Great about women. Great Women Quotes

I don't know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men.
Coco Chanel

A smart woman is one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like.
P. Valerie

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's certainty.
R. Kipling

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you.
Alfred de Musset

Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but often they are lonely.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

The later the girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is.
Gomez de la Serna

A woman must manage to look so wise that her “accidental” stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man.
Karl Kraus

The night suits every girl and woman.
S. Flesharova-Muscat

At loving woman the heart is always full of hope; to kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood.
Honore de Balzac

Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon without joy.
Pierre Buast

If God appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would create her from the head; if he were a slave, he would create her from the foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created from a rib.
Aurelius Augustine

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.
Oscar Wilde

Women's hatred, in fact, the same love, only changed direction.
Heinrich Heine

A woman is both an apple and a snake.
Heinrich Heine

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
Nietzsche F.

If I am part of your destiny, then someday you will return to me ...
P. Coelho

“If a woman loves you, then, in essence, the one she loves is not you. But the one she no longer loves is you!”
Paul Geraldi

When the actress was asked what she puts on when she goes to bed, she replied: "Only Chanel number five."

Only a woman can temporarily stop time.
Yuzef Bulatovich

For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in the memory of a man forever.
Kipling R.

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.

If you love, let go. will return - it is yours, will not return - it has never been yours.

"A man wants to be a woman's first while a woman wants to be a man's last." jennifer wilkinson
A man wants to be first with a woman, while a woman wants to be last with a man.

A smart woman is like Semiramide.
K. Prutkov

What is a mistress? A woman near whom you forget what you knew by heart, in other words, all the shortcomings of her sex.
N. Chamfort

Whoever has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is.
T. Gauthier

A woman's right is to say more than a man, and a man's duty is to do more than a woman.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

The perfect couple from my point of view is a damn beautiful woman and a devilishly smart man.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

A man who reads morality is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morality is certainly an ugly woman.
Oscar Wilde

Even the severity of the beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in the happiest moments for us in other women.

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.

Night gives shine to the stars and women.

A beautiful woman can be kissed endlessly and never fall into the same place.
Janusz Makarchik

Even the most Beautiful legs, end up somewhere.
Julian Tuwim

Do not burst into your wife shouting “I know everything!” Otherwise she will ask you kindly what year the Battle of Trafalgar was.

Nymphomaniac: A woman who wants to make love in the evening despite having her hair done in the morning.
Maureen Limpan

To understand women, one must become a woman, and if it is impossible to become one, then it remains only to accept women as they are - full of mysteries and sweet charm in their individuality.

And she will only laugh, throwing a predatory look in response, she, as no one knows, has no rules in the life of a cat ...

If a woman is wrong, go and apologize...

  • Women usually not out of malice, but by their nature, hate those whom their husbands love. Thomas More
  • Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of non-thinking. Rupert Hughes.
  • A beautiful face is a silent recommendation. Bacon F.
  • The dream of a woman is to be the woman of her dreams. – E. Sevrus
  • A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to guide a man where the Lord wants to lead him. Heinrich Ibsen
  • All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Quotes about women.
  • The female instinct is worth the foresight of the great people O. de Balzac
  • The fault of any woman is the fault of a man. Herder I.
  • The woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas - father
  • A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine
  • A divinely beautiful woman often has a diabolical character. E. Sevrus
  • A woman will always sacrifice herself if the opportunity is presented to her. It's her favorite way to please herself Somerset Maugham
  • A smart woman is the one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like. Paul Valery
  • If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde
  • The female sex is another part of our human race: however, due to its weakness, it was born more secretive and crafty. Plato.
  • The guesses of women are much more accurate than the undoubted facts of men. Rudyard Kipling.
  • Beauty is also a virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. Schiller F.
  • A man can give everything to his true friend- everything, but not the woman he loves. Heinrich Ibsen
  • Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon without joy. Pierre Buast
  • A woman has all her heart, even her head Jean Paul
  • Many women come to shows only to become the spectacle themselves. Ovid.
  • Intuition is what replaces a woman common sense. English wisdom.
  • A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a man who would awaken love in her. LaBruyère J
  • A loving woman's heart is always full of hope; to kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood. Honore de Balzac
  • Grumpy women see life as a boxing match. They fight with their chests, behind them, and always feint.
  • Women treat with disdain those who love them, and love those who neglect them. M. Cervantes.
  • A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. Montesquieu
  • Outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book. Chamfort
  • A woman inspires a man to great accomplishments, the implementation of which then herself makes it difficult. Alexandre Dumas - son
  • A woman must manage to look so wise that her random stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man. Karl Kraus.

This section contains quotes from great poets, writers, philosophers, literary and public figures about women. Every person, be it a man or a woman, has the primary source of existence - this is his mother. Throughout the existence of mankind, women have played and play huge role which cannot be overestimated. A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to direct a man to where the Lord wants to lead him.

A man can give everything to his faithful friend - everything, but not the woman he loves.

Heinrich Ibsen

A smart woman is the one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like.

Paul Valery

The woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred.

Busy people have no time to look at women.

Alexandre Dumas - father

A woman inspires a man to great accomplishments, the implementation of which then herself makes it difficult.

Women are always like this: they passionately want what they don’t have, and having achieved what they want, they experience a feeling of disappointment.

You can ask a woman why she is crying, but you should never ask her why she was crying: she does not remember it.

How often a woman who inspires us to great things prevents us from doing them.

I was bored - that's why it started. He bored me - that's why it ended.

If men don't understand female heart then women do not understand male honor.

Leave three men together after dinner, and you can be sure that the conversation will turn to women and that the older one will start it.

Why not love your wife? We love strangers.

Alexandre Dumas - son

Everyone returns - except for best friends,
In addition to the most beloved and devoted women.

Vladimir Vysotsky

How many stars are in the sky, so many deceptions are hidden in a woman's heart.


Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And not to love - it does not work.

Salvador Dali

Women who indulge in drunkenness give birth to children similar in this respect to their mothers.


Could Bice, like Dante, create,
Or Laura glorify the heat of love?
I taught women to speak...
But, God, how to silence them!
Anna Akhmatova

The night gives shine to the stars and women.

A kiss between women only means that they have nothing more to do at that moment.

Women's tears are touching, in men they are real melted lead; because for a woman tears are a relief, but for us they are torture.

Of all the paths that lead to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest.

George Gordon Byron

A woman who laughs at her husband cannot love him anymore

Honore de Balzac

A woman is unusually prone to slavery and at the same time prone to enslave.

Women have an extraordinary ability to create illusions, to be different from what they really are.

Berdyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich

Seeing and respecting a person in a woman is not only a necessary, but also the main condition for the possibility of love for decent person our time.

A woman thinks with her heart, and a man loves with his head.

There is nothing more dangerous than linking your fate with the fate of a woman just because she is beautiful and young.

The field of a woman is to arouse in a man the energy of the soul, the ardor of noble passions, to maintain a sense of duty and aspiration for high and great, this is her purpose, and it is great and sacred.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

The adornment of a woman is silence; the simplicity of the attire is also commendable.


There is no such girl in the world who would not know, at least a week in advance, about the impending expression of feelings.

Women love: young, politically literate, long-legged.

A sultry woman is a poet's dream.

The lack of female affection affects the way of life.

Ilf and Petrov

The life of a woman is a never-ending story of hobbies.

The heart of a woman, offended by betrayal in her love, is like a fortress captured, devastated and abandoned.

In the heart of every real woman, a spark of heavenly fire burns, which sleeps calmly in the bright daylight of well-being, but flashes, shines and sparkles, dispersing gloomy clouds in days of misfortune.

Washington Irving

For a man there is nothing more offensive than to call him a fool, for a woman - to say that she is ugly.

Immanuel Kant

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool.

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's certainty.

A man remembers three women: the first, the last and one.

Joseph Rudyard Kirling

A woman is a failed man.

Jack London

The better the pub, the worse the wife; the worse the wife, the better the pub.

Heinrich Mann

Woman better men understands children, but a man more baby than a woman.

Has any woman ever recognized the depth of thought of another woman, or the justice of another woman's heart?

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, and kind heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.

Napoleon Bonaparte

A woman sometimes interferes with a clash between men, rather than causing it. But not consciously and not willingly.

Obinyaki - women's weapons ...

Do not try to expose a woman to her shortcomings.

If you want a woman to continue to love you, try to inspire her with the idea that you are delighted with her beauty. She will be in a red dress, praise the red dress, she will be in a dress made of light matter, say that it suits her. If she is wearing gold jewelry, tell me that she is for you personally. more expensive than gold; if she takes it into her head to put on a suit of winter matter, praise her that she has put on a suit of winter matter. She will come up in one shirt, shout: "You are burning me! .." - and in an imploring voice ask her not to catch a cold. If her hair is skillfully combed into two braids, admire that it is combed into two braids; if this hair is curled, praise the curl. Admire her hands when she dances, and her voice when she sings; if she stops, express regret that she finished early. Look, just don’t seem feigned in words and don’t deal a mortal blow to the expression of your feelings - with your physiognomy: a secret cunning is useful, but if it is unraveled, it makes you blush and deservedly deprives you of confidence forever.

The words of a woman are lighter than falling leaves, which water and wind carry wherever they please.

The guardian of the wife is a virtue. The only virtuous is that which is not compelled by fear, and whoever is faithful out of fear is not faithful at all.

The one who does not sin because it is not allowed, she sins.

Learn to walk like a woman should. There is a kind of beauty in walking, which is not to be neglected. She either attracts or repels unknown men. One woman moves gracefully, loosening her dress in the wind and walking proudly. The other one walks around on her own, with huge steps.

Young Romans, I beg you, study the art of oratory, but not solely for the defense of frightened defendants! As a serious judge surrenders to the people or a Senate consisting of the best members of society, so does a girl surrendered defeated by your oratorical talent.

Hide, however, your strength, do not flaunt your eloquence! Do not use refined phrases and expressions!

Night, and even wine, do not allow us to judge beauty. The night hides flaws and does not allow you to form a concept of any negative aspects; This watch makes any woman beautiful.

It's hard to believe, meanwhile women take lessons even in laughter and here they also try to be pretty! You should open your mouth when laughing moderately: two dimples should be visible on the cheeks and underlip slightly open the bottom of the upper teeth. Laughter should be, so to speak, light and something feminine to the ear! There are women who disfigure their mouths with immoderate laughter. Others, laughing, tremble; you might think they are crying. Still others have a kind of hoarse, disgusting laugh. When they laugh, you think it's the nasty roar of a donkey at the millstone.

Among women different tempers, but a thousand different hearts need to be acted upon by a thousand different means. How many different faces in the world, so many characters. Some fish are caught with a spear, others with a fishing rod, and still others are caught in a net stretched for them. So you should not use the same means to seduce women of all ages. If you appear educated to an ignoramus, or impudently affected, she, poor thing, will immediately cease to trust herself. That is why a woman, afraid to surrender herself to the honest, sometimes falls into the dirty embrace of a scoundrel.

What should women do if men are more frivolous than them?

If a woman gets along with you without loving, she will make you pay for it; and if she loves, she will make you pay more.

Richard Aldington

Do not joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent.

Girls in general are like checkers: not everyone succeeds, but everyone wants to get into kings.

Do not resort to tickling, wanting to cheer up a friend - another will call you ignorant for this.

A smart woman is like Semiramide.

Kozma Prutkov

Prudent wife! If you want your husband free time see him beside you, then try so that he does not find so much pleasantness, pleasure, modesty and tenderness in any other place.

Pythagoras of Samos

Anger and irascibility have no place in married life. married woman strictness suits the face, but let this harshness be useful and sweet, like wine, and not bitter, like aloe, and unpleasant, like medicine.

Whoever treats his wife too harshly, not deigning jokes and laughter, he forces her to look for pleasures on the side.

A voluptuous husband makes his wife wanton and lustful; the wife of a decent and virtuous person becomes modest and chaste.

What makes a woman beautiful is what makes her more beautiful, but it is not gold, emeralds and purple that makes her so, but modesty, decency and modesty.

Fishing with poison allows you to easily and quickly get fish, but spoils it, making it inedible; so also the wives who try to keep their husbands with them by divination or love potions, captivate them with sensual pleasures, but then live with the insane and insane.

A wife is so unbearable that she frowns when her husband is not averse to playing with her and being nice to her, and when he is busy with serious business, she frolics and laughs: the first means that her husband is disgusting to her, the second - that she is indifferent to him.

A wife should not rely on dowry, not on nobility, not on her beauty, but on what can truly bind her husband to herself: on courtesy, good-naturedness and compliance, and these qualities should be manifested every day not through force, as if reluctantly, but willingly, joyfully and willingly.

A decent woman should not even show off her conversations, and she should be just as ashamed to speak in front of strangers as she is to undress in front of them, because the voice betrays the character of the speaker, and the properties of her soul, and mood.

A smart wife, while an angry husband screams and scolds, remains silent, and only when he stops talking, starts a conversation with him to soften him and calm him down.

A chaste wife should appear in public only with her husband, and when he is away, remain invisible, sitting at home.

A woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about it. They are more eloquent than any words.

If a woman belongs to someone else, she is five times more desirable than one that can be obtained - an old rule.

A woman is not metal furniture for you; she is a flower. She doesn't want business. She needs sunny, sweet words. It is better to say something pleasant to her every day than to work for her all your life with sullen frenzy.

A woman grows wiser from love, and a man loses his head.

Erich Maria Remarque

Women endure worse sorrows than those for which they shed tears.

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life.

Worthy of contempt is a woman who, having children, is capable of experiencing boredom.

Women translate any idea into a person.

Women have the whole heart, even the head.

Jean Paul Richter

An innocent girl is corrupted by shameless speeches, a woman prostitute they turn their heads with respectful love: in both cases - with an unknown fruit.

Antoine Rivarol

The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. It is a poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant.

This is such a serious step, farewell to girlhood, transformation into a woman. The day comes - and a woman wakes up in a young girl. And then some fool appears. And invariably penetrating gaze is deceived for the first time - and sees the fool in the most rosy light. If a fool reads poetry, he is mistaken for a poet. Give him your heart wild garden, and he only likes mowed lawns. And the fool leads the princess into slavery.

Antoine de Saint-Exepuri

A woman who tries to be like a man is as ugly as an effeminate man.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who themselves live and let others live; egoists who themselves live and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not allow others to live. Women mostly belong to the third category.

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.

Oh, the look of a woman who has fallen in love - who will describe you?

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Only for real good woman able to do something really stupid.

A woman has amazing intuition: she can guess everything except the most obvious.

Every woman is a rebel by nature, and she rebels exclusively against herself.

How can a woman be happy with a man who considers her an absolutely rational being?

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

Their husbands are always jealous ugly women; beautiful - not before, they are jealous of strangers.

When a woman marries a second time, it means that she hated her first husband; when a man remarries, it is because he adored his first wife.

Oscar Wilde

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

Benjamin Franklin

Hooking a beautiful woman is not an easy task, because she will not grow ugly from your words.

Wingston Cheryl

Tears are the weapon of women.

You will never find a woman without a ready answer, unless she is without a tongue.

The honor of a girl is all her wealth, it is more precious than any inheritance.

William Shakespeare

Due to maternal instinct, a woman prefers to own one share out of a hundred. first-class man rather than the entire stake in the minor.

The future of a girl is not in the hands of her mother.

The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel.

Connoisseurs of women are rarely inclined to optimism.

I lived for two days without seeing you, and by that I proved that I am able to endure everything.

All men are the same in front of the woman they admire.

Gentlemen are those men, and most often women, who owe nothing to anyone.

A smart young woman has to choose between dumb and full of strength and health young men and smart and - how should I put it - old goats avid for women.

George Bernard Shaw

Without a woman, our life would be: in the beginning - defenseless, in the middle - without pleasure, in the end - without consolation.

Women can have great talent, but they cannot be brilliant, because they are always subjective.

The mind has the nature of a woman: it can give birth only by perceiving.

Arthur Schopenhauer

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and press


If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then he loves her. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then she gave birth to him.

Women who will never throw themselves on our necks catch our eye.

I didn't open my forms, I just peeled off their covers.
I didn't discover curves; I only uncovered them.

This woman is not my reward; I am the punishment for her.

Extremely beautiful women cause not such amazement at the second meeting.

It's good to be a husband and wife. True, all desires and temptations do not disappear, but only intensify.

The ability to fly on a broom is all that distinguishes a witch from an ordinary woman.

We women have only two weapons - mascara and tears - but we can't use them both at the same time.

In a woman, any desire ends with patience.

The most useful thing a beautiful woman can do for society is to prefer decent men.
DARIA SPIRIDONOV, TV presenter. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, No. 60, page 154

Next to a woman, a man must remember that in front of him is another land, another continent. America.

The path to a woman's refrigerator goes through her heart.

Treat women with care! It is made from a crooked rib. God failed to create it straighter; if you want to straighten it, it will break; leave it alone, it will become even more crooked.

A man's face is his biography. The face of a woman is the work of her imagination.

A peasant needs land, a nobleman needs honor, a soldier needs war, a merchant needs money, a woman needs the whole world.

When you want to write about a woman, dip your pen in a rainbow and dust off a butterfly's wings.

When a woman doesn't know what she wants, she doesn't want you.

When a woman is in the hands of a man, then the man is in the hands of a woman.

When you talk about women, think of your mother.
Spanish proverb

Sometimes a woman owes you so much that you will never leave her...

Women take revenge for loving us.
Serge Gainsbourg

Women do not need to explain anything, you always need to act with them.

Woman smarter than men s, and she spends her mind, first of all, so that a man does not notice this.

A woman looks at her body with anxiety - as if the body is her unreliable ally in the battle for love.

A woman attracts men to her, playing on her charm, and keeps them near her, playing on their vices.

A woman should be smarter than men. She's weaker.
ALINA ORLOVA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, #61, page 159

A woman is the same force of nature as wind, lightning, electricity.

A woman is like a traffic police inspector: she will talk nonsense, take away money, spoil her mood, and you are also to blame.

If we don't want to re-read a woman, she shouldn't have been read.

If a woman cries, then she is up to something.

If she doesn't like how you look when you eat or sleep, you don't stand a chance.
Daria Semyonova, actress Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, no. 4, page 129

If a girl before five years old was able to inspire that she is a queen, after five she will inspire this to the whole world.

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

The girl is attracted precisely to the man about whom there is a bad reputation. It immediately occurs to her that her love will fix him.

They say women don't have brains. Well, yes, anatomically, our skull is smaller. But not to say that we are unhappy from this.
ALINA ORLOVA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, #61, page 159

We get to know women better through divorce than we do through marriage.

Women are made of paradoxes, stitched together by inconsistencies and stuffed with mutual exclusions. Maybe that's why you don't get bored with them?

Women never get old, it's men's vision that deteriorates!

Two things should be beautiful in a girl - a look and lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.

Everything you do, I do in heels.
From the movie Date Night

Every woman is a mystery covered in a dress.

For a woman to be good is not so useful. Not even sexy.

For a woman, beauty is more important than intelligence, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.

God gave beauty to women. The devil is the mind.

God, when creating women, did not endow them with a sense of humor, so they are only able to love men, instead of laughing at them.

Some women need to grow up; to others - to go down.

Kindness and intelligence are the properties of old age. At twenty, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.

If there were no women, all the money in the world would not matter.
If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

If a woman is not loved, then she will at least get hated.

There are no Decembrist wives just because there are no Decembrists.

A woman who does not forget Heinrich Heine at the moment when her lover enters the room loves only Heinrich Heine.

Life must be accepted as it is, and women as they pretend to be.

A mirror is such a tool that helps a woman to be late.

What is the most clever woman? The one that I want to thank even for the refusal.

How unhappy a woman feels when there is no one to bring her to tears!

When a woman has nothing to say, this does not mean that she will be silent.

Beauty prevents a woman from getting smarter, and the mind from preening.

Easy behavior is least disadvantage women of easy virtue.

Lady - a woman who creates such conditions under which a man has only one thing left - to be a gentleman.

Love a woman with all her nos, that's the way to many of her yeses.

Any woman needs only two things to be happy: a husband and everything else.

You can prove to a woman that she is wrong, but you cannot convince her of this.

Men in every business want to be persuaded, women are content to be persuaded.

Men are prone to casual sex, women are prone to casual love.
TONY PARSONS in "What to Do When You Meet an Ex? Remember all the bad things. GQ, 2008, No. 2, page 137

Men appreciate the most material in women - beauty, and women in men - the most ephemeral: reliability.

Thoughts and women do not come together.

A real woman knows how to make a salad, a hat and a scandal out of nothing.

real woman don't need much. A real woman needs everything.

There are no fat women, but some women are short for their weight.

An attempt to structure a woman is genocide.
VERA KRICHEVSKAYA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, July-August, page 66

The way to a woman's refrigerator is through her heart.

Serious girls are like serious sites. For getting additional features registration is required.

The strength of a woman is in her inability to deny her weaknesses.

Those women who usually get married secretly dream of being the ones they never marry.
Daria Semyonova, actress Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, no. 4, page 129

For women, the G-spot is at the end of the word SHOPPING.

A woman has no friends. Either they love her or they don't.

How harder life the higher the heels.

While a man decides whether he is right or not, a woman has time to admit his mistake.

Women's tears are not always a performance.
NELLY UVAROVA, actress. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, No. 5, page 80

A woman is a weak and defenseless creature, from which it is impossible to escape.

A woman always knows she's making a mistake, and she does it anyway.
VERA KRICHEVSKAYA. Quoted from: Esquire, 2010, July-August, page 66

A woman does not know how to hammer a nail, but she knows exactly where.

A woman cannot be truly beautiful unless there is something ugly about her.

A woman is wrong until she cries.

A woman, when choosing one of two men, hesitates only in the case when she does not need either one or the other.

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

A woman is arranged in such a way that, even answering a specific question, she says not what she is asked, but what she wants.

Women need only two things to be happy: money and that's it.

Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards.

Women love sufferers, if, of course, they are smart enough to suffer romantically, without whining.

Women die later than men because they are always late.

Women are smarter than men. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so they could love men.

It is less and less possible to meet a woman holding out her hand to you, palm down.

There is a woman - there is a problem, no woman - also a problem.

Women's intuition is much more accurate than men's confidence.

Beautiful woman pleases male look, ugly - feminine.

Why are hurricanes given female names? Because when they come, they are wet and wild, and when they leave, they take your house and car.

The less your ideal woman hears that she is perfect, the more likely she will be perfect with you.

You can fake an orgasm, but you can't fake laughter.
You can fake an orgasim but you can't fake laughter.

Even in the fairy tale, Elena the Wise and Elena the Beautiful are different women.

Give a girl good shoes and she can conquer the world.
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the World.

Women should not be given what they cannot wear in the evening.
The answer to the question: “Do you think women should not be given the right to vote?” in the film "Dorian Gray" directed by Oliver Parker

Nothing is impossible for a woman who knows how to burst into tears at the right moment in front of the right man.

To spend money wisely, it is not enough to have intelligence and money, you also need the absence of a woman ...

Is it a woman's fault that she is always right?

Women inspire men to great things, but always prevent them from doing them.

Women give themselves to God when the devil no longer wants to deal with them.

To keep your figure slim, share your food with the hungry.

The beauty of a woman increases with her years.

The motto of all women: we were born to turn money into dust!

The strength of a woman is determined by the degree of suffering with which she is able to punish her lover.

Why does a woman always have crooked legs when she leaves?

Every woman must have four pets. A mink in the wardrobe, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bed, and a donkey that pays for everything.
Attributed to PARIS HILTON

Beware of ladies in corsets! Yes, these women stir your blood. But with such a lady you will not have real happiness: women wearing corsets will not want to have children so as not to spoil the waist.

Such is the fate of women: they have to wait all their lives, so that in the end they never wait.

We women have only two weapons: mascara and tears.

It takes a mother twenty years to make a man out of her son; another woman will make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes.

Live your own life, at your own discretion, for yourself, freed from conventions and prejudices.
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR, "The Power of Circumstances"

For a smart woman, compliments serve to evaluate men, for a stupid woman - for self-esteem.

The girl can leave the village, but the village can never leave the girl.

Don't insult women by not trying.

God created a man, and then decided that he was capable of more, and created a woman. ADELA SAINT JOHN

If a woman is so smart that she asks a man for advice, then she is hardly stupid enough to act according to this advice.

When a woman is not with a man, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not next to a man, she begins to do dirty tricks.

How little we can say about a woman when we are happy. And how much when unhappy.

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman who can do this is capable of anything.

A woman should not have an age, she should have a past.
Charlotte Rempling

The dream of a woman is to be the woman of her dreams.

A woman is more reasonable in matters of love than a man, because for her love is more the subject and matter of her whole life.

Women can only be fought with a hat. Grab it and run.

In the house of a mature woman, they don’t talk about scales.
EVGENIA PISCHIKOVA in the article “We lost, sister!” Russian Life, 2008, No. 10, p. 50

A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself.

If I ever die because of a woman, it will be from laughter.
Jules Renard

If the woman is wrong, go and apologize.
French proverb

A woman never forgets the men with whom she succeeded, a man never forgets the women with whom he could not.

It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue from men than her reputation from women.

Both men and women are right when they do not trust women.

We are not women to gain wisdom overnight.
Zyryan - Volge in the novel by ALEXEY IVANOV "Heart of Parma"

Some people tend to be delusional about women, they think that the only thing women can do is get a husband. This is wrong.

A woman is the strongest drink.
Hussar aphorism

Changing, a woman is looking for the best, and a man - a new one.

Women never put reason in the first place, and in this they act smarter than us [men].
JANGO EDWARDS - to Artur Solomonov in an interview "Men are a mistake of nature." The New Times, 2008, No. 36, p. 46

They [women] do not know how to speak with pauses like men.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Randomness on the feminine side.

Perhaps this is common female property- to take away, to give.

A woman with money can dress up in Chinese consumer goods for the sake of a masquerade, but diamonds even in a small worn ring will be real.

A new dress acts on a woman like four shots of vodka on a man.

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.

If you think women don't explode, try throwing one of them.

I don't think silicone can make a woman better. Or worse.
JAMES CAAN, American actor Cit. by: Esquire, 2008, No. 7-8, p. 121

My speech synthesizer speaks with an American accent. I learned a long time ago that American and Scandinavian accents turn women on the best.
STEPHEN HAWKING. Cit. by: Esquire, 2007, No. 6, p. 110

A woman can say goodbye if, with all the obvious virtues, a man smells “not like that”. A woman can forgive the most terrible offenses if a man smells like that.
ALYONA SVIRIDOVA. Esquire, 2008, No. 2, p. 130

Even more than the birth of children, the core of a woman's oppression is love.
VEDRANA RUDAN, "Ear, throat, knife"

In my opinion, scars adorn not only a man, but also a woman.
LISA BOYARSKAYA - Natalya Dyachkova in an interview “I am terribly amorous ...” “7 Days”, 2008, No. 4, p. 48

The fault of any woman is the fault of a man.
Johann Gottfried Herder

From a woman, as well as from death, there is no escape.

Nondescript women know more about men than beautiful ones.

To live without a woman is an ascesis. It's too early to live with a woman.
JEAN-BAPTISTE BOTULE, " sex life Immanuel Kant".
In fact, there was no Botul, it was invented by the journalist FREDERIC PAGE. The philosopher Jean-Batisse Botul, a specialist in Kant's writings, appeared in the satirical weekly Le Canard enchaine ("The Duck in Chains"). In particular, the fictional Botul is made the author of the book "The Sexual Life of Immanuel Kant", published in 2004. Those who fell for the bait of Page admit that the journalist who invented Botul must himself be an excellent philosopher ... Source: "Book Review", 2010, No. 4, p. 2

I always said that a woman should be like good film horror: the more room left to the imagination, the better.

Man is descended from a monkey, woman is descended from a mannequin.

Women who stubbornly want to be like men should be ready and look like a significant part of men - complete idiots.

A smart woman is the one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like.

If “men are big children”, then women are small children.
IGOR YUGANOV, Carts and Gnomes

A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives and nothing more.

If a man and a woman have one thing in common, it is the fact that both prefer male company.
MICHAEL DOUGLAS. Esquire, 2007, no. 12, p. 235

At thirty, a woman has to choose between her butt and her face.

Attention is the currency for which women's freedom and independence are sold.

A luxurious woman is the backdrop against which any man is pathetic.
ELENA MOROZOVA, actress. Cit. Quoted from: Esquire, 2006, No. 9, p. 128

If women have so much intuition, why do they always ask about something?

"A woman is not born, she is made."

"There are no bad women."
SERGEY FILIPPOV, actor, in the article by Emilia Kundysheva "Following the Footsteps of the Father". "Petersburg on Nevsky", 2007, No. 11, p. 40

“Today, to be modern, a woman must look like young girl dress like a boy, think like a man and work like a horse.”

"Of two evils, choose a woman."

“A woman can, even if she doesn’t want to, deceive a man, and a man only if the woman herself wants it.”

“Women and dogs have a finer sense of smell, which is why they are so selective in love and friendship.”
TATYANA DRUBICH. Esquire, 2007, No. 10, p. 244

Frivolous women are very fond of strict hairstyles.
OLGA ANDREEVA in an interview with Renata Litvinova "Myths are not funny." Russian Reporter, 2007, No. 6, p. 54

"The whole life of a woman is a story of affects."

"Human life is all under the power of a woman's thirst."

"When a woman looks like an angel, then beware and know that the devil is sitting in her."
Chinese proverb

“Initially, it is not men who threaten mainly women's world but women who devour each other."
CAROLYN ELYAEFF, NATALIE EINISCH in the book Mothers and Daughters. Third wheel?" Cit. Quoted from: Book Review, 2007, No. 21-22, p. 6

“A woman can be given any nickname. The main thing is to pronounce it with special feeling, and it will sound gentle and affectionate.
ALEXANDRA URSULYAK, actress. Cit. Quoted from: GQ, 2007, No. 5, p. 78

"Looks like tears are distinguishing feature of all Russian women, or, in other words, not a single woman dares to call herself Russian without ever tasting the bitterness of life.
JORGE REYES, Quebec, Canada, about the film Cruel Romance. Esquire, 2007, No. 4, p. 224

“There is a common misconception among men: it seems to you that the more novels you have, the more you are desirable for us. Believe me, not every woman loves consumer goods.
MARINA ZUDINA. Esquire, 2007, No. 5, p. 110

Good girls keep diaries; at bad girls there is no time for this.
Tallulah Bankhead

Having heard beautiful music, we sometimes prefer not to seek the company of a soloist, so as not to be disappointed.
ALYONA AKHMADULLINA, designer. Esquire, 2007, no. 12, p. 228

A career is amazing, but you can't snuggle up to it at night if you're cold.

Lying is the most fun thing for a girl to do, apart from striptease, but striptease is still better.
PATRICK MARBER, English playwright, in the play "Closer"

“When a woman shows character, they say “bitch” about her. When a man shows character, they say about him " great guy».

“As a rule, ten seconds is enough for me to form an opinion about a man, and then it rarely changes.”
MARGARET THATCHER, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 108

“It is worth once to put a woman on an equal footing with a man, as she begins to surpass him.”

"Sometimes the king is a woman."
Inscription on the fence, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 126

What suits girls suits everyone.
MAXIM KUROCHKIN, "Almost Aivazov". Esquire, 2007, no. 12, p. 78

"The main thing that Renata Litvinova has achieved perfection is the art of being in public."
BORIS BARABANOV in an interview with Pair Skating. Citizen K Russia, 2007, No. 1, p. 189

"When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm even better."

“If a girl is not happy with the weather, the state of the economy and your tie at the same time, then she wants you to hug her. Least".

“If a girl answers a question with silence, this does not mean at all that she agrees.”

“In order not to complicate your life, do not take your eyes off your beloved.”
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

“We are drawn to the dangerous, then to the reliable men It all depends on the menstrual cycle.
Scarlett Johansson, reproducing a thought from a magazine she read. GQ, 2007, No. 4, p. 242

“It doesn't matter if a man is only after your money. Until you decide to give it to him."
PARIS HILTON. Cit. by: "7 Days", 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If a girl weighing 45 kilograms is attacked, all she can do is hit with all her might in one of three points: eyeballs, groin or lower leg. And at this moment you need to give a shit.
BRUCE LEE, Esquire, 2007, February, p. 128

"I try to avoid temptations that I can resist."

“One mandarin fell in love with a courtesan. “I will be yours,” she said, “if you, waiting for me, sit for a hundred nights on a stool in the garden under my window.” But on the ninety-ninth night, the mandarin got up, took his stool under his arm and left.

"Red is a year-round reminder of summer."

"The form of a woman is her content."

"Men are always right and women are never wrong."
Alsatian proverb

“Girls start talking earlier because they need to be told more.”

“Why does it happen at concerts and exhibitions more women than men? Because men create masterpieces, and women mostly consume them.”
SERGEY SHILYAEV, TV journalist, Sergiev Posad

“Women pay attention not to handsome men but on men with beautiful women.”

“Women never dine alone. If they dine alone, it's not dinner."

"Only a woman can temporarily stop time."

“A man is smart from books, and a woman is from birth.”
From the Indian epic

“I am absolutely convinced that any woman can be conquered by endlessly photographing her.”
SERGEY DOVLATOV, “Branch. Host's Notes»

“There are not so many rich men in the world as beautiful women deserves them."

"The most difficult task for a woman is to prove the seriousness of his intentions."

“Of all the signs of attention, women prefer money the most.”

“Unlike women of other nations, Russian women answer the question “whose?” with their surnames.

“If there are housewives, then there must be wild ones somewhere.”

"Those blondes are causing so much evil in the world!"

I don't know what I think about it yet - I haven't said it yet!
One lady from Novosibirsk

Apply perfume to the places that you would substitute for a kiss.

In the human world, as in the animal world, the female decides from whom her cubs should be born.

We need romance, not adventure. From the desire to be in the novel, only a small child can distract us for a short time.
ELENA BEREZNITSKAYA-BRUNI, editor-in-chief of Esquire, 2008, No. 3, p. 188

With men it is necessary to speak in the language of the poster.
Feminine. Cit. by: Vogue Russia, 2008, September

People will always be what women make them.

It is just as impossible to live without a wife as it is impossible to do without food and drink. Born and raised by women, we pretty much live their lives and have no way of getting rid of them.

It is very easy to be beautiful, it is much more difficult to convince others of this.

A woman is like a fortress: one can be captured after the first assault, another after a long siege, and the third after negotiations.

If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those that she had before.

The woman is descended from the man, and the man from the monkey.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to get used to the fact that she is thirty.

Thirty - best age for a woman in her forties.

Three wishes of a French woman: a glass of wine before and a cigarette after.

Virginity can be just as little justified as murder ... After all, if all people began to practice virginity, this would lead to the end of the human race.

If a woman allows you to look into her purse, then she has completely lost interest in you.
MARIA POROSHINA, actress. Cit. Quoted from: Esquire, 2005-2006, No. 12-01, p. 112

A woman is beautiful with mediocrity.

Take me if you want... This is the least I can give you, and this is all I can give you.
Helen in Julio Cortazar's novel "62. Model for assembly»

The egoist believes that men are created for her, the altruist - that she is created for men.

Be cold as ice and pure as snow, you will still not escape slander.

When critical days end, critical years begin.

She has only one flaw, she is unbearable. Some of the French

Mathematical logic is studied for one year. Women's - all my life.

At fifteen, a girl hates men and would gladly kill everyone. And two years later, he looks around to see if one of them has survived by chance.

The first lady doesn't have to be pretty. She must be brilliant.

I'd rather cry in a Rolls-Royce than enjoy life on a bike.
PATRIZIA REGIANI, wife, now widow of Maurizio Gucci

Everything is in the hands of a man, and a man is in the hands of a woman!

Kings can do anything, but queens can do more.

A woman can neglect a man, but not his feelings.

A woman is truly happy for twenty years - between the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth years of her life.

Women usually plan their days carefully, and leave the evenings to chance.

Women allow men to say whatever they want about women, but do whatever they want with them.

Of two evils, a woman chooses a man.

Any woman remembers very well with whom she forgot.

Men and women cannot be equal - because women are better!

There is no lady without fire.

Communicating with a man, a woman does not think about anything or thinks about another man.

At decent woman must have a rich past.

Only the wife of a widower is an angel.

Women's logic is a firm belief that any objective reality can be overcome by desire.

A real woman from the front should look like she looks even better from behind.

To stay young, you have to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.