What is the dream of an unfamiliar man whom you marry? Why dream of getting married - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Dream Interpretation to get married

Changing social status has always been a significant event in life. But if such changes occur in a dream? To marry in a dream means that changes await you in the near future. But what they will lead to - to joy or sadness - can tell the details of sleep.

If you had to get married in a dream, you can expect changes in the near future.

Ancient traditions said that the bride symbolically dies for her relatives, and is born in the husband's family. This means that a certain stage of life is completed, and a new one begins.

If you got married in a dream

Almost every dream book speaks of positive changes. Especially if in a dream you had to see yourself in a beautiful dress or with a magnificent hairdo. But in order for the interpretation to be as objective as possible, you need to remember many different details:

  • who and whom had to marry (who is the bride and groom);
  • whether there was an offer, rings, wedding preparations or the ceremony itself;
  • the appearance of the newlyweds;
  • own perception of the process.

A detailed analysis of these points will help to get the most reliable interpretation of what such a dream is about.

Who is the newlyweds

Was the dreamer in the title role

If the dreamer sees herself as a bride, then each interpretation will concern her inner world and feelings of herself in it. If this is a dream on the eve of a real wedding celebration, then you do not need to look for a dream book for an explanation. This is the work of the subconscious, which is waiting for this happy moment.

To see the preparations for the wedding or the main celebration, where the dreamer is far from being in the lead role, means that the subconscious mind suggests problems with communication. It is possible that relations with someone have been damaged, and what this will lead to on the eve of an important event is very difficult to predict.

The dreamer herself had to marry

This is a very exciting dream for young girls and absolutely incomprehensible to married women. The dream book says that its explanation is simple - it means that the change in life will be so radical that it is possible to change the place of residence (which the dreamer has been striving for for a long time), work, or even her main goals.

  • To receive an offer to marry - respect from people significant to the dreamer;
  • a woman dreams of preparing for a wedding - a serious event in which the dreamer will play a secondary role;
  • why marry a stranger from a dream - to trouble in the family or among friends;
  • for a loved one - the unattainability of a dream;
  • to doubt whether it is worth marrying your current boyfriend, and still choose another one - the plan will come true, you don’t need to worry and change your decision;
  • marrying an ex-boyfriend - longing for unfulfilled opportunities, a desire to return part of a past life;
  • for a dead or deceased guy - one of the warning dreams, promises a long illness, malaise;
  • for a brother - inconstancy, obstinacy;
  • for a married woman, marrying her husband is a very alarming sign. Quarrels and scandals are possible in the family, which has led to a long misunderstanding of each other.

If a relative or girlfriend is going to get married

If a girlfriend or sister gets married

When in a dream the main role does not belong to the dreamer herself, this already indicates some problems with the outside world. Perhaps she is too self-confident or likes to insist on the truth of only her opinion. In any case, you need to pay attention to whether, even by accident, some kind of severe insult was inflicted on your friends or relatives.

  • Seeing in a dream how a friend is going to get married is good news. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited to a celebration that has nothing to do with marriage.
  • She dreams that a friend is going to marry your ex-boyfriend or husband - old memories, a feast, a feast.
  • For the current boyfriend or husband - a sharp competitive struggle for the position.
  • If in a dream the bride is the dreamer's daughter - a long separation from someone from the family.
  • She dreams that her sister is going to marry her beloved dreamer - a solution to family problems.
  • As a bride from a dream, to see a mother in a dream - a dream indicates unresolved conflicts and problems. Mom is also worried about this, but it is the dreamer who needs to start the conversation.

Proposal, preparation and ceremony

Seeing in a dream how a loved one makes an offer is very pleasant for any girl. But none of these dreams has anything to do with love and the development of relationships between a man and a woman.

Such a situation in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is waiting for some kind of decision, which depends little on himself.

Perhaps he has completed an important project and is expecting a well-deserved bonus or promotion.

For those who are connected with agriculture or farming, this is one of the dreams that dreams of a bountiful harvest and livestock brood. Perhaps a proposal for cooperation from a former partner.

Get a new job

If in a dream everyone was in a hurry and were busy with pre-wedding chores, this means that in reality the dreamer will have a new interesting job. At first, the project will seem grandiose, but then, when it is started, the dreamer will understand that this is the work of his whole life. Thanks to this set of circumstances, he will find new friends, and possibly his soul mate.

The wedding ceremony itself dreams of cardinal changes. If everything went well in a dream, the bride was beautiful and happy, then the changes will be good. With a persistent unwillingness to enter into an alliance or mourn your choice at the altar - one of the negative dreams. We must try to make every effort to prevent the adoption of too important decisions in the near future.

What do newlyweds look like?

By the appearance of the newlyweds from dreams, one can judge the quality of the upcoming changes.

Appearance of the groom

If the groom dreams of being handsome, smiling, and his eyes are full of love for the bride, this is a very good sign. This is one of the dreams that may mean a new position or job change.

Appearance of the bride

What were the newlyweds

What was the hero of the occasion also complements the interpretation of sleep and brings new meanings to it.


A beautiful white dress of the bride means that she loves herself very much and admires her attractiveness.

Direct and almost translucent (without an erotic shade, but with a hint of poverty), a cheap or dirty dream dress may indicate a bride's illness.


A lush hairstyle dreams of an unexpected receipt of money.


Pay attention to the shoes - you will find a pair for yourself, there will be a new relationship.

Interpretation of different dream books

Almost every verified dream book speaks of a wedding from dreams as a cardinal change in life. Such visions are neither good nor bad - they simply prepare for the perception of a new situation and a different social status.

Miller's dream book about a wedding

Miller's dream book, which is popular today, does not classify the dreams in which the wedding ceremony took place as symbolic. These are ordinary dreams that speak of the need to readily accept changes in life and not perceive them as hopeless, but to think that this is a gift of fate.

What Miller Says

  • The dreamer had to get married - shyness and constraint do not allow to show female attractiveness to the maximum and attract the attention of the gentleman she liked.
  • For a married woman - to marry her own husband - conflicts and quarrels in the family, which resulted in the inability to listen to each other.
  • An unfamiliar girl from a dream marries the dreamer's husband - the proposed event is too risky. If this is a new job, then it will destroy relationships in the family.
  • Look for beautiful rings for the ceremony - they will try to deceive you.

Freud's dream book about intimate desires

Based on an analysis of the aggressive and sexual manifestations of the human essence, Freud's dream book speaks of dreams in which he had to get married as a hidden desire for self-satisfaction.

  • For a young girl, getting married in a dream is a deep dissatisfaction with her personal life. Since you are not able to solve the problem in one fell swoop, you prefer to lie and change.
  • Seeing yourself in a beautiful dress is an excessive self-admiration. Preference for self-satisfaction, rather than intimacy with a man.
  • Being the bride of your ex-boyfriend is a betrayal of your current partner.
  • To see how a stranger marries her husband is a tendency to inconstancy, betrayal, and adventure.

Muslim dream book about marriage

If the wedding is in the fall

Some interpretations given by the Muslim dream book are not always clear to Europeans. But sometimes, such wisdom is hidden in them, which is difficult to see, immediately after reading the interpretation. Everything falls into place after the events that have happened.

  • If an unmarried woman dreamed that the wedding was canceled and she was married off to another groom, this is a good sign. The young man in reality will be an excellent caring husband.
  • The day when I had to get married turned out to be autumn - to a successful union and a strong family.
  • To marry a loved one - to restless incidents.
  • If the groom is a widower in a dream - to future health problems.

Feelings and desires

An analysis of your own feelings and desires in a dream in which you had to get married is also very important. Sometimes, it matters more than the interpretation given by the dream book.

Why dream of marriage? Despite the fact that there are always several interpretations of a dream, the marriage ceremony always testifies to one thing - your life will change. What these changes will be, whether they will lead to sadness or joy, depends on the details of the dream.

Despite the fact that there are always several interpretations of a dream, the marriage ceremony always testifies to one thing - your life will change.

The interpretation of what marriage is dreaming of depends primarily on who had the dream. Most often, such visions are visited by unmarried girls, which is not surprising, because every representative of the weaker sex dreams of her wedding day.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of a wedding? If a young woman marries a loved one in a dream, their relationship will become even stronger, filled with love and care. If the “groom” is a stranger, an event will soon occur that will radically change the girl’s life. However, these changes will be extremely positive. In addition, marriage in a dream warns a young woman about the need to make a serious decision.

The interpretation of what marriage is dreaming of depends primarily on who had the dream.

Much less often, such dreams are dreamed of by women who are married. Remarrying in a dream is a sign that you need to sort things out with your spouse, most likely you are gnawed by resentment or misunderstanding. A wedding may mean that a married woman has a suitor ready for a serious relationship.

A vision of a wedding dreamed of by a man is a rarity. Such a dream is a harbinger of significant changes in work or personal life. In any case, the changes will only be for the better. Such a dream means that a man has a chance to correct previous mistakes and resume lost relationships (business or friendship).

Why dream of marriage (video)

Who is the groom?

Marrying a former lover is evidence of a difficult stage in life, especially in relationships with the opposite sex. The girl needs to rethink all recent events, say goodbye to negative emotions and switch to what will give her pleasure. This will be the beginning of a new, happy period.

Marrying a former lover is evidence of a difficult stage in life, especially in relationships with the opposite sex

The interpretation of dreams in which you marry your ex-husband is a sign that the past is still disturbing the sleeper. It is unlikely that it will be possible to resume relations, it is better to analyze your actions, eliminating the repetition of the same mistakes in the future.

According to the dream book, marriage with your own spouse portends problems in the family. In order not to lose her husband, a woman will have to stock up on great patience and learn to compromise.

What dreams do you have for marriage? Dreams are not served by human logic. A girl may dream of a wedding without a groom - this is a warning about unpleasant incidents in the near future. You need to be extremely careful in all your affairs. In addition, this dream indicates the presence of obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of desires.

You may also dream that there was a ceremony, but the marriage did not take place. A failed wedding, if it caused sadness in the sleeper, promises minor problems and troubles. To rejoice at the interrupted ceremony is to solve a difficult problem, but this will not bring the expected relief.

Prophetic dreams

What dreams predict marriage? If a girl dreams that she will soon get married and is preparing for this joyful event, then she will really be made an offer. - to the imminent wedding.

For a single or divorced woman, a wedding ceremony portends a new acquaintance, which may well develop into a serious relationship and marriage. In addition, a dream promises a wedding in which a girl tries on or receives a ring as a gift.

If in a dream a young woman accepts her lover's marriage proposal, while being engaged in reality, then unforeseen difficulties will appear. You may even have to postpone the wedding. However, do not be upset: late, but the ceremony will definitely take place. If a lonely girl had such a dream, soon a new love and, possibly, a wedding awaits her.

In addition, a dream promises a wedding in which a girl tries on or receives a ring as a gift.

For a lady who has a husband, to hear a marriage proposal or receive an engagement ring as a gift - to a new round in relations with her husband.

Why dream of a wedding (video)

What do different dream books predict

Why dream of being married? Often dream books contradict each other. Most of them interpret dreams as a good sign of a change in life. However, there are those who argue that dreams should be taken in the opposite context, which means that the solemn ceremony does not bode well.

According to Miller's dream book, a vision with a wedding warns that soon there will be a chance to resolve all disputes and problems that bother the sleeper, and the result will exceed the wildest expectations.

Vanga took such dreams almost literally. She believed that if a person dreamed of a wedding, then soon he would be invited to some kind of celebration. By visiting the holiday, you will change your life because of a fateful acquaintance.

According to Aesop's dream book, the wedding ceremony symbolizes changes in life, and they are already happening. But if in a dream, according to other dream books, a train appears by some miracle at a celebration, this is a sign that a person is in a state of stagnation and does not develop. As a result, change is not possible.

Freud believed that marriage symbolizes the sexual side of human life. If a dream was dreamed by someone who has a permanent partner, this means the complete satisfaction of intimate desires in the current relationship. For a guy or girl who has not had sexual experience, night dreams represent the fear of first intimacy.

Hasse's dream book has a rather specific interpretation. For unmarried people, such a dream portends a real marriage. For spouses - replenishment in the family. If, during the celebration, you wander among unfamiliar guests, get ready for the fuss at work.

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Dreams are secret messages of our consciousness, which sometimes portend changes for the better, and sometimes they warn of impending danger, they want to save the dreamer. The nature of dreams is still not fully understood. But the fact that they are covered with something mystical and carry a hidden meaning is no longer a secret. Sometimes dreams can be very strange if you do not know their interpretation. For example, marrying a married woman in a dream is a very incomprehensible vision.

What can such a dream portend for a married woman? What secret spiritual impulses does she experience in reality? This is what needs to be sorted out by examining the situation in detail.

Marry in a dream with an unloved person - evidence that a woman is too hypocritical and false in relationships with men. True and sincere love is alien to her, and with numerous acquaintances with the opposite sex, she compensates for her spiritual emptiness.

If in a dream a woman received a marriage proposal, and gave him a positive answer, then such a vision promises her the speedy achievement of her goals and the fulfillment of secret desires.

If she dreamed that she was leaving her beloved man and marrying another, this portends that a vital decision will soon have to be made. Fortunately, the choice will turn out to be correct in the end.

Repeatedly repeated dreams about how a woman marries her ex-husband means that tender feelings for him still linger in her soul, she misses and wants to return. Each person subconsciously strives to return to where he felt good.

A dream in which a stranger is married to the dreamer's spouse portends unheard of luck, the solution of old problems, prosperity and peace in the family, and other blessings of life.

If you dreamed that you had a chance to get married in spite of someone or to prove something, then such a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is lonely, upset and unhappy. Her personal life does not suit her. This dream is a harbinger of the fact that you should reconsider your life and take any action.

Marrying a gypsy in a dream indicates that the girl is distrustful of her husband and doubts her choice. She is weighed down by thoughts about the frivolous behavior of her lover, as well as about his possible betrayals. These heavy thoughts and constant experiences haunt the girl. For a lonely girl, such a dream predicts in the near future an acquaintance with a cheerful and optimistic young man, who, however, will not live up to her expectations.

The Esoteric Dream Book says that a wedding with an unloved person promises unforeseen problems, after which the dreamer's fate can completely change. If such a dream occurred on the eve of the upcoming wedding, then it can be interpreted in different ways. If she is completely sure of her feelings for the chosen one, then she has no reason to worry. She can safely continue her wedding preparations. If her decision causes mental hesitation and doubt, then you should rethink your decision.

A dream in which the wedding took place without the presence of the groom warns of an upcoming major deception.

If a woman in a dream combines marriage bonds with her father or brother, then this may mean nothing more than a strong attachment to these people. If incest occurred in a dream, then you should not pay attention to such a dream. As a rule, it does not carry any meaning.

General meaning of the dream

According to the dream book, marrying a married woman to her own spouse portends an imminent addition to the family. Another interpretation of such a dream indicates the upcoming adoption of a fateful decision that will radically change life. This decision can affect both personal life and career. In addition, such a dream may indicate a strong marriage bond between spouses, emotional attachment and a happy marriage.

This sign carries a positive meaning: the spouses have tender feelings for each other, the memories of their marriage still warm their hearts. Everyday problems could not destroy their ardent feeling.

However, why a married woman dreams of getting married after a quarrel with her own husband remains to be figured out. This dream means an early reconciliation and building relationships with your spouse. You should analyze these relationships, think about the behavior and actions that lead to such quarrels.

However, marrying a married girl in a dream can also mean that the time has come to think about the years lived together, as well as the fact that it is time to bring novelty into your relationship. Otherwise, disagreements and omissions may begin between the spouses, which in the future may lead to a break in relations.

If in a dream an engagement ring presented by her husband appeared before the eyes of a married woman, then such a dream carries a positive meaning. Soon, all disagreements in the family will come to naught, insults will be forgotten, and joy and happiness will become the couple's constant companions.

The question of why a married girl dreams of getting married can be interpreted as follows. Such a dream can also carry a negative meaning in the event that on the eve of the dream there was a conflict with someone from the immediate environment. This dream speaks of the vulnerability and vulnerability of the girl, and also that she can fall under the negative influence of hostile personalities.

Marriage with an ex-spouse in a dream is evidence of nostalgia for the past and sad memories. Feelings still live in her soul and it is very difficult for her to forget her ex-husband.

According to predictions, marriage in a dream with a beloved man is evidence that a woman devotes all her thoughts and feelings to this man and he does the same. However, the reason for such a night vision can be dreams of marriage. Although it is very likely that her lover has strong feelings for her and a long-awaited proposal to marry him will soon follow.

Marriage with a stranger for a young girl is a good sign that marks an imminent new acquaintance or marriage. In any case, the girl's personal life will change for the better. A different interpretation of sleep promises the emergence of a new interesting hobby that will bring many pleasant and interesting minutes in life.

What can mean a dream in which a married girl marries a stranger? Such dreams do not bode well: serious disagreements between spouses or even betrayal may arise. There is another interpretation: e someone from relatives or relatives may have problems.

Details matter

In order to correctly interpret a dream about a wedding, it is necessary to remember all the smallest details that took place during the ceremony.

By the way, a wedding procession for an unmarried girl promises significant changes in her life. If in a dream a girl experienced joy and emotional upsurge, in the future she will change for the better. If the event was accompanied by a bad mood and tears of the bride, then such a sign can be regarded as negative. In the near future, you should refuse to make any fateful decisions.

Celebrating a celebration in a dream is a bad sign. It portends future failures in all areas of life. Being late for your own wedding ceremony promises unforeseen financial waste and losses, and on a large scale. It can also be a harbinger of being fired from a job.

Appearance of the bride

The appearance of the future wife, as well as all kinds of details of clothing and accessories are important when deciphering the dream. Here are some nuances to pay attention to:

Also of great importance is the color of the wedding dress:

  • The white dress symbolizes a happy marriage and a long family life.
  • The black dress acts as a kind of warning. You should be on the alert, because someone else's envy can negatively affect relations with the chosen one.
  • A red dress signals the upcoming numerous marriages in the future.
  • A blue or light blue dress can warn of cool feelings and separation of spouses from each other.
  • A pink wedding dress indicates the frivolity and windiness of the bride.
  • The cream shade speaks of the obstinate nature of the future wife: she is not used to being led, and will strive to command her husband.

An important meaning is the material from which the ring is made. Gold promises financial well-being and prosperity, silver promises new acquaintances, a product made of cheap material - a loved one will soon please with a gift.

To measure a wedding ring is an unkind sign. Such a dream promises a big conflict at work or in the home circle.

Place of the ceremony

Important in the interpretation of the dream is the place where the event was held. Depending on this, the interpretation can take on a completely different color.

The time of the celebration

The time of year in which lovers get married is also of great importance. It affects the further course of events in reality and the exact interpretation of sleep..

A wedding, both in a dream and in reality, is a very pleasant event. However, a wedding celebration in night dreams can portend both positive changes in the dreamer's life, and vice versa. However, in general, such a dream has a favorable interpretation and promises harmony and prosperity in the family.

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In most cases, the dream in which you get married is interpreted as a state of inner depression or loneliness in real life. An interpretation of sleep from Thursday to Friday is proposed, during pregnancy, divorced.

What does it mean to get married in a dream without a groom, being divorced, pregnant, being married, without desire, without a dress, without a husband, for an ex-husband, for an unloved

If a divorced girl or woman dreams of a wedding where the groom was absent, then in reality she will make a serious decision and take an oath to herself, which she will be faithful to for the rest of her life. Marrying a girl does not bode well at work, just like marrying an uncle in a dream. For a married or acquaintance - to the fact that you want to get a new experience in a relationship. Per foreigner travel.

The same dream that a pregnant woman had was caused by her experiences in real life related to her unfulfilled hopes that she placed on her husband when she married him.

A dream in which a married woman dreams that she is getting married again means that in real life, life and everyday worries absorbed your couple so much that you began to feel nostalgic for the past. To maintain a family union, you need a good shake. Marry a relative or father (dad) to the fact that family relations can improve.

If you had a dream in which you are married against your will, it means that in reality a series of failures awaits you.

If you had a dream about a wedding in which you did not have a wedding dress, it means that the business you planned will not come true - everything will go awry.

A married lady who dreamed of a wedding without a husband portends a new and not entirely favorable round in the development of their life together.

Marrying an ex-husband is a dream, which means that you would like to renew the relationship.

A dream in which you marry an unloved person (did not want to get out) means that in real life you will be forced to do an unloved thing or you will not like the upcoming changes.

Why dream of getting married in a dream in a white dress

If a girl dreams that she is getting married in a beautiful white dress, then in real life she really expects a happy and long family life with her loved one.

Get married in a dream in a black dress, red, blue wedding dress, pink, blue

If you dreamed that you were getting married in a black dress - wait for events or news that would lead to a deterioration in relations with your chosen one.

A red wedding dress symbolizes the sincerity of your feelings at this stage, but predicts that you will marry several times.

Blue or blue wedding dress - your relationship will soon become cool.

A pink wedding dress is a sign that in real life you are not too serious about marriage, and are still carefree and windy.

Marry in a dream a second time, for her husband, for a dead person (dead), for an unmarried girl, a married woman, a widow, an elderly woman

A dream in which you remarry your husband means that in real life your feelings have cooled, and in order for your family union not to completely break up, you need to introduce novelty into your relationship.

A dream in which you see that you are marrying a person who has passed away means that in real life you should be careful - your life is in danger.

Seeing your own wedding in a dream for an unmarried girl means that in real life she will soon make a marriage proposal. The same dream seen by a married woman - to a change in relations with her husband. A widow who has a dream in which she is getting married will meet her happiness again in real life. An elderly woman who sees herself in a white wedding dress is in for illness and spleen.

Get married in a dream and not get out, not see the groom

If you dreamed of a wedding without a groom or a wedding that did not take place for some reason, then in real life you will be greatly disappointed - the event on which you had all your hopes will not come true.

Getting married in a dream islamic dream book

An Islamic dream book for a person who sees predicts the honor and respect that will be shown to him soon in real life.

To attend a wedding as a guest is a dream, which means that you will have a new source of income in reality.

Getting married in a dream Muslim dream book

A sign that you are on the right track and happiness awaits you in the near future if you had a dream in which you get married - this is how the meaning of a dream about a wedding is interpreted in a Muslim dream book.

Get married in a dream according to Freud

The dream in which you see your wedding, on a subconscious level, reflects the state of dissatisfaction of a person with his life. If a married woman had this dream, she wants to experience new intimate caresses from her husband. Being in black shoes means trouble in your personal life. For a gypsy to a series of failures or you may be robbed.

To admire yourself in a dream in a wedding dress in front of a mirror - to be satisfied with your body in reality or strive for self-satisfaction.

Get married in a dream according to Miller

Miller sees in a dream, when you see your wedding, a sign that in real life a person is deprived of attention from the opposite sex and suffers from loneliness.

Get married in a dream esoteric dream book

In an esoteric dream book, the dream in which you get married in reality predicts an unfavorable development of events that will directly affect your life.

The case is explained, if already married, to marry a stranger, deceased, beloved in a dream, cry, change your mind and refuse, not out of love, reluctantly, it is not known for whom, ex (your) boyfriend, native (cousin) or another brother, rich, chief, old man.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

A little girl, a mature girl or an already established woman dreams of a wedding, a white fluffy dress and fun until the morning. Often, conversations with girlfriends turn into trips to wedding salons, and men have to listen to dreams, wishes and take their heads. If in real life you are a person who dreams of marriage, or, conversely, you are trying to move away from these topics, any person can visit a dream with a wedding.

If you had to get married in a dream, then in life you will have a serious decision that will turn out to be right. Also, after such a dream, changes await you in the near future. They will be related to family life or the rebuilding of a romantic relationship with a partner.

Marriage in a dream, according to Miller, is interpreted as lack of attention from the opposite sex. If you become more relaxed and get rid of fears, then you will improve your life pretty quickly. Does the dream book interpret? to marry with a beautiful haircut - to increase wages and good, good news. But if you chose and did not choose a wedding ring during sleep, then beware of failures and enemy designs.

Why dream of a marriage proposal

Each wedding ceremony is preceded by a proposal from a beloved man who hopes to become your life partner. A modern dream book will help to find out what the proposal to marry is dreaming of. If the groom was with, then your love is mutual or soon a person will appear who will awaken sincere and unique feelings in you. A marriage proposal in a dream - to a new stage in life. If you were happy, then you will have favorable and unexpected changes. The feeling of anger and resentment suggests that there is no future with the current guy, and you are waiting for parting with him.

In a dream, receive an offer from a stranger

Miller's dream book places a significant emphasis on a proposal from a stranger. For you, this is a meeting with a betrothed, perhaps it was him that you saw in a dream. If you are already married and had such a dream, then try to become more modest and not draw special attention to your personality from others.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

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