work on an empty layer "Layer 1".

Select the Lasso Tool (M) from the left panel, we will use it to select the shiny areas of the skin.

In the upper panel, be sure to click on the “Add to selection” button (looks like two combined squares).

Now, with the help of the lasso, select the shiny areas of the skin that you want to retouch.

You can easily work with the mouse if you don't have a tablet, if it doesn't work out too neat, don't worry, anyway, we will blur these areas later.

When you have selected all areas, select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) - (looks like a bucket of paint).

Click on the small (top) square at the bottom to select a fill color. A new window will appear, the tool will automatically change to an eyedropper. Use it to sample the skin color next to the highlight. We click "Ok. Fill the selected areas with the resulting color by simply clicking on the selection with the bucket.

Remove the selection with the Ctrl+D key combination.

Go to the menu "Filter" - "Blur" - "Gaussian Blur".

I chose a blur radius of 4.5. You can experiment with the radius, we want a soft blur on the edges.

Okay, now go to the layers palette - F7.

At the very top of the "Layers" panel, the default layer blending mode is "Normal", click on the small black arrow, select "Darker Color" in the drop-down menu, reduce the layer's opacity in the "Opacity" line to 80% (100% is a completely opaque layer ).

What have we got at this stage? It was possible to get rid of the shine, but the skin texture and volume disappeared.

To recreate the texture of the skin, you can clone its sections from another place and adjust the color (long and dreary), or use complex brushes for the skin (i.e. actually redrawing the texture is still difficult for us), or if the photo is small and medium quality (as in my example) we can do the following.

Merge the second and third layers. Select "Layer 1", press Ctrl + E (allows you to merge the layer with the bottom one). Let's work with this layer now.

Grab the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L). If only the Lasso Tool, which we have already used, is visible in the panel, just right-click on it and select Polygonal Lasso Tool from the menu.

Now we outline the face with the selection tool to determine the area where we will apply the texture. Nothing that the corners will be sharp. It should look something like this:

Right-click on the selection, select "Layer via Copy" (copy to a new layer).

Please note that another layer "Layer 1" has appeared in the layers palette. Above the layer we were working on. We are now working on "Layer 1".

Go to the menu "Filter" - "Noise" - "Add Noise ..." (Filter - Noise - Add noise).

We set the following settings: Amount 5, check the boxes next to "Gaussian" and "Monochromatic".

Back in the Layers panel, change the Blending Mode of "Layer 1" to "Darken", and set the layer's Opacity to 65-70%.

Take the Eraser Tool (E), get rid of unnecessary noise in the eyes and mouth area.

At this stage, in principle, we could already stop, but we will go a little further.

Let's create a new layer.

To highlight the volume of the cheeks and make a slight blush, take the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) or the Lasso Tool, if you wish. We highlight approximate areas like this above the cheekbones.

Fill with peach-pink color. I have the color #d1a382.

Remove selection - Ctrl + D. Go to the menu Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur. I set the blur radius to 6.

Change the layer's blend mode to "Color", lower the Opacity to 80%.


Photo before processing:

Today I told you how to remove oily sheen in Photoshop.

I hope you found this lesson useful and interesting.

Glitter can be an interesting detail to add to your images when you want to create something completely different. Whether it's personalizing your own greeting cards, making your kids' pictures more magical, or you just love glitter, we'll show you a fun and quick way to add shimmer to your pictures.

Let's Get Started

If you want to repeat the tutorial and use the same images, then you can download them for free from the following links:

In this tutorial, I'll demonstrate the Glitter Photoshop Action from Sevenstyles, which you can find as part of Envato Elements.

  • Make sure the original image is in 8-bit RGB color mode
  • Create a new layer, name this layer Brush(brush), on this layer we will paint over with a brush

If this is your first time with actions, then you first need to install actions in Photoshop. Let's go to the panel Operations(Actions) in Photoshop. If you do not see the panel, then go to the menu, Window - Operations(Window > Actions) to show the panel. To install the action, download the file .ATN, open the panel Operations(Actions) in Photoshop and then Download Operations(Load Actions) from the dropdown list. In the window that appears, select the file .ATN to download it. Next, the action will be available for use.

Super Easy Way

Let's start with a simple example. Below is the first example image we'll start with:

An image of a bird, I'm using as the first example

Once you've created a layer Brush(brush), paint over with a brush those parts of the image where you would like to apply the shine effect. The colors you choose will be the glitter color (plus the white color), so I chose colors from the bird's plumage to create harmony.

Paint your original image with the colors you want to see the glitter glow in. When the action is done, you will see the glitter glow where you brushed

More Complicated Way

Now let's do something more complex. Below is the original image:

This image shows three dancers in black and white - an interesting image to try to apply the effect.

This time I'm going to apply the effect on a black and white image because I think the colors will stand out even better. If you are using a black and white photo, then you will need to make sure that the original image is set to RGB mode, not per mode In grayscale(Greyscale).

Choose the colors, they should be darker than your desired gloss colors - pastel colors may look nice, but they will mostly fade to white.

I used three color shades that I think would look great together.

Launch the Action

This action will consist of many layers

You can see that the action consists of many layers, which are grouped accordingly. By adjusting these layers, we can better control the effect of the action.

Let's Make a Correction

Lower the opacity of the layer with the group Sparkles_Set 2 with little white sequins to make them a little softer.

Lower the opacity of the individual glitter layers

You can also lower the layer's opacity Blur Base to soften the white glow of the sparkles.

Finishing the Effect

Finally, pay attention to the layer. The opacity of this layer is set to 0% , but you can increase the opacity value to tone down the white glow at the edges. It will depend on your original image you are using as to whether you want to do this.

Increase the opacity of the Black Tint layer to darken the edges

Make an overall adjustment to the contrast and brightness of the entire image, and we're done!

Finished Image

Try Making Your Own Glitter

If you like the idea of ​​creating your own glitter/glow effect, then check out Marko Kožokar's awesome tutorial: How to Create a Glitter Action in Adobe Photoshop.

You may also like the following tutorials.

The shine of the skin in the photo part is a surprise to us. Especially during the hot season. The good news is that making the skin matte is not difficult. For this, knowledge of just one Photoshop tool is enough. And it's a brush!

For example, let's take not the best photo of Angelina Jolie. The angle is good, but the greasy sheen completely disfigured the photo. We will remove it and compare the results before and after.

The brush tool is in the sidebar. We click on it, making it active, and proceed to the settings.

On the top panel that appears, we adjust things like "opacity" and "pressure". We need values ​​of 40-50%. With these settings, we will make our brush soft, so that our interference is minimally noticeable.

In addition, change the blending mode to "darken".

By clicking on the free field with the right mouse button, select the softest brush in the settings.

Now we should adjust the color with which we will cover the oily sheen. To do this, we need the eyedropper tool.

Click on the nearest matte piece of skin.

We return to the brush. Now we have all the necessary settings. And carefully cover all the shiny places. Remember to change the color of the brush depending on the location of the glitter. The color should be changed every time you start processing a new piece of leather.

And now let's see what we got. Compare the results before and after.

As you can see, the skin has become more matte. Removing oily sheen from the face in Photoshop turned out to be a matter of minutes.

Naturally, this technique is not used by professional retouchers to process photos for glossy magazines. Their work is much more difficult and painstaking. But we are not yet claiming a place on the cover of Vogue. This lesson is suitable for those who start learning Photoshop from scratch. And he takes his first timid steps.

In general, Photoshop is less frequently used for makeup and cosmetic problems of the face than for correction and artistic “licking” of the most popular female forms, but many are interested in how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop.

If these are simply too light areas, they can be easily dealt with in a couple of clicks, using more or less destructive correction methods, and in "clinical" cases (bright highlights) you will have to tinker, because methods that destroy the pixel structure will not work here.

Painting bright spots

In some simple cases, you can paint over light (shiny) spots with a soft brush, picking up a suitable color with a pipette in close proximity to the spot. In such cases, the opacity of the brush is slightly reduced and the blending mode is changed to Darken. The result will be more natural if, instead of the standard brush, you choose a "Skin" brush with a suitable texture pattern.

Now we will look at how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop using the "surgical intervention" retouching tools. For example, you can remove oily sheen by applying a suitable "patch" to it (a tool in the Spot Healing Brush group) or by using the Stamp tool. In the latter case, select a sample to replace by clicking at this point with the Alt key pressed, and then paint over the light spot.

Blurring the shine

To combat shine, as well as to solve many other issues, how to edit a face in Photoshop, partial blur is often used.

This is done in the following way. Duplicate the image (let it still be a face with shiny spots on the protruding parts), close your eyes on it so as not to interfere, go to the original layer and blur the picture by applying Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur) . The radius of the effect must be set in such a way as to only neutralize the illuminated spot in relation to the surrounding background.

Now we return to the duplicate, turn on its visibility, take the "Eraser", reduce its opacity (as appropriate) and "wipe" the light spots to a blurry layer on which they no longer stand out with brightness (shine).

This technique is also good for masking pimples that do not decorate moles, age spots, wrinkles and other ugliness.

Get the archival brush

This is another one that uses blur, a versatile way to solve various retouching tasks. So, how to remove shine from the face in Photoshop? Very simple - using the capabilities of the archive brush.

The photo is blurred according to Gauss, by setting the radius depending on the size, image resolution and features of the problem area. Then open the "History" tab in the "Window" menu, set the source for the archive brush by clicking on the square (in our case, this is a Gaussian blur). Further here, in the history, they switch to the original image, then turn on the "Archive brush" and, having selected its size, lowering the opacity and changing the "Overlay" mode to "Dark", they "paint over" the problems.

We muffle glare

All of the above methods are suitable for correction in "light" cases, but how to remove shine in Photoshop if it is a bright, white and seemingly hopeless glare that is difficult to cope with without undesirable consequences using the standard technique.

A completely non-destructive way to neutralize bright highlights involves the use of color channels.

Open the "Channels" tab ("Window" > "Channels") and select the channel with the maximum image contrast (for the skin, this is usually the blue channel).

Having selected, close the channels, go to the "Layers" panel and duplicate the image on a new layer (Ctrl + J).

Add a "Channel Mix" adjustment layer by clicking on the icon in the layers palette at the bottom, or by selecting this command from the "New Adjustment Layer" list in the "Layers" menu.

In the dialog box, mark "Monochrome", reset the red and green colors, and for the blue tone set the number "100". So the blue channel is on a separate (adjustment) layer.

Now add a new adjustment layer "Invert" (the image is converted to a negative) so that the highlights become dark.

Add a Curves adjustment layer and by moving the top node of the curve to the left, brighten everything except the highlights.

Now group all the layers (except the background) by selecting them together in the Layers Palette, holding down the Ctrl key and pressing Ctrl + G. Then change the blending mode for the group to Color Burn and note with satisfaction that the highlights are no longer "glow", and the texture is in place. If they are not dark enough, it is easy to open the group and adjust the settings on the "Curves" layer, darkening the highlights even more, but here we risk losing texture, which is not included in our plans, since removing the shine from the face in Photoshop is not just make it matte.

In this case, let's convert our layer group into a smart object by selecting this command from the group layer's layer context menu or from the Filter menu ("Convert for Smart Filters").

Now select the filter "Gaussian Blur" ("Filter" > "Blur") and, having set a suitable radius, we show the texture in the highlight area. An excessive effect, if the skin texture is too pronounced, can be muted by lowering the opacity.

If retouching such flaws and imperfections of the skin as highlights, spots, scars, wrinkles, etc., can lead to destructive consequences, then you can change the complexion in Photoshop in no time without fear for the texture of the skin, however, with provided that you are not going to outdo the Avatar.

Change the complexion

In "Photoshop" you can easily, in an instant, tan obscenely, enliven your face or add aristocratic pallor to it, or so "glamour" that all Hollywood stars will "rest".

All recolor tools work for this, including Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Selective Color, Replace Color, and Photo Filter.

All these commands can be called from the "Adjustments" list in the "Image" menu, or use the appropriate adjustment layers ("Layers" > "New Adjustment Layer").

In the first case, the face must be selected before applying this or that correction, but the adjustment layers add their own mask, on which you can then make adjustments with a black brush, that is, remove the effect where it is useless (eyes, eyebrows, lips, etc.).

The "Hue/Saturation" correction also has a special "Toning" function, with which you can give the face any shade.

You can even use a Color Adjustment Layer, fill the face with the color you want, and then change the Blending Mode to Soft Light.

Some "gourmets" tint the face in the Lab color mode, since in this case it becomes possible to separately affect the color by the brightness and contrast of the image.

The cheat sheet shows the ratios of the a, b color channels and the luminance channel L in the Lab color space for different skin tones, taking into account tonal nuances in the penumbra and highlights.