Conspiracy on the husband's ring. How to turn a ring into a strong amulet

A detailed description from several sources: "a prayer for the return of a husband with a wedding ring" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

"A wedding ring is not a simple decoration, two hearts are one solution!" - is sung in one famous song and it is impossible not to agree with these words. At all times, this decoration symbolized the invisible, indestructible bond between spouses, reflected the mutual feelings of lovers. In addition, it is the most popular magical attribute. So, a conspiracy for a wedding ring will easily help to revive love, arrange your happiness, appease good luck, improve relationships in marriage and return your husband to the family, increase your well-being.

Effective conspiracies for a wedding ring

By the way, the custom of exchanging rings originated a very long time ago, and was first carried out by the ancient Egyptians. Today, each nation has its own traditions and folk beliefs associated with wearing wedding rings and their magical properties.

How to conduct the ceremony

Before you make a conspiracy on wedding rings, you need to consider a number of important points.

  1. Such rituals can be performed only on certain days of the week. Women, as a rule, cast spells on the so-called "women's" days, which include Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Exceptions are the days of church holidays, as well as Sunday.
  2. It is important to remember that the time of the conspiracy that is superimposed on wedding rings depends directly on what time of the year is outside the window. In winter, the ritual is best performed at night, preferably at midnight. In summer, early in the morning. Rites aimed at protection from evil thoughts and failures are read when the Moon is in its waning phase. If you want to strengthen your husband's love, return your former passion, improve relationships after a divorce, or attract wealth, wait until a young, growing month appears in the sky.
  3. The ritual does not spell out how many times the magic words should be pronounced? In this case, the plot is read on the wedding ring at least three times in a row.
  4. As a rule, such rituals are universal. They are suitable for both men and women who want to restore peace in the family or return to past relationships.
  5. The effect of the ritual will be maximum if you learn the text by heart and do not peep into the paper. In no case should you change the sequence of words - otherwise the conspiracy simply will not work.

Rite to strengthen love

In order for this ritual to be successful, it is necessary to prepare in advance for its implementation.

  1. First, put on your ring and visit the church. Buy twelve wax candles there. Collect holy water, and pray at the icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, and put three candles each. During prayer, read the following words: “Like the boundless mercy of the Lord, so my love with the servant of God (name) has no boundaries! Amen!".
  2. Secondly, go home and do not remove the rings until the ritual is performed. At midnight, on a table covered with a new tablecloth, light the remaining six candles and place a glass bowl of holy water. Concentrate on your feelings, imagine that the love of your husband (wife) is strong and has no boundaries - the same as your wedding rings.
  3. Thirdly, read the magic words: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Hear my prayer! Help me strengthen my marriage! Let me live forever with my husband (wife), a servant of God (name)! No forces are able to separate me from my beloved spouse (wife)! Amen, amen, amen!"
  4. Fourthly, after the ritual, the remains of the candles should be securely buried, and the holy water should be completely drunk. You should not tell anyone that you performed such a ceremony - let it be your little secret.

Ritual for the fortress of marriage

Are you just about to get married and want to be sure of your spouse's feelings? Then perform a ceremony with rings just before the wedding ceremony so that your future family relationships are strong and no one's evil intentions can destroy them.

The ritual will make family relationships strong

Somewhere three days before the wedding, retire to a room. Light two candles, take the rings, and speak them thus:

“No force in the world can destroy this metal, so our marriage (state your name and the name of your husband) is strong and indestructible! He is not afraid of any family quarrels and hurricanes! My word is strong! Let it be so!".

Please note that the ritual has several mandatory rules that must be followed without fail. During it, no one but you should be in the house. If you have pets, they should be allowed outside for a while. After the conspiracy, you should not tell the future spouse that you carried it out. It is also very important to keep a close eye on the rings: if you or your husband lose your ring, this is a sign that your marriage will soon be seriously tested.

Spell to get husband back

The ritual also works like a magic spell, so first determine how much you want your ex back. If you are guided by jealousy, resentment, anger and a desire to do something nasty to your opponent, then in this case the consequences of the conspiracy can harm you very much. If your intentions are sincere, and you really think that the resurrection of past feelings will help you and your husband regain the joy of family happiness and create relationships that you will only benefit from, then this rite will fit one hundred percent.

To conduct it, you need to place your rings in a glass container filled with holy water and say the following words:

“Holy water washes the ring - it performs a miracle! My husband forgets the lovebird and returns home! From now on, our family happiness is indestructible! And wedding rings protect our love for each other!”

After that, read the prayers “Our Father” and “Symbol of Faith” three times in a row, and also drink the water that was used for the ritual.

To fulfill a wish

If you perform a certain ritual with the help of a wedding ring, it will help fulfill your cherished desire. Moreover, this rite is quite simple to perform, but very effective.

Take the jewelry in your hand and say a magic spell:

“The blue bird of happiness flew across the seas and oceans - it fulfilled my cherished desires! I spoke this ring - I got myself happiness! My desires come true, and life changes for the better! My word is strong! I won't interfere!"

After this ritual, the wedding ring must be worn without removing it. Now this decoration is your amulet and amulet for good luck.

Conspiracy for wealth

Do you want to improve your financial situation and attract money to yourself? Then use the following rite. Take your wedding ring and put it in a glass filled with pure spring water. Stir the water clockwise and say the following words:

“Both on land and on water, money is attracted to me! I attract prosperity to myself and change my life! Goodness came to my house and left no more! All right! So be it!”

At the end of the ritual, drink water, and put the ring on your finger.

And finally, one more recommendation. According to the advice of practicing magicians, before starting any conspiracy, wedding rings must be cleared of stagnant energy. To do this, remove them and place them in a saline solution for twenty-four hours. Do not forget also that magic is not omnipotent. It will only help to create suitable conditions for changing fate, but whether you will be able to use them wisely depends only on you.

Conspiracies for wedding rings

An item such as a wedding ring has great magical power. It carries a lot of meanings, it has a lot of energy. This means that various kinds of conspiracies can be safely imposed on this subject. A well-timed conspiracy for a wedding ring can restore shattered family happiness.

wedding ring spell

When is a wedding ring spell used?

To make it clear, let's specifically analyze situations where a conspiracy for wedding rings can correct the situation:

  • If you feel that feelings for each other have cooled in your family, and this happens periodically in every couple, then you can safely use such a conspiracy. It will be useful for spouses in that it will help to look at each other in a new way.
  • If you are a girl who has been alone for a long time, you can also conspire on wedding rings. You can buy new rings for this or get your mother's or grandmother's. Thus, you will attract men into your life who, after a while, will look at you with serious intentions.
  • With the help of a conspiracy on wedding rings, you can return your husband to the family. If he left for another woman, or if, after a divorce, the wife realized that she still wants to be with him. In such a situation, the rite will revive in the soul of the husband the longing for his ex-wife.
  • By the way, if you just got along with your ex-husband, then a conspiracy on wedding rings can be used for good luck in the future. That is, you can talk so that the relationship is happy and strong.
  • A conspiracy on wedding rings can also be used when you want to attract a married man to you. But in this case, after it there may be negative consequences, which are also very important to consider.
  • If you divorced, but feelings for your ex-husband still remained, then also use the plot on wedding rings. It will help to finally cool the heart and calmly begin to live a new life.

In all these situations, a conspiracy on wedding rings will be very effective. Now let's look at an example of a specific ceremony with wedding rings.

A conspiracy on the rings and the red thread

This wedding ring plot is most suitable in a situation where a wife or husband feels that a crisis has begun in a relationship. They are slowly moving away from each other. You can prevent this, just with the help of such a rite. It will help ignite a new wave of passion in a relationship, bring tenderness to communication. As a result, it will become obvious for the spouses that they need to appreciate each other much more than they did before.

In fact, this is a love spell on a spouse or spouse. So, it must be carried out during the period of the growing moon. You'll need your wedding rings and a new spool of red thread. If your husband is still wearing his wedding ring, then you will need to somehow get it. You can take it from him under the pretext that you want to clean your rings.

This magical ritual must be performed alone. Nobody should interfere with you. Clear the room where you will be doing this from both people and pets. Turn off all electrical appliances. Light a candle, the minimum amount of light is still needed.

Take the rings in your hands, hold them in your hands and think about the relationship with your spouse. Think about how this relationship makes you feel now and how you would like to feel in this relationship? It is important to feel it at the level of the body. Then it will be more certain than if you start from a restless mind.

When you realize that the soul is full of feelings that you would like to experience in a relationship, then combine the rings and start wrapping them with a red thread. At the same time, say the following conspiracy:

“Our swan song has not yet been sung. Everything is still ahead. I see it, I feel it. I want you, my love, to feel it too. Without letting go of me, know that you cannot live without me. I want to return your love, I give you my love. Love is hidden in our hearts, and our rings know it. I speak them for the return of our love and passion. Happy together."

After that, tie a strong knot and squeeze the tied rings in a fist. Rings need to be hidden in the darkest corner of your home and away from prying eyes. So they should lie there for a whole week. Then you need to take them out and put them on again. In this case, the ritual will begin to operate the very next day. The task of the one who performed the ritual is to show more love towards the spouses.

Conspiracy for a red rose and a ring

This wedding ring plot is more suitable for the situation when you need to get your ex back after a divorce. So you got divorced and felt that you made a mistake. Already, they just came to talk to their ex-husband, but he is not ready to put up. This magical ritual aims to forget the bad and remember the good about the relationship. As a result, the husband will want to return to you, because he will focus his attention on the happiness that once was between you.

For the ritual, you will need your wedding ring and a red rose with thorns. This magical ritual must be performed during the waning moon, as we get rid of negative memories.

Also stay alone. Light a candle. Place your wedding ring and a rose with thorns on a long stem in front of you. Take a rose and prick your finger on the thorns. Start reading this magic plot:

“They pricked each other with thorns, it happens to everyone. They wound each other in the heart. Little did they believe in luck and happiness, and everyone was waiting for it to come by itself. They asked, but they did not give. That circle of pain that was between us, I close, it is no more. All the pain in the circle remained. And just remember happiness, just remember love, yearn for me, for me. When I come, don't kick me out, I want you back, hear me. I only remember happiness, and you only remember happiness. I will come - you will accept.

After that, take the wedding ring and put it on the stem of the rose. Thus, you symbolically close the circle of pain and resentment for spouses. In this form, put a rose under your bed. And in the morning, throw the ring into clean water and say:

"I'm reading from pain." After that, it can be worn again. The rose must be put in a place where it will dry. The ritual will work when the flower dries. Together with him, all the grievances that meant something to the spouses will dry up. When the rose dries up, you can again make an attempt to return the husband.

But it is possible that he himself will make the first such attempt. This is a strong ritual, after which your relationship with your ex will go differently.

Conspiracy on the ring, attracting money and good luck.

Love spell on the ring. Svetlana Raevskaya - Conductor in Moscow

Conspiracy for money and a wedding ring

Interestingly, with the help of an engagement ring, wealth can also be brought into life. Money is very important for a family. If they are not enough, then this also provokes quarrels in the relationship. You can also talk a family for wealth and money with the help of this item.

The conspiracy takes place during the growing moon, because you attract something with the help of it into your life. To conduct a conspiracy, you will need your and your husband's wedding ring. In this case, it is also desirable not to disclose it, why it is needed, magic loves to be kept a secret, this makes it work better. And you will need a large banknote. The larger it is, the better.

The ceremony is also carried out alone. Nobody should interfere with you. Light a candle. Just look at her fire for two or three minutes, this will help bring your mind into a state of light trance. Then take a banknote and start looking at it carefully. Feel how you feel when you hold it in your hands? Is it the anxiety that the money will soon run out or the joy that you can buy something with the money? Track your emotions about money. If they are negative, then try to change them to positive ones, so it will be much easier for money to come to life. When it will work. Twist the banknote and thread it through the wedding ring. Then say this spell:

“The cycle of money, like the cycle of happiness in our family, is increasing. It grows and multiplies. The more love, the more money. The more money, the more love. My own, common, ours. Money goes to love, we love money, and they love us. You will come dear, will spend you with pleasure, and we will love each other even more. Money is love, love is money. Amen".

It is important at this moment to experience happiness and love, as if you received a huge amount of money. Now the task for spouses is to love each other even more. Because in this conspiracy, money is attracted just for love and strong positive emotions. So, the level of love and good mood will have to be maintained in order to increase well-being. But the nice thing is that in any case it will affect family happiness. It will become more.

When a woman marries, she imagines that the excitement and romance of the courtship period will be invariably present in family relationships. A woman is extremely far from the idea that feelings will cease to be as vivid as during an acquaintance. ... and now she is already looking for a way to bring her husband home in one day. The honeymoon flies by with lightning speed, when the two look only at each other and do not notice what is happening around. There comes a period of real life, routine, daily duties, boredom. Sincere and warm Love Story becomes a November rain, and over time, a February cold. One fine day, a woman finds herself in a situation where her husband has left. It turns out he found himself another woman. Not always better, younger, richer, just different.

A strong conspiracy how to bring your husband home in one day without consequences, sin and rollback

In this article you will learn:

How to bring your husband home in one day and what to do so that he does not leave

This can happen to any woman, even if she is smart, beautiful, a caring housewife, loves sex and is confident in her husband's reliability.

For a woman, the departure of her husband becomes a severe blow. Especially when there are children in the family. After all, the burden of material problems in the upbringing and education of children can be prohibitively heavy for a woman.

So what to do? How to save a family? How to return the father and husband to the house during the day or at least a week?

First of all, you need to understand the current situation. Analyze the following points:

  • Were there frequent quarrels and reproaches in the family?
  • Did you spend enough time together, paying attention to your husband?
  • Did you pick on your husband?
  • Showed a desire to control his actions?
  • In what dressing gown and slippers did your husband see you at home?
  • How often have you told your husband that you love him?

Make decisions to change it. Promise that you will behave differently when the husband returns.

It may seem impossible, but a man must be forgiven. Don't hold a grudge against him. Do not shower claims, humiliating, calling names and insulting him for leaving. In such a difficult period, you have the opportunity to keenly feel how much it means to you, to the children. Remember how many good things happened in your life together. After all, if you want him to return, it is important for you to be in a state of calm confidence that this is possible. That your love is stronger than any obstacles, strife, difficulties.

Studies have shown that there is a certain age in the life of men when they most often decide to leave their wife. You can call it critical.

It turns out that it is easier for a man to make such a decision at the age of:

  • 28-32 years old. The man needs a change;
  • 35-45 years old. A man wants to prove that he is still capable of much.
  • Over 45. A man is looking for a spiritually close woman.

How to bring your husband home in one day with the help of a conspiracy

Compare research data with your own experience in order to choose the right strategy for further behavior. Remember that even with the most worthy women there is a moment when a man suddenly leaves. At such a moment, a woman realizes that having married, she seems to have entered the battle to protect and defend the well-being and safety for herself and her children every day. And the man? At one fine moment, he decides that he is tired of the routine, and it would be nice to get new impressions on the side.

What do psychologists advise? What is the best thing to do if the husband is about to leave?

If suddenly the day came in your life when your husband began to pack things to leave you alone, then in no way show how much it hurts you. Don't yell at him, don't show any pressure. Now is not the time for that. Having shown a man your aggression, remember that he will decide that he did the right thing.

Don't beg him to change his mind. Do not assure that life will stop without it. Now let him do what he wants to do. And your confusion will not be able to keep him, causing him to feel guilty. His own guilt will not stop him. Do not humiliate yourself in front of him, clutching at the skirts of your jacket. It is important for a man that a woman respect herself. Then she can respect the man too. A man can only respect a woman who respects herself.

Since it so happened that the husband leaves before your eyes, then let it happen. Do not give him the opportunity to see your tears, to feel your despair, pain, resentment.

After the door has closed behind the husband, you can cry loudly, howl and scream, only if there are no children in the house. Do not use children when disassembling with your husband, protect them from clarifying the relationship between you. They love both parents. Even if the mother devotes most of the time to them.

Now you are left on your own. You have experienced a flurry of negative emotions. You feel agitated as if you were connected to a transformer substation. But before that, you had such a measured, monotonous life, when every day is the same as the previous one. And now you're just shaking from what happened. Do not try to call friends and parents to tell about the husband's departure.

It will take a calm mind to outline a plan for further action. The husband should not be gone for long. And it is in your power to radically change the situation. Consider looking amazing. Wipe away your tears, take a bath and put on clean, preferably new, underwear. From now on, you must look especially attractive and seductive.

The woman keeps the family hearth. She is in charge of the children. Therefore, further actions will proceed from the lofty goal of preserving the integrity of your family.

You are living in an information boom. You live in the age of technology. You are a modern woman, so you know how to use mobile communications, the Internet. At this critical moment in your life, you have a choice of what methods to use to win your husband back.

Do you think magical rituals are superstitions? Then what do you say to the fact that magic is at the intersection of sciences, which have only now found an explanation for what has been used in magic for many centuries.

You can just wait. According to statistics, a year later, the man himself returns to the family. You can look for the causes of what happened in psychological consultations. It is long, expensive and inefficient.

But if you are interested in the answer to the question of how to return your husband home in one day, refer to the practice of conspiracy, for example, a conspiracy to love a man from white magic.

What is a conspiracy? This is a verbal form, composed in a certain way, which has magical power. Thus, the pronunciation of the conspiracy is fulfilled. What used to be recognized as magic, modern science confirms with studies of brain activity and the activity of the psyche. The conspiracy is energized and the problem is solved. Turning to the conspiracy, one should believe that it will be fulfilled. It is the absence of doubt and the presence of strong faith that make the conspiracy effective. Using a conspiracy, you can solve any problem. There are conspiracies regarding any sphere of human life. Among them are economic, medical, love and many others.

A very strong conspiracy to return the husband to the family

Modern people also turn to a conspiracy to solve a particular problem. Among the rituals that women resort to, they most often involve a conspiracy to return their husband. If it weren’t so effective, would the corresponding conspiracies be so popular?

The conspiracy to return the husband is pronounced for the growing month on one of the women's days. Women's days are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

During the pronunciation of the conspiracy, the woman should be dressed in loose clothes on a cleanly washed body. It is recommended to wear new underwear. The hair is loose. Decorations have been removed. There should be no belts or belts.

Boiling water conspiracy to return her husband

This plot is intended to revive the feelings that he had for you with greater strength. The man will return to be with you again.

Produced on the new moon.

Select the appropriate day. Wait until the sun goes down. Take a pot of water and put it on the stove. When the water starts to boil, say the words with faith

“As the water boiled in an instant, so the husband reached longing for me, as the water turned into steam, a fire broke out in the husband’s heart.

In an hour, on the threshold of becoming, my husband will bother about it.

Home and family are all here. Come back, you're all hubby."

Repeat words three times. Pour out the water from the pot while it is hot.

A very effective conspiracy. The husband returns the next day.

Conspiracy to return her husband

Pronounced on the new moon. Look at the crescent in the sky and read these words

“As the moon and the stars in the sky rise, so the husband in his wife dries bitterly.

How faithful the circle shone in Heaven, so the husband suddenly returns to his house.

Pronounce these words seven times in a row, with faith, not a little doubting its power.

After uttering the conspiracy, go to sleep, imagining your beloved man next to you in bed, that he hugs and kisses you.

Repeat the plot for nine days.

wedding ring spell

How to return a husband home if he went to his mistress

Valid at one time. No more contacting him. Also, do not pronounce it together with others. This is an effective conspiracy to return a man. Held on the new moon.

Take your wedding ring. Open the water faucet and rinse the ring. Dip the ring into a crystal glass of holy water and say the words:

“As the Mother of God covers the cover, so the holy water covers the ring.

As the love of Christ is pure, so is my love holy.

Come back husband, make a circle around.

Lean against the door, boldly enter the house.

After that, you should drink water in one gulp while inhaling. And wear a ring as if you are a happy married woman. Do not remove the ring.

The utterance of a plot suggests further behavior regarding what has been done. Please keep what you have done secret. Keep the words in your heart, not giving other people the opportunity to interfere in what you are setting up with your own efforts with the help of a conspiracy.


If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

From time immemorial, jewelry for a person served not only as an ornament, but also served as a protective amulet and attracted prosperity and wealth, love and good luck. You can practically speak today, but it is the rings that are the most powerful talisman that directly interacts with a person. About what conspiracies on the ring exist and how to attract many benefits to yourself in all directions and protect yourself from troubles and will be discussed further.

wedding ring spell

In order to successfully save your own marriage and not to break up relations with your loved one, you can resort to the help of a ritual performed on a wedding ring. For the first ritual, they take both spouses' rings and holy water, lower them into it and place them in front of the icons. Let them lie down like this for a day and after taking them out of there, blot them with a clean handkerchief and say over them:

“As the forces of the Lord protect our marriage and rings - so there are no quarrels and discord between us, we put these rings on our hands - we share a strong marriage and love for two.”

In addition, you can conduct another ritual - if the spouse went on a spree after many years of married life, you can resort to a ritual with wedding rings. To carry it out, you will need both rings and holy water, a red woolen thread.

The conspiracy is carried out with a full moon - tie red rings with a thread and put them in holy water, while saying:

“Moon, you are my mother - I hope for you, your magic and strength are strong. A lovebird has settled down and a strong sweetheart in the heart of a loved one - help me bring him back, but you drive away the lovebird. May you not shine for her in the night - she does not know the way to my house.

They read the words of the conspiracy for three days, and on the fourth they pull it out of the water and put it on a wax candle, light it from a match and let it burn out to a cinder. While it burns, read the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos.

How to speak a ring for good luck

You can successfully speak your favorite ring for good luck - rinse it under running cool water and stretch a red woolen thread into it. After shaking the jewelry on the thread, say out loud:

“I lure capricious Fortune to me, so I speak this ring for my good luck, like a needle and without a thread does not go, so my affairs do not go without good luck. I put a ring on my finger - I attract a successful outcome to any business.

They wear such an ornament without removing it for six months - this is the duration of the conspiracy, so to speak, then it can be repeated.

Conspiracy for money

Take a precious metal ring and pour water from a spring or natural source into a glass and lower the jewelry into it. After that, they throw coins into the water and at the same time say:

“Just as this water came from the bowels of the earth, I saw all the riches there - so I will take its energy into a ring and seal it, like water beats with an endless spring - so my wealth will not be transferred.”

After that, they put it on a finger, but throw water and one of the coins into the spring, from which they took it for the ritual ritual.

Ring conspiracy for love

For the ritual, the simplest, no frills and most importantly any stones decoration is suitable - they take it in the left hand and, clenching the palm into a fist, apply it to the heart, saying:

“I am looking for my strong and faithful love, I attract my spouse, but I am destined by fate - not drinking - walking, working and loving, a real husband.”

After that, they put it on the arm and wear it for at least six months.

Protection Ring Conspiracy

If you began to notice that failures are constantly haunting you, and luck has turned away from you, perform the following ritual to protect yourself from envious people and the dark eye. For such a ritual, you will need a new ring - in the morning just say over it:

"Sod - fight, earth - be strong, and my misfortune - calm down."

Leave it like this until evening, and after sunset, take it out and say over it:

“You will save me from trouble, but you will protect me from failure, you will protect me from evil and back and return to my enemies.”

Wrap it in a dark cloth and put it under your pillow at night - they sleep on it for three nights in a row. After that, put it on the middle finger of your left hand and wear it like an amulet. So that the ritual does not fail and the ring protects you reliably from all evil - it is worth putting it every month for 3 days in salt, which neutralizes the negative, then speak it again.

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

For this ritual, take a new gold jewelry, it is better if it is a gift from your relatives or bought by you personally - in the store you yourself will reach for it. At home, put it on your finger and say:

“As from distant lands and from under mighty mountains and deep seas, this ring came to me. He was punished with faith - with a long truth and to serve, a cherished desire to fulfill, living in the soul and asking outward. ”

Hide the ring in a secret place and after a day, speak your dream into it. Then you put it on your finger and wear it until it comes true.

And you can also find out what rituals for the fulfillment of desires are in the article.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell of a wife on a wedding ring with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Strong family relationships until the last breath is an idyll that we draw in our minds. We try our best to make the dream a reality. And when two people decide to start a family, they are driven by an unbridled desire to be close.

Loyalty, mutual understanding, support and passionate love are essential attributes of family life. But in fact, finding family happiness is not so easy. It seems that after the creation of a new unit of society, life will only change for the better.

But it happens that the love in the heart of one of the partners fades. The whole world loses its colors, everything becomes gray and uninteresting without mutual love. To return the lost feelings of a husband or wife will help a magical love spell.

Love spell for ex-husband

A love spell on an ex will be more successful if you live together under the same roof for more than six months. In order for your husband to fall in love with you again, there are effective love spells that do not require certain magical skills and can be done at home.

On a wedding ring

For this ritual you will need:

Ceremony with a wedding ring

  • wife's wedding ring;
  • a glass of holy water.

This is a fairly simple ritual that will help bring your husband back. They put a ring into a glass of water and say:

“As my ring fell into the water, so my husband, the servant of God (name) returns to my arms. Amen!".

After the ceremony, the ring should be removed and the water drunk. This love spell will only work if the spouse left his wife for the first time.

Rite in the bedroom

A love spell on the former is carried out in the bedroom where you spent the night together. It is necessary to make a ceremony for the growing moon and on Wednesday. Read three times in each corner of the room:

Love spell on the former in the bedroom

“There is a marvelous thing in God's world. At sea - on the ocean, on the island - on Buyan, nbsp; The alatyr stone is lying, crying. There is a bathhouse on that stone, it burns the stones with fire, It does not give peace to the alatyr. A board is fried, steamed in that bath, And longing burns and boils on the board. That melancholy rushes about, Throws itself on the bath walls. From wall to corner, from floor to ceiling, From ceiling to bath shelf, from shelf to threshold. Go, violent longing, anxiety, Through all paths, crossroads, air and fire, Find, longing, a place in my husband. Sit in this place, sit, pinch it and twist it, Fry it, steam, Bake for me, the servant of God (name), to the tears of dope. Twist all his seventy-seven joints, Twirl all his thoughts, Muti all his joints and half-joints, All his veins and hamstrings. So that he thinks of me, his married wife. I suffered, grieved, yearned, I didn’t know to rest day or night. I didn’t drink water, I didn’t smoke makhra, I didn’t put bread in my mouth, I didn’t eat food. I didn’t doze off, I didn’t sleep, I would have suffered everything, Grieving, yearning, Throwing myself from window to window, Throwing myself from door to door On all paths and roads, on any paths With trembling, with pain, with crying and sobbing. Zealously and hurriedly He would have walked towards me, fled, looked for me everywhere, I did not know a single minute of rest. I wouldn't linger anywhere, I wouldn't admire anyone. I would not sleep, I would grieve and suffer Only for me, my married wife, God's servant (name). My word is strong, stucco and tenacious. I lock my words with a lock, I close the alatyr with a key. He will only kill my case, Who will drink the ocean-sea for a single spirit. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ceremony can be done in the afternoon. A strong love spell that will help return her husband if he left for another.

Love spell on hair

To carry out the ritual, you will need at least one husband's hair and a candle (any). On the waning moon, after sunset, light a candle and burn your husband's hair and say:

“Darling and beloved, love me again. I conjure with fire and love.

The hair should burn completely. The spouse will show his attention within the first three days, you will feel that he has fallen in love with you again.

Love spell directed at ex-wife

Since ancient times, magical rites have been considered a women's affair, when it is a question of maintaining relationships, a spouse can also resort to the help of rituals and love spells.

Love spell with candles

You should buy three candles in the church. At twelve o'clock at night, on the growing moon, light candles and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say:

Get your ex wife back

“As the flame of a candle burns with heat and glows, so let my wife breathe love and tenderness to me. Every hour, every minute, every second. Amen!".

After the ceremony, put out the candles and silently go to sleep.

Love spell with a lock

If the spouse left the family, a love spell with a lock can help bring her back. For this you will need:

At twelve o'clock at night, light candles, take the open lock in your left hand, and the key to it in your right. Say three times:

“As the key turns in the lock, so my wife will return to me! Just as the lock cannot be opened now, so our love cannot be put out! Amen!".

After the ceremony, the key is inserted into the lock, and it is closed. The next morning, the key must be thrown into the pond, and the lock must be removed in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Lock up your ex-wife

The ritual will help to flare up feelings in the heart of your beloved wife again. The effect will be visible within a week.

Love spell on ex girlfriend

During dates, it was not possible to make a wife out of a girl, or another one stood between you. There may be many options, but there are much fewer ways to solve the problem. It is necessary to try to return the girl with a manifestation of care, romantic meetings, sometimes you just need to talk.

If conventional methods do not help, you can return attention, earn respect, rekindle love again through a love spell.

Love spell with candy

You will need candy or chocolate, which then will need to be treated to the girl. A conspiracy is read for sweetness:

“As candy is sweet and pleasant, so you will like me. Amen!".

Candy as a gift

Despite its simplicity, the love spell begins to act immediately after you treated the girl and she ate the candy.

Love spell on the photo

The photo must be recent, taken no more than a year ago. Well, if the photo is only the girl's face. The photograph should be put on the floor, stand on it with a bare heel and say three times:

“Just as my heel is pressing hard on you, the servant of God (name), and your heart is heavy, so let you be strongly drawn to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

This spell will have a strong effect on the girl, with the right choice of photo and a positive attitude towards the result.

Strong love spell for ex-boyfriend

Love spell on hair

This love spell on an ex-boyfriend should be carried out on a growing moon. It is necessary to purchase a candle in the church shop, always on Tuesday, and get a few hairs from the beloved's head.

Strong love spell

Attach hair to the wick of the candle and set it on fire, say the following words:

“Shamaina-Gayuna, I beg and pray, do not leave me without help, because without you I can’t do anything, I admit it, as well as my duty to you, help me to return the heart of the one whose spirit entered the fire, help me feelings return it, let him go crazy for me, love me forever, as long as he breathes air. I beg you, do not refuse my request."

It is said once, if the candle went out, then the love spell worked, after that the candle is taken out into the street and dug a little into the ground. If the candle burned out to the end, the love spell did not work and you should choose another ritual.

Spell for blood

Since ancient times, a love spell on blood has established itself as a fairly strong and effective way to allow the chosen one to feel love for you again. A love spell on blood is divided into two types - a love spell on monthly blood and on blood from a finger.

A love spell on monthly blood is done as follows: the blood is collected on a white clean matter, dried, and then burned. The ash obtained after burning is put to the beloved in coffee or food. A love spell on blood is recommended to be carried out after the end of critical days, when the female strength is restored. Before giving a drink or food to the chosen one, you need to say three times:

“My blood has departed, I don’t need it, my dear servant of God (name) needs it.”

A love spell on blood from a finger is carried out according to the following scheme, if the chosen one is a legal spouse, blood is taken from the ring finger, unmarried - from the little finger, in both cases from the left hand. It is necessary to add 9 drops to the wine with the words:

"As the blood is in me, so are you to me forever and ever, amen."

Leave to infuse for 28 days, then give the selected man a drink.

It doesn’t matter if you are doing a love spell for a husband or wife, these rituals will help you return feelings and help make you happy. A love spell on the former at home is quite simple to do if you follow all the instructions, and the result will not be long in coming. Cherish the love.

How to bewitch a husband at home (make a strong love spell for an ex to his wife on a ring or bed)

To be happy, says ancient wisdom, you need to go to work with pleasure in the morning, and return home with joy in the evening. You will be happy to return home if love and understanding, respect and friendship await you at home.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of love relationships in the life of every person. Who does not dream of finding their soul mate, living their whole lives in harmony and happiness, and dying on the same day, so as not to know the grief of losing a loved one.

But not always and not everyone is so lucky that he meets a reciprocal feeling. And sometimes the feeling goes out when faced with the difficulties of everyday life. Sometimes people face betrayal and betrayal.

What to do in this case? How to survive the betrayal of a loved one? How to try to return the love of a husband with whom you have children and long years of life in respect and sympathy. Is it possible to leave immediately and forget everything that happened? Is it really possible to give your beloved to a rival without a fight and orphan your children?

All people in such a situation will act differently: someone will prefer a divorce, not wanting to forgive betrayal. Someone will cry and beg to return, someone will even close their eyes to the obvious, if only to save their family and father at all costs to the children.

Sometimes women try to resort to witchcraft, conspiracies and magical influences in order to regain their former feelings and return their husband to the family.

There are a huge number of rituals that can bewitch a man or woman, return love or make them fall out of love. At the same time, healers recommend that love spells be handled very carefully, they carry a great danger, both for the one who is bewitched and for the one who bewitches.

How does a man change after a love spell?

Light love spells on a loved one will have a short-term effect and will not have a significant impact on the psyche and behavior of a person. But love spells performed by a strong sorcerer or magician, or black rituals performed in a cemetery or on blood, will completely subjugate the bewitched and change his psyche.

Any love spell violates the natural course of a person's fate, rapes his psyche, changes his likes and dislikes, subjugates his behavior, etc. Therefore, a person radically changes after the ritual. It is especially dangerous to carry out such a ritual if the young man is already in love and is building a relationship with another girl, and even more so, in no case should you perform magical actions in relation to a married man and try to destroy his family.

In this case, the old commandment works absolutely: “You can’t build your happiness on the misfortune of your neighbor.” A man will be torn between two women, not understanding what is happening to him, most often in his soul he will hate the one that tied him tightly to herself, but he will not be able to live without her. Such a person may commit suicide or end up in a psychiatric hospital.

Only a legal wife can tell fortunes, wanting to return her husband to the family with children. Only a woman who is confident in her right will fate give a second chance to revive love. But after the ceremony, she must also order a prayer service for her and her husband's health, confess her sin and be punished.

An easy way to cast a spell on a lover

If it seems to you that the husband is weaning from his home, he is drawn to the side, he begins to cool towards you, take a pinch of earth at the very threshold of your house, you can replace the earth with Thursday salt, which has been in your house for at least three months, or a pinch of poppy, and pour into the men's shoes under the insole. You need to perform the action on the new moon and pronounce the slander:

“Land, land, land, sister to all the stars, I ask you, I turn to you. Everyone walks after you, everyone sins and prays for forgiveness. How will my slave (name) pass over you to my rival, give him a hard road, bitter tears, burning longing in the heart. The farther he goes from me, the more his heart will hurt. He will pull him to his own home, let him pull him to me, his lawful wife. Amen".

Love spells on the bed

The strongest white rituals are done on the matrimonial bed. Only in marriage does religion allow intimate relationships, they bind husband and wife forever, they make their bond indestructible and sacred. Therefore, the rituals performed in the matrimonial bed very strongly bind a man to a woman (they are possible only with legal relationships, consecrated by both the state and the church).

This ritual is quite simple and even an inexperienced woman in magic can perform it. It is recommended to perform on Wednesday and always on the new moon.

IMPORTANT: all days of the week are divided into men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). On Sunday, no rituals can be performed; this day is intended for rest and prayers.

Late in the evening, all alone, you need to stand in front of the head of the matrimonial bed and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“My mother is a matrimonial bed, my dear friend is a feather bed,

Remove, I ask you, from my husband (name) a walking spirit!

Remove from me tears, sorrows and melancholy-sadness,

Bind my beloved (name) all days and all nights,

To spend all his nights on this bed.

Hold tight, don't let go of the bed,

Don't let other women in! Amen".

Any magical rituals require absolute secrecy, not only during their performance, but also after. In no case should anyone be told about the conspiracies carried out, otherwise they will not work, but will bring the exact opposite effect.

On a charmed bed, a man must definitely spend the night for three nights, it would be better if the sacrament of love between spouses takes place on these nights. In this case, the result will be guaranteed.

Awakening passion in bed

It happens that over the years the passion between spouses fades away, the former passion does not flare up and it seems that love has come to naught. In this case, you can conduct a completely uncomplicated ritual for the revival of sexual passion.

At the head of the matrimonial bed, a wax candle is placed, bought in the temple during the Sunday service. The candle must burn to the end. Lying down in bed, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“With a church candle I awaken feelings, I revive the passion between the slave (name) and the slave (name) from now and forever, forever. They will burn and glow in the matrimonial bed, they will be sexy and desirable in family life. Routine and everyday life will never touch them, they will not be dragged into the abyss of dreary, unrequited love. The matrimonial bed will be for them like a dope, like opium, like a bottomless well of their passion. They will love each other, intertwining their bodies with passion, not opening their arms, not taking their mouths off each other, not taking their eyes off, praying for each other's love and happiness. The legs of the servant of God (name) will shake and tremble, the mouth will dry up, the heart will tremble, and the hands of the servant of God (name) will reach out. A legal wife will become a dream for her husband and happiness, the greatest joy in life. Days and nights will be filled with desire. Amen".

This love spell works immediately, a fabulous night full of passion awaits you. The stub of the candle should be wrapped in red cloth and stored in a secret place, without telling anyone about the performed ritual.

Love spell on the marriage ring

The wedding ring is a symbol of marital fidelity and love. It is endowed with a special power that can save the family. This love spell will bring back past feelings, and even if they were not there, then the ritual is able to create them.

The action of the ritual begins quickly enough from three days to three months. The main subject for a love spell will be a wedding ring, it is best if it is gold or silver. It is not for nothing that gold is considered a noble metal, it has a special ability to establish and ennoble relationships, wedding rings made of gold are able to keep marital love imperishable and passionate.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon on the women's day of the week.

Around midnight, a woman should take a glass filled with water to a third, and pour water into it through her husband's wedding ring. Hex slowly repeat until the glass is filled to the brim. After slander, drink water in forty-seven sips.

“Through a golden, engagement ring, water-water of one enters, from the other end of the other it comes out, I pray only one thing: return my husband (name) to me. Amen".

Another option for a love spell on a wedding ring

The wedding ring of the husband must be wrapped in a white handkerchief or a piece of white cloth and go to church for Sunday service. During the entire service, hold the ring firmly in your right hand, then buy three wax candles and draw consecrated water into a vessel.

Before going to bed, on the growing moon, placing the candles on a white tablecloth in a triangle (between the candles there should be a distance of a woman's elbow), put the ring in the middle of the table and read the words of the slander three times:

“In the name of the Holy Trinity, the fire of candles burns,

It burns in the dark, fills hearts with the fire of love,

May our souls be God's servants (names of husband and wife)

Forever fastened with bonds of love indestructible, inseparable, unchangeable, eternal. Amen".

This love spell can be performed on a completely new ring bought for the husband, and the next day, give the ring to the husband or place it so that the man himself discovers it.

Conspiracies for wedding rings

An item such as a wedding ring has great magical power. It carries a lot of meanings, it has a lot of energy. This means that various kinds of conspiracies can be safely imposed on this subject. A well-timed conspiracy for a wedding ring can restore shattered family happiness.

wedding ring spell

When is a wedding ring spell used?

To make it clear, let's specifically analyze situations where a conspiracy for wedding rings can correct the situation:

  • If you feel that feelings for each other have cooled in your family, and this happens periodically in every couple, then you can safely use such a conspiracy. It will be useful for spouses in that it will help to look at each other in a new way.
  • If you are a girl who has been alone for a long time, you can also conspire on wedding rings. You can buy new rings for this or get your mother's or grandmother's. Thus, you will attract men into your life who, after a while, will look at you with serious intentions.
  • With the help of a conspiracy on wedding rings, you can return your husband to the family. If he left for another woman, or if, after a divorce, the wife realized that she still wants to be with him. In such a situation, the rite will revive in the soul of the husband the longing for his ex-wife.
  • By the way, if you just got along with your ex-husband, then a conspiracy on wedding rings can be used for good luck in the future. That is, you can talk so that the relationship is happy and strong.
  • A conspiracy on wedding rings can also be used when you want to attract a married man to you. But in this case, after it there may be negative consequences, which are also very important to consider.
  • If you divorced, but feelings for your ex-husband still remained, then also use the plot on wedding rings. It will help to finally cool the heart and calmly begin to live a new life.

In all these situations, a conspiracy on wedding rings will be very effective. Now let's look at an example of a specific ceremony with wedding rings.

A conspiracy on the rings and the red thread

This wedding ring plot is most suitable in a situation where a wife or husband feels that a crisis has begun in a relationship. They are slowly moving away from each other. You can prevent this, just with the help of such a rite. It will help ignite a new wave of passion in a relationship, bring tenderness to communication. As a result, it will become obvious for the spouses that they need to appreciate each other much more than they did before.

In fact, this is a love spell on a spouse or spouse. So, it must be carried out during the period of the growing moon. You'll need your wedding rings and a new spool of red thread. If your husband is still wearing his wedding ring, then you will need to somehow get it. You can take it from him under the pretext that you want to clean your rings.

This magical ritual must be performed alone. Nobody should interfere with you. Clear the room where you will be doing this from both people and pets. Turn off all electrical appliances. Light a candle, the minimum amount of light is still needed.

Take the rings in your hands, hold them in your hands and think about the relationship with your spouse. Think about how this relationship makes you feel now and how you would like to feel in this relationship? It is important to feel it at the level of the body. Then it will be more certain than if you start from a restless mind.

When you realize that the soul is full of feelings that you would like to experience in a relationship, then combine the rings and start wrapping them with a red thread. At the same time, say the following conspiracy:

“Our swan song has not yet been sung. Everything is still ahead. I see it, I feel it. I want you, my love, to feel it too. Without letting go of me, know that you cannot live without me. I want to return your love, I give you my love. Love is hidden in our hearts, and our rings know it. I speak them for the return of our love and passion. Happy together."

After that, tie a strong knot and squeeze the tied rings in a fist. Rings need to be hidden in the darkest corner of your home and away from prying eyes. So they should lie there for a whole week. Then you need to take them out and put them on again. In this case, the ritual will begin to operate the very next day. The task of the one who performed the ritual is to show more love towards the spouses.

Conspiracy for a red rose and a ring

This wedding ring plot is more suitable for the situation when you need to get your ex back after a divorce. So you got divorced and felt that you made a mistake. Already, they just came to talk to their ex-husband, but he is not ready to put up. This magical ritual aims to forget the bad and remember the good about the relationship. As a result, the husband will want to return to you, because he will focus his attention on the happiness that once was between you.

For the ritual, you will need your wedding ring and a red rose with thorns. This magical ritual must be performed during the waning moon, as we get rid of negative memories.

Also stay alone. Light a candle. Place your wedding ring and a rose with thorns on a long stem in front of you. Take a rose and prick your finger on the thorns. Start reading this magic plot:

“They pricked each other with thorns, it happens to everyone. They wound each other in the heart. Little did they believe in luck and happiness, and everyone was waiting for it to come by itself. They asked, but they did not give. That circle of pain that was between us, I close, it is no more. All the pain in the circle remained. And just remember happiness, just remember love, yearn for me, for me. When I come, don't kick me out, I want you back, hear me. I only remember happiness, and you only remember happiness. I will come - you will accept.

After that, take the wedding ring and put it on the stem of the rose. Thus, you symbolically close the circle of pain and resentment for spouses. In this form, put a rose under your bed. And in the morning, throw the ring into clean water and say:

"I'm reading from pain." After that, it can be worn again. The rose must be put in a place where it will dry. The ritual will work when the flower dries. Together with him, all the grievances that meant something to the spouses will dry up. When the rose dries up, you can again make an attempt to return the husband.

But it is possible that he himself will make the first such attempt. This is a strong ritual, after which your relationship with your ex will go differently.

Conspiracy on the ring, attracting money and good luck.

Love spell on the ring

A love spell on a ring is an old dark love spell that forcibly attaches the victim to its performer in a rigid way. In most cases, wives do this ritual to return their husband to the family.

This love witchcraft has sufficient power for the new germination of old feelings of love, and if they were not in principle, then it will create them. It acts relatively quickly, mostly from three days to a month.

The main subject of this ritual is the ring, which acts as a symbol of indestructible integrity and unity. So, a love spell on a wedding ring would be more effective, but it is quite possible for any other, with the condition that the victim accepts it as a gift or “accidentally” finds it.

The best material that such a gift will consist of will be gold because of its energy superiority over other metals. Ancient knowledge tells people about gold as a wise, powerful and love-giving metal, so a love spell on a golden ring will be much more powerful.

You should know that love spells with a ring must necessarily occur only on the growing moon.

Husband's love spell on a wedding ring

Done late in the evening. A man's wedding ring is held over a glass of water a quarter full, through which water slowly flows. In this case, the woman must repeat the plot until the moment when the glass is full. At the end, say "amen" and drink water in 40 sips to the last drop.

“One enters from the engagement ring, the other exits from above,

My prayer is only for one thing, return my husband to me, the servant of the Lord (name). Amen".

Love spell on the ring

The ring is wrapped in a piece of clean cloth or a bag and carried to the nearest temple or church at the time when the service is going on there. During the service, the ring must be in the right hand. After the end of the process, it is important to buy three candles in a holy place and collect holy water.

At home, in the deep evening, candles are arranged in a triangle, and so that the corner does not rest against the performer, but is perpendicular to him. The distance between the candles should be one cubit of a woman. In the middle lies a ring for a loved one and a conspiracy is read three times:

“In the name of the holy trinity, the lights of the candles burn,

they glow in the dark, our hearts are poured with warmth.

Our souls will be, your servants, Lord (names)

Bonded forever with the bonds of pure love.

After the love spell, the ring must be presented or "found" the next day.

The fact that the wedding ring has magical powers has been known since ancient times. Even our ancestors firmly believed that this accessory, worn by the couple, is a serious assistant in matters of the heart, a life amulet. And still worn in the registry office, the rings symbolize marriage ties.

Conspired wedding rings will save the family from misfortune

But such an accessory is not only a symbol of those who are bound by marriage. They have great energy, magical attraction. It is assumed that some family problems can be solved with the help of this attribute. A conspiracy for a wedding ring can save the happiness of two, improve shaky relationships between them, help attract wealth and good luck to the family nest.

Among the rites to return love, assuming conspiracies on the husband's wedding ring:

  • cooling of feelings;
  • the desire of a lonely girl to find a mate with the help of a ring;
  • an attempt to guide the prodigal half on the true path.

Such a ritual will help relieve tension in relationships, cool the heart, wounded by infidelity, and divorced to start a new life.

General rules of the ceremony

Usually such rituals involve silence and solitude. Mostly they are made in the evening or at night, unless another time of day is provided. In addition to conspiracies, love spells are also made with the help of wedding rings. However, thoughts in this case should be directed to the good.

When conspiring and love spells, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • no one should know about the performance of the ritual, especially the one for whom it is performed;
  • during the procedure, one should not be distracted by other things, confuse words or stumble - everything should happen clearly and calmly;
  • uncertainty and doubts will prevent what was planned from coming true - think about the good, believe in yourself.

In a bad mood or inability to concentrate, it is better not to carry out the ceremony, but to postpone it to another day. It might not work, or everything might go wrong.

If you follow the above rules, then you can confidently get down to business. Below are some examples of such rituals.

Fortress of marriage

If the newlyweds want to warn their feelings against unforeseen life frills, then before the wedding itself, you can make a conspiracy for a new wedding ring.

Three days before the wedding, young people need to perform a ritual for happiness

About three days before the ceremony, the future spouses need to retire and set fire to two candles, then say over the rings:

“No force in the world can destroy this metal, so our marriage (state your name and the name of your husband) is strong and indestructible! He is not afraid of any family quarrels and hurricanes! My word is strong! Let it be so!".

For love

Such rituals are among the most frequently used. They, unlike love spells, are completely safe, because they are not aimed at forced feelings, but at strengthening those that already exist. A rite to return love is especially suitable for a quarreling couple, in particular when a divorce is planned.

It requires an absolutely white plain scarf (it should be consecrated in the temple, sprinkled with holy water) and 7 scarlet wax candles. When it gets dark, candles should be placed on any surface around and lit. Passing a scarf through a wedding ring, whisper:

“A clear field, through the gate to the door, I will go, the servant of God (name), I will look for happiness and love. Help the engagement ring, servant of God's degree, return to me. As she said, so be it."

After that, a scarf with a ring should be put under the bed or mattress and go to bed. In the morning, you should definitely, rising on your right foot, get the hidden. Put the ring back on your hand, and give the scarf to your husband. He must always be with him.

The rite is strong, but the results from it do not immediately appear. They will make themselves felt only after 2-3 weeks, and finally they can be felt after a month. But the husband will definitely not run to the side.

On my husband's wedding ring

Often they solve the problem of family relations by conspiring on the husband's wedding ring. The rite involves many variants of it. The difficulty is how to get a spouse's ring, especially when he constantly wears it on his hand. But when you do, feel free to take action.

The rite described below is suitable for spouses with experience, whose relationship has cooled down or cracked. He will help them find with the help of magic in their hearts past feelings.

The ceremony on wedding rings is more suitable for couples with marriage experience

While the spouse is sleeping, you must carefully remove the ring from him and hide with him in a secluded place, for example, in the bathroom. Light a candle there, after placing it in a candlestick, fill a cup with water (preferably spring water, but you can also use it from a tap) and lower the ring there, and then read the plot on your husband’s engagement ring:

“Vodichka, vodice, help love rejuvenate. You pass through the ring through and through, You direct the power of a love spell on it. I ask you, you feed the feelings of my husband (name) with your strength, Love burning and passionate for me (your name) quickly give. Let him yearn for me, hurry home, avoid other women.

Then take it out of the cup and put it back on your husband's finger. He must always go with him. Do not pour out the water, you will add it little by little, preparing tea or coffee for him.

The next rite will allow you to return to the family of a spouse who has gone to another. He is also associated with a conspiracy for her husband's engagement ring. But you can only use it once.

Having removed the wedding ring, one should place it in a cup with spring water (they do not use holy water here), say:

“Vodichka from the engagement ring, enters from below and exits from above. I ask only one thing, give me back my husband, a servant of God (name). Let it be so".

Then take the ring out of the cup and put it on your finger. Water should be drunk to the drop. The ring can only be removed when the husband returns.

love spells

Love spells are considered more powerful than conspiracies. They are also carried out with the use of wedding rings. Such a ritual is mainly used by abandoned wives.

Only gold wedding rings, which have a certain energy, will help to return your husband. But if you want to conspire on a new wedding ring, the purchased one must be cleaned. This is done with a handful of salt (a ring is placed in it for two hours) or running water (the ring is kept under running water for a certain time).

So that the husband forgets about the rival

A rite will help to return a spouse from a mistress, for which a lace from a pectoral cross will be needed. If you have it on a chain, temporarily hang the cross on a cord (available at the temple) and wear it for a week without taking it off.

For the ceremony you need a lace from a body cross

Then at night, when the spouse, soundly asleep, rolls over on his back, tie your wedding ring to one end of the cord. Holding it by the other end, stretch your hand to such a distance that the ring is above the spouse's heart. Make sure that the string with the ring hangs straight and does not wobble. Swipe it with your free hand from top to bottom and ask quietly:

“My betrothed, am I in your heart?”

After that, the ring will start moving. If it goes around in a circle, then it's good. Maybe there is a mistress, but the relationship is not serious, he loves you. It will begin to oscillate like a pendulum - confirmation of your most bitter assumptions.

After that, move your hand to the head of the sleeping person and, calming the movement again, ask the question:

“My betrothed, am I in your thoughts?” The answer is decrypted, as in the first case. Next, go to the area above the genitals and ask: “My husband, do your loins thirst for me?”

If in all three cases the ring moved in a circle, there was a positive “yes”, then we can assume that the love spell was a success.

And here is the advice of a love spell on a ring from a Siberian healer. As an unfaithful husband leaves the house, you need to stand facing the corner on the east side and, folding your arms crosswise on your chest, without looking up and without opening the door to anyone, say the following words nine times:

On the field, on the road, St. Yegoriy is riding. His horse does not stumble, his horseshoes do not break. Who forged your horse, Saint Egoriy? The stately blacksmith-well done forged the horse. I’ll go to the holy forge, I’ll ask God’s blacksmith slave: Chain you to me, God’s servant, Bone to bones, body to body, Heart to zealous heart, Feet of frisky feet to feet, eyes to eyes. So that my husband does not forget me, He doesn’t go out of the yard, he doesn’t walk with women, He doesn’t eat in food, he doesn’t drink in drink, He doesn’t fall asleep in a dream, He didn’t cheat on me with one, He always honored me in everything. If I were brighter than the moon, He needed more than the red sun, He would have called me everything, Met me as a joy, and when he left, he yearned, I would cry and sob, Everywhere and around I remembered. I am in his wall, I am at his window, I am at his door, I am in his images. There is no conversation and excuse for my words. Neither the sage nor the sly one can change them. Be, my words, strong, molding, I lock you with distant locks, I lock you with distant keys. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

A terrible and dangerous magical ritual is considered to be damage to a mistress (lover). There are many ways here, but you must always remember the seriousness of the ritual. Its consequences can also be no less serious, and this is the holy truth.

Love spell of a girl

But a love spell on a girl’s ring often helps to find her soul mate with the help of it. This is where a silver ring comes in handy. On the day when it will need to be presented to the chosen one, you need to cut off a small strand of your hair and wind it around it. To say such enchanting words:

“I give you silver, I take you, the ring is put on, you will be with me, you will not betray, you will not leave, you will not fall out of love.”

Then you need to wrap the charmed ring in a plain white scarf and, after waiting for the right moment, hand it all over to the chosen one. Just before that, you must not forget to remove your hair from the bundle.

It happens that a person cannot meet his soul mate in any way. A rite of passage for a ring for love will help in such a situation. The technique is old. It allows you to activate the source of special waves that attract the opposite sex. For some reason, this natural generator has stopped working in your body. There is no trouble in this if there is no damage. And this should first be checked with an egg.

The rite for a ring for love should be performed on the day corresponding to your gender. It is advisable for women to choose Friday on the growing moon, for men - Thursday in the same phase of the night queen. It is recommended to discard experiences, drown out doubts, stop the chaos that is characteristic of the minds of most people. If you can, then do some meditation before the ritual. In general, any technique that contributes to the acquisition of a calm, harmonious state is suitable. By the way, the ringing of bells helps. If you use it, then do not stop recording. So tell fortunes to its beautiful sounds.

How to perform a ceremony on a ring for love

First of all, you need to purchase the magic tool itself. It should be copper or silver ring. It must be bought in the morning of the day on which the ritual is scheduled (required before noon). Leave the change to the seller, no matter how much it is. On the way home, get a red candle with a diameter slightly smaller than a ring. Assist in the ceremony incense. Their absence is not critical. And choose the flavors to your liking.

The ceremony of attracting love with a silver ring is held after sunset. It is important to set aside time for it so that no one disturbs. There must be complete silence. Turn off all communications with the outside world (leave the bell).

Don't get distracted if someone rings the doorbell. You may not believe it, but at this important moment only an enemy will come who wants evil, even if not explicitly, but subconsciously. These people feel that you have embarked on the path of well-being and happiness and will definitely try to distract. If you encounter such a situation, then take note of the unexpected guest. Communication with this person should be minimized in the future, this person is destructive and harmful (even if it turns out to be a relative or close friend).

How to read a plot

Slightly open the window (or window) facing east. Stand facing this "hole into the universe." Fix the candle on the table. Light it and incense (if using). Put the ring on a burning candle, uttering a conspiracy. It should be repeated three times. The candle cannot be extinguished. All the time while it burns, one should remain in a state of absence of thoughts. This is difficult for most people. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the plot without stopping. His words are:

“With a bright flame, a clear light, I make the world of my destiny beautiful. I kindle love in fate, with fire, encircle it with a copper (silver) circle. Life has changed since that moment, love has penetrated into the ring and strengthened. While she is on my hand, I go to the one who is dearest of all! Amen!".

When the candle itself goes out, put the ring on the finger (any size) of your left hand. Never take it off and in no case let your friends or girlfriends measure it. Soon life will change. But a successful ritual is not a complete success. The wizard himself also needs to look around, communicate with people, not hide in the bushes from everything new.

A golden word from the sorceress Praskovya Ivanovna

The healer helped a huge number of people to find their destiny, build harmonious relationships, and save their marriage. Her conspiracies are like the purest prayer. Grandmother Praskovya recommends to speak a golden ring, a gift from a loved one. If the betrothed has not yet appeared on the horizon, then take any.

Save two wedding candles. The girls should acquire these in the temple at the time of the corresponding ceremony. Light them at dawn early, being all alone. Read this magic slander three times:

“Angels, wedding, sad images, golden candles poured by God. As people trustingly hand over fate to you, so the servant of the Lord (name) stands uncrowned before you. I trust, I rely, I only hope and believe in you. Give a blessing to the eternal loving desire of the Lord servant (name of the betrothed) to me, his wife in heaven. Like a fish does not live without water, a person is painted by his works, a baby without a mother will die, fate will come to everyone. May the Lord's servant (name) not see life without me, drive others away, but not offend. Let the sun appear clear, stay with me forever. Amen!".

The talisman must be worn constantly on the ring finger.

Along with this ritual, it is also recommended to practice love conspiracy. You need to know what in your life prevents the appearance of the second half and remove these fences and barriers. There is nothing complicated or supernatural in this. It's just that we get so used to our life that we can't look at it critically. We create obstacles for ourselves. The rite for a ring for love will allow you to slightly expand your perception, go beyond the usual worldview. Try it yourself and recommend it to your friends (social media icons below).