Why do people get married and leave. Why do people get married and get married? (6 photos). Why should a man marry? Objective and subjective reality

In the modern world, it is hardly possible to surprise someone with cohabitation without registering a marriage. Many women simply live with the chosen man, give birth to children and feel quite happy. In addition, the family can be organized in all sorts of different ways, which to some may seem quite unrealistic. So, for example, a guest marriage, when fathers come to their children to "play" and simply financially support their beloved woman, can be a real discovery for those who choose a traditional marriage.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that those who want to start a family in its classic version, when marriage is concluded in the face of the state, and young people exchange rings, does not become much less. In this traditional version of creating a family union, the spouses take full responsibility for each other and for their children. A woman receives not only the status of a married woman, but also the protection of the state in case of disputes with her husband.

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The Importance of Marriage

Today it is hardly possible to reliably find out when and by whom the first wedding was played. The first documentary evidence of this fact was found in 2450 BC, but it was hardly the first. According to historians, a monogamous union was chosen by mankind based on two main reasons:

  1. High survival rate of children with joint upbringing and care of a man and a woman.
  2. Reducing the death rate of children at the hands of new cohabitants who seek to "remove" the heirs from the woman's previous relationship.

Marriage made it possible to emphasize that a man and a woman belong to each other. They not only lead a joint life, own a common budget and raise their children, but also ignore flirting with other people, which allows them to live in happiness and harmony for many years.

Today, reality dictates different rules, and almost every person, entering the age when they can get married, wonders why marriage is necessary at all. The same question worries those who have already been married and managed to be disappointed in him, getting divorced after some time.

As a rule, the following reasons for marriage are distinguished:

  1. Ancestral traditions. Everyone in the family is married. Living outside of marriage with a man is a sin, shame and unacceptable for a particular family. You can't be happy without a stamp in your passport and a ring on your ring finger.
  2. Parental pressure. They keep repeating like clockwork that it is time to get married or get married, and this may be due to quite pragmatic factors. Marriage for the merger of the capitals of two families, to create an "empire" or simply to improve their financial situation.
  3. moral pleasure. For real owners, a stamp can serve as a guarantee that the object of his desires and love will not go anywhere else.
  4. Solving financial issues through marriage and men and women are trying to improve their material well-being and make it much better.

Love and the desire to be together can not be included in this list of reasons. Such relationships do not require confirmation and whether there is a stamp or not, in principle, does not matter. But most often, lovers reach the registry office.

Why does a man need marriage?

Men very often begin to doubt the need for marriage, both during the development of a serious relationship, and on the eve of the wedding itself. And if this happens only at the dawn of the candy-bouquet period, then we can draw a simple conclusion - this is not the girl who dreams of seeing as a wife. Or the man is strengthened in his opinion that the bachelor life for him is the ideal solution to all problems. But you should work with this and not think that marriage in a man's life is completely impossible.

In a situation where a man goes into hysterics on the eve of the wedding, everything is much more complicated - here the result of such throwing can be a disrupted event, a shock state of parents on both sides and the development of huge complexes on the part of the bride, who could not try on the status of a wife.

If we talk about statistics and the percentage of men who agree to marriage and dream about it, then, unfortunately, the numbers are not comforting. Fewer men choose formal relationships with full rights and obligations of spouses to each other.

Men do not quite understand why they are getting married if everything can be easily obtained in full. Women agree to relationships and cohabitation without registration, give birth to children, write them down in their names and receive money as single mothers, for the sake of large payments. As a result, a man gets a real wife who cooks and cleans, grooms and cherishes, but at the same time he has no obligations to her. And here it is only a question of ethics and morality - will a man have enough of these qualities in order to stay in a relationship and build a happy family.

Not every man will be stopped by a stamp in his passport if he decides to go left or just leave his wife, and without registering a marriage, this can be done as easy as shelling pears. He packed his things, spitting on the feelings of his cohabitant, and went into the fog, where there are no worries and troubles. Where household goods and children who require attention do not wait for him. And if the children are not yet registered with a man, then this makes life easier for a not very good person who simply does not care about his own children and their well-being. A woman in such a relationship is not at all protected and this makes her as vulnerable as possible.

However, when deciding to register his relationship with his beloved, a man begins to look for the advantages of marriage ties and, of course, finds them. These include the following positive points:

  1. Equipped life, but only if the woman is really homely and clean.
  2. The desire to have children and continue their race, and many men discover themselves from a new side in the role of a father and get real pleasure from this.
  3. Status - a family man is more trustworthy and by default a responsible and serious person is recognized.
  4. Support and comfort. Many men choose marriage in search of constant support and maximum warmth, which a person needs so much in the fast pace of modern life.

It is worth noting that most often men who are in a civil marriage do not seek to register a marriage, even with the great desire of the second half, and this is the woman’s mistake. You should not agree to cohabitation if there is no desire to live in the role of a common-law wife all your life. Why does a man get married and take responsibility if he gets it all for nothing?

I don't want to get married, but I do..

Any bachelor who has strong convictions that he has nothing to do "there" will name more than a dozen reasons why marriage is not for him. The most common responses are as follows:

  • bad example from parents;
  • pampered man and admiration for him from all relatives;
  • boredom from constant relationships and constant search for new adventures.

According to sociological research, it has been established that there are certain points that indicate that a man is not made for marriage:

  1. The prejudice that all women lose their beauty and attractiveness after marriage.
  2. Thoughts that marriage is very expensive, and divorce is even more expensive.
  3. Uncompromising in relationships and the rejection of the former loose and free life with friends.
  4. Boredom from sexual relations with a regular partner.

All this may make sense, but one way or another, a man makes a choice on his own and you should not think that convincing an ideological bachelor to marry means winning. It is highly likely that in a couple of years, or even months, his lifestyle will turn back to rampant parties, and his wife will be left alone with everyday life and other problems.

Don't marry girls

The older a girl gets, the more often she is pestered with questions about marriage. First, parents and close relatives begin to pester, and after that, tactlessness begins to be traced already in everyone around. There are even more such questions if the beauty has a long-term relationship in which she is truly happy.

Girls, as a rule, adhere to the following motives for marriage:

  1. Social protection. In marriage, a woman receives material support, as well as a man's shoulder on which you can always lean.
  2. Success. Compensation for insufficient career growth by creating a prosperous and happy family.
  3. Make everyone shut up. Registration of a long-term relationship in a civil marriage to reassure parents.

If we talk about the shortcomings of marriage ties, then here, according to reviews, the girls name the following points:

  • a very large amount of homework;
  • the need to cook a lot;
  • less free personal time and practically its minimum when a child appears;
  • reducing the circle of acquaintances in favor of mutual friends.

It is worth noting the fact that the ring on the ring finger serves as a kind of amulet against flirting on the part of other men who perceive such a symbol of marriage as a sign that the “territory” is occupied. And if men to a greater extent refuse even the first attempt to seduce a married woman, then women perceive the ring on a man’s finger as a sign that this specimen deserves attention.

Why no luck?

Psychologists distinguish two categories of reasons that affect a woman's inability to create a strong and happy family:

  1. High self-esteem and high demands on the future husband. Such girls are very clearly visible from their photos on social networks - such beauties are always too good in everything. Most often, they consider themselves superior to others, and their requirements for men are from the category “I am beautiful, and therefore he is obliged!”.
  2. Low self-esteem and the desire to marry anyone who calls just to not be alone. Such girls not only tire with a bouquet of their complexes, but also do not attract the eyes of any man for a long time.

In order to successfully marry, one must sensibly assess all one's strengths and weaknesses and not set goals for oneself to marry a man whom she does not really deserve. It is especially not worth marrying a man whom you managed to get on the net through deception or blackmail - such a marriage is unlikely to be long and happy.

Every marriage is a kind of lottery in which everyone can lose or win. It is impossible to get married and do nothing to keep the family happy and prosperous. Marriage requires constant work, compromises and concessions, mutual respect and tenderness. Each family is its own state, which has its own rules and regulations, laws and charters. No two families are the same - and that's great.

The main thing to understand is that cohabitation is not marriage. No matter how you call such a union - it's not that. There is no responsibility guaranteed by the stamp in the passport. There is no public approval and legal status of husband and wife. Be that as it may, the older generation perceives such marriages with apprehension and distrust, believing that all this is not serious and not for long. And most likely they are right.

Legal marriage is not only the protection of a woman, but also of her children. It is impossible to deprive a child of an official father who, by law, is responsible for all areas of the upbringing and maintenance of his children. The child should grow up in a complete family and see the model of the right relationship, which he will later embody in his life and be really happy.

Yes, but I realized that there is no special meaning in a wedding and marriage only after getting married.

Even the ceremony itself, despite all the elegance, is not worth it.

I will not load a long preface, straight to the result.

My conclusions are as follows: marriage and family life and even just a wedding is not at all what you expect. Surprise. In my case. Since the examples from life and my father-mother's family were not ideal for imitation, and my husband's too, our fantasies on this topic developed mutually spontaneously. From films and cartoons, fairy tales and stories, games, and I don’t know what else, but obviously in 30 years of life they fantasized something.

And when, having got married (beautifully, but with stress both for my psyche and for the budget), they began to recklessly realize their long-term fantasies, I realized that this had nothing to do with reality. And now, having said goodbye to myths, we have moved on to reality.

While the flight is normal)

The marriage itself was rather a desire for age and the legal need to move freely, since the husband politely refused to move to Russia. If we met and lived in the same country, most likely we would either not marry, or would marry much later.

Marrying is for those who do not yet know that marriage is not worth it.

Well, the Tiffany ring is also not worth it. It would be better for the same money, but a bigger diamond)))

“People meet, people fall in love, get married…” – the old hit proclaims a well-established scenario, according to which the life of almost every person develops. But having studied the statistics of divorces, one willy-nilly think about it: why, in fact, do men and women get married at all?

What is really the driving force that provokes adults (and not so) individuals to take such a serious step, when you can live solely for yourself, without having any responsibility to the eternally dissatisfied husband/wife and annoying children? You will find the answer to this question in today's article.

The reasons that form the intention of a person to create his own family directly depend on the specific life situation. Although there are some general points. It is believed that in a woman the desire to marry is more developed than in a man. The explanation for this is quite simple: the need to feel protected is genetically inherent in the representative of the weaker sex. And who, if not a man, is able to provide a lady with such a comfortable state?

So it turns out that, following the lead of nature, in exchange for a sense of security and reliability, a woman considers it her duty to become the keeper of the hearth, to realize herself as a wife and mother. As a result of marriage, a man receives care and almost maternal tenderness.

Thus, marriage is a kind of substitute for the original, parental family, with the only difference being that the main roles in the new unit of society will be played by already “fledged” children. That's the theory. How does it happen in practice?

1. Love

When mutual attraction arises between people, passion flares up, it is quite natural to want to be near your chosen one (chosen one) always and everywhere. And not just to be around, but to live under one roof, have a joint household, give birth to the fruit of love - a common baby (or several children).

As a rule, ardor quickly burns out, it is replaced by a stable, more even feeling, also characterized by mutual tenderness and care for each other and offspring. And then a critical moment comes: the partner’s shortcomings are exposed and begin to irritate, love gradually melts away and without mutual efforts to maintain, or even restore the fire, such a marriage is fraught with divorce and dooming children to be raised in an incomplete family.

2. Pity

There are times when in a couple one person loves the other with all his heart, not imagining his life without him, and the second feels sorry for the first because of the inability to reciprocate. The conclusion of a marital union in this case is also short-lived. You cannot force yourself to love a particular subject, no matter how hard you try.

Another type of marriage "involved" in one-sided pity is the following formula: a healthy partner + a partner with significant physical disabilities, injuries. The first one experiences in such a situation pity mixed with aching tenderness, which is often mistaken for love, takes responsibility for the spouse and the lion's share of family responsibilities. This is well said in Elena Lagutina's novel Keeping Warm:

“The worst thing is when love turns into pity. The scariest mutant imaginable."

And there is no guarantee that if suddenly a person of equal value appears on the life path of the leading partner, he will not want cardinal changes and normal relations.

3. Pregnancy of a partner out of wedlock

The most common reason for entering into a formal union, especially if the girl is underage. Marriage in this case is perceived by both partners as a way out of the current situation, directly by a man - as an opportunity to show himself as a decent and worthy person.

That's just this act, though noble, but often forced. Therefore, such marriages are very fragile: the desired woman quickly turns into a burden, the children who are born are generally tied hand and foot. In general, divorce is inevitable in most cases.

4. Age

In our country, there has long been an ingrained opinion that a woman or a man after 25 years old, still free from marriage ties, is an indecent, out of the ordinary phenomenon that violates the canons and traditions that have been formed over the centuries.

Today, the influence of the West, where people, having celebrated their thirtieth anniversary, are just beginning to think about the family, has made some changes in the Russian mentality on this issue. But it will take more than one decade to completely eradicate the remnants of the past from human consciousness.

So far, situations are not uncommon when relatives and acquaintances of the so-called "old maids" and "inveterate bachelors" begin to apply suggestion, pandering and other methods to the latter in order to arrange the fate of a loner. All people are different: some confidently stand their ground, rejecting someone else's help, others sooner or later give up and take a serious step under pressure.

It’s good if such an acquaintance turns into mutual love and respect, but in the case of marriage / marriage without the slightest sympathy for the partner and the desire for this event, but only with the aim of putting an end to daily brainwashing, nothing good will come of such a marriage.

5. Despotism in the family

The reason for the desire to escape from the parental home by creating their own family nest may be the authoritarian parents of an individual striving for the earliest possible isolation. Constant control and pressure from the mother/father lead to the fact that the maturing child considers his independence and independence as the only way to break out of the prison of excessive kinship authority/guardianship and prove himself, prove to despotic parents that he/she is no longer a child and can do without their moralizing and instructions.

No special attention is paid to the qualities of a potential partner, because, as you know, "all means are good to achieve the goal." But, alas, this type of marriage rarely differs in duration and atmosphere of happiness. Using a person for their own purposes in any scenario is low, and the secret always becomes clear. Outcome: the disappointment of one and the broken heart of the second partner.

6. Marriage in spite of a previous candidate for a place in the heart and life

This reason for formalizing relations is consonant with the previous one. A person decides to take such a responsible step as marriage, in order to prove the possibility of being happy with another partner to the former groom / bride. The motive is simple and goes something like this: "He / she will look at my successful, serene marriage and will bite her elbows, regret all her life that she missed me."

But pursuing exclusively their own interests, a person does not think about the victim of the situation. Previous love does not go out of my head, nervousness and annoyance turn into breakdowns, a real husband / wife is annoying, the principle of “be patient, fall in love” ends in a complete fiasco. It is not difficult to guess the result of such a marriage.

7. Low self-esteem

An insecure person feels inferior to others. And if he is also lonely, the feeling of inferiority is aggravated. A thought arises in my head: you need to get married / get married in order to grow in the eyes of others and your own.

In principle, a marriage built on the desire to increase self-esteem is also based on proof. But if a significant and respected partner comes across, in the event of reciprocity, such an alliance has the right to life. Then the means really justify the end.

8. Material calculation

Recently, marriages concluded for this reason have become more frequent. Moreover, both women and men willingly enter into such relationships. And even a huge age difference is not a hindrance. Only such a marriage has a downside: for a secure life, you will have to pay with your freedom and the right to vote

Eternal dependence seduces not everyone. Therefore, marriages of convenience also sometimes break up. But more often they still last for years, since the role of the material in the modern world is quite high.

9. Fear of being alone

Mostly women get married for this reason. Not all, but only those who do not see and do not accept any other self-realization in this life than to get married and give birth to a child. And for them it is absolutely unimportant with whom to start a family.

The main thing is just a living person nearby and the notorious “glass of water” from a native child in old age. Only such marriages called "escape from loneliness" often end in loneliness. As in the proverb: "For what he fought, he ran into that."

10. Like everyone else

This is the most common reason for creating a marital union. One woman, when asked about her deceased spouse: “Did you marry for love?” She replied, "For love? What do you! Everyone got married - well, I went ... ". And such a case - a dime a dozen, and this applies not only to women.

That is, the stereotypical model of social behavior plays a significant role here. And, of course, any lack of personal opinion and any kind of individuality. Many simply do not know that each person has his own life, his own destiny. And, accordingly, the moment of marriage should not be determined by some general stereotypes. Otherwise, the result of such a union may also be “like everyone else”, at least for many ...

Whatever the reason for the implementation of the intention to formalize relations with the chosen person, it is important that subsequently it does not humiliate the latter and does not come back to haunt the one who started this enterprise.

Everyone believes that there, in a beautiful garden with the bright name "Matrimony", paradise awaits him. But “you can’t find happiness in marriage if you don’t bring it with you,” as the quote I found on the Internet, unfortunately, by an unknown author says. And even more so if, instead of happiness, you bring only your own ambitions and imposed beliefs into the family you are creating.

Nadezhda Ponomarenko, Fresher.ru

Since ancient times, people have been living according to a certain scenario - getting married and getting married, giving birth to children, acquiring joint housing, equipping life, etc. So why is this happening? What links the male and female cells of society? Why don't people live alone? After all, in this way you can avoid various disagreements between partners (whims, jealousy, scandals). Statistics say that representatives of the fragile sex initially have a psychological need to create a family, as a woman seeks security in order to feel like behind a stone wall, which is why they say “married”. A man, giving a woman protection, receives in return almost maternal love and care.

Reasons for marriages

There are many reasons why people get married. It can be not only a strong feeling for each other, but also a lot of circumstances forcing this. It could be:

  • Love
  • Fear of loneliness
  • Pity for a partner
  • material calculation
  • sexual attraction
  • Age
  • Parent pressure
  • Low self-esteem
  • spiritual intimacy

You can consider each reason in more detail.


Undoubtedly, the most pleasant of them is the flared mutual feeling, against which the strongest and real families are created. When love arises between people, almost dependence, passion, a desire to be always close to your loved one appears. Therefore, people form unions, marry. As a result of this, children are born - the fruits of reciprocity of feelings and devotion to each other. There is an opinion that if love is true and mutual, then it will never dry up, and if it has passed, then it was false.

Unplanned pregnancy

The conclusion of an alliance due to the pregnancy of a woman with whom the man is not ringed is the most common. Partners or their parents consider this way out of the current situation the most correct for both. A man, thus, shows his honesty and nobility to a woman and others. But whether this makes him happy and how strong such marriages are is doubtful. Because over time, the once desired girl turns into a burden, and children generally become an imposed, unnecessary burden. In a man, as in a woman, there can be dissatisfaction with life. Therefore, in such cases, basically, divorce is quite an expected phenomenon.

Fear of loneliness

According to statistics, the fear of loneliness is more pronounced in women than in men, therefore, most often, representatives of the fragile sex, entering into marriage, solve this problem for themselves. Often, guided not by feelings, but by stupid beliefs, they create very dubious alliances that are mostly doomed to failure. It is possible that children appear in such families, but, as a rule, they grow up in the future without one of the parents. Therefore, you should not connect your life with anyone, just not to live alone.

Pity for a partner

There are cases when one person loves another with all his heart, and the second, unfortunately, cannot reciprocate, as a result of which the second has a feeling of pity for a loving heart. There are also cases of pity when one of the partners is not quite healthy, due to acquired injuries or injuries, and the other tries to take responsibility for the person with whom he lives, mistaking pity for love. Such marriages are not durable, because, having met a worthy contender for a hand and heart on its way, a partner bound by marriage will not hesitate to leave his burden.

Marriage in spite of the former contender for the hand and heart

Very often, acting in spite of someone, we do not think about the fact that we ourselves become victims of situations. After all, entering into a marriage in spite of former partners, we think: “Let him now bite his elbows and regret that he has lost me.” But in fact, after the expiration of time, when “bouquets and sweets” are replaced by everyday life, we, having no feelings for our current husband / wife, become irritable and break down on loved ones, previous relationships do not allow us to sleep peacefully and, as a rule, such marriages also fail.

material calculation

sexual attraction

When there is a strong sexual attraction between people, then, of course, this can be the reason for creating a family. But it has been proven that in many cases, couples who, guided only by this feeling, exchange rings and promises after a few years find for themselves some conclusions that they made a mistake. As a rule, passion passes quickly and, having had enough of each other, people begin to notice the shortcomings of their halves with all their sobriety. Therefore, strong marriages based only on sexual addiction cannot be built.


For some reason, in our society, it has long been considered that a girl or a guy after 25 years who is not bound by marriage is an abnormal and indecent phenomenon. Therefore, many, fearing such a diagnosis, try to jump out in marriage or marry anyone. In turn, close relatives of "bachelors" and "bachelors" are trying to impose pandering and all sorts of other methods in order to arrange a wedding for singles. It happens that strong relationships are established from such acquaintances, but if the marriage is concluded without much sympathy and respect in order to end the constant brainwashing, then such unions are doomed to failure.

Parent pressure

It is not uncommon for a family where parents dictate the rules too much, cut off oxygen, overprotect and psychologically put pressure on their child from childhood, the only way to avoid this tyranny, a guy or a girl sees in creating their own unit of society. Therefore, not paying much attention to the spiritual qualities of the chosen one or the chosen one, they make alliances with a dubious future. Such marriages are not durable and are fraught with unnecessary stamps in the passport. It is very difficult and it is impossible to force someone to love.

Low self-esteem

For single people with low self-esteem, a sense of inferiority is more developed and they consider the conclusion of an alliance to be the solution to their problems. They strive to be like everyone else, to raise their rating in the eyes of others, thereby risking choosing the wrong partner for life. But in general, such marriages are purely individual in nature, and some of them have the right to exist. It all depends on the wisdom and mutual understanding of the spouses.

spiritual intimacy

Spiritual closeness between people arises on the basis of complete mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutual respect for each other. This is the ability to accept a partner with all his flaws and roughness, the ability to listen and hear him, the art of taking care of each other, understanding perfectly, empathizing with any pleasant and not so moments, being devoted to each other, not requiring fidelity, both physically and spiritually. , be best friends. Against the backdrop of spiritual closeness, the strongest families are created for many years, celebrating gold and even diamond weddings until death separates them.

No matter how many reasons for marriage, all of them are applied to each couple as individually as possible. In any family, if there is respect between people, trust, friendship, understanding, care, tenderness, a sense of responsibility and sympathy, then these unions have every chance to build the most beautiful and long-term relationships. In such families, strong true love and devotion to each other develops over time. They often raise children and grandchildren, celebrate golden and even diamond weddings, and together live to a ripe old age, having tender feelings for each other, carrying them through their whole lives.

Some people find the second half randomly and marry for mutual love. Others are looking for a mate on purpose, feeling the need for a companion or life partner. The need to find a spouse is inherent in men and women of all ages. The reasons for this can be very different: both psychological and physiological. Someone wants love, someone wants constant sexual relations, and someone is focused on finding a soul mate who can understand a person and accept him for who he is.

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Why does a person need a relationship with the opposite sex?

In different time periods, people paired up for different reasons. If earlier the basic human need was reproduction, then in the 21st century, modern women and men create families because of psychological comfort, mutual feelings or the desire to find a close partner.

People often feel the urgent need to start a family and get married. A man needs a woman, and a woman needs a man in order to feel less alone, to be loved or loved, to have support and support in the face of a loved one.

At the same time, the need is not limited by age limits: guys and girls try to find a soul mate at different periods of their lives - at 20, 40, and 60. It is important to note that people of different ages may have different motives: usually young couples strive to creating a family due to an overabundance of feelings, and more mature ones want to find a partner who understands and is like them, with whom life would become more comfortable.

Conditionally, the reasons that prompt a person to look for a romantic partner can be divided into three main types:

  • Psychological. Both men and women get very lonely. From the point of view of psychology, absolutely every person needs love, care, attention, trust, moral support. As already mentioned, this does not depend on gender or age. For some, this need is felt more vividly, while others do not have an acute desire to find a soul mate and create a family with her.
  • Physiological. There is a certain category of people who are looking for a long-term sexual relationship. Some get by with one-time meetings or relationships without obligations, not understanding why marry because of intimacy. For others, trust is important. From this arises the need to find a partner or partner with whom you can create an alliance.
  • Material. Often people feel the need to find a soul mate in order to alleviate their financial condition. Together, it is easier to buy real estate, to carry out some long-term plans that require financial investments, to support children from a previous marriage, and so on. Not always the desire to find a girl or a guy lies precisely in the lack of funds for life. Someone is looking for a person with their own apartment, someone considers in the context of relationships only those people who have moved up the career ladder, someone is trying to resolve some formal issues by registering a marriage, and the like.

Often the desire to find a second half appears for several reasons. A person needs a constant sex life, wants to feel loved and is experiencing financial difficulties. Example: a girl with a child who previously had a long-term relationship with a man wants a second time, to be loved, to take care of someone and have a regular sex life. She feels the psychological need to find a partner who could become a good father and exemplary husband. She also understands that it would be easier for her to provide for her family financially if she had a young man. And a particular man wants to marry a woman with a child, because he feels the need for a complete family, but is unable to have children for medical reasons. There are many examples, since all people are individual and find themselves in a variety of life situations.

Very often, girls or boys are looking for a partner or partner, pursuing exclusively mercantile goals. In this case, they are rarely interested in spiritual intimacy in a couple, the financial or housing issue is much more important. For many of these people, a relationship with a wealthy person of the opposite sex is seen as a solution to their problem with a lack of funds.

Why men don't want to get married

What are the challenges of marriage?

It is worth saying that marriage can solve the problem, but it can also leave it open. Often, men and women develop some kind of illusory idea of ​​\u200b\u200brelationships when they are alone. But after finding a partner or partner, they realize that reality is far from what they want.

For example, a man is looking for a bride, because he feels an unconscious need for love and understanding, building a certain image in his head. In reality, nothing of what he imagined earlier is carried out: he finds a girl, after some time she marries him, and a life together begins. But in fact, these two people have nothing in common, do not experience any feelings and cannot find anything interesting in each other. There are two options for the development of events: either people get divorced, realizing that they got married too early, or they keep the marriage because of psychological comfort, common life and habit with their husband or wife.