Gemstone chrysoprase. Chrysoprase stone is a magnificent green stone. Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Chrysoprase is a stone that has unusual properties and helps its owner in various situations.

The name of this mineral comes from the combination of the Greek words "gold" and "leek".

At first glance, it seems that these 2 words do not converge at all, but if you look closely at the mineral, you will notice that in good light it is very similar to onion leaves with golden tints.

The main characteristics of the mineral

The mineral chrysoprase is considered both a type of chalcedony and a variety of quartz, and with a low nickel content. It is the last element, or rather its particles, that give the stone such a rich green tint.

You can find stones of light and dark green color, with a bluish or golden tint.

Almost all gems are valued for patterns and drawings inside them, but chrysoprase is valued precisely for its color. Usually quartz crystals are prismatic, but in chrysoprase they are of a fine-grained type.

Deposits are usually formed due to severe soil erosion or a process when fertile land gradually turns into rocky, and all the minerals remain in it. Chrysoprase is mined all over the planet. The largest deposits are located in Poland. Deposits are being developed in the USA, Brazil, Australia and Kazakhstan, where large deposits have been discovered.

Depending on the saturation, translucency and homogeneity of the mineral, the following jewelry varieties are distinguished:

According to the chemical composition, chrysoprase is silicon dioxide, its formula is SiO2.

The green color is present due to particles of nickel hydroxyls, including pimelite, willemseite, serpentine particles and other compounds.

Thanks to these substances, the stone has different shades of green-blue color. But under the influence of ultraviolet light, the shade fades. According to the Mohs scale, the hardness of the stone is approximately 6.5 - 7 units, and its density is 2.5 g per 1 cm³. In nature, chrysoprase occurs in the form of medium-sized stones.

History of chrysoprase

In ancient Greek times, stone was considered very popular. Portraits of famous people and heroes were made from it. Various decorations and seals were made from stone, used as a talisman.

Commander Alexander the Great did not part with his chrysoprase

The popularity of this mineral came thanks to the great commander Alexander the Great. It was he who considered chrysoprase to be his talisman and never took it off, wore a pebble on his belt. The commander appreciated the mineral because, according to popular beliefs, it gives the owner courage, bravery, and endurance.

The talisman helped the commander make important decisions during battles.

Since then, chrysoprase has become very popular, and the stone was considered the talisman of the winners. According to legend, when Macedonian removed the stone before bathing, it was stolen by a snake. The next day, the great commander was killed in battle. In fact, it is only a legend, and he was killed for other reasons not related to the stone.

In the days of ancient Greece and Rome, chrysoprase was so valued that it was framed with diamonds in jewelry. Then it was believed that the stone would save its owner from danger and warn of future unpleasant events. Before problems, he should have darkened a little or become cloudy. An amulet was considered especially effective, where chrysoprase is framed with silver. For detailed facts about the stone, see this video:

The Bible mentions the tenth pillar of the heavenly city with chrysoprase, hence the tradition of decorating the church with this stone. During the Middle Ages, stone became popular again. The fashion for it appeared thanks to Frederick the Great, who, like Alexander the Great, believed that the stone would make him more courageous and enduring.

Following the example of the king, the rest of the courtiers also began to make chrysoprase jewelry for themselves. The stone at that time became an attribute of wealth and power.

Over the next two centuries, jewelry made from this mineral became a must for the nobility. The gem goes well with precious stones and metals. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for decorating the rooms of palaces.

Today, the remnants of the luxury of past centuries can be seen in German and Austrian churches. Chalices, goblets, chrysoprase altars have been preserved in museums. In Prague, in the chapel of St. Wenceslas, you can see a beautiful mosaic with this stone. There is a similar decoration in Potsdam in the Sanssouci Palace. Even in the Karlštejn castle, a chapel of the Holy Christ was erected, where you can see decorations made of such a stone. The Czech Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague is also decorated with this stone.

Now chrysoprase is used only as an ornamental or jewelry stone for jewelry. It is usually used for necklaces and pendants. Used in arts and crafts.

The magical properties of chrysoprase

The magical properties of chrysoprase are very diverse. An amulet with such a stone helps people who start a new business. In addition, he will be able to protect from the evil eye and damage.

Also, the amulet is great for people who are in search of perfection.

A talisman with this stone is great for merchants, bankers and other people who are associated with trade.

The mineral will protect the owner from wrong actions

If you wish to purchase or donate chrysoprase, you must know its magical properties:

  1. It has a positive effect on love relationships. If you use the stone as a love spell, you can get rid of problems in the personal sphere and get new feelings.
  2. Gives the wearer prosperity and wealth. Helps with transactions. Prevent damage to property, increase financial condition.
  3. Protects the owner. It can even save from execution at the right time - this is what people thought during the Middle Ages. At that time, they believed that if you put a pebble in your mouth, then the person sentenced to death will be saved.
  4. It was believed among thieves in the Middle Ages that if you put a stone in your mouth, then you can continue to go about your business, since the mineral will avert the eyes of others or make a person invisible.
  5. The stone protects its owner from wrong deeds.
  6. Protects a person from evil forces, damage, evil eye, slander. Silver frames are best suited - this will enhance the protective properties. Such protection well reflects all the negativity back to bad people.
  7. Patronizes innovators and inventors.
  8. Attracts friendly and sociable people to a person. Chrysoprase is considered a stone of communication. In addition, kind people will be charged with positive and good mood.
  9. Enhances the ability to oratory, and the gift of eloquence is very important in many cases. If you carry such a stone with you, then you can not worry during a conversation or speech.
  10. People who travel often can not worry on the road if you carry chrysoprase with you. It used to be believed that he helped travelers and merchants.
  11. Attracts good luck to a person.
  12. Warns the wearer of danger. At such moments, he becomes unclear.

The main thing in using chrysoprase and its magical properties is to be active. You must always take the initiative, strive for what you want, and not be passive. More about the magic of the stone in this video:

In addition, it must be borne in mind that chrysoprase is a stone whose properties are manifested only in relation to kind, honest, open and active people. But evil or deceitful people, even if they do not count on his help.

The healing properties of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase, whose properties help in the treatment of people, was actively used in ancient times. Priests and healers used water charged with chrysoprase. To do this, you just need to lower the pebble into the water and wait a few hours.

The medical properties of chrysoprase stone are as follows:

  1. Treats colds and similar illnesses. Charged water is used. An aqueous solution can cure various infectious diseases.
  2. It has a pleasant green tint, and if you constantly look at the pebble, then fatigue, cramps go away, vision gradually improves. Able to treat various diseases associated with the organs of vision.
  3. People who are susceptible to magnetic storms will find it much easier to survive them if they have chrysoprase on hand.
  4. It is recommended to put the mineral in the area of ​​the heart chakra for half an hour. According to yoga, this allows you to improve cardiac activity. The action of chrysoprase is enhanced if used together with rose quartz.
  5. Improves the functioning of all vital organs, including the brain.
  6. Blood pressure stabilizes.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Helps fight depression and stress.
  9. Relieves pain and tinnitus.
  10. Improves the functioning of the respiratory organs, treats asthma.
  11. Favorably affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  12. Relieves pain and destructive processes in the articular joints.
  13. Restores hormonal balance, especially if the violations were associated with age-related changes.
  14. Quickly relieves fatigue.

All these are the positive properties of chrysoprase, which affect the health of the owner of the stone. However, do not forget about traditional medicine. Wearing a stone is only an auxiliary option.

Chrysoprase and the signs of the zodiac

Many people are interested in who is suitable for chrysoprase for constant wear.

In astrology, this stone is more associated with the air element. It has a connection with the constellation Aquarius.

All people born under this sign can hope that their dreams will gradually come true if they carry chrysoprase with them. The mineral will help Aquarius in creativity. However, it is not only the sign of the zodiac that needs to be considered. The stone loves honest, merciful, those who take into account the opinions of other people.

Chrysopas will accept Aquarius the fulfillment of all desires

Of those born under other signs of the zodiac, a stone can suit Taurus. It is useful when a person is very lazy. The mineral will make a person move faster, relieve slowness and laziness. And chrysoprase will help practical little bodies to achieve their goals. If the calf is afraid to start something, then the stone will help in this too and direct you on the right path.

As for the energy supply from the crystal, this is useful only for Capricorns and Pisces.

Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini and Virgo can also do this. But lions, scales, scorpions and rams, on the contrary, will give their own strength to the stone, since people with such signs are born too active, energetic. But in general, there are no contraindications for wearing jewelry and talismans with chrysoprase, as it is considered a peaceful crystal in relation to all people.

Gem Care

The familiar green stone can fade if you forget about it. That is why it is recommended to always wear jewelry or a talisman or wear it as often as possible.

In the light, the mineral will become more beautiful and lighter.

And if you throw it into a box and forget, then it can not only lose its beautiful appearance, but also its magical and healing properties.

But jewelry is supposed to be stored away from the color of the sun, as under ultraviolet rays it will lose its color, become dull and faded. But this can be easily fixed. It is enough to wrap the stone in a damp cloth and leave for a while so that it is saturated with water.

The following conditions are very important for the storage of chrysoprase:

  1. It is necessary to prevent contact of the mineral with chemical compounds, including household chemicals;
  2. Clean periodically in a weakly concentrated soapy solution;
  3. Use only a soft cloth for sanding.

In the jewelry market, you can often find a fake. These can be imitations made from catsite - this is a synthetic type material that is made in China.

In addition, chalcedony, which is colored with nickel salts, can be used as fakes of chrysoprase. Quite often, because of this, their shade becomes very bright and saturated, and this cannot be found in nature.

The easiest way to distinguish a cheap fake from a natural mineral is to pay attention to the price tag. Real chrysoprase cannot be cheap. It is necessary to evaluate its color (more precisely, its uniformity) and the presence of damage. Natural stone will definitely have defects, since it cannot be perfect. The mineral is characterized by various darkening zones, uneven shade, natural inclusions of other substances - this is the best guarantee that the mineral is natural. More in this video:

Experts attribute chrysoprase to precious stones of the 3rd category. Outwardly, it is a translucent green gem with a glassy sheen. The main criteria are saturation, translucency and color uniformity. The higher these parameters, the higher the price per stone. It can even be used in expensive jewelry along with diamonds and other precious stones.


Any stones require attention to themselves. You need to choose them correctly. This also applies to chrysoprase, otherwise there is a big risk of running into a cheap fake. So it is imperative that before acquiring such a mineral, you need to find out as much information as possible about it: properties, characteristics, distinctive features, and so on.

In general, chrysoprase is suitable for any person, as it is peaceful, but it’s better for evil people not to even think about wearing such a mineral.

Now chrysoprase is actively used in jewelry, talismans, in art crafts, but earlier it was used to decorate palaces, cathedrals, churches. It was believed that this stone helps its owner, but requires special care.

Probably, there are no women who are indifferent to jewelry, regardless of whether they are made of gold, platinum, other metals, from all kinds of stones - precious and semi-precious.

The roots of this hobby go back to ancient times, when jewelry was considered not only in terms of the attractiveness of their appearance, but also in terms of their inherent properties, healing and magical. This kind of interest continues to this day. One of the mysterious stones is chrysoprase. What are the properties of the chrysoprase stone, to whom it suits by sign - we'll talk about this.


Chrysoprase is a semi-precious stone related to minerals. It has a large number of shades of green. Its main area of ​​application is the jewelry industry, where rings, earrings, and pendants are made from it. Because of its beauty and unusual range of colors, it has gained great popularity. And also of interest are the properties of the chrysoprase stone, which will be discussed below.

Jewelers can frame it in gold, silver, or use it in its pure form. At its core, chrysoprase is one of those related to translucent quartz. This stone is used both in large-scale jewelry activities - in industry, and among handicraftsmen.

Short story

You can talk a lot about the properties of the chrysoprase stone, the photo of which is striking in beauty. Its history begins in the mists of time, it was known to the ancient Egyptians, the Romans, and the representatives of ancient Greece. Discovered by archaeologists on the territory that previously belonged to the Hellenes, amulets and cameos are distinguished by high art of execution. Often they were painted with portraits, genre scenes and drawings with religious motifs.

The inhabitants of the Ancient East believed that chrysoprase was able to treat nervous diseases by applying it to a sore spot. According to legend, famous historical figures did not bypass this stone, using it as an amulet. So, for example, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, who lived in the 4th century BC, carried chrysoprase with him, considering it a stone that brings victory on the battlefield. Many warriors followed his example.

In the Middle Ages, merchants believed that thanks to the properties of the chrysoprase stone, it helps in achieving success in trade and other money matters. Chrysoprase was used not only as jewelry, but also used in the design of palaces and houses of the rich. And also it is found in the decoration of religious utensils and church buildings.

Composition and coloring

In its composition, the chrysoprase stone, the photo, the properties and meaning of which will be discussed in detail below, is a combination of silicon with oxygen. As already mentioned, this stone is a variety of chalcedony, which has many shades of green. This color is due to the presence of inclusions of nickel compounds in it; it is often heterogeneous.

When the color of the stone is close to emerald, it almost loses its transparency. Its sample can pass a light beam through itself if it reaches a thickness of five centimeters. Minerals, which have a less intense hue, are transparent to light, having a thickness of two centimeters. There are very heterogeneous specimens that have spotted and other patterns.

Briefly, the mineral can be characterized as follows:

  • Coloring - green with a set of blue shades.
  • Transparency of crystals - translucent.
  • Shine - resembles the shine of glass, waxy on the surface, greasy.
  • Hardness - ranges between 6 - 7.5.
  • Density - 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter.

Where can you meet

In the natural environment, this kind of minerals is not so easy to meet, in our country it is mined only in the Orenburg region. Mining on an industrial scale is carried out in Kazakhstan, the United States, Poland and Brazil. But the main supplies are from the Australian continent, where chrysoprase is of unusually high quality.

Usually "green chalcedony" is found in places with weathered bark, which includes nickel. Minerals located in mountain deposits are characterized by a high density, these are the so-called nodules, layers, lenses. In Australia, chrysoprase is found in vein-shaped accumulations of iron oxide.

What does lithotherapy say

As for the use of the properties of the chrysoprase stone for medicinal purposes, this is the prerogative of alternative medicine. There is such a field of knowledge as lithotherapy, or treatment with stones. To date, it is not part of the officially recognized sciences, but in folk medicine it is used as one of its methods. According to the adherents of this doctrine, chrysoprase helps:

  • increase efficiency;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • stimulate the nutrition of the body at the cellular level;
  • normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • purify the blood;
  • improve the condition of the skin;
  • relieve nervous overload;
  • get rid of a stressful state;
  • eliminate insomnia and nightmares.

Other healing properties

Other useful properties of this stone, traditional healers include the ability to recover from many ailments with it:

  • pain in the throat and ears;
  • respiratory disorders, asthma;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • visual impairment and a number of eye diseases;
  • infection with various kinds of infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pain and degenerative processes in the joints;
  • rheumatism;
  • states of depression;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • malfunctions in the hormonal system.

How to apply

Healers believe that the properties of the chrysoprase stone have a beneficial effect on the function of the visual organs: they relieve the feeling of pain and pain in the eyes, give clarity to vision. To do this, you need to contemplate the stone, admire it. And also the mineral normalizes brain activity, lowers blood pressure.

In yogic practice, there are recommendations regarding the green stone. It is suggested to heat it, attach it to the chest and hold for 30 minutes. According to yogis, such a process contributes to the harmonization of the work of all systems and organs, including the heart. It is believed that if the wearing of chrysoprase is combined with the wearing of rose quartz, this will enhance the beneficial effects on the body.

To relieve the symptoms of colds, you need to lower the stone into the water. To obtain a greater effect, the vessel with chrysoprase must be exposed to the sun for five hours. But healers warn that you need to use the stone only from time to time, otherwise it can cause harm.

Magic Character Properties

Consider the properties and significance of the chrysoprase stone in the magic of the Middle Ages. In many European states during the Middle Ages, the stone was perceived as a symbol of success in life.

The magical properties of the chrysoprase stone were also characterized as:

  • Promoting friendships.
  • Delivering prosperity in monetary transactions.
  • Deliverance from devilish obsessions.
  • Giving faith and optimism in difficult life situations.
  • Arousal of tender feelings.

Chrysoprase and Oriental Magic

The magicians of the East believed that when a green mineral gets to a deceitful, evil person, it gradually darkens. Thus, those around them discover the negative emanating from the villain, and are warned of the danger that threatens them. If a person is honest and decent, then the stone will help him:

  • Will cheer you up.
  • Gives calmness and prudence.
  • Provides endurance.
  • Armed with courage.

Who is suitable for the properties of chrysoprase stone

It is believed that chrysoprase is suitable for certain types of people and representatives of different professions. Let's consider them.

  • Chrysoprase is close to people whose professions are associated with invention, as well as those who strive forward to new beginnings.
  • It will also help business people involved in large-scale financial activities. They are encouraged to enter into serious negotiations by wearing a chrysoprase item with a silver frame.
  • People who are unsure of themselves are also subject to the beneficial effects of this mineral.
  • It will also suit a person with a restless character, balancing him and strengthening his spirit.
  • And also this kind of chalcedony will warn too risky people from rash acts.
  • Wearing chrysoprase is also indicated for those who want to get an "energy boost".
  • The names whose carriers are especially favored by chrysoprase are: female - Marina, Alexandra, male - Boris and Alexander.

Thus, when buying a ring or bracelet, you should think about who suits the properties of the chrysoprase stone by profession and character, and who does not.

Chrysoprase as decoration

But not only for such magical properties as protection from negative energy and other dangers, people fell in love with chrysoprase. It has long been valued for its unusual beauty, using it as a jewelry and household decoration. As mentioned above, this emerald handsome man was in honor both in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Greece.

Starting from the 18th century, it began to be combined with precious stones, for example, with diamonds, placing them at the edges, and chrysoprase in the center. Such jewelry was highly valued and was available only to the rich.

To this day, this semi-precious stone has not lost its popularity. It is an integral part of a wide variety of products, such as: rings, earrings, pendants, as well as brooches, beads, bracelets. It is also used in the manufacture of cufflinks and buttons.

Colors inherent in chrysoprase

This translucent stone is not just a variety of green chalcedony, but its most valuable variety. And the value lies in its transparency, diversity and extraordinary green shades. Very often there is a color characteristic of an unripe apple.

It comes in different intensities and has bluish shades of emerald and green. As a rule, shades of chrysoprase are clean and bright, light or dark. But their main difference is blueness.

Three types of green stone

If you look through an electron microscope, you can see that nickel and quartz, contained in it in the form of various compounds, give this color to chrysoprase. According to the color tone, chrysoprase can be divided into 3 types:

  1. The most transparent and most valuable is emerald.
  2. With less transparency, sometimes with opaque inclusions, apple green color.
  3. Heterogeneous or spotted - intended for crafts, valued much lower.

If the stone has a thick color and it is translucent, then after cutting it can be confused with an emerald. Sometimes there is chrysoprase with a truly unique pattern. Most likely, the name of this stone, in Greek meaning "golden bow", is precisely associated with such specimens.

How to recognize a fake

You can often find an imitation of this valuable mineral. As a rule, unscrupulous sellers significantly underestimate prices. It is this fact that should make us wary. So, for example, chrysoprase beads should cost at least 3 thousand rubles. Another signal of a fake can be a bead size exceeding 2 cm 3. After all, a real mineral in nature occurs in the form of crystals no larger than this size. Therefore, cheap massive beads are fake.

When examining a product in a magnifying glass, you can find bubbles inside, as well as small pieces and "feathers" that differ in color and density. Such heterogeneity of the material indicates its naturalness. With the naked eye, synthetic crystals cannot always be distinguished from natural ones. In this case, you need to focus on the fact that artificial products have unnatural brightness.

Who according to the sign of the zodiac is suitable for the properties of the chrysoprase stone

As astrologers say, wearing chrysoprase products affects people born under one or another zodiac constellation in different ways. This impact can be divided into three types:

  1. Beneficial.
  2. Less efficient.
  3. Unwanted.

The green mineral has a beneficial effect on:

  • Aquarius.
  • Capricorn.

Less useful chrysoprase:

  • Taurus.
  • Gemini.
  • Cancer.
  • Virgo.
  • Sagittarius.

The signs that the "golden bow" can harm are:

  • Aries.
  • Scales.
  • Scorpion.

Thus, according to astrologers, when purchasing jewelry, it is necessary to take into account the relationship: the properties of the chrysoprase stone are the sign of the zodiac.

Chrysoprase semi-precious stone is an opaque variety of quartz. Its main value is in its rich green color. But it seems to glow from the inside, which makes it look translucent. The composition of the mineral includes silicon dioxide and a small amount of nickel, which determines its peculiar color.

Semi-precious stone chrysoprase - an opaque variety of quartz

Green has always been associated with people with nature. Perhaps that is why, since ancient times, various healing and magical properties have been attributed to the stone.

In ancient times, the stone was used to heal various diseases. In order for it to better show its medicinal qualities, water was used. A mineral was lowered into it and left there for several hours. Water charged in this way was considered a medicine.

The healing properties of chrysoprase are recognized today. It is believed that this mineral:

  1. It cures colds and infections (if you drink the water charged by it).
  2. Improves vision (if you contemplate it daily for 20 minutes).
  3. Helps to survive magnetic storms (if you hold it in your left hand).
  4. It is able to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system (if it is placed on the heart chakra for 40 minutes).
  5. Reduces blood pressure, improves metabolism, helps to cope with depression (if you wear a stone in the form of a pendant or in a ring).

But it is not recommended to use it only when a person is sick. The properties of chrysoprase help the treatment, but do not replace it.

Gallery: chrysoprase stone (25 photos)

Chrysoprase (video)

stone magic

Chrysoprase is credited with qualities that make it desirable for lovers, bankers, businessmen, innovators. And also for any person who wants to attract good luck.

The magical properties of chrysoprase stone:

  1. This mineral helps in love and can lead a person to his soul mate.
  2. With the help of a stone, good luck in business will come and financial situation will improve.
  3. If an amulet is made from chrysoprase, preferably in silver, then it protects a person from damage and the evil eye.
  4. He patronizes innovators and inventors.
  5. It attracts good people, improves mood and forms an optimistic view of the world.
  6. Improves the oratory skills of its owner.
  7. Helps along the way, protects from trouble.
  8. Warns of danger. At this moment, he becomes cloudy.

But the magical properties of chrysoprase are manifested only by those who do not wait until luck comes, but act proactively, bring any business to a victorious end.

What metal pairs best with chrysoprase?

Chrysoprase jewelry is made using both silver and gold. Products made of copper and various alloys are also popular. This mineral in any frame looks noble and stylish.

As a rule, jewelry made of semi-precious stones is made in silver. Gold is usually used to make gemstones. But this stone is special.

Chrysoprase in silver is both inexpensive and beautiful. Products from it in a gold frame are more expensive. But this mineral is better combined with gold, since it is “hidden” in its name (“chrysos” in Greek means “gold”, the second half of the word is translated as leek). Together they enhance each other's beauty.

Energy of stone (video)

The stone is associated with the planets Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter. The answer to the question of who chrysoprase is suitable for depends on the relationship these planets have with the signs of the zodiac.

  1. Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius. In the first - the abode of Uranus, in the second - Mercury, in the third - Jupiter.
  2. Good for Virgo and Scorpio. In Virgo - the place of exaltation of Mercury, in Scorpio - Uranus.
  3. You can wear a stone to Capricorn. In this sign is the second abode of Uranus. And although Capricorn is also the place where Jupiter fell, in terms of energy this zodiac sign, aimed at development, coincides with chrysoprase.
  1. Cancers. Despite the fact that Jupiter is exalted in this zodiac sign, its energy is not combined with chrysoprase. This is a stone of innovators, and Cancers are aimed at the past, traditions.
  2. Leo - in this sign Uranus is in the fall.
  3. Pisces who have Mercury in their fall.
  4. Taurus - in the fall of Uranus.

But this is only the first cut. To say exactly whose stone it is, you need to know the individual horoscope. According to the horoscope, for example, Leo can have a very kind and strong Uranus, so chrysoprase will help him.

And another important detail. If a person works on himself, he changes, no matter what sign of the zodiac he belongs to. Chrysoprase helps everyone who seeks to develop, to innovation, to creative realization; those in whose thoughts - the pursuit of perfection. And then it will suit both slow Taurus, and conservative Cancers, and any other person.

Chrysoprase and Chrysolite

Often these two stones are confused. Knocks down the same root of the word. And the color of chrysolite and chrysoprase are similar.

But chrysolite is a variety of olivine, and it belongs to the class of island silicates. That is, one stone differs from another in chemical composition.

The difference between chrysoprase and chrysolite:

  1. Chrysoprase is a translucent stone, chrysolite is transparent, in some ways it even looks like bottle glass.
  2. Chrysolite is fragile, quickly tarnishes and cracks. Chrysoprase is more resistant. Even if it fades from long wear, it can be restored by holding it for a long time in cold water.
  3. They have different healing and magical properties.

But there is also something in common:

  1. Chrysolite is peridot, another name for olivine. The Greek word "peridona" means abundance, that is, this stone attracts wealth. Just like chrysoprase.
  2. Both stones contribute to the establishment of friendly relations.
  3. Both are used to treat diseases.

But this is not their most complete description. If we express everything that has been said briefly, then chrysolite contributes to family happiness, chrysoprase - to development and progress.

A lucky stone, an amulet of good luck and victories - this is how chrysoprase was called in the ancient world for its unique properties. Because of its unusually deep green color, chrysoprase is sometimes confused with the emerald itself. The stone looks especially beautiful framed in gold and silver.

History of the stone

The findings of scientists indicate that the semi-precious ornamental stone chrysoprase has been known to mankind since ancient times.

He was especially revered in ancient Rome, Egypt and ancient Greece, whose inhabitants believed that chrysoprase is a symbol of success. Not without reason, the famous commander Alexander the Great used this stone as the strongest amulet of victory, who preferred chrysoprase to other stones and always wore it on his belt.

Chrysoprase was also revered by the rulers of later times.

So, the favorite decoration of the Prussian king Frederick II, which he always wore on his finger, was a ring with chrysoprase. By order of the same ruler, his royal crown was decorated with chrysoprase, for which the jewelers used a new type of faceted cut of the stone, later called “Friderician”. The essence of this cut is framed by small facets of a flat table of stone.

Chrysoprase has been used since ancient times as an ornamental stone. Chrysoprase figurines, amulets, cameos and stone-cut miniatures (gems ​​and intaglios) can be seen in the performance of ancient Greek and Egyptian masters. This stone was used in the art of glyptics and by the masters of ancient Rome. The cost of such products in ancient times was quite high.

However, the heyday of the popularity of chrysoprase as a jewelry, ornamental and facing stone came in the 18th century.

An example of this is the mosaic decoration of the ancient interior of the St. Wenceslas Chapel, preserved in the capital of the Czech Republic, and the old tables inlaid with chrysoprase, which are today in the beautiful Sanssouci Palace in Potstdam.

Unfortunately, the popularity of chrysoprase gradually faded away, and today it is used quite rarely.

Description of the mineral

Specialists classified chrysoprase as a gemstone of the 3rd order. Outwardly, this gem is a translucent stone of a beautiful green color scheme with a glassy sheen. Shades of chrysoprase varieties can vary from green-blue and apple green to rich emerald green with a golden tint.

Its name, which has Greek roots, is also associated with the color of the stone. It is formed from two Greek words - "chrysosis" ("chrysos") and "prazos" ("prasos"). The first of them is translated as "gold", the second - "leek".

The main criteria for evaluating chrysoprase:

  • color saturation;
  • color uniformity;
  • translucency.

The higher these figures, the higher its price in the world market.


Depending on the saturation of the color, the uniformity of coloring and the degree of translucency, jewelry varieties of chrysoprase are also distinguished:

  1. Homogeneous (without a pattern) chrysoprase saturated emerald green color and a high degree of translucency. Such chrysoprases are of the highest grade and are most often used in jewelry.
  2. Homogeneous (without a pattern) chrysoprase apple-green color and a low degree of translucency with the presence of opaque zones. Such chrysoprases belong to the first grade.
  3. Spotted chrysoprase of pale green color, in which transparent zones alternate with opaque ones. Such chrysoprase is characterized by a heterogeneous structure, sometimes slightly porous or with cracks, a pattern in the form of spots or white stains. Such chrysoprases belong to the second grade and are decorative and ornamental stones.

Chemical composition and physical properties

According to its species, chrysoprase belongs to the group of chalcedony (translucent quartz) and is one of its most valuable varieties.

According to its chemical composition, chrysoprase is silicon dioxide. Accordingly, its chemical formula is: SiO2.

Green shades in the color of the mineral are provided by the presence in its composition of finely dispersed inclusions of nickel hydroxides, including pimelite (sodium and magnesium silicate), as well as willemseite (zinc silicate), serpentine (magnesium-iron hydrosilicate) and other minerals. These impurities color chrysoprase in green and blue-green hues. True, under the influence of bright sunlight, the intensity of the color of chrysoprase may fade.

The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 6.5-7.0 units, and the density is 2.6 g/cm3.

In nature, chrysoprase occurs in the form of medium-sized aggregates. The fibers of its crystals have a radial-radiant structure.

Place of Birth

Until recently, the largest deposit of chrysoprase was in Poland, in Upper Silesia. It has been developed since the XIV century, but now its reserves have been exhausted.

Today, the main deposits of chrysoprase are in Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, India, the USA (in California), in Russia (in the Urals) and in Madagascar.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapists claim that chrysoprase is an excellent tool for:

  • improvement of vision;
  • treatment of eye diseases;
  • increase of working capacity;
  • metabolism stimulation;
  • improving the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • facilitation of weather dependence;
  • relieve nervous tension;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • blood purification;
  • reduce pain in rheumatism and migraine.

At the same time, traditional healers warn that prolonged contact with this stone can contribute to the formation of gallstones.

magical properties

The magical properties of chrysoprase are also considered strong. They have been known to magicians since ancient times. It is not for nothing that in Europe it has been used for many centuries in a row to make amulets that protect their owners from nightmares, the evil eye, damage and evil spirits.

It is also believed that chrysoprase is capable of:

  • attract new friends into the life of its owner;
  • to contribute in all new affairs and undertakings;
  • attract good luck;
  • return the joy of life;
  • attract wealth.

That only helps chrysoprase only to people who are open, honest, active and with good intentions, and you can not count on evil and deceitful people.

Chrysoprase and the signs of the zodiac

Most of all, according to astrologers, chrysoprase suits Aquarius, because. they are the ones most striving to change the surrounding reality. Chrysoprase promises them good luck and protection from adversity.

This stone is also like an amulet for Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo. But chrysoprase is unlikely to help Leo, Scorpio, Libra and Aries.


In the past, chrysoprase was used by European craftsmen as an expensive finishing stone for interior decoration, an example of which is the interiors:

  • Czech Cathedral of St. Vitus (Prague);
  • Bohemian Chapel of the Holy Christ (Karlštejn Castle);
  • German Palace Sanssouci (Potsdam).

Today, chrysoprase is used only as a jewelry and ornamental stone for jewelry (mainly pendants and necklaces) and handicrafts.

  • In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, chrysoprase was so highly valued that it was framed with diamonds in jewelry.
  • It is believed that chrysoprase is able to warn its owner of dangers and troubles: on the eve of impending problems, chrysoprase changes color - it becomes more cloudy and darker. The mineral is especially effective as an amulet framed in silver.

How to distinguish natural chrysoprase from a fake

As a fake on the jewelry market, instead of chrysoprase, there may be its imitations made of ketsite (a synthetic material made in China) or chalcedony dyed with nickel salts. Often their color has artificially bright saturated shades that are not found in nature.

To distinguish cheaper fakes of chrysoprase, just look at the price tag. Natural stone cannot be cheap.

And, of course, you should pay attention to the uniformity of color and the presence of defects - natural stones are not perfect. So the presence of natural inclusions, darkening zones and uneven coloring are the best guarantee of the naturalness of the stone.


The main condition for caring for chrysoprase is keeping it away from sunlight, because. constant exposure to ultraviolet light can discolor the stone, make it faded and nondescript. Fortunately, this is easy to fix. It is enough just to wrap the mineral for a while with a damp cloth and let it soak in moisture.

In addition, an important condition for the preservation of chrysoprase is:

  1. Protecting it from contact with chemicals (including household chemicals).
  2. Cleaning in mild soapy water.
  3. Use for grinding soft materials.


Chrysoprase is a semi-precious ornamental mineral. It is a variety of quartz and. The stone has a fine-crystalline granular structure that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is what distinguishes this mineral from other stones of quartz rock.

Chrysoprase has a beautiful green color. Shades range from light green to deep emerald green. Due to its beautiful appearance, it is used by jewelers to create jewelry. However, not only because of this, it is in demand among users. The fact is that chrysoprase has healing and magical properties. That is why it is often used as a talisman.

The magical properties of the stone have been known for a very long time.

For example, in the days of Ancient Greece, people associated with trade specifically ordered chrysoprase jewelry. The fact is that such a stone attracts good luck and money.

In our time, the mineral has not lost this value. With it, you can find a new source of income and get rid of debt. In addition, it contributes to the prosperity of business and protects against bankruptcy.

In addition, chrysoprase has protective properties. It protects from evil forces and any negativity directed against the owner. The stone protects from the evil eye, damage, curses and other witchcraft. In addition, he "takes his eyes off" envious people and gossips. Chrysoprase can protect the owner from himself. The fact is that he instructs a person on the true path and does not allow him to commit evil deeds. In this case, it is best to choose chrysoprase, enclosed in a silver frame. This metal will enhance the magical properties of the mineral. Such a charm not only protects the owner from negative energy, he directs it to the one from whom it comes.

The stone helps to build relationships with people around. It smooths out conflicts and protects from quarrels. In addition, chrysoprase helps to find true and devoted friends, as well as reliable allies. In other words, the stone helps to establish friendships and business relationships.

Chrysoprase helps to carry out any undertaking. Thanks to him, the owner always brings the work he has begun to the end and at the same time success accompanies him. This mineral helps to bypass all the obstacles that stand in the way of the owner.

The stone helps to get rid of gloomy thoughts and depressive mood. It brings joy and inspires positivity. A person who wears chrysoprase rarely has a bad mood. He is always cheerful, friendly and easily solves all problems.

Chrysoprase helps the wearer gain self-confidence. In addition, he develops the gift of eloquence. This property of the stone is especially appreciated by politicians and people who, for a long time, have to speak in front of a large number of people.

This stone will become a reliable protector on the road. It will protect you from all the hardships and dangers that may arise along the way. Therefore, it is recommended to be used by travelers and drivers.

Chrysoprase grants protection not only to the owner, but to his entire family.

The healing properties of the stone

Chrysoprase stone has healing properties. It can be used to treat various eye pathologies. It helps to get rid of them, and also improves vision. In addition, the stone normalizes blood pressure, which is especially important for people suffering from its fluctuations, especially when the weather changes. Chrysoprase has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This mineral helps to cope with infectious pathologies, in particular, with colds. In addition, it improves the functioning of the nervous system. The stone relieves nervousness, depression, mood swings and mental disorders. In addition, with its help, you can normalize sleep.

Pendant with chrysoprase improves the metabolic processes of the body, has a beneficial effect on the work of all endocrine glands. In addition, it improves the physical endurance of the body and relieves fatigue after a hard day's work.

For the treatment of catarrhal pathologies, it is recommended to drink water charged with this stone. To do this, the mineral must be put in a glass of water and left overnight. In the morning, the liquid is consumed in full. After that, the patient should improve.

Chrysoprase is considered a stone of beauty and youth. This is not surprising, because it promotes cell regeneration and slows down the aging process.

Chrysoprase not only protects a person from various ailments, but also prevents their occurrence. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for the prevention of diseases.

The stone should not be used by people suffering from gallstone pathologies. In this case, this mineral will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is best to refrain from wearing it.

Who suits Chrysoprase according to the zodiac sign

Astrologers say that not every zodiac sign is energetically compatible with chrysoprase. Chrysoprase does not suit someone, but it suits perfectly for someone. The compatibility of the stone with the zodiac signs is shown in the table below.

Chrysoprase compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

Chrysoprase is the main stone of Aquarius. This mineral will give the representatives of this zodiac sign all the benefits that it is only capable of. It will provide the owner with powerful protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft, help climb to the very top of the career ladder and bring good luck in financial affairs. In addition, this mineral will help Aquarius to establish the necessary connections, make useful contacts and find true friends. The stone will bring good luck in love affairs. Thanks to the mineral, Aquarius will be popular with the opposite sex.

Chrysoprase is also suitable for Capricorns. In this case, the mineral will help to tune in to a positive mood, get rid of gloomy thoughts and give the owner strong protection.

Astrologers recommend wearing this stone to Taurus. It will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to improve their financial condition and achieve success in all endeavors. In addition, the mineral will increase self-confidence, set in a positive mood and bring good luck in love.

Chrysoprase is contraindicated for Aries.

Chrysoprase is a strong amulet that is suitable for both men and women. It is recommended to choose those jewelry with this stone that have the shape of a circle. These include beads and bracelets. The fact is that this form enhances the protective properties of the mineral, so these amulets are considered the strongest.