Pearls are a unique stone. About the healing power of black pearls. Pearls - the magical properties of the stone

Pearl- this is the only mineral in the world that does not need processing. He is beautiful on his own. That is why the stone is the favorite of many ladies, craftsmen, as well as connoisseurs of jewelry.

They say that this mineral should be in the box of every self-respecting woman. Pearl jewelry always looks advantageous and at ease. The main thing is to know one important detail: how to wear pearls.

Who wears pearls?

This delicate mineral is unique in that it matches almost all outfits. A modest pearl thread quite often serves as an addition to evening dress or business suit.

Jewelry made from this mineral is popular with ladies of any age. However, we often hear a sore point: is it possible to wear pearls unmarried girls ?

The fact is that in the old days there was a belief according to which young ladies could not wear a pearl thread without a pair. Now we can say that these are just relics of the past. On the contrary, one of the magical properties of the mineral is a successful marriage. It is believed that it is pearls that bring a girl new love if it is open to her. Therefore, it is not only possible for single young ladies to wear this stone, but also necessary.

Who is pearl suitable for?

Jewelry made from a beautiful mineral can be worn at any age and in any social status.

However, it is worth paying attention to some nuances:

  • Young ladies should not wear too many pearls. One thin thread will do.
  • But the ladies of the Balzac age are advised to wear necklaces made of several pearl strands or large pearls.
  • Girls with swarthy or tanned skin should choose golden hues mineral.
  • Pale-faced young ladies are very well suited for pink stone jewelry.
  • All women can afford the snow-white and cream colors of the product.

Pearls and zodiac signs

In astrology, they believe that the stone has a very great strength and not everyone can handle it. The mineral can be worn by purposeful and stubborn people who fanatically go to achieve their goal. The stone is most suitable for representatives of the water element: Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces. Gemini and Aquarius are also recommended a delicious mineral.

Which ones can be found here.

Pearls and zodiac signs:

  • Cancers it helps to relax and find harmony.
  • Scorpions the mineral carries a charge of vivacity and positive energy. Pearls suit them the most.
  • the mineral protects against rash and impulsive actions. It helps develop intuition and find your love.
  • Aquarius the stone protects from gossip and ill-wishers. Which one to choose as a mascot, you can find out here.
  • Gemini the mineral saves from emotional storms, as well as depression and apathy.
  • The mineral is great T dace. It harmonizes wonderfully with their calm nature. Therefore, for those who are wondering: is it possible for calves to wear pearls? The answer, of course, is yes.
  • Libra women the mineral serves as an assistant in the search for your happiness.
  • Black pearl helps Sagittarius conceived, contributes to the speedy achievement of life goals. But, alas, they cannot wear a white mineral. Which ones you will find here.
  • Capricorn shows sea pearls. It will help calm the stubborn zodiac sign. Which ones are suitable as a mascot, you can find out here.
  • the mineral will protect from enemies and ill-wishers. However, if a person born under this sign has a weak character, then pearls are contraindicated for him. He can only make the situation worse.
  • and Lions stone is not recommended. It is believed that these two signs are under too much protection of the sun, which is contrary to the power of the water mineral. , can be found here.

History of pearls

Posts about beautiful stone met in the days of the Roman Empire. Then jewelry with pearls was considered an unaffordable luxury. Only very wealthy people could afford them.

It is said that Queen Cleopatra put a pearl in a cup of wine before drinking it. Many considered this a secret recipe for her unfading beauty.

The Spanish conquerors, having conquered South America, saw temples decorated with products of unprecedented beauty. In fact, many sculptures and cathedral ceilings were framed with pearls.

Who discovered this beautiful mineral to the world remains a mystery to this day. George Frederick Kunz, an American specialist in this field, suggests that The first pearls were produced by Indian tribes of fishermen. They stumbled upon the magnificent pearls while opening their shells in search of food.

Types and colors

The magnificent mineral is so diverse in appearance and color scheme that even a professional can get confused here. Natural stone found in various and bizarre forms. Such as rice, drop, sphere, semi-sphere, baroque, semi-baroque, button, beads. ABOUT , can be found here.

Most known varieties pearls are divided into the following categories:

  • - mined in water conditions. It can be natural and cultivated. The size of such a mineral is from 4 to 7 mm, with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. The colors of the mineral are silvery and yellowish.
  • Baroque- This is a very small type of pearl of a peculiar shape. It is found in marine and freshwater, natural and cultivated. It is often used to create beads and bracelets. Baroque colors range from silvery to reddish. More information about can be found here.
  • Tahiti This is a high quality cultured pearl. The size of its pearls is from 10 to 12 mm. The uniqueness of such a product in color. Shades of Tahiti occur from silver gray to black.
  • Akoya- round, cultivated sea mineral from 5 to 9 mm. The palette of its shades includes white, cream, silver, pink and even greenish black.
  • Ocean- This is a variety of Akoya sea pearls, but with rather large pearls: from 9 to 14 mm. The colors of such a mineral repeat the Akoya palette.
  • Pearls of the South Seas- This is the largest round mineral. He is called the "King of Pearls". The diameter of pearls is from 10 to 22 mm. The colors of such a product are varied, the pearlescent coating is thick, and the luster is unique.
  • Mabe - most large view natural pearls in the form of a sphere. It is impossible to cultivate such a product, which is why it has a high price. The colors of this mineral vary from silver to black. The diameter of pearls is from 8 to 20 mm.
  • Kasumi - it is grown on the lake of the same name in Japan. The uniqueness of such a product in unusual modulations from golden to purple. The shape of pearls is very unusual.
  • Mallorca - This is an artificial Spanish pearl. He's pretty High Quality, various colors and shapes. The size of pearls reaches 20 mm. Detailed article about here.

How and where are pearls mined?

As you know, an organic mineral has been mined directly from the water for many centuries. Sri Lanka, China, USA, Russia, Ireland and even Iran are all countries where pearl deposits are located. For many years, a natural mineral was mined from the water depths by fishermen and hunters.

However, for more than 100 years there has been another way of extracting stone - artificial cultivation. The founder of this process is a well-known Japanese company. Today in Japan there is a large number of pearl farms.

Artificially grown stone in appearance is practically indistinguishable from the real one. Its cost is cheaper than natural product. And this is justified, because people, getting it out of the water depths, risk their lives.

Medicinal properties

A wonderful mineral to everything else and is a wonderful healer. It is claimed that pearls can cure various diseases and even stop new ones.

This mineral treats diseases such as:

  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • Hypertension, nervous disorders and weakness of the body.
  • Problems with gums.
  • Conjunctivitis.

They say that water with infused pearls also has its own power. To do this, put a few pearls in a glass of water and leave overnight. Experts say that such water has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the human body.

magical properties

Pearls are surrounded by a lot of mystical secrets.

And each country has its own legend:

  • In China, the mineral is honored and considered a symbol of fertility.
  • IN European countries it is said that pearls bring longevity to its owner.
  • In India, it is a symbol of prosperity, improvement, and also marriage.
  • In Japan, pearls are considered a symbol of youth.
  • The Mongols claim that the mineral gives power to its owner.

And they say that only a person with a pure soul and thoughts can wear pearls. Therefore, earlier human self-interest was defined in this way. If the pearl thread fades on a person, it means that his soul is not open. This man hides his dirty and vile intentions. And vice versa, if a pearl shines on someone, then its owner is healthy, and his energy is clean.

Cultured pearls

One of the varieties of pearls is considered cultured. It is very similar to the natural mineral, however, there is a slight difference. Cultured pearls create in natural conditions but with human intervention. The process is possible both in fresh and sea water.

In order to obtain pearls in this way, it is necessary to introduce an implant into the body of an oyster. This method is unique in that the result can be planned in advance. Scientists have developed a whole scheme, as a result of which, we get desired shape, size and even color of the pearl.

The time frame for creating such a masterpiece varies 4 to 24 months. Depending on what result we want to get. Pearls growing up to 24 months are covered with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. To check whether the product has reached the desired thickness and size, specialists use x-rays.

Products with pearls

Pearl jewelry has always been considered an indicator good taste. This magnificent mineral combines tenderness and luxury. The perfect combination that conquered more than one heart is pearls and gold.

This is just an amazing option for a ring. Such jewelry is often given by young people to their brides. Therefore, to the burning question, on which finger to wear pearls? You can easily answer in the nameless.

Pearl beads are beautiful on their own. They serve as a great addition to the outfits of fashionistas. However, for lovers of chic, there are many options for combining pearls with precious metals.

Black pearls are beautiful and at the same time frightening. Many are afraid of the color of this mineral. Therefore, one of the rather popular questions is: is it possible to wear black pearls? In many countries, it is believed that it is he who protects his owner from the evil eye, misfortunes and troubles. Therefore, it is a must to wear it. True, some are sure that he protects only women. But this does not stop male fashionistas.

stone care

Pearls are a rather finicky stone. Therefore, it requires care heightened attention. But don't be afraid.

  • After each wearing, pearl products should be wiped from the remnants of sweat, dust and cosmetics. To do this, use a clean soft cloth slightly moistened with filtered water.
  • You should not often wear pearls in the open rays of the sun. From this, the product can quickly crack.
  • The thread on which a pearl necklace is strung must be changed every year.
  • Cleaning mineral products at home should be done very carefully. This can be done with shampoo, jewelry paste or olive oil.

Where can you buy pearls and how much does it cost?

You can buy pearl products in specialized jewelry stores or via the Internet.

The cost of the mineral is significantly different, it depends on the type of pearl:

  • The price for 1 natural pearl fluctuates $1,000 to $10,000 .
  • The cost of 1 cultured pearl varies from 100 to 600 dollars .
  • Black cultured mineral will cost from 1000 dollars per piece .
  • Riverside cultured pearls worth from 20 to 100 dollars for 1 pearl .


Hi all! The most natural of all are pearls! Let's get to know him on mine.

Pearl represents jewelry material, the only one that is formed in the body of molluscs. oldest a natural stone, which does not require processing and is used to create jewelry.


High quality pearls high cost, which depends on the gloss, color, size, shape and surface perfection.

Most important pearl stone property- this is a chandelier (the degree of intensity of reflection of light rays from the surface). It is affected by the thickness, uniformity and number of layers of mother-of-pearl.

The pearls from the Persian Gulf and Manaar have the most brilliant surface with a mother-of-pearl tint. Oriental is a variety of the finest pearls, which are most valued in jewelry production.

The color range of natural pearls includes following colors: white, soft pink, yellow, black, brown.
Color saturation may vary. yellow pearl- the least expensive, and pink and black pearls have a high cost.

Natural stones most often do not have a perfect surface. Significant defects reduce total cost pearls, and small irregularities on the surface, on the contrary, speak of its natural origin.

The size of a bead is measured in millimeters, and the larger it is, the higher its value. The mass is determined by a special measuring unit, which is ¼ carat (pearl grain).

Perfect round beads natural origin very rare and therefore the most prized. Also in great demand is the mineral oval, drop-shaped and pear-shaped but the cost will be lower.

Origin of pearls

Pearls in nature are formed when a grain of sand or any other foreign body of the same size enters the shells of the mollusk. Its protective reaction is that this grain of sand begins to gradually wrap itself in mother-of-pearl layer by layer. So the mollusk isolates it from contact. This process can take years. It can take about 20 years to form a pearl with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

If we consider the pearl from the side of chemistry, then this is nothing more than thin plates of an organomineral aggregate of calcium carbonate, connected by conchiolin (natural glue secreted by a marine organism).

Places and methods of extraction

The shores of America, China, Antalya, Africa, Japan, as well as small islands in the Pacific Ocean serve as places for the extraction of pearls. The extraction itself takes place at a depth of 5-40 m from February to April. The mined mollusks are carefully examined for the presence of a pearl. It may be that several examined shells do not give a single positive result.

Difficulty of extraction, high demand and famous properties of natural pearls led to the fact that cultured pearls are found in almost the entire market. It's not fake, this case pearls are formed with the participation of people. Workers put a small pearl ball into the shell, guaranteed to receive 1-2 pearls from each mollusk.

magical properties

Precious pearl stone magical properties lie in its origin. After all, it is formed and grows in a real living organism - an oyster.

And like any living creature, pearls also get used to one owner.

In the case of inheritance of individual stones or a pearl necklace, they can protect the whole family, but they will be indifferent to the new owner.

Natural stone is able to protect its owner from malice, betrayal and hatred, protect against unprofitable transactions and theft. It is believed that it brings happiness, and if a person is honest, then pearls will help him become more objective, lucky and find good helpers.

Jewelers warn that the stone can dry out over time. To prevent this, it should be washed in warm, slightly soapy water.

According to magical astrology, this mineral should be immersed in water on days 1, 2, 28 and 30 lunar calendar. It is better to buy products and start wearing them on the 29th lunar day.

Natural pearls are suitable for such zodiac signs as:, and. But - pearls are contraindicated.

Healing properties of pearls

Available beneficial features pearls are that with regular wearing it improves health. Indian doctors recommend that their patients drink water infused with pearls to maintain optimal water balance.

In cosmetology, it was also not without the use of this mineral. As a powder, it is added to shampoos, varnishes, lotions and creams for hands and body. Such cosmetical tools make the skin noticeably smoother.

The healing properties of pearls help prevent headaches - just put on the forehead pearl beads for a few minutes.

In case of increased body temperature, jewelry containing this mineral should be worn until complete recovery.

Having become acquainted with pearls, it is impossible not to believe in magic: it has powerful energy and attracts with unforgettable beauty. The power of the mineral is so great that with its help you can get rid of many diseases and completely change your life.

Precious pearls are mined from the bottom of the sea - there they are stored in durable shells of mollusks. There are no analogues of pearls in jewelry and never have been.

A pearl is a formation that a mollusk creates inside its shell when it enters it. foreign object. It seems to envelop a suspicious interference with layers of calcium (even a grain of sand can be it). As a result, a beautiful mother-of-pearl pearl is born, which can have a completely round shape requiring virtually no processing.

History of pearls

Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire extolled the mineral in the same way as their beloved dragons. According to legend, winged dragons fought between the clouds and thus caused a thunderstorm with rain. Raindrops fell on the ground in the form of pearls.

The population of Greece was sure that pearls were the tears of a nymph living in the depths of the sea. The Slavs believed that this was a reflection of lightning that left its imprint in the eyes of a mollusk.

As a jewel, the stone began to be used in the 40th century BC. The Persian king had a pearl necklace at his disposal, which later, after two and a half thousand years, ended up in the Louvre.

In China, officials of various ranks were celebrated precious jewelry in the form of balls that were pinned to the headdress. So, ruby, coral, sapphire balls were used. Pearl was considered the most valuable - it could only be worn by officials of the highest rank. In the headdress of the emperor, as many as 12 beads shone.

Hindus gave pearls to those entering into marriage, and this ceremony symbolized the wish for success and a good life. But the Romans were engaged in the trade of the mineral and considered it the main jewel.

For European rulers, pearl strings were the main decoration that they wore during the coronation or at the wedding. The largest and most beautiful pearls in Europe were at the disposal of the French queen Catherine de Medici in the 16th century.

Gradually, decorations came into use, and by the 17th century, not only representatives of the highest ranks could afford them. In addition to sea pearls, they began to extract river pearls. Increased in the price of the mineral irregular shape: it was even given its own name - baroque.

In Russia, river pearls have been mined since 1161. But, in view of the mass hunt for jewelry, in 1712 Peter the Great issued a decree banning fishing. The emperor did the right thing: in less than a hundred years, mining had to be completely stopped, since there were no more pearls left in the rivers.

Medicinal properties

Pearl items and jewelry have a positive effect on the human body and are able to cope with various diseases and problems:

  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cataract;
  • amnesia;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • anemia in children.

Previously, the mineral was used to stop bleeding and treat blood hemorrhoids.

Now on sale you can find pearl powder or pearl powder. These funds are used as cosmetic, medicinal (heal abrasions and burns) and even food.

Pearl water, which has gained immense popularity these days, is very effective. She is capable of short time stop inflammatory process in the body, help with intoxication, strengthen immune system, relieve fever, get rid of cholelithiasis and bring back to normal menstrual cycle among women.

magical properties

Europeans have always considered and still consider pearls a stone of longevity. Indians are a symbol of prosperity and success. Greeks and Hindus symbolize pearls with marriage.

The stone helps to establish contact with the right person, prolongs life, preserves the youth and beauty of its owner for a long time. But overly proud, arrogant people should not count on success. Pearls will only help them improve their character.

Who suits pearls according to the zodiac sign

Gemini the mineral will give caution, and the representatives of this sign will stop doing meaningless actions that cause trouble.

Aquarius as well as Gemini, pearls will help protect against envy and anger emanating from the environment. In moments of sadness, it is better not to wear jewelry, so as not to get the opposite effect.

For Pisces this stone fits perfectly: pacifies, improves intuition, protects from unrequited love.

Scorpions only black pearls can be worn, as the stones light shades this sign of the zodiac is contraindicated. What can not be said about the representatives Taurus, which the mineral improves mood.

Cancers magic stone heals health. Pearls also have a beneficial effect on the health of Libra, relieves heart ailments. Helps women to start a family.

Sagittarius only black jewelry is shown, and then in happy moments of life. Pearls are also undesirable for Aries with Lions. And here Capricorn it is quite suitable: it brings peace and makes you look objectively at any situation.

Pearl as a talisman

If you carry a pearl item with you as a talisman, it will save you from arrogance, pride, and excessive self-confidence. For businessmen, the stone helps in making decisions, leads to success and prosperity.

For the Romans, the mineral has always been a sign of wisdom, omnipotence, female happiness and good dreams.


The color of pearls depends on its origin:

  • pink is mined in Indian waters, in the Bahamas and in the Gulf of California;
  • golden and brownish - in the water area of ​​\u200b\u200bPanama;
  • red is found in Mexico;
  • the waters of Japan are rich in white;
  • gray is easy to find in Tahiti;
  • a yellow mineral is born in Sri Lanka;
  • silver pearls are brought from Australia to world markets;
  • Creamy stones fill the waters of the Persian Gulf.

A rich palette of colors is typical not only for sea, but also for river pearls.

How to care and store

Pearl jewelry is best kept in a box that is finished on the inside. soft cloth. It is important that the mineral is not adjacent to other stones. High humidity and dryness harm pearls. When it is very hot outside or in the house, it is recommended to place a container of water next to the box.

Care consists in periodically wiping pearls with a damp cloth - after each removal. Wash away visible dirt soft material with soapy water. The most suitable soap is for children, without dyes. After washing, the pearls must be dried well, and only then put into the box.

The variety of precious stones pleases the eye. Mysterious, shimmering, shimmering with facets and colors, they make the heart beat faster, causing a desire to possess them, admire them, strive for beauty and harmony.
Pearls occupy a special place among precious stones. Some consider it a symbol of well-being and prosperity, an elixir of youth. Others are a stone of tears.
Pearl is one of ancient stones for decoration, as the pearl does not need additional cutting. Decorated with pearls greatest women peace.

The birth of a pearl is slow. It will take at least twelve years until a real beautiful pearl grows from a small grain of sand that has fallen into the shells of a mollusk. Superimposed on each other, layers of mother-of-pearl create a unique brilliance, shimmer, beauty and shape.

Since ancient times, pearl mining has been a difficult and dangerous trade. Pearl divers descended into the depths of the sea for shells, risking their lives. Not always the diver is lucky. A pearl comes across only in one of forty shells. This dangerous profession has survived to this day, adding to the appeal of natural pearl jewelry and causing its high price.

The largest pearl deposits are located on the coast of the Red Sea, in the Persian Gulf, in Ceylon, Tahiti, off the coast of India, in Iran. Freshwater pearls are now rare. It is mined only in Bavaria and in the USA. Previously, the northern rivers of Russia were full of pearls. They were a favorite decoration of the nobility and the imperial family.

Pearl jewelry of Cleopatra, Semiramis, Russian empresses have not survived to this day. After all, the life of a pearl is no more than 300 years. With age, the jewel fades and collapses. In order to preserve the jewelry with pearls, you should wear it as often as possible, contact with open skin restores the properties of pearls.

Pearls are special mysterious stone. There are many legends and beliefs about his strength. Jewelry with pearls is especially revered in the East. It is believed that they bring youth, beauty and health to the owner. There is a belief confirming that pearls are a symbol of love and fidelity. In the Middle Ages, there was a custom to give the bride a string of pearls on her wedding day, which was supposed to strengthen the love of the chosen one and guarantee her fidelity. According to the ancient healers, pearl beads or a pearl bracelet increase vitality and have a general strengthening effect on the body, improve blood composition, dull pain in the heart.
It has been scientifically established that this gem beneficial effect on the digestive and nervous system, treats diseases of the liver, kidneys, hypertension. Pearls react strongly to the state of health of their owner. With severe ailments, it fades, loses its luster and may even crumble. Pearls are especially sensitive to the appearance of neoplasms, so wearing earrings with pearls or a ring with it can serve as a kind of diagnostic tool.

The pearl has dark side, which is associated with the influence of the moon. For people to whom it does not suit, the stone brings disappointment, loss of illusions and hopes. He disorganizes weak people even more. But if a person is strong in spirit and self-confident, pearl jewelry helps him achieve harmony, establish contact with other people, and overcome difficulties. Astrologers recommend wearing rings and necklaces with pearls to Aquarius, Pisces and Gemini. It brings happiness, luck and love to them.

There is a sign that pearl jewelry you can't buy for yourself. It will be better if your loved ones give them to you, in this case, pearls will only benefit.

Until the 14th century, pearls were the most expensive decoration. Today, the price of natural pearls is still high. A pearl necklace can cost up to $30,000. Price cultured pearls much lower. Besides. the price depends on the color, shape, brilliance and evenness of the pearls. The ideal is the spherical shape of the pearl. The stone can also be button-shaped, pear-shaped or round shape, and even completely shapeless. Drop-shaped pearls in earrings and pendants look especially attractive. Pearls have a huge variety of shades from white to green. Amazing and mysterious jewelry is created from black pearls mined in Tahiti. Pink mother-of-pearl pearls are most valued by jewelers. Their smooth matte gloss Perfectly blends with the skin tone, giving the image elegance and nobility. As a frame for pearls, you should choose silver or gold. Pearl rings are the height of grace and elegance. Despite the seeming simplicity and modesty, pearl jewelry attracts the eye and arouses admiration.

Necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings with pearls are worn by the owners of fine and refined taste. These jewels will adorn evening dress, giving it elegance and mystery and, at the same time, will become reliable companions in Everyday life, giving its quiet, soft light and delighting its owners.

Pearls got their name, which means "sea shell". The stone does not have a transparent surface and is not translucent. Its peculiarity is the mysterious mother-of-pearl and dazzling iridescence, which play with all their reflections, both in the rays of the sun and in the moonlight.

It takes more than one year for a pearl to form from a grain of sand that has fallen into a mollusk shell. And for larger stones, a dozen years are required. The process of education is interesting because getting into the body marine life, triggered defensive reaction and thus wraps the grain in mother-of-pearl. That's how it's formed unusual beauty gem.

The people who wore pearl jewelry belonged to the category of noble and wealthy, who had their own large houses, furnished according to the latest trends. In such beads and earrings, many secular ladies attended events, causing the admiration of men.

Pearl colors and varieties

There are over 100 various shades this stone. It is extremely rare to find pure pearls. white color often has a silvery sheen. As well as white, it is almost impossible to find a bluish-green gem. The most expensive pearl is black. Such demand and cost is due to the fact that white colors are more common than colorful and stylish dark.