I can't walk in heels. How to walk in high heels for a long time and without pain. The main thing is practice. Train

Having spent your whole life in sneakers or berets, it is hard to imagine that you suddenly need the ability to flutter in elegant boats. But the situations are different: someone gets a job with a strict dress code, someone falls in love, and someone accidentally finds the very shoes on sale that it would be a pity to just put on the shelf.

Where to begin?

You need to start by buying the right shoes. Make sure the last is right for your foot. It is important to guess not only with the size, but also with the fullness of the foot. Please note that by the evening the leg swells a little, so it is better to choose shoes in the afternoon. Don't hesitate to ask the salesperson to bring you a fifth pair of shoes to try on: he's here to help you make the perfect choice.

Let's start training


The first steps are best done in your own apartment. Firstly, no one will see you here and you will not feel constrained. Secondly, walking on a flat floor is much easier than on dead asphalt or paving slabs.

It's best to take small steps to get started. Most likely, you will move more slowly than you are used to. Make sure that your knees do not bend when walking: crooked legs are unlikely to give the impression you want.

The heel should touch the first floor, and only after that you can transfer the weight to the toe. So the load on the joints will be less, which means you will get tired more slowly.

When walking in heels, not only how you put your feet is important, but also the position of the body. The center of gravity needs to be shifted slightly forward - this will help you maintain balance. And of course, remember to keep your back straight. will make your walk truly majestic!

Don't Forget to Rest

Most likely, out of habit, after walking in heels, your legs will hurt. This is fine. You are not afraid of discomfort in the muscles the next day after an intense workout in the gym?

Little tip: don't go for long walks until you feel confident. Otherwise, you run the risk of hating any kind of shoes that are not flat.

As in the case of sports, it is worth starting to walk in heels gradually. For the first day, half an hour will be enough. And only by getting used to the shoes, you can increase the time spent on your feet. Very soon, you yourself will be surprised that running in breathtaking stilettos is no more difficult than in sneakers.

No girl will refuse shoes with heels. After all, the heel allows you to appear taller, slimmer, more attractive and makes your walk graceful. It seems that wearing stilettos is easy. In fact, the first time no one will be able to walk beautifully in such shoes. It takes training and some practice. We all learn to walk in heels at some point. By the way, numerous videos from fashion shows can help with this, where model girls perfectly walk the world's catwalks in high heels.

In order for a walk in new stilettos to attract the attention of men and make you feel more confident, you need to follow a number of simple tips:

  1. Take small steps, slightly bending your knees.
  2. Step on the heel first, and only then on the toe.
  3. Maintain a straight posture.
  4. When walking, rearrange the legs in one line (as if on a rope), while the socks should be directed straight, and not to the sides.
  5. Try walking in heels in an apartment, working out steps, turns, stops, small swaying of the hips. This will help break in your shoes and prevent blisters and abrasions, and will also allow you to quickly learn a beautiful walk.
  6. Avoid uneven roads and sidewalks, choose smooth asphalt, neat paving slabs for walking on stilettos. The ideal option is to wear shoes indoors.
  7. Learn how to properly not only walk, but also stand on heels (put the heel of the foot to the middle of the foot of the second leg, transfer the weight to one foot, if necessary, to the other).

How to keep your feet healthy?

In order for shoes with heels not to lead to unpleasant consequences, you need to take care of the health of your legs in advance. To this end, in any pharmacy, you can purchase special tabs to prevent the appearance of corns and abrasions. If the shoes are a little too big and can rub the foot, you can use additional insoles. They will get rid of possible problems.

In no case should you walk in shoes with heels all the time. This can lead to problems in the lower extremities and pain in the back and lower back. A great way out is to change the heel height daily. If it becomes necessary to flaunt high heels for a whole day, you need to often allow your legs to rest, sitting down and relieving them of the load. You do not need to take off your shoes, as swelling may appear in the ankle and foot area, which simply will not allow you to put on your shoes again.

How to choose shoes with heels?

Girls are famous lovers of spontaneous purchases. But the choice of shoes should be approached wisely in order to avoid further problems, including health.

It is better to go to the shoe store towards the end of the working day. This is due to the fact that by this time the legs swell a little from the daily load and slightly increase in size. When trying on, wear shoes on both feet and try to walk around the store in them. The slightest inconvenience should immediately force you to abandon this choice. It is important to choose the right shoe size.

If you tell your girlfriends: “I can’t walk in heels,” then when you first buy, don’t immediately choose high stilettos. It is better to start gaining experience with a small wide heel and gradually increase its size, and only then move on to a thin high heel and walk easily and beautifully in heels, collecting admiring glances.

At what age can you walk in heels?

Any girl at preschool age at least once tried on her mother's stilettos and dreamed of becoming an adult. From early childhood, every young beauty thinks about her own heels. But is it possible to buy such shoes for a girl? Of course not, if the mother cares about the health of the little lady. Experts recommend choosing the right shoes. While the girl goes to kindergarten, heels of no more than one and a half centimeters are allowed. In elementary school, shoes can "grow" up to two or three cm. Orthopedists are allowed to wear heels more than four centimeters high after 14 years. And you can think about stilettos only by adulthood, which often coincides with the moment of school graduation. And the mother should explain to the girl how to walk in high heels.

A girl in graceful heels is always much more confident than her friend in ballet shoes. At the same time, it automatically becomes more attractive. How to achieve this confidence?

  1. You need to convince yourself that shoes give confidence. Otherwise, with an unsteady gait, there is a high probability of stumbling and falling, which can discourage the desire to wear stilettos for a long time.
  2. It is necessary to concentrate on every step, especially with little experience in wearing heels.
  3. As the first shoes with heels, it is better to choose boots, they are more stable and perfectly fix the foot.
  4. The height of the heel largely depends on the size of the shoe. Owners of miniature, like Cinderella, feet are unlikely to fit studs thirteen to fifteen centimeters high. This option is more suitable for those whose feet are much larger.
  5. Be sure to use silicone linings for open-toed sandals. This will prevent the toe from "going" out of the sole, and the foot will be fixed.
  6. When visiting shoe stores, you should give preference to better, and therefore more expensive shoes. Such shoes will last longer and will not let you down at the most crucial moment, unsticking in the midst of an important event.
  7. Avoid wearing high heels every day, but still do it more than a couple of times a year. This will allow your feet to get used to shoes with heels and give you extra confidence.

Be careful!

No city can boast of perfectly smooth roads and sidewalks. Therefore, when wearing heels on the street, you should be as careful as possible. A small rock, a grate, a crack in the pavement, even some debris can lead to a nasty fall. And it’s good if only the heel breaks, and not the leg.

Many modern women drive cars as well as men. And each of them should know that it is categorically impossible to drive in shoes with heels. It is very dangerous! For driving, sports shoes (sneakers or sneakers) or regular ballet flats are better. If you can’t give up your favorite stilettos, then just carry spare shoes in the car to change shoes when driving.

Remember: the beauty and health of the legs depend only on you!

There is no doubt that a high heel gives the image of a woman additional sensuality and a certain romanticism. Every woman should have at least one pair of high-heeled shoes in her wardrobe.

There's nothing to be done - we, women, in spite of everything, are simply obliged to be able to walk in high heels! Moreover, it is desirable to do this beautifully, naturally and absolutely at ease, regardless of your physical form and other conditions.

To achieve this, you need to know a few tricks related to the choice and wearing of high-heeled shoes. For example, when choosing a pair of shoes, remember that comfort primarily depends on the model, size and material from which the shoes are made.

We've rounded up some practical tips which will help you feel completely comfortable in heels.

1. Choose comfortable heels
Before you buy high heels, try on as many pairs as possible to find a heel height that you can feel confident and comfortable in. Choose exactly the height that will be convenient for you now. Subsequently, you can gradually increase the height of the heel if you follow our advice.
Never sacrifice comfort or risk your health for fashion.

2. Choose shoes with a narrow heel
Shoes should fit snugly and comfortably around the foot, but not press anywhere! First of all, the leg should feel comfortable in the rise. For heels to be really comfortable, choose shoes with a narrow enough heel so that the foot does not move forward and there is no pressure on the toes. If the foot slides forward, then the big toes and arch of the foot will immediately suffer first.

3. Lighten the load on your legs
If you wear high heels and spend a lot of time on your feet, don't forget to use special silicone pads (usually available in shoe stores) to help relieve pressure on the soles and toes. It is also a good idea to use insoles or liners with arch support, so as to soften the pressure on the arch of the foot. If this option does not fit in any way - well, then choose models on a high platform, where the true size of the heel is not so large. Health comes first.

4. Choose shoes with round toes
If possible, avoid wearing shoes with too narrow and pointed toes: this can cause great harm to your big toes and even cause the growth of arthritic bumps or regular cramps.

5. Use a wide or wedge heel
By choosing such a heel from a variety of options and styles, you can wear a higher heel without feeling uncomfortable or losing balance.

6. Pay attention to the shape of the back
It is preferable to choose a backdrop that is neither too straight nor too curved. Choose shoes with a heel shape that matches the shape of your foot as closely as possible. Otherwise, there will definitely be inconvenience when wearing! Choose a heel that fits well on your heel, but does not press on it.

7. Give your feet regular rest.
If you wear high heels continuously for many hours, then it is advisable to give your feet a rest every 20-30 minutes. No matter how comfortable you feel in your beautiful shoes! It is advisable to sit down and, if possible, take off your shoes and stretch your feet - to improve the well-being of the joints and restore proper blood circulation.

8. Prevent any possibility of falling
Falls in shoes with high heels are especially traumatic. Prevent possible falls - choose such shoes, the sole and heel of which are made of non-slip materials!

9. Learn to walk in heels gradually
If you have no experience wearing heels, then you should start by wearing not too high and gradually increase the height. When you start walking in 7-8 cm high heels, it is better to choose wide heels first. Only when you feel confident in such shoes, you can gradually switch to stiletto heels and increase the heel height to 10-12 cm. Such stilettos do not leave any man indifferent! But we must remember that you can look no less seductive in lower heels.

10. Practice with your eyes closed
For training, it is very useful to learn to walk in high-heeled shoes in a calm place - with your eyes closed. Such an exercise will give you confidence when walking, because it develops the habit of maintaining balance with each step.

11. Don't slouch!
There is no sadder sight in the world than a stooping, hunched-over woman in high-heeled shoes. Keep your back straight, relax your shoulders and tuck your stomach in. Try to walk in a straight line, placing one foot in front of the other.

12. Start walking from the toe
With each step, first lean on the front of the foot, then on the middle, and only then on the heel. Don't drive your heels into the asphalt! Walk gently. This is the famous "flying" gait.

Despite the ridicule that men let in at women's shoes with heels, almost all the "powers that be" are fascinated by women whose legs are elongated with heels. Moreover, the higher the heel, the more difficult it is to look away from the legs. Based on this, we can compare heels, perhaps with weapons that men should admire, and women skillfully use. Therefore, today the site for real bitches Koshechka.ru decided to tell its readers how to learn how to walk in high heels, which can transform into an ideal body of any proportions.

Shoes for Cinderella, or how to choose YOUR shoes with heels

The easiest way to learn to walk is in high-heeled shoes that sit on the leg the way glass shoes sat on Cinderella's legs, i.e. perfect, and the site site will help you choose shoes that are as close as possible to that.

The algorithm of your actions on the way to a successful purchase:

  • After putting on your shoes in a shoe store, get up from your chair and listen to your feelings: if you are overwhelmed by panic fear that you might fall, or if you feel that your calf muscles are reduced, it is better to immediately refuse to buy trying on shoes.
  • During the fitting of the above sensations do not occur? Do the following experiment: stand straight, straighten your shoulders, and then take your right or left foot about 15-20 centimeters to the side, and see if the ankle is bent on the supporting leg - the shoes you are trying on are also not yours.
  • Shoes according to the parameters described above suit you? So, it's time to walk around the salon in it: if your legs bend at the knees when walking or the steps turn out to be small (during walking, the optimal distance between the feet should be equal to 2-3 cm), it will not be easy for you to learn how to walk beautifully in these high-heeled shoes .
  • Now imagine that in the purchased shoes you will have to not only stand or walk, but also understand something from the floor. From this we can conclude: in anticipation of the purchase, it is advisable to exercise and check the shoes for “health safety”. Just sit down: if during a squat you feel dizzy or an irresistible desire to fall forward - shoes in the future can do you a disservice and ugly substitute at the most "opportune" moment, then you can’t buy it.

And yet, do not try to start learning to walk in heels with shoes that do not fit your size, and also do not wear models equipped with excessively high heels, which, if not properly dexterous, can cause a limb fracture. It is better to learn how to walk beautifully in classic 5 cm pumps, in which your feet will be comfortable, and you will not be afraid.

So, you put shoes on your legs, and you like them! You feel that THIS IS YOUR SHOES even after a dozen steps and squats! Next, ignoring the dissatisfied look of the sales assistant, walk around the hall, make a few sexual turns, stopping at the mirrors, take beautiful and sexy positions, i.e. do your best to please not the shoes themselves, but you in the shoes.

If, before choosing shoes, you took into account the above recommendations, and the shoes fit you in all respects: they don’t press anywhere, they are comfortable, you like them, and you feel like a goddess in them - make a purchase before others make it for you!

How to learn to walk in high heels?

And now let's talk about how you can learn to walk beautifully and confidently in high heels in the shortest possible time. Oddly enough, but it is preferable to start honing your gait (which should begin with straightened shoulders, a straight back and legs not bent at the knees) in your own home. Before you step, make sure that the socks look apart, and the step starts from the heel and smoothly flows into the toe.

So that the legs and back do not get tired during long walking, learning to walk in high heels, tighten the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles. In addition, periodically climb from one floor to another on foot, making sure that during the ascent the heel hangs down, and does not stand on a step along with the toe.

About a few weeks after starting training, you can begin to practice walking in heels in the surroundings close to home: shops, supermarkets or parks. On the first day of going out into the world in heels (even if this “light” is represented by a cafeteria located three hundred meters from the house), it is reasonable to take with you a change of shoes that you can change into at any time (the main thing is not to abuse this opportunity).

It is very good if you do exercises for the calf muscles when you learn to walk in heels. This will help you a lot!

So, you see that learning to walk beautifully in high heels is a matter of time, desire and, of course, training. Don't be lazy: step on your heel and show the whole world your beautiful long legs!

This playful guide will impress any woman who has ever walked in heels. And for girls who are just trying on their first high-heeled shoes, it may also bring practical benefits.

High heels, like an expensive racing car, are a real work of art, a cross between luxury and necessity. They were invented specifically to present your figure in the most favorable light. Why go under the knife or work your ass off at the gym when there is a much easier and more enjoyable way?

Naturally, walking in heels is not very comfortable, but over time, any shoes wear out. The thicker the heel, the more comfortable. If you feel insecure - start with platform shoes or wedges: the effect is the same as from heels, but how much more comfortable!

Walking in heels is like riding a bike: once you try it, you will never forget it. As on a bicycle, certain precautions should be observed: of course, you won’t put on knee pads, but it doesn’t interfere with stretching.

How to learn to walk in heels

For starters, it is better to choose shoes with medium heels with an ankle closure. Sandals and clogs will have to wait until you gain more experience.

Sit on the edge of a chair: your back is straight, your shoulders are straightened, your head is proudly raised. Raise your right foot, pointing your toe out like a prima ballerina, and gently place it in the shoe. After making sure that the fingers slipped into the very sock, try to move them and only then fasten the strap. Feel the tension in your ankle first, then your calf. Now put on your left shoe.

The toes are pulled forward, the ankles are pulled back - a little strange, but it will take some getting used to. Now bend back a little, take a deep breath and try to stand up.

Oops, be careful! Hope it didn't fall.

Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hip rotation begin! .. This exercise is not at all as stupid as it seems: it will help you find a new center of gravity.

Calves, knees and lower back are tense, the weight is transferred to the socks.

Now cover your buttocks with your palms and walk around the room, trying not to wag your hips too much. It seems that the movements are vulgar - lightly squeeze your palms.

If tired, bend one leg. Nice pose, right? It's not just about her attractiveness, it's much more important that the second leg relaxes. Learn to rest by bending your legs alternately. Has it become easier? Try walking again.

Raise your right leg, extend your toes and shift your weight onto your toes. In no case not on a heel - after all, it can break. Take your time, remember the cat-like smooth movements of fashion models on the podium. It is better to take small steps: it is easier, more graceful and safer.

Transfer the weight from one foot to the other as carefully as possible. Remember: the lower and thicker the heel, the bolder you can lean on the heel. Imagine that you are walking on a tightrope: the step starts from the hip, the buttocks participate in the movement, describing the eights.

I felt heaviness in my legs - it's time to take a break and change into comfortable worn sneakers.

Do you want to reach the intermediate level sooner? Train your calf muscles. The best result will give a treadmill in the gym. Well, if the last savings went to designer shoes, do not despair. There is a more affordable way - running to the supermarket.

How to hone your walk in the supermarket

In fact, super- and hypermarkets are not much different from treadmills in high-end fitness centers, and given the smoothness of the floors, they are even more useful for you. The grocery cart will play the role of a support. Pay no attention to ridicule: women are simply jealous, and men are amazed that such a beautiful girl goes shopping herself. You must have a driver!

So, take off your sneakers, put on your shoes, put on the cart and ... march through the sections. Right leg - left leg, movements from the hip, do not forget to write out eights. At the same time, you will buy groceries for the week and, perhaps, you will make useful contacts.

Your task: in the 1st-5th sections get used to the shoes and try to find your own rhythm. Well done, if at the same time you manage to look at the shelves!

In the 6th-10th sections try to change speed, make stops and turns: at first smooth, then sharp, at full speed. Do not release the cart: it is better not to take risks and not force events.

In the 11th-16th sections admire your reflection in the mirror. Like?

Last sections and box office- enjoy success, but while you are standing in line, relax your legs one by one.

Do you put bags in the car? At this stage, the appearance of a whole army of people who want to help is likely.

By the way, if you trained hard, you can easily walk to the parking lot without a cart; heavy packages will play the role of ballast.

The secret of Marilyn Monroe's exciting walk is that the famous actress ordered one heel to be a centimeter shorter than the other. Hence the sensual movements of the hips: it was necessary to somehow maintain balance. However, a centimeter is perhaps too much. It is better to find a good workshop and ask to grind one of the heels literally by a millimeter.

How not to fall off your heels on any surface

Remember, every surface has its secrets.

Carpet: the longer the pile, the more dangerous. Look for bald spots and lean on your heels like spurs. But if the carpet is yours, it's wiser to wear ballet flats.

Sidewalk: in London, the cracks are usually on the outside, so go on the inside, closer to the shop windows. In Milan, the opposite is true: move on the outside, otherwise you risk falling into the hatch. There are no pavements as such in Paris, mostly pavements, so keep to the edge of the road. You don't walk in New York. Do not want to seem like a white crow? Get a taxi.

Tar: perfect for winter and deadly in summer. Do you feel stuck? Call for help. You still can't get out on your own.

Marble: very dangerous! It is necessary to lose balance, and the consequences can be completely unpredictable. Feeling insecure? Stay close to the walls (cupboards, railings) - anything to grab onto.

Pavement: death to heels. On uneven slippery pebbles it is impossible to maintain balance. After rain and frost, it is better not to appear on the pavement at all. Walk along the edge of the road. In less than a minute, someone compassionate will offer a ride.

Wooden floors, bridges, ramps: step on the center of the board - rotten wood begins to crumble from the edges. Move as fast as possible, preferably in a straight line. It's scary to think what will happen if the heel gets into a hollow! At least you are guaranteed splinters. In Paris, be careful with "romantic walks" on wooden bridges, Pont Neuf, for example. Want to go sightseeing? Put on your sneakers!

Lattices on manholes and ditches: dangerous, especially small ones. Step only on your toes. The thinner the heel, the more you risk.

Escalators: on the rise it is tolerable, especially if you hang your heels from the step, but the descent is a completely different matter. When the first escalators appeared in England, passengers had to distribute smelling salts. Now everything is far from being so scary, the main thing is to hold on to the handrails, stand on your toes and make sure that the heel does not get stuck between the rubber grooves.

Rugs and mats: new, that is, well-forgotten old enemies. Slippery mats are just as hard to walk on as ice or flying saucers. The one who scattered the rugs on the floor obviously wants death for you and your heels; try to bypass them. If you come to this house often, ask the owners to nail, glue, or at least temporarily attach the rugs to the floor.

Dance floor: here you and your shoes should sparkle in all their glory. That's where the sensual hip movements you learned at the supermarket come in handy.


I haven’t walked in heels for a long time, but today I walked, I’m sitting - my legs are buzzing. But it's beautiful.

Thank you! Super! Here, I think, to ask for a shoe repair to file one heel per centimeter!)))

is it really that difficult? :))

Comment on the article "How to walk in heels: user manual"

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As it was with us, at first they walked by one hand, then they began to stand on their own, and only then, a little bit, to walk. So walking by one handle is still far from walking independently.