Amazonite female stone. Amazonite stone properties

The history of the Amazonian stone is mysterious and full of contradictions. Amazonite was first found in South America in the 18th century. It got its name from the Amazon River. Then it turned out that the Europeans knew this stone long before Columbus traveled to the shores of India, and actively used it in the manufacture of jewelry. Moreover, not a single deposit has been found on the shores of the Amazon since then.

Later silver jewelry with amazonite were found even in the tomb of Tutankhamen. According to legend, an entire chapter of the famous "Book of the Dead" was engraved on amazonite plates. Therefore, it remains unknown who first discovered this stone and what name it had previously.

Physical and chemical properties of amazonite

Amazonite is a type of microcline mineral belonging to the feldspar group. The formation of the stone occurs in pneumatolytic or hydrothermal formations - granites, pegmatites. In nature, there are both small stones and large crystals up to one and a half meters long.

The color of amazonite is bluish-green, stable, does not change under the influence of temperature or refraction of light, which is due to the admixture of lead. Only at temperatures above 500°C is the color of the stone completely lost, but returns in x-rays. It is irreversibly lost when amazonite is heated to 600 degrees.

In addition to lead and rubidium, the stone may contain inclusions of white albite. After polishing, amazonite acquires a beautiful glassy luster.

Amazonite deposits

It is the deposit that determines the color of the stone: the Baikal amazonites are pale, greenish with blue tint, and those found on the Kola Peninsula are bright green, without an admixture of blue.

The largest known amazonite deposits are located in Central Asia, Egypt, Ukraine, Brazil, Mongolia, Canada, India, USA, Norway and South Africa. The highest quality samples are mined in the Baikal region and on the Kola Peninsula.

Healing and magical properties of amazonite

The Arabians wore amazonite to relieve headaches, and also as a protection against sunstroke. Today it is recommended to use the mineral for diseases of the spine, varicose veins veins, thrombosis, cellulite, obesity.

The cosmetic effect of amazonite is also known: it rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores elasticity and helps cleanse pores.

The magical properties of amazonite are also well known for a long time. He is able to protect from rash decisions, attract good luck, dispel negative energy. In addition, the one who wears the stone constantly, Amazonite gives clarity of thought and calmness.

The mineral is used in the process of meditation, rituals of white magic.

Who is Amazonite for?

Favorites among the signs of the Zodiac for the Amazonite are Aries and Leo - they can wear a stone all the time, and the stone has the greatest influence on them.

Amazonite is suitable for Scorpions, who can use it to get out of protracted depression and harmonize inner peace. The mineral acts badly on Rakov: it develops internal fears, makes its owners lazy and inactive.

Amazonite has long been considered a symbol of strong family ties. Previously, the stone was laid in the foundation when building a house for a family. Today, the mineral is used in the production of not only jewelry, but also various crafts, interior souvenirs and accessories.

bluish green stone beautiful name"Amazonite" has long been considered a symbol of beauty, independence and independence. Even in ancient times, the mineral amazonite was a holy stone that maintained strong family ties, love and faith in the family. Our ancestors believed in him magical properties, always carried an amulet of amazonite with them.

Origin and history of appearance

In the 18th century, the scientist and mineralogist of France Rome de Lisle discovered several specimens of strange bluish-green minerals in the basin of one of the most mysterious rivers (Amazon). They conquered the scientist - archaeologist with their beauty, and he decided to call them "Amazonian stones." This is considered the first official discovery of Amazonite. However, it is known that during the time of the Spanish conquest, the indigenous people wore talismans and amulets from green stone, perhaps it was also an amazonite. They believed that the stone protected them and their homes from the evil eye and "bad news".

Among historical sources there is another version of the appearance and recognition of the mineral as precious and magic stone. According to her, Amazonite could be named after Amazonian women, warriors and conquerors. According to legend, women were very fond of the green color of the forest. On their belts they wore bluish-green jewelry - stones. The Amazons believed that this mineral helps them in battle and protects them from the enemy, unknown dark forces hidden in the wilds of the forest.

But not only did they use this stone as a decoration for clothes, in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, archaeologists also discovered Amazonite. In addition, the fact is known that this stone was an obligatory part festive attire leaders of the ancient peoples. It was a symbol of sufficiency, strength, power, and certainly adorned the majestic image of a leader. The age of some stones found by archaeologists reaches almost 5 thousand years. However, the stone received its current name "Amazonite" only by the end of the 19th century.

Today, in our country, craftsmen make beautiful Jewelry and decorative items.

Physical properties of the mineral

The stone has structural features, individual, distinguishing it from other properties and characteristics:

  • has a glassy sheen;
  • quite hard (6–6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale);
  • mineral impurities - lead and rubidium, may contain imprints of white albite;
  • has a bluish color, turning into bright green.

Deposit and mining of minerals

Most large deposits of this mineral are found in countries located on different continents:

  • Ukraine;
  • Brazil;
  • India;
  • Norway;
  • Canada.

However, amazonites mined in Russia are of the highest quality. Production areas - Baikal region, Kola Peninsula. In addition to these countries, Amazonite is found in the Mongolian and African republics, the USA, and the mountains of Central Asia.

The healing qualities of the healing mineral

Balls are prepared from stones, then massage sessions are performed. He has numerous medicinal properties. Helps reduce headaches.

Help in the treatment of various diseases:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Nervous strain;
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Thyroid;
  • dental problems;
  • Arthritis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • The condition of the hair follicles.

Amazonite has rejuvenating properties, protects from sunlight. For women, the stone helps to get rid of body fat and cellulite. It helps to smooth wrinkles and cleanse the skin. The mineral improves hearing.

Interesting video: Medicinal properties, wearing amazonite jewelry

The magical properties of amazonite

Ancient healers, magicians use the stone to perform energy rituals. Amazonite is a stone of calm and balance. The mineral contributes to the creation of a cozy atmosphere, a good high spirits. Rituals relieve anxiety, fear, fear. It is especially effective in strengthening family relations. Gives a person security and confidence.

Mineral amazonite:

  1. Strengthens marriage bonds and family ties;
  2. Creates strong family relationships;
  3. Improves mood;
  4. Removes the feeling of anxiety;
  5. Removes uncertainty and fears;
  6. Strengthens and reveals intuitive possibilities;
  7. Rejuvenates and improves the color and condition of the skin.

Talismans and amulets

The stone, processed and made as a talisman, is suitable for absolutely everyone. However, it is usually worn as an amulet. family well-being. It is believed that he is able to strengthen family ties and family ties. Beauticians recommend amazonite as a rejuvenating agent. If amazonite is used as a talisman, it will contribute to stability. He is chosen to protect the achieved position in society.

The stone, as our ancestors believed, can be placed under the home altar, it will protect the family from the evil eye, gossip and envy. Many today lay it around the kitchen tiles. Such decor will become a guarantee of peace and tranquility in the house. Many complex problems will resolve themselves by some invisible force. And only the owner will know what is the guarantee of his strength and success.

Amazonite colors and varieties

The base color of Amazonite is blue-green. This is due to the presence of water and lead molecules in the stone. However, the shade of color can vary from yellow-green, green, bright turquoise. Today, two varieties of this mineral are known:

  1. coarse-perthite;
  2. Fine-perthite.

The first is distinguished by a clear pattern formed by white albite gaps that stand out brightly on turquoise color stone. Fine-perthite amazonite is characterized by a less clear pattern, and a silver-pearl sheen is observed on the cleavage planes.

How to distinguish a fake?

Amazonite is very rarely faked, but in order not to be mistaken, you need to know a few rules:

  1. This mineral is opaque. To check this, you should look at the mineral, placing it opposite the bright sunlight. The rays will not pass through the mineral.
  2. If you hold a stone in the palm of your hand with force, it will heat up. You can be sure it's fake. A natural mineral does not heat up from human heat, it requires special equipment.
  3. A natural mineral cannot be a pure solid color. Each instance has its own individual characteristics. Inclusions, point inserts, fusions distinguish a stone even among homogeneous minerals.

Amazonite Product Care

It is important to know the fact that the stone needs periodic cleaning and charging in the sun. Amazonite is especially picky, however, in order to preserve it, you need to follow some rules. Due to the softness of the mineral, it should be stored wrapped in soft tissue. Sometimes, along with jewelry boxes, they offer special storage bags, original handkerchiefs. Experts ask you not to forget that this crystal is sensitive to minor damage.

You need to try to protect it from scratches, bumps, pinching. When exposed elevated temperature amazonite loses its properties: color, shade, shape, structure.

Meaning for zodiac signs

Amazonite is positive for certain signs. The entire Zodiac circle cannot hope for the help of a mineral. It has a positive effect on such zodiac signs as Leo and Aries. The mineral becomes an assistant and enhances the talents of signs, creates conditions and opportunities for them to recognize hidden forces. This stone helps Scorpios to get out of depression.

Amazonite - the magical and healing properties of the stone, who suits

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Amazonite is opaque semi-precious mineral soft blue-green. Light blotches give amazonite a special appeal and a mysterious look. Contemplating the intricate patterns of the stone and its charming marine shades, everyone becomes a little calmer and brighter in their souls.

Many legends are associated with this stone, and the most famous is about the beautiful and independent Amazons, who allegedly used the stone to increase their strength and attractiveness. It is also known that amazonite was highly valued in Ancient Egypt. Crafts and decorations from it were found in in large numbers in the tombs of the pharaohs. Currently, amazonite is mined in Russia, America, Brazil and some other countries.

This stone is not expensive, but accessibility to people is not the only benefit of amazonite. The mineral has a number of magical and healing properties, which at their correct application able to improve the quality of life of any person.

The magical properties of the stone

The most important miraculous property Amazonite is that it makes a person's life joyful, calm and serene. The owner of this stone does not want any conflicts, no quarrels, no intrigues. He builds a family with enviable tenacity and builds a house. Such a person wants to create a home where everyone will be comfortable and cozy.

The stone gives not only a feeling of stability, softness and security, but also improves the material condition. At the same time, a person does not need to go on adventures and financial risks. He finds outstanding talents and easily realizes his abilities, which brings him not only respect and fame, but also a good material return.

Amazonite is a favorite stone for women. He endows them with softness, sensitivity, unique charm and attractiveness. Women become more gentle, diplomatic and compliant. Thanks to their best qualities they succeed even in the most Hard times keep the warmth of the hearth and good relations with all family members.

The stone will great helper in any activity. It will open up creative and business abilities, attract many clients and create a situation of success in business related to trade and consulting business.

Healing (healing) properties of the stone

Amazonite brings harmony with it and, of course, this harmony concerns not only the soul, but also the human body. The stone is able to improve human health and favorably affect his well-being.

Amazonite gives joy and makes you laugh in any situation. A person who wears an Amazonite amulet is not in danger of depression. He loves life and strives to do everything to increase its duration. Lithotherapists believe that amazonite strengthens the heart muscle and improves the condition of blood vessels. Necklaces, beads and pendants from this stone are recommended for those who suffer from chronic diseases throat and respiratory system.

This pale blue stone will bring especially many benefits to women. It will improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. It is favorable to have a stone nearby during cosmetic and cosmetic procedures. It helps to smooth out wrinkles and make the skin healthy and supple. Amazonite reduces the pain associated with varicose veins and also helps rapid healing open wounds and bruises.

The mineral will provide invaluable assistance to those who dream of restoring the correct metabolism. After debilitating diets, taking antibiotics and protracted illnesses, it is often necessary to short time restore the water and energy balance of the body, as well as the intestinal microflora. Along with funds traditional medicine You can also use the miraculous power of the stone. Lithotherapists advise using water infused with amazonite. With excessive body fat, a massage is recommended using smooth blue stones.

In addition, amazonite will improve the condition reproductive system organism. It enhances potency in men and helps a woman give birth to a healthy and strong child.

Who is Amazonite suitable for?

The stone has a pronounced female energy so it's the best suitable for women. However, regardless of gender, amazonite will enhance the qualities and abilities in a person, for which they are also responsible in his horoscope. If these planets are weakened and need support, then Amazonite will come to the rescue, bringing softness, balance, harmony and creativity into a person’s life.

Thanks to amazonite and will be able to improve their personal and family life, and will feel romance and creative inspiration, and will easily show their communication and diplomatic skills. Some astrologers believe that the stone will help cure depression and drive away melancholy.

Amazonite is ornamental stone which has magical properties. It is a variety of potassium feldspar. Due to the content of lead ions, the mineral has green hues. It belongs to the class. Many inhabitants are sure that the stone was named after the Amazonian reservoir, since it was there that its deposits were discovered. However, in these places this mineral not mined.

Another popular belief is that the stone was named after female warriors called the Amazons, since it was they who loved green color. None of these versions have been confirmed. The fact is that the stone was found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh, whose name is Tutankhamen. However, it is still unknown what name it had in those days and where it was mined.

Amazonite was and remains one of the most mysterious minerals. Nowadays, it is worn in the form of jewelry and used as a talisman. Today we will tell you what properties amazonite has and who this stone is suitable for.

The main significance of the mineral is that it awakens the gift of clairvoyance. It is for this that he is especially valued by magicians, sorcerers and shamans. It allows you to communicate with spirits, so it is used to conduct different kind rites and rituals.

In a simple layman, he develops intuition and helps to get answers to questions of interest. If the mineral is placed under the pillow, then prophetic dreams may occur.

In addition, amazonite bestows courage and self-confidence. Thanks to him, a person begins to independently accept right decisions and take responsibility in any given situation. In addition, it drives away disturbing thoughts and relieves feelings of unreasonable anxiety.

Amazonite provides protection from evil forces. He also protects the family from quarrels, scandals and adultery. Mineral saves a good relationship spouses and their feelings for each other on long years. In addition, he brings happiness, harmony and peace to the family.

Also, the stone helps to get rid of negative character traits. These include selfishness, aggressive tendencies, and pride. The mineral "extinguishes" outbursts of anger and helps to build relationships with people around. In addition, amazonite helps to find harmony with oneself and the world around. It protects against wrongdoing. The stone helps to get rid of the wrong opinion and take the right path.

Amazonite is ideal for women. It helps to reveal femininity and maternal feelings in the fair sex. Thanks to this stone, a woman realizes her true destiny.

This mineral helps to endure all hardships and difficulties more easily. It attracts good luck and gives vitality for new achievements.

Medicinal properties of Amazonite

Amazonite also has medicinal properties. It accelerates cell regeneration, so it is recommended to wear it in postoperative periods, as well as for recovery after injuries, fractures and sprains.

The stone as a whole normalizes the functioning of the body. Thanks to him, all human organs and systems begin to function better.

Amazonite has a positive effect on the condition nervous system. It helps to get rid of depression, mood swings and mental anguish. The stone calms and normalizes sleep.

The characteristic of amazonite allows it to be used for the treatment of pathologies. endocrine system and throat diseases. In addition, if you use a mineral for massage, it will serve as a good prevention of the occurrence of vein diseases.

Amazonite protects a person from negative impact computer and TV. It creates a protective barrier through which harmful radiation from the specified equipment cannot pass.

Amazonite slows down the aging process. In addition, it can even help regain youth. That is why the mineral is very popular among the fair sex. In addition, the stone helps to get rid of excess weight. The thing is, it improves metabolic processes organism and promote better absorption of food. In addition, it stimulates the production of enzymes that break down fats.

The stone helps to strengthen teeth, hair and nails. It helps to get rid of many cosmetic problems. In addition, it has a positive effect on the epidermis. Thanks to him, the skin acquires a radiant appearance and all sorts of rashes disappear.

Amazonite helps to get rid of many pathologies of the genitourinary system and increases libido.

This stone has been recognized by traditional medicine. Taken orally, amazonite powder has been clinically proven to slow the growth of cancer cells. It is actively used to combat cancer pathologies.

Who suits Amazonite according to the zodiac sign

Amazonite, according to astrologers, is not suitable for wearing by all zodiac signs. The table below will provide data on who can use this mineral and who cannot.

Amazonite compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

There is no such sign of the zodiac, to whom this mineral is categorically not suitable. Therefore, anyone can wear it.

Perfect for Aries and Taurus. Representatives of these zodiac signs, the stone gives wisdom, courage and physical forces. In addition, it helps to get rid of negative character traits and enhance positive traits. It gives self-confidence, helps to build strong family and promotes friendships. In addition, amazonite attracts good luck and helps to improve the financial situation.

Virgos and Libras are encouraged to wear this stone to promote health. IN this case it improves digestion and helps to get rid of some problems gastrointestinal tract. In addition, amazonite has a positive effect on blood vessels and strengthens bones.

Fish can also use these stones for health, they are the most in the best way affect the functioning of the nervous system. will be lost unfounded fears and experiences. Thanks to Amazonite, representatives of this zodiac sign will become calmer and more self-confident. In addition, it will improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

Gemini and Aquarius given stone will help you achieve your goals and overcome all the difficulties that arise along the way.

Amazonite is one of the most strong amulets. It is believed that the darker its color, the more developed its healing properties. Amazonite is one of the few minerals that suits all zodiac signs.