Perm hair (large curls). Types, reviews about the procedure, as well as photos before and after. Covalent chemical bond. Chemical Bond Types: Covalent Bond Perm Types

How beautiful curly hair looks! They make a real coquette out of a woman. Curly locks neatly frame her face and create a rather striking look. But it is very difficult for lovely ladies to do such styling every day. It takes about an hour for it. How to be? Give your hair under the power of chemistry? But this procedure significantly spoils the hairline. However, the problem can be solved without such a hard impact. Today, among hairdressing services, light perm - carving is in great demand.

What is hair carving

For a long time, women have been in fashion with long straight hair. Today, you can meet many of the fair sex with beautiful curly curls. At the same time, women make curls on both long and short hair. The hairdressing service carving hair helps them a lot in this.

The name of the procedure came to us from the English language. Carving is translated as follows: “figured carving” or “carved work”. This interpretation is very similar in perception to the effect obtained after the procedure. Carving is also called a light perm.

So, carving is understood as long-term styling in waves, which lasts for about two months on straight hair. It is she who helps women to have beautiful curls without spending a lot of time.

Carving is suitable for different hair lengths

At its core, carving is a perm, which is done using special products that do not have a harsh effect on the hair. During the procedure, the scalp is also not affected. Such a long-term perm helps many girls not only get curls, but also get rid of the lack of volume, naughty and tangled hair.

The procedure is carried out with the help of especially high-quality compounds. They are sold only in specialized points or on the Internet. Remember, in order not to harm your hair, you need to buy hair carving products in trusted stores.

Important! It must be remembered that the hair after the carving procedure requires very careful care. Be sure to choose only hair products without sulfates, silicones and aggressive additives so that the effect lasts as long as possible. Mulsan cosmetic is a multiple winner of natural cosmetics ratings. This brand produces exceptionally safe products without aggressive chemical components. All cosmetics are suitable for use after the carving procedure, as well as after the Botox and keratin straightening procedures. With confidence we recommend the official online store

What is hair carving and how is it done - video

What is carving for hair and how often can it be done

In addition to the desire of the woman herself to have curls, carving can be resorted to in the following cases:

  • if your hair is oily. The procedure will dry them well. After it, the need to wash your hair will occur less often;
  • if the hair is coarse. After carving, the curls on the head will be much easier to fit;
  • if the hair is thin and naughty. After carving, the strands will look voluminous and wavy;
  • with a lack of time for daily styling;
  • if you want to radically change the image.

Carving can be done every 2-3 months.

Carving on the hair looks impressive

Benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages of carving

Carving, as a procedure, has its positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the procedure

The advantages of carving include:

  • gentle effect on the hair;
  • the existence of several options for long-term perms (small curls, medium curls and large curls);
  • maintaining hair styling after carving is much longer;
  • natural and very natural styling. When compared with chemistry, then when carving, the hair does not look burnt;
  • long preservation of the effect: on ordinary hair, beautiful curls last 1–3 months, and on dyed hair for six months;
  • no need to restore dry ends of the hair. Since the composition of carving very gently affects the structure of the hair. The wavy effect will come off on its own over time;
  • budget cost, so any woman can use the service.

Harmful effects and consequences of a light perm

The disadvantages of carving include:

  • the need to create styling, the hairstyle does not always look perfect. You still have to apply force to it and apply styling products to your hair before shaping;
  • lack of pronounced curls. This effect can be achieved only with the help of biowave;
  • an unexpected end to the carving effect is possible. Curls can straighten ahead of time or go away gradually;
  • possible change in the shade of dyed hair after the procedure;
  • no effect on very thick and thick hair;
  • retention of an unpleasant odor on the hair for some time.

Contraindications for long-term waving

There are situations when doing this modern procedure is not recommended:

  • if a woman has brittle, damaged and, moreover, severely split ends;
  • if the head has just been dyed with hair dye. You can safely go for light chemistry if two weeks have already passed, and if not, it is better to wait;
  • if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • when taking certain medications, in particular, in the treatment of hormonal therapy;
  • if the hair is dry and bleached. Women with other previous perms are at risk.

The procedure can be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, it should be remembered that the chemical composition for curling has a rather pungent odor.

The difference between hair carving and biowave, chemistry

Carving, bio- and perm help create long-term styling. Only from each other they differ in the following:

  • less time to maintain the effect of carving compared to chemical or biowave;
  • a more gentle effect on curls in a light curl than in chemistry, since the carving composition does not penetrate into the very structure of the hair;
  • hair care during biowave, since the composition of the product used in this procedure includes the necessary biological protein, which is not found in carving and chemical products.

The choice of procedure will depend entirely on the desire of the woman. Only she must decide what she needs: long-term styling, healthy hair or a gentle effect.

Types of carving for hair

Carving is done in several versions. Main types:

  • traditional perm. After it, the waves are distributed evenly along the entire length. To obtain curls, curlers are used, which are twisted on the hair;
  • vertical curl. Instead of ordinary curlers, vertical ones are used (or in another way they are called spiral). Curling is equally suitable for both short and long hair. The styling effect is mesmerizing: pronounced curly curls with amazing volume;
  • texturing. This type is often used when you need to modify some kind of hairstyle. The result is always original. With the help of curlers, accents are made on the hair in the right places and thereby create a special style;
  • local perm. The method is used when they want to lift the hair at the roots. For these purposes, the master winds the curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but only at their base. This method also works in reverse. For example, when you want to wind only one tip.

Features of the procedure for short, medium, long hair and possible combinations with haircuts

Light chemistry has its own characteristics. Of course, it is better to do the procedure in the salon. Specialists in their field will be able to perform carving neat and beautiful. At home, getting the desired curls is not always possible.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the length of the hair. Carving is best for medium hair. Of course, it can be done on short and long ones, you just need to choose the right curlers. For example, for very short hair, small curls wound around small bobbins are best suited.

For short hair, it is best to choose small curls.

The thickness and density of the hair is also of particular importance in this procedure. Strong hair may not be curled or the result will not be such a beautiful effect. Carving is suitable for owners of thin and thin strands - the hair will become voluminous and obedient.

Bangs always make styling unique. However, carving does not always fit with it. So, small curls do not fit bangs. But medium soft waves will look good. Another image with bangs will be well decorated with a curl of only one tip.

For owners of bangs, a light perm may not be suitable

Popular carving without bangs. In this version, the curls frame the woman's face very beautifully, making the whole image much more interesting.

Haircut and carving are very suitable for each other. At the same time, the curls themselves can be both voluminous and very small. Bangs may or may not.

Carving and cascading haircuts also look very good. Such an image will adorn a woman of any age.

Curls look spectacular in combination with a cascading haircut

Types of curlers and the size of curls

To create carving, curlers of different types are used:

  • voluminous. With their help create very large curls. The result is romantic waves with good root volume;
  • bobbin. The diameter of these devices is quite small. Due to their size, they allow you to create African curls;
  • spiral. These special bobbins are shaped like a spiral. They are always used for vertical curling. Practice has shown that spiral curls last longer than ordinary ones. Such curlers allow you to create many curly curls that visualize volume well;
  • boomerangs (rollers). They have different diameters and a special material - soft foam rubber with wire. Well suited for both large and small curls.

Types of curlers - photo

Volumetric curlers allow you to create large soft curls
Thanks to the bobbins, small perky curls are obtained Spiral curlers create the effect of waves on the hair

Soft boomerang curlers are easy to use, they can be used to make curls of any size.

Depending on the size of the curlers used, you can get different curls:

  • large. To create them, take curlers of large diameter. The curls from them are quite large;
  • medium. Here they take bobbins with an average diameter. The result will please its owner with lightness and fluffiness;
  • small. For their creation, only bobbins of a very small diameter are suitable. As a result, the volume is stunning.

What carving looks like on large, medium and small curlers - photo

Curling on large diameter curlers allows you to get beautiful large curls Medium size curlers can be used on hair of different lengths and creates pronounced curls Curling on bobbins allows you to create small and very lush curls

How is carving done and how long does the procedure take

Carving technology is not very complicated. Its technology is the same as perm. In time, the whole process takes about 2-3 hours, depending on the characteristics of the woman's hair. The whole procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation. This stage, like others, will be carried out by the master in the salon. First, he selects the necessary curlers and prepares the preparation. Then she washes the client's head and lightly dries her hair with a towel. After that, the woman sits down in a chair. The master covers her shoulders with a protective cloth and combs her hair well.
  2. Hair Styling. From the total mass of the hair, the master selects only those strands that need to be curled initially and winds them according to the hairdressing technique.
  3. Application of a special composition. They moisten the hair after the twisting of the hair is completed. The reagents allow the hair to keep curls long enough.
  4. Curl retention. To create the desired effect, twisted hair moistened with the composition is left alone for 10-20 minutes. The exact exposure time depends on the brand of the product. The master periodically checks how the process of obtaining a curl is going. To do this, he spins one curler at a time.
  5. Flushing. When time passes, the composition is washed off with warm water, while the curlers do not unwind. Excess water is simply blotted.
  6. Application of a neutralizer. With it, the curls are fixed in a given position.
  7. Removing curlers. The master spins all the curlers in the backward direction.
  8. Washing composition.
  9. Drying hair with a hairdryer.

The composition of the preparation for carving

The main requirement that is put forward to the composition is the absence of ammonia. Also banned is the thioglycolate component. If these rules are followed, the carving agent can be considered gentle.

The composition of the preparation for carving is different for all manufacturers. Especially valued are those products where there is more biological basis than chemical components. This combination allows you to very gently affect the structure of the hair. Stylists recommend the following brands:

  • Londa;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Wella.

For example, Londa's long-term waving product allows you to get a clear curl in just 10 minutes. This is because it contains special fast-acting ingredients that manufacturers intentionally included.

Among the popular brands, the following compositions can also be distinguished: Trendline from Goldwell, GOLDWELL, Indola and others.

How to do carving at home: step by step instructions

You can make your own carving at home. To complete it, you will need:

  • two bowls:
  • curlers (shape and size optional);
  • two sponges, as for the kitchen;
  • gloves (pair);
  • two combs;
  • a plastic cap or a piece of this material;
  • cotton tourniquet;
  • towel;
  • a sheet or towel to cover your shoulders;
  • gum;
  • chemical mixture for carving and fixer.

To create curls, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Rinse your hair well and pat your clean hair dry with a towel.
  2. Comb your hair carefully.
  3. Divide your hair into sections.
  4. Wind the resulting strands on curlers.
  5. Take the product from a pre-purchased kit and blot the curlers with it.
  6. After all the hair is wet, put on a plastic cap on top and cover your head with a warm scarf (you can use a towel).
  7. Look in the instructions for the duration of the composition and withstand it.
  8. Wash your hair without shampoo, while the curlers should not be removed.
  9. Apply a special fixative from the set on top.
  10. Unroll your hair and rinse your head again without shampoo.
  11. Dry the resulting curls.

To make curls last longer after home carving, you can use the following remedy: mix water and 5% vinegar to a sour taste and rinse your hair with it.

Curling hair step by step - video

How long does the effect last after the procedure

The effect of carving can last from one to six months (depending on the characteristics of the hair). But on average, brightly highlighted curls last 2-3 months. Over time, the hair grows, so the shape of the curls themselves also changes. They just start to fall off. However, carving can be repeated after 3-4 months.

To prolong the life of light chemistry, you need to properly care for your hair. Here are some tips:

  • after the procedure itself, it is necessary to allow the hair to remember the shape that it has just been given. For these purposes, it is undesirable to use a hair dryer when drying. You just need to dry the curls naturally or, in extreme cases, use a diffuser;
  • after the procedure, do not wash your hair for two days;
  • when combing, use only combs with rare teeth;
  • Swap out your shampoo for a special product for textured hair.
  • constantly use balms, nourishing masks and other effective care products. They will significantly improve the condition of the hair;
  • wipe your head carefully after washing, blot more, and do not wring out;
  • dry hair daily only in a natural way;
  • do not go to bed if the hair is wet or damp. They must be dried first.
  • do not use products that contain alcohol. This component harms both the curl and the hair itself.

After curling, it is best to dry the hair naturally, in extreme cases, you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment.

If a lady wants to create a natural styling on her head, then a light perm will need to be applied with a little hair foam and dried with a diffuser. You can also lay your head with large curlers.

If suddenly a woman has a desire to straighten her curls, then she can do this with the help of an iron. Just before styling, you will need to apply a protective agent on your hair. You can also dry your head with a hairdryer, stretching curly hair with brushing.

To make the image perfect, hair after carving must be able to style.

  1. Be sure to use the following tools: moisturizing lotion, comb, foam or mousse, hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle;
  2. Wash your hair first. Use a special shampoo, and make a nourishing mask once every seven days;
  3. Dry your hair with a towel, or rather just blot it;
  4. Comb your hair gently;
  5. Apply a fixing agent, stepping back a little from the hair roots.
  6. Start styling your curls with a hair dryer and comb.
  7. If you need to straighten the curls a little, then when laying, slightly pull the comb down or use an iron.
  8. You can also use styling for curly hair.

Indola's curling agent perfectly highlights curls

How to style curly hair - video

How to take care of your hair after curling

According to the reviews of many girls, the hair after carving becomes a little harsh and naughty. Therefore, some ladies, after the wavy effect ends, simply cut them off. To mitigate the effects of carving, you must:

  • periodically cut the ends for a full restoration of hair;
  • use only special products for the care of curls;
  • use combs with natural bristles.


Only the root part is wound, without touching the remaining ends of the strands. You need to do this only in the form of a half-eight. Having made the required number of turns, fix it with an elastic band.

Next, the appropriate chemical composition is applied. Leave it for 10-20 minutes. The next step is fixation. To do this, take 50 gr. 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can apply with an applicator or a regular sponge, lather a little and leave for ten minutes.

When the foam settles a little, we unwind everything. And once again apply the fixer for four minutes, no more. Rinse well with water. Well, then everything is in order: drying, neutralization, styling, etc.

This method is good for women:

  • with sparse hair;
  • frequently using this procedure;
  • those who want to get volume, only at the roots of the hair.


You need to wind the strands starting from the roots, gradually reaching the very tips. Only conical bobbins are used. They must be polymer or wood. With a hole in the middle for threading strands.

Conventionally, the process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Mandatory .
  2. Comb, divide all strands into squares. Moreover, each should be equal to the diameter of the bobbin. You need to start from the back of the head.
  3. Fix with special clamps.
  4. Starting from the tips, apply a chemical preparation with a sponge.
  5. Pass the curls through the holes of the bobbins.
  6. Spin.
  7. Secure everything with gauze tape. It must be pre-impregnated with a chemical composition.
  8. On all bobbins you need to pull the clamping rubber ring.
  9. Re-treat with chemicals.
  10. Warm up the hair with warm air using a device specially created for this purpose.
  11. Rinse your head.
  12. Fixation.

They make it only with special bobbins. Strands of hair are twisted very tightly into a tourniquet. Further in a spiral twist on a bobbin. The coils should fit very tightly to each other. These actions are done in one direction. And then everything is as usual: fixing, applying the appropriate composition, fixing, etc.

It is called so because for its implementation a special protein-lipid composition is used - LC2. A cap made of polyethylene is taken. It has many holes through which the hair is pulled out with a special device.

And then everything is done according to the established order. This method is suitable for women who have health problems. After all, the skin will be protected from negative contact with chemicals. So the procedure is less dangerous.

Chemicals come in various classes. Small, springy curls are obtained, which remain so for up to four months. For laying, you need to use only foam with.

Not suitable for everyone:

  • if the curls are hard, the effect will be short-lived;
  • greasy curls, after this procedure, will be more like unwashed for a long time.

Light chemistry or carving

Has the least damaging effect. Usually used for:

  • giving the missing volume;
  • curls;
  • long laying.

It keeps its shape for about two months. Bobbins are used in various diameters. It should be carried out only by highly qualified craftsmen in well-established salons.

Large curls look very unusual. Maybe that's why they're so popular. At the same time, it is not difficult to control the elasticity of the curl. Just control the exposure time.

The size will always depend on the thickness of the bobbin used. For fixing it is necessary to use special care products for such a hairstyle. The volume will last up to nine weeks.

Variety of curl types

Perm can magically turn even hair into curls or lush curls that please you, exciting curls, vertical spirals. And this despite the fact that the result of a perm will directly depend not only on the chemicals used, but also on the technique used.

For example, to make the necessary volume, you need to slightly raise them at the roots. "Wet" chemistry can either be spirally curled or wound on curlers of different diameters. Smaller or larger curls will turn out. Everything will depend on your preferences.

When you decide on a vertical perm, you will not regret it for sure. There are a lot of options here, but it is better to trust a professional hairdresser.

What type and type to choose for medium hair

The most ideal option would be root perm. For its implementation, you can choose any type of perm. It is possible to use all kinds of sizes and any diameter: hairpins, curlers, bobbins.

Spiral: can also be successfully used on such curls. They make it with spiral curlers of different diameters, namely with the help of:

  • papillots;
  • special knitting needles;
  • "boomerangs", etc.

Types of spiral curl:

  • "broken line";
  • local;
  • "corrugation";
  • "zigzag";
  • zonal, etc.

The following types of perms are available:

  • neutral;
  • amino acid;
  • with silk proteins;
  • acid.

The degree of damage to your curls does not play any role for a neutral curling method.


Good for all hair types. Valid for only two months. Its advantage is undeniable, it has a healing effect on the scalp and your strands. The degree of damage to your curls does not play any role for her.


Very durable, with a strong hold. Suitable for all types. But it can do significant harm. It will take a long time to recover after it. It contains ammonium thioglycolate. This mixture of glycolic acid and ammonia. It easily passes inside, thus providing excellent resistance to curls. It does not go away for a very long time, up to five months.


The effect is not so aggressive, but it can keep its shape for no more than two months. Suitable for not quite healthy or thin hair.

Amino acid

Causes the least harm to health. And what is especially important, the greatest durability of the hairstyle. Useful components that are in its composition are: amino acids, proteins. During the procedure, they go deep inside and perfectly restore it. She has another name - carving. It does not last longer than three months.

With silk proteins

It contains silk proteins. They help improve the structure of the hair. Can be used even on previously bleached hair. But you can only do it for medium length. Will last two months.

Perm has a bad effect on the structure of the hair: it makes them more brittle, dry

Which composition to choose

When the hair is healthy, but thick and hard to curl and does not last long after that, you can opt for an alkaline perm. And it is better to choose medium bobbins.

When the usual thickness, but poorly retained styling, suitable:

  • acid;
  • amino acid;
  • slightly acidic.

You can take all kinds of bobbins. It all depends on your desire and possibilities. If your curls are naturally thin, and you also recently used these services, then you need to choose one of the most gentle - carving. Only an experienced hair stylist can help in the selection.

How is the process of perm on medium hair

Initially, the procedure begins with:

  1. Thorough shampooing.
  2. Next, we wind the future curls on special bobbins. Their size will depend on the length of the curls and your taste.
  3. Then you need to quickly treat with an appropriate chemical solution or a more harmless drug.
  4. Cover with an insulating cap.
  5. Hold for 20 to 30 minutes. More precisely, only the master can determine.
  6. Unroll in several places and check readiness.
  7. If what you see satisfies you, rinse with warm water.
  8. Treat with fixative.
  9. After 5 minutes, remove the bobbins and re-treat with a fixing agent.
  10. Rinse thoroughly after two minutes.

Step-by-step instructions for perm hair

Advantages and disadvantages


  • rare hair will become voluminous;
  • you can make not only the desired curls, but even paint immediately in the desired color;
  • daily styling can also be neglected;
  • curls make a woman's face more feminine and hide some flaws.

Disadvantages and contraindications:

  • perm has a bad effect on the structure of the hair: it makes them more brittle, dry;
  • there is only one way to get rid of it - a haircut;
  • who has a predisposition to allergies, you need to play it safe and consult a doctor;
  • you should not do this during pregnancy, "women's" days, breastfeeding;
  • when taking potent drugs;
  • illness, all kinds of stressful situations;
  • when painting with henna.


The price for perm hair of medium length is from 1800 rubles.

Care after the procedure

  • The head does not need to be washed for three days.
  • Do not use hot rollers, electric tongs, hair dryer, etc.
  • Do not comb with a brush, only a comb will do for now.
  • You can not stay long under the sun.
  • Swimming in salt water is not recommended.
  • For washing, it is better to use balms, rinses and shampoos for perming.
  • Take a health course.
  • For styling, take balm foam, it has protective and healing properties.

On this page you can see the types of perms in the photo, which illustrate the various options. All the proposed types of hair curling in the photo are simple and affordable to implement at home. Almost all types of hair curlers are considered in a short version, their pros and cons are proposed. From the article you can find out what types of hair curls are, why you should give preference to one or another method. What types of perms are dangerous and not recommended for use - this question is also answered on this page.

With the help of a curl, you can create elastic curls or light waves, give extra volume to your hair. To achieve a short-term effect, you can use curlers or hot tongs, to make your hair curly for a long time, permanent waving using chemicals will help.

What are hair curls: weaving braids and curlers

To begin with, let's look at the easiest way and talk about what hair curls are by weaving braids. Dry clean hair with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length of the hair, and then braid a tight pigtail. Fix its end with a tape or curl it with curlers. Leave your hair in a braided state until morning. Then untwist the pigtails, give the hair the desired shape with your fingers and a hair dryer with cold air. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Every woman has tried curling her hair with curlers at least once in her life. This is one of the easiest and most common ways to create a stylish styling, give hair volume and change the image. The answer to the question of what kind of hair curls exist depends only on the arsenal of curlers that a fashionista has in her arsenal.

If the hair is thin, do not use large diameter curlers for curling. The effect of curlers of small and medium size will be more noticeable on such hair.

On a note

Thermal and electric curlers do not differ from conventional ones in principle, but they allow you to achieve the desired effect faster due to the additional thermal effect on the hair.

Hair, washed and balm, must be dried with a towel and wait until it is half dry. Then divide them into equal strands, gently comb each one, while distributing the styling agent (gel or mousse) along the entire length, and then wind each strand onto curlers. After a few hours (to achieve the greatest effect, the curlers should be left overnight), remove them and gently comb the hair, while styling with your fingers. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Curling with hot tongs (curling irons). Before curling hair on hot tongs (curling iron), it is necessary to wash them with shampoo and conditioner, dry them without using a hair dryer and comb them gently. Apply styling gel or wax with protective properties to them, distribute the product along the entire length of the strands with a thin comb.

Strands 1-2 cm thick should be curled. Carefully wind each one onto a hot curling iron, starting from the ends of the hair, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the tongs at a slight angle. Hold for 20 seconds, then carefully remove the strand from the curling iron, if possible without unwinding it.

After curling, style the hair in the desired way, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

You can lay curls only after they have completely cooled, otherwise the durability of the curl is significantly reduced.

Hot tongs can also be used to add volume to short strands. To do this, each must be lifted at the roots with a thin wooden comb, wound onto a curling iron, held for 5-10 seconds, then removed from it.

Finally shape the hairstyle with your hands, highlighting and fixing the strands with a styling gel or wax.

What are the types of perm hair (with photo)

Types of perm hair are well-deservedly popular. After all, depending on what kind of perm hair is, the result can last for several months. Further, you can read about what types of perm are and what their proposed methods are best to choose.

It is also proposed to see the types of perm hair in the photo, which illustrate the result:

Permanent waving. Permanent waving of hair is carried out with the help of chemicals, the composition of which determines how effective and gentle the procedure will be.

Acid perm. The acid base of the curling compound provides it with durability, but damages the hair quite badly.

Alkaline curl. The alkaline base has a milder effect on the hair, but is less resistant (lasts no more than 3 months) and is not suitable for all hair types.

Neutral curl. The neutral base is suitable for any type of hair and does not harm the hair, but does not provide a long-term effect.

Depending on the additional devices that are used to create curls, the following types of permanent waving are distinguished:

Curling on horizontal curlers. Using curlers of various lengths and diameters for perming, you can create the effect of naturally curly hair.

Spiral curl. The result of such a curl is small elastic curls. Best suited for long hair.

Curling by weaving braids. With this method of curling, the hair is braided into thin tight braids, and their ends are wound on curlers of small diameter, after which the hair is treated with a chemical composition.

To avoid contact of the chemical composition with the scalp in some salons, the so-called safe perm is carried out. In this procedure, a plastic cap is put on the head, the strands are pulled out through the holes in it, and only after that they are treated with a special chemical composition for curling.

Curling with pins. As a result of such a curl, randomly curly hair is obtained, forming a voluminous hairstyle. The effect is achieved by winding thin strands on non-metallic hairpins.

Curl at the roots. It is used to give volume to the hair from the roots, as well as in cases where the hair, previously subjected to permanent waving, has grown back. After a perm, the hair becomes more sensitive to the effects of various negative factors, so they need special care. So, to wash them, you should choose a special shampoo for hair with a permanent wave or a mild detergent for weakened and damaged hair. After each shampooing, it is necessary to use a nourishing balm, apply restorative masks at least 2 times a week. Additional attention should be paid to the prevention of split ends.

Deciding on a perm is not difficult, but after the decision comes the moment of choosing the type of hairstyle, as well as the type of means for manipulation. A detailed description will help to understand what kind of chemistry for hair happens, learn about its classification and characteristics.

Women's hair stories vary. Some cherish naturalness, do not dye their hair, do not manipulate it, while others are happy to succumb to the provocations of hairdressers and sign up for appearance improvement sessions. Manufacturers, taking care of each category listed, have created different types of hair chemistry to meet the needs.

The type of curls is selected on request based on the structure of the face, lifestyle, as well as the length and density of the curls. Hairdressers offer the use of different-sized bobbins, curlers, rollers or boomerangs. To create a unique image, the simultaneous use of 2-3 types of winding devices is allowed. This guarantees the non-triviality of the hairstyle.

The choice of composition is a complex process that requires the knowledge and experience of the master. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only a professional hairdresser who will help you decide.

It is desirable to have an idea about curling products; this will help you remain a participant in the procedure, and not a dumb observer.

acid chemistry

Perm, performed with acid-based products, has gained recognition and popularity due to the durability of the result, it keeps curls tight for up to six months. Acid chemistry cannot be called 100% safe; during manipulations, the hair undergoes stress, and the strength characteristics decrease. However, it is worth noting that the composition, penetrating inside the hair shaft, does not deform the cuticles, which helps to maintain the shine and softness of the strands.

The formation of curls occurs under the influence of glyceryl monothioglycolate, its pH ranges between 7 and 7.2. The active component is "turned on" to work by means of heat treatment of wound strands. Elevated temperature enhances the penetrating properties of glyceryl, guaranteeing the creation of strong, tight curls.

Manufacturers note that acid solutions do not cause swelling of the hair cuticles, but their use is limited. It is forbidden to use this type, dry or brittle curls. The components of the composition negatively affect the hair of this type, stretching it along the length, which enhances the negative characteristics of the curls.

Alkaline hair perm

For alkaline chemistry, products with a pH level between 8 and 9.5 are used. This type of perm is considered an effective way to pacify unruly hair, guaranteeing neat, bouncy curls for 3 months.

During curling, after applying the solution to the curls, ammonium thioglycolate penetrates into the hair, opening the cuticles. This allows you to model curls quickly, as well as efficiently. At the same time, exposure to high temperatures is not required, the components independently act on the hair. However, it is worth remembering that when using alkaline chemistry, it is required to adhere to the time frames set by the manufacturer in the instructions for use. Violation of the specified exposure time leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair, as well as a burn of the scalp.

Alkaline perm belongs to the category of sparing, but this is a minus. It is not able to provide a lasting result on overly straight or hard strands. On such hair, the curls are soft and unwind in 1-2 months.

Like other types of curls, alkaline requires strict adherence to the instructions, as well as the implementation technology. An inexperienced master is unable to control the level of curl tension, which plays a major role during the procedure. Alkali contributes to the swelling of each hair, which leads to an increase in the volume of the strand on the bobbin or curler. If the curl is wound too tightly, this leads to the destruction of the distribution of the solution, which entails uneven winding, as well as the destruction of the structure, brittleness.

With the correct fulfillment of the set conditions, the procedure using alkaline solutions gives the effect of naturalness and naturalness of curls.

Just a couple of decades ago, a perm actually meant one thing - that a woman would become like a lamb. The perm of that time not only looked unnatural, but also ruthlessly “burned” the hair. Modern types of perm are much more careful about the health of the hair, without causing significant damage.
You can curl curls in several ways, and their choice will depend on the goal pursued by the woman who came to the beauty salon. You can simply achieve more haircut volume or, if desired, get hair spirals or soft curls.

Popular classics: types of chemical perms using acids

The acid type of perm retains absolute primacy, remaining the most in demand. This technique is the most resistant - it can last up to six months, which is achieved due to temperature effects - heating allows you to get persistent and durable curls.

It is important! Despite the fact that such drugs are not completely harmless, they have one big advantage - they penetrate the hair without damaging its structure.

This method, despite all the advantages, has contraindications. The active substance of the drug enhances the fragility of the hair, so owners of soft thin curls, as well as women with sensitive skin, should refrain from it.

Fighting the naughty: alkali will help

These preparations do not ensure the durability of the previous type of perm, keeping curls for about 3-4 months. Best of all, the technique is suitable for naughty curls, making curls as natural as possible. But for women with coarse hair, alkaline "chemistry" will not work - it will hardly last more than 2 months.
Alkaline perms, while not as long-lasting as acid perms, are less damaging due to the lack of heat. The master working with alkali should have experience in using such compounds in order to prevent various troubles: skin burns or hair damage due to excessive tension.

Gentle methods of perm

  • The technique using thioglycolic acid is a relatively mild type of "chemistry", which is considered quite suitable even for colored and weakened curls. This acid does not cause a sharp swelling of the hair compared to the previous types of perms - acid and alkaline.
  • Another way to “soft” perm is neutral. It also prevents the hair from becoming excessively swollen, relieving them of stress. Curls become relatively stiff and elastic, although they do not look like alkaline “chemistry”.
  • Perm with amino acids not only causes minimal damage to curls, but also helps to heal hair with the help of proteins and amino acids contained in its composition. Beautiful large curls obtained after curling with amino acids will delight their mistress with softness and naturalness.

These types of perm are united by the fact that they do not last long, although they have a respect for the hair as a huge advantage over others.

Chemical biowave: a fashionable novelty

Biowave- a relatively new, but quickly gaining popularity method of "chemistry". This technique is the safest - that's why modern girls and women prefer it. The agent for biowave does not contain harmful acids and alkalis, having in its composition a substance that is almost identical to the molecules of the hair itself. High-quality preparations give curls naturalness and durability, providing grooming to the hairstyle.

It is important! Chemical biowave is preserved for a long time - about six months. If the hair was originally curly, then the curls can last up to 9 months.

But these types of perm will give good results only on normal and oily hair types. For owners of damaged and dry curls, such techniques are undesirable.

About carving technique

Another popular way of curling is "carving" - the process of giving the hair the necessary shape with their preliminary treatment with a special preparation.
This technology makes it possible to create small curls, make an imaginary vertical-type chemistry, cover the entire surface of the head with curls, or give a twisted look only to the tips. If necessary, you can make a "creative mess", a careless perm. You can often hear another name for such a perm - " long-term".

Carving, unlike other perm techniques, is relatively safe. Curls created with this technique can last up to 2 months. If carving is done according to the rules and by a professional hairdresser, this will minimize hair damage.

After treatment with a special substance, the master winds curls on curlers, which remain in this position for some time. Later, the hairdresser thoroughly rinses the strands with warm water, produces and dries. All this takes about 1.5 hours.

Carving, like other techniques, has specific pros and cons. The use of this technology is not recommended for owners of hard and, since it is possible to straighten them under their own weight. Professionals do not recommend the carving procedure on highlighted and bleached strands. However, carving will be useful for those who have oily hair - thanks to this curling technology, the hair will look neater.

American perm

Most often, the American method is used on medium and long hair. The strands are wound on knitting needles and special bobbins. Thanks to this unusual method, the curls become quite rigid and large.
Since curls after “chemistry” beautifully emphasize the face in an American way, it is most suitable for owners of large features. One of the advantages of this technique is that when the hair grows back, the border between the curled and uncurled part is almost invisible. This method has only one drawback - it is not cheap.

Author's "chemistry" from the company Wella

Vellaformer- this is not so much a curling method as the name of the device with which it is actually produced. These are latex bags, inside of which curls are placed. When they are compressed, the hair curls. This method is well suited for not too long, but not quite short strands.

Curling hair vertically

This curling technique will look great on. When creating twisted curls, spiral curlers of great length are used. This is done as follows - the master vertically places the bobbin and winds the curl from top to bottom.

It is important! Vertical “chemistry” is one of the most beautiful, but has one significant drawback - as the curls grow, the curl border becomes clearly visible. In this regard, this method requires very careful maintenance.

About the horizontal curling method

This is the most common of all curls, which is done on spiral curlers of various diameters. Bobbins are placed horizontally over the entire surface of the hair. There are no special differences between this method and vertical curling, with the exception of the horizontal fastening of curlers.

Double winding: unusual and stylish

When carrying out this method of curling, different types of bobbins are used. Moreover, a smaller diameter is used at the roots. Thanks to this, the curls look intensely twisted and expressive. The bobbins are wound towards each other, due to which the curls are obtained evenly curled along the entire length.

Chemical perm with papillots

This method allows you to achieve natural curls without leaving unnatural creases at the ends of the hair. A similar effect is achieved due to the softness of the papillots used.
To fix the twisted curl, the ends of the papillots are connected in an annular manner, attaching as close as possible to the hair roots. The twisting of the hair begins from the back of the head, gradually approaching the top of the head. Usually, paper is used with this method - this is done in order to avoid problems in wrapping due to strands of different lengths.

The ideal solution for hair volume - root treatment

This method will be just perfect for owners of short haircuts who want to add volume to their hair. In addition, it can be used to correct the perm made earlier if the curls have disappeared at the roots, and they still exist along the entire length of the hair, giving the hairstyle a sloppy look. In such cases, the strands are wound onto bobbins, treating only the near-root zone with the drug. This method of curling will have to be repeated from time to time, because the hair is constantly growing.

Of course, it is undesirable to do it yourself. It is better to trust professionals. While you look through the various ways of curling, you will look for those that you like, the master will evaluate your hair type and condition, as well as the shape of your face. These components are important for choosing a curling method, and in a beauty salon you will be helped to choose the most suitable one for you and your hair.