Is it possible to give omens pearl earrings. Why can't you give pearls? Signs and beliefs. Yellow donated roses can be interpreted in different ways

Pearls are a beautiful gem that beautiful women and girls have loved and still love to adorn themselves and their outfits. Pearls have always been a sign of wealth and high status, since not everyone could afford to buy a string of pearl beads for themselves or as a gift.

There is a stereotype that pearls can only be given as a gift to a bride for her wedding. But in the modern world, most prejudices and superstitions have long been bypassed, preferring to make beautiful gifts than to believe empty words.

Pearls as a gift to an unmarried girl

There are many beautiful decorations that will be a great addition to any young girl's festive or everyday look:

  • earrings;
  • pearl threads;
  • pendants;
  • pearl bracelets.

As a gift for any holiday, you can completely pamper an unmarried lady with such a beautiful decoration. Depending on her age, you should choose the size of the gems: the younger the girl, the smaller the pearls should be.

In addition to expensive sea pearls, you can also find river pearls in stores, which are several times cheaper, but at the same time they look no worse. This option is suitable for those who want to beautifully congratulate the girl, but do not have large funds.

Pearl jewelry can be given to an unmarried girl, both with or without a reason. After all, what could be better than a pleasant and beautiful surprise. Such a sign of attention will never go unanswered, and you will definitely get a few extra points in your favor.

Pearls as a birthday gift

Of course, it is especially pleasant to give and receive pearls on your birthday. After all, this is exactly the holiday when you want to be the most beautiful, and pearl jewelry is the best way to cope with this.

In addition, pearls are a kind of talisman for some signs of the Zodiac:

  • Fish;
  • Aquarius.

For these water signs, pearls will bring only happiness and prosperity. As for others, Scorpions and Sagittarius can be noted, who prefer to wear this gem of dark shades.

So do not hesitate to buy pearl jewelry as a gift, they will surely please the birthday girl and decorate the already festive look.

Is it possible to give pearls for a wedding?

A wedding is a solemn moment that will be remembered for a lifetime. On this day, happy newlyweds accept gifts not only from guests, but also from each other.

If the groom wants to present something very beautiful, tender and truly wedding to his future wife. That pearls in jewelry will be the most perfect gift on this day.

Pearls were given to the bride for a wedding back in Rus'. It has always been considered a symbol of wealth and status. To this day, brides wear pearl jewelry to their wedding celebrations. This stone goes well with the bride's puffy dress, does not look defiant and creates a gentle image for a young wife.

As a wedding gift, you can buy:

  • pearl diadem;
  • brooch with pearl insert;
  • silver pin with a pearl bead;
  • wedding cape embroidered with pearl beads.

Such a gift will surely remain with the newly-made wife for many years and, most likely, will be inherited by the next generation.

Despite the fact that, according to ancient traditions, it is not customary to give pearls to unmarried girls, this gem attracts so much attention when choosing a gift that sometimes it is simply impossible to refuse to buy it. So down with all prejudices and superstitions: every young lady should have a pearl string!

There are many conflicting beliefs associated with pearls. Some of them are inclined to believe that pearls are a “stone of tears”, so giving them is a bad omen. Others say that pearls are a sign of purity and innocence, so they will be a wonderful gift. But even among adherents, there are disagreements that such jewelry gives happiness.

Who gives pearl jewelry?

Astrologers have not come to a consensus on which of the signs of the Zodiac this stone will suit, although there is an opinion among the people that only water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - can wear pearls. However, judging by the legends, the stars in this matter have little weight.

Since ancient times, pearls have been considered a symbol of purity, innocence, sublimity, so in Rus' they were given to unmarried girls. In rich families, for example, each bead was given for name days and Easter, so that by the time of marriage the girl had a whole string of pearls. Traditionally, the groom gave his beloved pearls, which she used to adorn her wedding attire. A similar custom was in China, where it was believed that a gift of a pearl pendant would help to get consent from the beloved for the wedding. In medieval Europe, faithful knights gave white or pink pearls to the lady of the heart to prove the sublimity of their feelings.

Despite the fact that in most beliefs a stone was given to a young girl, today it is increasingly possible to stumble upon the opinion that pearls are suitable for ladies of Balzac age. It is believed that a pearl necklace on a young neck looks too heavy and even indecent. In addition, he sets off the beauty of youth and visually ages his owner.

Jewelry with pearls will become a talisman for a businessman. There is a sign that even one bead can affect the location of the surrounding people, so cufflinks or hairpins with pearls are put on important meetings. For many people, pearl jewelry can be a lucky charm.

Most signs agree on one thing: only a close person should give pearls. To accept such a gift from a stranger is to trouble and misfortune.

How to give pearls?

A stone of tears should be given paired with another pearl jewelry. For example, necklace and earrings, ring and bracelet, ring and pendant. In this way, all sorrows and sorrows can be nullified. Such decorations, on the contrary, will protect their owner, they will be able to ward off the evil eye and even warn of a serious illness. Even if you have no prejudices, and you do not believe in omens, it is worth knowing the point of view of the person to whom the gift is intended. Such a gift can be a heavy burden on a person, to which all failures will subsequently be written off.

From the most common signs it follows that you can not give pearls for a birthday and for the first wedding anniversary. Although there is no consensus about the wedding, it is still better to make such a present for the 3rd anniversary. It is believed that in this way they drive away quarrels and strife in the family.

First of all, pearl is an incredibly beautiful stone that was discovered by people in antiquity. He was always credited with somewhat mystical properties and treated with caution. However, pearls have a number of healing properties, and in India, for example, it is one of the most revered stones.

Indian sages-seers, who are called rishis, believe that pearls are composed of the most important elements on Earth - Water, Earth and Air - which explains its calming and cooling effect. Pearls provide an increase in vitality and give strength!

In ancient times, it was believed that pearls can cure a number of eye diseases, strengthen teeth, and if you hold it in your mouth, it will improve blood composition and help soothe heart pain. At that time, it was customary for pregnant women to give pearl jewelry to help them successfully bear the fetus. Moreover, all the rich nobles drank wine only from a mother-of-pearl bowl; a pearl was always put in a glass with a drink. They thought it would save them from the poison!

Why, according to folk signs, is it a bad sign to give pearls?

Despite all the listed advantages and features of pearls, it is still considered by the people to be an unlucky stone. According to popular belief, wedding pearls bring to their owner the loss of hopes and illusions. According to many dream books and interpreters of dreams, seeing pearls in a dream portends troubles and failures. A dream in which you receive pearls as a gift promises tears, and if you give it yourself - to suspicion.

However, there are folk superstitions associated with pearls that emphasize its nobility. For example, it is believed that he brings wealth, joy and happiness to the house, being a happy talisman.

Where did the bad omens about the gift of this stone come from? Most likely, they are associated with the fragility of pearls. The term of its "life" is only 150 years, and begins to gradually dry out after 50-70 years.

In ancient times, as in the Middle Ages, there was a belief that if the owner of the pearl does bad deeds, then the stone begins to fade.

The ancient magi and astrologers claimed that pearls are a lucky stone for all those born under the constellation Pisces. It was recommended for girls and unmarried women to wear it regardless of age, since pearls were a symbol of purity and purity!

In the modern world, you can give pearls for a wedding, because it promotes longevity, protects from the evil eye, and for some opens the gift of foresight!

If you give a ring with pearls, then it will become a reliable protection for the recipient from dishonest transactions and thieves.

Signs about pearls

Undoubtedly, pearls are the main attribute at a wedding or on the neck of a business woman, but there is an opinion that the most beautiful natural stone symbolizes tears. And all because during the period of the birth of the bead, the mussel suffered and subsequently died, but no one can say for sure whether this is really so.

wedding traditions

Some optimistic brides respond positively to rumors that pearls bring tears. Waving aside that not a single wedding is complete without them, they are only caused by positive emotions.

In Europe, it is customary to tie future spouses with a pearl thread as a symbol of a strong and happy marriage. And, of course, failures and tears in marriage accompanied if a kind of bracelet was torn.

In the old days, there was a ritual between the spouses, when the groom gave his beloved pearls before the wedding. In those days, it was a symbol of innocence and purity and an integral part of the decoration on the solemn kokoshnik.

Today, this tradition has changed slightly - beads have moved to dresses, bouquets, hairstyles, and jewelry. And the future husband does not need to spend money on buying stones. The wedding business has already taken care of that.


Interpreters of dreams also associate a solemn marriage with a donated pearl in a dream. And who knows, maybe really, after such a dream, your beloved will knock on your door with a long-awaited question.

In general, dreamed mother-of-pearl beads symbolize fortune, prosperity and good news.

Pearls are not for the faint of heart

Popular beliefs claim that pearls can further suppress a weak personality. Therefore, only a person with a strong spirit can withstand the energy of the stone. Mother-of-pearl beads do not get along with people who are scattered or angry at the whole world.

Creative people, workers of culture and education, as well as lovers of lying in the sun under the influence of pearls become less active, missing any opportunity to improve the level and quality of their lives. In addition, the sexual energy of such women is suppressed, which makes them less attractive in the eyes of the male.

Since the stone symbolizes strong family ties, for those who like to go left secretly from their spouse, such events may not end very well. And the pearl itself will not allow the owner to even look the other way, because its energy is aimed at strengthening love relationships.

But people who are arrogant and vain, according to the superstitious people, are sobered by natural stone. It is worth such a person to pick up one bead, as complete order will come in his head, and a share of objectivity will appear in his reasoning. In addition, there will be a great opportunity to look back and reconsider your capabilities and actions.

Notoriety is attached to a stone of dark tones, and light pearls can also darken. Such a reincarnation is associated with a path chosen by a person, which runs counter to his beliefs. And naturally black pearls bring melancholy and sadness to their owner. Single people experience special pressure, and only widowed ladies he allows to break the love ties with the deceased and gives a second chance for a happy family life.

What can not be given - signs

There are beliefs that absolutely not all gifts bring joy and good luck to the owner. Of course, this applies only to those people who believe in folk signs. It is advisable to think very well over a gift to such acquaintances, because there are a number of items that are not recommended to be presented. Of course, some beliefs justify themselves, but most are completely devoid of common sense. I propose to dwell on those signs that have the right to exist.

Good omen - pearls

Pearl is a stone with a rich history, it is not surprising that in various countries of the world and among different peoples certain signs have developed that are associated with this mysterious stone. Let's consider some of them.

If you dreamed of pearls, then soon you will find a good combination of circumstances and a joyful event. Take pearls in your hands in a dream - to wealth.

Or maybe in your dream they gave you pearls? This sign is for a happy marriage. And who knows, maybe someone will give you such a wonderful gift in reality very soon. Moreover, pearls are considered the strongest amulet for newlyweds. Pearl necklaces. the bracelet on the bride on the wedding day is a symbol of purity, purity, a sign of a strong marriage.

Not without reason, in the images of one of the most revered by the ancient Slavs, the goddess of love and beauty, Lada, is a maiden; with golden hair adorned with pearls, and in a robe richly embroidered with them. And just before the wedding, the grooms of Ancient Rus' presented the brides with pearls, with which they then decorated the kokoshniks.

The wedding pearl tradition is also characteristic of Europeans, so the bride and groom were tied with one string of pearls as a sign of the inviolability of the union. In ancient Rome, newlyweds were given pearl necklaces. And wedding dresses began to be embroidered with pearls back in the Renaissance.

In addition, pearls and jewelry with it are a recognized amulet. It is believed that he notifies the owner in advance of upcoming dangers or troubles. For example, they say that if the pearls in your ring, necklace, pendant or other jewelry suddenly fade, this is a sign of some kind of threat.

According to popular belief, in this case, you should pay close attention to your health, as well as to whether the actions that you have committed lately do not go with your convictions or conscience.

For more than 100 years, jewelry with Majorica pearls has brought good luck and joy to many people, thanks to the positive energy that is invested in each pearl, painstaking work and careful observance of the traditions of jewelry making. .


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Alisa Terentyeva November 30, 2018, 23:59

Pearls are one of the most beautiful and at the same time unusual stones, which have long been credited with magical properties. This mineral was considered a sign of purity, a stone that improves health and protects a person. But, on the other hand, it was called the "stone of tears", since it was believed that seeing it in a dream was to tears. But be that as it may, pearls are an amazingly beautiful and exquisite stone that can and should be given.

Beautiful and exquisite stone

Signs and beliefs associated with pearls

Pearl products are classic jewelry that fashion has no control over. Basically, natural stone has a delicate milky or beige hue, but there are instances of pink, black, steel and chocolate shades. A colored mineral is more brilliant than a white one. Natural pearls are river (freshwater) and sea.

Pearls are natural and cultured: the first is grown in natural conditions without human influence, the second - in conditions created by man. It is clear that a natural mineral is much higher than a cultivated one.

It would seem that the question of whether it is possible to give pearls to a woman or not should have an affirmative answer, but there is a sign that it is impossible to give pearls for a number of reasons. It is connected with folk signs. This mineral stands apart from other stones. There is a special beauty and mystery in it, and therefore, since ancient times, various abilities have been attributed to the stone. For example, it was believed that this mineral is associated with female energy, so it contributes to the successful procreation, helps to give birth without complications.

Different countries of the world have their own attitude to pearls. For example, in China it was considered a stone of wisdom, the ancient Greeks called it the stone of the goddess of love, in India it was a stone of fertility.

Who should not give pearls

According to popular beliefs, this stone can be given to married couples, as it helps to strengthen family relationships. But at the same time, folk wisdom says that lonely people do not need to give a stone, because it will only increase loneliness. According to folk beliefs, you should not give pearls to an unmarried girl, especially a black mineral, as it can cause sadness and sadness. But divorced women, on the contrary, such a gift helps to find the other half.

Who gives pearls

However, omens are just omens. Pearls are a surprisingly delicate and elegant stone, which is why they are considered a classic women's gift. A thread with these beads can be presented by a lover for any romantic holiday. This gift cannot be called banal, since pearl jewelry is always appropriate and at any age. Delicate beads emphasize feminine softness, elegance, attractiveness.

Traditionally, pearls are given on the third wedding anniversary., because this pure, refined stone symbolizes pure, strong relationships. No wonder thirty years of married life is called a pearl wedding: the stone symbolizes true, strong love. Traditionally, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace, each stone of which symbolizes the days and years lived, full of joy and sadness, but certainly love. A wife can give her husband cufflinks with a bead or a pin with one stone.

Jewelry as a gift for a pearl wedding

In the old days, pearls were considered a talisman that protects a person from troubles, misfortunes and illnesses. Therefore, you can give jewelry as a talisman.

How to choose a pearl gift for a woman?

Pearls are selected by the size of the stones, as well as by color.. So, for example, jewelry with white beads is universal - they suit absolutely everyone: mature women and young girls, light-skinned and dark-skinned. It remains only to decide on the type of jewelry, for example, it can be a pendant with pearls, a ring, earrings, as well as the type of metal. Graceful strands of pearls always look elegant.

White pearl jewelry is a gift appropriate for any occasion and for a woman of any age and style.

White beads are given to both young girls and women of mature age. So a young girl can be presented with an elegant pendant, delicate earrings with one stone. A woman of elegant age can be presented with a classic piece of jewelry - a string of pearls. If it is appropriate for young girls to give jewelry with small beads, then adult women are given jewelry with large stones. When choosing the size of the beads, you should also take into account the complete set of the woman.

White pearls

If you want to choose black pearls as a gift, then a different picture emerges. Black pearl is a more demanding stone, since it will draw all the attention in the general image to itself. Therefore, it is customary to give black pearls, especially if it is a whole thread, to adult women.

Pink pearls are more delicate and soft. Jewelry with pink beads is best for young girls. Gold earrings with pink pearls, gracefully weightless pendants and bracelets look charming.

pink pearl

Pearls can be a separate piece of jewelry, or it can be a gift set that includes several pieces of jewelry at once: it can be earrings and a pendant, a pendant and earrings, a necklace and earrings, a bracelet and earrings. The decorations are made in the same style, so they make up a harmonious composition.

There are not only jewelry, but also souvenirs made of pearls - this is also a beautiful gift, appropriate for any holiday. Present ideas:

  1. Tree of pearls. Such souvenirs are called the "tree of happiness." Tree leaves are made of pearls.
  2. Vases and saucers. These can be products in the form of a sea shell, decorated with one bead.
  3. Souvenirs in the form of animals. All kinds of products, decorated with pearls.
  4. Pearl in the shell. Such an unusual souvenir is also called the “pearl of desires”: it is believed that if a person makes a wish and takes a bead out of the shell, then the wish will certainly come true. The gift is also interesting because it is not known in advance what color the pearl will be.

Pearl in the shell

Pearl jewelry has always occupied a separate place among jewelry. This stone at all times stood above fashion and time, and therefore jewelry with it has always been considered an indispensable attribute of feminine and elegance. If you decide to make such a gift, then there is no doubt whether it is possible to give such a stone, because it is an eternal symbol of femininity and beauty.

Find out if it is possible to give pearls to a woman in terms of folk signs. There are many superstitions about this material for jewelry - both good and bad.

In the article:

Is it possible to give pearls to a woman - a belief about the symbol of tears

Almost everyone knows what exists - you can’t give pearls, it portends tears. For a long time he was symbol of tears- spilled and those that are yet to be shed. That is why superstitious people are afraid of such gifts.

Pearls, if you believe the signs, bring tears to their owner. Legends say that during its creation, the clam cries in pain. A few hundred years ago, people believed that pearls were formed from the tears of a mollusk. Of course, an object obtained in such a terrible way - through the torment of a living being, cannot bring anything positive to the life of its owner.

It is difficult to say whether the reaction to the stimulus that causes the formation of pearls causes torment. But it is known for sure that mollusks do not know how to cry. It is likely that this material has gained such a reputation because of the external similarity of light, gleaming pearls with tears.

However, pearl jewelry does not always bring tears of grief. After all, joy can also shed tears. So, is it possible to give pearls to a woman? Yes - with wishes to cry only for joy and never experience grief and sadness. In this case, the negative sign will be neutralized. There is one more condition - you can give it only to a loved one. Accepting it from unfamiliar people is a series of troubles.

Pearls as a gift - signs about pearl jewelry

From the point of view of magic, pearls are a natural material that carries a huge charge of positive energy. You can make it out of it, use it as the main component of the rite, and also feed on pearl energy through meditation with this mineral. Magicians who are close to the element of water often decorate their ritual tools with pearls.

Pearls are "always looking for a mate." Therefore, you can not wear only one piece of jewelry with him - this to loneliness, divorce and betrayal. Choose a ring and beads, earrings and a ring, beads and earrings - there are many options for combining. Such jewelry brings happiness in love and family life. To the question of whether pearls will bring evil as a gift, signs about the value of this mineral answer as follows: if it is a pair of jewelry, it can be presented. Such a gift can even benefit a single friend, help her get married.

Another property of pearls is that they are great for women entrepreneurs. Jewelry with it gives success in business. They help to find a common language with subordinates and business partners. At the same time, such decoration will not allow you to forget about your family and personal life.

In addition, pearls enhance health - both physical and psychological. It protects against the harmful effects of stress, preserves beauty and youth, liveliness of character and interest in life until old age. So why not give pearls? The fact is that there are many signs about him - both good and bad. Superstitious individuals prefer not to take risks.

Astrologers suggest that not everyone can wear pearl jewelry. They are only suitable for people who were born under the signs of Pisces and Aquarius. However, not everyone believes in the zodiacal correspondences of stones and minerals. According to ancient signs, only innocent virgins and people with pure souls can wear pearl jewelry. It brings bad luck to everyone else.

Is it possible to give pearls for a birthday or wedding - traditions of different countries

It is difficult to answer the question of whether it is possible to give pearls for a birthday. On the one hand, jewelry with it protects from trouble and the evil eye. On the other hand, signs and superstitions assure that they bring tears and sorrows. In addition, not everyone is allowed to wear pearls, as already described above. You can make such a difficult decision if you know the attitude of the birthday girl to such signs. It is still not worth giving a superstitious person pearls, knives or watches.

Pearl jewelry has been known for a long time. This material has become an important part of the cultures of different countries. During the existence of Kievan Rus, no one even thought about the fact that giving pearls is a bad omen. The guys gave jewelry from it to their brides. Even the gift itself, without words, in some regions of Rus' could be regarded as a marriage proposal.

In Rus', they gave not only jewelry, but also pearl beads. They were a valuable gift - at all times this material was rare and expensive. Girls embroidered kokoshniks for them. Usually the guy who presented the pearls received consent in response to a marriage proposal. Perhaps this is where one of the signs takes its roots - according to her, pearl jewelry helps.

At rich weddings, the newlyweds were entangled with pearl threads so that their family life would be long and happy. Our ancestors believed that if he gave pearl threads for a wedding, the spouses would support each other in sorrow and in joy. Now they are part of the traditional attire of the bride. This custom came to us from Europe - for a long time rich city dwellers decorated their wedding dresses with pearl beads. However, this material is not accepted as a gift - to the tears shed in this marriage. The future, which some superstitions about pearls promise, is too frightening - this is widowhood, her husband's drunkenness, betrayal and other difficulties. The vast majority of brides prefer not to take risks and buy it on their own.

Pearl wedding - 30 pearls as a gift

Now pearls are given only on the thirtieth wedding anniversary - the so-called pearl wedding. Usually the husband does this, asking for forgiveness from his wife for all her tears shed through his fault. As a rule, we are talking about a necklace of 30 beads - according to the number of years lived together. Guests and relatives traditionally give pearls to both the wife and the husband. The wife should also present her husband with a pearl jewelry - a cufflink or a tie clip.

In China, pearls are considered one of the national treasures. Giving it is a blessing. The Chinese do not know any signs with a negative meaning about this material for jewelry. They have long used it in medicine, grinding it into powder to obtain healing compounds. To this day, you can buy medicines made from pearls. It is especially useful for dental problems and during pregnancy.

According to the legend, Ivan groznyj very fond of pearls. He carried it on his staff. The king was not distinguished by excessive love for superstitions, but when the largest pearl faded, it frightened him. According to popular belief, if the pearl grows dull, it means that its owner will soon die. This is another reason not to wear or give pearls - few people want to know the exact date of their death.

The legend about Ivan the Terrible says that there are ways to restore cloudy pearls. The king ordered the pearl to be removed from the staff. He strung her on a thread and ordered the immaculate girl with a pure soul to bathe with her 101 times. This restored the pearl, which the king ordered to be placed back on the staff.

There is another version of the legend. According to her, the king turned to the local healer for help. He advised to force the chicken to peck at the clouded pearl, and after a few hours to slaughter the chicken. The king listened to the advice of the healer. From the entrails of a slaughtered chicken, his servants took out a pearl, which was again bright and shiny.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

Russian queen Alexandra Fedorovna did not think about the signs of pearls. She was very fond of jewelry made from it. The queen gave her daughters only pearls for their birthdays. However, it is difficult to call them lucky - not all survived even to adulthood.

According to legend, she was not indifferent to pearls and Cleopatra. But according to one of the legends, she easily donated a pearl from her favorite earring. Cleopatra argued with Mark Antony. The subject of the dispute was the most expensive dinner - who will be able to overtake the other in its cost. Cleopatra managed to win in a very unusual way - at the end of the meal she asked for a glass of bite. In it, she dissolved the pearl from her earring, which in today's money is estimated at about five billion dollars, and then drank the vinegar.