Why bitches live better than decent women. A bitch woman, who is she

The bitch is visible in the crowd with a special posture, a proud defiant look, grooming and attire in the latest fashion. A woman with this description always catches the eye of men. Distinctive features character: unpredictability, intelligence, coldness, self-sufficiency, purposefulness and the ability to dictate the rules that she herself sets. She does not obey a man, does not chase guys and will never be with the first person she meets.

Rice. A bitch woman - what is she?

The inner world of a bitch is hidden from strangers high fence and no one can get into her soul, even the most close girlfriend, lover or husband, if any. Men divided the bitches into two types: the first is cold, which rather resembles an ice floe. The second is hot, like fire, a volcano of passion, a hurricane, if you like.

In the first case, relations with men are also cold, accompanied by looks down, arrogance and harsh statements. And in the second - the bitch "plays" on the nerves of men, either letting them get too close, or moving away an insurmountable distance, they are real selfish, irritable and survive by humiliating others. From their “bell tower” it is always clearer, “I want,” the bitches say, their behavior is impossible to predict, they will never ask for protection from a man, they will control him and keep him in tight rein, they do not accept refusals in any form.

Why do men like bitches?

The bitch is always on the move, she is very active, thus she challenges men. Relations with a bitch cannot be stable, they are overwhelmed with emotions. A man will never solve a riddle called "Bitch". She will always be a certain mystery to him. Bitchiness has always attracted men, every man considers it an honor to be next to such a woman. And a man does not love a bitch as much as he wants her, because by manipulating male needs, a female bitch leaves a distance between herself and a man, thus remaining impregnable. It is not easy to get a bitch, which is why the desire of men to possess her is so strong. Today, the image of a bitch is very popular, it has become more of an external “packaging” of a woman who knows how to manipulate men.

How to become this very bitch?

First you need to learn how to love yourself, buy things that you have dreamed of for a long time, carefully consider your new image, watch hands (nails), hair, work out A New Look(cold), which will always distinguish you in the crowd. The main skill of a bitch: a clear cold-blooded thinking, you can call it masculine. It is necessary to develop willpower, and so that no circumstances affect your appearance. You should always be beautiful and well-groomed.

A bitch should be able to support any conversation, men have always liked smart women. To turn into a bitch, you must be able to defend your beliefs, even with a soft, docile character. This is very important quality which is essential in life. The bitch is an exclusive woman, she is not afraid to stand out from the crowd, to be a "black sheep". She doesn’t care about public opinion, and in the first place she has personal independence, a career, and she didn’t care about whispering behind her back. A bitch sets a goal for herself every day and achieves it without wasting her time in vain. Such women always have their own interests an order of magnitude higher than the public. And they spend all their energy first of all on themselves, and if there is a desire, on others. When you manage to achieve the status of a real bitch, crowds of men will “hunt” you, and women will envy you. Any medal has two sides, one is bright and beautiful, and the back is not always. Before you become a bitch, think about whether you can afford such a tense situation around your person?

28.02.2015 15570 +12

Bitches - who are they? Why do women become bitches?

What kind of men love bitches?

Today we will talk about this.

A friend of mine approached me with a problem:

In life, bitchy women seduce him. Inaccessible, fearless, assertive, sharp on the tongue. But nothing worked out with them, except that they promoted it for money and expensive gifts. Then they just broke up. And age already says that it's time to have a family and children. He cannot fall in love with an ordinary girl, they lack some kind of drive.

Naturally, changing your addictions and habits is very difficult, sometimes even impossible.

But women are also different. If a girl is very bright and temperamental, this does not mean that she will be unfaithful and dishonorable.

We must learn to distinguish between these concepts.

There may be an element of bitchiness in your chosen one - she can be assertive, ironic, wear high heels and long nails. But in essence, she can be kind, decent, wanting to start a family.

If a “bad girl” appears on your way, do not rush to fall in love with her. Take a look at her. Watch what can be hidden behind this image? Maybe some man offended her before you and her self-defense mechanism turned on? But in fact, she is "white and fluffy."

Chat with her on an intellectual level, talk heart to heart. Find out what her life values ​​are?

If a woman is a “dummy” inside and just uses men, you will immediately understand this.

And if you realize that she is really decent, femme fatale, then love her to health!

Why do women become bitches?

Consider some categories of images of women, of course they are conditional.

  • I imitate - a friend, sister, mother or famous actress. Such girls believe that such an image attracts the attention of the opposite sex.
  • I am rebellious and I have a strong character - these girls have too much aggression and male hormones. Her life motto is a constant struggle, a struggle with men. In this struggle, they are accustomed to emerge victorious.

If love flows monotonously, without thrills, then it simply loses its value.

  • I protect myself from men. Such girls believe that if they are sincere, kind with men, then they can deceive her, take advantage of her and will not appreciate her. Before that, there was already a sad experience of such communication.

At one fine moment, she tried to try on the image of a bitch and uses it as armor so as not to show her true face and a vulnerable soul.

There is such an aphorism: "If you cut your wings, come fly on a broomstick."

  • I am unprincipled, inside is emptiness, the desire to manipulate and use men . Such girls show an internal dislike for male gender. They use them as a source of money.
  • "I am a contrived image" . Such girls have lost hope of having their own personal life. Having read various books on stervology, or even passed "bitch courses", they think up an image for themselves, according to the scenario of which they are trying to live. This phenomenon is now very common.

What kind of men love bitches?

  • So called "hunters". These men love thrill and adventure.
  • Indecisive, internally weak and soft men. Usually such men try to find such girls who can give those emotions and energy that they lack so much. When men conquer such girls, their self-esteem rises, it seems to them that they become stronger, bolder and more courageous.
  • Men who want to have all the best, who love to be in the spotlight.

They adhere to this position: “To love, so the queen!” For them, the woman is business card. Therefore, the girl must be stunning: beautiful, bright and rebellious. Men do not pay attention to other qualities.

  • Men who are convinced that all women are bitches.

In a word, misogynists. Such men will not be able to discern really decent girls, since they believe that all women are mercantile, scandalous and unfaithful, using men for their own selfish purposes.

We conducted a small survey among men - what qualities of a woman are more significant for them and got the following results:

About 20% of the interviewed men they said that a woman is a mystery, tender, sensual, vulnerable and weak.

Around 25% - a woman friend, understanding, smart, able to share interests.

About 23% - a housewife, homely, caring and practical.

And 32% - A woman with a twinkle, bright, passionate, temperamental, defiant and bold.

If you remember the movie "Bad Teacher" starring Cameron Diaz, the heroine was a real bitch. She simply drove men crazy, but everything changed dramatically as soon as she truly fell in love.

The conclusion suggests itself - love really works wonders, but it must be mutual!

Today this word has no unambiguous definition. The first associations are associated with swearing, however, when a woman is called that, she is no longer offended (rather, on the contrary), and in the eyes of the surrounding men, she clearly rises. A bitch woman is perceived differently, her friends envy her, her ill-wishers or rivals condemn her. Today there are even special courses that promise to short time even turn a homely and affectionate maiden into a cynical bitch woman. The first association from the word “bitch” is a kind of self-confident beauty with perfect makeup, her clothes are dominated by red, the same shade and her lips. She wears shoes high heels, always looks great, knows how to behave with men, and for her sake, the representatives of the stronger sex are ready for literally any nonsense. She knows this, and uses her influence to further her personal goals.

This image is presented to us by advertising and glossy publications. In fact, bitch women do not always look like fatal beauties. Look around and you will see how many of them are around you. An employee of your company, who not only does not wear red lipstick, but generally dresses like a scarecrow, while criticizing everyone around her and having a husband who loves her passionately. Your neighbor, who walks around in a battered dressing gown and worn-out slippers, who is fearfully afraid of her other half. Your best friend, who has a disgusting character, which, nevertheless, did not prevent her from changing four husbands. They all found an approach to men, keeping them on short leash, and the rest can only guess what they find in these ladies.

The secret is that every man has his own own image bitch women. This is a sweet fairy tale that promises adventures that ordinary life unattainable. For some reason, most men believe that it is the bitch who is able to give them unforgettable feelings. Therefore, they look for them, and when they find them, they try to stay close as long as possible. As a rule, this does not last long, and very soon the understanding comes that the bitch still takes more than it gives. Someone was lucky, and he burned himself on a bitchy classmate in his youth, thus developing immunity to this type of women for life. Someone was less fortunate, marrying a bitch right after graduation. As a rule, epiphany comes somewhere around forty, after which such couples get divorced, as a rule, at the initiative of the husband, who manages to get tired of his wife's bitchiness worse than bitter radish. And there are more sad cases when a fatal meeting occurs already at a respectable age, and by that time the man already has a family, stability in life and financial independence. A bitch woman can break the usual vision of the world, destroy a family, and sometimes a career. The man does not see the possible sad consequences, throwing his whole life at her feet.

Let's try to figure out why our beloved men are ready to exchange their faithful life partners, beloved children, a cozy home for a woman of dubious reputation.

And happiness was so possible ...

Men are vaccinated from childhood simple thought that they should take care and protect their family, be responsible for it. Sometimes educators can overdo it in their desire to raise a real man, then in adulthood their pupil will shy away from the mere mention of the responsibility entrusted to him. The problem is that our men have no choice. By the fact of their birth, they should already be strong, courageous and decisive. This approach only leads to the fact that over time, any representative of the stronger sex wants to send responsibility to hell. After all, he spent so much effort to provide his family with decent conditions, working hard for this at work, sometimes for days. And so, when our hero feels inhuman fatigue from his burden, a female bitch appears on his way. She is free in life and judgment, she doesn't care about standards and lives the way she wants. She does not expect anything from a man, because, by and large, she does not need him either. What does a man feel? He envies her approach to life, her freedom, because he cannot afford it. He is attracted not so much by the bitch herself, but by her lifestyle and carelessness. He believes that in such a relationship he will gain freedom and cease to feel this aching sense of responsibility.

That is why the fathers of families go to their bitchy girlfriends when a difficult choice is planned in their lives. For example, a marriage is ahead, which means that the burden of responsibility on his shoulders will only increase. A man is simply horrified by such a prospect, so it’s easier for him to go to a woman, thus simply escaping responsibility.

There are other cases. The family has been living together for more than a year, and everything is quiet and calm, just an idyll. A wife who understands, does not nag her husband, takes care of herself, looks just fine. They also have wealth, so there are no reproaches from the beautiful wife. But suddenly, at one point, the husband gets ready and leaves. He de met the woman of his dreams and loves her madly. And before that, his beautiful wife started talking about children. The man, horrified by such a prospect and responsibility, decided that it would be easier for him with a female bitch. After all, she does not think about children, building a career and living by the principle “today is like the last day.”

How will it end? As a rule, in such cases, the man first lives in a state of euphoria. His girlfriend does not restrict or control him in anything, does not claim his freedom. She does not bother herself with household chores, so they dine in restaurants, or order food from delivery services. However, sooner or later, a man will want homemade food. Pies, borscht, bone-in cutlets or pilaf will become his obsession. In response to his timid offer to cook something at home, the bitch woman will show him the door. Of course, he will apologize and say that he didn’t mean anything like that and everything suits him. They will continue to live in the same rhythm, fun and easy. But in a maximum of a year, he himself will collect his things and leave her monastery.

Everything has a price, even freedom. Bitch women are selfish by nature. It's not an acquired trait, you have to be born with it. This is an innate ability to live easily, without caring for anyone and without doing anything in order to keep loved ones in your life. That's the true quality of a real bitch.

Ah, what a woman

There is another reason why men are attracted to bitches. Unlike the previous one, which has more of a psychological background, this one has a more logical explanation. A man usually boasts financial independence around the age of forty. Until this age, they are not of particular value to a female bitch, or they do not have sufficient confidence or desire to change something in their lives. Having married at a young age, our hero has been working hard for the good of the family for many years. Of course, his zeal does not go unnoticed, he gets a promotion, and he meets maturity, already possessing money and some power. And here the thought creeps into his brain that perhaps he deserves much better than his usual wife. Out of nowhere, an employee from a neighboring department appears, for whom half the office sighs, and unambiguously alludes to possible relationship. Our hero is indulging in all serious. This is not surprising, because before only his wife belonged to him, well, maybe sometimes there were one-time adventures. And then such a well-groomed, self-sufficient bitch drew attention to him. Of course, he will do everything to keep her close.

The problem is that our society has long maintained a myth:

  • A bitch is a special kind of woman. They are unique, and there are so few of them that there is not enough for everyone. A bitch woman will provide you with such experiences that you are in real life and could not dream. And the steeper her character, the more exclusive the relationship will be. Therefore, it is worth throwing everything on the altar of possessing such a woman. Having achieved his goal, a man begins to respect himself and believes that he is no less unique, since there is a bitch next to him.
  • Bitches are distinguished by powerful intellect. And since you managed to interest such a woman, it means that your convolutions also work well.
  • Bitches do not know excuses like a headache, they are ready to indulge in love pleasures on demand. Sometimes this belief alone is enough to make a man lose his head.

Well, the most important thing. A bitch woman knows how and loves to live beautifully. Our adored men are sometimes burdened by everyday issues, routines, household chores. With a bitch, every day is different from the previous one, they always offer an interesting pastime. Maybe if lovely wives would arrange surprises more often, be easier on the rise, sometimes push life into the background, preferring surprise, their husbands would not look in the direction of bitches.

In contact with

bitch- a word that does not have an unambiguous meaning. On the one hand, it is “abusive”, but when a woman is called that, for some reason her status rises in the eyes of men. Someone condemns them, and someone envies. Many even go to special courses to learn how to be a bitch, while others try to eradicate all notes of bitchiness from their essence. Speaking of such women, our imagination draws

a kind of vamp, all in red, red lipstick on her lips, high heels, perfect makeup, a woman who knows how to present herself and from one glance of which men are ready for anything. And she only uses them for her own purposes.

And in real life, almost any woman can be considered a bitch. Your firm's accountant who doesn't wear red lipstick and still dress gaudily, but who considers herself a connoisseur of style. A neighbor on the landing, who constantly walks in curlers and a worn dressing gown. Whose sister or girlfriend has a disgusting character and four marriages. And you will never be able to understand why men, being next to them, begin to do stupid things.

Every man has his image of a bitch. Maybe because this hyped myth about bitches is so sweet and addictive and so much more fun than the usual reality. Therefore, every man had a meeting with a bitch in his life. Someone managed to go through hardening with bitchiness back in school and managed to develop immunity for the rest of their lives. Someone was lucky already in his youth, right after the institute he took and married a bitch. And by the age of 40, he managed to divorce her. But those who met them at a more mature age were less fortunate. Especially if the man already had a family and stability. This meeting can destroy the foundations of the family, stability, someone even a career, and a man, not understanding anything, rushes into this pool with his head.

I propose to understand why men abandon their faithful and good women, their children, destroy their families for the sake of an incomprehensible woman, and not always with a good reputation.

You can send everything and everyone ...

Men are taught from childhood to be responsible, to take care of everyone. Most men, as adults, try to avoid responsibility, probably not their fault. They were not given the right to choose, they were forced to play this game from birth - to be strong, brave, the best, etc. It is not surprising that over time, every man has a desire to send everyone and everything to hell. To become free and not to be indebted to anyone. The task of the usual normal man- protect women, help the elders, take care of the younger ones, earn a lot, support the whole family ... And, as a rule, when a man gets tired of such stress in life, a bitch appears on his way, who does not care about anything and everyone. A bitch is inherently selfish, and any man is indifferent to her. But what happens when you meet a person who lives only for himself? You start to envy him. He can afford it, but you can't. So a man, he is interested not so much in a woman as in her attitude to life. He understands that by creating a relationship with a bitch, he can finally breathe freely and stop being indebted to someone, including the bitch herself.

And yet men go to bitches, just when they have to do important choice in their lives (for example, the birth of a child), take on the responsibility that they are so afraid of, and therefore it is easier to go to another woman, i.e. evade responsibility.

A man who had been married for more than five years, one day, suddenly packed his things and left. At the same time, everything was fine with them, stability, money and a clever and beautiful wife. But when the wife raised the issue of children, the man, frightened by the responsibility associated with the birth of a child, said that he met another and fell in love with her.

Yes, it was easy and simple there with another woman. After all, she knew how to live for herself, loved to relax beautifully, built a career, and she did not need children. She did not restrict his freedom and her free time everyone did what they wanted. They dined either in restaurants or ordered pizza at home. But a few months later, the man wanted homemade food. In response to this, she suggested that he collect his things. Having made a thousand apologies, they continued to live simply and carefree. But a year later, this man, having collected his things, left on his own. He finally understood that freedom has its price. Egoism is a character, one does not acquire it, one is born with it and lives with it. They live easily and simply, without caring about anyone. It is this trait that is inherent in real bitches.

Desire to possess such a woman

The next reason that makes a man go to a bitch is simple and primitive. Many men acquire some financial independence towards the age of 40, ie. when they were young, they couldn't afford to hang out with bitches. Rather, because of self-doubt, lack of money, or elementary laziness to change something. Such men marry early and work hard all their lives. Over time, getting promoted, gaining some kind of power and money, they begin to believe that they deserve better! It is at this moment that such a colleague from the accounting department appears nearby, who does not have any special data, but considers herself a queen.

And that's it, the man is gone! Previously, a wife was available to him, and maybe a one-time affair on a business trip, but now he has his own Bitch, which means he is the king of the world! And a man will do everything possible and impossible to get the attention of a bitch and keep her around.

And all because, thanks to the imposed stereotypes and a myth ideally created by someone:

Bitches are different, special, exceptional. To meet a bitch is such luck, since there are few of them, this is an endangered species (why haven't they been listed in the Red Book yet?). And if the bitch is also with character, then it is worth making more efforts to get her. Having a bitch, a man grows in his own eyes and begins to believe that he is also special.
- Bitch - smart enough women. And if she chose you, then you are not a fool either;
- bitches never have a headache, i.e. they love to have sex and are ready to do it anytime and anywhere. Most likely, with this myth, men justify their insanity with these women.

And of course with such women it is never boring. Men get tired of everyday life, predictability, habitual routine. And with bitches, adventures, a lot of surprises and drive are always waiting for them. Maybe, dear women, give your men a dose of adrenaline more often and then your man will not notice the bitch spinning around.

1. Do not feed a man "before"! Most men are primitive, not far removed from the "simple" and deeply
subconsciously in them, to a much greater extent than in women, such features predominate as: - laziness, hunger, sex,
entertainment (work, sports, politics, etc. is also a game to some extent for them, but sex to some extent is work!).
Laziness plus satiety can easily defeat all other "duties".
A satiated man may well try to "work out" at half strength, or even depicting tenderness to hug you and
doze off on your chest.

2. Don't hold back. If you get an orgasm, a man MUST see and know this. Man always
will choose a woman who violently receives an orgasm from him, and not an ideal in appearance, but a frigid top model.
It is better to get three orgasms with one of his erections than vice versa. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of satisfied ambition
a man who realizes that he is able to bring a woman to orgasm.
3. Plan for duration and intensity. The peak of orgasm in a man is very steep, it comes very quickly and also quickly
there is a period of inhibition. Women, on the contrary, are more a long period excitement and the same long, gentle
descent, and even multiple orgasms are possible. Probably, the best option there will be excitement and bringing to orgasm
FIRST women, and if you get an orgasm in front of him, you can be sure that the man will be already prepared.
4. He wants oral sex? They all want this ... there is nowhere to go, but balance your position, offer him
provide you with the same services. But note that women usually learn faster what to do and how to do it, and with
men often have to tinker, they do not always understand what and how to do so that you enjoy it.
Usually they try to try everything on their own and act similarly, sometimes you have to tinker while you tame it ... But
it's worth it! Do not neglect the opportunity to ask him how exactly he likes, and directly indicate to him where and how he
5. Does he want anal sex? Well ... your man is the most ordinary and belongs to 80% of men who would like it.
But according to statistics, 70% of men who have tried anal sex experience
deep disappointment, and subsequently lose their obsessive interest in him. If you are deeply disgusted with
anal sex, and endure it only because of your partner, invite the man to try it anally too (with a vibrator or
If he refuses, you get the moral right to refuse him the next time too, and if he agrees, he will at least
know how you feel, and if he does not like it, it is likely that he will moderate his ardor. Remember that only the literate
anal sex can be a lot of fun for both partners.
The main rule - DO NOT Rush!
6. He wants to play some sexual games? Sharing fantasies with you? Congratulations! You received from a man very
a rare and expensive gift - trust and frankness. This is great luck, men are quite secretive and conservative
creatures, react very painfully to ridicule and, at the slightest hint of misunderstanding, withdraw into themselves, for a long time and
seriously. KEEP TRUST of a man if he opens up to you like the apple of his eye! Sometimes it is enough even just in words together with
him to dream up, and he will feel your understanding and support.
7. Does he want you to pretend to be a whore, wants to rape you? One of the most common fantasies of men.
The origins lie in the subconscious feeling of superiority over a woman, and the lack of confidence in this in the current reality.
Absolutely do not take seriously the offer of such a game as an insult, nothing to do with true feelings
your man does not have this desire. People are prone to everything forbidden. As a rule, it is the intelligent
educated and cultured men enjoy such games, it seems to balance their inner world with
dominant human values. Feel like an actress! Feel free to pronounce in this game
obscene and rude expressions, if he wants it, and a man who loves you will be wildly delighted, these are the "spices" of which
he lacks in fresh life. Similarly, it is noted that often men in everyday life perform responsible
work, with a lot of psychological stress, they are looking for an opportunity to play "victim", "performer", "slave", etc. That is, they are looking for
unloading with the opposite sign.
8. Warm it up! You have no idea how it excites men, the realization that you are going to visit, and, for example,
today there are no panties ... or today you go to work with an inserted vibrator (if you go of course), Only HE knows about
this and no one else! From such exclusivity, they drool and not only... Imagination finishes everything else for them...
Try it and he'll call you ten times at work to see how you're doing, what's on your mind, and what's your plans for the evening... Some
men are really interested inner world women trying to get her to talk, especially about sexual topics...
do not deny him this, let him talk about sex with you better than on the side ...
9. Men love with their eyes.. show him everything when he wants, how he wants, on purpose and allegedly by accident ... Keep him on
this leash. He wants to take your picture. Well... But together!
Sometimes it is enough for them to spin around with a camera or a camera without a film around you, the main thing is that you frankly tell him
posed! It is important for him to see, he wants to see it, he is interested in the process itself, not the result.
As a child ... well ... we allow children a lot. Men love to watch women masturbate, use
vibrators, etc. And the popularity among men, spectacles of lesbian caresses, generally requires a separate in-depth study.
10. You caught him masturbating... Join him and he is your body and soul. Don't neglect the opportunity quickly
satisfy a man if he asks, even if you don’t have time to enjoy yourself, or you have your period, or you are afraid
mess up your hair, make-up, be late ... Fortunately, a man can usually be satisfied very quickly manually or
orally. In the hallway, at the entrance, in the car, etc. Men consider such sex to be very extreme. Then "warm" you
you can persuade him to do anything, and solve any issues with him ... Use it.
Apply at least eight tips out of ten, and the average man is yours, as long as you yourself want it ...